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Email between Ronald Miller and Jeremy Caddel concerning media attention surrounding the transfer of Danish and UK detainees from Guantanamo. Mr. Miller states that "the UK detainees are really in a different category from the Danish detainee and were not an outright release".

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Identities of sender and recipient redacted. Sender works for HQ and states that "EAD Pistole wants some talking points by noon today on the quality of DoD's interviews at GTMO. I am going to pull bullets from the attached EC. If you have any thoughts or a more recent update can you give me a call or send mean email? It will be happy to incorporate anything you feel would be useful for EAD Pistole to know on this issue."

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The email is mostly redacted but has two lines that are readable: 1) I know that you may have news for us following your 1600 meet. Please review the documents attached; and 2) Thanks. The GTMO Guys."

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This email from Jack Goldsmith to Scott Muller discusses the Inspector General Report concerning the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques.

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This document is an email in which two FBI officials discuss advice given on reading Miranda warnings to detainees overseas. Most of the document is redacted.

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Emails discuss the release of approximately one hundred and sixty Abu Ghraib detainees, and the expected release of over 250 the following week.

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Emails between State Department officials concerning an article concerning the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) re-visiting the Guantanamo detainees. The email portion is heavily redacted.

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Emails discuss a Reuters article that reports a former head of the Guantanamo Bay jail was sent to U.S. operated prisons in Iraq in order to ensure proper prison conditions.

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This email from the Executive Officer of the Army Director of Training focuses on preparing for the Schlesinger Panel's upcoming questioning concerning the pre-deployment training given to military police companies before touring through Iraq, specifically the 800th MP Brigade and the Military Intelligence (MI) Brigade. The email states that "I would submit that the panel, and our responses, will likely focus on the specific training of the 800th MP Brigade and the MI Brigade during Pre and Post Mobilization, to include an assessment of how well they performed during this training."

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Questions whether FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] has a weekly update on criminal cases involving detainees. Reference is made to detainees being held at Fort Bragg and in Germany. In response the answer is "Due to the sensitivity, you're going to have to ask for this stuff through OTJAG [Office of the Judge Advocate General] or JFCOM [Joint Forces Command]. Sorry we're on pins and needs here".

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Email states "below is one more email I located regarding the FOIPA request" concerning an Abu Ghraib Prison Case. Mostly redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the rights granted to EPWs under the Geneva III Convention should the detaining power choose to institute judicial proceedings (criminal prosecution).

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This is an email from one DOD official to another regarding an incident where a detainee, while being interrogated, lunged out of his chair and attempted to attack the interpreter. The detainee bit the finger of the Special Agent in charge of the interrogation. The detainee was subdued and not seriously injured, but he did suffer some minor injuries, but no abuse is alleged. In another sworn statement on this matter ISN# 00174 was un-redacted, and it is from this that we know the detainee is Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti.

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This email includes an attachment of proposed issues to be addressed at the 5/14/2004 meeting with the Department of Defense (DOD).

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This September 2002 email chain discusses medical coverage and setting up for interrogations, which includes having James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen ready to do an initial psycholohical assessment so that they can get waterboard approval and employ interrogation methods. The September 19, 2002 email states that the psychological assessment must be "defensible", meaning that the psychologists must determine that the detainee has no psychopathological condition that precludes it form interrogation measures that were approved for use on Abu Zubaydah.

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Concerns discussing an update on Guantanamo with SC Fogle. The email states "where are we with this? Do we need to get Mr. Thompson involved? I'd like to get these interviews done."

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Email from David J. Tessler to Jonathan M. Crock and Joshua L. Dorosin re: News Reports from London August 5, 2004. The comment from Mr. Tessler on the email is "Good morning. Another interesting piece in London's daily brief about detainees, including a statement by the FCO. I hope this is helpful, David."

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Email discussing a search the Divisions are conducting in search of "e-mails, work copies, and investigative notes created or obtained after 9/11/01 through 5/25/04, which contain information concerning foreign detainees.

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Email from David Bowker to Joshua Dorosin re: Litigation Involving Detainees

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the release of the name of the agent who stated that there was an executive order dealing with treatment of Iraq prisoners as well as a document that discusses DoD interrogators misrepresenting themselves as FBI.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an update on two prisoner abuse cases that are pending.

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Email is a response to Sen. Barbara Milkulski's request for information. It states that FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] attachment, called Detainee ops, has as its purpose "to provide information on the pre-mobilization training of the 372 Military Police Company". Executive Summary states that training has included "process offenders, select type of body search to perform, use unarmed self defense techniques, determine the level of force required, secure offender with hand irons, use of riot baton, and riot formations, but not Geneva Convention human rights standards. Includes detailed training agendas and blank forms for training assessment. Also includes a Use of Force and Weapons Security Agreement, on which each soldier needs to sign off, listing the policy of use of deadly force (as a last resort and only after verbal persuasion, unarmed defense techniques, chemical aerosol irritant projectors, MP club, military working dogs, and presentation of deadly force capability, respectively).

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Email refers to request by TJ Harrington to speak to General Miller regarding the impersonation of FBI interrogators and requests specific dates and details. [Page 2 of this document was later released in less-redacted form, and is ACLU-RDI 3380.]

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Emails discuss detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay. In the original message, the author states that they observed aggressive treatment that was personally upsetting to the author, they added that treatment was perpetrated by military personnel and government contractors.

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State Department email from David W. Bowker to JoAnn Dolan, Edward R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin, Andre M. Surena and Ronald W. Miller forwarding several emails concerning the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) visiting the Guantanamo detainees. The first email in this series is from Adam Sugar with a Reuters news article on the subject, but the article is cut-off. The last email with the recipients mentioned has a redacted notation from Mr. Bowker stating "Attached is the "clean" copy that I passed to Will this morning" and "Also, please let me know if you have additional comments/changes. Dave".

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This email, by an FBI agent who had previously dealt with GTMO detainees, is a response to an Inspection Division request made on July 9, 2004 about possible observance of "aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees." This individual in the Investigative Technology Division responded negatively regarding observed aggressive treatment, like almost all other FBI agents who had dealt with FBI detainees.

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Email from Nicholas M. Miscione to Joshua Dorosin re: Info Memo, with attachement entitled ICRC detainee paper2. Attachment not included.

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Emails between Stephen Wiley, Marion Bowman and Others re: Guantanamo. Contents completely redacted

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Email between Jeremy Caddel and Ronald Miller re: Washington Times articles on changes in Afghan jails and Mr. caddels return from meetings involving the subject. mr. Caddell is stating that he is attempting tp obtain a copy of the Jacoby Report in to the Afghani Jail conditions and allegations of detainee abuse.

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Email includes an attachment of PowerPoint slides on "Army Detainee Operations: Recommended Alternate Course of Action" dated 08/04/04.

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These emails concern a request from the Judge Advocate to all Army units that have a reported Article 15 concerning a detainee in Afghanistan, Guantanamo or Iraq between October 1, 2001 and July 9, 2004 to provide that data as soon as possible. A response states "ALL units at Fort Sill report that there were no Article 15s imposed in the units for detainee-related offenses occurring in Iraq, Afghanistan, or GTMO from 1 Oct 01 - 9 Jul 04. Specifically, the following units have zero article 15s to report: - Ill Corps Artillery units: 17th Brigade, 75th Brigade, 212th Brigade, and 214th Brigade - (includes 19th Maintenance Bn); Field Artillery Training Center (FATC); and 30th Field Artillery Regiment."

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The document is an email regarding the scheduling for a debriefing by FBI special agents related to their Guantanamo Bay experiences.

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These emails are between US government officials who traveled to Baghdad together and were preparing a report on their observations and the allegations of detainee abuse. One of the authors states that there were three (3) "probably true/valid" reports of detainee abuse cases reported to him while he was in country. There is description of the detainee detention facilities and those facilities and certain detainees were in very bad shape, so much so that the facilities had to be closed down and the detainees transferred to other facilities. In addition, he describes the sites as being visited by the ICRC.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Shahnaz Gheibi re: DOD News Briefing on Detainee Operations at Guantanamo Bay with an attachment not included.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Joshua L. Dorosin, Edward R. Cummings, Katherine Gorove and Ronald W. Miller re: Public Diplomacy Docs. The comments from Ms. Dolan are "It is probably too late to get it in circulation before the SVTS. Let's get a final scrub within L this afternoon, give Will and Pierre one last look if they wants it, and get it up and out of the building. We will report that we are ready to circulate a clean version and those who have not yet commented can do so in that final round. Does that sound good to you, Ron." The email has an attachment, not included.

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An email regarding a forwarded letter. The letter states that the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command is conducting an investigation into allegations that two FBI agents were involved in the assault of a civilian detained at the Baghdad International Airport. The victim reports he was tortured for 24 hours, dragged, punched, and that he fell on barbed wire while he was in the FBI's custody. The two agents are being named as possible subjects in the investigation and will be interviewed by the Army.

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Emails refer to AG's Iraq follow-on briefing and talking point papers. Attached documents are referenced, but not provided.

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Refers to Draft testimony for a July 13, 2004 hearing re Interrogation in War Against Terrorism. Message is completely redacted.

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This document is a series of emails discussing whether there has been guidance given to FBI agents in GTMO or Iraq about when they should stand clear because of the Department of Defense's interrogation tactics or notify an authority if the attacks become inappropriate. One official mentions a 5/30/03 EC drafted by SSA [Redacted], which discusses interview/interrogation methods in detail.

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FBI emails regarding interviewing strategies and insights on interrogation issues at Guantanamo. The email states "We met several interrogators...who we had dinner with. We discussed areas of mutual interests it pertains to interviewing terrorists. I think there was clearly an interest in sharing ideas regarding, interview, interrogations, rapport building concepts, polygraph, etc. You and I discussed the possibility of future discussions with them about is Issue and potential for their insight into the interrogation issues at GTMO."

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Emily Willmott, Carl Newns, Linda Jacobson and Todd Buchwald re: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Reply with attachements (attachments not included).

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Text fully redacted. Email Subject: Wolf Letter

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This email is almost entirely redacted, but it appears to concern the "NC Case."

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Emails discuss a briefing to the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. The significant points from the briefing are attached and included in the email; included in the points is a discussion of whether any team member observed detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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These emails are to clarify an Electronic Communication (EC) sent by the FBI's Office of the General Counsel to field agents informing them that they must report incidents of abuse that they know of or become aware of. The initial email requests guidance on describing torture and abuse since rules on enhanced interrogation techniques was issued to deal with hardened Taliban and Al Qaeda. The email states "We have also instructed our personnel not to participate in interrogations by military personnel which might include techniques authorized by Executive Order but beyond the bounds of standard FBI practice This instruction has been included in our in-briefs to all three rotations, periodically in staff meetings, and in one-on-one conversations." and "We emphatically do not equate any of these things our personnel witnessed with the clearly unlawful and sickening abuse at Abu Ghraib prison that has come to light. The things our personnel witnessed (but did not participate in) were authorized by the President under Executive Order. I can safely say that none of the employees during our three rotations witnessed the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison."

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Contents redacted.

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Request for a draft of policy recommendations, training recommendations, and implementation recommendations for FBI agents engaging in interviews at Guantanamo. The email implies that discrepancies between Department of Homeland Security and FBI policies with regard to interrogation techniques created the need for the FBI to clearly define its own policy.

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The email states "Steve: What is the status of determining the facts about DHS personnel identifying themselves as FBI Agents? This is totally unacceptable, if in fact it is occurring. Please advise. srw"

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Emails discuss investigations surrounding the death of a detainee(s) in Bagram. Also, the original email seeks clarification on a paragraph that defines corporal punishment and sensory deprivation. [Contents redacted].

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Instructions about message and direction of media queries concerning Abu Ghraib abuse. the emails states "[It is] strongly recommend that any responses to queries regarding MP training of any sort should be answered strictly generically and totally avoid specifics on what training any individual unit did or did not get at any time, pre-mob, post mob, in theater, or routine AC training. Any unit specifics would constitute commenting on on-going investigations and could influence fair conduct of any trials that will be taking place".

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State Department email from JoAnn Dolan to Jonathan B. Schwartz and Samuel M. Witten with a draft attachment and a comment "Attached is a draft IM on the court cases yesterday"

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Emails discuss Harrington's allegations of detainee abuse.

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Author states that "issues have arisen [sic] regarding the interrogation techniques employed by the military at Guantanamo." And that DOJ was not pursuing any interviews outside the scope of Iraq at this time, but may as the military investigation proceeds. The email also referrs to an EC to case file number [case number provided]."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding legal issues in Guantanamo Bay, specifically interrogation techniques.

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Email provides logistics concerning an upcoming workshop on techniques for FBI Officials on dealing with Muslim extemists. [E-mail from [Redacted] to Lamefford and [Redacted]]

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Entire contents redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the lack of written guidance given to FBI agents about standing clear of coercive interrogation techniques that are outside of FBI policy.

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This email is to ensure that all FBI personnel touring through Guantanamo Bay and who participate in interrogations of detainees adhere to the Bureaus policies on the treatment of suspects and their own personal conduct when conducting interrogations. There was concern expressed as to whether FBI personnel were told in writing not to deviate from FBI policies. The email mentions different techniques used by FBI and DoD. The email states "Our [FBI] formal guidance has always I personnel conduct themselves in interviews in the manner that they would in the field" and "[we are] of the opinion results obtained from these [enhanced] interrogations were suspect at best. FBI has been successful for many years obtaining confessions via non-confrontational interviewing techniques".

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Emails between Army officers sharing the results of the Taguba Report concerning the events of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

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Ed Cummings forwarded email regarding comments made by International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Pres. Kellenberger at UN meeting witht he working title of his discussion entitled "How Can ICRC Fulfill its Mandate in Conflicts Today". the event was sponsored by the Swiss Forum (a think tank).

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Email has five attachments, including a document entitled "Corrections vs. Detention discipline." [Documents are not included].

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This is a heavily redacted message discussing OMS concerns about the use of enhanced interrogation techniques and the legal responsibility for the program.

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This document is an email chain discussing acquiring agents for an interrogation and the allowability of various interrogation methods. One email mentions that "due to the issues at Abu G prison," interrogations have been suspended but "will in a likelihood be activated again in the near future." The document is heavily redacted.

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Emails refer to a document that apparently discusses Iraq prison sovereignty.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a TRIM document received from ODAG McAtamney. The TRIM document is a memorandum regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees with pending habeas corpus proceedings.

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Email discusses an interview with [redacted]. Email refers to the attachment of sworn statement and photographs. Email mentions "an unauthorized interrogation of a female detainee" stating the interrogators made the detainee strip to expose her breasts."

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This email is from Army CID Headquarters to Army CID personnel following-up on a request that they provide information on Navy Military Working Dog (WMD) handlers involved at Abu Ghraib prison, including any statements the Navy personnel may have made to Army CID. The below email is a forward of an email received by the CID HQ with the names (redacted) of specific Navy personnel information is being requested on.

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Email includes a report on the American Correctional Association's (ACA) visit to Guantanamo.

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This FBI email mentions disagreements between the DOD and the FBI on how to handle interrogations of detainees at Guantanamo bay. The FBI is advising DOD on techniques that were ineffective in producing reliable intelligence. Email cites example of DOD methods and notes that the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) wrote an electronic communication explaining FBI versus DOD methods of interrogation.

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Emails refer to graphs depicting information on detainees at various camps, including Camp Bucca and Abu Ghraib. [Graphs are not included].

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E-mails between Steven C. McCraw and others re: "Abu Ghurayb Prison (AGP) Matter." The original message informs Steven C. McCraw that the individual(s) followed up with Valerie Caproni and she advises that there are no additional interviews that need to be conducted regarding the Abu Ghurayb matter at this time. Steven C. McCraw responds "[redacted] thanks."

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Email from David Bowker to William H. Taft IV, James H. Thessin, Edwards R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin and Todd F. Buchwald re: Draft list of priorities on International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Report. No attachment.

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This email is a forward of a July 4, 2004 article in the New York Times entitled "Officials Detail A Detainee Deal By 3 Countries" which makes the claim that the U.S. released certain detainees from Guantanamo in consideration fro the Saudi government releasing British citizens held in Saudi Araiba. The sender of the email, Tom Malionek, wrote, referring to the claim in the article, "No mention of the nature of the "secret" "deal"."

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This document is an email to the FBI asking for help with a project at GTMO. The project is the build town homes with "culturally correct" decor to reward detainees who are highly cooperative. The email also states that Intel Officer Lt. Col. Buikeme is extremely interested in further developing the interrogation process at GTMO and requests information on any new technological advancements to help with this endeavor.

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Emails reference an attached document entitled "Detainee Abuse Tasking Summary." The document details the investigation activities of the Office of the Provost Marshall General.

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Emails discuss where the interview of an unidentified individual will take place; another email discusses a phone call from the CDC in Sacramento.

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Email discussing the debriefing of redacted. Entire contents redacted, except the heading of the paragraphs.

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Emails between Marion E. Bowman, Valerie E. Caproni, John F. Curran and Others re: Travel to GTMO. A general in GTMO is objecting to an FBI task in GTMO. Admiral James McGarrah requests a "high level" FBI person to come to GTMO for a problem that requires "high level" resolution. [Reference to the Assistant General Counsel, Counterterrorism, FBI is made]

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Email asks for recommendations on pre-deployment training. Attachment is a Training Support Package List that outlines training curriculum.

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FBI email describing author's first week at Guantanamo. The email notes the differences between interview styles. The email states "Interesting differences' between the interviewees, as well as interview styles. And definitely areas where I feel we've contributed. We're still hearing about folks doing weird things like subjecting interviewees to Strobe lights, etc., but have not seen anything of concern to date. Overheard a very loud (non-Bureau) interview down the hall yesterday, but chose not to observe it."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the FBI's most current interrogation policy for detainees

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This email is from Army CID Headquarters to Army CID personnel requesting that they provide any information on Navy Military Working Dog (WMD) handlers involved at Abu Ghraib prison, including any statements they may have made to Army CID. The below email is a forward of an email received by the CID HQ with the names (redacted) of specific Navy personnel information is being requested on.

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Emails discuss a June 14, 2004 congressional hearing (secret security level).

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This emial is to discuss Dept. of State talking points concerning detainees and Guantanamo. Heavily redacted.

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Email describes a new, streamlined screening process for detainees and lists 175 detainees cleared for release from Abu Ghraib, Al-Salhiva, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper and Tasferrat [detainee names and numbers redacted].

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Document fully redacted. Email subject: Crim Report for 6/17/2004.

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Email refers to an attached document, which will be used in briefing Major General Donald J. Ryder on issues the Office of the Provost Marshall General and the Army have. [Contents of attachment redacted].

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Email chain requests an update concerning a matter origionaly referred to Public Corruption Unit and mentions AUSA Robert Spencer of the Eastern District of Virginia becoming involved in the investigation. Includes 8/9/2004 e-mail noting that author has not heard anything about the status of the investigation. Response states "this is a bit of a hot potato and I don't want to be the one who did not make something happen in this." The email concludes with a request for an update on the "WFO case re Iraq abuses?"

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Refers to re: OLC opinion. All other info redacted.

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Email from Beverly Holman to JoAnn Dolan re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Letters on Detainees - (Confidential) 2004 19914-ICRC Letters on Detainees- Due in S/ES by 3:00 pm, 8/25. This email forwards an email with attachments. Attachments not included.

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M. Chris Briese sent an email stating "All, The Director wanted to know (by the end of the day) if anyone from the FBI had first-hand knowledge of any abuses at Abu Ghraib prison. If so, how did we handle it. I know that we have been made aware of allegations in the past, but I do not know of any instance where we had to make a referral. Please advise as soon as possible since I have to provide a statement to the press office today.” Chris Swecker replied "I did not observe or hear of any, such abuses. I traveled to Abu Ghraib many times. I did observe that the entire facility was very understaffed. You may want to canvass the CJIS and HRT management as their folks spent the majority of their time at Abu Ghraib processing the detainees (CJIS) was there almost every day. CS"

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Refers to Draft OLC opinion. All other info redacted.

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References attachment (not included) for responses for the Schlesinger Panel.

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This October 23, 2006 email includes a cable describing Abu Zubaydah's current condition in isolation and observations of a rehearsal of the next phase of Abu Zubaydah's interrogations, which included the use of confinement boxes and the water board. The cable requests that substantive portions of information in this cable be shared with FBI headquarters.

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FBI status update to Valerie Caproni on responses from FBI agents assigned to Guantanamo re: Detainee abuse

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Refers to "Daily." Contents Completely Redacted.

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Email chain concerning questions from Congress re: Detainee abuse allegations, Iraqi public corruption, contract fraud and Members of the House Armed Services Committee visiting Guantanamo on 5/25/2004

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Individual FBI agents who have submitted negitive EC's to the Inspection Division must also submit a brief negitive email to the Unit Chief to reconcile issues at Guantanamo

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No relevant text.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a detainee issue. The email has been heavily redacted, so the contents of the email are unknown.

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Email from DOD to DOD reminding officials to refrain from abusing and mistreating detainees.

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Email from Gilda M. Brancato to Ed Cummings forwarding Reuters artcile re: French detainees at Guantanamo complaining of psychological torture. No comments on email.

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Emails between DOS Officials regarding detainees at Abu Ghraib (AG). The more recent email discusses an Israeli national, George Ben-Baki, who is believed to be a detainee at AG, however, the officials are unsure and awaiting confirmation from the DOD. The other emails discuss similar matters regarding an Indian citizen and a Kuwaiti citizen.

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Email between FBI officials concerning a new OPR matter. Email is heavily redacted without any information regarding the OPR matter.

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Email to Major General Miller, begins by stating the FBI has concerns over [redacted]; ends with the FBI remains in support of the JTE GTMO mission.

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Email references six attachments for a 'Detainee brief folder.' [Attachments are not included].

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Email mentions an attached report, entitled "Torture and inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Selected OSCE Participating States." [Document is not included].

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Memorandum stating that DIA interrogators at Guantanamo mis-represented themselves as FBI officials when interrogating detainees at Guantanamo.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a follow up on the Guantanamo Bay timeline project.

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Emails between State Department Officials concerning "issues surrounding abuse of Iraqi detainees". the additional comments are "Did one of you already "rope in" Ed Cummings, as discussed? Thanks, Judy"

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Email from Ronald Miller to Jeremy Caddel and ohers re: Revised BM for S - GTMO Detainees." No attachments included.

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Email between Valerie Caproni, M.C. Briese and T.J. Harrington re: Names of agents who've been TDY'd to Iraq. Email also mentions a need to know the names of all agents who conducted interrogations at Abu Ghurayb, Iraq during October 1, 2003-December 31, 2003.

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FBI Email regarding gearing up to interview detainees at Guantanamo. The email states "The Bureau is gearing up for the arrival of long term personnel and identifying detainees with a Bureau nexus. Once these detainees are identified, they'll become "projects" and we should have a much greater impact then we have now." Email mentions DHS having a negative impact on what FBI is trying to accomplish at Guantanamo.

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Email from the Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army directing all army units to report any Article 15 punishments related to detainee abuse either in Iraq, Afghanistan or Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from October 2001 through July 2004 to the JAG.

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The original email contains four attachments, including photos from Abu Ghraib (the photos are not included in this document). The "Tasking Summary" is included in the email, its subject is entitled "Investigations." The Summary mentions a final investigative report from Iraq and photos from an Abu Ghraib case.

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The author of the email expresses his/her concern over the impersonation of FBI SSAs by DoD interrogators. Noting that if the information regarding the treatment/interrogation of detainees is made public, the FBI "DOD interrogators will not be held accountable because these torture techniques were done [by] 'FBI' interrogators. The FBI will [be] left holding the bag before the public."

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An email chain that again references an FBI agent who was present in Afghanistan during a detainee death and faced possible Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigation.

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Email includes PowerPoint slide of overall detainee deaths, the deaths are categorized according to whether the detainee died on or off a facility and the manner of their death.

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Message entirely redacted except for a footnote that states "Note: The detainee's father — who has publicized his son's situation by occupying in a cage in downtown Stockholm throughout the past week — staged a protest in front of the Embassy on the afternoon of September 13. He handed over a petition list consisting of 12,420 names and was accompanied by others, inducting well-known, left-wing, anti-American Swedish author Jan Giltou. Details and press coverage follows septel."

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This email includes a summary entitled "Detainee Abuse Tasking Summary," which lists the ongoing and future activities of the Office of the Provost Marshall General (OPMG). The OPMG's activities include combat support, "policy-doctrine-training cross walk," and review of Major General Antonio Taguba's report for policy considerations.

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The email asks for additional information concerning a report that DHS interrogators would await the departure of FBI officials and embark here are several examples in which DHS personnel have awaited the departure of an FBI supervisor before embarking on "aggressive, unilateral interrogation plans which they knew would not have been endorsed by the FBI."

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Edward H. Lueckenhoff's email detailes the problems at Abu Ghurayb prison and that he met with AUSAs Dana Biehl and Bruce Pagel who visited the prison. He states that AUSA Pagel advised that he [Pagel] was aware of the allegations of abuse at the prison. AUSA Pagel also told Lueckenhoff that "it is his understanding that Gen Sanchez is fully aware of the matter [of detainee abuse at the prison]".

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Contents redacted, except for personal note on the passing of a former instructor at the Quantico training facility.

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Email from Waldo W. Brooks to JoAnn Dolan re: U.S. and Australia Announce Agreements on Guantanamo Detainees

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Preparation of Gary M. Bald for testimony before the House Permenant Select Committee on Intelligence on Iraqi prisoners, including detainee interrogations.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding talking points about open FBI investigations relative to detainee abuse.

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Emails between Frankie Battle, MC Briese, Valerie Caproni, TJ Harrington re: DOD Guidelines when serving in Iraq. Several FBI agents who served are mentioned.

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Emails concerning press guidance regarding the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and their February 2004 report.

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A response by an FBI official to another FBI official providing requested advice regarding alleged accusations of prisoner abuse being made against two FBI agents. The official clarifies that the two agents were not accused of prisoner abuse, but had contact with the prisoner who made the allegations of abuse. He also states that the Army should be forwarded whatever documents are requested about the agents, unless documentation exists that asserts the agents abused prisoners; in the latter case, said documentation is to be handed over.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Waldo W. Brooks, Todd Buchwald and Others re: MEK Legal Considerations for DC with the comment "Some thoughts/comments".

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State Department email concerning a meeting of the Army General Counsel and a briefing on the legal status and possible release of the Guantanamo detainees.

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This State Department email from David Bowker to Joshua Dorosin is the last in a series of emails initiated by JoAnn Dolan to Debbie Daumit with the comment: "Debbie: Hal is up at USUN covering a conference on Terrorism Convention and left a message for Mike this morning requesting a copy of the latest press Guidance on the detainees at GTMO and their status. I He can be reached at 44227 or by E-Mail through Millie Lester at USUN. He says he also left a message for Peter Masan so perhaps someone has already gotten back to him." with attachments of talking points and press guidance on responding to questions concerning the Guantanamo detainees.

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FBI emails regarding the maintenance of rosters and records related to Guantanamo.

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Email indicates that a document regarding a "torture notional statement" is attached. [Document is not included].

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DOD email concering the outcome of a June 2003 investigation of an incident where Defence Intellience Aagency officials impersonated FBI agents when interviewing detainees at Guantanamo.

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These emails between Sara Stryker and Jeremy D. Caddel concerning the press coverage of allegations of mistreatment of detainees is sparse on information and only askes to add JoAnn Dolan to the email list for this subject.

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Email from Rexon Y. Ryu to Philo L. Dibble, Todd F. Buchwald, Joshua L. Dorosin and Patrick M. Hefferman re Urgent - Note to S on Detainees. The comments from Mr. Ryu are "Please move for signature ASAP. 1 am confirming with L whether we can sign for Taft. Josh/Todd - unchanged from what you sent me. —Rexon."

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This document is an email forwarding of a Los Angeles Times Article of August 1, 2004 on Captain Carolyn A. Wood, who was the Military Intelligence Officer at Abu Ghraib prison and who supposedly created a chart of interrogation techniques that became part of the abuse allegations at the prison. The article discusses Capt. Wood's career and a Senate Hearing with Gen. Sanchez and his understanding of the Chart Cat. Wood created. The email portion of this document is completely redacted.

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Email refers to a brief filed by the U.S. Mission to the Organization of American States. [Brief is not included].

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Email includes a document entitled "Allegations of Mistreatment of Iraqi Prisoners." The document contains questions and answers from a May 7, 2004 senate hearing, it states that 122 people are under investigation in 56 detainee death and abuse cases.

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Emails discuss leadership training.

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An email to an FBI official stating "Greetings from Mexico City" with a file attachment.

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This is an email which provides electronic copies "of the CTC/RDG Interrogator Course Critiques." This course was taught by Mitchell, Jessen, and one other redacted official, and the critiques come from "interrogator graduates" and an OMS psychologist who was attending/observing. Most of the critiques are redacted; the remaining remarks are mostly complimentary of Mitchell and Jessen.

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Email string between Carol Santos, Cheryl Parker, Jeremy Caddel, et al., re memo to S about concerns raised by ICRC on US detention practices in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Ms. Santos commets are "Dear Colleagues: Please clear on the attached memo to S by COB today. Tuesday. March 30, about concerns recently raised by the International Committee of the Red Cross about US detention practices in Afghanistan and elsewhere. SA Colleagues: I am not sure if PDAS Sison would prefer to clear this memo directly, as it mentions briefly her meeting, or pass it to someone else in SA to clear. Thank you."

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Email with attached talking points for the US Mission in Geneva to address the deaths of detainees at Bagram.

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Emails include a New York Times article entitled "U.S. Disputed Protected Status of Iraq Inmates." The article discusses the American government's adamant position that many detainees in Iraq are not entitled to the full protections of the Geneva Conventions.

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Email states "I just briefed the SAC on your e-mail." and "I will talk to SC Battle as soon as possible upon his return from OCONUS travel on Sunday 8/3 unless he calls me before then. I'll also try to reach you by phone. I'll keep you posted." Large portions of the email are otherwise redacted.

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Email from David Bowker to Bill Deere with an attachment entitled "H paper for Powell on Detainee…"

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Emails refer to the release of Russian Guantanamo detainees released by Russian Procuracy. A document is attached to the emails. [Document is not included].

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Email includes a summary that discusses the interview of a Sergeant with the 372nd Military Police Company. The Sergeant reported witnessing detainee abuse in Abu Ghraib and would provide additional information to the CID at a later date.

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Emails discuss a parole program for Iraqi detainees in order to deal with the problem of lengthy detentions. LTC [Redacted] states in the email, "[w]e hold detainees so long that there is no hope of getting actionable intelligence."

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Email refers to an attached document described as a 190-8 Interim Guidance. [Document not included].

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FBI agent observed a detainee shackled to a chair with loud rock music playing and a strobe light flashing.

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Questions whether FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] has a weekly update on criminal cases involving detainees. Reference is made to detainees being held at Fort Bragg and in Germany. In response the answer is "Due to the sensitivity, you're going to have to ask for this stuff through OTJAG [Office of the Judge Advocate General] or JFCOM [Joint Forces Command]. Sorry we're on pins and needs here". Which is then reply with “Not a is not any better up here”.

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Email from Alexander Karagiannis to State Department officials forwarding a letter from the Guantanamo detainees. Mr. Karagiannis' comments are "Please share with legal comunity. NSC has said it has not yet seen the letter from its mail system. but it is out in the open in UK. can expect legal, media inquiries at some point; possible parliamentary, political q's as well." Attachment not included.

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Email from Cara Abercrombie requesting clearance for an issue paper on detainees. No attachment included.

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Emails between Gilda Brancato, Ronald W. Miller, Jonathan M. Crock, JoAnn Dolan, Sarah E. Prosser, Waldo W. Brooks, Edward R. Cummings, Robert K. Harris, Katherine M. Gorove and Michael G. Kozak with drafts on letters concerning Guantanamo detainees for comment and clearance.

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Emails between Joseph Ereli and Rhonda Shore re: 07-26-04 Taken Questions from Daily Press Briefing. The initial email from Edgar Vasques has the list of Q's asked at the daily press briefing. Mr. Ereli's email has the comment "ok, but today's guidance did say "protected person status means that an individual is entitled to protections of the Convention." If I'd been thinking, I would have asked what protections apply. Instead the journalists did. Either way, you'll get me something in the form of guidance tomorrow. thanks."

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This email contains slides on Detainee operations and updated OIF Training Guidance. The slide show highlights "Theater Specific Internment and Detainee Operations Collective Tasks" such as: Communicate with Detainees (Muslim Cultural Awareness); Restraint Procedures for Detainees; Respond to a Bomb Threat and/or a Bomb within Detainee Operations; Humane Treatment of Detainees; Non-lethal Weapons Capabilities During Disorders I Disturbances within Detainee Operations; and Biometric Automated Toolset Systems (BATS) and National Detainee Reporting System (NDRS).

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Email from a FBI Official [redacted] with situation reports attached. The emails appear to be between Gregory A. Miller, US Attorney, Northern District of Florida and a SSA stationed in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

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Email from Katherine MGorove to Vernell Staten and Mark P. Lagon re: Time Sensitive Request: PA Tasking. Partially redacted; involves setting up a meeting to discuss the OHCHR to release a report on human rights in Iraq.

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This email is a copy of the press release of the remarks of Sec. Powell and Foreign Minister Fischer concerning Iraq in the context of a new UN resolution that will be required to move forward to returning full sovereignty back to the Iraqis; Israel-Palestinian peace; and the G-8 ministerial meeting.

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This email from JoAnn Dolan forwards a letter received by the U.S. Mission from an attorney representing a Guantanamo Detainee. The letter requests that the detainee be given access to counsel and to have the charges and legal justification for holding him set forth. It also informs the U.S. that litigation has been filed in the UK concerning the detention and handling of the Guantanamo detainees.

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Email from Diana Valderrama to Jonathan Crock and Ronald W. Miller in response to the Embassy in Mexico City requesting guidance in answering an Amnesty International inquiry on the treatment of detainees who are children. Ms. Valderrama's comments are "Jonathan, Ronald - yours name were given to MEX by WHA/CCA and DRL as the folks in this building responsible for GTMO prisoner issues. Tried calling you this morning. Wanted simply to ask whether you could respond to Embassy Mexico City's request for guidance (Mexico City 4515) in answering an Amnesty inquiry regarding the treatment of detainees who are minors. Alternatively, I could draft, but would need some background and/or reference to an appropriate DOD contact for guidance/background. Many thanks, Diana Valderrama (WHA/MEX, 79292)."

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding draft appropriate procedures for FBI divisions to follow when producing documents for the Office of Inspector General and the Government Accountability Office.

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Heavily redacted. Refers to a legal assessment made by CITF-SJA [Criminal Investigation Task Force - Staff Judge Advocate] of interrogation tactics and proposed Standard Operating Procedures for Guantanamo

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding whether FBI agents who were interviewed concerning detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay were advised of their rights as well as the fulfillment of document requests from the Office of Inspector General.

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Email from David P. Stewart to James Hergan, Ronald J. Bettauer, Gilda M. Brancato and Others re: Lawyers Against Torture. Email states that some of the recipients' good friends are signatories of a Lawyers Against Torture statement.

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Entire contents redacted.

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No relevant text.

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Answer to a question posed in earlier meeting re: FBI questioning detainee. Contents heavily redacted.

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Email requesting approval of a June 25, 2004 daily update.

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This email is collecting a list of FBI agents who toured through Iraq in 2003, and obtaining statments from them concerning their understanding of FBI interrogation procedures for detainees.

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An email about scheduling for an interview with the Army.

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Email from Andrew Sagor to Todd F. Buchwald, Joshua L. Dorosin, Robin H. Sakoda and Cara L. Abercrombie re: Clearance/comments needed on red response letter, with an attachment not included. Mr. Sagor's comments are "S/WC1 has been tasked to respond to this red border soonest concerning a detainee said to be held at Abu Ghraib. There are several other letters like it as well. I've drafted a response in coordination with NEM and am requesting your comments/clearance so Amb. Prosper can sign it before COB today. Thanks for your help, Andy Sagor."

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Email is a follow-up on an Army CID request to interview FBI agents concerning possible information on detainee abuse allegations.

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Preparations for The Director's Senate Judiciary hearing on 5/20/04 Concerning the Treatment of Prisoners, i.e. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding military investigators reviewing allegations of abuse against military personnel and their requested interviews of FBI personnel.

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The email states "After we got off the phone, I found the attached email which we sent to General Miller last year. Also, there is a copy of the miltary's use of approved coercive techniques which are quite different I am sure from the Bureau guidelines you are preparing."

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Email. Contents redacted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent states "I did observe aggressive interrogation practices and as a Behavioral Analysis Advisor on interrogation techniques was aware of extreme interrogation techniques that were planned and implemented against certain detainees". No specifics given.

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E-mail states that the Army Criminal Investigation Division requests to interview recipient. States: "I (meaning the Bureau) need to make sure everyone is aware of the situation/relationships"

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Emails reference a PowerPoint entitled "Army Detainee Responsibilities." The PowerPoint is not included in this document.

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This State Department email from Keith Loken forwards several attachements concerning the "Iraq Strategic Transition Plan Matrix" to other State Department officials. Attachements not included.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Steve A. Solomon, Edward R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin with attachment entitled PG-GTMO. The comments are "In response to your request for anything official from the Dept on the stepped up review and release of gitmo detainees, attached is guidance prepared to address recent publicity on this issue. I believe Boucher may have said more in addition to reading this during the press briefing. Will forward transcript separately." Attachment not included.

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Email states "Let's discuss before we meet with PCU". Contents is otherwise redacted.

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Refers to Talking Points on Iraq detainees. Mentions draft ("Iraq_Detainees-AG") with edits by Corallo and Ayres.

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Email includes an outline from the Office of the Provost Marshall General, which lists their current and future activities.

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Emails concerning a report of possible detainee abuse at Temporary Holding Facility (THF) 6-26 outstation. Notes that detainee arrived from Temporary Holding Facility with marks (burns) on him that seemed suspicious. When questioned about the marks, the detainee stated that he had been tortured by his captors. Immediately this information was reported to the TF 6-26 Chain of Command, and there is currently a military 15-6 investigation initiated.

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These emails are between Navy NCIS investigators tracking down a Navy Military Working Dog (MWD) handler and follows-up to ask whether CID HQ came through with any information on the MWD who gave statement to Army CID but wasn’t implicated in any abuse allegation. One of the email participants’ states that a picture of “Clark and his dog” were on front page of El Mundo with article (“mostly fluff”).

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding potential conflicts that may arise for FBI agents in divulging information about their time at any venues controlled by the U.S. military at which detainees have been or were being held. The potential issue is that to obtain FBI access to certain military installations in Iraq and elsewhere, some personnel executed DoD non-disclosure forms.

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The author of the email requests a one week extension for detainees [names listed, but redacted].

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No relevant text, refers to a document entitled "IM to S POWS 3 24 03 fina." [Document is not included].

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Emails between DOS Officials discussing the return of control to Iraq, particularly their control over prisons.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the provision of copies of written reports that note FBI disagreements or objections to the handling of detainees by any American entities in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Guantanamo Bay.

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Email forward of a paper written on the three War on Terror cases decisions issued by the Supreme Court in 2004. The paper summarizes Rumsfeld v Padilla, Hamdi v Rumsfeld and Rasul, et al v Bush. All three cases were brought by, or on behalf of, individuals captured and detained by the U.S. based on their alleged association with al Qaeda or the Taliban.

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A Proposed response to Patton Boggs lawyers attachment (not included).

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State Department email from Diane McBride to Denise Wright concerning an upcomming meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger. The email mentions two attachments, not included.

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Emails reference three request for information documents. The attached documents discuss the U.S. Army's role and responsibilities for enemy prisoner of war and detainees.

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Email from Ronald Miller to Jeremy Caddel re: clearance for memo to Kabul from Prosper and Grossman. Mr. Miller's comments are "Amb Prosper spoke with U/S Grossman earlier today about sending this out under his name. Need your immediate clearance - must go tonight. Thanks. File: Detainee Laundry List 6-18-04.doc » LTC Ron Miller."

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Email chain regarding the White House announcement on February 7, 2002 about the treatment of detainees in Guantanamo and corresponding talking points. The memo states that the detainees are illegal combatants, and not Prisoners of War (POWs). It states Al Qaeda is a foreign terrorist group and cannot be considered a state party to the Geneva Conventions. Its members therefore are not covered by the provisions of the Conventions and are not entitled to POW status, but that the detainees are being treated humanely and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to the detainees.

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Email stating that CWG had spoken with SOUTHCOM about arrangements for access to Guantanamo detainees. It states that once OSD clears the visit request, SOUTHCOM would block off a week for each group to visit.  It notes that SOUTHCOM was aware of the “French request” and that the French would be programmed in during the first part of April, displacing the already approved Belgians.

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Email indicates that a document regarding a "torture notional statement" is attached. [Document is not included].

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Contents Completely Redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a request from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) for a list of names of FBI personnel who served at Abu Ghuraib Prison as a part of abuse allegation investigations.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the release of detainee related documents under the ACLU FOIA request.

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This CIA e-mail contains a summary of Dr. James Mitchell's experience and education.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a request that FBI agents who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo fill out surveys on whether they witnessed abuse of detainees.

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Email references an attachment, a PowerPoint entitled "CID Detainee + Unit Investigations Summary 14 May 04." [PowerPoint is not included].

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Email concerns the training of Military Police on detainee treatment and handling. It includes a discussion of the inclusion of Geneva Convention and focuses the requirement for humane treatment of all prisoners at all times as specified under the Geneva Conventions and states this training should be repeatedly and strongly reinforced.

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These emails have attachments entitled "372nd MP CO, 320th MP BN and 800th MP BDE" and the comment from General Burns is "Attached papers on 372nd MP CO, 320th MP BN and 800th MP BDE are provided per our discussion."

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Email from FBI official providing an update on events at Guantanamo. The email states "Camp III's new completion date is 10/18/2002. Therefore, the next 'Air Flow,' ie new detainees being brought to GTMO from Afghanistan, is now projected for sometime within the 11/02- 10/2002 time frame. There will be between 20 and 34 new detainees on the flight. We strongly suggested total isolation for as long as possible for these individuals to keep them away from the 'veterans' until all available information is obtained from them."

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Update on inquiry requiring personnel at GTMO since 9/11/01 to respond. 530 employees served at GTMO and were notified by e-mail. 478 have responded. 26 of those stated they observed what was believed to be some form of mistreatment and provided summaries of their observations. There were no observations of mistreatment by FBI personnel.The 26 summaries were reviewed by General Counsel Caproni who determined 17 to be approved DOD techniques, and sent 9 for interviews to be conducted this week.

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Emails discuss revisions to Army Regulation 109-8. Emails state that the revisions will provide clarification for ongoing detainee operations and includes recent policies from the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

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This email, by an FBI SSA, is to all FBI agents who were witnesses to a prisoner's allegations of abuse. The email asks all agents to reach out to a redacted Army official to partake in an informal, voluntary interview, which will be followed with a signed statement.

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These emails concern the updating of the Army training on how the Army conducts detainee operations. The emails cover several proposals, both long and short term, and make reference to the Army battalion participating in peace enforcement operations in Kosovo from September 1999 to March 2000. Large portions of the email text is redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding written guidance given to FBI agents about standing clear of coercive interrogation techniques that are outside of FBI policy. The email includes information about an EC written by the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) explaining FBI interrogation methods versus DoD methods.

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Email reports on MG Miller's visit to their facility.

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Questions whether FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] has a weekly update on criminal cases involving detainees. Reference is made to detainees being held at Fort Bragg and in Germany

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The author of the email is informing Frankie Battle that DOD interrogators have been impersonating FBI agents during their interrogastions. He/she states that "DOD interrogators [have been] impersonating Supervisory Special Agents of the FBI...These tactics have produced no intelligence of a threat neutralization nature to date and CITF believes that techniques have destroyed any chance of prosecuting this detainee. " and that if the story ever gets out "DOD interrogators will not be held accountable because these torture techniques were done the "FBI" interrogators."

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Email forwarded from Evan Bloom to David Bowker with an attachment concerning foreign access to the Guantanamo detainees.

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This email is from Army CID Headquarters to Army CID personnel following-up on a request that they provide information on Navy Military Working Dog (WMD) handlers involved at Abu Ghraib prison, including any statements the Navy personnel may have made to Army CID. The below email is a forward of an email received by the CID HQ with the names (redacted) of specific Navy personnel information is being requested on.

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Emails and fax cover sheets regarding a draft OLC memo. Documents fully redacted.

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This June 21, 2002 email is an invitation to a meeting to discuss the future of the Abu Zubaydah interrogations. Attendees include people from the CTC and the Abu Zubaydah Interrogation Team (including James Mitchell), among others.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a Monday, December 13, 2004 DCI briefing. The email includes a brief synopsis of the information presented at that meeting, including updates from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Spain.

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Email from Anne C. Brunson to JoAnn Dolan concering DOD talking points on Enemy Prisoners of War.

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FBI E-mail from: [redacted] to [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted] re: FW Iraq Interviews. The original e-mail message includes attachments of inserts, containing results of three FBI interviews. In the reply message, the author states, "LAFO reported 'one instance of a detainee talking about some kind of mistreatment which did not appear to be anything major.'"

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FBI email re: Middle East Issue - FBI Conversation With AUSA James Candelmo, EDNC, Raleigh, NC. Contents redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a meeting with the DAG's Office and the Criminal Division related to HVD-1 (Saddam Hussein).

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Emails between Military Personnel re: Ft. Bragg Interrogation Training

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Email to M. Chris Briese concerning a statement of an Iraqi civilian detained by the 2/501st Military Police (MP) Unit at Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq. The detainee states he was turtored "from morning until the morning of the next day"; cuffed in a position called "the Scorpion"; was punched; dragged over babrbed wires; and had cold water poured over him.

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Email describes Abu Ghraib Prison and the challenges in running it. Ed Lueckenhoff states that he met with AUSAs Dana Biehl and Bruce Pagel who toured the prison. Pagel advised Lueckenhoff that he was aware of the allegations of abuse at the prison, and that it is his understanding that Gen. Sanchez is fully aware of the matter [as well]. A reply email from an FBI agent who also toured the prison stated that he "was not aware of nor did I observe any of the unacceptable treatment of prisoners depicted by the media. The same goes for the other team members of the interview team during rotation"

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Emails relating to an investigation into allegations of abuse of two Ukranian individuals detained in Abu Ghraib. The detainees were caught attempting to illegally smuggle oil and were sentenced to ten years in jail by the Iraqi court system before being pardoned and sent back to Ukraine. The allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib were reported in an internet article dated June 23, 2004.

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These emails are between Marine Corp investigators seeking a marine who is suspected in a detainee abuse case. One officer concludes that the Marine they are looking for is located, but that the photo initiating the investigation was a staged photo by willing Iraqi interpreters and not a case of detainee abuse on the part of this Marine.

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Refers to "PCC Briefing Memo" [Document not included]. No relevant text.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the best course of action to be taken with regards to a detainee. The decision reached is to have the detainee shifted over to Abu Ghuraib Prison.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the FBI's lack of involvement in detainee abuse and the claim that the FBI Director did not need to be specifically aware of any abuse allegations.

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Emails between Eric Pelofsky, Joshua L. Dorosin", JoAnn Dolan and Catherine Brown on a paper the Sec. of State concerning the Guantanamo detainees. The comments are "One minor suggestion" for attached "Secy's Appropriations Testimony." and "Attached please find talking points for the Secretary regarding issues that might be raised during his upcoming budget-related testimony. There are several bullets on the GTMO detainees that I believe need your attention. S/WCI has already blessed them. Thanks, Eric."

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Emails concerning the FBI Behavioral Analysis Units (BAU) assessment of the interrogation techniques used on detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The email seeks to discuss the interrogation techniques "in detail." Reference is made to Stephen A. Cambone's testimony in which he says that DoD guidelines "permit detainess at Guantanamo to be 'forced to disrobe.'"

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Email updates recipient of the current environment in Guantanamo, during the author's assignment there, he/she has observed approximately twelve interrogations. He/she observed or learned of the following techniques being used by the Department of Homeland Security: showing gay porn to a detainee, use of strobe lights, impersonating an FBI official, interrogating detainees for 16-18 hours, loud music, wrapping individuals in Israeli flags and cranking the air conditioner.

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The email provides and update on the team's re-orientation upon arriving back in Iraq. It states the team briefed MPs on how important the MP's were, and preparations for a visit from the International Red Cross/Crescent.

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This document is a heavily redacted email exchange between Valerie Caproni and another official with the subject line "battlefield advice."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the waiving of OPR liability for FBI agents who witnessed abuse at Guantanamo Bay.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the advice of rights issues at Guantanamo Bay, specifically the possibility of policy changes.

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Email discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Mr. Solomon states that the Ambassador would like to respond to the speech. The Ambassador is particularly interested in responding to the excerpt in Arbour's speech, "Security Under the Rule of Law,' where Arbour refers to "the 'debate' within the USG about torture and says she is 'deeply troubled' by 'suggestions from within the US administration that torture might be legitimate.'"

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Email from Army Officer to Army Officer re: Balkans Pre-Deployment Detention Training Requirements. Chain of e-mails confirms that upcoming Balkan units need to be trained on detention facility operations and questions where and how long the training should take.

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Emails discuss Carol A. Haave's briefing. The most of the email's contents are redacted.

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These emails are from an Army CID officer concerned about where to conduct an autopsy in the event a detainee dies in custody. The question was over transporting the body to the United States and what ramifications that might have. The email chain includes a Navy NCIS contact and several rounds of discussion on the matter.

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Email contains notes from a June 14, 2004 meeting. [Contents redacted].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the referral of a Guantanamo issue to Deputy General Counsel Marion Bowman and his opinion that the issue is not an Intelligence Oversight Board matter.

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The author states that he/she is attaching documents that may be of interest to Spike Bowman, who is reviewing legal aspects of detainee interviews at Guantanamo. They were provided by one of the JAG lawyers working at CITF. One of these is a review of interrogation methods by a DOD lawyer. The author states that "it appears that the lawyer worked hard to write a legal justification for the type of interviews they (the Army) want to conduct".

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Two forwarded emails documenting the redacted author receiving a letter from Army CID requesting a roster of FBI personnel in Iraq from October to December 2003. This request is part of an investigation of allegations of abuse against detainees at Abu Gharib prison.

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State Department email forwarded by JoAnn Dolan from Robert Harris concerning Human Rights Watch report critical of U.S. Action in Afghanistan. Mr. Harris' email has the comment "Human Rights Watch in the past few days issued a highly critical report of US actions in Afghanistan. As an example, the summary of the report states: "Yet today, on Afghan soil, the United States is maintaining a system of arrests and detention as part of its ongoing military and intelligence operations that violates international human rights law and international humanitarian law (the laws of war). In doing so, the United States is endangering the lives of Afghan civilians, undermining efforts to restore the rule of law in Afghanistan, and calling into question its commitment to upholding basic rights." The attachment is not included, and the email is heavily redacted.

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Emails between DOS Officials discussing the death of an Egyptian scientist, Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Azmeerly, who was killed while in U.S. custody at Abu Ghraib. There is concern that the death of Al-Azmeerly will gain publicity in Egypt and become a public opinion issue for the U.S.

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Email from Betsy Lippman to State Department officers concerning discussions with the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) legal division in a follow-up to discussions with ICRC President Kellenberger. The email is heavily redacted.

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Email forwarding a list of the U.S. military's approved coercive techniques for use in drafting guidelines for the FBI and a 2002 email to General Miller referencing accusations about interviews/interrogations.

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No relevant text.

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Email references seven attachments, one of the seven is an included situation report, which discusses an action plan to revise detention operations policies.

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Emails discuss the National Defense Authorization Act of 2005.

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Emails reference two attachments, one entitled "Detainee Investigations Summary 20 Jun 04.ppt" [Documents/attachments not included].

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Email from Jordan Leiter to Julie Samuels referencing an attachment bearing the name "CRIM DIV comment on draft DOJ statement on Interrogation in War Against Terrorism".

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Email states recient new article on CNN reported Gen. Karpinsky saying that Gen. Miller wanted to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. The email also refers to article in Stars and Stripes news paper where Gen. Miller had said he believed in "rapport-building approach (toward detainee interviewing)". The author states "this is not what he was saying at Gitmo when I was there", and directs the email reciepient to a BAU EC written by the Miami Division for an insight in to the matter.

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Emails between FBI Officials re: Iraq Interviews in NY with the message: "Here are the inserts of the two interviews I did in NY After your review, let me know if you want me to have them uploaded."

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Emails discuss the death of two detainees at the Bagram Detention Facility in Iraq. The first detainee died of a pulmonary embolism on December 3, 2002, the second died on December 10, 2002 of a heart attack.

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This document is an email criticizing Judge Robertson's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. The email states that "This is an opportunity for the Administration to fix the process and still save the process." It includes three pages of the opinion Hamdan v. Rumsfeld opinion.

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Guidance for Military Intelligence interrogation of detainees

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Email from Katherine Gorove to Joann Dolan "re: families of GTMO detainees increasing pressure on GOF". This email is a forward of a previous email sent from Anne R. Sorensen to Michael A. Butler with an attachment. Ms. Gorove adds a comment to Ms. Dolan: "Did you see this?"

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Emails between Army Officers concerning various issues surrounding detainees and their detention, including deaths and off-base investigations. There are numerous attachments to the emails. Mostly redacted.

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Email from Robert K. Harris reads: "For your information and possible L/PM and/or L/FO coordination." The original email is a "Press Gaggle" by Scott McClellan, it includes three questions about the International Committee of the Red Cross' concern that the U.S. is holding torture suspects in secret locations around the world. Included in the email is a Bloomberg article entitled, "U.S. Holds Terror Suspects at Secret Locations, Red Cross Says," that discusses unlisted detainees, including, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

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Emails reference two attached documents entitled "Tasking Summary Sheet #13" and "CID Detainee Unit Investigations Summary 14 May 04." [Documents are not included in the document].

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Emails discuss pleas from human rights groups, like Amnesty International, urging the U.S. to not return Uyghur detainees back to China. The detainees are currently being held in Guantanamo Bay, there is fear that if they are returned the Uyghurs will face torture and abuse in their native countries.

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A chain of emails discussing the possible investigation by a Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) investigator of a FBI agent who had been present in Afghanistan when a prisoner died. The agent filled out an action report upon return, and responded to the NCIS's written list of questions which had to do with the death in question. The investigator did not give him any information as to whether or not he was a target.

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Refers to FBI Caproni draft testimony for a 07-14-04 hearing re the Critical Need for Interrogation in the Global War on Terrorism. No attachments provided. Text entirely redacted.

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This email from JoAnn Dolan forwardeding a transcript of UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's statements regarding UK citizens detained at Guantanamo.

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This email concerns an investigation in to an account of a DIA/DHS officer who while at the Bagram Collection Point participated in the abuse of an Uzbek who was turned over to Coalition forces by local villagers. The report, unsubstantiated, was that once the Uzbek came in to custody the DIA/DHS officer allegedly “threw a few pooches of his own” on the detainee, who was already beaten-up during his capture by local villagers. The report of detainee abuse was already investigated and determined to be unfounded, but this email between DIA officers concerns attending a meeting on the conduct of the DIA/DHS officer separately accused, and if one or both of the email participants should attend the meeting.

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An chain of emails advising an FBI official what to do with an FBI Special Agent who has been approached by an Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigator regarding the capture in Afghanistan of a subject who was later killed reportedly while in custody. The agent asked the investigator if they were the target of the investigation, but only received the response that the investigation was a criminal matter. The agent is seeking a counsel's presence during the interview, but a FBI official replies that, "the Agent has to proceed at his own risk for the time being until this is sorted out."

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This email is a forward from JoAnn Dolan to Ronal Miller and others of an article in Nationwide News Party Limited, concerning Military Commissions for Foreign Detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

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[Contents completely redacted].

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Email from Joshua Dorosin to Joshua Lipshutz re: Clearance/comments needed on red border response letter. With the comment "Josh - Can you clear this for UPM? Please call JoAnn at home to review with her and then send any comments directly back to Andrew Sagor. Thanks. Josh." The email is forwarding an email from Andrew Sagor with an attachment entitled "response letter on specific detainees” with the comment "S/WCI has been tasked to respond to this red border soonest concerning a detainee said to be held at Abu Ghraib. There are several other letters like it as well. I've drafted a response in coordination with NEA/I and am requesting your comments/clearance so Amb. Prosper can sign it before COB today. Thanks for your help, Andy Sagor."

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An email regarding the interview of an FBI Special Agent by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service/IG as an witness to abuse of a detainee by Special Forces in Afghanistan. The agent did not witness any abuse and provided a statement and other documentation of this alleged incident.

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This email concerns the practices and effectiveness of Tiger Teams, which appear to be FBI interrogation units. It mentions that interviews of detainees can range from 1 to 6.5 hours, and emphasizes patience and continuity in interrogation approaches. The response email from the NSA Operational Training United, Counterintelligence Division, poses a variety of questions about the teams and their interrogation strategies. The next email in the chain lists three documents attached.

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An email from the FBI to the DOJ regarding the revised statement of Valerie E. Caproni, FBI General Counsel, before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The testimony discusses FBI special agent training in interrogating detainees. Her testimony repeatedly affirms that the FBI does not train its agents to use either coercion, force or threats in order to gain information. Some contents redacted.

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The only discernable text in this five (5) page email are dates and times of the email and the salutation "Thanks for the heads up. talk to you soon." The email is otherwise completely redacted.

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Email response redacted. Original email includes a press release from the ICRC on the topic of Iraq and what the Geneva Convention says about the future of persons deprived of their freedom.

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Email's subject reads Interrogation Rules of Engagement. [Includes a photograph/text that is indecipherable].

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State Department cable on addressing the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention report that was critical of the U.S. and the detention of Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters in Guantanamo. The cable instructs the U.S. representatives that the "U.S. Respectfully Disagrees With the Opinion No. 5/2003 Dated May 8, 2003, and the Communication Dated January 8, 2003 of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions. "Notwithstanding the fact that the detainees at Guantanamo are unlawful enemy combatants, the armed forces of the U.S. are treating and will continue to treat the detainees humanely and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with the principles of the Geneva Convention... the detainees will not be subject to physical or mental abuse or cruel treatment." Finally, the cable points out that the Working Group’s mandate does not include competence to address the issue of the Geneva Conventions or matters arising therefrom.

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Email refers to two PowerPoint presentations. [Documents are not included].

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The document is a redacted internal FBI email regarding allegations of abuse by private contractors at the Abu Ghurayb Prison and other detention facilities in Iraq.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.. This FBI agent states he did not tour through Guantanamo, but did observe non-FBI interrogation techniques in Afghanistan. No details.

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Email described that in December, 2003, a US soldier dropped an unconscious Iraqi male off to a medical facility; medical examinations concluded that the Iraqi male died from blunt force trauma to the head. The email concluded that an army investigation was currently underway to identify the person(s) who interrogated the deceased.

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This email includes a response to an FBI Inspection Division response request to all employees who observed aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques during their time at Guantanamo Bay. This response states that an employee witnessed environmental manipulation by non-FBI personnel where detainees were shackled in rooms as cold as fifty-five degrees for six to eight hours. File name: DOJOIG001748.

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This document is a email chain discussing recommendations concerning interviews and interrogations made in a former email.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an FBI personnel's conversation with Vice Admiral Church about the FBI's mission in Guantanamo, the FBI's close coordination with JTF-GTMO, and interagency interview coordination.

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Email requesting input on an attached paper. the comments from Ms. Holman are "Joann: How is the BM on PC Meeting on Detainees coming. This is just remember that it is due today at 3. Thanks, Beverly Holman."

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This message from Scott Muller to James Pavitt describes a planned move of CIA detainees from Guantanamo in light of an upcoming Supreme Court case which will decide whether Guantanamo is U.S. territory.

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Email forwarding Ashcroft letter to the Criminal Division for review.

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Email includes an executive summary that discusses the role of female military policeman (MPs) in detainment facilities. Among their roles, female MPs search male inmates and serve as security in male inmate housing areas.

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Mention of discussion between Special Agent in Command (SAC) and HQ regarding some unspecified issue needing follow-up. The email states "Talked with the SAC and HQ re: the issue raised in your conference call...earlier today. I think we have made contact with the right person at HQ to follow through with this. I just updated the SAC on the communication with HQ. He will also address it in person at HQ next week. We will keep you updated."

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Emails refer to a document entitled "Detainee Tasking Summary PMG 20 May 04 update." [The document is not included].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding legal issues in Guantanamo Bay, specifically interrogation techniques. The author of the email, Marion Bowman, states that the FBI does not approve of the harsh interrogation techniques being used by the military.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the waiving of OPR liability for FBI agents who witnessed abuse at Guantanamo Bay.

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The document is a series of internal FBI emails, regarding the JTF GTMO and SOUTHCOM requests for unredacted copies of documents released to the ACLU.

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This email discusses the sending and drafting of a cable requesting that Psychologist James Mitchell stay at the undisclosed location. This email asks that the cable not be sent until it is determined whether enhanced measures will need to be taken.

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FBI email regarding a proposed Electronic Communication (EC) memo dealing with the treatment of detainees. Heavily redacted.

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The emails reference attached executive summaries that discuss the Army's interaction with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

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Email to Alex Turner as a Heads-up on Public Corruption Case.

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Refers to Remaining CRM papers. The rest is completely redacted.

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Contents redacted.

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Email refers to an attachment, which is a draft guidance on L memos as reported in a Washington Post report. Ms. Dolan's comments are: "Attached for input/clearance is draft guidance on L memos as reported in today's Washington Post report. We have 10 minutes to get to to PA."

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Series of emails regarding procedures to follow regarding bodies of deceased detainee at Al-Taqaddum Air Base ("TQ"). NCIS emails instructs recipient to "try to find that body, we’ll exhume if possible." In response to resistance to exhumation plans, a later email states, "I feel we need to engage HQMC to press down on the IMEF/DIV to cease this interference, our folks over there are under enough pressure without fighting these internal USMC battles just to do what we’re requiring them to do.”

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Email questioning the correctness of using of non-FBI personal to impersonate FBI agents when interviewing detainees at Guantanamo. The email states "When I was in the unit in December, I thought we agreed to take everything out of the EC that doesn't specifically pertain to the "impersonation" issue. All of that other information (including our suggestion that the detainee was threatened is still in there, which I think is totally inappropriate. Regarding the "impersonation", I'm still not sure what our issue is here. It's fairly clear to me that the "FBI Agent" wasn't successful in gaining the detainees cooperation. Thereafter, (months later) carried the day with his ruse...(Once again, this technique, and all of those used in these scenarios, was approved by the Dep Sec Def Additionally, the techniques specifically called into question in the EC were employed months after, and in a different environment from, the "FBI Agent" ruse. I would request that Spike Bowman, or his designee, review this information and provide us with a definitive opinion before we make an issue of it. Thanks." b6 -1 1

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FBI email between [parties redacted] re: Corrected Version of Abu Ghraib Prison Interviews. Emails include the following conversations: "UC advised him of concerns previously documented regarding the DOD interrogation techniques at GTMO." States that the current Inquiry is limited in scope to Abu Ghraib. There is also mention of their acquisition of a classified doc's file and serial #s.

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Emanl from Ed Cummings concerning the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) going to Guantanamo to meet with the detainees. the comments are: FYI: I called last night (Wed.) with three questions I He indicated that at the meeting last Friday with G regarding the ICRC visits to the detainees, Will Taft indicated that the governments of the detainees' nationality would be informed once they arrived in Guantanamo." The email is otherwise redacted.

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This email is a follow-up on an earlier email seeking clearance on a cable concerning military commissions.

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Emails reference an executive summary. [Summary is not attached/included].

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Refers to CRM comments/DoD Letter on Detainee Amendments to DoD Auth Bill (S 2004). States, "We have no comments" regarding the CRM review of the DoD draft letter.

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Email includes a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Draft Army Detainee Operations and Detainee-Interrogation Operations Integration Plan." The slides include graphs and plans to improve the Army's detainee interrogation strategies, overall detainee operations and synchronize Army efforts internally.

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FBI E-mail from Chris Swecker to Valerie E. Caproni re: UR714/SC/Detainee Abuse. [Email is heavily redacted] Later e-mails note that decision was made at DOJ that these matters would not be investigated as Civil Rights Violations. There is also mention of the DOD's proposition to transform GTMO. [Various FBI officials are appear as addressees in later e-mails].

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Email from Mark W. Libby to Jonathan Crock re: Briefing Request. Remarks: Per Whitaker/Prosper conversation, please prepare a briefing memo for the Secretary's participation in this PC. Please deliver final, fully cleared memo to S/ES-S no later than 00137/15. Thanks."

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Email is to report a serious report of Detainee abuse. No details given.

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This email concerns an FBI Official going to Guantanamo to "sit down with the 2 Star and Lieutenant Colonel" concerning the role of the FBI and the mission of the FBI at Guantanamo.

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Emails between Valerie Caproni and John Curran re: NCIS request for documents on detainees

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Email updates recipient of the current environment in Guantanamo, during the author's assignment there, he/she has observed approximately twelve interrogations. He/she observed or learned of the following techniques being used by the Defense Human Intelligence Services (DHS): showing gay porn to a detainee, use of strobe lights, impersonating an FBI official, interrogating detainees for 16-18 hours, loud music, wrapping individuals in Israeli flags and cranking the air conditioner.

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Email from FBI Official to FBI Official re: Camp Delta Update. The email states "We were back at Delta this morning (Friday) at the request of a St. Louis agent who has recently gotten some excellent results. It was the only ongoing interview as the JTTF is being put back together and all other interviews were backed up until tomorrow (Saturday). While at Delta this morning, had a call to return to the CP immediately. FBIHQ (SSA [Redacted] etc) had issues regarding # [Redacted] surprise, surprise. STU conversation for about 30 minutes and I'm sure that there will be more to follow. At present, we have been requested to return to the Brig tonight at 9:00 p.m. for more fun and games."

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This June 16, 2003 email from [redacted] to [redacted] re: RDG Tasking for IC Psychologists Jessen and Mitchell, contains comments on the tasking for IC psychologists, Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, specifically the projects they will be responsible for, starting with a full psychological review of Abu Zubaydah. In the previous release of this document (on June 13, 2016) the majority of this email was redacted along with Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen's names.

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The document is an internal FBI email sent to FBI Director Robert Mueller, regarding the status of Iraqi fingerprinting efforts as well as the results of such efforts.

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Email provides instructions on where to direct media queries upon the release of the Jones-Fay Investigative report in to abuse of detainees.

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These emails refer to the understanding that the FBI will be the lead interrogators of detainees according to the DOJ-OLC. Ms. Caproni states "I'll be happy to brief you on the particular detainee they are referring to once we know who it is."

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Emails to and from the DOD regarding the need to conduct an autopsy of Iraqi Major General Abed Mowhoush. One email states that the 82nd Airborne Division issued a press release indicating that the Major General died of "natural causes" and that the author of the email does not "believe we can say that and an autopsy is in order to determine manner and cause of death."

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Emails between m Valerie E. Caproni to to Steven C. McGraw re: List of agents at Abu Ghraib Prison October 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003. Heavily redacted.

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Email discusses detainee abuse investigation and an earlier phone conversation, where information concerning an unidentified detainee detention facility was discussed. Contents mostly redacted.

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Email discusses plans to develop a joint publication on detainee operations, developed by the Army, Office of the Provost Marshall General and other agencies. The joint proposal will be a revision of the document developed by the Air Land Sea Application (ALSA), and will be a stand alone document.

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The document is an email, regarding an update on Detainee #63. The email includes information on the most recent Interrogation Plan for the detainee.

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Text entirely redacted. Email Subject: UCMJ

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Email from FBI official touring through Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The email states "DHS wanted us to be a part of one of the interrogation teams. [They] said as long as there was no 'torture' involved that we were within our guidelines. He actually encouraged us to be a part of this as we would be able to provide FBIHQ with 'updates' of what was happening."

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Refers to Revised AG talkers (talking points) on interrogation for a discussion. The attached documents are "McCotter mstrong Points," "Iraq Points," "Iraq Corrections Points," and "Afghanistan."

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Email from FBI WMD Operations Unit to [Party Redacted] re: Suicide Bomber Profile; Information Guide - Trends - Tactics - Techniques. Contents redacted.

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The document summarizes FBI work in Afghanistan. FBI duties include: "interview/interrogation [redacted] fingerprinting and photographing and DNA collection), training of DOD personnel in proper collection techniques, participation in [redacted] Law Enforcement Training for the Afghan National Directorate of Security, and liaison with other U.S. agencies as well as national and local Afghan services."

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The document is an internal Department of Defense email, regarding a lack of protected communication that is hindering the process of true assessment at the BIAP facility.

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An Army Colonel emails a Chief Warrant Officer at Camp Bucca to establish a list of detainees that are eligible for release from custody. The email states "I have been checking for several days and many of these prisoners do not even have files here. With no paperwork to justify their detention, I am prepared to flush all of them (approximately 350) out of the system and order their release. I can not release anyone who is the subject of a CID Hold, and I was therefore wondering if you have a list of which people held at Bucca are being held there at the request of your agency." The CWO states that he has been working on such a list and attaches a list of potential detainees to be released.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a TRIM document that includes a recent report entitled "Ending Secret Detentions."

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Email from Henry Bisharat to JoAnn Dolan, Heather Conley, Debra Cagan and Others re: Danish Press on Danish Guantanamo Detainees. The article forwarded is from the newspaper Copenhagen Politiken, dated 8/9/02, reporting on the Danish government's lack of inquiry regarding a Danish detainee.

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Contents Completely Redacted

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Email expressing the FBI's concerns with the DHS' draft plan, which the DHS presented to the DoD as a DHS/FBI plan. The author writes that they are notifying the Major General of their strenuous opposition to the interrogation plan, describing the plan as having an "overall coercive nature," as being a "fear based approach" and possibly being illegal or as having illegal elements. [The email possibly references Dr. Michael Gelles when it states "NCIS Chief Psychologist, Dr. [redacted] was scheduled to arrive on 21 November for the purpose of evaluating the DHS and FBI plans, the JIG did not solicit Dr. [redacted] professional opinion." Gelles was the Chief Psychologist at the time.]. [This document is less redacted than RDI 4880, particularly Pages 2-3]. On those pages, there is a discussion on the success of an incentive program, where detainees received judicial leniency for cooperation. It also discusses the success in tailoring interrogation strategies particularly to the detainee's vulnerabilities. Stating that "The FBI/CITF strongly believes that the continued use of diametrically opposed interrogation strategies in GTMO will only weaken our efforts to obtain valuable information."

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Emails discuss an upcoming briefing on detainee operations. The briefing considers concerns that the Commanding General has concerning the number of crew served weapons, a concern also discussed in the Taguba report. [Some content redacted].

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Emails discuss heavy crew served weapons.

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Emails between FBI Officials re: Method of obtaining an FBI Agent's statement concerning the agent's knowledge of detainee abuse that the Detainee Detention Facility Baghdad, Iraq.

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Email from Ronald W. Miller to Joshua L. Dorosin re: Clearance. The comment from Mr. Miller is "Josh, in Joann's absence, can you look at these cables - each have been cleared except for L (to include OSD). Thanks." with three (3) attachments. Attachments not included.

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Emails between Joann Dolan Newell Highsmith, Ted Borek and Others re: BM D.Hoon 9.11.02 Inputs due by Friday, September 6, 2002. Redacted message; Request for briefing memo inputs.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the revision and finalization of the text of a Question for the Record (QFR) submitted to Congress about the FBI's treatment of detainees.

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Email is in response to a previous message from Steven Solomon, which discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). The reply is redacted.

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An email, which includes two forwarded emails, between two FBI officials regarding detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay. The forwarded emails discuss the possible procedural paths to take in a situation where six reports from FBI personnel who were present at facility may or may not be violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The redacted author of the first forwarded email insists on obtaining a blanket declination on the agents before presenting the results to the Department of Defense. This is one of the author's three steps in obtaining immunity for the six agents who made the report. The author of the second forwarded email, Toni M. Fogle, generally agrees with the planning in the email.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an attachment about Guantanamo Bay and the procedure by which to report the contents of the attachment.

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Email discusses the UN "Oil for Food" program and the potential corruption involved in the program.

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An email including two forwarded emails about the, "potential issues... regarding employee rights and liabilities," of a previous handling of an Army request for a roster of FBI personnel in Iraq from October to December 2003. One of the email also notes that an official, Don Thompson, seemed to have this "consolidated through the DD and/or CTD rather than piecemeal through INSD."

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Email discusses meeting to be scheduled re: Combatant Status Review Tribunal

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Ms. Sanford attacheda document with notes on the Guantanamo detainee issue from the American Bar Association meeting of February 24, 2004 with the following comment: "Marc Bonora (an attorney at Kirkland Ellis and classmate of mine) and I attended the ABA Breakfast this morning. This represents our rough summary from our combined notes. Christine".

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Questions whether FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] has a weekly update on criminal cases involving detainees. Reference is made to detainees being held at Fort Bragg and in Germany.

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Refers to Revised AG talkers on interrogation. Attaches draft talkers (MEJAStatus, AGtalkers.interrogations3, A3 Enemy Combatants v41, AGtalkers.olcadvice, MEJAjurisdiction, PrisonAbuse status, AG-Issue-Paper-Interrogations, McColter Armstrong Points, Iraq Points, Iraq Corrections Points, Afghanistan).

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State Department emails between JoAnn Dolan, James H. Thessin, Todd Buchwald, Waldo Brooks and Others re: Secretary's Meeting with International Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger.

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Emails concerning a briefing paper on FBI role in interrogations. Email discusses a DOJ prep meeting and needing the briefing paper before that meeting. One email states "If, during the conduct of any interview, events occur that, in the opinion of the FBI agent(s) present, exceed acceptable FBI interview practices, the agent(s) will immediately remove themselves from the scene and will report their concerns to the Afghanistan On Scene Commander."

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Emails record the correspondences of the investigating agent with multiple army personnel regarding the details of what units and actual soldiers were holding the detainee. The agent conducts an exhaustive search but is unable to match the description given by the detainee of the soldier who abused him. The most the investigating officer is able to find is two men who saw the detainee in a shower room waiting to be transferred. They stated that he was not and did not appear abused in any way.

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An email including a chain of forwarded emails regarding an FBI agent who received anonymous verbal harassment for reporting information about detainee abuse to an ongoing IG investigation. The officials seem confused by the jurisdictional lines in this issue.

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Emails reference an executive summary and a June 10, 2004 daily update. [Documents are not included.

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Emails regarding prison conditions in Iraq. Discussion includes water supply/distribution system; sewer systems; dealing with garbage dumped outside of jail; and overcrowding in jails. Discussions on how to transfer control to jails over to Iraqis.

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No relevant text. [No documents included].

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Email forwarding another email containing two Washington Post articles about Guantanamo interrogation policies, May 21, 2004. The article states "Rumsfeld Approved Harsh Procedures At Guantanamo, Officials Say" and "FBI Chief Tells of Interrogation Suspicions".

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Email from Todd Buchwald to David Kaye re: IM to S on Detainee Rights. Detainee Rights attachment not included.

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Valerie Caproni to Frankie Battle, Laura M. Laughlin and others re: Potential curruption concerning bid rigging and kickback schemes in Iraq, i.e. Coalition Provisional Authority.

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An email including a chain of forwarded emails regarding possible allegations of abuse being made against FBI agents by the military.

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An email forwarding detainee updates as of August 27, 2004. The author notes that NCISRU in Iraq has "opened #14."

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Coalition Provisional Authority Ministry of Justice list of Iraqi Prisoners being released. The release policy is clarified in this email. Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper and Abu Ghraib prison are all mentioned. All names redacted. The email also contains a blank Geneva Convention IV Interment Order form.

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Email details approval for the Guantanamo facility by Rear Admiral James M. McGarrah in charge of the Office of Administrative Review for Detained Enenmy Combatants

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding interrogation techniques and strategies to be employed in interviews with Detainee #63 at Guantanamo Bay. The email details the parties participating in the development of the interrogation strategies.

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Email provides a brief report of the October 20, 2003 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights hearing on detainees at Guantanamo.

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Emails reference past and upcoming meetings concerning detainee operations.

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Email talks about forthcoming International Committee of the Red Cross reports. Two documents are attached, but are not included/viewable.

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Emails from the Office of the Provost Marshall General discussing "taskers." The original email is heavily redacted,

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Emails discuss a report called the Weidenbush report. [Report not included].

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Emails discuss the need to decrease the investigation period and improve the investigation process. One author states " ...our process is drawn out and inefficient."

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Valerie Capronie askes Michael A. Mason if there were any reports of Military officials taking "kick-backs". He replies "The latter referrals (re corruption) came via a telephone call Nothing on paper yet, although we have asked for the information to be passed via a written communication As soon as we get it I will insure that it is passed to you asap."

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The document is an internal FBI email sent from Eleni Kalisch to the Executive Secretariat, regarding overdue correspondence and Senator Feinstein's 2004 letter.

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Emails discuss recommended changes J. Stephen Tidwell has made to Valerie E. Caproni's document. Tidwell also mentions that he has concerns over GTMO issues in general.

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Email requests guidance on whether the capture and detainment of juveniles is permissible.

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This email forwards a letter received from the wives of unknown men. There is no context to the email.

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Indicates an incident wherein a detainee at Guantanamo was the subject of a "Forced Cell Extraction". The email states "the incident described by the detainee matches up with an instance wherein the detainee was the subject of a Forced Cell Extraction I don't know if they determined that as part of a formal inquiry at the time ofithe reporting by the detainee, or just recently as a result of the Navy IG investibation - I suspect the latter."

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E-mail between [redacted] to [redacted] re: Revised Draft of EC & Enclosures. Email states a revised draft of the EC and two enclosures are attached. The revised draft of the EC and one of the attachments is classified as SECRET.

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The original email includes a Reuters news article entitled: "Pentagon Opposes Independent Prison Abuse Probe." The article reports that the Pentagon opposed calls from human rights groups for an independent investigation of detainee abuse.

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Emails talk about forthcoming International Committee of the Red Cross reports and a related executive summary. The summary is included in the email.

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Forward of an article discussing the creation of a nine-member Combined Review and Release Board for detainees made up of members of the Coalition Forces and the Interim Iraqi Government's Ministries of Justice, Interior and Human Rights.

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The document is an internal FBI email sent to FBI Director Robert Mueller, regarding possible topics for an AG meeting with a redacted entity, including prisoner abuse cases and legal advice about the treatment of detainees.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding FBI involvement in overseas aggressive interrogations and collaborating with the military to form some categories and advice.

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Email refers to an attached "Definitive guidance regarding the conduct of detainees." Attachment not provided.

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A JAG Officer is requesting information from a fellow JAG Officer in preparation of a Capitol Hill briefing on JAG prosecutions of detainee abuse worldwide. A specific case involving the death by shooting of a detainee by a soldier at a detention facility is mentioned.

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The document discusses the new division of labor between GTMO CITF, which will run tribunals, and the FBI, which will concentrate on interrogation. The author observes that "detainees are all extremely frustrated about being asked the same questions, over and over again, by different interrogators." The author also indicates that, "We're still fighting the battle with DHS which routinely has a negative impact on what we're trying to do." The author recommends that the FBI ends its presence in GTMO.

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E-mail between[redacted] (Div 10) (FBI) to [redacted] (INSD) (FBI), and Valerie E. Caproni re: FW News from Iraq. Email discusses a follow up interview; awaiting a response from an unidentified SA regarding his/her exact location while at ABG [Photos are mentioned, but not provided].

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Email from a DOS Official to DOJ Officials. The email includes a New York Times article, which discusses the Justice Department's investigation into the CIA and their contractors for their possible involvement in the death of three detainees, one death in Afghanistan and two in Iraq. CIA Officials told reporters that in November 2003 a detainee at Abu Ghraib died while being questioned by a CIA officer and a Linguist, who was hired by the CIA as a contractor. The CIA employees alleged that they did not touch the detainee, General Abed Hamed Mowhoush, they stated that Mr. Mowhoush simply 'slumped over' during the interview. In another incident, in June 2003, a detainee in Afghanistan died during questioning by an independent CIA contractor.

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Emails are redacted, but some discuss the establishment of a joint investigative strategy.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding NCIS investigations into alleged detainee abuse of Guantanamo detainees.

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Email regarding interview by DOD IG investigators on abuse allegations in Iraq.

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Comments attached

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Department of Defense talking points on Abu Ghraib detainee abuse which highlight how abuse is fundamentally against American military standards, how the majority of U.S. soldiers conduct themselves honorably, and how the abuse will be investigated fully. It highlights that soldiers recognize they have a moral and legal obligation to provide humane treatment to the personnel in their custody.

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Emails discuss an attached PowerPoint (ppt.) on enemy POW detention and interrogation, the ppt. was forwarded to different recipients. [PowerPoint slides not attached].

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Email from Beverly Holman forwarding email with attachments concerning an upcoming meeting with Swedish State Secretary Lars Danielsson. Attachments not included.

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This email chain discusses the use, purpose, and constraints of psychological support in interrogations and includes feedback from Jim Mitchell.

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Update on the 800th Military Police Brigade's training and readiness. Attached slide is "Mobilization History" with "specified training tasks".

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The document is an internal FBI email with attachments that include a description of interrogation technique concerns raised to Commanding General Miller as well as an outline of approved coercive techniques used by the military.

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This series of emails discusses constitutional issues overseas. One email notes that FBI personnel in the Iraq are gathering intelligence for military operations--not independent FBI operations. The same email asks a couple of questions: " If the FBI is'permitted to have and use all of the info/statements provided by the detainees to military personnel, why can't we ask a couple of questions? If we are not contemplating prosecuting the military detainee, why can't we ask questions under the same rules as the military? What are the military rules?"

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Emails concerning medicine facilities, prisoner of war camps and detentions facilities with a focus on preventative treatment and responsive action.

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The email states that because of "issues that have developed regarding "interrogations" and detainee handling techniques used at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and the developing interest in interrogation techniques at Guantanamo" the BAU members must maintain and be willing to produce e-mails, notes etc. regarding Guantanamo interviews and interrogations.

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This document is an email describing the allegations of a detainee (whose name is redacted). The detainee claims to have been abused by two FBI agents in Afghanistan who later came back to interrogate him in GTMO. Detainee claimed that the FBI agents threatened to "torture him more" if he didn't confess.

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An email in reply to a received "'positive' response." The response reports that the FBI agent observed aggressive treatment of a detainee who appeared to have blood shot eyes and what appeared to be blood that congealed to his eyelashes.

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This email concerns a Video Tele Conferece on interrogation policy to "determine a legal basis of this on how it relates to the Geneva Convention". Heavily redacted.

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An email between two FBI officials regarding the scheduling of an interview with the Army.

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Two emails between FBI agents regarding FBI agents who are listed as witnesses in an internal investigation because they had some sort of contact with a prisoner making allegations of abuse. The Army was informed that they would be available for interviews; one person is more than willing to be interviewed and has already forwarded some documents concerning interviews conducted in Iraq.

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This email contains an attachment of a chronology and talking points concerning the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, detainee operations at the prison and the 60 Minutes television report on the matter. The information paper also details responses to accusations of detainee abuse and the training the soldiers received to deal with such situations.

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Original email refers to a document entitled "Traditional responsibilities of Military Police in detainee operations... ." The document is described as a background paper to be released to CNN, it lists the doctrinal responsibilities of the Military Police.

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Emails between Ronald W. Miller and Christopher N. Camponovo in response to a query by the Mexico City Embassy requesting information on children detained at Guantanamo. Mr. Miller responds that the DoD will only acknowledge that all detainees at Guantanamo, regardless of their age, are considered enemy combatants and that no one has been given POW status.

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These are email between CID officers investigating CID Report: 0841-04-CID259-80230. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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Contents Completely Redacted.

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Summarizes activities at Camp Delta, Guantanamo - Feedback sessions, coaching and training in "al-Qaida 101," "Islam 101" and Behavioral Assessment/Interview Strategies. Meetings with FBI/CITF leaders, plans for feedback sessions regarding what is effective and what information is good to share, training and resources for interviewers.

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Emails reference an attached document entitled "Detainee Abuse Big Font 12 May." The emails are redacted and very little information is provided.

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Email contents redacted, however, the name Andrew Arena is un-redacted.

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This email from an FBI agent on a tour of duty at Guantanamo Bay discusses announcement from the Pentagon that four (4) detainees were being repatriated to their respected countries (three Afghans and one Tajik). Memo states that upon news, detainees threatened a mass suicide and there was unrest in the camp, however, no suicides were reported and the unrest settled. The memo also discusses the logistics of the released detainees and the transfer of future Guantanamo Bay detainees.

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Email includes a Department of Administrative Services/Vice Chief of Staff, US Army briefing outline. The outline discusses the briefing schedule.

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Email includes a document discussing the Office of the Provost Marshall General's (OPMG) operations. Activities of the office include 33 CID investigations with 37 dead victims.

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An email between FBI officials which includes a forwarded email in order to show recipients how officials have, "been trying to balance the issues for personnel and the Bureau--while we've been waiting for some guidance." The forwarded email explains to an FBI Agent the situation and relationships during an Army CID interview.

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Email includes a daily update from the Office of the Provost Marshall General outlining the office's current and future activities as they relate to detainee operations.

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Email appears to be personal email to FBI personnel from an unknown sender. Subject: "hello, FBI-Guy" and "the letter". Contents redacted except for "I'll be in at 10:30 Friday morning. I'll check around to see if you're still here at that time."

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Emails between Torkel L. Patterson, Jeremy D. Caddel, Timothy E. Wilder and Jonathan M. Crock re: Clearance Request: Bagram 4 cable. Mr. TPatterson's comments are "Thanks Jeremy. PIs see my edits. Most are cosmetic (i.e., is it Bagram Detention Facility or Bagram detention facility?) but see what you think. Torkel." Attachment not included.

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Emails discuss the House Representative request to the Attorney General to transmit documents in his possession relating to the treatment of prisoners and detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the procedure used for handling abuse allegations made by detainees. These allegations are handed over to the Department of Defense for investigation.

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Email forwarded from Jonathan Crock to Ronald Miller containing talking points on torture (mostly dealing with Guantanamo) used for last year's Human Rights Report rollout. Mr. Crock's comments are "Do we have any new guidance on no torture at GTMO?"

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This document is mostly redacted. The most substantive portion states that [Redacted] (OGC) (FBI) sent an unredacted copy of an email from 1/21/04 5:15 p.m. entitled "Subject: FWD: re: Impersonating FBI."

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Email from Robert Harris forwarding an email with and attached news article entitled "Pentagon Report set framework for use of torture."

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Email discusses and includes a press release of a press briefing with Judge Alberto Gonzales. Judge Gonzales discusses, generally, the war on terror.

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Email references a media query directed towards Lt. Gen. John R. Vines for information about the rationale for determing certain detainees as "Ghost detainees" in Afghanistan and Persons Under Control (PUC) and High Value Targets (HVTs).

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Email from FBI to FBI re: Update on Guantanamo Visit. The email is describing routine matters with no specific detainee information.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an update on Guantanamo legal processes and the authorization to continue detainee interrogation under Article 17 of the Geneva Convention of the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

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Email between FBI officials [names redacted] discussing an 'FBI Supervisory Ruse." The official states that he/she was advised to speak to General Geoffrey D. Miller regarding the matter, but instead chose to speak to [redacted]. There is a mention of Richard Reid. [Contents redacted].

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Emails between State Department officials concerning a Guantanamo issue paper. Attachment not included.

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FBI email describing training on rapport building based interview strategies at Ft. Huachuca, AZ in January 2003.

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This document is an email from redacted FBI officials concerning documentation for detained persons.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Geeta Pasi forwarding an email with attachment from Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Miller on a detainee transfer/release document Ms. Dolan is seeking Ms. Pasi's approval for. Attachment not included.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a response to a search request to re-review a list of 263 cases in order to ascertain if any of them were regarding detainee abuse allegations.

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Email from Jason Callen, law clerk to Judge Frank Easterbrook, Seventh Circuit, to Jack Goldsmith and forwarded or blind-copied to Lawan Robinson, Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel.  Callen disagrees with John Yoo's op-ed in the Wall Street Journal stating that Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Geneva Conventions applies to detainees in Iraq.  Callen instead believes paragraph 2 of that same article applies.  Paragraph 1 addresses detainees captured in the home territory of a belligerent power, whereas Paragraph 2 addresses detainees in occupied territories and gives detainees more protections.

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The document is an email, regarding a brief requested from HQ.

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FBI agent who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo states he did not participate in, nor did he observe any FBI personnel conduct any interviews that were aggressive or inconsistent with FBI protocols. The memo states "did not witness or observe aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques utilized on GTMO detainees conducted by FBI or other law enforcement personnel which were not consistent with FBI or DOJ policy/guidelines, but did observe such behavior by non-law enforcement Department of Defense (DOD) personnel on at least two occasions. On these occasions the DOD personnel utilized sleep deprivation by playing load music for 16 hours at a time with four hours between sessions. He did however document that he was told of several incidents of sleep deprivation, light/sound overload and detainees being subjected to "lap dances" and being "Baptized" by an interrogator in Catholic Priest garb.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the development of a conduct policy for FBI agents participating in detainee interrogations at Guantanamo Bay.

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The original email includes an attachment entitled "5-25 daily update." The document is attached in the email, the subject of the document is OPMG Operations.

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Email asks whether the experiences of soldiers in the NATO led KFOR operation in Kosovo and their handling of detainees, and any abuse of detainees, could be applied to the handling of detainees in Iraq and in dealing with training and supervision in light of the abuse allegations. The answer was "No", because "[the] units involved [in the abuse of detainees in Iraq] were not originally mobilized, trained, and deployed to conduct detention operations. This was a remissioning in theater based on the evolving environment as the operation transitioned from combat operations".

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the ACLU's FOIA litigation related to the treatment of foreign detainees and the release of relevant FBI documents and emails.

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Email from Carol A. Santos discussing the ICRC's concerns about Guantanamo detainees. [Contents redacted].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding incidents at Guantanamo Bay that are being reported. The incidents include questionable interrogation techniques and the presence of a prostitute at Camp Delta.

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Sender asks recipient to disseminate EC. Contents heavily redacted.

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The document is series of an internal FBI emails regarding whether any FBI personnel had firsthand knowledge of any abuse of detainees at Abu Ghuraib Prison. The emails conclude that no FBI personnel had any such knowledge.

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Email forwarding cable concerning a meeting with representatives of the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC).

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These are emails between FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit and FBI officials stateside. The email is an update on the BAU’s progress and activities while at working with other agencies at Guantanamo The author mentions that they are continuing to assist the interview teams and that the teams are making progress. They participated in a PsyOps meetings and were also asked to review a "DIA Behavioral Ops plan." The unit also provides training to new people coming in on the interview teams. The document ends as the author sarcastically asks if his recent studying of the Qur'an qualifies him for "disability (mental) retirement."

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Transcript of a media conversation where Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Public Affairs Lawrence Di Rita provides background to the Abu Ghraib investigation.

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Emails between Ronald W. Miller and Joshua L. Dorosin re: Comments on DOD Paper. The email contains an attachment, not included. The comments on the initial email from Joshua Dorosin states "Ron/JoAnn - I'll be pulling comments together today (I've already received some feedback from David Kaye and Steve Solomon), so please let me know your reactions as soon as possible. As I understand it, we need to have our comments finalized by tomorrow. Cheers. Josh"

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Emails discuss a rewrite of a statement on torture. [Document is not included].

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These emails between Army Officers details which Military Police Units received Law of War, Prisoner of War and Detainee operations training along with the training documents contained in their training.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding requests made by the NCIS for documents related to two specific detainees as well as information related to allegations of abuse.

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Emails reference a document entitled Fay & Jones recommendations. [Document not included].

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FBI email notifying employees to maintain emails and notes regarding Guantanamo due to developing interrogation issues. The email states "Given the issues that hive developed regarding "interrogation" and detainee handling techniques used at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and the developing interest in interrogation techniques at GTMO each BAU-1 member needs to maintain (and be prepared to produce, if requested), any available e-mails, notes, or other documentation available regarding GTMO."

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A considerably redacted email about agents in Afghanistan and Iraq and further advice on interrogations.

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Email from Joseph Jones to Adam Isles, Bruce Swartz, John Richter, and Rena Comisac following an email chain with the subject line "Iraq Corrections Assessment Personnel". The text is entirely redacted.

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This email contains a letter from Marilyn A. Dorn, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), General Counsel's Office (GC), concerning four (4) legal cases: 1) United States v. CW3 Welshofer; 2) United States v. CW2 Williams; 3) United States v. SPC Sommer; & 4) United States v. SPC Loper.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the Washington Post article on FBI detainee records, specifically that the FBI release was not reviewed by the DoJ.

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Emails refer to a Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) document related to an independent panel to review DOD detention operations and an Office of the Provost Marshall General (PMG) task summary sheet.

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Emails refer to and briefly discuss a document being reviewed by Nick Rostow for possible wider circulation and clearance.

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Text entirely redacted. Email Subject: MEJA referral re Abu Ghraib

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An FBI email concerning an update. It mentions informing the recipient of the results of a meeting "tomorrow." Contents redacted.

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An email regarding allegations of misconduct against two FBI agents. During an interview with one of the agents, they stated that there were, "inhumane conditions at the Baghdad detention facility... Although I only personally observed this abuse (sleep/food/water...deprivation) occurring at Fallujah, [redacted] told me the same was going on at the Baghdad detention facility." The IIS of the FBI turned over all e-mail and documents remotely concerning detainee abuse to the DOJ.

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Daily update on Office of the Provost Marshall General's operations/activities.

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Emails between JoAnn Dolan and David Bowker and others concerning a Swedish press report concerning Swedish detainees at Guantanamo. The press report includes an interview with Swedish Foreign Minister Lindh. The comments of the U.S. officials is redacted.

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An FBI agent touring Guantanamo witnessed four (4) seperate incidents of detainee abuse, including stess positions, extreme hot/cold rooms, isolation and the use of loud music upon the detainees.

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Emails between DOS Officials discussing the death of an Egyptian scientist, Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Azmeerly, who was killed while in U.S. custody at Abu Ghraib. Joel M. Rubin wrote that there was not much discussion in Egypt on Al-Azmeerly's death and that the People's Assembly adjourned until November so a hearing on the death is unlikely.

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Emails include a tasking summary and a CID detainee abuse summary/chart. The summary provides that the CID is investigating: 80 violations (in facilities), 38 detainee deaths, 38 assaults, 3 sexual assaults, and a theft; 43 violations (outside of facilities), 4 deaths, 19 assaults, 1 sexual assault and 19 thefts. The chart indicates that the total number of investigations, including the CID's investigations, is 81 (in facilities) and 70 (outside of facilities).

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Email is forwarding information re: Army CID Request for Interview of FBI personnel. The author states that "We will not open an Internal Investigation matter case on them unless we receive some evidence that they [FBI personnel] were involved in misconduct".

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Email thanking JoAnn J. Dolan for help getting clearance on a press guidance for an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Human Dimension Meeting. The Press Guidance is attached. It discusses the U.S. government's and OSCE's commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the personnel structure employed by the FBI when handling CSRT procedures as well as the appropriate person to represent the FBI during meetings between the Secretary of the Navy and the Solicitor General's office.

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent responds "I saw a detainee sitting on the floor of the interview room with an Israeli flag draped around him, loud being played and a strobe light flashing. I left the monitoring room immediately after seeing this activity". The agent concluded by stating "This is summary details the only incident I have to report regarding observing non-FBI approved tactic being used one detainee at GTMO [Guantanamo]". This email is related to ACLU RDI 4949.

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The first email message reads "this is how the whole thing started." At the end of the document, there is what appears to be a witness sworn statement page. Most of the email's contents are redacted.

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Emails discuss the existence of new photos depicting detainee abuse. [Photos not included].

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Email to Valerie Caproni. Contents completly redacted.

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Email includes a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Detainee Operations Summary," which outlines different events surrounding detainee abuse cases, including Private First Class England's pre-trial investigation.

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Email refers to the ICRC's February 2004 report on detentions in Iraq. [Content redacted; report not included].

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Ms. Caproni states in her email that according to a redacted source the policy on exculpatory info detainees is not set and will most likely not be set until the redacted source returns in 2 weeks.

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Emails between Valerie Caproni and John Curran askes for a "sit down" to discuss the resources needed to support the ARB. Contents heavily redacted.

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This email contains the following headings:"Interview/Interrogation Considerations," "Observations," "Recommendations," and "Additional Considerations."   Contents completely redacted.

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This document is a series of emails between Army Officers concerning manditory training for Detainee Operations with attachments (not included) and includes the latest guidance from in theater to include the MG Miller.

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Emails discuss an OSCE meeting and the concerns of various human rights organizations over alleged torture and abuse of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. The original email has a report attached, which briefly discusses the death of two Afghan detainees and the abuse of other detainees, including John Walker Lindh. It also mentions a Human Rights Watch report that states 94 civilians have died while in U.S. custody.

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A series of forwarded emails between FBI officials regarding the status of statements for a hearing. One email notes, "We do NOT do Miranda overseas generally--this is contrary to our policy right?"

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This email contains a forwarded email from Linda Watt, Foreign Policy Advisor, SOUTHCOM, about the construction of the detainee facilities at Guantanamo. It states how many detainees will be housed there and the expectation of the resumption of flights from Afghanistan to Guantanamo. It also mentions that delegations from Belgian and Bahraini are "on track" to visit Guantanamo in April. Finally, there is a mention of two (2) detainees staging a hunger strike and them being fed by medical assistance.

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The author states: "Although we think it's not prudent to dwell on [a certain Lieutenant Colonel's] style and actions, we believe that before the General can fully appreciate what the FBI has to offer, he must first understand what has transpired. After all, it could easily happen again."

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Request from KnightRidder Newspapers for an interview with Gen. McNeill about the Commander's Inquiry he ordered into the deaths of two (2) detainees at the Bagram Collection Point in December 2002. One of the detainees was found in his cell, hanging from the ceiling by his arms, badly bruised. This death was declared a homicide.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding Gary Bald's answer for the FBI's data request on detainee abuse, as initially requested by the DoJ. Gary Bald denies witnessing any unusual interview techniques during his visits to Iraq and Afghanistan.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the appropriate procedures for FBI divisions to follow when producing documents for the Office of Inspector General and the Government Accountability Office.

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Email from Joseph Jones to Rena Cornisac, Adam Isles, Julie Samuels, Patrick Rowan, David Nahmias, Bruce Swartz, Peter B. Owen, and Terrie Johnson following an email chain. The subject line reads "Briefing Papers" and the text is entirely redacted.

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This email refers to Guantanamo. The only unredacted text in the document is: "This is totally unacceptable, if in fact it is occurring. Please advise."

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Emails between JoAnn Davidson to Eliana Davidson with attachment on a "Transfer Agreement". Attachement not included.

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Email exchanes concerning the Sec. of State's upcoming testimony.

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The document describes how the author received more training with DHS interrogators and JTF-170 BSCT (Behavioral Science Consultation Team). The email states "We will see how this shakes out, but. got a sense that they will really kick into action-now, especially since they have seen how actively involved we are. Will keep you posted. Later."

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This email is a request for guidance in training and equipping the Army’s 2nd Brigade with detainee operations. One of the Generals on the email chain states “Let's not get confused with running "prison" operations and infantryman on the ground capturing enemy soldiers and insurgents.” “My charter is to get them first class training and we'll do that when LTC determines the requirements. What we don't need is everyone guessing and wasting time and resources”.

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Email discusses using an informal approach with Matt Waxman in order to have him provide a briefing on U.S. detainee policy in Afghanistan to Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni.

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Email From Patrick Kelley To Valerie Caproni re: FBI is not involved in an Investigastion of the Abuse of an Un-named Iraqi Prisioner, AUSA Brian Murtagh is Investigating the Matter

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Email with attachments of policies and procedures on handling detainees and interrogations once an individual is in US custody, specifically in Iraq. This document is as a result of the investigation in to detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison to ensure detainee abuse does not happen again. The document also contains numerous cables describing other government’s efforts to monitor suspects and their handling of detainees once captured.

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Emails discuss and refer to press guidances for Richard Boucher.

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Email between Jennifer Vlau, Sara Stryker and Jeremy Caddel concerning a Reuters article on U.S. Amb. Khalilzad conducting a review of Afghan jails in response to abuse allegations.

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This document is an exchange of emails concerning a Joint Publication on Detainee Operations.

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An email where the author, Toni M. Fogle, references the forwarded email to show, "This is how I've asked my guys to handle this situation." The situation being when an Army CID requests interviews with FBI agents.

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Email is redacted, except sentence that states conducting a physical search of control files.

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Email desribes the Final, approved EC for FBI field agents being deployed to Iraq. Attachements not provided.

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An email from an FBI agent responding to a question about alleged abuse at Guantanamo Bay. The agent stated that he was stationed at Guantanamo Bay from June 2, 2003 to July 17, 2004. During the agent's time at GTMO, he/she occasionally witnessed sleep deprivation being used. The agent was told that one interrogator gave a detainee a lap dance (possibly detainee #114). Also, another interrogator bragged to the agent that he/she made a detainee listen to "satanic black metal music" for hours and then dressed up as a Catholic Priest and baptized the detainee.

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Text fully redacted. Email Subject: DSS Proposed Outline- Iraqi Detainees

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Emails include a proposal to establish an Office of Detainee Ombudsman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The Detainee Ombudsman shall be a general or flag officer who will report directly to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense. The Detainee Ombudsman will oversee detainee operations worldwide, visit DOD detention facilities and recommend standards for proper and humane treatment.

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This email, including a forwarded chain of emails, says that the CTD, or perhaps OGC, should advise personnel pre-deployment of their responsibility to report actions that may be a violation of law and/or prescribed procedure. File name: DOJOIG001700.

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Emails discuss the submission of documents detailing specific information concerning [redacted]. One email reads " this is what started the whole thing." The emails include a sworn statement. Contents redacted.

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Email references five attachments, including one entitled "June Congressional Hearing." [Attachments are not included].

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Coalition Provisional Authority Ministry of Justice list of Iraqi Prisoners being released. All names redacted. The email mentions that eighty-four (84) prisoners at Camp Bucca were authorized for release. It also mentions the Rusafa Facility. Most details are redacted.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan re: DOD News: Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks to Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. There is an attachment not included.

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An email discussing the Army's requests for an FBI internal report describing abuses witnessed by the FBI and a list of FBI employees who performed interrogations at Abu Gharib. The NY Times mentioned the internal report in an article on 10/26/04. These requests are part of two Courts-Martial against an Army sergeant and specialist for their abusive actions against detainees at Abu Gharib.

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E-mail requests the recipient review and comment on the proposed attachment. Attachment not included.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Joshua Dorosin re: Briefing Momorandum - no attachement or comments.

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Emails between Cara Abercrombie and Josua Dorosin re: Detainees Policy and Status

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The email sets up a review of Major General Taguba's report.

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Refers to "Agency Issues." All other info redacted.

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This June 22, 2007 email re: EIT briefing for SECSTATE discusses the meeting Mitchell and Jessen had with John Rizzo and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice (General Counsel John Bellenger also attended) to discuss two EITs and Common Article III. The email states that Secretary of State Rice supported the program but since the passage of the Detainee Treatment Act she had grown concerned about two proposed EITs: sleep deprivation and nudity.

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Emails between David Bowker, Monica Tillery, Joshua Dorosin, JoAnn Dolan and Others re: PM/IM/S - Visit to Guantanamo Bay 2/15. Attachment not included

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Emails between Patrick W. Kelley, Valerie E. Caproni, John F. Curran and Others re: US DOJ Executive Secretariat correspondence. Urges the AG to do all he can to ensure regular unrestricted access by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Refers to recent report entitled, Ending Secret Detentions, June'2004. [Mentions AG and the Inspector General].

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Email from Mark Mershon alerts Chris Swecker about a report of an unspecified matter of detainee abuse.

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Emails discuss reports that the International Committee of the Red Cross is encouraging delegations to present a resolution on human rights violations of Iraqi prisoners of war U.S. forces.

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Email from [redacted] to Al in Intelligence and Security Command. The first message reads: "Al, Here is [redacted] info for his file." Includes a forwarded message that reads: "I have contacted [redacted] civilian defense counsel, for [redacted] has stated that his client will invoke his right to remain silent."

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Email from Ronald Miller to Ronald Packowitz re: "BM for S - PC on detainees." Mr. Miller's comments are "Sorry for short fuse but need a quick turn around on this -- please get your comments/clearance to the attached BM by 2:00 pm today. Thanks. LTC Ron Miller".

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the drafting and provision of an outline of issues, including requests for FBI agents to be interviewed to to testify regarding their participation in detainee interrogations.

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Email from Cheryl Parker to Timothy E. Wilder re: URGENT!! SECRET NODIS SA ACTION-Afghan Desk/Wilder: Detainee Issue. Ms. Parker includes the following comment "DUE TO SA: TODAY, JUNE 16, AT COB ACTION: Afghan Desk - Tim Wilder INFO: TKL, BT S/WCI - A/S Prosper sent a memo to A/S Rocca regarding a detainee issue. "A copy of the memo is available to see in the SA Front Office. The action required is due to the SMICI office by Noon, June 17. Please come to review and take action by the SA due date above. Thanks, Cheryl Parker"

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Email from Thomas J. Harrington to Valerie Caproni re: BOC E-mail, Priority, January 24, 2004 [redacted] Allegations regarding Abu Ghurayb Prison. Mr. Harrington forwarded an e-mail to Caproni, he believed the e-mail contained "interesting background information." Prior emails discuss the media attention surrounding detainee treatment at Abu Ghurayb Prison, and the FBI's involvement there.

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Email includes a memo from the Provost Marshall, Donald J. Ryder, that provides guidance for handling detainees at multinational maneuver battalion (MNB-N) detainee collection points.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the procedure by which to report complaints about Guantanamo Bay to the Intelligence Oversight Board. The email is redacted.

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Theses emails concern a request for a regular update on the collection and status of criminal cases involving detainee abuse. Some the emails refer to potential upcoming congressional testimony and several of the emails are repeated and resent.

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FBI email to FBI field agent encouraging them to report any knowledge of abuse of detainees at Guantanamo. One (1) agent stated he observed "aggressive techniques used by non-FBI interrogators" and the reply he received was to report what he observed.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a Washington Post report in which it was alleged that the FBI was involved in abuses at the Abu Ghuraib Prison.

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Email states"[redacted] has been, and continues to be involved in ongoing issues concerning Detainee [redacted]. Should you receive any requests for assistance on any matter regarding [redacted]. Please refer the requester to [redacted]. Thanks."

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Email details four (4) incidents of detainee abuse at Guantanamo: Three (3) unspecified; and one (1) involving dogs used against a detainee.

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These emails are a response to for a request for feedback from FBI agents who have cycled through Guantanamo and witnessed detainee abuse. An agent responded and wrote "I did observe treatment that was not only aggressive, but personally very upsetting; although I can't say that this treatment was perpetrated by Bureau employees. It seemed that these techniques were being employed by the military, government contract employees." When Ms. Caproni asked the agent to provide details he responded by stating "I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they had urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18- 24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold that the barefoot detainee was shaking with cold."

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a 02/20/05 Department of Defense request for FBI documents related to detainee abuse allegations.

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Emails discuss and include John Yoo's Wall Street Journal op-ed entitled "Terrorists Have No Geneva Rights."

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Email regarding Category IV hurricane "Lili" approaching Guantanamo. "Camp America will be totally vacated by 1400 hours tomorrow (09/25/2002 - Wednesday) and all detainees will be secured away from Delta for at least 48 hours. At 1400 hours tomorrow, all JITF mission actions will be put on hold until further notice." Email concludes: "Hey guys, this was not a part of the BAU's [Behavioral Analysis Unit's] mission, was it??"

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Icon and email indicate that a file titled "state comments on torture day statement" is attached.

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Email details a meeting on May 14, 2004 between Laura Laughlin, Patrick Rowen, Robert Reed and others from DoD and FBI officials discussing the status of criminal prosecutions of military and civilian personnal involved in prisioner abuse in Iraq that resulted in the deaths of three (3) prisioners.

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These emails concern the coordination of the State Department’s resources in transferring operations of the Joint Interagency Interrogation functions to a new command that will be headed by MG Dunleavy. The new Joint Task Force (JTF-170) will also be responsible for the “worldwide management of interrogation of suspected terrorists detained in support of US military operations”. There is a discussion on the flexibility of the US for allowing foreign government access to detainees, especially at Guantanamo.

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This June 20, 2003 email from [redacted] to [redacted] re: Re: RDG Tasking for IC Psychologists Jessen and Mitchell, contains comments on the tasking for IC psychologists, Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen. [Redacted] expresses concern that Mitchell and Jessen are "not the right candidates" for this task; proposes ways in which the ethics tasking can be clarified; and endorses the proposal that the IC psychologists review the current interrogation and debriefing tactics, techniques, and procedures. In the previous release of this document (on June 13, 2016) the majority of this email was redacted along with Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen's names.

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Most of the emails are completely redacted. The emails that are not redacted, discuss the U.S. government's grant of protection to anti-Tehran groups in Iraq.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the procedure for the investigation of allegations of FBI abuse and mistreatment made by detainees.

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This Army email is to update units who will handle detainees on their roles and responsibilities. It is required for all such deploying units. Discussion of guidance and schedules for pre-deployment training.

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Emails discuss the postponement of a meeting.

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Email provides an update from a previous meeting, the author mentions that Private First Class England will go before the Courts Marshal on June 22 and that some changes have been implemented at the Bagram facility. Also, the author mentions that leadership is looking for a comparison between corrections and detainee punishment.

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This is a heavily redacted email sent to students who "have been selected/invited to attend/support the CTC/RDG Interrogators and Debriefers courses." The only unredacted information in the email (other than Mitchell and Jessen's names) is logistical.

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The NCIS Division Chief of the Personal Crimes Department reports that they have received three (3) referrals from the Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) regarding alleged detainee abuse at Guantanamo. NCIS held off initiating action pending DOD/Navy IG’s input on “abuse criteria” and the determinations regarding individual Military Criminal Investigation Organizations' areas of responsibility. The email reports that “it’s come down to Gitmo and IMEF in Iraq belonging to NCIS and everything else to Army CID.” With respect to criteria for accepting cases, “the key will be to determine the 'aggravated' factor vs. simple assault.” The Division Chief anticipates working on three cited cases and mentions the need for "manpower" at Guantanamo. The reply states that “the manpower in Gitmo is already critical and they are swamped” and requests additional information.

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Emails discussed possible abuse in Abu Grarib prison. M.C. Briese stated he did not witness any mistreatment, however, stated Abu Graib was understaffed. Also, referred Caproni to CJIS and HRT management, explaining those offices spent a great deal of time at Abu Graib.

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Email from Steve Solomon to JoAnn Dolan forwarding an email from Joseph Casey to Lynn Cassel with the subject "Wall Street Journal to Publish International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) February Report." The comments from Steve Solomon to JoAnn Dolan are "...could you please forward to Ed? I still can't reach him on the classified system. Thanks, Steve." The comments on the Joseph Casey to Lynn Cassel email are: "ICRC's Delegate General for Europe and the Americas Beatrice Megevand-Roggo called to say that ICRC had learned that the Wall Street Journal plans to publish today a copy of their February report on detention conditions in Iraq. Megevand-Roggo wanted to let us know that ICRC was not the source of the leak."

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This email contains four attached files on UK detainees in Guantanamo. The rest of the document is heavily redacted.

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Email with an update that four detainees will be released from Guantanamo. The email states "At long last, some excellent news. In the very near future, four (4) Detainees, three (3) Afghans and one (1) Tajik will be sent home. Please keep this information close as we [are] sworn to secrecy prior to being briefed on the OPS plan. We had very little to input as the plan already contained most of our thoughts. I wonder if a conversation we had with the DHS interrogators supervisor had anything to do with that. Anyway, the plan has already been delayed from its initial date, bill I do believe something will happen this week."

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Email includes a "Briefing to Senate Arm Service Committee." It is a briefing on the actions taken by the CID in response to allegations of detainee abuse and deaths. The briefing explains that there are nine death cases still "active pending investigations," eight of the nine are homicide cases, it is suspected that the detainees were fatally assaulted either during or before interrogations. There are also twelve soldier misconduct cases mentioned, ten are assaults (soldiers kicked, punched and/or threatened detainees) and two are sexual assaults. Also mentioned in the briefing are twenty-seven of sixty-nine CID investigations. The cases are classified as follows: three death investigations and twenty-four soldier misconduct investigations. One of the deaths is a murder case, a soldier shot and killed an Afghan who allegedly lunged towards a weapon. The other two cases are mentioned as active pending investigations, in the first case, an Iraqi national drowned after being pushed off of a bridge. In the second case, an Iraqi was shot and killed after he allegedly lunged at an officer. In regards to the twenty-four soldier misconduct cases mentioned, six are assaults (soldiers punched, kicked and/or fired a weapon at or near a detainee) and eighteen are thefts.

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This email has an attachment entitled " Detainee Ops 24 Aug. doc." (attachment not included) and the comment "Sir, MG Burns asked for an electronic copy of this response to send forward ... have attached." this is by a Lieutenant Colonel, G3 Training.

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Email from Ed Cummings to Joshua Dorosin asking for comments on attached suggested talking points, with the comment "First draft. What do you think?" Attachment not included.

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Email between Patricia M. Haslach, Jeremy Caddel, John Gastright re: outstanding detainee cables. The comments from Mr. Caddel to Mr. Gastright are "All, Attached is a short cable to Kabul requesting reply to a couple of detainee cables that are outstanding. Request your clearance as soon as possible—need to get it out today. > Thanks, Jeremy" Ms. Haslach's response was "clear".

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Email regarding FBI preparations for a more permanent presence at Guantanamo. The email states "Things are in transition as the FBI prepares for a more permanent presence. I believe we must give serious consideration to pulling NCAVC people out of GTMO until we can adopt a more effective means of supporting a more clearly identified FBI Mission there."

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Email updating J. Stephen Tidwell and the redacted recipient on General Counsel Valerie Caproni's progress in providing information from Guantanamo interviews to the FBI Director Mueller.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the imminent release of a letter written by Thomas Harrington on the treatment of Guantanamo Bay detainees.

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Emails between Valerie Caproni to T.J. Harrington and Otrhers re: Instructions for FBI Interrogators at Guantanamo. The emails goes in to detail on how FBI agents serving at Guantanamo should conduct themselves and not deviate from Bureau policy when conducting interrogations. It states that they should conduct themselves at Guantanamo as they would in the field, and to "stand clear" when appropriate. It also states that the FBI views non-traditional methods of interrogations as "suspect, at best".

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Email refers to Army Regulation 190-8 (AR 190-8), which is a DOD directive that establishes policies for the treatment of Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees.

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CIA email describing an unidentified official's visit to the Office of the Inspector General to review a draft Report of Investigation. 

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This document is an email with an attachment concerning the treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison after the 60 Minutes broadcast of the abuses that occurred at the prison. The email states "FORSCOM G3 training was asked to provide information on actions taken in response to the detainee abuse situation before and after 4 May [2004]." That information is provided in the email.

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Email includes a cable with the following subject: International Committee of the Red Cross delivers note verbale on 'rights and duties' of the U.S. as occupying power. Email is completely redacted.

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This email exchange is a follow-up and continuation of an email series concerning a Joint Publication on Detainee Operations and includes a daily briefing for June 14, 2004. Attachments not provided.

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Email asking for elaboration on a factual issue in an Electronic Communication regarding Guantanamo. The contents are mostly redacted.

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The original email includes an attachment, with a different CID number in the title of the document. The reply email references allegations of detainee abuse inside the Stryker.

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The document contains two electronic communications that relate to Guantanamo (attachments not provided).

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Emails reference two attachments, one is an August 25, 2004 briefing to Donald J. Ryder. [Documents are not included].

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Email states author is complying with a request by Steven McCraw to coordinated interviews of FBI personnel, but will not open internal investigation unless they receive information involving misconduct. Author states he/she has contacted at least one person in the Washington Field Office (WFO) who is "more than willing to be interviewed" and who has already forwarded documents concerning interviews in Iraq.

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E-mail between [redacted], Valerie Caproni and others [redacted] re: Post report. Reply Email between [redacted], Valerie Caproni and others [redacted]; original message from: Valerie Caproni; to: Cassandra Chandler, Eleni Kalisch, Kenneth Wainstein, Robert Mueller, Steven Mccraw, Bruce Gebhardt; cc: M.C. Briece and T.J. Harrington. The original message states that: "According to Washington Post report, one of the MPs said that the FBI was involved in the abuse [at Abu Ghurayb]. We are going to try to get a copy of the statement and see if there is anything we can do to follow up. As of right now, my information is that because of the danger at the prison, our people never spent the night." The reply Email states, "Valerie, We are ready to launch on the other interviews and as you know there is zero indication of this thus far"

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This message contains a discussion between CIA and CTC officials about defending the interrogation program in the public domain and the necessity of retaining secrecy around the program.

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This email contains a request for a list of personnel who were deployed to Guantanamo, Afghanistan and Iraq, particularly "that prison" in Iraq in late 2003. A list is provided, but is heavily redacted.

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Emails discuss request for information (RFI) Summaries. In the attached document it reads that the first task is to identify the parties with knowledge of the blunt force trauma and injuries sustained by the Iraqi Major General detainee. The other attached document makes reference to a disk and states the disk contains all photographs that have been shown in media reports and websites.

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Heavily redacted email thread re "potential torture involving Iraqi detainees".

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Initial email mentions the treatment of Al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects in US custody in Afghanistan.

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Email from Army Officer to Army Officer re: Detainee Operations 24 August, 2004. No content. No attachment.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding release procedures for BL #'s 28, 32, 33, and 34 and includes questions to be resolved about the process. The document also includes information on an NCIS investigation into allegations of abuse made by detainees against military personnel.

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Email lists the names/numbers of detainees cleared for release from Camp Bucca [detainee names/numbers redacted].

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI Agent responds to a request to report any observations or knowledge of detainee abuse at Guantanamo. The agent states that they did not observe any physical abuse of detainees, the interrogation practices used by non-FBI personnel was outside the guidelines of the FBI for interviewing.

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An email discussing "SR responses."

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Emails between State Department Officials concerning "issues surrounding abuse of Iraqi detainees". the additional comments are "Did one of you already "rope in" Ed Cummings, as discussed? Thanks, Judy"

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This email is a forward of a July 4, 2004 article in the New York Times entitled "Officials Detail A Detainee Deal By 3 Countries" which makes the claim that the U.S. released certain detainees from Guantanamo in consideration fro the Saudi government releasing British citizens held in Saudi Araiba. The sender of the email, Tom Malionek, wrote, referring to the claim in the article, "No mention of the nature of the "secret" "deal"."

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Series of emails dealing with responses to QFRs (Questions for the Record) following the Director of the FBI's testimony before the Senate Judiciary on 05/20/2004.

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A considerably redacted email regarding whether or not the FBI should proceed with the interview of the detainee.

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Original email describes a visit from [redacted], a committee member of an Islamic human rights organization. The email also references a conversation between the author and [redacted] discussing alleged abuse cases that took place at Abu Ghraib.

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This is an email chain focusing on the prison transfer and potential of prosecution for one detainee. An official raises broader questions of what it means to participate in the interrogation of a detainee and how the FBI can not implicate itself in the military's interrogation tactics.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding whether the FBI's operations in Iraq were primarily for intelligence-gathering or also for the collection of evidence for prosecutions. The email also includes information on a case in which an FBI agent was instructed by the CIA to not read HVD-1 (Saddam Hussein) any rights, including Miranda rights and Geneva Convention rights.

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Email refers to an Inter-American Commission on Human Rights brief. [Brief is not included].

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An email including a chain of forwarded emails regarding an FBI agent who received anonymous verbal harassment for reporting information about detainee abuse to an ongoing IG investigation. This email elaborates on a concern over interference with a separate ongoing case in New Haven. File name: DOJOIG001666.

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A chain of six emails regarding a military defense investigator's request to the FBI's Counterterrorism Division for FBI emails about detainee abuse. The investigator had been appointed to work on the defense team for one of the Abu Gharib prison guards facing trial who has been in the news.

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Email between Valerie Caproni and other FBI Officials with the message: "and/or Valerie - Attached an "insert" on the follow up interview Let me know if you think it suffices." No attachment included.

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Emails discuss the flawed judicial system currently in place. Among the problems is the length detainment of prisoners, who have committed petty crimes. The author explains that the "individual will sit in jail for 6 months for a small theft before the trial, then they will go to MRCF for one month to serve their sentence. The individual gets no credit for time already served."

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This January 22, 2003 email is a message from [redacted] stating that he has informed the CTC that he no longer wants to be associated with the interrogation program "due to serious reservation" and will be retiring shortly.

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Email is to coordinate bringing an FBI agent in for an interview concerning information regarding detainee abuse allegations.

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Email seeks confirmation from recipients that two detainees, believed to be members of the Hezib Tehreer target set and planning future attacks, were released.

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Email with an attachment called "DOJ Assistance Programs for the..." Attachment not provided.

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FBI email attaching report that provides details from an individual who observed serious physical abuses of civilian detainees in Iraq.

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Responds to request from Section Chief to Unit Chiefs on 9/23/2004, stating that all FBIHQ divisions are requested to search e-mails, work copies and investigative notes in connection with the FOIA application. Lists responsive documents.

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Emails between DOS Officials discussing the death of an Egyptian scientist, Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Azmeerly, who was killed while in U.S. custody at Abu Ghraib.

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An email including a chain of forwarded emails regarding an FBI agent who received anonymous verbal harassment for reporting information about detainee abuse to an ongoing IG investigation. The email shows two FBI officials agreeing to fly him out for an interview.

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May 27, 2004 Iraq Daily Situation Report. John Pistole is asking Valerie Caproni to review the "2nd paragraph" of the report "re: the techniques" and to discuss it with him and Gary Bald. Email is heavily redacted as to content.

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Email from June C. Perry to Michael G. Kozak re: Draft Report from AHCHR

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Email from Henry Bisharat forwarding a press article quoting Swedish Foreign Minister stating that she expected the Swedish detainees at Guantanamo to be released "shortly".

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Email between Cheryl L. Parker and Diane McBride re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger Apologizes for Inaccurate Press Comments on Specifics of Iraqi Prisoner Abusewith attachement noted. Attachment not attached.

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Suggests briefing the TSG on the findings of an upcoming report DAIG Detainee Operations Inspection Report.

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Emails discuss and refer to Questions and Answers: Armitage hearings.

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Emails between June C. Perry, Katherine L. Starr, Mark P. Lagon and Others re: State Final Press Guidance on Ramcharan Human Rights Report on Iraq. Ms. Perry's comments to Ms. Starr are "Great work, Kate."

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This June 17, 2002 email discuses replacing psychologist Jim Mitchell with another SERE psychologist whose name is redacted during the July headquarters meeting. The email also includes the contents of a cable regarding "preparing for [redacted] isolation phase" but the majority of the cable is redacted.

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Refers to Draft talking points. Attachments seem to be redacted.

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These emails are personal messages between FBI agents, one stateside and one at Guantanamo. the one who is stateside received a call from a former AUSA from the Newark, NJ office who passes on warm regards to the agent at Guantanamo. The email contains no information concerning detainees or operations at Guantanamo.

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Email refers to an attached document that discusses internment operations and law of war training. A particular paragraph in the document outlines the Army's rules/guidelines, stating soldiers do not kill or torture enemy prisoners.

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FBI email to FBI field agents encouraging them to report incidents of detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay. One (1) agent responded that he observed a detainee in a "stress position", but the details are not in his email response.

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No relevant text.

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Email refers to an Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reply brief. [Brief is not included].

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The email has some comments concerning seeing each other again, but the contents are otherwise completely redacted.

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Email notifies recipient(s) of detainees who are cleared for release from Abu Ghraib, Camp Cropper, Rusafa, Tasferrat, and Camp Bucca [detainee names and numbers redacted]. Also, there is an attachment referenced in the email with detainee names/numbers listed.

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Email includes two proposed copies of Donald J. Ryder's briefing to the Senate Arms Service Committee. One of the briefings is enclosed, it mentions that there are 69 CID investigations, forty-two of the sixty-nine cases involved incidents that occurred in detention facilities, of which thirty are death cases and twelve are soldier misconduct cases. Fifteen of the thirty death cases were ruled natural or undetermined deaths. Six of the thirty death cases were ruled homicides, four were ruled justifiable homicide. In the first of the two homicide cases, a soldier shot and killed a detainee for throwing rocks at him, the circumstances of the second homicide case were not discussed. In regards to the remaining nine death cases, they are listed as "active pending investigations." Eight of the nine are homicide cases, it is suspected that the detainees were fatally assaulted either during or before interrogations. There are also twelve soldier misconduct cases mentioned, ten are assaults (soldiers kicked, punched and/or threatened detainees) and two are sexual assaults. Also mentioned in the press release are twenty-seven, of sixty-nine, CID investigations. The cases are classified as follows: three death investigations and twenty-four soldier misconduct investigations. One of the deaths is a murder case, a soldier shot and killed an Afghan who allegedly lunged towards a weapon. The other two cases are mentioned as active pending investigations, in the first case, an Iraqi national drowned after being pushed off of a bridge. In the second case, an Iraqi was shot and killed after he allegedly lunged at an officer. In regards to the twenty-four soldier misconduct cases mentioned, six are assaults (soldiers punched, kicked and/or fired a weapon at or near a detainee) and eighteen are thefts. In addition to the 69 CID investigations, there 22 AR-15-6 investigations into alleged detainee abuse, totaling 91 Army investigations.

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The document is a redacted internal FBI email sent from Valerie Caproni to FBI Director Robert Mueller regarding EC detainees.

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An email between two FBI officials where one asks the other for advice regarding accusations of prisoner abuse being made against two of their agents in Baghdad. The military is asking for access to documents that indicate the two agents interviewed the prisoner making the allegations of abuse; the official asks if the documents should be handed over to the military.

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An email including a forwarded chain of emails regarding FBI agents who have been listed as witnesses in an investigation surrounding allegations of prisoner abuse. The chain shows confusion as to whether or not the agents participated in misconduct.

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Emails discuss a news article and a Meet the Press interview. The original email states "Newsweek reports that they have obtained a series of OLC memos from the fall of 2001 forward, quotes a State Department lawyer as saying "we were horrified" and quotes from a Taft-Yoo rebuttal memo in January 2002." [A link is provided].

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Emails concerning a memo on detainees with attachment.

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Relates to draft of Army Inspector General's (DAIG) report on detainee operations, which is to be reviewed by senior leadership. There is a report circulating that the email recipient needs to review and comment on.

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Emails discuss the need to decrease the investigation period and improve the investigation process. One author states " ...our process is drawn out and inefficient."

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Request guidance on units involved in detainee operations in Afghanistan

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Emails between Joshua L. Dorosin, Michael T. Peay and Edward R. Cummings re:Treatment of Guantanamo Detainees - Critical Herald Tribune Story, 10/30/02. The email is seeking guidance on Tribune's article about the maltreatment of Guantanamo detainees.

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Email from Darlene Namahoe with Beverly Holman as a recipient re: Litigation Involving Detainees. Confidential attachment not included.

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Forward of Slate article, "Goodbye, Geneva: It's Time to Rewrite the Laws of War" by Phillip Carter, from August 24, 2004.

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This email correspondence discusses the Mental Status Examination and Recommended Interrogation Plan for Gul Rahman that were prepared by Bruce Jessen. These were both reviewed by someone at the CIA's Counterterrorism Center whose name is redacted, and that person stated in an email that he/she "concur[s]" with both the examination and recommendations for interrogation.

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Emails reference an attached document entitled June 16 daily update. [Document is not included].

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An FBI email concerning an update. It mentions informing the recipient of the results of a meeting "tomorrow." Contents redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an attached urgent report that provides details from a military service member deployed in Iraq who observed serious physical abuses of civilian detainees in Samara, Iraq in the fall of 2003.

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Email refers to a news article, which discusses the U.S. Military's CID investigation into allegations of murder and torture of an 18-year-old Afghan Army recruit who was detained by the U.S. The article also discusses the torture of seven Afghan soldiers-detainees. [News article can be found at: http://www. n 21sep21,1,5680056.story?coll=la-homeheadlines].

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Email discusses "[r]apid [a]ction [r]evision" to Army Regulation 190-8 (AR 190-8), which is a DOD directive that establishes policies for the treatment of Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees.

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No relevant text.

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State Department email from Nicholas Miscione concerning the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) request to visit the detainees held in Afghanistan. No attachment included.

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Mention of postponing trip until "end of the month." Contents Completely Redacted.

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Email is completly redacted except for subject title - Afghanistan

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Email from FBI Official to FBI Official re: Trip to Guantanamo and Meeting with General Miller Email states "We learned that neither Andy Arena nor the Miami ASAC will be coming to GTMO. Apparently, FBIHQ is scaling down their presence for the General [Miller], so we on the ground (me, [Redacted], and [Redacted]) have redesigned our approach and are preparing to meet with the General in a couple days.

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Emails discuss a meeting with Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, to discuss the following: detainee deaths, homicides and investigations, Red Cross issues, Migration of interrogation techniques and interrogations (GTMO - Baghram - Iraq), replacing Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez with General Casey, transition of prisoners from Abu Ghraib and an update on Brigadier General Janis Karpinski.

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This series of emails discusses the addition of ATF agents in the interrogation of Guantanamo detainees. it also lays out the new interrogation plan of assigning specific detainees to agents for a continuous interrogation relationship.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the Office of Inspector General's review of the detainee issues and its request for documents pertaining to possible detainee abuse.

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Emails between Mathew Waxman and Amb. Prosper concering a meeting on the detainees. The comments from Mr. Waxman are "Am I correct that what we need -- and I think this is what Pierre was recommending -- is a one-page sheet BEFORE we get to these IAEG meetings that has one paragraph from each of DoD, DoJ, and CIA stating their bottom line recommendation/assessment and a very brief statement why? mcw." The email is otherwise redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a meeting at the Department of Justice to discuss issues relative to the FBI mission overseas, including detainee interrogations.

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Email details an agent's orientation, notes, meetings and briefings upon arriving at Guantanamo, including touring Camp Delta and Camp IV. Document mostly redacted.

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Email refers to two documents; no relevant text. [Documents are not included].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the collection and compilation of any and all Counterterrorism Division documents related to detainees at Guantanamo, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and particularly documentation of any abuse of detainees as well as reports of such abuse to any non-FBI entities.

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Email refers to preparatory interview questions for DOD Officials, Colonel Thomas Pappas, Brigadier General James Coggin, Deputy Commanding General Walter Wojdakowski, Lieutenant General Kieth B. Alexander and Commanding General Donald J. Ryder, in preparation for the Schlesinger panel interviews. [Contents redacted; documents not included].

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This email outlines the procedure for processing accusations of abuse by detainees, confirming that the FBI turns over reports of detainee abuse to DoD, who are responsible for investigating.

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Email from DOD to DOD regarding a point of contact.

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Email details FBI investigation of mistreatment, abuse or "highly aggressive" treatment of detainees in Iraq that are known or observed by FBI agents who have cycled through Guantanamo. The email states that fourteen (14) agents have witnessed abuses such as: 1) use of strobe lights; 2) cold interview rooms; and 3) extremely loud music used on detainees. One agent (who was in Afghanistan) witnessed abuse, and a lab tech took pictures of a prisioner with an eye injury. No specific details of particular detainees, times or places mentioned.

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Emails discussing the final version of Valerie E. Caproni's testimony/statement, which includes OLP and Crim comments. Emails reference the attachment of the statement/testimony.

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Email exchanges concerning clearance for Q&A for D on release of torture documents "in case arises in context of Iraq testimony".

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Emails include a PowerPoint slide entitled "CID Detainee Summary Briefing for the Director of the Army Staff," The summary discusses detainee abuses and deaths, highlighted among the deaths are the deaths of Abed Hamed Mowhoush, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil, Habib Rahman, and Dilawar.

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Email from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo discussing whether the use of twelve interrogation techniques in the interrogation of Sharif al-Masri would violate any U.S. statute, the U.S. Constitution, or any treaty obligation of the U.S.

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FBI emails regarding FBI disapproval of the Defense Department's outline of accepted interrogation techniques.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a Post article on Guantanamo as well as the FBI's position on monitoring meetings between the detainees and their attorneys.

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Emails concern a report conducted by Fmr. Def. Sec. James Schesinger on the training necessary for Military Police units when handling detainees.

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Email from an Army medical officer to another Army Medical officer with attached New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet articles that accuse military physicians of complicity in detainee abuse.

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This email exchange between State Department officials concerns an upcoming meeting to address the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) report on detainees.

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Directs all post-Abu Ghraib inquiries about training to General Kelley.

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Email to Frankie Battle in response to an email sent by the NCAVC. The author states that this email contains two (2) EC's and they have sent the "main email to both the Miami Division and Counterterrorism". The author also states that they have sent the current email to "every BAU SSA who spent time in Guantanamo". The balance of the email is completely redacted.

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Email refers to a paper from the National Security Council that discusses the legal status of detainees. [Document is not included].

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Refers to mistake of law. All other content redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a redacted FBI personnel's trip to Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, including details on a briefing on the status of the Combat Status Review Tribunal process.

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Emails to and from Redacted at CJTF-7 regarding the death of Iraqi General Abed Mowhoush and the necessary operational logistics after the fact. The emails describe his death as "[sudden]" and "unexplained." A press release regarding the General's death is attached, stating that he died of "natural causes."

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a detainee's allegation of experiencing abusive treatment from two FBI agents in Afghanistan.

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Email discusses a New York Times article re: FBI role in Iraq after sovereignty is turned back over to the Iraqis; the FBI to assist the Iraqi tribunal; and if Saddam Hussein is being held by the FBI. Author notes that to his/her knowledge, Hussein is being held by DOD.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a call from a redacted person related to access to FBI documents detailing arguable mistreatment of detainees by DoD employees or subcontractors.

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Email sender is an FBI official in Guantanamo. He notes that Pentagon was scheduled to repatriate four (4) detainees, three (3), (Afghans) and one (1) (Tajik) to their home countries in late October [2002], and that the same plane will return with ten (10) to thirty-four (34) new detainees. The email also states that [Major] General Dunlavey made a camp-wide announcement to Camp Delta that caused the camp to erupted in unrest with a threat of mass suicide, however no suicides took place, and the Camp "quickly settled down". The author also states that he and another person have been "heavily involved" with two (2) specific detainees, and "We have had a ton of input on how this Detainee is being worked". Finally there is a mention of a new FBI group (including 4 NYPD detectives) arriving in Guantanamo.

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Email from Clifton Johnson forwarding an article in the Independent (UK) with the headline "Guantanamo treatment is 'monstrous', says law lord", Dated November 26, 2003. The forwarding comments are: "Folks, The story below was in today's Independent. Because it is so unusual for such a senior legal official in the UK to opine on such a matter, I am wondering whether we are preparing any press guidance on it. If so, we'd be very interested in receiving a copy as we expect the UK story to have a ripple effect here. Best, Cliff."

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Email from Jonathan Carpenter to Joshua Lipshutz re: Clearance/comments needed on red border response letter. With the comment "couple of suggestions. thanks. jc." The email is forwarding an email from Andrew Sagor with an attachment entitled "response letter on specific detainees” with the comment "S/WCI has been tasked to respond to this red border soonest concerning a detainee said to be held at Abu Ghraib. There are several other letters like it as well. I've drafted a response in coordination with NEA/I and am requesting your comments/clearance so Amb. Prosper can sign it before COB today. Thanks for your help, Andy Sagor."

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Email between Army officers regarding detainee operations and the need for getting "the right people" in theater.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent clarifies previous email wherein he named a fellow agent as being with him when he observed detainee abuse, but the fellow agent named was not present during the time the agent witnessed the abuse of a detainee. The agent does not reiterate or alter his previous statement regarding the abuse he witnessed.

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Most emails are heavily redacted concerning the Interview protocols (IP) involving a High Valued Detainee at Camp V (Five) at Guantanamo. The first email in the chain states "Although the recommended changes add detail that we believe is important, I have a broader concern about the letter and GTMO issues in general. The letter is reporting 3 incidents (or 4 if the observation of the canine use is counted separately).

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This email pertains to an investigation in to possible violation of law concerning the interrogation of a Bosnian national found that “at the time of the incident, there were no specific guidelines regarding interrogation techniques of detainee operations in Bosnia or elsewhere." E-mail recommends that interrogation guidelines and procedures are reviewed and distributed to DIA personnel worldwide. Next page is heavily redacted, summarizes "Draft Concept for Utilization of Cooperating Source" concerning GTMO.

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Email discusses six hot button issues [redacted] found in a Captain's report that is written in response to Major General Antonio Taguba's report. Also, the Captain's report comments on omissions made by MG Taguba in his report, omissions the author believes could be 'deceptive in fact finding evidence.' There is mention of ghost detainees being held at Abu Ghraib and being hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Further, a quote from MG Wojdakowski is highlighted in the email, in reference to providing medical care to injured detainees, MG Wojdakowski was quoted as saying '[p]risoners are not priority right now and I will not take away doctors from U.S. facilities to accommodate prisoners.'

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Email between Torkel Patterson, and William B. Taylor forwarding an email from Thomas Fingar concerning a call from a Los Angeles Times reporter, Greg Miller, that Mr. Miller received a tip that "someone in the Department who does Central Asia 'or that part of the world' that there were pictures of prison abuse photos from the detention facility near Baghram that had been shown to the Afghans."

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Emails discuss the current status of 36 detainees captured in March/April 2004 and their status. [Names redacted].

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This series of emails discuss the Schlesinger Panel: Analysis of training requirements from CONUSAs and TSBs for deploying Units and how to understand and implement the recommendations.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding advice related to FBI personnel conduct in extraterritorial situations.

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This email provides a reference to an FBI Electronic Communication (EC) that contains allegations of detainee abuse at Guantanamo. Mostly redacted.

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Emails are redacted, unredacted language discusses testimony from Steve Cambone where he discusses forced dis-robing of Guantanamo detainees.

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Every email except for the original email is redacted. The original email appears to be talking points regarding the grant of 'protective person' status to "MEK."

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Memo regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees with habeas corpus proceedings pending

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Email refers to a cable that needs clearance. [Document is not attached].

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Emails refer to a tasking summary and a situation report. The tasking summary is attached, but not viewable.

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Emails discussing a press release update. [Documents not included].

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Emails reference an attached document entitled "5-17- daily update." [Document is not included].

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Emails discuss detainee abuse investigations. One email asks how many abuses have been reported and how many investigations have been initiated? The Taguba report is also mentioned. Also, a document discussing the operations of the Office of the Provost Mashall General is included.

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Email deatils a detainees's Guantanamo hearing wherein the detainee wants to represent himself or have a Yemeni lawyer represent him.

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Email includes notes from a May 7, 2004 Senate Armed Services Committee, which summarizes the incidents which led to the death of Iraqi Major General and detainee Abed Hamed Mowhoush.

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These emails are between State department officials concerning requests for access to Guantanamo. The emails are largly redacted and the actual requests, who is making the request and the reply as to the requests is not available.

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Email from Sara Stryker to Patricia Haslach and others with an attachment of State Department talking points to address questions concerning allegations of detainees abuse. Ms. Stryker's comments are "for clearance, please, by 1100 if possible. I reworked the question based on PA's additions this a.m., and added the PRM guidance to the end of ours to answer the question about the ICRC fyi - we are awaiting a response with further facts from Embassy Kabul."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a Memo of Understanding between the FBI and the Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF).

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Subject line states ICRC only. Ms. Dolan's remarkes are "The cable is in on yesterday's meeting. I also have copies of the two ICRC letters referred from PRM. If anyone does not have copies already, let me know and I will get them around." Attachment not included.

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Email from Nina Schou to JoAnn Dolan and others Re: talkers on arrest and detention of aliens. The email has an attachment of a response submitted at the Commission on Human Rights that had been drafted with input from Quynh Vu of the Office of the Deputy A.G.", (attachment not included). The email also states "On the military commissions and enemy combatants held at Guantanamo, this paper is clearly not on point. Gilda, I assume you have forwarded Frank our reply to the Amnesty complaint which addresses those concerns."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a Memo of Understanding between the FBI and the Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF).

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni, John F. Curran, T.J. Harrington, and Others re: Reported incidents of possible detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay. An NAE official reports three incidents he/she witnessed while in Guantanamo Bay on or around April 2004. The official describes 3 reported incidents, including use of short shackling, low room temperature, strobe lights and possibly loud music. Another incident involved detainee debriefed for approximately 15 hours, who "periodically threw up in a trash can." No action taken.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Ed Cummings, Joshua Dorosin and Others re: PC Memo in Detainee-as sent. There is an attachment on the email, but the attachment is not included.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the Office of Inspector General's initiation of an investigation of detainee abuse, stating that the Director's Office has instructed INSD and OCG to ensure the accounting and uniformity of all material submitted to the OIG.

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Brian M Pharr is sending several files to JoAnn Dolan as the agenda for for a meeting of IAEG on March 18, 2003.

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Email from Elizabeth A. Sears to Anna Corfiled, Ashok Parameswaran and Others re: Afghan Human Rights Chief. No attachment included, no additional comments.

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This document is an email alerting recipients that, after discussions with FBI Director Mueller, FBI is sending DoD 8 interviews with agents who reported seeing actions that might constitute detainee mistreatment.

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An email between members of the Staff Judge Advocate, forwarding a Washington Post article titled "Documents Helped Sow Abuse, Army Report Finds," from August 30, 2004.

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Army Officer fowards an email with talking points to General Taguba and states the attachment is "talking points and background information being used to respond to media queries".

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Email refers to an attached executive summary, which discusses disciplinary procedures employed during Operation Iraqi Freedom versus those used in U.S. correction facilities. [Contents redacted].

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An email that includes the Final Outline on Iraqi Detainees (DSS outline), of which there have been 67 drafts.

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Email from Michael Corbin to JoAnn Dolan forwarding a cable from Ambassador Neumann concerning Bahrain's press front paged and headline on November 24 and the the Prime Minister's raising the Guantanamo detainee issue with "CODEL Issa". The story said he urged CODEL Issa to help secure the release of Bahraini citizens held at Guantanamo and that the Prime Minister wished to see them reunited with their families as soon as possible. The cable is heavily redacted.

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Fowarded message from Mark Lagon, Dep. Asst. Sec. Of State for International Organization Affairs states that Kim Holmes wated to see a final version of the edits to the US government submission on detainees to clear before it was dispatched.

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The document is an internal FBI email sent from Eleni Kalisch to FBI Director Robert Mueller, regarding an HPSCI briefing concerning detainee interrogations. The briefing included information about the yield of information from detainee interrogations, the value of "capture shock," and the FBI's role overseas in conducting interviews.

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Email from an FBI Official to Stephen Wiley concerning Guantanamo Interviews. The email states "At your request I contacted [redacted] who advised that Senate staffer who works for Sen. Gregg is interested in gaining background into in preparation for a briefing from us. He is interested in a summary paper detailing the scope of what we do and the capabilities of our staff [redacted] asked that I email or fax her the summary in a couple of weeks. Contents is otherwise redacted.

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Email between DOD officials discussing development of an Interrogation Policy and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP).

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Contents redacted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The agent stated "I did not personally observe abusive behavior towards detainees while at GTMO [Guantanamo]. As indicated in my EC instances of reported abuse by detainees were reported via interview FD-302s".

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The author of this email (whose name is redacted) writes that he/she knows of two retired SERE IC psychologists that used to work for the DOD's Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, and he/she thinks very highly of them.

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Email from Sara Stryker to Jeremy Caddel re: Excerpt from Secretary's Walk-out with Haitian Interim Prime Minister. Sec. Powell received questions on the 60 Minutes segment on the Abu Ghraib prison abuse; Iraqi security; and the return of Iraqi sovereignty.

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Emails discuss the Department of Defenses' recent release of documents, the documents apparently explained the types of interrogation techniques the U.S. employed in Guantanamo. However, the documents are being criticized as insufficient. The email includes a Human Rights Watch statement/article that says the documents raise more questions than they answer. Among the criticism, is the argument/complaint that the documents stop at April 2003 and do not discuss practices employed at Abu Ghraib.

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This email forwards a news article from the Slate news service on the investigation of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. There is no context to the email.

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These emails between Army Officers concerns the breaking news that Staff Sgt. Ivan "Chip" Frederick had pleaded guilty to some of the charges in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse matter. The emails are between the Deputy Chief of Public Affairs HQ USA Forces Command and Colonel, US Army Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Forces Command.

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An email including a chain of forwarded emails regarding verbal harassment an FBI agent had received from an anonymous caller for providing reporting to a colonel at FBIHQ regarding their knowledge in an IG investigation about UCMJ misconduct in Baghdad, Iraq. The caller told the agent to, "stay out of this and keep your mouth shut."

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This document is a series of emails discussing whether Department of Defense interrogators can force detainees to disrobe. A NYTimes article reported that this was the case, but the officials included in the email dispute this, mentioning that it is not included in the "A through X" memo.

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Email refers to a draft press guidance that appears to concern a Washington Post article discussing the CIA's "assistance in renditions." The email seeks clearance on the press guidance. [Document not included].

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An email from an FBI official to Valerie Caproni, General Counsel, FBI - Contents completely redacted.

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Emails refer to a draft cable. [The more recent email is redacted; document is not included].

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Brian Leventhal concerning a CBS Evening News segment that highlighted the release of a 90 year-old Afghani man being released from detention at Guantanamo. The report stated that the man was mistakenly pick up during a clash in Afghanistan and sent to Guantanamo under suspicion of being a Taliban fighter. His release was considered a positive thing, but the segment suggested that there are more innocent men being detained at Guantanamo and this was a rare release based on actual innocence. The report stated “In fact, Guantanamo Bay detention camp appears to host a significant number of people who have no reason to be there.”

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Contents Completely Redacted

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding constitutional issues overseas - specifically the application of the 4th and 5th Amendments to military detainees.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an NCIS investigation into allegations made by a detainee of physical abuse after his capture as well as the FBI's possible involvement in the abuse.

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Emails discussing sending FBI behavioral experts down to Guantanamo between FBI components Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) and Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG). Mention of General Miller's desire to have "behavioral experts in the mix, both in the interview process and in a new initiative aimed at keeping cooperative detainees 'fresh and of a mind to continue their cooperation.'"

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Email from the FBI CIRG/BAU to CTD [names redacted] with attachment. The email states "Looks like we are stuck in the mud with the interview approach of the military vrs. law enforcement. We need to establish a Bureau policy laying out the boundaries for the interview process...Apparently, CITF is formulating a policy for their agents. The attached is a draft that is being worked on down at GTM."

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Email from Army Officer to Army Officer re: Detainee Operations before and after May 2004 60 Minutes Broadcast on Abu Ghraib. Army officer discusses training guidence in the wake of the 60 Minutes broadcase about the detainee abuses at Abu Ghraib prison before and after May 4, 2004.

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Emails mention the proposed establishment of the Office of Detainee Ombudsman.

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An email including a chain of forwarded emails regarding an FBI agent who received anonymous verbal harassment for reporting information about detainee abuse to an ongoing IG investigation. The email clears up the identity of the agent.

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This Army Officer is requesting an investigation into alleged abuse of detainee in Afghanistan, while aboard USS Pelilieu and Bataan and in Guantanamo be undertaken.

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Chain of CIA emails organizing a meeting to be held on October 20, 2003 at 11:00 a.m.

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This email chain includes two cables discussing the status of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation and describing his condition. The first cable is dated August 2, 2002 and describes Abu Zubaydah's condition on day 45 of the isolation phase. It also states that the team is ready to move on to the next phase of interrogation once it has been full approved by headquarters. The second cable is from July 2002 and includes details on the ways in which the team plans to increase the pressure in the next phase of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation. Psychologists Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell will assist in this effort.

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Emails between [redacted party], Valerie Caproni and John Curran re: Interrogation. Mentions a NY Times article discussing Steve Cambone's testimony that DoD guidelines permit the forced disrobing of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

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This email refers to a meeting with the DOD regarding prisoner-abuse investigations in Iraq.  The contents of the email is "If I can provide any additional information, please let me know I'll be out of the office on Monday, May 17th, but will return on Tuesday morning. Thanks." The email is otherwise redacted.

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Email from FBI Official to FBI BAU/CASMIRC re: Update from Camp Delta, Guantanamo. Email states "Our work load has become a little too over-weighted with the DHS group. We had a couple of successes with that bunch and I think that they are our friends for life. There is obvious friction between the BSC team (DoD Behavioral Science) and the DHS interrogators which makes our presence a little uncomfortable at times."

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An email included a forwarded chain of emails regarding the protocol for reporting in Afghanistan. A Special Agent may or may not have been a witness to the death of a detainee and had been interviewed by the Naval Criminal Investigative Services about the death in question. Concerns have been voiced that he might have a "failure to report problem" with the incident and might be "in trouble" with the FBI; the email asks how to proceed with this problem.

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Email includes an executive summary entitled "Adverse Action taken against MP leaders identified in MG Taguba's Report of Investigation." The summary discusses Major General Antonio Taguba's report, which recommended a series of disciplinary and administrative actions against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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Email string between Joseph Brennig, Jeremy Caddel, James A, McNaught and Ronald W. Milelr re Response. Contents redacted.

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Email refers to five attachments. [Documents/attachments not included].

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This is a series of forwarded emails of a news article from Radio Free Asia (RFA) entitled "Powell Says U.S. Won't Send Uyghurs Back to China." Messages between recipients have been redacted. The comments of the mail recipients is redacted.

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Email from Army Officer to Army Officer re: Detainee Operations Training. To ensure that all units with duty at detention centers are trained in accordance with CFLCC [Combined Force Land Component Command] intent expressed in your white paper. Cites variations between United States Army Military Police School, and CFLCC .

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Email from David Bowker to Joshua Dorosin and Todd Buchwald re: ICRC Report on detainees. Attachment not included.

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Email from Russ K. LaMotte, emailed a transcript of an April 20, 2004 Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) Hearing on Iraq and Afghanistan to other DOS officials. The hearing transcript is included; the theme is broad, it discusses the historical background of the war on terror and the U.S. government's approach.

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Charles Cunningham and FBI official discuss an update on the Washington Field Office's handling pf certain Iraq abuse cases. Charles Cunningham states that "this is a bit of a hot potato and I don't want to be the one who did not make something happen in this".

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This email discusses the need for adequate number of doctors to provide preventative medicine to detainees. The IG report found that doctors were not resources adequately and in some cases lacked adequate training or guidance to perform the detainee operation mission.

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Emails discuss a Schlesinger analysis and a law of war policies chart/crosswalk. Some content is redacted, however, the crosswalk chart contains information regarding the Geneva Convention and international law of war guidelines.

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Email includes an information paper entitled " Detainee Operations." The information paper discusses the role of the Coalition Forces Land Component Command Commissioner with respect to detainees, detainee operations and intelligence oversight.

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Email refers to an attached DOD Crosswalk document. [Attachment not included].

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Emails that appear to be primarily between staff of the CIA's Office of the Inspector General, relating to the OIG's investigation of the CIA's interrogation program. The emails primarily concern the arrangment of interviews relevant to the investigation.

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These are emails between Navy NCIS investigators discussing the death of a detainee in Iraq and who will lead the investigation. The death involved a US Marine detachment and the question was if Army CID or Navy NCIS would lead. Army CID is lead investigator and Navy NCIS will assist if necessary.

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This email concerns preparing for an upcoming House Permanent Subcommittee on Intelligence hearing and preparation of the testimony to be given. One of the emails in this chain states "We didn't actually interview (redacted detainee) at Camp Echo at all, as we decided to wait until he was moved to Camp 5, which has no notifications or IP requirements, and we believe Camp 5 serves our purposes almost as well as Echo anyway we are not working with DoD on (redacted detainees), both detainees are being handled by the Special Projects Team."

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. These FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo: 1) dated July 9, 2004; 2) dated August 2, 2004. Both emails describe interrogations of detainees at Guantanamo. The July 9, 2004 emails stated that the author had witnessed 14 interrogations and one (1) involved tactics that were "while not overtly aggressive, were clearly not consistent with Bureau [FBI] interview policy/guidelines" and stated "To my knowledge, there were no FBI personnel involved in that interview". The email of August 2, 2004 states that "the lights had been turned off and a strobe light was flickering on and off, and loud rock music was being played. I estimate that this went on for 30 to 60 minutes. I was told by quite a few FBI personnel that tactics such as this were quite common there at the time This was the only such event that observed directly".

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The document is an internal FBI email that has been heavily redacted. The email states that interviews have begun.

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This email is from Amy E. McKee and is a request to the recipients Joel Danies, Jeffrey DeLaurentis and others, to provide Felice Gaer with the attached document (not provided herein) entitled "final detainees points for Felice Gaer".

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an update to a special inquiry conducted of FBI personnel who served in some capacity at the Guantanamo Bay facility about any observations of aggressive treatment of detainees by either Department of Defense or FBI personnel.

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This is an email from an FBI agent on a tour of duty at Guantanamo Bay. The email describes the release/repatriation announcement of four (4) Guantanamo detainees. After the announcement the author of the emails reported "unrest" and a "threat of mass suicide" (which did not occur). The email goes on to describe procedures for moving detainees within the prison, and the opening of a new section of the prison. The author of the email also lists the groups he/she has worked with in Guantanamo, including members of the NYPD, AF OSI, Army CID, and NCIS.

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Email states recient new article on CNN reported Gen. Karpinsky saying that Gen. Miller wanted to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. The email also refers to article in Stars and Stripes news paper where Gen. Miller had said he believed in "rapport-building approach (toward detainee interviewing)". The author states "this is not what he was saying at Gitmo when I was there", and directs the email reciepient to a BAU EC written by the Miami Division for an insight in to the matter.

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Email from Ronald Miller to JoAnn Dolan with attachement entitled: Letter - Prosper to OSD. Attachement not included.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan forwarding an email to Ed Cummings concerning Amb. Prosper's meeting in Stockholm with ICRC officials.

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Two emails that are almost fully redacted, one of which includes an attachment entitled "Iraq_Detainees-AGRefers."

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Email from Henry Bisherat to Ronald Miller, Ed Cummings and JoAnn Dolan forwarding a "translated Sept.220 document by the Legal Advisor at the Swedish Foreign Ministry on the detainee issue."

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String of emails in response to NCIS inquiry into an incident mentioned in a USMC report regarding all Iraqi detainee abuse and death cases. The NCIS official had not heard of one incident concerning detainee who is suspected of dying of head injuries after jumping out of window in Husaybah, Iraq, on April 19, 2004. One reply states that Command is aware of issue as is the Operations Branch of the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA). Another USMC email notes that the author spoke with an IMEF Fallujah official about this case, who said he did not notify NCIS of the death. The same person also advised that NCIS was not notified about abuse alleged to have occurred on June 1, 2003. On that day, marines from the Third Battalion, Fifth Marines, were alleged to have made four Iraqi juveniles kneel beside two shallow fighting holes while pistol discharged in mock execution. The email's author requested that IMEF reporting format to be amended to reflect accurately when NCIS is notified of allegations of abuse. Replies say that IMEF SJA was ordered to correct their original report. The NCIS response states that “only because IMEF erroneously listed NCIS on two cases that we were never notified on or conducted an investigation.”

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Email states "Mr Harrington - FBI-GTMO reviewed the MM and HQ control files this morning. The only document we found that is pertinent to the issues under review is the 5130103 EC, dratted by SSA [redacted] of the Behavioral Assessment Units Assessment (BAU), which everyone is aware of, which discusses inteiviewhnterrogation techniques in detail. Regards."

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These emails discuss coordinating tasking and responses to the handling and inquiries of alleged abuse of detainees in Iraq. DOD also requested documentation in support of the Detainee Task Force (DTF), which will conduct a "comprehensive review of allegations of abuse at DOD facilities from January 2000 to present." Specific guidance is to search all files and collect written materials that pertain to DIA Interrogation policy, procedures, or "rules of engagement" with respect to POWs, detainees, or civilian detainees of the DOD or any of its components.

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Contents completely redacted except for the comment "I wen keep you advised" and a handwritten stating "Let me know what you have forwarded."

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Contains info regarding Iraq prisoner cases; original e-mail 8/5/2004 sent to Alex J Turner asking whether there is any update on Iraq prisoner abuse case; subsequent e-mail 8/6/2004 copied to Alex Turner states "We have met with Army CID, USAO-EDVA and DOJ Criminal Division, WFO is coordinating with Army CID to determine what evidence exists and to establish a joint investigative strategy".

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Email states that NCIS is the lead on the detainee abuse investigations at Guantanamo Bay.

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Emails between State Department officials concerning the Ban\gram detainees and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) interest in visiting them in at the Bagram Detention Center in Afghanistan.

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An email by FBI Agent containing a positive response to observing aggressive treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The email notes that the agent saw, "at least two individuals dressed in BDU's standing and an inmate kneeling on the floor with his forehead on the ground." The inmate was crying and blood was present. The personnel explained that, "the inmate had become upset with them and threw himself to the floor." The agents notes a separate occurrence where they had heard that, "one of the female military personnel would wet her hands and touch the inmate as part of their psych-ops to make the inmates feel 'unclean' and upset them."

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Email includes the daily update for the Office of the Provost Marshall General discussing their operations and Military Police guidelines.

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Emails discuss and include an Associated Press article that includes a BBC interview by Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski, wherein she states she met a man at Abu Ghraib who told her he was Israeli and that he was conducting interrogations. The article states that if Israelis were conducting interrogations it would "inflame opinion in the Muslim world."

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Emails include a PowerPoint slide entitled "CID Detainee Summary Briefing for the Director of the Army Staff," The summary discusses detainee abuse and deaths, highlighted among the deaths are the deaths of Abed Hamed Mowhoush, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil, Habib Rahman, and Dilawar. Also, included in the information are the Iraq and Afghanistan normal death rates, for instance, it states that the overall death rate for Iraqi citizens is 5.8 in 1,000 persons/year.

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These emails are a work product on the training manuals for Military Police in the field dealing with detainees and how to properly conduct detainee operations. The initial email states that a list of tasks for MP Detainee Ops training has three tasks that are not contained in the LTG McKiernan white paper. They are: Escort Procedures within Detainee Operations; Meal Operations within Detainee Camps; Non-Lethal Capabilities during Disorder/Disturbances within Detainee Operations. The one Officer is attempting to verify the 3 additional tasks be included as well.

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An email exchange between two FBI officials regarding Army interviews of FBI agents who may be witnesses to a prisoner's allegations of abuse.

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An email regarding an FBI agent who had recently reported to Mary F. Rook about possible misconduct from his military deployment in Iraq. The agent ran into another FBI employee who ran an "under the radar" detainee facility in Iraq where prisoner abuse occurred, and the agent had first-hand knowledge regarding the employee's "egregious" involvement in the abuse. The agent was told to document everything and provide as much specific information as possible.

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Emails between FBI IOfficials concerning news from Iraq over Abu Ghraib prison. There is a reference to photos and awaiting a response from an unidentified Special Agent re his whereabouts when he was present at Abu Ghraib Prison.

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This is an email to Valerie Caproni from a redacted agent discussing FBI conduct in Iraq. It states that Caproni's email regarding advice to FBI agents in Iraq is timely because agents have been complaining about the advice they received from CTS.

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State Department email with attached press guidance concerning the possible release of some Guantanamo detainees.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an update about Valerie Caproni's interview of a redacted entity related to his observations from Guantanamo Bay.

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Email includes a link of a military report, http://www.nprorg/iraq/2004/prison_abuse_report.pdf, which is the Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade.

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This document is an email to redacted FBI officials seeking guidance regarding military request to interview Special Agents in the field in Afghanistan on detainee abuse and deaths. Patrick Kelley responds that National Security Law Branch is working on an EC to provide guidance in this area.

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This email includes a summary entitled "Detainee Abuse Tasking Summary," which lists the ongoing and future activities of the Office of the Provost Marshall General (OPMG). The OPMG's activities include combat support, "policy-doctrine-training cross walk," and a review of Major General Antonio Taguba's report for policy considerations. [The email mentions a Mr. De Bois, it is unclear whether Mr. De Bois is a soldier or a civilian].

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Email states recient new article on CNN reported Gen. Karpinsky saying that Gen. Miller wanted to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. The email also refers to article in Stars and Stripes news paper where Gen. Miller had said he believed in "rapport-building approach (toward detainee interviewing)". The author states "this is not what he was saying at Gitmo when I was there", and directs the email reciepient to a BAU EC written by the Miami Division for an insight in to the matter.

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Email mentions an International Committee of the Red Cross package.

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Attachments are copies of training materials for Operation Iraqi Freedom and certification documents at the conclusion of the training.

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These emails are between Army CID and Navy NCIS investigators concerning the policy for reporting criminal investigations during contingency operations and specifically hostile fire deaths. The Army CID Investigator provides the Standard Operating Procedures and discusses the matter in a follow-up email.

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These emails between Army Officers is to publish guidance for specific pre-deployment training required for units going overseas to perform detainee mission and who may encounter detainees or Prisoners of War (POWs)

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A series of emails regarding whether or not the FBI has updated its responses to a Congressional Question for the Record (QFR) regarding the FBI's involvement with and knowledge of detainee treatment.

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Email from DOD to DOD reminding officials to refrain from abusing and mistreating detainees.

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Email refers to a PowerPoint presentation entitled "New HQDA Slides." [Presentation is not included].

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Email refers to an attachment, Schlesinger Panel document. [Document is not included].

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Attaches "an outline of the coervive techniques in the military's interviewing toolkit. I will also send our Interview Plan for Detainee [redacted]. When I return to D.C. I will bring a copy of the military's interview Plan?. You won't believe it!"

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Forward of Los Angeles Times article "Officer Was at Crossroads of Abu Ghraib Command" by David Zucchino and Greg Miller, from August 1, 2004.

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Two emails from the FBI's Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG)'s Behavioral Assessment Unit (BAU) regarding a two-day BAU workshop November 5 and 6, 2003 re: interviewing extremists. First email indicates that the workshop is to take place at the Days Inn just south of the FBI Academy. "Participants include FBI agents and field supervisors, HQ personnel, JTTF members, linguists, analysts, DOD personnel and other members from the intelligence community. The workshop will be conducted at the Secret level in CIRG space." The email indicates that "Although we are primarily concerned with Muslim extremists, those of you with exposure to other groups will undoubtedly have much to offer." First email states "Previous BAU initiatives have focused on examining the behavioral traits of serial murders, sexual sadists, rapists, arsonists, child abductors and school shooters." It also indicates that "An expected outcome of this workshop is to incorporate your observations and insights into a comprehensive, experience-based guide for field agents and members of JTTFs. We are discussing the possibility of having both a classified and unclassified version, the latter of which could be shared with local police." The email includes a list of possible topics for panel discussions during the workshop; these are redacted. The second email confirms that 35 individuals from the field will be participating along with various other personnel. The first day of the workshop will consist of six panel discussion. The second day will commence with two additional panel discussions, followed by an afternoon breakout session to address "additional topics."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an NCIS request to interview a Special Agent who was involved in the capture of a detainee who later died in custody. The email includes information on the procedure by which these investigations proceed.

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An email which includes three forwarded emails about who has "ownership" of the Army investigation into allegations of prisoner abuse; an email quotes, "What a mess." The third forwarded email concerns protocols about Army CID interviewing FBI personnel.

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These emails concern the training of forces pre-deployment in the proper manner to handle detainees in the Blakans.

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This is a heavily redacted message from John Rizzo to Michael Hayden, Michael Morell, and Stephen Kappes, describing an ICRC meeting with detainees and how the detainees' allegations to the ICRC do not "sound far removed from the reality."

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No relevant text.

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EC attachment on detainees. Contents redacted.

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FBI agent details abuse of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo

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An email sent by an inspector of the Inspection Division of the Office of Inspections to a redacted list of FBI agents who conducted assignments at GTMO post 9/11/2001. The email requests the agents to respond positively or negatively if they, "observed aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees which was not consistent with Bureau policy/guidelines."

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Emails discuss an upcoming OSCE meeting. The author of the original email believes the treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib will be a central focus of the meeting and wants to come up with a plan to discuss the issue and move onto other business.

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Email from Henry Bisharat to Betsy Anderson forwarding an article by the Associated Press re: "Swedish Man Is Released From Guantanamo." Mr. Bisharat comments are synopsizing the article and stating that he also heard Foreign Minister Freivalds speaking on Radio EKOT saying about the agreement: "Between the Foreign Ministry and the Pentagon this is only about flying him home. We have made sure that the Swedish authorities will handle the case according to the Swedish legal system and this it will make its own judgments. This is not something that the Foreign Ministry will get involved in - its a matter for the Swedish police."

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These emails concern an updating of the training manual for Military Intelligence (MI) units in their handling and interrogation of detainees. Some of the proposed additions to the training manual are: Communicate with Detainees (Muslim Cultural Awareness/Basic Mission-related Language Skills; Military Justice and Intelligence Law/Geneva Conventions; Humane Treatment of Detainees; Apply Legal Principles of MI Law to Collection Operations; Apply the Laws of Land Warfare to Collections Operations; Restraint Procedures for Detainees; Personal Safety Awareness; React to a Physical Attack Using Unarmed Self Defense Techniques; and Respond to a Bomb Threat and/or a Bomb within Detainee Operations. The response was that the proposals were sent on for approval/discussion.

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Document fully redacted. Email Subjects: "Final(?) Iraq papers""Revised AG talkers on interrogation for today's meeting."

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Email discusses an MSNBC leak of AR 15-6 Executive Summary. The Officer writing the email points out privacy questions, but notes "In the current media environment, it may not be worth fighting. The names are now out there and will be used. Insisting that the names be removed may increase overall hostilities not only with the media, but also in our government and the international community".

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Email string between Carol Santos, Cheryl Parker, Jeremy Caddel and Others concerning "Memo to S about concerns raised by ICRC on U.S. detention practices" in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The comments from Ms. Parker are "PDAS Michele Sison clears for the SA Bureau with the following suggestions. In the second para fourth line: PDAS Sison believes that Khaled is spelled with an i (Khalid) and in the last line of the memo Sharin is spelled with an i (Shirin). You may want to check on those spellings. Thanks,"

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Email from Division Chief, Personal Crimes Department, NCIS Headquarters, dated May 25, 2004. Recipient redacted. No text in email. Email sent with attached file "EPW Case Summaries.doc."

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This heavily redacted memo asks that language discussing the legality of given activities and judgment calls from senior agency officials not be included in written traffic.

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These emails between Army Officers concerns the training of soldiers going overseas who will or may encounter Prisoners of War (POWs) or other detainees and how the Rules of Engagement (ROE) are to be implemented.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent states that he did see one (1) detainee who appeared to have "blood shot eyes and what appears to be blood that congealed to his eyelashes". The agent stated that he was sending supporting material, including photos, in a follow-up email.

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Email between FBI officials discussing alleged DoD abuse. Email refers to Donald Rumsfeld's public statements, where he stated the DoD was against hooding, threats of violence and humiliation. The author follows that: "I know these techniques were approved at high levels w/in DoD and used on [Redacted] and [Redacted]. Additionally, DoD portrayed themselves as FBI agents in the same time frame these 'interrogation techniques' were employed on at least [Redacted]" Contents redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a Department of Justice Office of Inspector General request for documents related to detainee abuse. The email details an observed incident of potential abuse.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the preparation of a chronology of events with respect to FBI involvement with the issue of treatment/mistreatment of detainees.

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The emails discuss a request by Congressman Frank R. Wolf's office requesting their (FBI's) attendance at a press conference re: additional funding for gang investigations. In one email, Chris Swecker lists things to later discuss with Laura Laughlin, the list is redacted except for one line, which reads "A request from over 40 Congressional members to DOJ for the Justice dept/FBI to look into the Abu G contracters."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding information about the Counterterrorism Law Unit II ("CTLU II").

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Email discusses and includes the "Commander's Conference Update" on detainee operations in Iraq. Includes power point presentation.

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Email re: NCIS investigating allegations about physical abuse of a detainee when he was captured in Afghanistan or Pakistan by Americans dressed in black.

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An email that provides guidance on forwarding requests for interviews of FBI Special Agents regarding allegations of detainee abuse or deaths.

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An email regarding a "DHS Mou." The email also mentions a memo "covering detainees we don't want them to arrest."

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Email expressing the FBI's concerns with the DHS' draft plan, which the DHS presented to the DoD as a DHS/FBI plan. The author writes that they are notifying the Major General of their strenuous opposition to the interrogation plan, describing the plan as having an "overall coercive nature," as being a "fear based approach" and possibly being illegal or as having illegal elements. [The email possibly references Dr. Michael Gelles when it states "NCIS Chief Psychologist, Dr. [redacted] was scheduled to arrive on 21 November for the purpose of evaluating the DHS and FBI plans, the JIG did not solicit Dr. [redacted] professional opinion." Gelles was the Chief Psychologist at the time].

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States that all units at Fort Sill had no Article 15s imposed for detainee-related offenses from October 1, 2001 through July 9 2004.

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Chain of emails discussing whether or not FBI agents receive Department of Justice lawyer representation during interviews with non-FBI personnel when the potential of being charged with criminal responsibility exists. The inquiring FBI official cites an example where an Army CID wanted to interview two agents who may or may not have had information regarding allegations of prisoner abuse; the official states, "they could potentially subject them to criminal responsibility if they acted and/or failed to act." This file name is: DOJOIG001612.

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Army public affairs officer discusses a press briefing where the detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison and AR 15-6 reports being leaked to the press. Outlines questions anticipated based around the leaked Executive Summary.

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In the original email, the author would like to coordinate a meeting concerning detainee operations.

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni, Frankie Battle, Marion E. Bowman and Others re: GTMO tribunal schedule. Emails refer to latest "GTMO CSRT List." Concerns GTMO tribunal list and status of detainee tribunals at GTMO. The list is attached and appears to list, in columns, names of those appearing before the tribunal. It lists from left to right their ISN, Current Name, Language, Country [however, their information is redacted].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the use of extreme and abusive interrogation techniques against detainees by the military as well as the procedures for reporting such techniques to the Department of Defense.

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Email refers to a "detainee doc integration." [Document not included].

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The Deputy Assistant Director of the NCIS Counterterrorism Department reports on possible cases of abuse that might be referred to NCIS. The Deputy Assistant Director received a call from the Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) regarding three incidents in which FBI agents reported to have observed detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay. Two incidents were witnessed from an observation room; it was unclear how the third was witnessed. It does not appear that the Navy was involved and no CITF or NCIS personnel were thought to have witnessed the abuse. "One incident involve[d] an enlisted member (probably Army), another a DIA employee named [redacted] and the third, a dog and a detainee #63."

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Email from David Bowker to Joshua Dorosin and Todd Buchwald re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) report on detainees, attachment not included.

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Email states "We had a meeting with TJ Harrington today and he inquired about the outcome of your meeting with DoD (General Miller) regarding interrogations in June 2003 where an FBI agent was impersonated. Was that ever resolved? Is there any paper on your meeting we can provide to TJ? He made some comment about finally making an arrest down there :) Thanks."

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The document is an email, regarding an investigation by Brigadier General John Furlow into allegations of abuse by military interrogators, and includes a section about interviews of FBI agents.

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Email from Todd F. Buchwald to Joshua L. Dorosin, Waldo W. Brooks and Edward R. Cummings re: Detainees with attachment. the comments from Mr. Buchwald are "These are the notes I drafted on the DOD paper in case we need to discuss this at John's meeting tomorrow. Other comments of course welcome but probably no need to spend time on this."

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Email from Henry Bisharat to JoAnn Dolan forwarding an email with attachment concerning a meeting of Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage with the Swedish Defense Minister Bjorn von Sydow.

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni and Marion E. Bowman and John F. Curran re: Department of Justice 2002 Torture Memo.the email states "Folks, Note that I'm still trolling the intemet in hopes of finding the 2002 DOJ memo re use of torture. The package I left for all of you has all the other memos leaked to Newsweek and other media outlets In Ashcroft's testimony today, he stated that he would not release the policy paper re use of torture techniques for interrogations."

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Emails include an Associated Press article that reports on allegations of abuse in Iraq. The article includes accounts of abuse by released detainees, allegations included dog attacks, dietary manipulation and extended periods of hoodings.

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This document is an exchange of emails between Army Officials concerning an upcoming interview with the Schlesinger Panel. The document is mostly redacted but states in the top email "Interview Prep Page Ryder.doc: Sir, here are all of the panel questions provided for each of the four Schlesinger Panel terviews (including yours). I have highlighted some common themes among each set of questions (see do uments attached). The following outlines my initial impression (I have numbered each question based on it sequence in the s Schlesinger document):"

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Emails between State Department officials re: Clearance: Kelly-Hagel Letter on Detainees.

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Re: draft cable detainees release giving editing comments.

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Emails include an executive summary that answers the question, how many criminal investigations were begun as a result of MG Fay's investigation? It reports that the CID initiated 186 criminal investigations as of August 6, 2004, while 24 physical or sexual assault incidents were identified by the report, 18 of the 24 incidents were previously investigated by the CID, the CID had not yet initiated new investigations. The emails also included an executive summary, which summarized the Army court martial of Private First Class Edward Richmond, who was charged with unpremeditated murder of an Iraqi detainee. PFC Richmond was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, he was sentenced to a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of pay and allowance, reduction to Private and three years of confinement. Richmond's court martial hearing is noted as one of the first tried involving the murder of an Iraqi detainee.

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Email states that the author has experienced "unfavorable contact" with AUSA Robert Spencer of the Eastern District of Virginai regarding "WFO's failure to more aggressively address pending allegations". Specifically, AUSA Spencer berated an agent on the matter and "It would be of great benefit if HQ could run a little interference with DOJ. Less pressure on the EDVA would equate to less pressure on WFO".

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Contents completly redacted.

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The Division Chief of the Personal Crimes Department at NCIS requests information regarding a detainee death of which the Division Chief was previously unaware. The email provides a summary of an incident in which a detainee "died of unknown causes 36 hours after he was apprehended." He is suspected of dying "from head injuries suffered during one of over 20 escape attempts, including one in which he escaped from his restraints and threw himself through a 1/2 story window, landing on his head." Immediately after the fall, he checked out OK by a medical officer, but "a few hours later he took a turn for the worse and died with a Corpsman present." There were no allegations of abuse.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the use of counterproductive interrogation techniques on Guantanamo detainees by the Department of Homeland Security and the process by which the FBI may raise concerns to the Department of Defense.

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Emails discuss mistreatment of detainees at Guantanamo (GTMO), the author would like the recipient, who was assigned to GTMO, to respond with any information related to detainee abuse.

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FBI agent states that he entered an interview room at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay and observed an inmate kneeling on the floor with his forehead on the ground. There was a small amount of blood on the floor near the inmate's face. The inmate's nose appeared to be bleeding. The agent asked the military personnel what had happened and they explained that the inmate had become upset with them and threw himself to the floor. The agent reports that he saw nothing else to contradict the military personnel's rendition of events. The agent also stated that he had heard previously that one of the female military personnel would let her hands touch the inmates as part of their psych-ops to make the inmate "unclean" and upset them.

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Email conversations between officials who are trying to come up with a name for the Army's detainee interrogation and operations plan. [Contents redacted].

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Email from Brent Blaschke with the comments "Here's the latest GTMO matrix for the SVTS". Attachment not included

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A series of emails regarding whether hard copies of the FBI Legal Handbook have been issued to agents in the past years, or whether only digital issues have been issued. The emails also note that testimony before Congress should stress that rapport building is the method emphasized for gaining information from a non-cooperative subject in a training that was taken by twenty percent plus of FBI agents.

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This April 21, 2005 email message encloses a rough draft of talking points to be used in rolling out the interrogation program to the public.

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Email from Kenneth Wainstein to Robert Mueller, Valerie Caproni re: Preparation for Testimony on Detainee Issue. Contents heavily redacted.

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Emails between State Department officials concerning Swedish press reports on the detention of Mehdi Mohammad Ghezali at Guantanamo. The email is mostly redacted.

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The document is an email, regarding the interrogation plan for Detainee #63. The email includes information about FBI concerns about the plan and DHS methods.

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These emails are between Marine Corps officers concerning an updated version of the detainee abuse cases involving Marines. The email has a spreadsheet attached that is not readable in the document; however, the email alludes to details contained within the spreadsheet.

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Email from Valerie Caproni stating that the FBI is the lead on interrogating a detainee who's name is redacted.

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Email lists the names/numbers of detainees cleared for release from Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper, and Tasferrat [names/numbers redacted].

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Email from Ronald W. Miller to Donna Boltz, Leeann Bormand and Eliana Davidson re: Final Fact Sheet for PD Package with the comment "For everyone's review/comment. Simply took DoD cleared PAG and incorporated into fact sheet requested by NSC at previous DC - therefore, clearance should not take long. Let's get this PD package approved and out next week. Questions, please advise." Attachment not included.

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Email from Robert Harris to Nina E. Schou, Gilda M. Brancado, Francis M. Gaffney, Katherine M. Gorove, JoAnn Dolan and Samuel M. Witten forwarding a letter from Kofi Annan on behalf of the Uighur community about the oppression of the Uighur (Uyghur) people by the Chinese government. The email is also a forward of an email Kofi Annan received from the Uighur's to take up their cause for human rights in China.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding contacts at the Department of Defense and the National Security council for the delivery of an Amnesty International report.

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Emails discuss a visit by an unknown individual and a Baltimore Sun article entitled "Pentagon Says It's Hiding No One From Red Cross." The more recent email is redacted. The news article reports that the Pentagon denies hiding imprisoned terrorist suspects from the International Committee of the Red Cross. [News article is included in part].

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The email presents an attachment containing bullets on possible prosecution of the Iraqi prison abuses and a brief outline of MEJA [Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act].

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Emails between Mark Corallo, Bryan Sierra, David Nahmias, and others with the subject line "Passaro". The text of the email chain is entirely redacted.

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The document is an email, regarding Detainee #63 and setting up a meeting about the FBI's involvement in the detainee's interrogation.

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This document is an email from Valerie E. Caproni to redacted recipient suggesting more information on abuses that occurred in Afghanistan be added to a QFR response to Senator Leahy's inquiry.

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Email includes a summary that discusses current and proposed ICRC reporting requirements.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the procedure by which to document interviews with HVD-1 (Saddam Hussein). Significant portions of the document are redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding legal issues in Guantanamo Bay, specifically interrogation techniques, and the FBI's participation.

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An Army questionnaire, including forty-one questions given to a solider regarding soldier training, soldier morale and the treatment of detainees. The handwritten responses are mostly illegible or redacted.

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This email includes a chain of forwarded emails expressing an Army CID's desire to interview FBI special agents who are witnesses in an investigation surrounding allegations of prisoner abuse. The prisoner alleges to have been tortured in "an act called the scorpion," cuffed, dragged and punched. File name: DOIJOIG001732

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Emails discuss "Iraq guidance" and meeting with the new deputy of OSD/OGC.

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Contents redacted.

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An email by an FBI agent regarding an observation of a non-FBI approved tactic being used on a detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The FBI agent reports observing a detainee sitting on the floor of a room with an Israeli flag draped around him, loud music being played and a strobe light flashing. The agents presumes from a nearby person's uniform that this practice was being used by the Department of Defense/Department of Homeland Security. All FBI personnel were told not to take part in any such interviews or interrogations which fell outside the FBI's policy of interviewing detainees.

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These emails are between Marine Corps officers concerning an updated version of the detainee abuse cases involving Marines. The email has a spreadsheet attached that is not readable in the document; however, the email alludes to details contained within the spreadsheet.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the legality or propriety of the DHS interrogation plans being designed and implemented for detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

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The document is an email sent from the Navy Criminal Investigative Service to the FBI, regarding a status report on the Navy abuse investigation and the FBI's inquiry into FBI personnel contact with two redacted detainees.

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Email from Terese L. McHenry re: unclassified version of CRM comments on OLC opinion forwarded to David E. Nahmias by Jack L. Goldsmith. All other contents redacted.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Edward R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin and Todd F. Buchwald re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Sees No Humanitarian Crisis. This email forwards a cable describing International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger's impression after May 7-8 trip to Baghdad, as told to Ambassador Kevin Moley. Heavily redacted

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Email between Army officers re: Pre-Deployment Training Requirements for the Iraqi Theater for Military Police Units

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the focus, scope, and procedure of military interviews being conducted of FBI personnel who reported witnessing aggressive interrogation techniques at Guantanamo.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi, and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. This DOD email details the process of transporting, and repatriation of the remains of the two (2) deceased Saudi nationals (Yasser Al Zahrani & Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi). The email states that the Saudis' were gratefulness for American professionalism. The email also provides an assessment of the media coverage of the suicides.

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Email asking for clearance and comments from the Bureau of Counter terrorism.

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This document is a lengthy email from a FBI agent who repeatedly expresses discomfort with FBI interrogation methods. He reports being "placed in a very precarious situation" and "asked to do something I fest was wrong given what FBI agents can and cannot do in the US." He also states that he has received a lack of guidance in the chain of command about how to proceed, but states that "if we can't come back to the states and testify before Congress.... we shouldn't be doing it." He expresses concerns about short term results v. long term problems for the FBI and proposes a different program.

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Ed Lueckenhoff sent an email stating that "I have been told that all interrogation techniques previously authorized by the Executive Order are still on the table but that certain techniques can only be used if very high-level authority is granted." However, he then stated "We will consider as abuse any physical beatings, sexual humiliation or touching, and other conduct clearly constituting abuse." Lueckenhoff then stated "have been very careful to instruct our personnel to use only standard interview techniques which we would utiliie back home in our regular work. We have also instructed our personnel not to participate in interrogations by military personnel which might include techniques authorized by Executive Order but beyond the bounds of standard FBI practice." and stated "[If] an FBI employee knows or suspects a non-FBI personnel has abused or is abusing or mistreating a detainee, the FBI employee must report the incident."

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These emails are an attempt by the Navy NCIS investigator contacting the Army CID Head Quarters in order to track down the Navy personnel with Military Working Dog (MWD) duties who served at Abu Ghraib prison. In addition, the investigator is seeking copies of any statements the Navy personnel may have made to Army CID.

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An email confirming an interview with an Army CID regarding allegations of abuse in Iraq.

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Email concerns updated Military police operations for handling detainees in the wake of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse.

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Statement by CIA spokesman Bill Harlow in response to a New Yorker story on detainee abuse: "The New Yorker story is fundamentally wrong. There was no DOD/CIA program to abuse and humiliate Iraqi prisoners. Despite what is alleged in the article, I am aware of no CIA official who would have - or possibly could have - confirmed the details of the New Yorker's inaccurate account." Attached to an email request for the statement to be posted to the CIA public website.

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Detainee issue. Contents redacted.

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Email references a document entitled "DAIG Action Plan Update PMG (8-25-04)." [Document is not included].

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Email from Ronald Miller to Jeremy Caddel re Afghan detainees. "S siad to make it happen as DoD has planned."

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An email regarding a final timeline relating to detainee issues. Valerie E. Caproni jokes about their "malfeasance."

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Email refers to Army Regulation 190-8 (AR 190-8), which is a DOD directive that establishes policies for the treatment of Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees.

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Email between Jonathan Crock, Jeremy Caddel et al re Bagram 4 cable and "providing cash to these individuals." Mr. Crocks comments are "For your clearance. Here's another one Amb. Prosper wants to go out today. Here we're also looking for your clearance on DOD providing cash to these individuals to assist them making their way home on their own. We want to make sure they have some means to get to wherever they want to go. Thanks, Jonathan". Attachment not included.

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This June 20, 2003 email describes the role of psychology in the CIA Renditions and Detention Group's HVTI (high value terrorist interrogation) program, specifically the work of Psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen.

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This document is an email describing the allegations of a detainee (whose name is redacted). The detainee claims to have been abused by two FBI agents in Afghanistan who later came back to interrogate him in GTMO. Detainee claimed that the FBI agents threatened to "torture him more" if he didn't confess.

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Contents redacted.

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Requests guidance for specific pre deployment training required for units going over to perform detainee mission. Comments on training for all soldiers before deployment. Attachment is a training support package task list outlining training topics.

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Emails reference a document entitled "ADOP Version 1.8 22 Aug 04." [Document not included].

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Email from Laurel Miller with the following comment "rom detainee policy working group at OSD just called to give us the heads up a sensitive and potentially inflammatory photos of detainees being moved by aircraft in theater are now circulating widely in unclassified email traffic, and possibly already are posted on the Web. The images appear to have been taken by a service member, and an investigation is underway. OSD will email the images to me shortly. They advise that we should expect unfavorable press reaction. As I don't usually cover this issue, please forward to anyone else whom you think should be advised. Laurel Miller."

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the dissemination of information and intelligence gathered from the interrogation of HVD-1 (Saddam Hussein).

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Valerie Caproni is trying to schedule a meeting with the recipient. The email states "I am trying to get together the facts on our knowledge of treatment of detainees for the Director. We need to talk today so I can tie down one piece of what we knew when When is a good time to talk? Valerie Caproni."

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Email refers to a press guidance that requires clearance for a briefing. [Document not included].

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Email lists the names/numbers of detainees cleared for release from Camp Bucca [detainee names/numbers redacted].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an NCIS request to interview a Special Agent who was involved in the capture of a detainee who later died in custody.

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Emails between State Department officials concerning a meeting between William Howard Taft, IV and Lorne Craner. The email is mostly redacted.

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Emails between DOS Officials briefly discussing an Indian citizen custody at Abu Ghraib and email forward of an Associated Press article discussing the release of Saddam Hussein from U.S. control to Iraq control.

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Emails between Gary Bald, Valerie Caproni, Edward Lueckenhoff and Others concerning a report that a detainee walked in to Temporary Holding Facility in Iraq, called 6-26 (TH 6-26), with burn marks upon him. The detainee stated he had been "tortured by his captures" and that is how he recieved the burn marks. He did not state who his captors were, but the US military commander of the facility reported the incident to the Temporary Holding Facility chain of command.

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State Department email from David W. Bowker to Joshua Dorosin forwarding an email from Evan Bloom on press guidance and talking points on the legal status of the Guantanamo detainees held by the U.S.. Attachment not included.

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Contents Completely Redacted

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Email requests information on detainees detained beyond the "14-day rule."

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Email concerning Detainee Operations at Abu Ghraib prison before and after May 2004. This email contains information, chronology and talking points in response to a 60 Minutes report on detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison.

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Edward H. Lueckenhoff request for Guidance regarding OGC EC dated 5/19/2004. Contents heavily redacted.

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Email references five attachments. [The attachments are not included in the email].

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Email forwarding an FBI electronic communication up the chain of command. Email states "I am forwarding this EC up the. CTD chain of command. MLDU requested this information be documented to protect the FBI. MLDU has had a long standing and documented position against use of some of DOD's interrogation practices, however, we were not aware of these latest techniques until recently."

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to State Department officials to address questions that may arise concerning the Guantanamo detainees. The guidance states that all the detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, they are enemy combatants and not entitled to counsel, and individuals detained at Guantanamo are allowed to receive and send personal mail, subject to screening for security and operational purposes. Not all detainees, however, have been sent mail, and not all elect to write letters home.

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Email exchanes concerning the Sec. of State's upcoming testimony. Heavily redacted.

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Correspondence about the creation of the Detainee Operations Assessment/Assistance team. Function areas include doctrine, accountability, documentation, training, tactical level, force protection, detainee release procedures, physical construction requirements, operations, medical care, food, mental health, policy and standards adherence, operational law.

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Email from David Bowker to JoAnn Dolan and Joshua Dorosin forwarding and email from Evan Bloom with an attachment entitled 24FJ011. Attachement not included.

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni amd Michael A. Mason re: Referrals. Concerning referrals of criminal cases to the FBI regarding potential detainee abuse.

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Refers to "Update." All other info redacted.

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Email includes an executive summary entitled "Adverse Action taken against MP leaders identified in MG Taguba's Report of Investigation." The summary discusses Major General Antonio Taguba's report, which recommended a series of disciplinary and administrative actions against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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An email sent to Executive Assistant Directors and Assistant Directors at FBIHQ asking for materials relevant to the ACLU's FOIA request of documents/records created from 9/12/2004 to 5/25/2004 that pertain to the treatment of detainees held outside the United States.

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The document describes a meeting that discussed (among other things), the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) interactions with Iraqi prisoners and the methods used in these interactions (debriefings, interviews, interrogations). The head of the DIA, Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby (referred to in the document as VADM Jacoby) also tasked people at the meeting to explain the difference between a current HVT (High Value Target) prison and the Abu Gharib prison and also to describe the monitoring done at the HVT facility during interrogations.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a letter to be sent by the FBI Office of General Counsel to the DoD detailing previously unreported detainee abuse allegations. In one email, an agent, whose name is redacted, speaks passionately about the need for investigations into detainee abuse.

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Email from Cheryl parker re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Presses on Hidden Detainees, Coalition Detention Facilities and the "Bagram Four'.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. the email chain is between Harry B. Harris USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO, Jay Alan Liotta of DOD Detainee Affairs, Kenneth Glueck, Salvator Cambria, Edward Leacock, Paul Murray, and Paul Renwick. All of the detainees left suicide notes that are cited in the emails.

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Email only states "Hello from GTMO" and "That's it for now. More to follow after the aforementioned meeting." Contents Completely Redacted.

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An email about FBI agents getting contacted by the military to partake in interviews as witnesses to allegations of prisoner abuse. One FBI Agent will be asked to recall any injuries or marks or complaints on a detainee he interviewed at Guantanamo Bay. Other agents, who were present at Abu Gharib prison during a three month period in which military personnel committed abuse, will have their names sent over to the Army.

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Email from Peter B. Owen requests estimated time of arrival of Iraq talking points from recipients. Reply from Patrick Rowan attaches two drafts (MEJA jurisdiction and Prison Abuse).

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Email refers to an attachment entitled "Detainee Abuse Tasking PMG COAs RFI." [Document was not included].

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Attaches document entitled "grave v. simple breaches" (presumably of Geneva Conventions). Attached document not provided.

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Behavioral Analysis Advisor writes he observed aggressive interrogation techniques that were planned and implemented against certain detainees. The email states "As you may be aware, I was in GTMO and I did observe aggressive Interrogation practices and as a Behavioral Analysis Advisor on interrogation techniques was aware of extreme interrogation techniqUes that were planned and implemented against certain detainees. These events were summarized in memos and an EC written by myself and my colleagues between Oct and May of 2002. I have been discussing these events with GC Valerie Caproni."

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These emails are between Marine Corps officers concerning an updated version of the detainee abuse cases involving Marines. The email has a spreadsheet attached that is not readable in the document; however, the email alludes to details contained within the spreadsheet.

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Emails between Army Officers re: Request to Have CID Investigate Allegations.

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This document is an email to FBI personnel informing them that DOJ OIG has begun an inquiry into abuses of detainees at GTMO, Abu Ghraib, and other U.S. military prisons. The message notes that Patrick Kelley is the point of contact for DOJ OIG. It also describes which documents qualify as "responsive documents" in regards to the OIG inquiry.

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Press release of trancript of Secretary of State Colin L. Powell On BBC TV with Huw Edwards. Sec. Powell discusses Iraq; Abu Ghraib prison abuse; and the President Bush & UK PM Blair relationship..

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Email refers to an information memo for SEC regarding upcoming release of some detainees from Guantanamo. [Document is not included].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the decision of federal judge Kollar-Kotelly that terror suspects held by U.S. authorities at Guantanamo Bay must be allowed to meet with lawyers and that their conversations cannot be monitored.

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Email lists the names/ numbers of detainees cleared for release from Camp Bucca [detainee names/numbers redacted].

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The document is an internal FBI email sent from Valerie Caproni to FBI Director Robert Mueller, regarding the definition of the abuse and/or mistreatment of prisoners as well as what type of conduct should and should not be reported.

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Email refers to a proposed press release from the Commanding General discussing the detainee death and abuse investigations. [The press release is attached, the first page of the attachment is blank]. The press release explains that there are nine death cases still "active pending investigations," eight of the nine are homicide cases, it is suspected that the detainees were fatally assaulted either during or before interrogations. There are also twelve soldier misconduct cases mentioned, ten are assaults (soldiers kicked, punched and/or threatened detainees) and two are sexual assaults. Also mentioned in the press release are twenty-seven, of sixty-nine, CID investigations. The cases are classified as follows: three death investigations and twenty-four soldier misconduct investigations. One of the deaths is a murder case, a soldier shot and killed an Afghan who allegedly lunged towards a weapon. The other two cases are mentioned as active pending investigations, in the first case, an Iraqi national drowned after being pushed off of a bridge. In the second case, an Iraqi was shot and killed after he allegedly lunged at an officer. In regards to the twenty-four soldier misconduct cases mentioned, six are assaults (soldiers punched, kicked and/or fired a weapon at or near a detainee) and eighteen are thefts.

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E-mails between FBI Officials re: Houston Interview. Conversations include FBI interview results re Abu Ghurayb.

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This document is a series of emails concerning interviews conducted by Brig. Gen. Furlow and Paul Zimmerman of USDOJ OIG regarding FBI agents and members of the military who may have witnessed detainee abuse.

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Email includes a summary of the Office of Provost Marshall General's activities, which include providing the Army's Office of the Chief Legislative Liaison (OCLL) with the number of female detainees in custody at Abu Ghraib (BCCF or Baghdad Central Correctional Facility) in November 2003.

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These emails between Army Officers concerns a request for an interview by the Knight-Ridder newspaper service on the deaths and CID investigation of two (2) detainees at Bagram Collection Point in Afghanistan in December 2002. The request is to interview General McNeill about the incident and subsequent investigation, and the Officers are discussing on how to handle the request.

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The email references two attached documents. The first document, entitled "EXSUM," discusses photographic evidence of abuse at Abu Ghraib. The document states that the CID identified and confiscated twelve CDs of pictures, which depict a variety of illicit behavior, including apparent acts of consensual adult sex between U.S. soldiers.

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Email refers to a document entitled " Detainee Abuse daily summary PMG 19 Aug 04 update." [Document is not included].

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Responds to inquiry. Author observed no aggressive treatment of detainees between 4/16/2003-4/18/2003

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An email chain following up on the CID's interview of a detainee.  Two CID reports are mentioned: 0093-04-C1D389-80674 and 0068-04-CID389-80663.

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Emails between Nina Schou, Robert Harris, JoAnn Dolan, Todd Buchwald and Others re: Human rights groups and members of the small overseas community of ethnic Uyghurs are urging the United States to scrap any plans to send back to China ethnic Uyghur prisoners now held by U.S. forces in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, RFA's Uyghur service reports.

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Email thread discussing possibility of FBI abuse at Abu Ghraib. One email says "Bottom line is FBI personnel have not been involved in any methods of interrogation that deviate from our policy [redacted]. The specific guidance we have given has always been no Miranda, otherwise follow FBI/DOJ policy just as you would in your field office. Use common sense. Utilize our methods that are proven [redacted]." One email asks whether "anyone from the FBI had first hand knowledge of any abuses at Abu G prison. If so, how did we handle it[?] I know that we have been made aware of allegations in the past, but I do not know of any instance where we had to make a referral." Chris Swecker writes on 04/30/04 that he "did not observe or hear of any such abuse" though he "traveled to Abu G many times" and "did observe that the entire facility was very understaffed."

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Emails discuss revisions made to talking points and an interview.

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There is a reference to a "good plan," but all contents are redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the fulfillment of an Office of Inspector General request for documents related to Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghuraib Prison.

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Emails between JoAnn Dolan and Tomas Dukes and Others re: Comments by Australian Foreign Minister re Hicks, Habib, and Miltary Commissions. This is a forward of AAP Newsfeed article (11/11/2003 by Paul Mulvey) and has several recipients.

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Update on detainee death investigation. the attachment contains a listing the names, and pertinent personal data on all subjects related to the detainee abuse investigation. Criminal InVestigation Command is the sender.

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Email requests clearance for a Q & A on Detainee Issues. the commeents from Ms. Abercrombie is "All, the attached Q&A is 99% the same as one cleared last week. Please review and clear by 1200 tomorrow. This is for D's briefing to the SASC on Friday. Many thanks, Cara."

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FBI email to Alex Turner, cc: Charles Cunningham. Mostly redacted.

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This document is a series of emails relating a possible extradition treaty between the US and Iraq and the rules surrounding Miranda rights.

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Email includes a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Initial Planning Construct." The slides include graphs and plans to improve the Army's detainee interrogation strategies, overall detainee operations and synchronize Army efforts internally.

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Email from Jonathan Crock to JoAnn Dolan re "Saudi cable" sent to DOD. Doc not listed in DOS log.

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An email that includes the final version of [Senator Patrick] Leahy's response letter.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the Office of Inspector General's initiation of a full investigation into the FBI's handling of allegations of detainee abuse, including any FBI personnel who may have either witnessed or participated in any such abuse.

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Assessment from the Office of Administrative Review of Detained Enemy Combatants. Contents heavily redacted.

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These emails are generated in the wake of the Abu Ghraib prison detainee abuse incidents involving the Military Police and Military Intelligence Units of the Army. The email states that general Burns is seeking the "Post-MOB training of this unit [372nd MP], not pre-MOB." It also states that Army Headquarters will be the point of contact for all media inquiries.

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni and John Curran re: NCIS request for documents.

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These emails are between Army CID and Navy NCIS investigators concerning the policy for reporting criminal investigations during contingency operations and specifically hostile fire deaths. The Army CID Investigator provides the Standard Operating Procedures and discusses the matter in a follow-up email.

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This internal CIA email correspondence from June 2003 discusses the potential tasking for IC psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen as well as concerns about their role as contractors.

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Email refers to four attachments. [Documents/attachments are not included].

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Sets up meetings for Army senior leadership to be briefed on IG report on Tues, 29 June 2004.

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Emails discuss an attached request for information document. [Document is not attached].

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Email lists the names/ numbers of detainees cleared for release from Abu Ghareb, Al Salhiya, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper and Tasferrat [detainee names/numbers redacted].

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This is an email (with sender and receiver redacted) sending a final draft of the CIA High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Team Training document. The postscript note in the email mentions Mitchell and Jessen by name and suggests giving them "an opportunity to prepare for their presentation". The attached document is fully redacted.

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Email requests FBI employees who served at Guantanamo, and did not observation of aggressive treatment of detainees to submit an EC documenting the negitive response.

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Email includes a pressing briefing question about the Uyghur detainees being held in Guantanamo, Mr. Boucher is asked whether the U.S. has decided to not send the Uyghur detainees back to China.

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Email contents are redacted.

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Major requests follow-up information about interrogations, specifically solders' statements saying that [redacted] sometimes removed detainees from the holding facility for brief periods of time (5 minutes to an hour) for questioning. Major wishes to know, "Was the questioning done at [redacted] location, such as the interrogation tent, or did they take the detainees back to their [redacted]?" In the response to the request for information, most soldiers answer that the detainees were taken back to "the larger detention cell in the back". One responds that they were often taken to the interpreters' tent.

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Emails refer to a document apparently described as or entitled Jul 1 info paper. [Document is not included].

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Cover Sheet for Documents re: CTD E-mails

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding FBI involvement in overseas interrogations.

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E-mails between FBI Officials: Chris Swecker, Robert S. Mueller III, Valerie E. Caproni, Bruce J. Gebhardt and [names redacted] re: update on two open prisoner abuse cases Update on 2 open prisoner abuse cases, including alleged rape case. Message mentions a rape allegation being transferred to The Violent Crimes Section (VCS). Also mentions officials: A.J. Turner and Robert Spencer.

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Email from Army Officer to Army Officer re: Detainee Abuse Response. General Burns asked for an electronic copy of this response to be send forward. Attachment includes a sequence of events on FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] training in Iraq which names LTG McKiernan and Col. Terry as training leaders and/or authors of training procedures.

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Email from Tamara K. Fitgerald to Winston E. Mann, Katherine M. Gorove and Sandra L. Hodgkinson re: Final Ramcharan Report on Iraq

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This May 28, 2003 email states that going forward Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen will be doing much less in the interrogation role and more strategic consulting work, research and program development projects, and more in the psychology role. The email provides details on two projects they will begin to undertake: 1) helping prepare the high value targets "for the transition to the end-game", beginning with Abu Zubaydah, and 2) write proposal on how to develop and apply "less-intrusive" techniques without lessening the interrogation's psychological impact.

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Emails discuss a summary on standards of interrogation of detainees at Guantanamo. [Document not included].

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Emails discuss female detainees in custody.

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An FBI agent who served at Guantanamo is responding to an EC sent to NCAVC, dated March 25, 2003. The agent states that the current email was on behalf of themself and another agent, and was also being sent "to every BAU SSA who spent their required time in Guantanamo because they will be in a position to understand what issues we are addressing". Contents are otherwise completly redacted.

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And FBI email stating that members of the 78th Military Police detachment advised that a detainee at Abu Ghraib Prison alleged that on or about June 17, 2004 he was abused in a non-specified way. The detainee was initially detained in February 2004. No additional details provided.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the legitimacy of allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghurayb Prison and the FBI's potential involvement in the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) investigation of these allegations.

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Email references and includes six attachments, including a proposed press release from the Commanding General, Donald J. Ryder. Attachments generally discuss detainee operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.

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This email exchange is a follow-up and continuation of an email series concerning a Joint Publication on Detainee Operations and includes a daily briefing for June 10, 2004.

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The general scope of the email is the treatment of detainees, enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and 'illegal combatants.' The author mentioned that he/she did not believe a particular team was following the rules outlined in Army Regulation 190-8. The author also noted that EPWs in Baghdad were treated differently than 'illegal combatants in GTMO.

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Email between Ronald W. Miller Jeremy Caddel, John Gastright re: outstanding detainee cables. The comments from Mr. Caddel to Mr. Gastright are "All, Attached is a short cable to Kabul requesting reply to a couple of detainee cables that are outstanding. Request your clearance as soon as possible—need to get it out today. > Thanks, Jeremy" and Ronald W. Miller replys "Clear for S/WCI."

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The original email's author needs a copy of MG Miller's report sent to him/her. [No attachments included].

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Email from John Cerone to David Bowker forwarding an article (in body) by Cerone on the "Status of deatinees in international armed conflict, and their protection in the course of criminal proceedings."

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State Department cable concerning Secretary of State Powell's Meeting with EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana. They discussed, Balkins, the Middle East, Yassar Arafat, the Global Coalition Against Terrorism and the issue of the Guantanamo detainees.

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Email from Jeremy Caddel to William Taylor concerning a Reuters article about US rejecting the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission access to Afghan detainees. However, it is noted that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) does have access to the detainees and that it is a neutral and trusted human rights organization.

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Emails discuss and include a Wall Street Journal article entitled "Pentagon Report Set Framework for Use of Torture: Security or Legal Factors Could Trump Restrictions, Memo to Rumsfeld Argued." The article discusses a classified report by Donald Rumsfeld, which stated the President was authorized to approve almost any physical or psychological actions during interrogations, in spite of domestic and international laws prohibiting the use of torture.

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Email is almost completly redacted. No subject in re: caption.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the Office of General Inspector and the Department of Defense's search for and collection of documents related to detainees and whether the various divisions were instructed to copy the Inspection Division on all material sent to the OIG.

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These emails between DIA officials discuss SJA review of AR 15-6 investigations, letters of reprimand stemming from detainee abuse allegations and DIA's need to do a "round up" of all possible detainee abuse cases.

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This e-mail includes a draft of interrogation training documents for a CIA course with a note concerning Dr. James Mitchell and Dr. Bruce Jessen's role in an upcoming presentation. The draft notes are redacted and are labeled "CIA High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Team Training.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI official observed a detainee being interviewed, he saw the detainee seated and shackled at his feet. Stated the 'interview' involved little talking, that for 30-60 minutes a strobe light flickered on and off in the room, loud rock music played. He stated the interview was conducted by at least one FBI SA. Author was member of NCAVC in CIRG on tour at GTMO from July 2-24, 2003. In a previous e-mail, author stated that he witnessed/observed another interview, which involved techniques that were inconsistent with Bureau interview policy guidelines.

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Emails refer to a request for information document. [Document is not included].

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Text entirely redacted. Subject: Fwd: Legal Issues re: Guantanamo Bay. [The recipient "Mary Bowman" is likely Marion Bowman, a deputy general counsel in the FBI.]

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Emails discuss talking points for use by the U.S. expert on the Committee Against Torture, discussing what the U.S. will say in response to prisoner abuses in Iraq. Talking points included.

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Email states "[redacted] from HQ called and wanted to know if the following detainees have been profiled by BAU: [redacted]. Pls call him, and let him know by this afternoon. They're looking to possibly fly these guys out to Afghanistan."

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An email by an FBI SSA to an FBI agent to make the recipient aware of their "situation/relationships" surrounding an Army CID request for interview. The FBI SSA will be present at the interview merely on behalf at the FBI. The FBI agent is informed that they have the same rights as any private citizen and therefore may refuse to speak with the Army for whatever reason without "adverse conclusions/inferences."

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Email refers to a cable that apparently concerns the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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The author of the email states that 5/7/2004 he/she was interviewed by the Military Inspector General concerning abuse allegations at Guantanamo; the use of Military Police in conducting interviews of Detainees; or being aware of any abuse of prisioners at Guantanamo. The author denied knowledge of abuse of detainees; stated that no Military Police were involved in interrogations; or that the FBI used special interrogation techniques when conducting detainee interviews.

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Criminal Investigative Task Force discussion on its policy when participating in interviews at Guantanamo. The email author states "Our folks should make it clear that our participation in dialogues related to aggressive strategies does not amount to an endorsement of the technique or the interrogation plan; CIFT agents and all other personnel will not participate in the use of any questionable techniques;. agents must report any such action to the SAC immediately; At any point that we disagree with an approach, for its methods, etc., we should professionally raise our material/legal, or other objections

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This State Department email is a forwarding of several emails initiated by David A. Kaye with attachments described as: 1) A basic law of armed conflict paper for the interagency; 2) Contingency press guidance on the status of persons captured during the conflict. 3) A backgrounder on the status of terrorists. Mr. Bowker's comment to Mr. Dorosin is "Good LOAC papers done in October 2001"

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Email is a follow-up on a report of cases involving the UN Oil for Food program. Chris Swecker replys and states: "They are standing down on opening a case and are conferring with the military".

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These emails concern having all deploying soldiers receive training in detainee operations as well as the Laws of War and the Geneva conventions concerning the handling and treatment of Prisoners of War (POWs).

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Heavy redacted series of emails regarding the FBI's stance on interrogation techniques. One official frames it as a "public perception issue."

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Email from and to redacted re: Legal Issues re: Guantanamo. Contents redacted.

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The email is un-redacted and reads: "Attached is a document that describes in detail the recently enacted GTMO rewards program. I think it is a positive step in the management of detainees, but in terms of inspiring them to cooperate, it falls well short of the major incentives we have spoken about such as lenient sentences, the opportunity to be repatriated, etc."

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These are emails concerning CID Report No. 0184-04-CID259-80230. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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These emails is a response to Senator Mikulski (D-MD) concerning the Pre-mobilization training information for 372 MP Company. The document has an attachment with the specific questions Sen. Mikulski tasked the Army to answer and gives details on the training and expectations of the Military Police in the handling of detainees and Prisoners of War (POWs)

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Todd Buchwald, Andre Surena, Ronald W. Miller, Waldo W. Brooks, Joshua L. Dorosin and Robert E. Dalton re: C-175 memorandum of law attachment (not included). Ms. Dolan's comments are "Attached is a draft memorandum of law to accompany the C 175 package on detainee transfers. Early input appreciated."

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Email from FBI agent to Alex J. Turner to give him a "Heads-up" so he doesn't get "Blindsided" on a matter that the email author states they were contacted about. Contents redacted.

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Email clearing post release

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Email concerning Guantanamo Matters. Contents mostly redacted.

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List of people to be notified of indictment in CIA NC case.

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This email briefly discusses a letter drafted by CIRG to ORG to send to the Department of Defense regarding detainee treatment observed by members of the Behavioral Analysis Unit at GTMO. The response states that the redacted respondent has no knowledge of the treatment and requests that the sender email observations.

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Emails mention a discussion that took place in New York concerning the status of a detainee. [Redactions in document make it difficult to read].

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The email fowards a Washington Post article that describes the evolotion of the interrogation techniques used on detainees by the DOD. It quotes Sec. Rumsfeld spokesperson Lawrence Di Rita on the matter. It also relates a Senate Hearing where FBI Director Robert Mueller distinguishes between the FBI's methods of interviewing persons in custody, at home or abroad, and the CIA and DOD methods. Mueller states that the FBI is consistant in building rapport, and in not using force or cohersion when conducting interviews.

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Emails discuss a statement by Colin L. Powell regarding Uyghur detainees. Mr. Powell apparently stated in an article (link provided) that the Uyghur detainees would not be sent back to China.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan re: Guantanamo Detainees and Other War Crimes Issues; no content (no attachment).

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An email noting a positive response of aggressive treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The response, which is included in the email as a forward, states that a member of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime in the Critical Incident Response Group traveled to Guantanamo Bay to provide interview/interrogation to FBI special agents. During their visit, they observed treatment of another detainee by a non-FBI interview team "which included tactics that, while not overly aggressive, were clearly not consistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines."

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Emails between Valerie Caproni, Marion Bowman and Others re: Torture Memo Found on the Internet. No attachment or content.

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Emails discuss detainee tasking summaries. [One of the summaries is included].

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OJAG email to DOD officials, the email discusses the initiation of a CID investigation into alleged detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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Internal FBI email requesting agents who served at Guantanamo to submit reports on their observations if abuse of detainees, if any. One (1) agent submitted an abuse allegation.

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An email distributing "AG talking points on interrogations" in anticipation of a meeting. An attachment is included but not provided with the document.

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Email thread between FBI officials regarding a Department of Defense military investigator's request to interview FBI Special Agents as witnesses to allegations of detainee abuse or deaths. One email cites that a redacted Special Agent was present at an Fire Base Salerno when a detainee died. The same emails cites that a redacted Special Agent (unclear if it is the same Agent as the aforementioned one) was in the interrogation facility taking fingerprints of another detainee while a deceased detainee was being interviewed by a military interrogator.

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Email refers to an attached memo that has been revised, the memo appears to be related to detainee transfers. Memo not included.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding legal issues in Guantanamo Bay, specifically interrogation techniques.

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These emails are a follow-up to a task request to provide information on military detainee units deployed to Afghanistan in 2002.

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Training guidance for all soldiers who come in to contact with detainees. This traininig is is related to detainee operations. Attachment outlines training curriculum for all units performing internment & detainment operations under Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the confirmation of FBI's awarness of all detainee abuse allegations against FBI employees. The email states that all relevant information has been reviewed and it has been confirmed that there were only two detainee abuse allegations made against FBI employees.

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A negative response to an FBI inquiry into aggressive treatment of detainees and/or harsh techniques/interrogations by FBI agents at Guantanamo Bay.

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Email from Stephen Wiley to FBI Official re: Guantanamo Trip. Email discusses pending trip to Guantanamo.

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Email refers to six attachments, one document is included, it is a Department of Administrative Services/Vice Chief of Staff, US Army briefing outline. The outline discusses the briefing schedule.

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Questions whether FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] has a weekly update on criminal cases involving detainees. Reference is made to detainees being held at Fort Bragg and in Germany.

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Emails discuss a Radio Free Asia article reporting that the U.S. will not send Uyghur detainees, currently detained in Guantanamo Bay, back to China. Article is attached to message.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a Memo of Understanding between the FBI and the Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF).

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Email mentions that U.S. Army Military Police School will be the joint lead for detainee operations. Email also discusses plans to synchronize policies and doctrines concerning field operations. [Mentions an individual named Ed Lowe, do not believe he is an official, he may be a reporter].

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Email regarding the alleged impersonation of FBI Agents at Guantanamo.

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These emails between Army Officers concerns the Taguba Report with Highlighted Training Issues for them to discuss at length.

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Emails refer to an attachment - "EXSUM - DODIG [Department of Defense Office of Inspector General] & DOJ and request for cases." [Document is not included].

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Contents redacted.

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These are emails between Navy NCIS and Army CID investigators concerning a Navy Military Working Dog (MWD) handler assigned to Abu Ghraib prison. The CID investigator is advising that NCIS contact HQ and interview the MWD handler because he gave the Taguba inquiry a statement on the events that occurred at Abu Ghraib, but he himself was not suspected or implicated in any inappropriate or abusive conduct at Abu Ghraib prison. There is also an unrelated email concerning a report being sent to the White House and includes the death of a Jihadist fighter wounded in battle; attempted escape by jumping out a window; and who died of apparent head injuries. There is no foul play or abuse suspected in that matter.

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Emai to Marion Bowman re: Guantanamo. Contents redacted.

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Request for an update on the training of personnel re: handling of detainees in the wake of the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison. Attachment outlines improvements in the handling of detainees. Training includes increasing observer evaluations and refresher courses on Army Values, Geneva Conventions and Muslim cultural awareness, and asks "Can you determine if this training specifically used the incidents in Kosovo as an illustration of what soldiers should not do and what leaders should not allow to happen?"

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Email discusses a detainee's preliminary hearing and request for additional counsel.

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This email states that Admiral Church has requested information on interrogator issues and the party to the email states that the DIA IG is requesting similar information. Several drafts of the information request are passed back and forth and one comment is that "Strategic interrogation and debriefing was, and still is, generally conducted at [Guantanamo]”.

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Refers to attached briefing re: Guantanamo (not linked). Contents Completely Redacted.

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Email between Jeremy Caddel, John Gastright re: outstanding detainee cables. The comments from Mr. Caddel to Mr. Gastright are "All, Attached is a short cable to Kabul requesting reply to a couple of detainee cables that are outstanding. Request your clearance as soon as possible—need to get it out today. > Thanks, Jeremy"

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Emails between JoAnn Dolan, Joshua L. Dorosin, Todd F. Buchwald and Others re Urgent Clearance: Checklist for ICRC Kellenberger Meeting with S. Attachments not included, minor comments concerning the attachements.

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Email forward of a Radio Free Asia article, in which Colin L. Powell tells RFA that the Uyghur detainees being held in Guantanamo will not be sent back to China. The article discusses allegations that the Uyghur detainees were abused/mistreated by a Chinese delegation that traveled to Guantanamo, thus there is concern that if the detainees are returned to China that they may face harassment, detention or torture.

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Emails discuss raids and questions the authority of the ING.

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Emails discuss upcoming hearings on detainee issues and a detainee sexual assault.

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The emails discuss an attached document entitled "Tasking Summary Sheet" (the sheet is attached). The sheet includes a summary of reported violations in Iraq.

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An email, including forwarded emails, regarding the legality of another agency requesting to interview FBI personnel. The author of one of the forwarded emails states that whenever this type of request is made, both the agent and FBI are to be briefed beforehand in writing of the issues to be discussed in the interview. A representative of the bureau is also to be present when the agent is interviewed or testifies. The email states, "by going through this process, we get a clear picture of whether the other agency is investigating out employee and what the employee should be advised of."

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Email referring to to unclassified version of Department of Justice Criminal Division comments on OLC opinion. The rest of the email contents are redacted.

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Email exchange regarding the death of a civilian named Naeem Sadun Hattab who was detained in Iraq. Includes e-mail from a person at NCIS listing seven suspects in the death of Mr. Hattab. A reply to that email from OSD refers to a memo for the Secretary of Defense dated December 22, 2003, which alludes to "An aggregate of 16 personnel are presently under investigation by USACIDC in seven suspicious deaths. This number includes members of reserve and active units of the Army, one CIA civilian contractor and potentially members of a Navy Seal Team."

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Email from JoAnn Dolan to Ed Cummings and Joshua Dorosin forwarding an email from Carol Santos with two attachments and a request for editing/adding to attached documents on Afghan detainee issues for Sec. of State Powell's meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger.

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Email asks for a response to request for guidance regarding Department response to International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) report. Contents completely redacted.

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A string of emails regarding Abu Ghraib Prison abuse allegation forwarded from Tomas J. Harrington to Valerie Caproni noting that the FBI may be asked about Abu Ghraib and that FBI Director Mueller and General Ricardo Sanchez are aware of the matter.  The emails suggest that the FBI will not investigate the abuse.

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Army email on Abu Ghraib prison abuse media queries and where and to whom such inquiries should be directed

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Valerie Caproni is asking if there have been any inquiries concerning the treatment of detainees. The respondent states only two (2), but more may come in.

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A series of emails regarding a requested chronology of events relative to FBI involvement with the issue of treatment/mistreatment of detainees. The claimed goal of the document is to use it for "briefing the Hill when/if they ask for it."

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Email discusses the non-uniform interview techniques of the military and law enforcement officials. States that the CITF are formulating a policy for their agents. The email states "Looks we are stuck in the mud with the interview approach of the military vrs. Law enforcement. We need to establish a Bureau policy laying out the boundaries for the interview process. Apparently, CITF is formulating a policy for their agents. I'll attached is a draft hat is being worked on do in at GTMO after [redacted] again said in a meeting attended by the General that the law enforcement component was on board with the military interview tactics. Let me know what you think.”

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Email from Michael Newton to numerous State Department officials seeking approval to clear a cable for distribution concerning military commissions. Attachment not included.

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Email attaching an Assessment of the Biometric Automated Toolset software system used throughout the detention procedure at Abu Ghraib. Report claims it is functioning at 75%.

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Original and reply e-mails seek clarification from an unidentified special agent regarding a his prior interview statements in re detainee treatment. Specifically, in his interview, he recounted asking the prison guards to treat a specific detainee 'professionally.' The author(s) of the e-mails would like clarification. [Pictures are referenced, but not included].

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This email forwards information concerning the UN-KFOR experience in Kosovo and the lessons learned from that military engagement as it pertains to training soldiers on handling detainee operations, and the proper way to recognize and report detainee and civilian abuse. The original message states “Detainee abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan echoes the incidents reported in Kosovo, with the clear exception of the more dangerous and stressful conditions of combat versus peace enforcement operations.” The Officer receiving the email responds that “this is the first that I have heard of the KFOR incidents referenced below. If others here were aware, afraid that institutional knowledge was lost as our SFOR/KFOR AOs have PCS'd or retired over the last 4-5 years. Second, such training would not have had bearing on the incidents under investigation with OIF. The OIF units involved were not originally mobilized, trained, and deployed to conduct detention operations.”

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Email between Patricia M. Haslach, Jeremy Caddel, John Gastright re: outstanding detainee cables. The comments from Mr. Caddel to Mr. Gastright are "All, Attached is a short cable to Kabul requesting reply to a couple of detainee cables that are outstanding. Request your clearance as soon as possible—need to get it out today. > Thanks, Jeremy" Mr. Stewart's response was "cleared".

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Email between FBI Officials re: FBI Draft Electronic Communications from Guantanamo.

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These emails between Army Officers concerns the detention operations and is mostly redacted except for a few comments such as "Please pass to the trainers. Enclosed is MG Miller, Detention OPS recommendation to the training program.

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The emails discuss a necessary pre-brief before the personnel debrief the U.S. House of Representatives-House of Armed Services Committee (HASC). The attached and included document outlines of presentation by BG Swan, MG Ryder and MG Romig on detainee abuse investigations in Abu Ghraib.

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Email from Donna Butler re: 19 May morning NODIS. No further information provided

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States that Staff Sgt. Ivan "Chip" Frederick told the Associated Press that he will plead guilty to some offenses involving detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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Email from JoAnn Dolan forwarding an email from the London mission from containing a letter from an attorney representing a detainee held at Guantanamo. The email from Ms. Dolan to Ms. Davidson is redacted, but the letter attached below.

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Emails discuss a CID investigation into allegations that a detainee was kicked during questioning. Investigation found there was no probable cause to believe the alleged incident occurred.

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Email to FBI officials providing logistics for their temporary duty (TDY) in Guantanamo. The email contains attachments, which lists what not to do and what to do while in Guantanamo such as: DO NOT utilize cell phones in GTMO, the Cuban government has the ability to clone your phone and it will be reflected in your monthly bill; Cameras are allowed, but there are restricted areas where photography is prohibited. Signs are posted in these restricted areas; and Several returning interviewers have recommended the book The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai as an excellent primer on the predominant background and culture of the majority of detainees. Another frequently recommended book is Understanding Arabs by Nancy Nydel. Also recommended to read and review is the indictment for the East Africa Bombings. Although a few years old, much of the information is still valid. It provides an excellent background on Al -Qaeda."

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Email from an FBI official requesting Charles Cunningham give an "update on the Iraq investigation you gave to AJ Turner" and is followed with a request by Charles Cunningham to another FBI official to be updated on the matter every two (2) weeks.

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Email refers to nine attachments. [Documents not included].

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Email discusses the detention of Jordanian's in Iraq. It mentions that the Jordanian Parliament alleged that more than 1000 Jordanians were in Coalition custody in Iraq, whereas the Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs believed 19 Jordanians were in Coalition custody. Stephanie T. Williams seeks confirmation on the actual number of Jordanian detainees are in Iraq. [Contents redacted].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the development of a conduct policy for FBI agents participating in detainee interrogations at Guantanamo Bay. The document includes concerns from FBI agents about participating in harsh Department of Defense interrogation techniques.

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The document is an internal FBI email sent to FBI Director Robert Mueller, including a brief synopsis of an AG briefing that covered the issues of MEK interviews and the impact of potential press on ongoing operations.

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Emails between Valerie Caproni, Eleni Kalisch and Others re: Potential New Iraq Public Corruption Case

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This email contains a transcript of a Department of Defense news briefing by Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt about the United States role in Iraq ("restoration of a stable environment in order to repair infrastructure, stimulate the economy and transfer sovereignty to the people of Iraq"), details about specific operations, an update on the Abu Ghraib investigation and the on-the-ground situation in Iraq.

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Email from Todd F. Buchwald, the opening of the email is completely redacted, but included is a press release entitled "Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on pending nomination of William Haynes." In the press release, Senator Kennedy criticizes the Bush Administration on "violating the plain language of [sic] landmark treaties." Particularly because the administration has denied POW status to detainees at Guantanamo, including, detainees who were officers with the Afghan government.

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Theses emails are between DIS Officials discussing developing interrogation policies and guidelines. One of the authors states that the interrogation mission is codified under the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Combat Command doctrine. However, questionable conduct in the past by certain interrogators and murky rules of the road led to the need for an interrogation policy to be developed. One of the authors states "Frankly, if never occurred to me that anyone except DIA would prepare and issue such a policy. We issue policies on everything else we do, why not interrogation?"

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Email refers to a Human Rights Watch report on abuse by U.S. forces at detention facilities in Afghanistan. The report alleges that U.S. forces operating in Afghanistan have arbitrarily detained civilians, used excessive force and mistreated detainees; the report notes that the U.S. administered system of arrest and detention is outside of the rule of law. The report states: 'Civilians are being held in a legal black hole - with no tribunals, no legal counsel, no family visits and no basic legal protections.'

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Emails between JoAnn Dolan Cynthis Francisco, Edward Betancourt and others re: Hamdi Cable. The email has an attachment with the comment "All Agree?" The attached document in entitled "Cable - Clarification on Hamdi."

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Email discusses a New York Times front page article describing the role of the FBI in Iraq after the turnover of sovereignty. The email specifically disputes that Saddam is being held as a "High Value Detainee" by the FBI. It states that he is being held (at the time of this email) by the DOD. Finally it states that the FBI will be the "lead" investigators [assisting the Iraqi's after the turnover].

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the confirmation of FBI's awarness of all detainee abuse allegations against FBI employees. The email details two such allegations, one which was investigated by IIS and the other by OIG.

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A CID Report reports the death of an un-named detainee on November 4, 2004 at 1000 hrs. The report states that the 10th Military Police Battalion (CID) was notified that a prisoner at Abu Ghraib died while in custody. The report concluded "The investigation did not conduct any interview to determine the circumstances surrounding the deaths; there was no investigative effort made to obtain the victim's medical records that could have been used to determine if he was under medical care prior to his death. The investigation was closed without opening a full Report of Investigation (ROI). The case file was closed without any preliminary or final autopsy report, or any information to whether or not an autopsy was conducted

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding Saddam Hussein. The contents of the email have been almost entirely redacted.

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Emails refer to DOD amendments to the abuse of detainee provision of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005.

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An email between FBI officials which includes a forwarded email in order to show recipients how officials have, "been trying to balance the issues for personnel and the Bureau--while we've been waiting for some guidance." The forwarded email explains to an FBI Agent the situation and relationships during an Army CID interview.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a Q&A attachment that Eleni Kalisch has made changes to.

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Contents completely redacted

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Email from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo discussing whether the use of twelve interrogation techniques in the interrogation of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani would violate any U.S. statute, the U.S. Constitution, or any treaty obligation of the U.S.

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The email is an assessment and review of the necessary training and assets in order to handle detainees in the wake of the Inspector General's report on detainee treatment. Gen. Cody states "as we know we’ve will be doing these missions for a while and we need to relieve some stress on the MP force. Certainly agree that the man, equip, train and employ piece of the MP force over the past 2 years ought to be looked at separately (IG) so that we all understand what we are working to fix and see if we are getting there in the right way and at the right pace.

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Email from Inspections Division seeking response from FBI employees who served at GTMO after 9/11/01. The email specifically requests a response from employees who "observed aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on Guantanamo detainees which w[ere] not consistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines." Based on FBI memos responding to this inquiry (Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A), this email may be from Steven C. McCraw, Inspection Division, and dated 07/09/2004. The torture database contains multiple FBI memos that appear to respond to this email. To find them copy the case number: 297-HQ-A1327669-A into the free search box on the database homepage.

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An email, including a chain of forwarded emails, concerning an Naval Criminal Investigative Service interview of a Las Vegas FBI Special Agent regarding an incident in which the FBI agent is alleged to have been present during an interview between an Naval Criminal Investigative Service agent and a detainee concerning that detainee's report of abuse. The chain generally concerns the "fuzziness" of legality, jurisdiction and procedural guidelines when it comes to external agency interviews of FBI agents. File name: DOJOIG001604.

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Email discusses a need the author had to discuss interview tactics with Frankie Battle. It is also an issue the author wanted to discuss with SAC Wiley.

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Email regarding activities at Abu Ghraib Prison. Attachment contains Corrections made to the summary of an interview with Unit Chief about his knowledge of FBI personnel activities at Abu Ghraib Prisons between October and December 2003. The interview was conducted with the Critical Incident Response Group and Behavioral Analysis Unit.

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding potential examinations of the FBI's role and involvement in detainee abuses alleged at Abu Ghurayb Prison.

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Emails concerning internal DOD news with this initial comment from Marion "Spike" Bowman: "I understand that there is/was to be a strategy session with FBI in about 10 days. I presume those in the FBI involved with this will need to weigh in if any of this affects our equities and It appears to me that this phone call may be the first news of this issue to FBI. "

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Email includes news articles about high level detainees, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah and the "harsh" interrogation methods the CIA employs. The email includes another article, which reports specific accounts of abuse.

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Email regarding pre-meeting for presenters for ACIL meeting

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Emails reference a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Prison deaths." [The PowerPoint presentation is not included].

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Email from Steven C. McCraw seeks response from employees who served at GTMO after 9/11/01 re: whether they saw aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines. This email was subsequently responded to by FBI agents who did a special Tour of Duty (TDY) at Guantanamo.

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Email includes an attached executive summary that compares disciplinary methods advised under the Geneva Convention versus disciplinary methods advised and employed by the US Military. Under the Geneva Convention, enemy prisoners of war disciplinary sanctions must be related to breaches of camp discipline and can only be imposed by the camp commander. Also, the summary lists the maximum punishments permitted under the 3d Geneva Convention, punishments include confinement for 30 days.

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The document is an internal FBI document, regarding the circumstances in which FBI agents must be granted notice.

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An email between FBI officials discussing how the FBI should approach interrogations in Afghanistan, and specifically discussing the need for guidance. The email focuses in part on the differing approaches of the military and the FBI to interrogations. The email notes that FBI officials in Bagram had made clear to the military that there were certain interrogation tactics that they could participate in.

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Email asking for elaboration on a factual issue in an Electronic Communication regarding Guantanamo. The contents are mostly redacted.

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Emails discuss a detainee's allegation that he was butt stroked in the face by a Soldier after being captured, while blindfolded and flexcuffed.

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Memo to FBI officials notifying them of the treatment/interrogation of detainees in Abu Graib and growing interest in the treatment of detainees in Guantanamo. Officials are advised to preserve any documentation (e.g. emails, ECs and notes).

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Refers to informal comments on memo. All other info redacted.

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Email contains notes from a June 14, 2004 meeting. [Contents redacted].

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These emails are to ensure that all soldiers going overseas and have a likelihood of encountering or being part of detainee operations be properly trained in the handling of detainees according to the Laws of War and the handling and treatment of Prisoners of War (POWs).

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Email with attachment of State Department talking popints to address questions concerning Al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees. Mr. Kaye writes in his comments "Folks - As many of you know, our posts abroad are geiting easing ilijibbef of questions about the status of detainees at GTMO, it's causing difficulty for them without appropriate guidance. The attached attempts to provide such guidance. Please review and provide clearance, if possible before you leave this evening. Thanks very much. David."

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Heavily redacted email referring to talking points on Iraq.

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These emails have a document attached entitled "POW Abuse Statement C2.doc" with the comment "Colonels: Please review and comment on proposed RTQ and Q and A. First Cut." Attachment not included.

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The author is giving a bullet point up-date on the interviewing of detainees at Guantanamo. The up-dates includes: i) continuing assistance to the FBI/CITF; ii) There is a release package for about 20 detainees now up at Belvoir for authority to release. That will be a big boost here for the cooperation of others; iii) met with the Joints Chief of Staff Review Board re: who we are, what we do and our recommendations. (Their request) They were very impressed with this kind of resource offered by the FBI and expressed how needed and appropriate it is (their words, not ours) iv) potential hunger strike by a detainee at Camp Delta (not yet in progress); v) DIA Behavioral Ops plan; vi) providing on-going training to the new folks coming in on the interview teams; and vii) met with the medical staff re the detainees and interview process. They gave us an Insight into the outpatient clinic and the fleet hospital. They were very agreeable to working directly with the interviewers and the MP's on getting treatment to the detainees. We had a situation with a detainee that told the interviewers that he would talk and tell them whatever they needed if ONLY they would help him get some relief from his constipation.

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Navy NCIS Middle East Field Office announces temporary deployment of special agents from Bahrain to Iraq because "case load is exploding, high visibility cases are on the rise." A later email attaches the latest case control summary for open Team Iraq cases, not showing a detainee death and an Abu Ghraib IED case in which four marines were killed.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a request for any letters or documents provided by the FBI in response to a letter from Senator Feinstein to Director Mueller concerning documents that had been released to the ACLU.

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Email includes the Commanding General's guidance regarding probable cause review of detainees.

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Email heavily redacted.

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This note from the Counterterrorism Center is heavily redacted and discusses the implications of a detainee being granted POW status and potential violations of the Geneva Convention.

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Email from individual who indicates he is "TDY at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba," which has "a key and close working relationship with DOD, specifically JTF-170. DOD has designated JTF-170 as the command responsible for developing intelligence from the detainees." Sender then identifies two "issues or requests" that DOD has raised, which are redacted. Sender indicates that DOD is seeking assistance from FBI BAUs on these questions. FBI response expresses willingness for the Behavioral Analysis Units to help out at Guantanamo. "The behavioral analysis process we use to evaluate individuals and their motivations, including incentives to cooperate with those conducting interviews and interrogations, could prove helpful to both issues you present. The Behavioral Analysis Units regularly provide interview and interrogation strategies in a wide array of domestic and international matters that could add some value to your tasks at hand."

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Email notifying recipients of an upcoming meeting.

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Navy Criminal Investigative Service Officer asks about two brothers who were held in Iraq stating that when he saw them they looked "pretty shaken up (shivering from cold and laying on concrete all night). It appeared they had gone through a few days of treatment as it was”. The emails ask whether there is an investigation into these abuses but there is no more information.

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Emails discusses an upcoming planning meeting.

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This email provides a consideration that FBI officials reiterate FBI personnel's responsibility to report observations of misconduct prior to their deployment in order to avoid failure to report, and, thus possible misconduct and/or criminal conduct.

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E-mail discusses the compilation of a list of all detainees at Camp Bucca separated by offense. There are twenty-three (23) pages of detainee names sequentially listed by prisoner number, but all names redacted. ACLU RDI 1217 contains the twenty-three (23) page list, but is heavily redacted.

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Email discusses detainee's hearing at Guantanamo where press, Amnesty International, ACLU, Human Rights Watch and the American Bar Association were present.

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Emails discuss and include various news articles, one Reuters article is entitled: "US grants protection for anti-Tehran group in Iraq." The articles report that the United States gave 3,800 Iranian rebels at the Ashraf base in Iraq protected status; the status accords the detainees human rights protections consistent with the Geneva Conventions (e.g. allows detainees access to the Red Cross and the UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency). Also included in the emails are talking/prep points.

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Emails between State Department officials re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) request to visit Guantanamo.

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These emails are between Marine Corps officers concerning an updated version of the detainee abuse cases involving Marines. The email has a spreadsheet attached that is not readable in the document; however, the email alludes to details contained within the spreadsheet.

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An FBI agent states that when he/she was at Guantanamo they did observe treatment that was not only aggressive, but personally very upsetting. He/she states that these (unspecified) techniques were not being conducted by FBI agents, but employed by the military personnel and government contractors.

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NCIS Special Agent follows up on a previous email from the Division Chief of the Personal Crimes Department at NCIS, who had requested information regarding a detainee death of which he was previously unaware. The original email provides a summary of an incident in which a detainee "died of unknown causes 36 hours after he was apprehended." He is suspected of dying "from head injuries suffered during one of over 20 escape attempts, including one in which he escaped from his restraints and threw himself through a 1/2 story window, landing on his head." Immediately after the fall, he checked out OK by a medical officer, but "a few hours later he took a turn for the worse and died with a Corpsman present." There were no allegations of abuse.

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Email contents redacted.

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The Division Chief, Personal Crimes Department of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service discusses manpower needs at Guantanamo and Iraq and case theory behind investigations, and states "We've held off initiating any action pending the DoD/Navy IG's input on "abuse criteria" and the individual MCIO's AOR. Well it's come down to Gitmo and IMEF in Iraq belonging to NCIS and everything else to Army CID. After lengthy discussions here in the building it's been determined we plan on using our 7G and 7H agency criteria for accepting cases. Of course there will be some flexibility at the field level to consider the totality of the alleged abuse as it relates to the specific environment. The key will be to determine the "aggravated" factor vs. simple assault.”

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Emails between Molly C. Phee, Joshua L. Dorosin and Virginia L. Bennett re: Points on Detainee Issues with attachment. Comments are: "Molly - I've prepared the attached points on the detainee issue and have sent to DOD and NSC for clearance. What is you absolute deadline? Josh." No attachment included.

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Emails between FBI and Alex J. Turner re: Your Request. The author states that they have experienced "what I would descnbe as unfavorable contact with the EDVA regarding Washington Field Office's (WFO) failure to more aggressively address pending allegations. And mentiones that "AUSA Rod Spencer, USAO-EDVA, has already berated an agent and I literally have a message on my desk to call him regarding these cases Apparently the EDVA is under some pressure and is most desirous of WFO to address these matters expeditiously".

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Emails to Charles Cunningham re: Abu Ghraib Prision Case. Contents redacted.

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Informs recipients of a Detainee Operations Assessment/Assistance team that is being formed and will visit detainee related operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Emails reference an attached document entitled "Tasking Summary #10 (12 May 04)." The document summarizes the investigation activities of the CID. The summary mentions CID's possession of CDs and videos relating to Abu Ghraib detainee abuse. The summary also mentions there were a total of 61 criminal investigations of detainee abuse, of which 28 involved detainee deaths.

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Email includes two attachments. One attachment, the information paper, provides background on the Army as Executive Agent (EA) for detainee operations. The second attachment, provides talking points on the Army as the EA for detainee operations in preparation for a press release.

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Emails between JoAnn J. Dolan, Francis M. Gaffney, Edward R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin, Todd F. Buchwald and Thomas C. Krajeski concerning draft OSCE intervention on the humanitarian situation in Iraq. the final comments from Frank Gaffney asks "Does IO have any comments on the CHR points?"

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Email from Jeremy Caddel concerning talking points for the Email from Jeremy D. Caddel to Eric K. Fisher, Jeffrey J. Hawkins and Others re: Talking Points for International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC). The talking points include: Doab Prison had been used for detainees, but that practice has been discontinued; Certain individuals have been moved to Bagram AFB; The United States wishes to emphasize that we are still engaged in active hostilities in Afghanistan; and The health and welfare of enemy combatants captured by the United States in coalition operations is monitored by U.S. personnel to ensure individuals recieve necessary medical care and are treated in accordance with applicable law.

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Email includes an executive summary that discusses the DOA's investigations into detainee abuse, including the different types of support they have received thus far.

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The sender of the email mentions difficulty in attaching emails to one another. The four (4) emails need to be forwarded separately regarding a redacted matter, dated: 09/30/2002, 10/02/2002, 10/07/2002, and 10/08/2002.

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Email is to prepare the Director for an up-coming congressional hearing on Torture allegations, and if anyone was made aware of any such allegations. Bowman states that the matter was sent to SAC in Miami and CT. In addition it states that "Carbone apparently testified [on May 11, 2004] that the Iraq guidance was issues on 10/12/03." The email is otherwise heavily redacted.

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An email thread between FBI officials regarding FBI procedural guidelines on Department of Defense requests to interview FBI Special Agents as witnesses to allegations of detainee abuse or deaths.

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Text entirely redacted. Email Subject: ICITAP - Iraq.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding a visit to Guantanamo and tour of Camp Delta by four staffers from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).

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Email includes an attachment, which is a power-point presentation entitled processing detainees. Includes power point presentation.

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Emails discuss notes from a Technical Integration Group Engaged in Research (TIGER) Team meeting. The email mentions that Lieutenant Kieth Alexander thinks there may be a pattern between critical events and abuses (e.g. riots-abuses; escapes-abuses, etc.).

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Emails discuss revisions to a document. [Document not included].

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Email from Henry Tucker to Jeremy Caddel re: Cable to be cleared. Mr. Tucker's comments are "Jeremy, In case I can't get the cable cleared in time to send to you by 00B: I met with Mol Special Advisor today and relayed the information provided in SECSTATE 71827. He indicated that this information didn't provide much beyond what the already knew. I asked thta the Mol get back to me today on this issue and he indicated he would do his best. Hope this helps. Hank."

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni, John F. Curran and Others re: Tribunal proceedings. Discusses the prosecution of two individuals with FBI testimony playing leading role in the tribunal process. [One redacted email author refers to himself in his signature as "Your man in Cuba"]

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Emails discuss the processing of detainees, there are concerns raised regarding a new detainee parole concept.

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This email between State Department officials contains several attachments concerning their transfer of detainees to Guantanamo. The document is heavily redacted.

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Refers to Iraq matter. All content redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the release of additional records that fall within the parameters of the ACLU FOIA search, specifically that such records shall be processed and accounted for in the FOIA litigation as a group.

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Email references September 2003 Sanchez memo on "CJTF-7 Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy" and asks for a signed copy of the "current policy". The email states "You're listed as the POC on Interrogation end Counter-Resistance Policy memo dated 10 Sep 03. I have an unsigned copy. Can you verify that this Is a valid, signed policy? If not, can you send me (or steer me toward) the current policy? Thanks!"

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Attaches a DOD fact sheet on Guantanamo detainees, a newly released DOD order establishing administrative review for procedures for enemy combatants held in Guantanamo and a DOD news release. Attachments not provided.

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Email forwarding January 29, 2002 newspaper article concerning Australian Taliban David Hicks legal ffforts to be freed from U.S. custody.

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Operation Iraqi Freedom Detainee Operations and Training Guidance. Attachments are copies of outlines on transparancies used in training.

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This email discusses logistics for upcoming Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) training workship on interviewing extremists.

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Email includes a press release entitled "Abu Ghraib fight leaves 2 detainees dead, 5 wounded." It provides that a fight broke out among detainees at the Abu Ghraib detention facility on August 18, 2004 at about 5:45 AM, it was reported that guards observed a large group of detainees attacking another detainee using rocks and tent poles. In an attempt to disperse the group, the guards used non-lethal rounds, however, when the non-lethal rounds failed to quell the disturbance, the guards resorted to lethal force, which left two dead and five wounded.

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Emails discuss a "HASC murder board." The emails are heavily redacted. An attached document contains an operations update for the Secretary of Defense.

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This e-mail from an anonymous source to James Mitchell expresses interest in training with Mitchell and Bruce Jessen for future interrogations and discusses psychological techniques from Mitchell and Jessen's recent paper presented at a conference.

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Emails appear to discuss revisions to a document, the document may discuss the Geneva Conventions in Iraq. [Document is not included].

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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the legality or propriety of interview techniques being used at Guantanamo Bay.

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Email from Ed Cummings with attachment of a presentation entitled: The War Against Terrorism and Combatants for delivery to a Canadian delegation.

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FBI email stating that the author was in a position to provide an accurate assessment of the dynamics and interactions at Guantanamo but was never contacted to prepare or review a draft copy of a memo dated Mar. 25, 2003.

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E-mails between John S. Pistole, T.J. Harrington, Valerie E. Caproni, and Others re: FBI operations in Guantanamo, Afghanistan and Iraq. Emails discuss a general concern for FBI operations and interrogation techniques used. Also, there is a discussion of a meeting with Vice Admiral Church regarding FBI detention/interrogation procedures at Guantanamo; Valerie Caproni requests names of all agents who have participated in interviews of detainees in Iraq, Guantanamo, and Afghanistan.

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Emails discuss what is needed to accept a detainee into a facility.

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Emails between JoAnn J. Dolan, Joshua L. Dorosin, Ronald W. Miller and Others re: PD on Detainees-Strategy Paper. The email has an attachment, not included. the comments from Ms. Dolan are "I assume no one has anything further on this one. Ron: Have these changes been sent on to Carlos yet?. Note my comments sought confirmation of consensus on a point or two."

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Emails discuss the handling of detainee death and abuse cases, authors comment on the investigations and different training techniques being used as a result of the reports and investigations. Included is an Associated Press article which talks about various incidents including the deaths of Mullah Habibullah and Dilawar.

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DOD lists of detainees who are cleared for release from Abu Ghraib, Al Salhiya, Camp Bucca and Tasferrat [detainee names/numbers redacted].

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Emails between State Department officials with attachement entitled "DC BM 040604 - MEK Corruption…" no attachment included.

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An email correcting an email erroneously sent to all FBIHQ employees regarding the ACLU's FOIA request concerning the treatment of detainees.

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Email refers to six attachments. [Attachments not included].

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Unredacted text recommends behavioral team contact authors of attached study (redacted in full). At bottom, references to Psyop Planning Team and PowerPoint attachment labeled TerrorismBrief.ppt. The email is otherwise redacted.

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Emails provide an update on preparation for the Schlesinger Panel and ongoing detainee operations.

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This document is an email sent on June 7, 2006, from [redacted] to [redacted] regarding Dr. Mitchell's 7 June Meeting with the DCI. In the previous release of this document (on June 13, 2016), the name "Dr. Mitchell" was also redacted in the subject line. Once again, the only part of the message's body that is unredacted is the following sentence: "The DCI conveyed that the President was concerned about the image of a detainee, chained to the ceiling, clothed in a diaper, and forced to go to the bathroom on themselves."

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Emails discuss and include a cable from the U.K. Bar Association Chair and others expressing their opinion on interrogation methods utilized by the U.S. military in Iraq and Guantanamo. The U.K. Bar Association Chair stated that the "extreme interrogation" techniques utilized by the soldiers, which included hooding, sleep deprivation, isolation and nudity, amounted to torture and were in breach of rules on inhuman and degrading treatment.

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Emails between Jonathan B. Schwartz and Diane McBride, Beverly S. Holman and Others re: UK Attorney General Goldsmith. Attachment not included.

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Emails discussing Department of Administrative Services weekly meetings with the Office of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General and the Criminal Investigation Command.

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Email references a document entitled "Information Paper on PMG vice CID." The document discusses the Office of the Provost Marshall General's (OPMG) current and future operations. The document also includes a timeline of operational support the Army provided related to detainee operations (Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom).

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This is an email responding to an FBIHQ request. The author states that during their GTMO tenure, they witnessed aggressive treatment, interview/interrogation techniques of detainees by non-FBI Bureau personnel.

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Email referring to North Carolina case. All other contents redacted.

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Emails reference an attached document, which discusses the Army's interaction with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

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No relevant text.

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Contents Completely Redacted

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Emails discuss correspondence on a Guantanamo matter.

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Email includes an executive summary that discusses the need for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC) to assume responsibility over development of major DOD policies and plans related to persons detained in association with the Global War on Terrorism.

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FBI Emails between Valerie E. Caproni, Chris Swecker and Others concerning reports of abuse of detainees at Guantanamo and the scheduled interview of a specific (un-named) detainee who is considered a High Value target. Many of the emails in the chain concern scheduling meetings to discuss these matters.

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Email includes a presentation entitled "Deaths of Detainees Under US Military Control." The presentation states that as of May 19, 2004, there have been 63 detainee deaths: 58 deaths in Iraq and 5 in Afghanistan. The 58 deaths in Iraq were reported as follows: 22 killed by enemy mortar attacks at Abu Ghraib; 11 died of natural causes; 1 accidental death caused by heat stroke; 8 killed during riots or escape attempts; 5 "unknown" causes of death; 8 suspected homicides; 3 to be determined pending medical examiner determination. All 5 of the deaths in Afghanistan were ruled as homicides.

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Emails discuss revisions to a document(s). No relevant text. [Document not included].

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Emails discuss the Criminal Investigation Command's (CID) interview of a Sergeant with the 372nd Military Police Company regarding allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib. One of the emails seeks to learn whether the Sergeant reported abuse in Abu Ghraib to CID. [Summary of request for information not included].

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Email provides recipients with an updated strategy on detainee operations following the Army's discovery of detainee abuse. Original email/update is from Major General Geoffrey Miller.

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Emails discuss detainee deaths and prison-detainee charts. [Documents are not included].

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An email to Jameel Jaffer informing him that, though the Department of Defense is withholding a draft response to Congressional Questions for the Record in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 15, 2005, the final versions of the answers can be located online at a location provided by the author.

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This heavily redacted message contains draft talking points for the press on the interrogation program.

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E-mail between T.J. Harrington, Valerie Caproni and other un-named FBI officials concerning photographs on a CD from various FBI personnel during their TDY rotation to the Baghdad Operation Center. An FBI agent who reviewed the CD did not believe the CD depicted misconduct or inappropriate behavior by U.S. personnel against detainees. The email describes an on-going effort to track-down any evidence, i.e. CDs, photos, etc.. That would support a claim of detainee abuse.

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Email by FBI Special Agent Jon E. Bibnik responds to an Inspection Division request about possible observance of "aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees." Bibnik responds affirmatively and recounts an incident observed by another Special Agent where two unknown interviewers from an unknown government agency used loud music and smoke to interview a detainee. He goes on to physically describe the interviewers and cross them off a list of government agencies they might belong to. This is the only affirmative response to the Inspector's July 9, 2004 email.

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Emails discuss photos being circulated on the internet and by the media, the photos are said to be inflammatory, they apparently depict U.S. military officers transporting detainees.

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Emails between Valerie E. Caproni, Marion E. Bowman, Patrick W. Kelley, and Others re: Combatant Status Review Tribunal in Guantanamo. Discusses status of the tribunal process for four enemy combatants; one e-mail notes disappointment "when the Taliban combatant was docile and cooperative -- I was hoping for some action" [Mentions/refers to the Secretary of Navy and the FBI Senior Agent].

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Email concerns news paper article about Guantanamo. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is mentioned.

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Email includes news articles about high level detainees, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah and the "harsh" interrogation methods the CIA employs. The email includes another article, which reports specific accounts of abuse.

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Email between Joint Task Force 7 with attached spreadsheet. The email states "[This reflects the information we gathered from all subordinate elements on whether or not they maintained a temporary detention facility or an interrogation facility based on the definitions you gave." The email is otherwise redacted.

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This email, by an FBI agent who had previously dealt with GTMO detainees, is a response to an Inspection Division request made on July 9, 2004 about possible observance of "aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees." This individual in the Investigative Technology Division responded negatively regarding observed aggressive treatment, like almost all other FBI agents who had dealt with FBI detainees.

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