FBI email describing author's first week at Guantanamo. The email notes the differences between interview styles. The email states "Interesting differences' between the interviewees, as well as interview styles. And definitely areas where I feel we've contributed. We're still hearing about folks doing weird things like subjecting interviewees to Strobe lights, etc., but have not seen anything of concern to date. Overheard a very loud (non-Bureau) interview down the hall yesterday, but chose not to observe it."
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b6 -1
To: .
b7C -1
$ubjec:t ..~uryiv~ t.he first we~k. '.... ._..' ..
t· -. '.~....-.... ' , ..' ..,'~'" . : .... ~ ... , ............ -~ .. , ...":-.. ".. _. ,--" '~-'."" . ,. ,'-" Message: -Rellor Well; I'Ve suivivedmYfirst week at GTMO_'We've 'obseried and provided observations and suggestions on 7(or was it 8?) interviews in 6 days. Two yesterday and two the day befo~e anyhow ... Many of the interviewers have approached us for help and in other cases we've asked if we couid sit in to see . new detainees, etc., and no one has said no yet. Seem to have been well received by most interviewers. Interesting differences between theintervie'...,ees. as well as interview styles. And definitely areas where I feel we've contributed_ We're still hearing about folks doing weird things like subjecting interviewees to strobe lights, etc., but have not seer. anything of concern to date. Overheard a 'very loud (non-Bureau) interview down the hall yesterday, but chose not to observe it. :
On the personal front -have seen two movies at the~theater (Matrix b6-1 Reloaded and Bruce Alrnlghty-definitely a must seeL-J there's even a b7C-1 monkey scene in it for.you!). There was a bonfire beach party last Fri. night and a pool party on Sat. nite. We have an offer to go sailing this Sunday -not sure if going yet.
, Enjoyed the Sunday church service and found a Bible Study that just started and meets one night a week. Aside from the female chaplain, the attendees are all JTF folks and one translator. .
Thanks tol-lmrril think my bills are up to date since I'm able to pay b6-1
. "f."'.
.' .. online. An~a~momand the cats continue to get along ·nicely. More 'b7C -1 to follow .. _.
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DOJ FBI-001440