<p>Email refers to request by TJ Harrington to speak to General Miller regarding the impersonation of FBI interrogators and requests specific dates and details.</p> [Page 2 of this document was later released in less-redacted form, and is ACLU-RDI 3380.]
b6 -3,4 • Page 1 'I
b7C -3,4
b6 -1
b7D -1
b7C -3.
b7F -1
Fromi I(CTD) (FBI) b6 -1,3,4
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:15 AM
b7C -1,3,4
To: (CTD) (FBI); (CTD) (FBI) b7D -1
Cc: CTD) (FBI)b7F -1
Subject: RE:F--I
b6 -1 Include this in the response to the questions (lust sent Please remember these are going back to
1 1
b7C -1 the Director so you must have dates, times, places, and people Don't leave anything unanswered. If
some questions do not apply, then they don't apply. If you answer anything, it must be comepltely
answered. Need to get this done today so we can add our info and put it all into one document.
Original Message---b6 -1,3,4 Fromi I(CTD) (FBI) b7C -1,3,4 Sen 2004 8:08 AM To: (CTD) (FBI); (CTD) (FBI)
b7D -1 Sub
b7F -1
It was shortly after the last visit of - November? I didn't do any paper on it.
b6 -1
b7C -1
----Original Message----
b6 -1,3,4 From:I: 1(CTD) (FBI)
b7C -1,3,4 Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:04 AM
To.:I (CTD) (F I)
b7D -1
Cc:: (CTD) (FBI)
b7F -1
Subject: RE:
b6 -1.
b7C -1
It actually was DAD Harrington that specifically requested you speak with General Miller about this. I will document that you thought that was not appropriate and instead met with', Do you have
b6 -2
the date you met with Lor at least approximate time frame)? Was there any
b7C -2
documentation about your meeting'? Thanks
b6 -1
b7C -1
b6 -1
4 12:39 PM DETAINEES-3833
b7C -1 (CTD) (FBI)
likkitigtEdgidEOsttikti WqEt143(P= 2PITA:4 71 1xtliff0g4.4gis!:P±710 1 44
=R b6 -3,9 .1 G Page 2
b7C -3,4
b6 -1 b7D -1
b7C -1 b7F -1
Subject: FW: b6 -3,4
b7F -1
Use this for the EC.. then we'll get it uploaded.
--Original Message----
From4 I (CTD) (FBI)
b6 -1,3,4
Se: , 2004 12:36 PM b7C -1,3,4 To: ) (FBI) (CTD) (FBI)
b7D -1 Cc: ); I I 4
b7F -1
Subject: RE:
b6 -1,2,3,4 I spoke witli: 'about the "FBI Supervisor n..se" used againstQ Actually 1 .1 b7C -1,2,3,4requested that I speak with General Miller about it, but I decided' :livas the appropnate person to
b7D -1
address it with.
b7F -1
b6 -2.I told!:'that in the future this type of approach should be strictly coordinated with the FBI, and he agreed. He indicated he was not aware that this instance had not been coordinated with us. This type of
b7C -2.
situation has not been a problem since, as far as I know.
b6 -2,3,9
b7C -2,3,4 During this same conversation, I toldniabout the statements had taken from1.I b7D -1
b7F -1
We discussed how the statements taken byEI were significantly different than those taken
b6 -1,4
et al.
b7C -1,4
:Ori•inal Message (CTD) (FBI)
b6 -1,3,4 From:
Sent:.av, 2004 11:07 AM b7C -1,3,9 To:
:(CTD) (FBI) b7D -1.Subje
b7F -1
b6 -1
b7C -1
P66e 31
:'b7C -3,4 b6 -1 b7D -3. b7C -1 b7F -1
Pleas document for me the conversation you had with) 'regarding the tactics used against
b6 -2,3,4
We need to have the EC u loaded as soon as possible and I want to include a small paragraph the
b7C 2, 3, 4 I.
mentions your conversations with
b7D 1:
b7F -1