Email from DOD to DOD reminding officials to refrain from abusing and mistreating detainees.
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-G3 OPS EOC Org Account
From: COL 3/2 Infantry Brigade CDR
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 3:02 AM
To: LT 5/20 Infant Battalion CDR; CSM 5/20 Infantry
a a ion SM; LTC 1/14 Ca R; CSM 1/14 Cavalry Squa•ron CSM 1/23 Infantry Battalion
L. MAJ 1/23 I fantry Battalion 1SG 1/37 Field Artillery CSM; MAJ 1/37 Field Artillery LTC 1/37 Field Artillery CDR; LTC 2/3 Infantry Battalion C CSM 2/3 Infantry Battalion
CSM; TC 276 Engineer Ba a ion CSM 276
Engineer B PT 293d CSM 296
BSB CSM• 6 BSB CDR; L 3-17 Cavalry
avalry HHT
Cc: TC 3/2 Infantry Brigade DCO; LTC 3/2 Infantry Brigade
XO; CSM 3/2 Infantry Brigade CSM; PT 3/2 Infantry Brigade
Subject: Detainee Abuse
Over the past 3 days there have been 2 credible reports of potential prisoner abuse in the Brigade. Some of this might be from the increased sensitivity due to Abu Ghraib, but it still needs to be taken seriously. Need you to remind all leaders and subsequently each soldier that we follow the rules in dealing with prisoners in the Brigade. There is nothing to be gained from abuse except a subsequent investigation and discipline of the perpetrator. Need to be especially sensitive to abuse after a serious injury to or death of one of your soldiers.
At the same time, as outlined by the CG yesterday, I want each of you to make sure that all soldiers are reminded to act
professionally at all times in dealing with each other, local leaders and populace. That is especially important now because
leaders will begin to show fatigue from working hard every day in excess of 6 months. We will also need to be especially
on our game as we prepare to move again to an area that we are unfamiliar with.
Thanks for what you do and for being an example of what right looks like for your soldiers each day.