Email states recient new article on CNN reported Gen. Karpinsky saying that Gen. Miller wanted to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. The email also refers to article in Stars and Stripes news paper where Gen. Miller had said he believed in "rapport-building approach (toward detainee interviewing)". The author states "this is not what he was saying at Gitmo when I was there", and directs the email reciepient to a BAU EC written by the Miami Division for an insight in to the matter.
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for a better underst:and~ng of the issue Nfl spou· about, one should read not
only the bau ee, but t~e attachment. a. well. '
I J!a h,are ~ith 1118 and .~uld anyone be interestad , he eoU;ld ill~~te b6-1 i ldt ut rJan miller's view. on lnterro;ation.Dwali the the miami case b7C-1 agent for 14. JlPntbs. '. .' .... '
trca. what cnn reports , qen t4rplnsky at Abu gharib .aid tba~ gen miller
came to the prison several months ago and told her they wanted to "gimotize
,:abu gharib. i Ul not sure What .this lIIIans. however, if this refers to 1ntall
gathering 'as ~ suspect, it sDgqeS~& he, bas COftt!nued,to auppOrt'interr0rJat1bn
strategies ... not only adviaad against, but questioned in teJ:IU of,
effect~veness. .', . ..
. . .
. 'yesterday,' however, we were s~illel·to read· an article in IItars and stripes,.
. 'in which cjen miller 111· qUoted &s saying that he believe. in the . b6 -1 rapportwnrJ approach. this 1s not what' he ~as saying at rJi~ when·~ was b7C -1 there. and 1 did cart wh.el.. the battles fought in qitmo while'qen miller e waa there are on the record.
.b6 -1,2
") check out not onlytbe ~au eo b\l~ dn: 'Wdttrn'I)Y miami di-rlaiOn:1: L
, should know about thi)las ohoul~ :10s.. franc1sco. i:a a ~t r ad.' 'b7C -1,~
, ,. ~ knows tbese lssue guite·!.ll .and has Allio fought
'=J. battles. has anyone aelead withl r .
. ,
, .
b5 -1,
b5 -1
1b5 -1 •
;'Ll::r:rct\Tt.or! ~1~r:1C
DOJ FBI-001370
.. -;0. bS -1
. ptalk'to you later,
. b6 -1
_~. b7C -1
. \
I ,
. ': .
DOJ FBI-001371