Email re: FBI Witness List and Missing Photos

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The document is an email, regarding an investigation by Brigadier General John Furlow into allegations of abuse by military interrogators, and includes a section about interviews of FBI agents.

Friday, January 14, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

..0111G-REQ 2/18/05 —PART 13
DATE 07-22-nos, EY 65179 DIU-1/11.1Z Page 1 of 3.
From: Sent:Fri 1/14/2005 3:02 PM
To: (Tidwell, J. Stephen b2 Per FBI
Cc: b6 Per FEI '
Subject: FW: FBItness list and Missing Photos b'7C Per FBI
' This email below was sent in response to an•email I sent with my
questions to the Military investigatcirs. Their response included the
reason for the interviews and potential topics. One of the•most
important facts is that the interviewees were selected based upon FBI -
documents that we provided to the military on January 6, 2005. I have
those documents and I am segregating them% that I can provide you with
your material.
The FBI General Counsel wants someone from our office present at
all the interviews. I've been tasked to be present at as many of the
interviews as poisible in order to provide a consistent monitor. The
first interview was done in Gitmo this week and was attended byl
The interview lasted about an hour and covered general questions
regardingour interaction. with Military operations at Gitmo.
I would appreciate it if this email was not disseminated beyond
your people. I didn't get their permission to pass it around ,. Mr.
Tidwell, I'll give• you a call around 3:30 pm if that's alright.
--:--Original Message—
From: Jarvis, Harvey M. CPT (L) fmailtolarvisliM@.TTFGTMO.southcom.inill
Sent: Frida January,, 2005 9:50 AM •
Cc: ur ow, ohn BG (L); Stone, Kathryn, COL (L); Evans, Martin, CAPT
(L); King, Craig C. CNTR (L)
Subject: RE: FBI Witness list and Missing Photos
Let me start by addressing the basis of Brigadier General Furlow's
involvement in this investigation and his marching orders (if this
information is redundant, I apologize in advance).
Background: On or about 29 December 2004, General Bantz Craddock,
CDR, initiated an informal Article 15-6 investigation into allegations
abuse contained in FBI documents released to the ACLU pursuant to a FOIA
request. Brigadier General John Furlow was appointed as the
Directive: To investigate the allegations of misconduct/abuse made by
b6 Per FBI
b7C Per FBI
b2 Per FBI
' b6 Per FBI '
b6 Per FBI .
b7C Per FBI
b2 Per FBI
Page 2 of3
special agents regarding interrogation techniques used at JTF-GTMO by'
military interrogators. There were no allegations of misconduct/abuse,
my knowledge, contained in the packet of documents delivered bY.the FBI
DA concerning FBI special agents. BG Furlow is not investigating the
FBI or
. its special agents (BO Furlow is investigating the interrogation
of military interrogators as they relate to the allegations) : .
Scope of Interview: BG Furlow is attempting to investigate information
contained in the individual special agents' statements, e-mails or
memorandums (provided by Ms. Valerie Caproni) ,. I can say with some
certainty that BG Furlow will query the speCial agents in the following •
areas: duration of stay at GTMO; interaction with Military
interaction/knowledge of military interrogation SOPs; knowledge of
chain-of-coinmand; observation of military interrogations. Of course,
McNally, BG Furlow is taking this investigation seriously and therefore
" remains fluid and open (i.e. the interview will move in directions
determined by the information receivedfrom'the special agents).
. Schedule: BG Furlow' and his investigation team should be arriving in DC• •
late Tuesday night (18 January). BG Furlow, if this comports with your
schedule, would like to begin the interviews on Wednesday (19 January).
afternoon. '(We can discuss the sPecifics:.when, where, who, etc. in a
future e-mail)
With the FBI's cooperation, BG Furlow will be able to 'insure that a
proper/thorough investigation is conducted concerning events which may
may not have occurred at JTF-GTMO as distant as two and half years ago.
Without the FBI's cooperation, a thorough investigation into FBI
of misconduct/abuse by military interrogators,,is impossible.
Thus far, the cooperation between our two organizations has been
and I hope•that cooperation will continue as thisirvestigation
'continues. .
I appreciate the time, effort and patience you and other members of the
(especially Craig and Ms. Caproni) are putting into insuring that these
interviews proceed without a hitch. If, you have any questions for me,
please do not hesitate to contact me at this e-mail address (please
once our investigation team leaves JTF-GTMO, I will be unable to access
e-mail account)

FBI018124CBT r1hR/Inbox/F.*:%20PBI%20'Witness%2... i/14/2005
OIG REO 2/18/05—RART, 13 FBIP000079 DOJOIG012908
Page 3 of 3..
Harvey M. Jarvis '
CPT, JAUnited
States Army South
Operational Law Attorney
https://dwa.fbitd.11; . 1/14/2005
OIG REQ 2/18/05—PART 13 DOJOIG012909 .FBI0000080
