Email between FBI Officials re: Article in Stars and Stripes Newspaper Concerning General Miller Gitmotizing Abu Ghraib Prison

Email states recient new article on CNN reported Gen. Karpinsky saying that Gen. Miller wanted to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. The email also refers to article in Stars and Stripes news paper where Gen. Miller had said he believed in "rapport-building approach (toward detainee interviewing)". The author states "this is not what he was saying at Gitmo when I was there", and directs the email reciepient to a BAU EC written by the Miami Division for an insight in to the matter.

Thursday, May 13, 2004
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

--.__ ._---_._------­ , b6 -1 ... '. ..,-I r(I~) (FBI) ,b7C -1 ~--~--~~==~~~--------------~~~----­ b6 -1 ,-,-rom: ....,.,=~-:-n~f"I'!"""I~"04 3:53 PM b 7C -1 '-'Sent: " To:.' t--____.......,IVOO) (FBI) I 'Cc:: ~~::-:=:=r:==-..J(IR) (FBI);....___---IlDiv1~) (FBI), . .S~bJect " .0 • .. "0 ", o· •••••• .... I. •• • " .' ... :. . -----Or·iginal Mes&age-----. . ~-;s.""W)!lt::e:." .·... 05/l.3/-2004t1::Oa~.2 1:JIIl.,,,,04QO.•,·,.(!l'h\lr8daYhl.l!~' :: ,,~,'•.• .-• ..,;.. ......:. ,~;;: ...... :~" ." ,.,..-.,/t. t· ',_'. . ~~~ml 1:-:~c-~~ ,.. , .' . .Subje,ct:, CU,rreJl~ even~:. . " ....' ...............'t-,,, • ..,.-: .. .,. -,\".~ •• :a,..!: _.... . ..c,:.. ..... ,_ .. _... ' ..'.. : -. 0° .. "'''' WI..... :for a' better u~deistanding"of the' .issue we spoke abdut, ,one should ,read not only the bau ec, but the attachments as.-well, ••' " • '.' • '0 • ...... .'. ' •.•_ • _. • • .:I:::::::~Jis he,t'e,with me, ~~d shQuid an~ be' i,nt.eres.ted ; pe cO~ld' iUUmlnate a' lot abbut":~c-l gen In..1IIe~'s view~ '~n, inter7"09atj.onL ·L...Jwas the.. the miami case .agent 'for '1.4 ?io~ths,' " . . , " from ·.what cnn 'r~ports -, gen ~a:r;p'insky at a~u q~ri:b said t~at gen miller 'came ~o the prison se.veral'months ago and ,told 'her they wa'nted tq "gimotize" ,abu 'qh~rib, i am not 'sure what this means.' however,' if this refers to interl gathering' as i' suspect, it sugqests he . has' continued to support, interrogatio'n. strat'eqies we not 9nly advised 'aqains't; but ~ucs:':'oried ,'in terms of effectiveness, . . '. . , , , ',yesterday, however; we-we're' Surprised to r.aad 'ah' 'a;tlcl~in, stars" ar!~ ~tripe'si 'in which b6-1 gen'miller h, quoted ciS saying'that he b~l.i:eyes in ~PpOTt-building-approach ,. ,this is' . ", ,. noo:: whrt' he' wa's·· say'in~' at gi~o'wh'!#n i .was L-...Jand: i clid cart' Wheels: 'the . b7C , battles 'fought in gitmo',while gen 'mj,ller.he .wa's· there are on the' rei:o~d, • •• • °0 • • • o. , ' ~heCk', O\1-t not \mlyt;~p bOI! ;.; hpt ~me wti.~ten ~y miami divisio!!·. ~::::::::']L.;;.;';';;'=;;;"=""""b ," 'about this as'shoul4, __ 'in san"francisco, 'its .i'must reP, knows th issue.'qul.t.e ,we aflQ' ,has also 'fought battles, has' anyo~n~e~=="='~~~'J:"I:"----' I " " '0'.. ,0' ' •• : ,0' ':. • '0 b5 -1 -'. .. . '. ti':::,~:~'~':~~:~~:~''~':~.'~'~~:~:::~.':~~~l~:~~::~~:::::'~'':':'~'::~:'~":'~;~: ..[JI~,~.~~~' ' ' •• 0' ~ ' / .. ;;~ ~:'~l?';'~t!.:~~':-_~' "::'tm.IlIE:: ' I ' .' ~. :, D'ETAiNEES::3149 ." ){,a'.EI" IS UXCl.AS1CE.IED D.':]!. il-C.-~O')4 3~ ::l.S:~:::-:}liEI::::: ..d:: DOJ FBI-001707 1~________________________________________________________~r5 -1 ..... )·r.alk. to' you lacer, 'J I b6-1 b7C -1 '1"". ,.. ~., ~-. .. , ..... ", " .' , . . .?~,,:,,:;,,~~~~._~~.:";:':::::::;::::":~_-'::'-:-:;-::-::E:J.1t~~:-::':"'?~.I.'::":::2:3..~.-;:::=-.;::;:t.!:=?~!";''':;:,;:..:-:.;:~:-~.~~ .:.::..:::t.: " J' P!=TAIN~ES·3150 2 ",.! ," • '0.. DOJ FBI-001708
