Email provides an update from a previous meeting, the author mentions that Private First Class England will go before the Courts Marshal on June 22 and that some changes have been implemented at the Bagram facility. Also, the author mentions that leadership is looking for a comparison between corrections and detainee punishment.
1.1111111111 Mr Army G3/AOC((b)Lb) 2-
From: 1111111111/ COL Army G3/AOC (_10)L6)-1-
Sent: ues ay, June 15, 2004 3:39 PM
To: Cc: R der oDonald J MG PMG/CID AJ PMG; COL CIDC G3 (6) C.6)-
Subject: Ops Update/Tiger team update (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO
Sir, For tomorrow's ops updat- brin • to our attention.
Since these are both my issues, I will be the only one that will be briefing. From my discussion with the branch chiefs, we will have several issue to bring to your attention at the Ops Update next week. At this morning's Tiger team meeting the following information/taskings were discussed: Schlesinger panel report that is due on 31 July, that now may be a interim report and the pane' may stay standing until after the election.
PFC England will go before the Courts Marshal on 22 June
An interim report has been provided to Bagram facility and some changes have been implemented. No other info was provided; but, since I have 2 folks at that facility right now I have asked them to get some more details if possible.
The leadership. is still looking for the comparison between corrections and detainee punishments. Will ptovide an EXSUM for your review prior to COB today. The pictures at the crime lab and the dating of those pictures continues to be an issue. Leadership would like closure by tomorrow COB.
Gen Kerns will be the new appointing authority for the procedure 15. No 3 star has been named to the team yet. MG Fay will remain on the team. All for now Sir.
COL MP Branch Chief, National Detainee Reporting Center rovost Marshal General
"Development of a culture of innovation will not be advanced by panels, studies or this paper. Cultural change begins with behavior and the leaders who shape it." Gen Peter J. Schoomaker, Chief of Staff, Army
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO
OPMG Document