Email between DOD Officials re: Military Police Identified in Military General Antonio Taguba's Report

Email includes an executive summary entitled "Adverse Action taken against MP leaders identified in MG Taguba's Report of Investigation." The summary discusses Major General Antonio Taguba's report, which recommended a series of disciplinary and administrative actions against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

Monday, August 2, 2004
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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From: 111.111LTC USARC SJA Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 4:25 PM

Subject: MG Taguba's recommendations RE: USAR MP leaders
Attached is an EXSUM of the information currently known to this office regarding MG Taguba's recommendations (and subsequent AC action) regarding adverse action against USAR MP leaders identified in his report. As you'll see there is much that remains unreported / unknown. Efforts to reach CPT .the CFLCC JA on point regarding the Taguba Report) remain unsuccessful. He should be returning on l
aiNtomorrow. Unable to leave further VM on his cell phone because his in-box is too full. Likewise have been unsuccessful in reaching the SJA for the 800th MP Bde during this time (LTC who is on extended leave through the end of this month. Hope to be able to get his cell phone and reac im ASAP.
LTC.had the office lead (along with LTC= regarding the handling of LTC .dmin actions. He as not yet had time to retrieve / review any office files regarding whether a re ief was ever accomplished before REFRAD.
V/R LTC MOW OSJA, US Army Reserve Command, Ft. McPherson, GA Duty Phon • DSN: 367 Fax: (404) Home Phone:
(UNCLASSIFIED) (Wd0 2 August 2004
(U) Adverse Action taken a ainst MP leaders identified in MG Ta a ba's Re ort of Investi • ation
Open testimony before Congress confirmed that MG Taguba recommended a series of disciplinary and administrative actions against many Soldiers and leaders he identified in his AR 15-6 report of investigation into detainee abuse at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility at Abu Ghraib, Iraq. LTG McKiernan's approved this report subject to the following exception:
"...Recommendations in this investigation regarding proposed adverse administrative or punitive
action...should be decided on a case-by-case basis. Individual commanders responsible for...good
order and discipline...should independently review...this investigation before deciding on
appropriate disciplinary or administrative action against individual Soldiers."
Our best information regarding follow up to some of MG Taguba's recommendations is as follows:
BG Janis Karpinski (Cdr, 800th MP Bde): Recommended she be relieved from command and receive a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMOR). LTG McKiernan directed OMPF filing of a general officer memorandum of admonishment just before she departed theater in Apr 04. No other adverse action until the Commander, USARC suspended her from command upon her subsequent REFRAD. Final decision regarding relief pending from Commander, USARC.
LTC (Cdr, 320th MP Bn): Recommended for relief from command, GOMOR, and removal from the COL (0-6) promotion list. BG Karpinski had previously directed local filing of a GOMOR she had issued in Nov 03 for matters unrelated to detainee abuse. BG Karpinski suspended LTC allEri(reportedly at the direction of LTG Sanchez) on 17 Jan 04. HRC-St. Louis has confirmed that he has been removed from the COL promotion list. He has also reportedly retired since being REFRAD. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations.
MAJ (S-3, 320th MP Bn): Recommended for relief and GOMOR. BG Karpinski directed local filing of GOMOR she issued in Nov 03 for matters unrelated to detainee abuse. LTG McKiernan issuedGO OR in May 03 for matters unrelated to detainee abuse. He returned GOMOR to MAJ.d did not direct it be filed. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations.
CPT (Cdr, 372d MP Co): Recommended for relief and GOMOR. BG Karpinski suspended him from command (reportedly at the direction of LTG Sanchez) on 18 Jan 04. Suspension was lifted shortly after LTG McKiernan made his approval and exception to MG Taguba's report in Apr 04. CPTalgesumed command since Apr 04. We have yet to identify who restored him to command. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations.
1LT P1tn Ldr, 372d MP Co): Recommended for relief and GOMOR. No
information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's
SGM (OPNS SGM, 320th MP Bn): Recommended for relief and GOMOR. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations. Had previously received several General Officer letters of concern (filed locally) for matters unrelated to detainee abuse. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations.
1SG (372d MP Co): Recommended for relief and GOMOR. BG Karpinski suspended him (reportedly at the direction of LTG Sanchez) on 19 Jan 04. Suspension was lifted shortly after LTG McKiernan made his approval and exception to MG Taguba's report in Apr 04. Resumed duties as 1SG in Apr 04. We have yet to identify who restored him to duty. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations.
SFC MERfir (Pltn Sgt, 372d MP Co): Recommended for relief, GOMOR, and UCMJ action. No information received regarding any other adverse action in response to MG Taguba's recommendations.
LTC 1111/ AFRC-JAM / 4644.11/ Approved for Release:

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