Emails between DOD Officials re: Detainee abuse investigations

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Emails discuss detainee abuse investigations. One email asks how many abuses have been reported and how many investigations have been initiated? The Taguba report is also mentioned. Also, a document discussing the operations of the Office of the Provost Mashall General is included.

Thursday, May 20, 2004
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mr Army G3/AOC
From: MAJ PMG (0 1-6)-2-
Sent: To: T 0, 2004 3:25 PM COL CIDC G3i/11/1M. COL Army G3/AOCAIMMLTC Army

Cc: Ryder, G PMG/CID;ardriarara MAJ ARMY G3/AOC; Mr PMG GM PMG ;IIMMIIIIIII COL PMGMMIMIllga. Mr. Subject: RE: Hearing Tasker #14a -- Questions for the Record from 7 May 04 SASC Hearing on Allegations of Mistreatment of Iraqi Prisoners
(b) 02) - 7-
ALCON, ICW COL have coordinated with POC OCLL to pass back QFRs 1, A, N, 0, P, Q, R, S as outside of PMG/CID lane: Pass-backs accepted; the only QFRs due by tomorrow are for CID:
As of today, how many cases of abuses have been reported and how many investigations have been initiated? How many relate to abuse and how many relate to deaths? 4)4/ p How many people are under investigation in these cases. Is it more than the ones identified in the Taguba Report?
Reminded POC that we could only address numbers related to CID reports/investigations.
v/ria (6')(6)-
(b)16) -
MAJ HQDA, OPMG (DAPM-ZC) Strategic Planner/Inte ration Pentagon RM
b)lb )-z Comm: DSI Email to: (d))- 2-
.Original Messa ----From: PMG.(6)(6)-2"
Sent: urs a Ma 20, 2004 2:08 PM To: COL CIDC G3' MAI PMG.COL Army G3/AOC.TC Army G3/A0C Cc: )L PMG.MAI ARMY G3/AOC;. LTC;. MAI Army. G3/AOC;
s Army G3/AOC Subject: FW: Hearing Tasker #14a -- Questions for the Record from 7 May 04 SASC Hearing on Allegations of Mistreatment of Iraqi Prisoners Importance: High
FYI & Action Msilillecalled to say if a question need to be redirected, please let her know as soon as possible today.
(6)/‘2- z_
Mill ( 6) a) -7._
.Original Messa .
to(h )-
From: Ms OCLL Sent: Thurs ay, May 20, 2004 1:59 PM. (.g.)/b)—Z-To: s PMG. Ms DCS, G-2/FCI Cc: Mr. DCS G-2/.IB&A.SCOL PMG Subject: Hearing Tasker #14a -- Questions for the Record from 7 May 04 SASC Hearing on Allegations of Mistreatment of Iraqi
Prisoners Importance: High
Hearing Tasker #14a -- Questions for the Record from 7 May 04 SASC Hearing on Allegations of Mistreatment of Iraqi Prisoners with the Acting Secretary of the Army and CSA (SD & CJCS)
*Suspense: Friday, 21 May 2004* -- Please call me before 1600 today if a question needs to be redirected to another agency.
0 16 0 1 4

OPMG Document

Background: The SD, CJCS, A-SA & CSA testified on 7 May 2004 before the SASC on the detainee abuse allegations at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The Army has been tasked to respond to 11 Questions for the Record for this hearing.

Requirement: Provide answers to the QFRs IAW the tasker and CARSOP.

Tasker, QFRs, and insert formatting template are attached below.

General guidelines:

QFR responses and transcript review must be written in the context of the hearing date. QFR responses must be written in a plain English, conversational style--no bullets, charts, or tables.

Minimum coordination for QFR responses: SAFM-BUL, SAFM-(BUO, BUI, BUR, or BUC as appropriate), G-8(PAE), and SALL-P. Additional coordination should be obtained as necessary based on subject matter.

GO/SES approval required for all inserts. No exceptions.

Provide electronic and hard copy of approved insert.

See Section III, chapter 5 (page 70), and Section III, appendix III-M (page 118), of the CARSOP for detailed information on processing QFRs. However, please note that Format B for SASC QFRs has changed. I have attached the new format below. The CARSOP outlines. QFR review/processing/coordination/approval.. The CARSOP is accessible with your AKO account password on the OCLL Communities Page.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Congressional Activities Division, OCLL Room
fax OEM
« i e: 14A 7 May 04 SASC Abu Ghraib (A-SA, CSA (SD, CJCS)).xls » « File: 7 May SASC QFRs Detainee Abuse.doc »
OPMG Document

DTG: 201500MAY04 .
Subject; OPMG Operations Agency: PMG. POC: Col
( 0(6) - z_
1. (U) Significant Activities - RFIs
The following actions are ongoing:
o Responding to OCLL QFRs from the 7 May 04 SASC Hearing on Allegations of
Mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners.

o Completed support to G3 to address RFIs regarding the following areas:

o Adapting MP Force Structure to meet current and future UR operations.

o Adapting Institutional Training based on lessons learned.

o Identifying AR 350-1 recurring training requirements with respect to UR operations.

o Additionally, PMG is currently supporting G-3 with a crosswalk of DODD 2310.1 and
AR 190-8 to link policy to training requirements.

2. (U) Current Operations Seven Day Focus (Close Battle)
o NDRC h,as two ICRC inquiries concerning perceived report discrepancies. These are
being researched by the NDRC and CJTF 7 and the responses will be provided to ASD
SO/LIC for review prior to replying to ICRC.

3. (U) Future Operations Long Range Focus (Deep Battle)
o Review I/R policy upon completion of the DAIG report; OPMG is currently awaiting
release and distribution of the DAIG report.

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FOUO 016016
OPMG Document
