Email between Army Officers re: Information Paper on Detainee Operations at Abu Ghraib Prison

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This email contains an attachment of a chronology and talking points concerning the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, detainee operations at the prison and the 60 Minutes television report on the matter. The information paper also details responses to accusations of detainee abuse and the training the soldiers received to deal with such situations.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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11111114R-LTC G3
Sent: atst 24, 2004 5:16 PM To: CPT - G3 AXO Cc: - LTC G3; TC - G3 Subject: O tainee Ops 24 Aug
Detainee Ops 24

Made the corrections .. thanks

000864 1 g17.


AFOP-TRO b6 - - *pi 4 6 4 6 3 0 3 gust 2004
ISSUE: Detainee Operations before and after May 2004 60 Minutes broadcast on Abu

FORSCOM G3 training was asked to provide information on actions taken in response to the detainee abuse situation before and after 4 May.

Sequence of events

Sometime prior to 31 March: USAMPS deploys a Mobile Training Team to Iraq to provide training on detainee operations, and develop a training support package for use in preparing soldiers for deployment. FORSCOM Provost Marshal contributes one team member.

4 May — 10 May: FORSCOM G3 Training is asked to answer training questions related to the 800th Military Police Brigade.

11 May: Hard copy of the USAMPS in theater detainee operations training received. Followed by electronic copy 12 May.

14 May: Email from TRADOC indicates that MP and MI schools are working a scrub of their doctrine.

• 15 May: LTG McKiernan white paper on detainee operations training is received.

17 May: FORSCOM completes draft training guidance for units performing detainee operations training and missions at detention facilities. This training guidance is reviewed and adjusted by COL(P) Terry on 18 May.

7 Jun: FORSCOM publishes training guidance for all units that will be performing detainee operations missions and missions at detention facilities.

• 15 Jun: USAMPS completes the detainee operations training support package.

22 Jun: Detainee ops training support package is available on Army Knowledge Online.



ISSUE: Detainee Operations before and after May 2004 60 Minutes broadcast on Abu

Actions prior to 4 May 04.
FORSCOM provided combat arms, combat support, and combat service support forces to engage in major hostilities. FORSCOM training guidance required units to be proficient in tasks essential to their mission. Individuals are trained on Rules of Engagement and Rules for the Use of Force.

Actions after 4 May 04.
FORSCOM responds to pre-mobilization and post mobilization training questions
concerning several Military Police units mobilized and deployed for Operation Iraqi
FORSCOM is aware of the developing situation regarding alleged detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib, and some of the actions being taken by Training and Doctrine Command and the combatant commander chain of command to assess the situation, define the problem, and make recommendations. FORSCOM starts revisions of training guidance in response to initial TRADOC documentation and LTG McKiernan paper with training recommendations.
General training guidance is changed as follows:
• All deploying units and headquarters will conduct or receive Law of War and Code of Conduct training supported by a Judge Advocate where feasible, Active Component units will perform this training within 60 days prior to deployment. Reserve Component units will conduct this training at the mob station. Training will stress -
o The Geneva Conventions with specific emphasis on the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of civilian persons in time of war;

o The basic principles of humane treatment and prohibited acts outlined in AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5b and c, for any captured or detained person, which includes those captured individuals suspected of being unlawful combatants; and

o The importance of immediately reporting all suspected Law of War violations to the chain of command.

All individuals receive training on -

o The Law of War (Geneva Convention) briefing

o Army Values Briefing

o Comply with the Law of War and the Geneva and Hague Conventions

All leaders receive training on -

o Enforce the Law of War and the Geneva and Hague Conventions

o Supervise the Handling of Enemy Personnel and Equipment at the Squad level

Specific training guidance is published for units performing internment and detainment operations based on initial training tasks identified by TRADOC and LTG McKiernan's white paper.

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ISSUE: Detainee Operations before and after May 2004 60 Minutes broadcast on Abu Ghraib
Specific questions
6. Provide unit training exercises that existed to train detainee operations and establish links between MP and MI units. Has training expanded to incorporate lessons learned from OIF and Bosnia:

Before and after 4 May: For units deploying as part of a brigade or division, the mission rehearsal exercise and staff exercises provide a training event where all elements work in concert. For echelons above division (EAD) and echelons above corps (EAC) units, no standard mission rehearsal exercise with other units is conducted.

After 4 May: Individual, leader, and collective training has changed in response to lessons learned in OIF. Training has not been changed in response to lessons learned in Bosnia.

9. What training has been incorporated into our MP/MI schools to prepare soldiers/leaders for detainee operations?
• This question can be answered by Training and Doctrine Command.
10. What training existed to prepare soldiers to report detainee abuse and use of the ethical decision making process when dealing with different categories of detainees? How has this training changed?

Before 4 May: Units were required to be trained and proficient in their mission essential tasks. FORSCOM OIF/OEF Training guidance did not explicitly address training tasks related to preparing soldiers to report detainee abuse or using the ethical decision making process, but all reserve and active component units are required to conduct Law of War and other mandatory briefings annually. No training was specifically directed in the OIF training guidance on differences in categories of detainees.

After 4 May: Units are required to be trained and proficient in their mission essential tasks. FORSCOM 01F/OEF training guidance was changed to incorporate specific training for all individuals on the Law of War, the Geneva and Hague Conventions, and reporting violations of the Law of War. Leaders are trained on supervising the handling of enemy personnel and equipment at the squad level and enforcing compliance with the Geneva and Hague Conventions.


