Emails between Joseph Ereli and Rhonda Shore re: 07-26-04 Taken Questions from Daily Press Briefing. The initial email from Edgar Vasques has the list of Q's asked at the daily press briefing. Mr. Ereli's email has the comment "ok, but today's guidance did say "protected person status means that an individual is entitled to protections of the Convention." If I'd been thinking, I would have asked what protections apply. Instead the journalists did. Either way, you'll get me something in the form of guidance tomorrow. thanks."
Tillery, Monica J
From: Ereli, Joseph A RELEASED IN PART Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 6:51 PM To: Shore, Rhonda H(NEA/PPD) B5, B7(A)
Cc: Ng, David C (NEA/PD); Jost, Aaron W (NEA/NGA); Olson, Richard G (NEA); Dorosin, Joshua L; Sutphin, Paul R; Vasquez, Edgar J(PA Press); Reside, Julie M(PA/PRESS) Subject: RE: TQs on . MEK
ok, but today's guidance did say "protected person status means that an individual is entitled to protections of the Convention." If I'd been thinking, I would have asked what protections apply. Instead the journalists did. Either way, you'll get me something in the form of guidance tomorrow. thanks.
—Original Message—
From:SShore, Rhonda H (NEA/PPD)
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 4:33 PM
To:SEreli, Joseph A(PA FRONT)
Cc: Ng, David C (NEA/PD); Jost, Aaron W (NEA/NGA); Olson, Richard G (NEA): Dorosin, Joshua 1; Sutphin, Paul R; Vasquez, Edgar
J(PA Press); Reside, Julie M(PAIPRESS)
Subject:STQs on MEK
B5, B7(A)
-----Original Message--From: Borek, Ted A (L/NESA) Sent:SMonday, July 26, 2004 3:40 PM To:SShore, Rhonda H (NEA/PPD); NEA-NGA-DL Cc:SSchlicher, Ronald L (NEA/FO); Dibble, Elizabeth L (NEA/FO); Satterfield, David M; Greene, David 3; Dorosin, Joshua L; Cummings, Edward R (Main State); Newman, David S
SubjectSRE: action: TQs on MEK and Iraq/Israeli stamp on its passports B5, B7(A)
Rhonda: I've given Josh a heads up on this. I
—Original Message--
From: Shore, Rhonda H (NEA/PPD)
Sent Monday, July 26, 2004 3:33 PM
Cc:SSchlicher, Ronald L (NEA/FO); Dibble, Elizabeth L (NEA/F0); Satterfield, David M; Greene, David ); Borek, Ted A (L/NESA)
Subject action: TQs on MEK and Iraq/Israeli stamp on its passports B5, B7(A)
Did the U.S. have anything to do with Iraq lifting restriction on its citizens being able to have an Israeli stamp on UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE
DATE/CASE ID: 16 DEC 2004 200303827SUNCLASSIFIED DOS-001752
'S-their passports.
Original Message----
From: Vasquez, Edgar J
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 3:14 PM
To: PAPress_Taskinglist
Subject: 07-26-04 Taken Questions from Daily Press Briefing
NEA: What rights are now afforded the MEK given that they have been granted "protective person" status under the Geneva Conventions?
PM: Today, the removal of sanctions on the South African defense company, Fuchs, was announced. Why was it left off last week's list?
EUR: What is U.S. policy on the Ohrid Agreement? How does it relate to issue of giving Albanian language rights to Albanian minority in Macedonia?
SA: Has the Government of Bangladesh requested U.S. aid for flood victims?
EUR: Does Alex Rondos work for the U.S. embassy in Athens?
NEA: Did the U.S. have anything to do with Iraq lifting restriction on its citizens being able to have an Israeli stamp
on their passports.
Today's Duty Officer is Brenda Greenberg.
2 DOS-001753