Email between FBI Officials re: Phone Message Concerning Guantanamo

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FBI emails regarding interviewing strategies and insights on interrogation issues at Guantanamo. The email states "We met several interrogators...who we had dinner with. We discussed areas of mutual interests it pertains to interviewing terrorists. I think there was clearly an interest in sharing ideas regarding, interview, interrogations, rapport building concepts, polygraph, etc. You and I discussed the possibility of future discussions with them about is Issue and potential for their insight into the interrogation issues at GTMO."

Tuesday, April 8, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004


GroupWise Read MaiI MI.

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· ~'Crose f p·revi~us.r N;Xt r Move I De!ete i Fc;rwar~ I.Reply f Info I ·ttj, M·a.ii Mess~~e (Blind Carbon Copy)' .
. b6 -1
b7C -1 "

CC:' .... IR-PRIME.lRP03
"ALL' n~Fi.JRMA~·l.'&.j-:cOf'.l·=·;'~:-4BC
H;;:~&I~~ ;U:iR,C!.A;lSHZR::l B:,::H: . ',' (., 'I .' ..NilildSil,)QIN OTII:""if!~I!' ' .._..•... _., ..... , ... ,
.... bl b7D -2 ."me severa m .erroga ors 0 inC U e , ,-. ,
"-'II!I'I"III'f"'I!!ftI"'Pr!!'I"""'''''''~'''''~ne evening arid joinedQur group for l!:inc e 0 OWlnq. I -, I day. We discussed. areas .of mutual interest as it pertains to interviewing b6 -1,'5" , terrorists. I think there was.cleartyan intereSf in sharing ideas regarding b7C -1,5 interview, .in·terrOga~iori~ rapport·building concepts, PQlygraph;etc. You arid I
· disc~ssed the poSsibility of-future disCussions with ·them about tlJis issIIe and: '.
, potential for'their insight into the inten:ogatibn issues at GTMO. L I experience.·and that'ofsome of his colleagues we met is obviously vast. I . recognize that their experience is different from the GTMO experience, however there are many thematic commonalities.
I' , .
J: .

1 .
b7D -2 .

1~':~';:;,·'PSf~'Wo:-'''''' '':' .
· I want to get" your insight .and guidance abo'ut the: best way to lJlove foiwiudwith;, _. , this. t expect that it will involve sensitivities that you will have insight into from . I: I-I I your Legat experience there. I'd be glad to discuss this with person or on , . L. ,. ttie'phone, whatever you'prefer: . ". .' Best regards
b6 -1
.·.1 I·... ' '.: ,
b7C -1
»~...________P4/07 8:20 PM ;=:-
Greetingsl Ii received'a phone.message from you on Friday, and'l apologize for not getting back. I'd intended to do it again today. and well. .. here I · ':' .' .' am; I'm a' bit confused thgugh. The' mess~esays .that )1.O, a '~oll~w,up b2-1
b7D -i·... .": calli __ ~.??? Iwasn t th~re, so p~r~aps the b6-1 . message ·IS garbled. Anyway, again, sorry. 'v.e not return~d your call. I should be b7C-1 .in my cave most of tomorrow. ~nd'l'lI trv t.r.eaCh you. Feel free to e-mail · nc:te ~r ~all. on) IThank . .' .
':', . . . '.' ". . ... DA!ii:·~i:''::U::'tl·c~·· ..' .
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http·;1I30.:W::Hi4·.237/c!!i-hi~GW5/UsiGw\vEB·.EXE?MSG-ACTt'ON:::READ-NEXT&M.·.: 912312004 nF=Tt.Tt\II=I=~-?7Q4
DOJ FBI-001446
