Emails reference a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Prison deaths."
[The PowerPoint presentation is not included].
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Mr Arm G3/AOC
c6)L 6 ) -1-
Sent: May 21, 2004 6:35 AM
Subject: FW: Discussion on detainee deaths
Attachments: Prison deaths v3.ppt
-----Original Message---
From: Ryder, Donald J. MG
Sent: Friday, Ma 21, 2004 6:31 AM
To: Mr.A11110111.1111111111. COL; 111111111111111.;11111111.11111 COL CIDC G3 Lb) Lb) 7 7_
Subject: FIN: Discussion on detainee deaths
Looks like they made no changes or did not get our input.
----Original Message ti
From: of OASD(HA):(6) 1-4°)
Sent: May 20, 2004 6:56 PM
To: OSD•:LTC, OSD; Ruff, Eric SES OASD-PA;4111111/111/11PCIV OASD-PA; Ryder, Donald) MG PMG; OL PMG: CSA;: Mr DoD OGC
Subject: Discussion on detainee deaths
Sirs: Attached are draft slides for tomorrow morning's 0930 meeting with Mr mg
I will bring folders to the meeting.
Co 6 6)--2-
Prison deaths
v3.ppt (106 KB)
Colonel, USAF, NC Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
1 016004
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