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This document has a collection of nine (9) sworn statements made by agents and others who were present or near by the interview room where detainee Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti lunged from his seat and attempted to attack the interpreter during an interview. On page 5 the ISN# 00174 is un-redacted, and it is from this that we know the detainee is Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti. The statements are consistent in that they state Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti was uncooperative, spitting, cursing and did in fact make an attempt to attack the interpreter and bit the finger of an FBI agent who was the interviewer.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Congressional Correspondence Tasker Form from a member of Congress to Paul V. Kelly Asst. Sec. for Legislative Affairs at the State Department requesting an image of a document (not stated).

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State Department talking points and press guidance on discussing the legal status of the Guantanamo detainees. The memo states that the legal status currently being reviewed and that the detainees are being treated humanely.

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Memorandum requesting observations/ recommendations of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) concerning the day-to-day operation of the Guantanamo Project. The memorandum was approved by Stephen Wiley and Frankie Battle. The observations and recommendations section of the document is entirely redacted. [Page 1 of this document was later released, and is ACLU-RDI 3364.]

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Memo from General Odierno re: Detainee Collection Point Access Control Guidance. Limits outside access to detainees by the International Committee of the Red Cross, legal representatives and certain members of the US/Coalition Forces

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was being held in isolation at the time of the interview was scheduled, and he refused to answer any questions. Detainee did complain about the "harsh" treatment of the guards.

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State Department talking points on the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Rotational Move at Guantanamo. It concerns a report that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be "pulling-out" of Guantanamo and have no presence there to observe, monitor and service the detainees housed there.

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This letter is the CIA's response to questions raised by Daniel Levin, OLC, regarding the use of waterboarding.  The letter describes the CIA's limits in administering the technique. [OLC Vaughn Index #72]

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Appointment of Brigadier General Richard P. Formica as an investigating officer to "conduct an informal investigation into allegations of detainee abuse occurring while detainees were under the control of [redacted] and were detained at [redacted] near Baghdad." Memo also orders BG Formica to "specifically examine the procedures and facilities used for detainee operations within [redacted] in order to determine whether there has been compliance with regulatory and policy guidelines established for detainee operations in Iraq."

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Marine Corps inquiry in to possible abuse of a detainee on April 13, 2004 at the Al Mahmudiya Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Iraq. Members of the guard force at the Detention Facility were accused of shocking a detainee using a power cord by touching him with the cord as he entered his cell. An unidentified Marine reported that he overheard some Marines discussing how they were going to attach wires to a cage to prevent a detainee from constantly grabbing the bars and "shock that mother fucker". This Marine explained that he saw another Marine attempt to shock the detainee (who was wearing a sandbag over his head per standard operating procedure). During his interview the Marine admitted to shocking the detainee. He said it was an "impulsive decision without premeditation that he now regrets".

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This standard operating procedure details how the 1st marine Division is to handle detainees. It includes guidance for apprehension of groups such as religious leaders, woman and children who will not be apprehended without General's approval, unless caught in the act of committing a crime. Details detainee processing steps, transfer details and sets out Detention Facility requirements. Also a set of rules for detainees once in custody.

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Army memo discusses an AR 15-6 investigation into an attempted escape and a riot that resulted in the shooting death of one detainee and injuries to seven others. Memo also includes a list of those wounded during the incident.

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A detainee who was not interested in being interrogated got in to a verbal spat with an interrogator who, after becoming angry with the detainee, threw a refrigerator and a chair at the detainees, injuring the detainee. There was also some very hard and harsh languish used to denigrate the detainee's mother.

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The memo contains information learned from a telephonic interview on June 9, 2004. The interviewee was assigned to AG from mid December 2003 to March 2004 as the chief of the medical team assigned to treat security detainees. Stated that he did not see abuse or see injuries which he suspected as abuse, that most medical files would be quite "thin," and few records were kept.

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Outlines standard operating procedure for detention facilities including treatment of detainees with dignity, use of minimum force necessary, prisoner searches, detainee transfer, staffing, patrol, shift changes, cleanliness of facility, meal schedules, medical treatment, weapon and uniform procedure, and handling of detainee property.

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Memo discusses a need to travel to an unknown part of Iraq in order to interview unknown individual(s). Contents redacted.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. This DOD email between the Guantanamo JTTF concerning the suicides state that the detainees coordinated their suicides. All the dead detainees were previous "Hunger Strikers" at the facility. This email states that only Mr. Al Zahrani left a suicide note, however, other documents concerning this matter reveal that all three (3) left suicide notes.

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The document is a memorandum summarizing the results of the 10/26/04 debriefing of a previous Iraq Deployment On-Scene Commander (OSC) and two Deputy On-Scene Commanders and recommendations for future Iraq deployments. The topics of discussion include the Iraq mission, staffing issues, logistics, security issues, communications, and operational/investigative issues.

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about Taliban involvement in poppy cultivation. He said the "Taliban committed worse acts than trafficking in drugs, and they are not true Muslims. Wearing a beard and claiming to be Islamic does not make one a Muslim". He said he did not agree with the Taliban rule in Afghanistan. The detainee then said he told stories at the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. He said things because he feared being beaten or tortured. He said knows he made "a big mistake by going to Afghanistan", but he was "young and he went". He never had anything against the Americans. When he came to Guantanamo Bay, he decided to tell the truth and cooperate. He has done so. His story will not change any more.

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Memo addressing reporting requirements from 24 August, 2003 until 10 June, 2004. Refers to 24 August, 2003 directive to "all coalition brigades or equivalent to report all captures within 48 hours to the 800th MP BDE." As of January 2006, the 82nd Airborne Division and the 1st Armored Division were not reporting captures, under the reasoning that their "proximity to Baghdad Central Corrections Facility (BCCF)" meant that the majority of detainees were transferred within 48 hours, but this was found not to be the case. "[Redacted] published 12 April 2004" established "a standard reporting format for all MSCs." Memo includes a chronological list of when MSCs started reporting detainee statistics. Author's signature is redacted, but rank and assignment are listed as CPT, MP, MNF-I Detainee Operations.

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Minutes of March 24, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a cover page of an FBI report regarding recommendations of the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) during the on-site review process at GTMO. The recommendations are based on the prediction that the operations at GTMO regarding the processing, interviewing, and securing of Taliban/Al Qaeda detainees represents a long-term, if not permanent, project of the U.S. Government.

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Minutes of December 2, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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This memo provides an up-date on the status of seven (7) investigations in to detainee abuse. No author, date or agency is cited.

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This memo from Donald Rumsfeld to Stephen Hadley, Cheney, Gonzales, Rice, and Dan Bartlett provides a set of metrics for detention operations through July 20, 2005.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding a request to establish a pre-deployment training program for FBI personnel who deploy to Afghanistan. The memorandum includes a cost analysis as well as a preliminary draft syllabus.

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Minutes of March 14, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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This DIA memo decribes guidelines for JITF-CT contract personnel when coming in to contact with detainees. This memo discusses prohibited and acceptable types of interaction with detainees.

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Army memo on the procedures of handling detainees and the guards responsibility to keep the detainees safe, what to do in the event of an emergency and who to contact if necessary.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee advised the interviewing agent that he was well. The purpose of this interview was to build rapport with this detainee. As a result, no investigative information was obtained. The detainee stated that he would not provide any information until the U.S. Government and interrogators in Camp Delta changed the way they treated the Koran. He then relayed an incident in the camp from the day before were detainees believed a guard abuse of the Koran. The detainee claims there were beatings and further mishandling of the Koran. He said he was going to shut down and refuse to talk anymore. The detainee claims it was "an abuse of the Koran for non-believers to handle the Koran". When asked for specifics, he refused to respond.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, an Electronics Technician, worked in near the detainee camp and "had the opportunity to view most of the camp at any given time." He/she did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This heavily redacted report discusses the interrogation of Al-Nashiri. Very little information is unredacted. [OIG Remand Vaughn #Other-63]

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FBI memo states "Well those are my thoughts and I hope they are of some use Feel free to call if you have any questions about this. Thank you." The memo is otherwise completely redacted.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Behavior Science Consultation Team Joint Intelligence Group, Joint Task Force.

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Heavily redacted memo reviewing allegations of abuse of a detainee that was turned over to the Department of Defense on May 23, 2003. On June 17, 2003, he was taken to an isolation block where one other detainee was being held. His new room had steel walls and floors and was kept at a very cold temperature. The detainee often refused to eat food, though he also complained that the little food he did receive were "small and cold." During some period of time, he would be woken up every hour or two and forced to drink a liter of water. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had no contact with the detainee for over a year.

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This taking memo asks recipient to review the attached draft implementing guidance developed to support approved policy on release or transfer of detainees.

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Discusses standards for humane treatment if detainees. Includes discussion of medical and sanitation. Discusses Geneva Conventions, soldier morale.

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The memo is completely redacted. The only information that appears are the paragraph headings, entitled, Background, Current Status and Possible Solution.

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The document is a response to the DOJ, Office of Assistant Attorney General request for FBI comments on detainees set to appear before the Transfer Review Board. The Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) provides (almost fully redacted) "recommendations to assist in the AAG's assessment of detainees located at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba." ML&DU recommends "transfer" and/or "continued detention." In two cases, the "FBI proposes that DOJ recommend [redacted] for continued detention at GTMO to resolve these inconsistencies."

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DOD Memo re: Confidentiality Policy for Interactions Between Health Care Providers and Enemy Persons Under U.S. Control at Guantanamo Bay.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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FBI Memo with emails attached concerning two (2) violent crime referrals: 1) Abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq; and 2) [Redacted] incident in Afghanistan. Both referrals have FBI Agents assigned and been deployed to to Iraq and Afghanistan to coordinate the investigations.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo is background information on International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger in preparation of a meeting with Sec. of State Powell.

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Memorandum to General Geoffrey Miller regarding Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), Donald Rumsfeld's memorandum. The memo to Gen. Miller seeks clarification on the use of certain techniques, including a concern about the removal of the Koran from detainees, stating the technique is not one that is still in use. Also, the memo states that the use of sleep deprivation should not exceed four days in succession.

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Memorandum discussing the results of Department of Defense Criminal Investigation Task Force request for name checks on detainees scheduled to appear before the Transfer Review Board and the Military Liaison Detainee Unit. The contents if the search results are redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee that he had been answering questions for six months and his case has not improved. He stated "God tells Muslims to do a jihad against non - Muslims and countries that are not Muslim. Also, Muslims should fight a jihad Muslim country to start trouble." He went on to say that prior to his capture he had no information United States. The guards in the detention facility do not treat him well. Their behavior is bad. About five months ago, the guards beat the detainees. They flushed a Koran in the toilet. He also stated that the guards danced around when the detainees pray (and that the behavior continues).

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A civilian employee (CE) of the DIA reports in this memo his observation and allegation of violations of the Geneva Convention concerning detainee abuse and the illegal detainment of non-combatants. The CE alleges that he witnessed the mistreatment of a detainee during the initial interrogation after his capture. He states that four or five non-interrogator personnel entered the room and began slapping the detainee while he was attempting to respond to the questioning. The second incident was reported to him (not personally witnessed) were an Iraqi was “slapped around” during an interrogation. The Illegal detention occurred when Coalition forces detained the wife of a suspected Iraqi terrorist, in Tarmiya, Iraq in order to put pressure on the terrorist/husband to surrender. The wife was not accused or suspected in any terrorist activity.

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Memo from an Investigating Officer requesting an extension of an Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 investigation.

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This memo is to address the sensitivity Muslims have when non-Muslims handle the Koran. It directs hospital personnel not to handle the Koran and to have the Chaplain or Muslim interpreter handle it if necessary. It also instructs personnel not to disrespect the Koran, because this could potentially lead to a lack of cooperation from the detainees and could provoke a violent reaction from the detainee. This is listed as Standard Operating Procedure Order Number: 080

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Detainee states he was initially questioned by members of his home government who told him that "the United States is very weak and in financial ruin because of the Trade Center bombing". Detainee also stated that the delegation told him that the "United States cannot afford to keep and feed the few hundred prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba anymore". However, the detainee went on to say that will be turtored if sent home and requested political asylum in America or "some other western democratic country". He said he knows that "America is best democratic society and the American people are happy, live well, have civil rights, and are respected". The detainee also stated that he was concerned for his family and that they are in danger because his government is oppressive. The detainee stated that "while at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, America has been very nice and has treated him really well" although he does state that one time the air conditioner was turned cold on him during an interview, and another time he missed a meal due to a prolonged interview. The dertainee concluded by saying that he is not a terrorist and has no such feelings towards America.

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Detainee interviewed at Guantanamo Bay. Detainee was unwilling to be interviewed any more thanhe already had been. When told he could provide information to determine if other detainees should be released, he replied that they should. There was a brief discussion wherein the interviewers reminded him that he told interviewers he would be willing to answer future questions about Islam. the detainee agreed with interviewers and said that "there is only one true God and that everyone, regardless of their faith, would come to realize this". The interview then concluded.

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A DOD Contract Linguist stated that he was involved in at least two questionable interrogation techniques while on duty in Iraq. An unidentified interrogator choked a detainee with a rope noose, lifting the detainee up slowly until the detainee stated he would talk if let down. The interrogator then lowered the detainee to the ground, whereupon the detainee gave a confession. An Air Force Office of Special Interrogations Agent then placed a gun to the temple of a detainee until he confessed. The memo states "It is believed that the above situations, as described, are questionable techniques as defined by law and regulation. It is our understanding that agents must report any such action to their RAC immediately".

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Army Memo re: Fort Carson Detainee Death Case. Describes media coverage and interaction with media regarding Iraqi detainee death by soldiers from Fort Carson.

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This document consists of FBI penalty guidelines, which are used to assess the proper penalty for various types of FBI misconduct. It features the an explanation and purpose of penalties, and then provides detailed instructions on different penalties for various infractions.

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This document is the Claim for Compensation; documents in support of the claim; and correspondence from the Army Claim Service concerning a claim by an Iraqi/Swedish citizen for compensation for his alleged torture and other mistreatment following his arrest in Baghdad, Iraq in September of 2003. He claims he was imprisoned in El-Najaf for approximately 8 days and that during that time he suffered humiliation and physical abuse. He also claims that $79,000.00 in U.S. dollars, and his Mercedes, valued at $3,000.00 were lost which he wants to be reimbursed for.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This Department of Defense memo is the formal request for the appointment of an investigating officer to investigate the conduct of the 800th Military Police Brigade's conduct and activities at Abu Ghraib prison.

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This memo is a response to an inquiry to an allegation that a particular detainee was abused by U.S. forces while at the Bagram Collection Point (BCP) in Bagram Afghanistan from April 7, 2002 through February 2003. The memo states “All Bagram Collection Point (BCP) personnel who may have been associated with the detainee in question have long since departed the command. An exhaustive review was conducted of all associated classified official detainee records to include Military Police (MP) custody documents, interrogation reports, interrogator notes and Criminal Investigation Task Force reports. Detainee’s medical records Indicates he was treated for asthma and other minor ailments. There is no information to support any claim of abuse directed against him while he was detained at the Bagram facility.” And concludes “Based on available records and documents, allegations of abuse cannot be substantiated at this time.”

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DOD memo regarding a detainee's allegations of torture at Guantanamo between August and October 2003. The detainee turned himself over to Mauritanian authorities in November 2001 and was given to the United States in July 2002. The detainee claims that he was coerced into signing a statement that implicated him in an act of terror against the US. He has since recanted the statement. Some of the personnel that he claims tortured him were present at Guantanamo during the period of the alleged abused.

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The index lists this document as: Memo for the Record 23 Dec 02. Heavily redacted. "Detainee seen by the medic, vitals normal. Also taken to the latrine and exercised".

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State Department memo with takling points on issues of the day entitled "Background on Key Issues". Content redacted. Mentions comments by A Lindh criticizing detention policies

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This DOD Memo provides a summary on CID investigations of detainee abuse and/or death in Iraq and Afghanistan. It lists forty-one (41) instances of death and abuse and the status of the investigations as well as any information relevant to the matter. A lot of the deaths are due to trauma and 'heart attacks' but include shootings, a drowning and other deaths 'by natural causes'.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any actions directed towards detainees in violation of FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Memo from Provost Marshall re: Guidelines for the Interrogation of Prisoners. This memo lays out the prohibition on striking of prisoners by interrogators. Holds Military Police (MP) solely responsible for all actions and deems them accountable "regardless of the fact that they were outranked, quoted a regulation/policy they were not familiar with, or simply bullied into compromising our standards." MPs are instructed to immediately notify their supervisor if any questionable behavior during interrogation, an supervisor will log the action and make immediate contact to the Provost Office.

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Memo regarding a March 14, 2004 meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross re: Guantanamo. The document is heavily redacted.

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Minutes of March 24, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log. The memo discusses the detainee being offered water, refusing it, going to the latrine and being exercised. The detainee was asked if he was going to try to commit suicide, the detainee stated "no", but death had been entering his mind lately. The detainee was allowed to rewrite his will, since he insisted on this several times and had written earlier versions.

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Reports the findings of an inspection of the 1st Cavalry Division Brigade and Interrogation Facilities. Report found that facilities did not violate shutdown criteria. Common deficiencies included failing to conduct medical screenings prior to transferring prisoners; improperly running evidence rooms; and failure to provide detainees with receipts of their personal items. Recommends implementing a grievance process; reporting process for detainee abuse; feed detainees three times a day; and obtain copies of the Geneva Convention for detainees and guards.

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This heavily redacted cable seems to describe a proposal for "turning up the heat" in the interrogation of detainee Abu Zubaydah. One unredacted sentence references moving onto "Option B" in the interrogation; another reveals the psychologists' recent advice to interrogators: "Focus on only one thing, the thing we care about most."

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Memo from CIRG NCAVC/Behavioral Analysis Unit-East to Counter terrorism- Miami. BAU was asked to provide some specific training related to issues identified while observing interviews at Guantanamo. Discusses meetings/consultations with various officials and summarizes those events. Contents redacted.

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The memo discusses the result of their investigation/survey. It states that 9 FBI employees, of the 532 who were assigned to Guantanamo after 9/11, observed aggressive mistreatment, interrogations and interview techniques of GTMO detainees. Memo is a request to have the Director/Deputy Director, Bruce J. Gebhardt designate the investigation into GTMO abuse as an INSD special inquiry "[i]n order to commence with the interviews" of those 9 witnesses.

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This is a January 5, 2010 memorandum written by David Margolis, Associate Deputy Attorney General, to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General. It contains Margolis' review of OPR's findings of misconduct against Yoo and Bybee. Margolis presents his analysis of the OPR report, ultimately concluding that he does not agree with OPR's findings of misconduct and therefore will not authorize OPR to refer its findings to the state bar disciplinary authorities in the jurisdictions where Yoo and Bybee were licensed.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding document information related to impersonation by Department of Defense interrogators at Guantanamo representing themselves to be official of the FBI and the U.S. State Department.

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This cable seems to provide the Director of Central Intelligence's guidelines for the operation of detention facilities, and specifically for COBALT, a CIA black site in Northern Kabul, Afghanistan. Almost everything but the acknowledgement is redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo relating six records of detainee-related offenses between October 2001 and July 2004 at Guantanamo Bay. Some facts and all names are redacted. Accusations in the records are of assault, battery, verbal harassment, dereliction of improper supervision, and photographing detainees and detention facilities. All but one accused soldier received only non-judicial punishments (NJP). One soldier refused NJP and was court-martialed, but was acquitted.

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Army Officer Basic information for 1LT

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FBI talking points memo re: FBI participation in overseas investigations. Mostly redacted

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email Memo discussing the death of Hassan Hardan Rakad, a 66-year-old Iraqi detainee. Mr. Rakad, a 66-year-old Iraqi detainee, was taken in to custody on October 4, 2005, and held at Abu Ghraib prison. Mr. Rakad suffered from several medical conditions. Mr. Raked had a history of coronary & vascular heart disease. He was operated on, but his post operative recovery period was complicated by a scrotal hematoma and a heart attack. Mr. Rakad died during treatment in the ICU, with a preliminary cause of death noted as a natural death caused by "multi-system organ failure."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees, nor any interrogations or interviews inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines, during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Memo re: General Miller's Meeting with International Committee of the Red Cross October 9, 2003. Contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI memo from CIRG to the Director's Office of Counterterrorism that provides documentation of CIRG/BAU on-site assessment of the interview process at GTMO.

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Cable summarizes the results of 14 interviews of FBI personnel who participated in detainee interviews at Abu Ghraib between October and December 2003. Attached to the cable is a classified chart of FBI personnel who conducted interviews at Abu Ghraib during that period and a list of questions covered in the interviews. The cable includes descriptions of specific incidents that the interviewed FBI personnel believed did not rise to level of misconduct (e.g. hooding, nakedness, and sleep deprivation). The cable refers to the list of acceptable interview techniques provided by the Defense Department and describes detainees' complaints of military misconduct, including allegations of torture.

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Memo to all soldiers and dragoons who are or scheduled to perform detainee operations. The memo reminds the soldiers that they have a duty and professional standards to uphold and maintain. They must treat detainees with dignity and respect; do not abuse detainees; and to reports any detainee abuse up the chain of command.

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Contents Completely Redacted

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Memorandum from the FBI Counterterrorism division sent internally. The memo addresses FBI interviews conducted at Guantanamo by FBI Agents from San Diego and San Francisco. FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet is appended to the document.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, an Electronics Engineer, reports that s/he did not witness any "aggressive treatment, interrogations, or interview techniques on GITMO detainees which was not consistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines" during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee did not initially want to participate in the interview because of what he called "the mistreatment of his brother Muslims in the camp". He decided he would not look at the interviewers or the interpreter. However, after some time the detainee proceeded with the interview, but according to the interviewers, he did not seem sincere and gave inconsistant and confusing answers to questions. The detainee laughed repeatedly and blamed the confusion on the questioning or the translation. He denied that he was being deceptive and said he could not help it if the information in the file was incorrect. The interviewers decided to conclude the interview at that point, but the detainee wanted the interview to continue. He was told that another interview would be scheduled at some future time in order to give him another chance to answer truthfully. He said "it would be welcome at any time".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Commander of the Orgun-E Dention Facility concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was not willing to be interviewed and when asked about a specific matter he immediately became belligerent and confrontational. The detainee then began to chant Quranic verses and subsequent attempts to elicit responses from him were unsuccessful. No additional information of value was obtained and the interview was terminated.

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Document fully redacted.

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This State Department memo addresses the issue of transferring and repatriating the Guantanamo detainees against the requirements of the Geneva Convention. The memo highlights the Geneva Convention provision which states, in part, "POWs shall be released and repatriated without delay after the cessation of active hostilities." and concludes "The US currently has no duty to repatriate the detainees because they are unlawful combatants, as opposed to POWs, and because hostilities are ongoing."

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This memo provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Its contents are mostly redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document, prepared by the Chief of Medical Services, summarizes and reflects upon the rendition, detention and interrogation program. The findings include that in a particular no evidence was found that the use of waterboard produced information that could not have been obtained otherwise. A previous version of this document, released on June 13, 2016, contains more redactions.

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Refers to AR 15-6 investigation's conclusion that the JDOG personnel investigated did not mistreat a person and that allegations were unsupported by evidence. The interrogation was of a high valued detainee at Camp Delta Guantanamo on March 23, 2004. The investigation addressed vague allegations of general Military Police rough handling and inconsiderate treatment of detainees, but concludes these do not amount to abuse or actions specifically directed at the detainees. Rather, the conclusion is that a lack of training in detention procedures are the core issue and the cause of the complaints.

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay from February 10 to March 27- 2003. He does not have anything to report concerning any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The agent states that they observed several interviews and detainees in interview rooms, but other than detainees being cuffed and shackled, this agent did not witness any abuse or mistreatment. The agent did report hearing "rumors" about a technique used by military interrogators which was not allowed to be used by Agents. The technique was to leave a detainee shackled in an interrogation room for an extended period of time, twelve hours: or more and either turn the air conditioner to its lowest possible temperature or off. Supposedly, the detainees were not removed from the rooms even to relieve themselves. This was only used for the difficult detainees who would not cooperate".

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This Department of Defense memo is to address questions that may arise from the release of the Schlesinger Report and Navy Inspector General Admiral A.T. Church's review of detainee operations at Guantanamo. The memo includes a brief description of the eight cases of substantiated abuse, and poses several Q&As such as why Guantanamo has so many cases of detainee abuse. The key message from the memo is that the Military is on top of this matter and is properly addressing questions of detainee abuse.

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This DOD memo details the U.S. authority for detaining foreign nationals engaged in military-type activities and specifically cites the 1949 Geneva Convention. "Persons currently being detained by the US military…are subject to the protections afforded under international law.

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This DOD memo is a bullet-point memo describing the DOD's operations at Guantanamo. It appears to be both an up-date for interested DOD officials and talking points on the detainee operations. It covers the chronology and rational of the detainee operation, how the detainees are handled, the quality of life for detainees and a description of how the detainee operations are conducted. The memo is undated.

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This document is a letter from the defense counsel of an accused soldier for an adjournment in the proceedings for the soldier to be assigned new defense counsel and to allow that new counsel to prepare for trial in the matter. The facts of the case against the soldier are that on or about June 20, 2003 the soldier (an Officer) found a young Iraqi boy supposedly looting and instead of taking him in to custody he took the boy to a secluded area, threatened him with a gun and gun shot and released him. There is also a statement concerning the boy's family members.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he did not "observe or participate in any treatment of detainees which would be considered aggressive, abusive, physically or psychologically harmful, or immoral."

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Army Standard Operating Procedures for Detainees at Camp Duke, Iraq. Lists standard operating procedure, including: treatment of the detainees and guard procedures, camp rules, procedures for filing a complaint, health and welfare, incoming, transfer/release of detainees, training, reports, rules, chain of command for the guards.

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This State Department fact sheet of Guantanamo detainees, listing total number in custody, reasons for US authority to detain them, their status under the Geneva convention, their treatment and transfer to foreign governments also serves as a talking points memo to address questions on the Guantanamo detainees.

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This redacted memo from the CIA's Office of the Inspector General describes comments/changes to an unknown document.

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This Tactical Interrogation Report, written by the DOD's J2X branch and addressed to Iraqi coalition forces, documents the interrogation of Iraqi detainee Amged Kazem Khalaf. The report consists of three components (I) Administrative (II) Information Obtained and (III) Remarks. Concluding the report are recommendations for further interrogation of Amged Kazem Khalaf.

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FBI Memo displays a table with approximately six cases, with a summary of facts. The sum of the cases discuss allegations of fraud and abuse. One case discusses an allegation of fraud and the fact that the FBI and DCIS are conducting investigations. The document is mostly redacted.

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This DOD tasking memo stating that the action to be completed needs to be re-tasked.

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This Army memo issued by the 2nd Armored Cavalry Headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq sets out minimum standards for the handling and treatment of detainees. The memo specifically states "Detainees will be treated by all forces with personal dignity and in accordance with international humanitarian law." and lists a FORSCOM Regulation 350-5.

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Memo requests assistance in gathering information concerning investigations into abuse of detainees under US military control. The memo seeks to have various organs of the DOD that come in to contact with such information to cooperate in the collection of information.

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This document is a Memorandum for the Commander of the US Southern Command. The subject is "Counter-resistance techniques in the war on terrorism." Under "Tab A," the document lists an A-X of interrogation techniques.

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Interview of a detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The detainee accused Pakistani Police with giving him electric shocks and U.S. troops of "beating him" when he was captured in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Later in the interview he admitted to lying about the beatings. The detainee also admitted that he lied to the interrogators in Kandahar about him not going to Afghanistan because he felt that if he didn't say what the interrogators wanted, they would continue to beat him. It was then the detainee admitted to lying about the beating accusations. Detainee continued to be uncooperative and insisted that he was innocent and not lying now. Detainee was told that if he did not cooperate the interview would be terminated. The interview was then ended.

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The draft information paper states that its purpose is to provide guidance on targeting priorities for post Operation Iraqi Freedom operations and reconstruction efforts. The document summarizes criteria that were used to place former Iraqi political and military leaders on a "Black List" and on a "Grey List" and then provides recommendations for removing, retaining and migrating individuals on the lists.

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The FBI agent states that he did see one (1) detainee who appeared to have "blood shot eyes and what appears to be blood that congealed to his eyelashes". The agent stated that he was sending supporting material, including photos, in a follow-up email.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo. No detainees complained of physical force being used against them.

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An entirely redacted FBI memo relating to a shooting involving a Special Agent in Afghanistan.  The memo refers to Case ID Number: 315N-HQ-C1406946-E.

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FBI memo of interview of detainee at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay concerning the "Portland 7" case in the United States. The agent reports that when the detainee was brought in for the interview, the detainee had a "black eye, facial cuts around the nose area, and his fingers on both hands were taped up". When the agent inquired, the detainee, who spoke English, said words to the effect "they", motioning ,to the Military Police (MP) guards had done this to him. The agent was told by the MPs that the injuries were sustained in a "scuffle due to the detainee becoming non-compliant and had to be bought into compliance by a Rapid Response Team". The agent also noticed a cast on the detainee's ankle which was for an injury sustained prior to the detainee's arrival at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Relates to Army Inspector General's (DAIG) assessment of detainee operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of the memo was to conduct a functional analysis of Detainee Operations using Doctrine, Operations, training, Material, Personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) based on current Department of Defense (DoD) and Army policy and doctrine. The inspection will focus on the tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) from capture and processing of a detainee at unit level through higher level collection points to the U.S. Military controlled detention facility.

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This draft psychological assessment of Abu Zubaydah discusses his background, personality, emotional and mental skills, strengths, motivations, and future worldview, among other things. The document refers to the use of "initial 'confrontational' dislocation of expectation during an interrogation" and states that it was one of the few techniques that provided "significant actionable intelligence." [OIG Remand Vaughn #Other-71]

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Memo details a complaint made by a Private First Class (PFC), alleging that his unit members engaged in unlawful behavior. The PFC first alleged that while on patrol his platoon sergeant, a Sergeant First Class, ordered soldiers to fire upon unarmed and non-hostile civilians, including women and children. He stated that at least one person appeared injured-their arm was severed. The PFC also alleged that unit members placed enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) on the top of their utility vehicles (HMMWV), in between the brush guard and hood, and drove the vehicles with the EPWs in that position. He also stated that unit members beat the EPWs. He stated that he heard a section lost control on an Iraqi and beat him half to death, so badly that the hood of the HMMWV was covered in blood. Finally, the PFC alleged that on numerous occasions, members of his unit stole property ('bricks' of money, Iraqi service medals, and other items) from the homes of Iraqi citizens.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department Talking points memo on the screening of Al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees taken in to custody. The points being made in this memo are: i) The Geneva Conventions does not require a review in every circumstance; ii) Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters are not Prisoners of War (POWs); iii) detainees are re-screened for accuracy; and iv) all detainees were screened at least twice before they were transferred to Guantanamo

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Purpose is to provide additional guidance to Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) agents regarding use of various techniques and methods for conducting interviews of detainees. Pursuant to the President's order of Feb. 2, 2002, CITF will employ methods and techniques that are consistent with the Geneva Conventions.

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Coalition Provisional Authority blank documents including Apprehension Form, Table of Maximum Pre-Trial detention, processing forms, Powerpoint presentation on interview techniques, rules for the use of force.

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Daily White House Press Briefing for February 7, 2002. The Press Secretary made an opening statement and then took questions from reporters.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent related the following: "I observed a detainee in a darkened interrogation room shackled to the bolt on the floor in a kneeling position. The room was completely dark and there was a flashing strobe light placed in front of the detainee and a stereo was playing loud music in the room".

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This is a State department Talking points and press guidance memo concerning the legal basis for the U.S. holding detainees at Guantanamo. The talking points highlight that the detainees are "enemy Combatants" and not Prisoners of War (POWs) and as such the customary law of armed conflict gives the U.S. the right to detain these combatants at least until the conclusion of hostilities. Finally the memo states that the detainees are being treated humanely and in a manner consistent with the Geneva Conventions.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document pertains to the Guantanamo Inspection Special Inquiry. This response indicates that a Special Agent from Boston was assigned to Guantanamo for 45 days in July-August, 2002. This agent states that apart from "fluctuations in room temperature" the agent did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees.

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Department of Defense Memo re: Talking Points on Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse. Public release.

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The executive summary discusses the Fay/Jones Report, which identified 29 soldiers implicated in the abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib; eleven of those identified were reserve soldiers. The memo refers to a matrix that includes the relevant soldier's names, but it is not included.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); indicates that "[a]s per request from the Inspection Division, SA [REDACTED] witnessed no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on detainees that was not consistent with Bureau policy/guidelines."

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The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance for the treatment of enemy prisoners of war (EPW), civilian internees (CI) and other detainees (OD) in the custody of U.S. Forces. Commanders at all levels will ensure that EPWs, civilian internees (to include unlawful combatants and terrorists) and other detainees are humadely treated. Detainees will receive humane treatment without regard to race, nationality, religion, political opinion, sex, or other criteria.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no "abusive interrogation techniques" during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is an interview conducted via telephone with a a civilian interrogator with the Defense Intelligence Agency concerning his experience at Abu Ghraib prison. The gentleman stated "All of the Iraqi Survey group (ISG) debriefings he was knowledgeable of occurred in the interrogation site known as "wood," outside the cell blocks. [I] was never in the Hard Site. [I] never observed or heard about abuse of detainees. The ISG conducted "debriefings" vice interrogations and no coercive methods were employed. The Interrogation Rules of Engagement he was provided and si ed were compliant with the Army FM and Geneva Conventions."

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Army AR 15-6 Investigation in to the abuse of a detainee during interrogation. The investigation found that the soldiers from the 104th Intelligence Battalion “used an MP baton to hit a detainee’s feet and buttocks during the course of an interrogation” and that this followed an email from a Captain of the unit stating “the gloves are coming off” as it pertained to detainee interrogations. These and other ideas on conducting interrogations on difficult detainees was kept on a computer hard drive in a file called "Alternative Interrogation Techniques.doc" The NCOIC who discovered the abusive interrogation had taken place and subsequently relieved the soldiers and reported this incident stated “I have been very clear in my instructions to my soldiers about their interrogation techniques. I often tell my soldiers, “there’s no one in this Cage worth you going to jail for." The NCOIC was reprimanded with the following admonition “failure to establish a proper leadership climate and failure to properly supervise interrogation activities under your purview are beneath the standards of professionalism I expect from non-commissioned officers”.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo describes the standard operating procedures for the Tiger Base Detention Center in Iraq. The memo outlines instructions for bringing detainees to the base, guard force responsibilities, the detention center battle rhythm, and personnel tasking and logistical support.

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Memo from Headquarters, Combined/Joint Special Operations Task Force – Arabian Peninsula (CJSOTF-AP), Office of the Commander. Addressed to Brigadier General [redacted]. Contents are almost entirely redacted, but include the headings "Detention History," "[Redacted] Detention Facilities," and "Known History of Abuse Cases and Investigations." Contents Completely Redacted.

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Memo is concerning a potential cases of: 1) detainee abuse involving the rape of an un-named detainee; and 2) Bribes being paid to an un-named person in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

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This memo is by a First Lieutenant who is resigning form the military in lieu of a court martial.

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Memorandum from the FBI to the DOJ that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. Contents of the memo are redacted.

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The interviewers asked the detainee if he was going to talk if they allowed him to pray. The detainee responded by saying "you have subjected me to mental stress for eight (8) days, why should I talk to you?" The interviewer replied that it was in his best interests to be interviewed. The intervew was then concluded.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee appeared to be in ill health and coughed constantly during the interview. He was provided with water during the interview, but it had no effect on his coughing. Detainee states he believes he was sold to Afghani soldiers for a bounty reward and was never recruited by the Taliban. He is old and sick and cannot walk.

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A Detainee requested to be interviewed because he stated he was "Very Stressed" and he was being tormented by another detainee. He gave an expansive interview detailing that several of his fellow detainee had openly expressed a desire to harm the camp guards; refuse to cooperate; and to "Make Jihad" against the United States once released from custody. He claims to have identified a leader in the detention block and this leader "tells people when to eat, sleep, and not to talk to interviewers. He asks other detainees what was said in the interviewers when they return to their cells and he does with everyone else on the bloc. The detainee then stated this person "has issued a Fatwah against the U.S.."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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February 21, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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This memo is a response from a redacted doctor to a request from the CIA Inspector General for comments on the "Draft Special Review--Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Program" report (2003-7123-IG). Everything but the envelope information is redacted.

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Draft Document re: Guantanamo, Iraq, and Afghanistan Entire contents redacted.

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Memorandum referring to "operation." Contents Completely Redacted.

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This memorandum of understanding is between the Joint Interrogation and Detention Center (JIDC) and all external agencies who want to house detainees in cell block 1A and 1B at Abu Ghraib. The stated goal of the agreement is to eliminate the problems that have occurred since the introduction of detainees in block 1A/B, which were allegedly done so without approval of JIDC staff. The memo lays out guidelines to be followed by all parties that use the detention facility.

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This is a redacted memo which discusses the interrogations Mitchell and Jessen are involved with and where they are needed. Mitchell is associated with the interrogation of several different detainees, all redacted except for Gul Rahman.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Detainee Refusal of Care at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment or abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a response to an email sent on July 9, 2004 by Stephen McCraw to individuals who conducted an assignment at Guantanamo Bay requesting information concerning the treatment of detainees. The document indicates that a special agent from FBI San Antonio was sent to Guantanamo from Nov. 22, 2002 - Jan. 7, 2003. The agent observed no aggressive treatment of detainees.

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Memorandum of Counseling for the Lieutenant Colonel who commanded the soldiers who participated in the actions that led to the death by drowning of Mr. Fadhil in the Tigris River on January 3, 2004, and the cover-up that took place after his death. This Memo of Counseling concerns the LTC's leadership failure for telling his "Company Commander, to lie and have his soldiers lie about what actually happened. As a result, several soldiers and officers provided false sworn statements to CD seriously impeding the investigation into the death of a civilian." General Odierno required the LTC to confess his failure to his subordinate commanders and to report back to him thereafter.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator for a total of two months at Guantanamo, reports that s/he "did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees."

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This memo discusses the Geneva Convention, the protections it affords, proper treatment of the dead and responsibility for violations of the Convention protections.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo. The response adds that the agent "observed detainees treated fairly, with requests for food, drInk and medical care always granted."

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Outlines corrective actions taken following the inspection of the Camp Delta Facility on May 13, 2004. Copies of rules have been put on-hand at facility. Staff and guards have been trained. Physical improvements to facility.

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A detainee was not properly medically screened and died as a result of a non-diagnosed medical condition. These are recommendations about screening of detainees.

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Army Memo re: CJTF Meeting with International Committee of the Red Cross August 22, 2003. Contents redacted.

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This memo includes: 1) a chronology detailing the evolution of the CIA's High-Value Detainee Interrogation Techniques, how they were defined, legalized, and authorized; 2) a report on the intelligence collected after the application of the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EITs); 3) a report on the effectiveness of EITs; and 4) Abu Zubaydah's EIT process, specifically what EITs were approved for him and why, and the results.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that before his arrest he believed in the humane treatment of prisioners in the United States. For this reason, when he was first interrogated, he cooperated with interrogators. But he found his assumptions about treatment in the U.S. system to be incorrect. He believes the United States extends no rights to Arabs. He doubts anyone who interviews him will be honest with him. He believes the U.S. intelligence agencies override decisions of the US military and believes "and that Jewish people control the American media". The detainee the gave an account of alleged abuse, he stated a female interrogator, after not getting cooperation from him, called four guards into the room. While the guards held him, she removed her blouse, embraced the detainee from behind and put her hand on his genitals. The interrogator was on her menstrual period and she wiped blood from her body on his face and head." He said he asked one guard, "Why do you hate me?" The guard responded, "If I could, I would kill you."

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This document pertains to the Guantanamo Inspection Special Inquiry. This document reports that an agent from FBI Denver did a TDY at Guantanamo from May 12, 2003 to June 26, 2003. During that time he observed two (2) other "unknown individuals from an unknown other government agency" who conducted interviews that were not consistent with FBI interview policies & guidelines. The agent reported observing these unknown individuals playing loud rap music during an interrogation, blowing cigar smoke into a detainee's face during an interrogation, and laughing at a detainee.

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Request FBI Lab conduct DNA examination on samples from 8 detainees and one deceased individual killed by U.S. military in Afghanistan.

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State Department memo from Daveid Bowker to Beverly Holman to "Prepare ALDAC cable to NSC under cover of a Harty-Biegun memo."

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Army press release detailing the non-judicial punishmment for three soldiers found guilty of abusing four Iraqi detainees.

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This document is a request by Rep. Ike Skelton to the State Department Subject: Requesting when the Department was advised of the February 2004 report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on the mistreatment of the detainees in Iraq

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent states "In late October 2002, FBI Special Agent was observing the interrogation of a detainee when a civilian army contractor, who was in charge of the Army's interrogators, came into the observation room and asked the SA to come see something. The SA then saw an unknown bearded, long-haired detainee in another interrogation room. The detainee had been gagged with duct tape that covered much of his head. SA asked whether the detainee had spit at the interrogators. The [Civilian Army Contractor] laughed and stated that the detainee had been chanting the Koran and would not stop. This email is related to the FBI notes and emails in ACLU RDI 4893, ACLU RDI 4895 and ACLU RDI 4897.

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FBI memo to the Department of Justice re; Repatriation Issues, 03/18/2004. Contents redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was unwilling to discuss any topic previously addressed, stating everything is "in the file". He said that he is very tired of being mislead by interrogators who never offer the detainees any benefit for there assistance, and complained of losing his memory and being subjected to "mental torture" by virtue of his captivity.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Guantanamo Detainees Treatment and Status. Memo states i) all detainees are treated humanely; ii) they are given three (3) culturally appropriate meals a day; iii) International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to them; and iv) they are given the opportunity to shower and exercise.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a memorandum establishing interrogation and counter-resistance policy for the Combined Joint Task Force Seven in Baghdad, Iraq. It encourages the segregation of detainees "to ensure the success of interrogations and to prevent sharing of interrogation methods among detainees" and states that "the interrogator should be the one who controls all aspects of the interrogation, to include the lighting, heating and configuration of the interrogation room, as well as the food, clothing, and shelter given to the security internee." The document includes a list of approved interrogation techniques.

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Presidential Military Order concerning the Detention, Treatment and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War against Terrorism. The Order is the basis for the authority to apprehend, detain and place on trial via Military Commissions persons who have targeted the U.S. and U.S. citizens within the U.S. and abroad.

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Standard Operating Procedures for when a detainee dies in custody, including how to report to chain of command and how to document the death.

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The document is a memorandum regarding Iraq issues and lessons learned. The topics covered in the memorandum include mandatory after action debriefs, operation of sources overseas, coercive interrogations, and rules of engagement in Iraq.

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Minutes of March 10, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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Powerpoint presentation given by MG Donald J. Ryder, Provost Marshal General. Includes observations and recommendations on how to treat detainees in Abu Ghraib.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a Department of the Army memorandum for the Investigative Operation Division, Headquarters, United States Army Criminal Investigative Command (USACIDC). The memorandum includes information about allegations of abuse made by a detainee who was held at Camp Cropper in Iraq.

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This July 9, 2002 email from [redacted] to [redacted] re: Description of Physical Pressures, includes the contents of a memo from an operational psychologist describing "potential physical and psychological pressures" to be used on a particular detainee. The pressures include attention grasp, walling, facial hold, cramped confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation, water board, use of diapers, insects, and mock burial.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent stated "On one occasion I witnessed a detainee in an interview room who was subjected to loud music and strobe lights. I witnessed this while walking past the room on my way to another interview. I do not recall the exact date or the time this occurred. There were no FBI personnel in the room with the loud music and strobe lights."

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FBI talking points memo re: Polices governing the FBI's participation in overseas interrogation. Heavily redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee said he is currently on a hunger strike along with several other detainees because of the mistreatment of another detainee. He will be on the hunger strike for a minimum of forty (40) days. He stated detainees only have three ways to bargain: (1) they can refuse to eat; (2) they can refuse to drink fluids; and (3) they can refuse to talk. The detainee then listed several disputes or incidents in his cell block between guards and detainees. He described several incidents such as uncooperative detainees refusing to put their hands out for cuffing or leaving the recreation area when advised to do so. The guards will yell to the detainee asking him to please cooperate. He said the detainee would feel "a shamed", because had to say please. He said these types of incidents occur on a regular basis with the guards.

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Memo discusses interviews conducted by MG Fay regarding unauthorized photographs. States that a thumb drive was found in the Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center (JIDC) with disturbing images on it. The interviewee reported he/she advised their colleague who found a thumb drive containing photos of dead anti coalition forces that the photos were not unlawful and it was proper to return them to their owner. Memo states: 1- The photos were not taken at Abu Ghraib but immediately after an engagement by coalition forces here in Iraq. 2- The photos depicted dead anti - coalition personnel and anti-coalition personnel detained on the battlefield and masked with empty sandbags. 3- The photos did not indicate that the bodies or the captured personnel were being abused or treated improperly, merely that their images were recorded by digital photograph. 4- That the identity of the person who owned the memory stick was, at the time, unknown

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FBI memo concerning claims that DOD interrogators have impersonated FBI agents when interviewing detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

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Results of a AR 15-6 investigation of photographs taken of John Walker Lindh by 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Describes photos taken of Lindh as "sophomoric". The Dep. Commander recommends counseling sessions, staff training and inclusion in future Professional Development training.

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State Department memo listing the Participants for the Deputy Secretary's Meeting with Swedish Defense Minister Bjorn von Sydow.

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This DOD memo is to address allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib in the wake of news reports and features, i.e. Sixty Minutes II, The New York Times, and The New Yorker. It lists the events and action taken in response and specifically mentions units and individual persons who are being investigated and held to account for the abuse that occurred.

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Memorandum from the FBI that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board ON March 30, 2004. The FBI's repatriation evaluations are attached. Contents of the memorandum are redacted.

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DoD memo on recent deaths of detainees at Bagram detention facility. This is a Q&A to be followed when investigating the circumstances of the deaths.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for High Blood Pressure Management at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay.

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This DOS memo appears to be talking points for a John Dimitri Negroponte interview with Jim Lehrer on topics, including detainee abuse, detainee policy, and Saddam Hussein.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document Index: Intelligence Interrogation of Enemy Combatant a Detainee. there is a compliation of six (6) documents listed as produced.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI policy during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo from the U.S. Marine Corps at Camp Fallujah, it discusses the character of a sailor and mentions his allegation of detainee abuse. The possibly relevant information is redacted.

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This is a White House press release describing the treatment of detainees as humane and consistent with the Geneva Conventions. It states that all Guantanamo detainees are being provided: three meals a day that meet Muslim dietary laws; water; medical care; clothing; shoes; shelter; showers; soap; and toilet articles.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent states that he is unaware of any abuse allegations while he was at Guantanamo. However, he alludes to a possible claim that the Uighar’s were abused while at Guantanamo, but provides no details.

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This fragmentation order to CJTF-7 concerns detainee detention operations. The order consolidates prior detainee orders and guidance and controls detention and processing of all civilian internees and enemy prisoners of war. This copy does not contain the 10 attachments listed on the last page.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator (mail courier) reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memorandum states that Gul Rahman was successfully rendered without incident and that there were not security issues or problems in executing the rendition.

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Contents almost completely redacted. There is one line at the end of the memo that states "the FBI proposes that DOJ concur with DOD's recommendation for continued detention of [redacted detainee's name] at GMTO (Guantanamo)."

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Describes First Lieutenant's career in Army, saying that though he made a 'mistake in his actions involving the Iraqi prisoner,' this was an 'isolated incident' and should be allowed to resign honorably.

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This one page document is listed in the index as: Maj [redacted] Sworn Statement, but this heavily redacted document appears to be more like the Shift Log for Detainees at Guantanamo rather than a Sworn Statement. The document reads as follows: Taken to restroom and exercised outdoors"; "Doctor checks Source; said that if he is unable to defecate, Sourse will require an enema. Doctor stated that Source's feet look better".

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DOE talking points memo on Q&As concerning Bosnia's handing over six Algerian/Bosnian terror suspects to US forces, and their subsequent transfer to Guantanamo.

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This document is a memo in reference to a NCIS request for the FBI to release information on all people who have had interaction with two detainees who have alleged abuse at the hands of military personnel and their interpreters. The detainees' names are redacted.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for soldiers at the Bagram Collection Point, Afghanistan concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. These are the questions with synopsis of the answers.

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Note accompanying hard copies of EC related to Guantanamo; requesting recipient to have EC's serialized.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about his health and he stated he was in relatively good health but suffered from occasional headaches and dental ailments. The interview proceeded and the detainee was able to verbally identified three (3) detainees whom he states have claimed to have participated in fighting against the Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan. The detainee was then was asked to view the images in an effort to identify individuals portrayed in the video or the premise the video was filmed. He claimed he was unable to identify any of the persons or locales depicted in the images. No additional pertinent information was discussed and the interview was terminated.

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A DIA Official who toured through Iraq from October 28, 2003 through April 21, 2004 was interviewed about his knowledge of the abuse allegations at Abu Ghraib prison. The official stated that he visited Abu Ghraib on two (2) occasions and did not witness any prisoner or detainee abuse. Although he stated that "HQ" wanted to break detainees and have them talk, he was not aware of any DIA officials acting inappropriately and specifically had no knowledge of any rapes of female internees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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A Detainee at Guantanamo reported that his fellow detainees beat him and threw urine upon him. This memo is an acknowledgment of the receipt of that complaint. This is related to ACLU RDI 616.

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This memo summarizes a debriefing of a DIA officer who was in Iraq conducting counter-intelligence operations and detainee interrogations. The DIA officer participated in the interrogation of a suspected bomb maker. He stated that the detainee was never touched or abused. He did relate that he had heard of the use of sleep deprivation and dogs at Abu Ghraib prison to "instill fear in the detainees" but he had no first-hand knowledge of those events.

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Requests impersonation matter be reassigned to CID, Violent Crimes Section (VCS) Special Jurisdiction Unit (SJU) for FBI HQ oversight. Mostly redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. An FBI Information Technology Specialist states that he did not witness or participate in aggressive treatment, interrogations or interviews of Guantanamo detainees while working there from April 14 -April 16, 2003.

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Entire contents redacted.

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FBI memo re: Contacts made by BAU team during 05/23/02 on-site review of Guantanamo.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. The detainees apparently coordinated their suicides. All the dead detainees were previous "Hunger Strikers" at the facility. This Memo is a summary of the medical history of three (3) detainees. The Memo was released by the Senior Medical Officer of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Hospital.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee's interview is broken-down by date and a synopsis of the interviews follows. In addition, there is a status report on the number of detainees being held and a description of future/upcoming events at Guantanamo. Heavily redacted.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Commander of Forward Operating Base Salerno concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee advised the interviewing agent that he was in good medical health and had been treated well. He stated that the treatment of the Koran continued to be the reason for his unwillingness to cooperate. When asked how the mistreatment of the Koran had taken place, the detainee stated that the issue continued to be based on what the detainees perceived as the use of the Koran as a weapon. It was taken from them and returned at will, with little consideration for the value which they placed in the book. The detainee was then asked if he had ever seen mistreated or intentionally mishandled. He stated that he had not seen the Koran mistreated or intentionally mishandled. The detainee subsequently admitted that the treatment of the Koran had improved in his cell block. According to the detainee being interviewed, all of the detainees in his cell block were now able to choose if they wanted to keep a Koran or not. They were also offered relative freedom in practicing their religion and praying. This had been a good change, he admitted and was the reason he was talking during the interview.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the soldiers of Forward Operating Base 191 and Firebase Chapman concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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FBI memo to the Department of Justice re: repatriation issues, 03/19/2004.Contents redacted, except for "per documentation provided by DoD, the FBI proposes that DOJ concur with DoD's recommendation for continued detention in US DOD control", and "The FBI proposes that DOJ disagree with DOD's recommendation for transfer for continued deention and recommendads continued detention in US DOD control until sucjh time that all investigative avenues have been exhausted".

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI Agent states "Per the recent FBIHQ e-mail request, be advised that during my GTMO [Guantanamo] tenure, I did witness aggressive treatment, interview and interrogation technique(s), etc. of Detainees by non-Bureau perionnel. Electronic Communication to FBIHQ (265A-MM-C99102, serial 724) details some of these observations.

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A Military Police soldier punched a detainee in the mouth at Guantanamo hospital to stop the detainee from spitting at the MPs. The incident was reported in sworn statements by the soldiers present as follows: Detainee, Mash Alawad Alhabiri, was taken to the Guantanamo hospital for an unknown treatment. While there he complained of his wrist restraints being too tight. As one MP attempted to loosen the restraint, the detainee spit at the MPs and began to physically exert himself in an effort to assault the MPs. One of the MPs in the room attempted to subdue the detainee with a punch. The detainee was subdued. He received a bloody lip, but the injury was minor, and did not require stiches.

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The document is a memorandum including the minutes from the SAAC Executive Council Meeting held at the FBI Headquarters from September 28 through 30, 2004. The document includes information provided by every speaker at the conference.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Documenting NCAVC assistance and challenges at Guantanamo. Mostly redacted

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document contains several pages re. taking a "lessons learned" approach to agency work. Suggests that, prior to deployment overseas, the FBI should brief agents "regarding the Bureau's policy on presence during/assistance to (etc.) coercive interrogations."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department memo on treatment of detainees in Iraq during the U.S. occupation. This is a talking points memo to address concerns and questions about the U.S. role, commitment and treatment of certain persons in accordance with international law and the Geneva Convention. It states that: 1) during combat operations, U.S. forces captured and held enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). These EPWs have been treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (GPW); 2) the abuse of internees has been a matter of great concern to President Bush, who has said that the abuses are "abhorrent." 3) service members involved in the abuse has been taken to a Special Court-Martial proceeding; 4) juvenile security internees are segregated from the adult population of detainees. In addition, juvenile cases are rapidly reviewed by the Standing Review Board to determine whether continued detention is necessary; and 4) female security internees are segregated from the male detainee population, for their safety and privacy, and all females have been reviewed by the Security Internee Review and Appeal Board.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Commander of the Ghecko Detention Facility concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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The document is a memorandum sent from the Office of Oversight and Review in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to the FBI Inspection Division, regarding a request for preliminary information by the OIG. The information will be used to determine whether the OIG should launch an investigation into FBI handling of detainee abuse allegations.

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An FBI memo regarding the Behavioral Analysis Unit's (BAU) assistance and challenges at Guantanamo. The memo is almost entirely redacted.

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A heavily redacted cable from the field to CIA headquarters relating to the status of Abu Zubaydah.  The unredated portions refer to the waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah.

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Memo from CIRG-Crisis Management Unit (CMU) to CIRG. CIRG presented an operations and resource briefing to FBI Assistant Director (AD) Pasquale J. D'Amuro and his staff. The memo provides a summary of the presentation to the AD [contents redacted].

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Army Memo re: Minutes of April 11, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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Memo confirming Sec. Powell's meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger on May 27, 2004. Meeting objectives include discussing ICRC’s ongoing concerns regarding the treatment of detainees in Afghanistan and Guantanamo. Contents heavily redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about the different names he has given to identify himself. He said used this name because of the abuse he received from interrogators in Pakistan after he was captured. He was then asked about several people and locations [redacted] and he was able to identify some of them, but not others. He was then asked about his own name again, and he sated there were two (2) other detainees at the camp with the same name. He does not know anything else about this detainee who used to be housed near him but moved a few weeks ago. The interview was then concluded.

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The document lists the names of four soldiers discharged prior to their court-martial hearings. The soldiers faced charges for abusing detainees at Camp Bucca, Iraq; their names, offenses and punishment/reprimand are listed in the document.

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In response to the canvass of FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay an inquiry regarding the treatment of military detainee's treatment was instigated. A Management Analyst (MA) reports that during his/her assignment in Guantanamo Bay he/she did not observe or participate in any aggressive treatment of detainees. He/she was assigned to Guantanamo Bay during the following periods: March 20-25, 2003; April 15-22, 2003; May 4-26, 2003; ;July 6-22, 2003; November 17-26, 2003; and March 29-April 6, 2004.

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Memo from National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) (Miami and Philadelphia) summarizing protocol and the mission of personnel dispatched to Guantanamo Bay for the purpose of providing behavioral assistance to the ongoing intelligence gathering mission involving the Detainees being held there.

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Army Order CORR-101: Guidance on Minimum Standards for Detainees in Brigade Holding Areas.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee became violent with MP's on the way to the interview room when the guards attempted to search him. The detainee stated that he considered the search as a violation of the detainee's religious beliefs at Camp Delta. He stated that if searches continued "blood would run in the cells throughout camp. All brothers would violently oppose any attempt to conduct [such] searches". "All camp detainees", he stated, "would begin this opposition over the next couple of weeks". The interview concluded with the detainee stating that he would not cooperate with the interviewers "in a hundred years".

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A background paper on the CIA's combined use of interrogation techniques, addressed to Daniel Levin, Acting Assistant Attorney General. The document states that "Effective interrogation is based on the concept of using both physical and psychological pressures in a comprehensive, systematic, and cumulative manner to influence HVD behavior, to overcome a detainee's resistance posture." The document walks the reader through a detainee's evolving circumstances, from the moment of capture to the interrogation. The document breaks an HVD's experience down into three larger stages: Initial Capture (which consists of subsections Rendition and Reception at a Black Site), Transitioning to the Interrogation - The Initial Interview, and Interrogation. The Interrogation section is largely redacted, but includes the following subsections: Existing detention conditions (which describes the subject being exposed to white noise not reaching above 79 decibles and constant light); Conditioning Techniques (which include nudity, dietary manipulation, and sleep deprivation for up to 180 hours at a time, which are said to be used in combination with each other and with other techniques to reduce the HVD to a "baseline state" in which "he learns to perceive his personal welfare, comfort, and immediate needs more than the information he is protecting"); Corrective Techniques (which include the insult slap, abdominal slap, facial hold, and attention grasp, and are often used in conjunction with the Conditioning Techniques in order to make the Corrective Techniques harder to bear); and Coercive Techniques (walling - which may be practiced up to 30 times in a session at the discretion of the interrogator, water dousing, stress positions, wall standing, and cramped confinement - up to 18 hours per day in the large box, and up to 2 hours per day in the small one). The document also contains a vivid (although largely redacted) description of a prototypical interrogation over several sessions. This description is stated to be "a fair representation of how these techniques are actually employed." It appears that walling and insult slaps figure prominently in virtually any HVD interrogation, as do sleep deprivation, enforced nudity, and dietary manipulation. [OLC Vaughn Index #97]

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This document is a heavily redacted message concerning a White House meeting on enhanced techniques, and mentions that the Justice Department memorandum provides a legal "safe harbor" where conduct is lawful and no prosecutions will be mounted.

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State Department presentation delivered by Adam Roberts, Professor of International Relations at Oxford University and Fellow of Balliol College, entitled "Counter-terrorism, Armed Force and the Laws of War."

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Medical Care at Camp 5 at the Detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about a weekly IED and VBIED attacks summary.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding guidelines for FBI operations in Iraq, designed especially for the FBI's Iraq Task Force (ITF), located in Doha, Qatar. The memorandum also includes information on command and control, personnel, and training for FBI agents serving in Iraq.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee expressed that he was not sleeping well and was on medication. Summary of his medical records revealed he was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and depression; and was having nightmares as a result of beatings (information of beatings is not apparent from the information provided in the document). Stated he joined the Taliban in order to keep his family safe.

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The document is a memorandum from the Department of Defense, regarding approved methods of interrogation. The document includes information on documents related to the Administration's interrogation policies, a congressional subpoena proposed by Senators Leahy and Feinstein, and the "Taguba Report."

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Abu Malik Kenami was detained in Iraq on December 5, 2003. He was interrogated and then placed in to the general population at Abu Ghraib prison. From the 5th of December through the early morning of 9th of December Kenami was not obeying the prison rules for detainees; his punishment is ups and downs. On December 9th Kenami beds down sometime between 0100-0200 hours. He was restless and talkative for a while longer. No movement is noticed from Kenami after 0400 hours on December 9th 2003; he is dead. The report in to his death is detailed with a chronology, details from the autopsy report and interviews of the guards and others. It also includes photos, floor plans and conclusions.

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Entire contents redacted, except paragraph headings.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent states the following: With the exception of fluctuations in room temperature controls by military personnel, [I] did not observe any aggressive treatment towards detainees during [my] tour of duty.

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This document is a memo which mentions the Financial Privacy Act and the Buckley Amendment, healthcare fraud. It also mentions an upcoming meeting "to discuss whether WFO SAs may live in undercover properties."

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Army handwritten notes; mostly redacted or poorly photocopied and mostly illegible.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a response to an email sent on July 9, 2004 by Stephen McCraw to individuals who conducted an assignment at Guantanamo Bay requesting information concerning the treatment of detainees. This document indicates that a special agent from the FBI New York was assigned to GTMO from March 27, 2003 - April 3, 2003, and from May 4, 2003 - May 13, 2003 to conduct interviews with specific detainees. The agent did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees.

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FBI interview of a Guantanamo Bay detainee who appears to have a great deal of experience with the Jihadist movement since 1989 and has come in to contact with many of the major figures and events in Islam and the Middle East that have defined the 10-12 years prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001. The detainee stated he was an Imam at a Mosque in Saudi Arabia frequented by foreigners many years earlier, in the 1980's. He stated that while in Saudi Arabia he met a Jordanian male while working at a bakery. This Jordanian man told the Imam that he was interested in traveling to the U.S. to meet a woman to obtain U.S. citizenship. The detainee then stated that stated that he was arrested and incarcerated in Saudi Arabia after being associated with an armed robbery. He detailed his traveling to Pakistan and Afghanistan at the start of the Soviet occupation in 1986 when he was 16 years-old and training at Taliban and Mujaheddin camps. He also details his traveling to Bosnia and other places for Jihad. The interview does not mention conditions or treatment while in U.S. custody or while at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent "did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees while at Guantanamo."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This Coalition Provisional Authority memo provides a mechanism for facilitating the partnership between the Multinational force-Iraq (MNF-I) and the Iraqi Interim Government (IIG). It establishes a Joint Detainee Committee (comprised of twenty-one official members) to oversee detention operations and ensure that they comport with applicable law and human rights standards. The memo outlines the purpose, functions, evaluation standards, and reporting requirements of the new committee.

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This State Department Fact Sheet on the President's establishment of Military Commissions lists talking points on addressing issues and questions that might arise. The points highlight the following: i) The Order applies only to non-U.S. citizens; ii) the offenses that may be tried before these tribunals include violations of armed conflict, sabotage and terrorism; iii) International terrorists are unlawful combatants; iv) The Order directs that the accused will receive a full and fair trial, and persons charged will be entitled to be represented by competent counsel; and v) Conviction and sentencing will require the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members of the commission.

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This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to establish interim policy concerning Criminal Investigation Operational Procedures. The memo states that "In a deployed environment, whether combat or peacekeeping mission, there is Army investigative authority when there is an . Army interest and the investigation furthers or supports the Army's mission in that area. If the Army is formally tasked to support an international entity, the use of investigative resources is an official act in furtherance of the Army's overall mission to support the approved objectives of the international entity. Unofficial investigations or investigations not in support of the Army mission are prohibited."

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This DOD memo is an update on the of detainees in the Iraqi detention facilities as part of detainee operations. This memo collects news articles and updates the reader on new and information specific to detainee operations. It states that there are currently 9,500 security and criminal detainees in Iraq (less MEK); 3848 MEK, (Total Detainees including MEK: 13,183); 18 of the overall number are EPWs [this number is actually now 11, but this is only EPWs who are not HVDs — the HVDs include a significant number of EPWs, e.g. Saddam; 1 300 common criminals are being detained due to suspected violations of Iraq criminal law; and 8 000 are interned because they are a security threat to Coalition Forces (security internees).

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This is a Defense Intelligence Agency PowerPoint Presentation on the DIA's interaction with Iraqi detainees. It covers the policies and procedures; Interrogation Handling Safeguards; Debriefing Team Methodology as well as an overview of the detainee operation thus far. Portions of the presentation at redacted.

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State Department memorandum providing background on the Prime Minister's agenda and visit with President Bush at Camp David.

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Memo discussing an Officials observations while in Guantanamo. Stated that on several occasions, he/she overheard loud music being played and people yelling loudly from behind closed doors of interview rooms. Stated that he/she observed strobe lights in interview rooms on several occasions but never observed these being used on detainees. Also, stated that "There were many comments made by investigators during my tenure at GTMO that every time the FBI established a rapport with a detainee, the military would step in and the detainee would stop being cooperative. The military... routinely took control of the detainee when the interview was completed. The next time that detainee was interviewed, his level of cooperation was diminished." Also, stated that there were accusations being made that military personnel were misrepresenting themselves to detainees as FBI officials and harassing the detainees.

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This memo from John C. Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, to the President of the American Bar Association provides the legal justification for the treatment of U.S. Civilians as Enemy Combatants, specifically regarding their lack of right to counsel.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Receipt of Payment for Claim re: Settlement for Wrongly Shooting and Detaining and Iraqi Citizen. This is related to ACLU RDI 434; 435; 436; 437; & 4865.

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Memo includes excerpts from an ICRC press statement on the U.S. government's detention policies. The ICRC's President asked the U.S. to institute due legal process and to make significant changes for the more than 600 detainees being held in Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he "did not directly observe aggressive treatment of detainees" while at Guantanamo.

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This army memo establishes the USCENTCOM requirements for the parole and release of detainees and EPWs (enemy prisoners of war) in Iraq. A significant portion of the document's text, including the names of relevant officials, has been redacted.

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[Redacted] did not witness or participate in aggressive treatment, interrogations or interviews of GTMO military detainees that was not consistent with FBI policy.

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Minutes of November 19, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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The purpose of the memo is to provide information on significant investigations into alleged abuse of detainees by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. It discusses mistreatment of detainees in Abu Ghraib and Bagram, mentioning types of abuse, the subjects of the investigations and status of the criminal cases.

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A memo providing the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Contents mostly redacted.

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FBI Memo re: Fingerprinting detainees status update

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Memo provides transcript from Procedure 15 interview of [redacted]. Described development of Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF-7) Policy to regulate interrogation operations. Stated, "[w]e wanted interrogation plans to be comprehensive and approved at the units level by the leadership."

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Transcipt of a detainee report of abuse. Detainee unnamed and report not connected to any investigation. Detainee was beaten while transported in a helicopter. Appears to be a different detainee from ACLU RDI 1212.

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Paper refers frequently to a redacted policy name as well as to CJTF-7 policy. "CJTF-7 policy allows detainees to be held beyond 72 hours (up to 14 days) for continued interrogation. No approval required." Approves the use of 21 interrogation techniques on detainees. In [redacted] (another policy?) the "Fear-Up (Harsh) technique was not approved due to concern this could...violate the Geneva Convention." The unnamed policy also "approved additional interrogation techniques for non-EPWs, subject to a written request, legal review and approval by commander." Paper states that "according to media reports," a "murky command relationship between the Commander of the Abu-G [Abu Ghraib] detention facility and Military Intelligence ... contributed to abuses."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who conducted interviews of detainees, reported observing and hearing reports of no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Memo on Processing Detainees

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This CIA memo discusses the timeline for the use of enhanced interrogation techniques post 9/11 on high value detainees at black sites.

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This is a CIA Routing Slip. The confirm and document the fact that specific individuals within Congress and the Intelligence community have received the OIG report concerning the death of Abid Hamad Mahawish Al-Mahalawi.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Rules of Engagement for Operations in Iraq for the 800th Military Police Brigade

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General Sanchez establishes guidlines (attached) for all interrogations and states in this memo that: the interpreters are civilians who are subject to the Geneva Conventions; the interrogation techniques are only for “security internees under the control of CJTF-7”; safeguards must be adhered to during interrogations; segregation of security internees is vital to observed; the interrogator must maintain control of the circumstances at all times; and “Nothing in [the] policy limits existing authority for maintenance of good order and discipline”.

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This document, prepared by the Chief of Medical Services, summarizes and reflects upon the rendition, detention and interrogation program. The findings include that in a particular no evidence was found that the use of waterboard produced information that could not have been obtained otherwise. A previous version of this document, released on June 13, 2016, contains more redactions. A version of this document was re-released in September 2016 in response to the ACLU's FOIA lawsuit, however it did not include references to "COBALT".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he had never been assigned to Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent "did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees" at Guantanamo.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Guantanamo Detainees Treatment and Status. Memo states i) all detainees are treated humanely; ii) they are very dangerous people; iii) International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to them; and iv) they are not Prisoners of War under the Geneva Conventions.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. While touring through Guantanamo, this FBI agent states he witnessed interviews which could be characterized as adversarial in nature. However, the agent states he did not observe any aggressive treatment or the use of in interview/interrogation techniques that were inconsistent with Bureau [FBI] interview policy/guidelines.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the death of Khan Achmed, a detainee who died from TB, pneumonia and kidney failure at Bagram Detention Facility, Afghanistan. Thomas W. O'Connell, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, informed Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, that all would be in order after "an official copy of the death certificate is received along with an acknowledgment of no property in storage on this individual." Precautions were being taken to protect U.S. forces from the slight chance of contamination.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo re: Questionaire to FBI Agents Concerning Activities at Guantanamo

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Interviewee was interviewed via phone in order to clarify details from her May 21, 2004 sworn statement. Interviewee stated she did not personally see any nude detainees in AG.

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State Department talking points on the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo. The main points being made are: 1) All accusations of mistreatment are taken seriously and fully investigated; 2) Torture and other forms of cruel treatment committed by or at the direction of any U.S. official are prohibited; 3) Should U.S. personnel witness such misconduct, they are instructed to intervene and report all such actions promptly to their superiors for thorough investigation and prosecution, as appropriate; and 4) The United States has a strong commitment to international law - including the precept of humanity reflected in the law of armed conflict.

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This memo is a summary of a telephone interview of an Army National Guard physician who was deployed to Abu Ghraib prison in late 2003 and supervised a staff of medics and Physician Assistants at the Hard Site and Camp Vigilant. The physician stated that during his time in Abu Ghraib he did not observe any abuse. Does not recall an incident involving a catheter.

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An FBI agent assigned to Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay states that he entered an interview room and observed an inmate kneeling on the floor with a small amount of blood on the floor near the inmate's face. The inmate's nose appeared to be bleeding. The agent asked the military personnel what had happened and they explained that the inmate had become upset with them and threw himself to the floor. The agent reports that he saw nothing else to contradict the military personnel's rendition of events. The agent also stated that he had heard previously that one of the female military personnel would let her hands touch the inmates as part of their psych-ops to make the inmate "unclean" and upset them.

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Army Action Plan: Latent Tuberculosis Management. Standard Operating Procedure.

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Memorandum requesting creation of additional sub-files for quick access and retrieval of cable traffic received from Other Government Agencies regarding Guantanamo and Afghanistan and repatriation of detainees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department Inter-Agency document Cover letter, no attachment; no content.

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This memo was circulated by the government to all U.S. Attorneys around the country in response to public criticism of the Patriot Act. 

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent indicates that s/he performed administrative tasks at Guantanamo and had no contact with detainees. S/he is therefore unable to furnish any information regarding detainee treatment.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment or treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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A memorandum for the record from a Special Assistant to the Staff Judge Advocate certifying that the Master Disk of the Taguba report, provided to headquarters of Central Command (CENTCOM), is a true and accurate copy. The memo also discusses typographical and administrative mistakes in the annexes of the report.

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Contents Completely Redacted

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the treatment of prisoners and detainees and includes further clarifications from the Office of General Counsel on the subject. The memorandum reiterates that FBI guidelines do not allow for the use of force, threats, and/or physical abuse during interrogations.

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This document is a US Army Press Release of August 16, 2004. the Press Release discussing a new review process that incorporates the interim Iraqi government's Ministries of Justice, Interior and Human Rights.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who served as a support services clerk at Guantanamo and witnessed an interview, "did not observe any negative treatment of detainees' not consistent with Bureau interview policy or guidelines."

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Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. Detainee was shown photos of certain persons, but denied knowing any of them. The detainee then went on to say "He does not like how the detainees are being treated at Camp Delta, saying the strip searches are humiliating and the food is bad. He feels the United States is making war on the Islamic religion". and concluded by saying "He used to like Americans, but not anymore".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he had never traveled to Guantanamo.

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Summary of an Israeli Supreme Court ruling (downloaded from by Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, holding that the General Security Service (GSS) is not authorized to employ certain investigative methods that involve the use of physical pressure against a suspect. Methods disavowed include: the shaking of a suspect; holding him in particular positions for a lengthy period; and sleep deprivation. GSS investigators could, however, potentially avail themselves of a "necessity" defense if facing criminal charges for the use of prohibited interrogation methods. Still, "the necessity defense does not constitute a basis for authorizing the infringement of human rights." Justice Y. Kedmi wrote separately to suggest that the Court's order be suspended for one year, during which time GSS members "could employ exceptional methods in those rare cases of 'ticking time bombs,' on the condition that explicit authorization is given by the Attorney General."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no incidents of mistreatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Deleted Pages Information Sheet

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Timeline of interrogation policy as of 05/30/2004. Covers from 09/14/2003 to 05/21/2004. Details communication between individuals (inc. Sanchez) and policy updates regarding interrogation techniques. Explains why it was that CJTF-7 was using the rescinded September 2003 Sanchez memo in May 2004.

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Memo discusses notes taken on June 9, 2004 from a telephonic interview with [redacted] concerning his knowledge of abuse at AG. The interviewee stated he never observed or heard of detainee abuse and/or nudity. Interviewee did state he believed detainees were stripped when put into isolation but that he had no direct knowledge. Recalled hearing general rumors of abuse from un-recalled sources and recalled hearing of a detainee being raped by fellow detainees.

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The memo discusses, in part, a request that the FBI take the lead in directing and referring this investigative matter to the FBI. It mentions that Patrick Sullivan agreed to prosecute the matter. Memo is significantly redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOS Memo talking points on United Nations Report on Human Rights in Iraq. Guidance states that the some of the report's findings related to alleged human rights violations are based on generalized allegations that fail to indicate where or when such alleged abuses occurred

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment, interviews or interrogations of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Entire contents redacted.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points and Issue Paper on Guantanamo Detainees. Statement of US position on Guantanamo detainees stating that: i) detainees are treated humanely; ii) detainees are not POWs; and iii) US is working with other countries whose nationals are in Guantanamo, etc.

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This Army memo from Major General Robert Wilson, Commander of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate Office at Ft. Carson, CO. is to transfer two (2) Court-Martial Cases to Ft. Hood TX for disposition. The document is heavily redacted as to the reason for the transfer.

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Memorandum from the FBI to the DOJ that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. Contents of the memo are redacted.

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PowerPoint presentation to Sec. Def. Rumsfeld on detainee operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. States that there is no evidence of non-compliance with Department of Defense orders at either facility save for "some minor infractions." These include an MP striking a detainee with a radio after being struck by detainee and an MP using pepper spray on a detainee. DOD orders include that detainees are "treated humanely to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity, in a manner consistent with the principles of Geneva". One detainee in Charleston "has Koran, mattress and pillow removed and is fed cold meals as part of interrogation plan".

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Heavily redacted memo from Joint Task force 160 requesting Joint Detention Operations Group support for an operation. The email authjor states that "This request has been reviewed by my Staff Judge Advocate and determined to be legally sufficient".

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This memo discusses the inordinate strain that has been placed on U.S. military resources due to the detention of enemy combatants. The memo briefly explains that other coalition members should be willing to bear a portion of the burden as they have shared in the actual fighting.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated he was not mistreated and did not witness mistreatment. However, stated that, on occasion, he was pushed to the ground while hands were handcuffed behind his back and treated 'roughly.'

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This memo is from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Units (BAU) discussing how the interrogation of suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects was proceeding. The memo states "several discussions were held to determine the most effective means of conducting interviews of detainees. These discussions were prompted by the recognition that members of the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Defense Humint Services (DHS) were being encouraged at times to use aggressive interrogation tactics in GTMO which are of questionable effectiveness and subject to uncertain interpretation based on law and regulation. Not only are these tactics at odds with legally permissible interviewing techniques used by U.S. law enforcement agencies in the United States, but they are being employed by personnel in GTMO who appear to have little, if any, experience eliciting information for judicial purposes. The continued use of these techniques has the potential of negatively impacting future interviews by FBI agents as they attempt to gather intelligence and prepare cases for prosecution.”

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee the interviewer asked the detainee about alleged sexual assaults he heard about occurring in the camp. The detainee explained he heard that female interrogators were sexually assaulting the detainees. He further stated that while he was imprisoned in Bagram he was told during an interrogation he was if he did not tell the truth, then "things" would be done to him. The following day he was taken to medical and handcuffed to the bed with a hood over his head. A female came into the room and started to rub her chest on him. She removed his pants and fondles his private with her hand until he was erect. She then raped him. He was told "the next time it will be a man". He also started to complain of being tortured in Bagram. It should be noted that has been questioned numerous times since arriving at Guantanamo and this is the first time he has mentioned this alleged sexual assault.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document consists of FBI penalty guidelines, which are used to assess the proper penalty for various types of FBI misconduct. It features the an explanation and purpose of penalties, and then provides detailed instructions on different penalties for various infractions.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes a summary of weekly attacks, including reported IED attacks and VBIED incidents.

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Memo discusses information learned from an telephonic interview. The interviewee discussed email traffic findings, stated nothing in the email traffic discussed detainee abuse.

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Executive summary of the American Correctional Association's (ACA) visit to Guantanamo Bay.

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U.S. Marine Corps investigation into death of Awayed Wanas Jabar. Jabar was taken in to custody on April 17, 2004. He sustained a head injury in an escape attempt. A doctor examined him and said he was “OK”. A guard witnessed Jabar take his last breath. The exact cause of death is unknown because the body was released to Iraqi personnel at their request in order to ensure burial by sundown on the day of death. It was not determined if the death was due to the head injury from the window fall, or asphyxia. Investigation concluded that “There is no evidence that his death was the result of any assault, pummeling or any other abuse once he was in our custody”.

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Interviewee "invoked HIS right under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and declined to make any further statements to Investigating Officers." [Memo redacted]

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Partially redacted CIA memo describing a meeting held to discuss the autopsy of Iraqi detainee Manadel al-Jamadi. The document notes that al-Jamadi's right eye was blackened, that there were bruises over both of his temporal regions, that there was evidence of blunt force to both chest cavities, that three left ribs and two right ribs were fractured, that there were abrasions on both of his knees, and that ligature marks on his ankles extended "fairly deep" into his surrounding tissue.

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These two (2) memos are background and history of the Establishment of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and Detention of POWs, Unlawful Combatants, and Other Detainees. The memos are designed to address concerns and questions about the legal authority of the U.S. to capture, detainee and try suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agents reported that they had no contact with detainees during their time at Guantanamo and therefore have no information regarding their treatment.

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Acknowledgment of receipt of Counseling Memorandum issued to and received by a Lieutenant Colonel counseling him for his participation in covering up the abuse and death of Iraqi civilians in an incident known as the Tigris River Incident, Samarra, Iraq, January 3, 2004.

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Army Memo from Provost Marshall, Task Force Ironhorse re: Standard Operationg Procedure for Death of a Detainee. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the actions needed in order to properly dispose of and record the death of a Detainee in US custody.

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This memo provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Its contents are mostly redacted.

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Detainee gave expansive interview on the conditions at Camp Delta; his views on different Al Queda leaders and US/Mid-East relations. He had no specific complaints about his conditions. When asked what he liked about America, he provided three-things he enjoyed about the United States (U.S.): 1) Power limitations because of the Democratic form of government; no one group has all the deccisionmaking power, 2) Everyone is accountable under the law and these laws apply to all citizens regardless of their status; and 3) People are more open-minded and tolerant of different values and convictions.

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FBI Memorandum from Guantanamo Task Force to Raymond Mey re: update regarding a Guantanamo detainee; Memorandum re: a Guantanamo detainee; DOD document. The contents are heavily redacted. An FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet is appended to the document.

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Heavily redacted memo from DCI to Nat'l Sec. Advisor (4pgs) and memo from GC to DCI (1pg) with routers. Refers to DOJ's 2002 authorization for the CIA to employ certain techniques on certain high-value detainees (HVDs), and mentions waterboarding.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about a future exhumation operation and the exploitation of an unexploded Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED).

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no "abusive" treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department talking points memo on the treatment of detainees in Guantanamo and difference between POWs and illegal combatants. The memo presents the question: What are the legal differences between POWs and illegal combatants? And answers it with an analysis of the Geneva Convention's definition of both.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This Operational Review of the CIA Detainee Program finds that the program is a success and provides "unique and invaluable intelligence." The review also finds that the procedures for handling detainees are "adequate and clear"and that the Directorate of Operations should not be involved in running prisons.

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State Department memo on an upcoming visit by the Swedish Prime Minister. The memo provides background to assist the President in preparing for this meeting.

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Secretary Rumsfeld's memo reiterates and clarifies procedures for investigating deaths of detainees in U.S. custody through reference to a series of previous directives. After a detainee dies, commanders must immediately report the death to the responsible investigative agency, and the body must be left undisturbed in a clean body bag. Unless a Armed Forces Medical Examiner instructs otherwise, an autopsy must be performed.

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Memo provides guidance to Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) personnel on detainee interrogation procedures. The memo references the President's November 13, 2001 order that stated detainees should be treated humanely.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo/Chart/Log discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. The Chart details the food and water consumption of the deceased deatinees in the days preceding their suicides.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Fragmentary Order 749 (FRAGO 749) relating to detainees, which "consolidates prior orders and guidance." Document is substantially redacted. States, "Capturing units will not detain persons unless there is a reasonable belief that the person is or was engaged in criminal activity, possesses information important to, or that interferes with, coalition missions, is on a list of persons wanted for questioning or is an enemy combatant". Defines different categories of detainee and detention terms. States, "All civilian detainees shall have a review of their case no later than 72 hours from time of induction". Gives further details of how to treat detainees, e.g. Handling and Detention Summaries. Refers to the Geneva Conventions regarding treatment of Enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs) and Civilian Internees, and states that "a Civilian Internee is protected according to Geneva Convention IV (Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War)." Attaches various reference materials and forms (e.g. Witness Statement form and Fingerprint Card).

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FBI Memo re: The Role of the Behavioral Analysis Unit at Guantanamo Bay. The memo discusses a problem, offers background and provides possible solutions to the problem. In the memo, it states:"This document is intended to describe an ongoing problem that has been identified by SSAs [redacted] and is acknowledged by the current management staff at GTMO. It is also intended to offer viable solutions. [redacted]" Almost all of the contents of the memo are redacted.

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This White House memo describes U.S. policy toward detainees at Guantanamo.  States that they are not entitled to POW treatment but that they are treated humanely and given many of the protections that POWs are given.

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This FBI memo concerns an administrative inquiry by a Special Agent (SA). There was an interview, during which the SA provided copies of approximately 14 documents.

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Describes proper treatment of detainees; Procedures for detainees of intelligence interest and criminal detainees; and the review process for commanders for compliance with protocols.

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This State Department memo provides breakdown by nationality of 27 Bagram detainees; states that “Bagram is a temporary ‘collection center’ where some detainees stop over en route to their permanent location.  The conditions at Bagram are stable.  Plans are to construct accommodations for 75 detainees.  Currently there are 25 detainees at this location.”  Contains a handwritten note from Richard Armitage, asking “...what happened to the Uigurs?” List of Detainees is redacted, but another list provides physical condition, current location, date of capture, location of capture (three detainees are listed as being in poor condition) and capture unit (e.g. Northern Alliance, Pakistan Army, ISID and US forces).

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. A Special Supervisory Agent from the Criminal Investigative Division, Transnational Criminal Enterprise Section, Eurasian Organized Crime Unit, stated that he arrived at Guantanamo Bay on January 20, 2004, and departed January 29, 2004. "During my ten (10) days on GTMO I did not observe any aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees which were inconsistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines. "

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Detention Facility NCOIC and S2 of Forward Operating Base Salerno concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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A detainee at Guantanamo attempted suicide in his cell by hanging himself. He was rescued and lives saving measures were effective, however, the detainee suffered irreversible damage. This memo is a detail of the detainee’s condition and a recommendation that he be released from custody and returned to his home country. This memo is written by the medical staff at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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An FBI agent discusses a detainee interview conducted on 08/05/2005 that became violent. The agent details an exchange between the detainee and interrogator(s). The agent states that the detainee initially refused to leave his cell for an interview, but was eventually convinced to participate in the interview and entered the interview room. Thereafter the detainee became belligerent and began to spit, curse and kicked out a table in front of him. The detainee then stood and attacked interviewer and fought with others in the room. The confrontation continued with the detainee attempting to bite the MPs until he was eventually subdued and the situation was brought under control by the guards. The FBI agent details his own perception of the events, and his attempts to calm the matter down. The letter is heavy on detail. In another sworn statement on this matter ISN# 00174 was un-redacted, and it is from this that we know the detainee is Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti.

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State Department talking Points on relating to detainees at Guantanamo and the burden of bearing the sole responsibility for the War on Terror.

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Entire contents redacted.

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This document is a CIA Memo drafted for the Deputy Director for Operations via the Associate Deputy Director for Operations/Counterintelligence. The memo contains background information related to the treatment and condition of detainees as it relates to the investigation into the death of Rahman, as well as a detailed account of Rahman's detention.

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Memorandum regarding the repatriation of detainees scheduled to appear before the Transfer Review Board. All other contents redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum for special agents in charge, regarding the guidelines for conducting FBI investigations overseas. The memorandum includes information on Legal Attaches ("Legats"), leads in foreign countries, extradition, and informants.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo states he did not observe any detainee abuse.

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This CIA memorandum for the Deputy Director of Operations is a review of the CIA Detainee Program with particular focus on the guidelines for detention and interrogation on May 12, 2004. The memorandum is heavily redacted and states that the CIA detainee program is a success at the strategic level.

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FBI Memo from Behavioral Science Consultation Team to Criminal Investigations Task Force (CITF) re: Behavioral Assessment of Security and Interview Strategies and Training at Guantanamo. Report on Consultation April 2-4, 2002. Contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment "which would be construed as contrary to Bureau interview policy/guidelines" during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Action Plan: Orientation for Detainee Acute Care Unit at the Detainee Hospital at Guantanamo

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This response to the Inspection Special Inquiry concerns the TDY of a Special Agent from Houston. It indicates that this agent has never been to GTMO but did two TDYs in Afghanistan. The first TDY was from Sept. 15, 2002 - Nov. 15, 2002, and the second was from March 25, 2003 - June 8, 2003. The agent observed no aggressive treatment of detainees.

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This memorandum describes the plan for obtaining cooperation of Gul Rahman, including possible enhanced interrogation due to the fact that Rahman is likely withholding valuable information.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo references five alleged detainee abuse cases from Iraq, states the cases were unreported, but were uncovered during a DAIG assessment. In one incident, the complainant, a member of the 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, stated that a soldier/guard became agitated and began to hit a detainee with his fist. [Contents redacted].

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator for a total of two months at Guantanamo, reports that s/he "did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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A detainee at Guantanamo made an allegation of abuse during his detainment in Guantanamo. This memo is a referral of that allegation.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum that outlines the actions taken by a redacted entity for a number of different projects, including the Iran Unit, Counterintelligence Division, and the Iraq/Syria/Libya Unit.

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FBI Memo to the Washington Field Office with documents and asking to initiate logical investigation concerning crimes on government reservations

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This document pertains to the Guantanamo Inspection Special Inquiry. This is a Response by a Special Agent from FBI New York who did a TDY at Guantanamo from mid-April to late May, 2002. This agent writes that he or she did not observe any treatment of detainees inconsistent with Bureau guidelines or policy.

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Incomplete account of detainee abuse. Pages are missing and the document is not complete. The detainee claimed that the guard made threatening gestures, shined a light in his eyes.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This is the appointment of an Officer for an informal AR 15-6 investigation to accusations of detainee abuse in Baghdad, Iraq between April 1-30, 2003 by the 2nd Battalion, 325TH Airborne Infantry Regiment. The investigation found that the soldiers followed proper Rules of Engagement (ROE). Detainees were being non-compliant by yelling and attempting to stand up. Soldier first instructed them to be quiet in English and Arabic, and then pushed a detainee back into his sitting position when he attempted to stand.

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A detainee claims that during an interview conducted on 06/03/04, he was made to stand with his arms outstretched for three hours, then forced to kneel until he had a heart problem and collapsed. He stated he was taken to the hospital, but the interrogator removed him from the hospital and told him he could not be allowed to return until he had confessed that he was an Al Qaeda member.

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This memo is in supprot of an Honorable Discharge in lieu of a court martial for a First Lieutenant. It states that the 1LT "terrible mistake, when he deviated from procedures".

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The Agent in this response stated that "the detainee was brought into the interview shack at Camp X-Ray, the detainee appeared to suffer from physical injuries to include possible broken fingers and injuries to his face." However, "no Bureau employees were involved in the incident."

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State Department Talking Points memo on the use of Guantanamo Bay as a detention facility for Al Qaida and Taliban detainees. The memo provides some background information on the decision to use Guantanamo, including the legislative context and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld calling Guantanamo the “least worst place” to hold detainees. In addition, it states that the Cuban government, and Fidel Castro specifically, were not objecting to the facility being used as planned.

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State Department memo listing the participants for the November 12, 2002 meeting between Undersecretary Grossman and Swedish State Secretary Lars Danielsson.

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FBI interview of detainee at Kandahar holding facility at Kandahar Air Base in Afghanistan. An unnamed detainee was interviewed by unidentified FBI Special Agents. During the interview, the detainee stated that he did not espouse anti-American views and did not know why the Americans were in Afghanistan. Detainee stated that he knew of the American prison in Guantanamo and did not want to go there. Interview started at 7:15 p.m. and ended at 9:00 p.m.. After the interview, detainee was removed from the general population at the holding facility, where he had been since his capture, and moved to a single position within the holding facility.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he did not observe aggressive treatment of detainees or interview/interrogation techniques inconsistent with FBI procedure while at Guantanamo.

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List of FBI agents interviewed about interrogations at Abu Ghraib sent to Valerie Caproni with attachments. Attachments include August 2002 memo to Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) about services provided to Guantanamo and emails regarding interrogations at Guantanamo sent between September and December 2002.

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This Army memo identifies the interpreter and interrogator an investigating officer used for an Army Regulation 15-6 (Procedures for Investigating Officers and Boards of Officers investigation) investigations.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee when interviewed stated the "guards [at Camp Delta] were teasing the detainees and because of the noise they were making he was beaten in the leg and mouth". The summary also includes the detainee's opinion of the Taliban and his identification of persons by way of photographs.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Detention Facility OIC, Bagram, Afghanistan concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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This document pertains to the Guantanamo Inspection Special Inquiry. This is a response to an email from Janice Fedarcyk to Redacted by a Special Agent in the CIRG Hostage Rescue Team. This agent states that he had a temporary duty assignment from June 7, 2002 to June 19, 2002, working a Department of Justice Special Project on the John Walker Lindh Case. This agent states that he saw no prisoner abuse while at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive or inappropriate techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees being held at Camp X-Ray or Camp Delta during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on the Iraqi government taking over Abu Ghraib prison and Iraqi Governance in general post the June 30, 2004 turn-over to the Iraqis. The memo states "The Iraqi criminal justice system, including a number of courts, magistrates, and prisons, is already under the control and oversight of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and will be under the control of the Iraqi Interim Government on June 30." and "On June 30, the Coalitional Provisional Authority will dissolve. The Iraqi government that replaces it will be invested with authority to govern Iraq until elections are held in January 2005. This government, as described by UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, will be made up of competent people of the highest integrity and reflecting the broad diversity of the Iraqi people."

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This document is part of an AR 15-6 investigative file with a chronology of the progress and steps taken to investigate abuses at the Abu Ghraib detention Facility.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo from Behavioral/Operational Consultation Team to FBI Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) re: Assessment and Recommendations Regarding Interviewing, Debriefing, Interrogation of Al-Qaeda/Taliban detainees at Guantanamo. Contents redacted.

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Provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. Contents almost entirely redacted. In most cases (names are redacted), FBI recommends that DOJ concur with DOD's proposed transfer for release of the detainee. In at least one case, FBI recommends that the detainee be held at GTMO for further interviews.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a "Welcome aboard packet" for Rotation 6 of FBI agents in Iraq. Contains a mission statement, general instructions and recommendations for life at the Baghdad Operations Center (BOC). The document names On Scene Commander, E. Lueckenhoff and mentions C. Briese (SC, HQ) as part of the HVD-1 Team.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator (mail courier), reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the for Soldiers of Ghecko Forward Collection Point concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee accused Pakistani Police with giving him electric shocks and U.S. troops of beating him. He said he was yelled at by interrogators in Kandahar and then admitted to lying to them because if he didn't say what the interrogators wanted, they would continue to beat him. He was then shown a photo of himself taken by American troops in Kandahar and asked to point out where any bruises or signs of a beating the detainee then admitted to lying about the beatings.

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This memo discusses the importance of the High Value Terrorist Detainee Program in preventing future terrorist attacks, specifically the information that has been gleaned from terrorist detainees.

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Proposed Statement concerning the Baghdad Confinement Facility Detainee Abuse and an announcement of a criminal investigation surrounding the detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo from the Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, to top DOD Department heads outlining procedures for investigating deaths of detainees in the custody of the Armed Forces. The memo states that investigative agencies and the medical examiner must be contacted immediately, and an autopsy is performed, and a Manner of Death shall be determined, unless the Armed Forces Medical Examiner decides on an alternative handling of the detainee.

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Memorandum appointing Brigadier General John T. Furlow as the investigating officer for an AR 15-6 investigation into allegations made by the FBI regarding detainee abuse at Guantanamo. Allegations include the use of dogs, impersonation of FBI agents by DOD personnel, sleep deprivation, use of loud noise, binding, and exposure to extremely high and low temperatures. General Craddock orders BG Furlow to investigate violations of law, review previous investigative and corrective actions, and make recommendations as appropriate.

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A Sergeant who received a Written Reprimand disagrees with characterization of his responsibility for incident.

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The document is a memorandum of understanding between the FBI and two redacted parties regarding the parties' desire to physically collate [redacted] automated biometric identification system within the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division.

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This document is a memo from the Director of the FBI providing guidelines on the disciplinary process within the FBI. He expresses his hope to draw a "bright line" is order to keep all employees aware of his expectations and sets out his vision for the FBI.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo is an FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) report of DOD interrogation tactics used in Guantanamo. BAU reported witnessing the following techniques being used: duct tape to a detainee's mouth, growling dogs, bright lights, loud music, and sleep deprivation.

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FBI memo on an Impersonation Matter. Specifics on the matter are redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive or inappropriate treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Discusses a meeting that took place regarding an AR 15-6 investigation concerning incidents of detainee abuse at Radwaniya Palace, Iraq. Topics of discussion included: "four investigation files into significant incidents" at THFs, including two detainee deaths and two allegations of abuse; detention beyond 72 hours; [redacted] detainee tracking; interrogation techniques/treatment of detainees; and training for soldiers guarding detainees, primarily "a Guard SOP that must be read by each soldier prior to the start of their guard shift." Mentions a "48hr Detainee Worksheet," to be completed after 48 hours of detention and to request detention beyond 72 hours if necessary, and a "Detainee Interrogation Worksheet," used to determine authorized techniques and if there is doubt over the detainee's status. Worksheets not attached. Author's name redacted but rank and assignment listed as Captain, Judge Advocate, III Corps Artillery/MNC-I Effects.

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Suggested modifications re FBI Bureau's structure and presence in Afghanistan, including focus, training, equipment, and staffing (content redacted). Author of memo has been FBI On-Scene-Commander (OSC) since 02/11/2004.

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that while in captivity at the original detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba was beaten by U.S. Military Police Officers without justification. The detainee was asked about his knowledge of the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen and matters concerning the attacks of September 11, 2001. The document is mostly redacted.

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FBI memo documenting Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) assistance and challenges encountered during TDY assignment in Guantanamo.

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This document is a heavily redacted letter from Scott Muller to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence proposing a draft response to a Human Rights Watch letter.

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FBI Memo from EAD Pistole to Counter-terrorism, attn: Gary M. Bald, M.Chris Briese, and Valerie E. Caproni re: 315E-HQ-1448534, 01/27/2004. Interrogation team, Baghdad, seeks authority to question the subject without reading the subject warnings under Miranda v Arizona. Also, to videotape the questioning and to identify themselves as only from the US government - all acceptable: only Geneva Convention rules apply for EPWs outside the US.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, an Electronics Technician, worked in near the detainee camp and "had the opportunity to view most of the camp at any given time." He/she did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo serves as an update on events and happenings at Guantanamo Detention facility. It is noted that Senator Cornyn (R-TX) visited Guantanamo on Monday to view US detainee detention facilities and conditions. Also it reports that there are currently 660 detainees at Guantanamo; suicide attempts now total 29 at Guantanamo by 18 individuals; and there are three (3)detainees...under the age of 16.

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The interviewed detainee stated he had just been released from the fleet hospital approximately 30 minutes before the interview started. The detainee was specifically asked the questions regarding force protection. Asked if he knew or had heard any specific plans to cause disruption to Camp Delta or the assault of a guard/guards or other detainees, the response given was there was nothing specific. Asked if he had overheard any plans or specifics regarding an attack.' The detainee simply stated, "If an opportunity exists, they will take it." He stated that he felt "oppressed" but not by violence. If there were an opportunity to escape, he would try. When asked if there were any potential martyrs in the camp he said that the detainees in Camp Delta have nowhere to go. Some would want to die in Camp Delta and if he heard that there was something like that about to take place, he would let the guards or interrogators know this information without hesitation.

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Memo's synopsis: "Document information concerning impersonation by DOD interrogators at Guantanamo representing themselves to be officials of the FBI and US State Department."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo gives detailed description of Enemy Prisoners of War and Detainee categories, from Category A (High Level) to Category D (no information of intelligence value).

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 17 Dec 02. Heavily redacted and the first page appears to be missing. The readable parts of the document state that the detainee was seen by medical personnel; he was given food & water;was taken to the bathroom; and exercised.

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State Department talking points Amb. Moley to address questions and concerns of the UN Commissioner for Human Rights de Mello.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Requests Language Services translate a document which contains the names of 66 pakistani detainees who were released from Sheberghan prison identified as potentially posing a threat.

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This Army memo from Major general Odierno is to provide guidance for the treatment of Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW), Civilian Internees (CI) and Other Detainees (OD) in the custody of U.S. Forces, and stresses that Commanders at all levels will ensure that EPWs, civilian internees (to include unlawful combatants and terrorists) and other detainees are humanely treated in accordance with AR 190-8, Enemy. Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees, and Other Detainees; Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfa1e; the 1949 Geneva-Convention Relative to the.Treatment of Prisoners of War; and, the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War.

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State department Memo from Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper to Secretary Powell with requesting approval on reply to Edward Davey Member of the UK House of Commons re: his concerns about detainees. Approval was given.

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Heavily redacted document establishing interrogation and counter-resistance policy during the interrogation of all detainees and enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). States that "interrogations performed at Tactical Interrogation Center require immediate segregation and examination of the detainees," including a basic medical examination. Provides guidelines for all interrogations, including "appropriate supervision" and that interrogators be "specifically trained for the technique(s) employed." Regarding the Geneva Conventions, states that "the exact meanings of these clauses ... are the subject of intense debate," and that "some interrogation techniques are viewed as inhuman.... These techniques are labeled with a [CAUTION]." All techniques so labeled have been redacted.

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Army Memo on the Current Prison Investigations list of seven investigations into allegations of abuse at Guantanamo, Bagram, Abu Ghraib, Army Reserve: Training, and Worldwide.

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This is a memo describing how to handle detainees. It covers the way detainees are to be addressed, how they are to be handled, how to assess detainees and includes a "COALITION PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY FORCES APPREHENSION FORM" to be completed by the detaining soldier.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee explained that during his detention by the U.S. military in Kandahar, Afghanistan, he was beaten by some guards as he was laying face down on the ground. He stated that he was not resisting, and was beaten for apparently no reason. He further stated that there were other guards that treated him very well.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a response to a request by the DOJ, Office of Assistant Attorney General for FBI comments on detainees appearing before Transfer Review Board. Though the document is heavily redacted, the DOJ's Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) recommends the unnamed detainees for "continued detention."

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Heavily redacted memorandum regarding a detainee and mentions the detainee's arrest in Mauritania in 2001 and eventual transfer to Bagram Air Force Base, as well as the opening of the interrogation with the detainee being asked if he was hungry; that he was given food & water; and that he was seated with his handcuffs removed.

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This CIA documents is a draft psychological assessment of Abu Zubaydah, discussing his background, personality, emotional and mental skills, strengths, motivations, and future worldview, among other things. The document is very similar to file #20112002 (Draft Psychological Evaluation of Abu Zubaydah), but with one key difference. That document mentions only a "dislocation of expectation," whereas this document discusses "the initial 'hard' dislocation of expectations following session 63." [OIG Remand Vaughn #Other-39]

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Proposed press release about detainee abuse in Iraq. Packet includes an article from about the Abu Ghraib photos, a release from the Coalition Forces Office of Public Affairs announcing the initiation of an investigation into detainee abuse, and a FAQ about the investigation.

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Memo, among other things, describes the U.S. government's application of the Geneva Convention with respect to the War on Terrorism and differentiates the U.S. government's treatment of detainees from the Iraq's treatment of American detainees.

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This memo sets forth the reasons why the CIA granted Mitchell, Jessen, and Associates (MJA) a "sole source contract" to support the Counterterrorism Center's rendition, detention, and interrogation program, and describes the type of support that MJA has provided, including training and mentoring CIA interrogators and debriefers. The memo states that MJA is "critical" to the success of the program.

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This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to establish interim policy concerning the investigation and autopsy of detainee deaths occurring in the custody of the Armed Forces of the United States in a deployed environment. The policy change is as follows: 5-24(c) (3): Supervisory considerations for death investigations - In the case of a death of any person held as a detainee under the custody of the U.S. Army, the commander of the detention facility (or if the death did not occur in a facility, the commander of the unit exercising custody of the individual) will immediately report the death to Army law enforcement authorities...The body will not be released from US Custody without written authorization or prior approval from the Armed Forces Medical Examiner. Determination of the cause and manner of death in these cases will be the sole responsibility of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner or other physician designated by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner."

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Memo informs the reader that the Office of the Inspector General learned of a video portraying images of soldiers engaged in offensive behavior. The video allegedly portrays soldiers with the 1st Battalion 124 Infantry mistreating enemy casualties and prisoners of war during operations in Iraq. Attached statement describes the video, stating there are images of soldiers displaying dead bodies and body parts and using vulgar language. In one scene, soldiers are seen standing around an injured Iraqi man on the ground. The soldiers roll the man over to display a bullet hole in the man's abdomen and an exit wound in his back. The video shows the soldiers kicking the man in the face. Also, the interviewee noted that in the video he/she heard the soldiers state that they were not in a hurry to get medics. The interviewee is under the belief that the man died before medics arrived. In another scene, a prisoner was seen sitting on the ground with his hands bound behind his back, while a soldier struck the prisoner in the face with the butt of his rifle; the soldier did this without provocation. The interviewee noted that the video is long and edited and contained titles to each segment. [Contents redacted].

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who witnessed and participated in a number of interviews, reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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Document Index: Intelligence Interrogation of Enemy Combatant Detainee Ali Saleh al-Marri. Contents redacted.

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International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Memo re: Standard ICRC Working Procedures for Visiting Persons Deprived of Liberty

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This FBI memo concerns issues associated with repatriating Guantanamo detainees back to their home countries after they have been before the Transfer Review Board, the Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU). Contents completely redacted.

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This document is part of a larger document. The contents of this document are: “Recommendations: (Appointment Letter Dated 25 November 2003) as of 4 DEC 03 - No further investigation. Detainee received injury when his head hit a board on the vehicle while he was-being unloaded by US soldiers. It was an accident confirmed by the soldiers' and detainee's statements. - Soldiers in 2 BCT should be reminded to be more aware when loading and unloading prisoners from vehicles with bags over their heads." No further information or content.

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This letter is the CIA's response to questions raised by Daniel Levin, OLC, regarding the use of waterboarding. The letter describes the CIA's limits in administering the technique. [OLC Vaughn Index #72]

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Memo from CIRG/NCVAVC/BAU West to Miami summarizing the details of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) duties in GTMO. Detailing that the NCAVC currently is rotating two SSAs every 45 days to assist with the GTMO detainee interview process It states that the specific mission of the NCAVC at GTMO focuses on preparing the interview teams from the FBI, CITF, DHS, and the CTC with a comprehensive behavioral based approach to the interviews of the detainees.

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Memo describes a telephonic interview of [redacted]. The interviewee was assigned to AG from approximately the first week of June 2003 to September 21, 2003 as a Liaison Officer. Interviewee stated that she knew detainees were stripped during in-processing. Interviewee recounted a story of a detainee disrobing of his own free will.

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Death certificate of Manadel Al-Jamadi accompanied by a CID executive summary of his death. The summary asserts that Al-Jamadi died of a heart attack after being released from Navy Seal Team #7 and the OGA interrogation team. The CID will continue to investigate his death.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the reporting process for detainee abuse allegations at Guantanamo Bay. The memorandum includes information on the different tracks for reporting, including legal and operations.

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This memo details how a Staff Sergeant took photos of himself standing with his rifle with his left foot propped on the detainee's buttocks, who is lying in the sand with hands bound behind his back and a sack covering his head. Photo was taken on 08/10/2003. The Ssgt. exercised right to remain silent when approached for questioning on the photograph. Investigation indicates that 31 SF personnel were not given any written Standard Operating Procedures, Special Security Instructions or other guidance on detainee handling. Analysis of applicable law and policy is completely redacted.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Soldiers of Orgun-E Forward Collection Point concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. The memo has the questions asked and a synopsis of the answers given. No individual soldier is identified as answering any of the questions.

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Faxed memorandum from Benjamin Powell to Distribution regarding a November 29, 2006 meeting where representatives from the NSC, DOD, State Department, DOJ, CIA, and ODNI met to discuss security issues concerning the 14 High Value Detainees being held at Guantanamo.

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On September 14, 2004, a detainee stated that when he was captured (possibly in Khowst), an individual forced him to talk by holding a knife to his throat. Then he was forced to hold his hands out to carry sandbags, which caused abrasions in his stomach. Later, an interrogator at Bagram, Afghanistan forced him to scrub floors and clean urine buckets. Records show he was interrogated at Bagram on 06/24/02. The questionable techniques the detainee mentioned appear to have been inconsistent with the guidelines of 02/07/02's Presidential Executive Order that all detainees be treated humanely and contrary to principles in international law.

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Department of Defense memo rescinding approval of the use of all Category II techniques and one Category III technique during investigations that were previously approved on December 2, 2002. Attaches memo from Jim Haynes, General Counsel of the Department of Defense re: Detainee Interrogations, which establishes a study on the legal considerations raised by interrogation of detainees and the policy considerations regarding the choice of interrogation techniques.

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This is the report from the investigating Officer in to a riot and the shootings, non-lethal, of five (5) detainees at Camp Cropper, Iraq on June 9, 2003. On June 9, 2003 a Specialist entered the detainee portion of Camp Cropper to retrieve a water jug, while there he was assaulted by several detainees. Military Police (MP) entered the compound and removed the agitator. It was then that several detainees from C compound began throwing rocks and bottles, and began chanting; The detainees in B compound began to charge the gate; At this point, detainees from almost all of the compounds in the CHA were throwing rocks and bottles and detainees from B, C & D compounds had come outside of their compounds into the main compound. The investigating Officer came to the following conclusions: External security post should be built for better line of sight and a clear presence of force and non-lethal equipment should be distributed to the current MP Company tasked with detainee operations mission.

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Memo discusses the interview of an Officer who as read his rights and invoked his Right to Remain Silent and declined to be interviewed concerning his failure to report detainee abuse, dereliction of duty and violations of the Geneva Conventions.

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Advises Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) personnel must immediately report allegations of abuse as soon as possible. CITF interrogators will ask detainee how he is feeling and how he has been treated and report any allegations of abuse up the chain of command.

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The index lists this document as: Memo for the Record. Heavily redacted. The readable parts state: "Medical representative felt it necessary to give the source an IV because the last medical check showed the source was becoming dehydrated". "The Source was offered food and water but refused. After about thirty minutes the medical representative removed the first IV and replaced it with a second. The second IV was removed at approximately 1920 hours".

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum,outlining administrative policy changes to the Office of Professional Responsibility's (OPR) and the Inspection Division's (INSD) Delegated Investigation/Adjudication (DIA) program.

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This is an Officers report following an AR 15-6 investigation in to the escape of detainees from Camp Bucca, Unun Qasr, Iraq on Jan 7, 2004. The report recommends: Add additional wire to front of Compound 12; Conduct Visual Checks every 1/2 hour of detainees; Use leg restraints on individual detainees in holding pen; and Leadership must emphasize "TOP DOWN" approach the importance of maintaining Battle Focus!

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he "did not observe any aggressive treatment of any detainees" and is not aware of "any interrogations or interview techniques on Guantanamo detainees which was not consistent with Bureau policy/guidelines."

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This DOD memo for Attendees of the IC Leadership VTC from the Iraq Survey Group relates to the capabilities of the Joint Intelligence Debriefing Centre. A significant portion of this document is redacted.

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The email pertains to the abuse of detainees in Iraq. Refers to interviews of detainees in Jan 2004. and states "In a telephone conversation with Assistance United States Attorney (AUSA) Robert A. Spencer of the Eastern District on July 22, 2004, AUSA Spencer advised a task force is being formed to address the abuse of prisoners in Iraq."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo from Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Stephen A. Cambone, to Department of Defense General Counsel, William J. Haynes II, suggesting that it is time to review the interrogation guidelines for those detained in Iraq.

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The purpose of this memo was to evaluate the process of detainee operations in the Division to ensure compliance with appropriate regulations and laws. Provides assessment of units. Concludes that units are accomplishing their overall mission and providing at least the minimum requirements for humanitarian care and treatment in accordance with Army regulations and international law. Need more emphasis on medical and sanitation considerations and in some cases need to reduce the time detainees are held in the collection points.

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A memo from the FBI to the DOJ containing the FBI's recommendations as to whether the DOJ should agree or disagree with the Department of Defense's recommendations for the continued detention, prosecution, transfer, or release of detainees in custody.

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This State Department memo addresses the question of applying Article 5 of the Geneva Convention to the Guantanamo detainees. The memo states POW status does not apply to the Taliban or to Al Qaeda because they are: 1) not subject to military command; 2) wear uniforms with insignia; 3) carry arms openly; or 4) follow laws and customs of war. The memo further states that the US "does not need to convene Article 5 tribunals to make status determinations because there is no doubt about the detainees' status." Even when in doubt, Article 5 tribunals only necessary if US ceases providing "humane treatment."

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Memorandum from CENTCOM to the Commander of the Coalition Forces Land Component Command to conduct an investigation in the the 800th Military Police Brigade's detainee operations and allegations of detainee abuse from November 1, 2003 to time of the memorandum.

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DOS Memo summarizes various events that have occurred around the world, including news that the International Committee of the Red Cross' has commenced to meet with detainees at Guantanamo. [Contents redacted].

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the soldiers of Firebase Deh Rahwood concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. The questions and answers are reduced to general responses and the number of positive and negative responses.

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The document describes a meeting convened by Pierre Richard Prosper, Ambassador at Large, United States Commission on War Crimes. Prosper advised that some prisoners at Guantanamo would be moved to Afghanistan, while some would be moved to their home country. He expressed concern about the health and security at the Sheberghan and Pol-I-Charki prisons in Afghanistan. Prosper also said that he does not anticipate having any further “intelligence interest in the prisoners at Pol-I-Charki.”

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A detainee at Guantanamo made an allegation of abuse during his detainment in a U.S. Controlled detention facility in Afghanistan. This memo is a referral of that allegation.

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This document was faxed from the CIA to Steven Bradbury (OLC). It describes the CIA's technique of "horizontal sleep deprivation," wherein a detainee is placed on a large blanket on the floor and chained such that he cannot sleep. The document states that the technique is used to help the detainee to recover from the effects of the edema that sometimes occurs when the detainee has been chained standing upright for long periods of time. The document goes on to discuss waterboarding when used in conjuction with two other techniques: dietary manipulation and sleep deprivation. The document states that insult slaps, belly slaps, attention grasps, facial holds, walling, water dousing, stress positions, and cramped confinement will not be used with the waterboard but that most or all of them will have been used prior to the use of waterboarding. [OLC Vaughn Index #107]

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the soldiers of Task Force Geronimo, 1-501st Parachute Infantry Regiment concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. The memo has the questions asked and a synopsis of the answers given. No individual soldier is identified as answering any of the questions.

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This memo is to provide guidance and clarity as to the interview & interrogation techniques permitted to be used on Guantanamo detainees. There is a limiting principle outlined and general observations on the use and effectiveness of SERE as a method of interrogation.

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DOS Press Release asking if the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to detainees in Iraq, including detainees at Abu Ghraib, the answer is yes. The ICRC has also expressed its concerns with detainee abuse and made recommendations to the government.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) chart notating the death of Guantanamo Bay detainee Mohammed A. Abdullah Saleh, a Yemeni national. Mr. Saleh may have caused himself the harm that took his life. It also contains a chart of CENTCOM and Guantanamo detainees. There appears to be an increase of detainees at CENTCOM, while there was a decrease of detainees at Guantanamo.

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This is a heavily redacted version of a CIA memo later released in less-redacted form.  The less-redacted version is available at ACLU-RDI 4562.  This version of the document shows that CIA interrogators were permitted to use both "Standard Techniques" and "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," and that in each CIA interrogation session in which an Enhanced Technique was employed, a "contemporaneous record" was created setting forth, among other things, "the nature and duration of each such technique employed" and "the identities of those present." [Originally identified to the ACLU as OLC 12]

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he "did not directly observe aggressive treatment of detainees" while at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo. The agent also reported that "detainees were always treated in a professional manner."

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This memo is the appointment order for an investigating officer to investigate and make a recommendation as to any uncharged offenses against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie for his role in detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, except for minor offenses. According to the memo, the appointed officer should set the Article 32 Proceeding as soon as possible.

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A memo providing the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Contents mostly redacted.  

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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State Department memo on a meeting Amb. Prosper had with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger concerning a certain detainee and the need for "public knowledge" of discussions on his status to address concerns about his case.

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Summarizes information received regarding transfer of Guantanamo prisoners to Sheberghan and Pol-I-Charki prisons in Afghanistan. Describes May 9th meeting convened by Pierre Richard Prosper, US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes, at which representatives from Department of State and Defense and SA [Redacted] attended. "Due to the length of time that the prisoners from Sheberghan had been held, and the fact that the FBI had already processed approximately 1,300 prisoners from Sheberghan, Prosper did not anticipate the USG [US Government] having any further intelligence interest in the prisoners." Most of document is redacted.

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This memo records the detention of one detainee and then details the Standard Operating Procedure and guidelines for 2nd Brigade Holding Area including meal schedules, transport, detainee punishment (limited to isolation and blindfolding), detainee escape procedure and riot procedure.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document lays out the proposed standard operating procedures for the preservation of evidence discovered during the course of military and other coalition operations. These instructions explain how the operational considerations for raids conducted by military and other coalition forces differ from a law enforcement search.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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This memo is to clarify the mission, duties and limitations of the Behavioral Science Consultation Team (BSCT) while at Guantanamo hospital and how they may interphase with the Joint Medical Group (JMG). The memo states i) JMG staff members do NOT participate in any interrogation activities nor are they present during any interrogation activities; ii) The BSCT should redirect medical concerns raised by Detainees during the interrogation or intelligence gathering process to Detention Medical personnel beyond the scope of the normal sick-call; iii) Concerns about health status or medical condition of detainees will NOT be conveyed directly to Detention Medical personnel by interrogators; iv) Requests from the BSCT for medical information related to a detainee will be forwarded to the JMG Medical Planner group email; and v) Meetings between BSCT staff and JMG staff will be held on an as needed basis.

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Memo discusses the inability of a Sergeant to identify persons depicted in photographs of alleged detainee abuse.

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Coalition Provisional Authority memo prescribes standards to be applied in the Iraqi prison system under authority of the Ministry of Justice. States "Basic Principles and Control" for detention. Includes 32 sections with headings such as Hygeine, Discipline and Punishment, Contact with Others, Treatment, Psychiatric Care and Religion.

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Questions for Secretary of State Colil Powell from Ben Barber, American Legion Magazine, with Powell's answers re: decision to deny POW status to detainees, status as enemy combatants, foreign criticism of this decision, etc

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a fingerprint specialist, reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a response to a DOD, Criminal Investigation Task Force request for the FBI Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) to conduct a records check of detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. The document is heavily redacted with the only visible text being, "No FBI interview conducted to date."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a memorandum that includes information on military commissions, four Guantanamo detainees, FBI cooperation, and unresolved issues, including transportation and witness preparation.

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The purpose of the memo was to provide information on investigations into allegations of detainee abuse and/or death in Iraq and Afghanistan. It states that "at this time, there are 225 allegations of detainee abuse being investigated. 141 of them occurred in detention facilities". Tracks command dispositions of those cases.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Commander of the Gereshk Detention Facility concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any "physically aggressive treatment of detainees" during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This is an Army memo discussing a phone conversation an investigating officer had with a reporter with Reuters concerning footage the reporter recorded while accompanying the Alpha Company, 588th Battalion on a November 22, 2003 raid.

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Reprimands a Staff Sergeant for failing to supervise interrogations. An inexperienced soldier assaulted a detainee during interrogations. Sergeant made statement in response which is next document.

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Minutes of November 7, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross . Contents redacted.

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Army memorandum addressed to the Commander of the Combined/Joint Task Force (CJTF)-I80, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. The subject is "Administrative Reprimand" and the document relates to an investigation conducted by the Army CID (0037-04-CID201-54050).

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is an FBI memorandum that has been heavily redacted. The memorandum includes information about the Department of Defense Joint Task Forces, the Joint Interagency Interrogation Facility (JIIF), and five issues for consideration - including the analysis of Guantanamo intelligence and transportation.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a fingerprint specialist, reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department talking points states that the legal status of detainees is being revied and that treatment of detainees is consistent the the Geneva conventions.

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Memo discusses a search of JIDC for documents related to interrogation and debriefing operations from August to January 2004.

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Department of Defense talking points on the Abu Ghraib prison abuse. Main points include how disturbing the images are, how the Secretary and the DOD are taking the charges seriously, how the Department will hold violators accountable, how the Army is disappointed with the violators, and how the Army has taken steps to address allegations of prisoner abuse.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document discusses Islamic traditions and beliefs, providing detailed background information on the religion. The apparent purpose of the document is to provide interrogators with information they can use in yielding information from detainees.

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Entire contents redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding a mission overview of the FBI's operations in Afghanistan. The memorandum also includes information on detainee interviews, specialized military operations support, and training provision for the Government of Afghanistan.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Block Nurse at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo concerns the additional comments by Assistant United States Attorney James P. Gillis, Easter District of Virgina, re: Death of Abid Hamad Mahawish Al-Mahalawi.

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February 24, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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This is a memo from someone (name redacted) located at the site of interrogation to Jim Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations for the CIA, reporting on the status of an investigation of the death of a detainee. Though the name of the detainee is redacted, it can be surmised from the November 2002 date of the memo and the assumption that the death was caused by hypothermia that the detainee in question is Gul Rahman.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee agreed to talk about four (4) subjects concerning Camp Delta: 1) The possible rapes of detainees as a form of punishment; 2) Detainees being searched in the groin area and touched sexually by male guards in interview rooms; 3) Possible suicide of a Saudi detainee in isolation (the detainee's believe the Saudi was being raped and beaten); and 4) Punishment in the form of shaving detainees' hair and beards because they will not talk to interrogators or they otherwise misbehave. There were no specific allegations, and the discussion centered on what the detainee's believed was happening, and not actually saw or experienced.

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Army memo in connection to an AR 15-6 investigation. The memo states the appointment of an Officer to investigate whether Special Forces Group Five (5) knowingly withheld requested documentation and photographic evidence from Dept. of Justice in connection to an investigation of potential abuse of John Walker Lindh.

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Memorandum for the record regarding a meeting with a senior CIA officer about the detention and interrogation program of the CIA. The unredacted portions of the document primarily discuss the alleged effectiveness of the program. [REDACTED] met with [REDACTED], a woman who presumably was in some sort of position of authority in the CTC's RDI program, to interview her concerning her thoughts on the program. Listed in the document are a few detainees subjected to the CIA's interrogation program: Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi bin al Shibh, and Khalid Shaykh Muhammed. Also mentioned as being arrested as a result of the information from these interrogations are: Majid Khan, who is said to have been involved in "the gas station plot," Khalid bin Atash, "involved in the Heathrow plot," [REDACTED] and Zubair, listed as being involved in a plot to blow up the California Library Tower and the tallest building in California, and Amar al Baluchi, who is said to have had the U.S. Consulate in Karachi as his target. [OIG Remand Vaughn #Interview-83]

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent whose tenure of assignment at Guantanamo was March 3, 2003 through April 15, 2003 stated that "I observed no aggressive treatment or interrogations of Guantanamo detainees. I did not use nor did I observe the use of interview techniques which were not consistent with Bureau [FBI] interview policy/guidelines". However, the agent added "On two or three occasions, during regularly scheduled interviews, detainees advised me that they had been subjected to loud music to keep them awake and had been shown pornographic photos in an effort to upset them".

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for an Officer of the Military Police Battalion concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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FBI Memo concerning FBI personal's knowledge and documentation of detainee and prisoner abuse in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo

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Army momo on processing detainees in to the detention sysytem. Four (4) steps to follow when detainee is brought in.

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Memo is an interview-statements regarding conditions in AG. Interviewee recalled finding a detainee naked in their cell, the detainee was identified as a high level official. Recalled the detainee was embarrassed about being naked in the cell (provided the detainee a sheet to cover himself-although his clothing was in a closet with the clothes of other detainees) with a female present. Recalled detainees stating they were beaten when initially arrested and would present their bruises. Stated that one interrogator would use stress positions until she signed the IROE. Would ask the MPs to strip the detainees for interrogations, but would have them clothed when being returned to their cell. If he/she used the hole, stated it would only be for 30 min. Records finding a detainee naked in the cell, who was embarassed that there was a female in the same cell. Also records "quite a few others naked in the cell. I did not discuss this with anyone because it was known that the detainees were in their cells naked. It was a call by the MPs to keep them naked in the cells." Notes, "detainees would tell us that they were beaten when they were initially arrested and they would show us their bruises. Often times the detainees that were beaten during arrest were quite relieved that they weren't being abused at the prison. One detainee that I recall admitted to lying to us because he thought that he was going to be beaten, and decided to talk after he found out we wouldn't hurt him." Adds that "we asked the MP on duty to strip [a detainee] naked for us for the interrogation. . . .We could use stress positions without the approval of higher." But then notes, " I never saw or was aware of any detainee abuse, humiliation . . ."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment which would have been in direct conflict with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This is a memo of admonishment for Gen. Karpinski's service record file. It pertains to her leadership and command of the Military Police activities and abuse at Abu Ghraib prison.

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Department of Defense Directive: Law of War Program. DoD compliance with the law of war obligations of the United States. Establishes DoD Law of War Working Group. Policy includes that all reportable incidents committed by US or enemy persons are promptly reported, thoroughly investigated, and, where appropriate, remedied by corrective action.

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DOS Congressional Correspondence Tasker re: Request for Image of Document

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This Army memo discusses the nutritional sufficiency and health effects of eating primarily a bread and water diet over a period of time. The memo concludes that "diet of bread and water for up to seventeen days should not canoe any health problems. Fasting for days at a time for religious or social reasons typically has no detrimental effect on an individual's health. Adequate consumption of fluids is necessary to ensure that an individual does not become dehydrated."

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Press release contains talking points on the transfer of seven Russian nationals from Guantanamo bay detention to the Russian government.

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The purpose of the memo was to provide information regarding alleged detainee abuse by Soldiers at the Samarra Bridge in Iraq on January 3, 2004, in which two Iraqis were stopped near a checkpoint in Samarra. After being taken into custody they were pushed into the river and soldiers left. One Iraqi drowned. Discusses disposition and that two soldiers who face charges for involuntary manslaughter.

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Details abuse of Iraqi detainee at Gunner Collection Point. During interrogation of detainee, an Army officer threatened to shoot detainee. Held detainee's head in barrel and shot into the barrel. Discusses Article 32 investigation.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Meeting with Pakistan Foreign Minister Kurshid Mahmud Kasuri. Entirely redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum sent from the Counterterrorism Division to all divisions, regarding the establishment of the Terrorism Incident Response Protocol (TIRP) - a tool to improve the efficiency of responses to acts of terrorism (AOT).

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 28 Nov 02. Completely redacted.

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The document includes information on the FBI approach of rapport-based interviewing.

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The memo is the recommendation that a First Lieutenant be allowed to resign from the military for the good of the service because he has lost the confidence of his senior commanders. He had a lapse in judgment and the memo states "[He] will be punished by his own actions. He has humiliated himself; his chain of command, and his family He will not go home proud or with pride and honor deserved. Instead, he will go home in disgrace with neither award nor sense of accomplishment".

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Entire contents redacted. Only visible language is a header that reads " Classification Draft," also at the top it reads "David Nahmias- AG Letter.wpd"

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memorandum authored by Bruce Jessen and others to Col. Coomey on February 28, 2002 includes specific recommendations for interrogation procedures based on conditions at Camp X-Ray. The memorandum contains "Cardinal Pre-Conditions for Interrogation Detention Operations" as well as specific recommendations for prisoner handling during interrogations.

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This document is a package of documents related to the arrest and detention of an Iraqi for a shooting at a market in Taza, Iraq on August 3, 2003. The package includes a mug shot (redacted) and finger print card as well as sworn statements.

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List of detainees in Iraq to be reviewed. All names redacted. This document is the attachment to ACLU RDI 1216.

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CIA-OGC memo indicating that [Redacted] of the OGC initiated contact with the prosecutor in Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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DOS Memo re: Questions Taken at January 23, 2002 Daily Press Briefing. International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) - Question: Will the International Committee of the Red Cross submit a formal report of the results of its visit to Guantanamo Naval Base? Will the State Department release the report to the public? Answer: The International Committee of the Red Cross operates on the basis of confidentiality and it will only share its initial findings with the appropriate U.S. Government officials. It is not appropriate for the State Department to release the findings of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 20 Dec 02. The document goes over the times the detainee was being offered water (refusing it); going to the latrine; medical check-ups and being exercised. It states "Doctor spoke with detainee and gave him 800mg Motrin for chest pain. Detainee complained of difficulty breathing but after doctor examined the detainee, determined he could breathe fine. Throughout the night the detainee's vital signs fluctuated. By the middle of the night his pulse rate was slightly high at 93 but by close of night it was normal at 61, BP 96/43".

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CIA Routing Slip re: Memo from Gregory L. Schulte, of the National Security Counsel, regarding the agenda and discussion paper for the December 16, 2004 Principles Committee Meeting on Detainees. The meeting will be held 10:30-11:30 in the White House Situation Room. No content.

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Memo from CIRG NCAVC/Behavioral Analysis Unit-East to Counter terrorism- Miami. BAU was asked to provide some specific training related to issues identified while observing interviews at Guantanamo. Discusses meetings/consultations with various officials and summarizes those events. [Contents redacted].

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DOD Memo re: Policy on Health Care Delivery to Enemy Persons at US Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

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Army CID division requests help from the Navy's NCIS division in identifying the facilities where a detainees stayed, the men who interviewed them, etc. The Final Information Reports give very brief outlines of the hours put into the investigation. This is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Instructions on what to do when notified of an Enemy Prisoner of War/defector is captured. When searching the person, "A JAG presence is a good idea; keep a JAG near-by if debriefing a Muslim-radical as they anticipate US torture and will claim as such."

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This memorandum addresses the detention and correction facilities, policies, and procedures carried out by the United States Military in Iraq.. Assessments for this memorandum were conducted from Oct. 13, 2003-Nov. 6, 2003. The memorandum outlines the request for significant improvements needed to be made across a wide range of concerns, including quality and maintenance of facilities, health care for detainees, legal processing of detainees.

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Report of incident in which a detainee claimed that other detainees are beating and threatening to kill him for being a spy.

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was shown photos of another captured detainee and asked to identify him. The detainee stated he did not see or know this person until they were both in the same prison prior to being transported to Cuba. He said they do not talk with each other at Guantanamo bay. He also stated he that he was only worried about himself, as his capture and detention were very stressful to him.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated he was at the Kandahar airport for 2-3 months before being transferred to Guantanamo Bay. Stated he was treated harshly by the U.S. in Peshawar and Kandahar. Said he was beaten on the head, back, hands and feet. Also, that he could hear screaming and shouting, but could not see because his head was covered; and that he was put face down on the ground. Records detainee stating that he was "treated harshly by U.S. soldiers at Peshawar and Kandahar. He was beaten on the head, chest, back, hands and feet. He could hear people screaming and shouting but could not see them because his face was covered. He was put face down on the ground."

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List of issues to be disucssed at meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) , including confidentiality, how to deal with press, and have ICRC acknowledge that DOD has the lead and that they've been debriefed.

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State Department memo re: Detainees: Policy and Status. Completely redacted except for "Abu Ghraib: Multiple DoD investigations are currently underway. To date, one of the seven soldiers originally accused of crimes has faced a Special Court Martial proceeding and been found guilty. Five of the remaining six will likely face a General Courts Martial, which can impose the most severe penalties."

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Memo states that joint FBI DOD interviews of detainees is behind schedule, but that the individual agencies can commence with interviewing.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Vaccinations at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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Blank “Enhanced Pressures” sheet used in waterboarding training. [OIG Remand Vaughn #Other-103]

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This document is a production of a FBI summary of notes taken during an interview and rapport building session with a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The detainee states that he is in good health and has “been treated well and had no problems which he wished to discuss. “ The detainee “reiterated the statement he made during his previous interview, on 3/14/2003, that he would not provide any information until the U.S. Government and interrogators in Camp Delta changed the way it treated the Muslim holy book, the Koran”, such as having the Koran taken away from detainees who fail to cooperate with interrogations. The rest of the notes describe a “generic question” to the detainee and his response.

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Memorandum with FBI recommendations to the Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice regarding detainees scheduled to appear before the Transfer Review Board. The contents are heavily redacted.

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This is a heavily redacted summary notes from an interviewed a detainee conducted at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The detainee is not named, but he asks when will he will be released, he also stated that he was not abused or tortured, but expressed fear that he might be subject to torture and humiliation because he heard other detainees were abused. The agent notes that the detainee was asked about his activities and people he knew in Afghanistan and was shown several photos of people he failed to identify.

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This document is a cover page for an underlying document. It indicates whether the underlying document requires a signature from Paul Kelly. No indication as to what the underlying document is.

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Memo of admonishment to a military supervisor for "failure to accomplish supervisory duties" for his failure to ensure that only approved techniques were used in interrogations at Guantanamo. While the admonishment is merely an administrative remedy, the memo warns that "While I remain confident in your ability, rest assured, any repeated failures will be dealt with severely". The recipient elected to submit a response to the letter of admonishment.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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FBI electronic communication from Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) providing management protocol for personnel temporarily assigned to Guantanamo. Contents almost completely redacted.

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This is a memo from the Chief of the White House Liaison Section, Executive Services Division, Washington Headquarters Services, DOD to the National Security Council Records Management Office reporting that the "Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Executive Secretary" of the DOD has reviewed a letter calling for closure of Guantanamo and recommended that the government cancel its plans to respond.

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Summary of investigations into abuse of detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq. 56 incidents not in facility: 7 death investigations. (3 homicides. 1 justifiable homicide. 3 investigations pending). 19 thefts. 29 assaults. 1 sexual assualt. 141 incidents inside U.S. facilities: 2 homicides. 8 justifiable homicides. 21 Natural or Undetermined Causes. 15 Pending death investigations. 89 Assaults. 5 sexual assaults. 1 Theft.

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This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to establish interim policy concerning the Forwarding of Original Case Files Pertaining to Detainee Abuse/Death Investigations. The memo direct that “Upon closure of any CID Action (non-Report of Investigation (ROI)), any “Unfounded” CD ROI, or any CID ROI with an “Unknown Subject” pertaining to allegations of the abuse of detained persons by U.S. military and contracted personnel or the death of a detained person, the original case file, including any Agent's Notes, will be forwarded to Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center."

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Memo-Interview of a Tiger Team member assigned to the 1st Military Intelligence Battalion, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade. Noted that on an "interrogation plan form there were two columns of procedures listed. The first column listed the less intrusive techniques like Fear Up, Incentives, Ego Up, etc. These procedures could be approved by his team leader. The second column listed more intrusive techniques such as Adjusted Sleep Schedule, Diet Management, etc. These techniques had to be approved at a higher level. Source related there was a lot of pressure to produce reports regardless of intelligence value. This could have contributed to interrogators taking short cuts during interrogations." Recalled hearing rumors about possible improprieties, but nothing concrete, one rumor included an Iraqi General that was possibly abused, an interrogation by ACI contract interrogator, that involved a four hour cold shower and placing the etamee in an isolation cell and pictures taken of the detainees in various unflattering positions.

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Memo contains notes from a Procedure 15 interview of official conducted by George Fay and [redacted]. In the memo, the interviewee stated he arrived to AG in early November 2003 as an interrogator. Stated he had no knowledge of detainee abuse, however, he was accused by [redacted] of throwing a detainee off a truck. Also, discussed seeing photos depicting naked detainees "bunched up together" and identified [redacted] in the photos. Also "recalled a time when detainees were wearing female underwear." Also, interviewee attested to using dogs.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. This DOD email is biographical summary three (3) Guantanamo detainees who died in their cells on June 10, 2006. The detainees apparently coordinated their suicides. All the dead detainees were previous "Hunger Strikers" at the facility.

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Briefing memorandum from Alan Kreczko (PRM) to Under Secretary Paula Dobriansky re: meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Head of Delegation Urs Boegli and Deputy Head of Protectino Paul Bonard. Mostly redacted.

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State Department talking points on answering questions concerning the transfer of six (6) Bosnian detainees from Bosnia to Guantanamo.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the death Ali Jidek A. Shakur, a 66-year-old Iraqi detainee, who sustained multiple gunshot wounds during his capture on September 21, 2005. he was treated at several collation facilities for his injures, but succumb to infection. Mr. Shakur died on October 30, 2005. Cause of Death: Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CIA Routing Slip with a fifteen (15) page memorandum attached. The Memo is fully redacted. The memo is from Condoleezza Rice, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, "regarding [redacted] Letters on Detainees". There is a request to provide comments no later than August 27, 2004. The recipients of the Memo are not clearly stated in the document, and several of the recipients are redacted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo responded with the following statement: "Date Unknown, Possibly October-November time frame, SA and I were at Camp Delta. In the Gold (I believe) Interview/Interrogation trailer. We heard loud music coming from the right far rear of one of interview/interrogation rooms and proceeded to enter the observation booth in between the rooms, The lights were off in the Interview/interrogation room but there was a strobe light on with loud music inside and a clothed detainee sitting on the floor, no one else was in the room. An unknown white male in civilian clothing entered the Observation (room we were in, and told us we should not be there, SA and I land myself exited the room".

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Detainee stated that he has been in prison for nine (9) months and no one can prove he committed any crime. He also claimed he was mistreated by U.S. Army Military Police soldiers during a recent cell block search. Interview was then ended.

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Detainee states that he has no condition complaints or accusations of abuse, but that he does not trust the American Government because they betrayed the trust earlier. He also states that he distrusts the Americans because officials from his home government came to Guantanamo and they consider him a terrorst and the Americans acting on that governments behalf. He stated "It makes me wonder who's running this prison."

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This report provides Commanding General with report of investigations conducted in July 2004. It finds that the inspection area contains overlapping checklist items from the other four inspection areas and that the facilities inspected did not violate criteria established for operating the facilities. It recommends numerous improvements, but is generally favorable to the training soldiers receive; the facilities; and the treatment of detainees.

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A detainee at Guantanamo made an allegation of abuse during his detainment in a U.S. Controlled detention facility in Afghanistan. This memo is a referral of that allegation.

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Army Memo re: Tigris River Incident Reprimand for Obstruction of Justice. A Lieutenant Colonel is reprimanded for wrongfully endeavoring to impede an investigation into the drowning death of an Iraqi civilian. The LTC ordered others to deny that the men were not pushed into the Tigris River, and to say that they were dropped off at the side of the road, on January 3, 2004. General Odierno stated "our conduct was wrongful, criminal and will not be tolerated."

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Australian National Detained at Guantanamo. The memo states that "Australian legal experts will visit the White House to discuss the issue of Australian nationals detained at Guantanamo Bay." and "The Legal Adviser William Taft IV and the Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues Pierre Prosper will meet with the delegation."

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FBI Memo: Integrity in Government/Civil Rights Section Filed Investigations Iraq/Afghanistan June 2004. Notes several corruption cases and alleged rape case.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The FBI recommends that the detainee whose name is redacted stay in DoD custody, disagreeing with the DoD's determination to "release" the detainee. All other information is redacted.

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The document is a memorandum including the minutes from the SAAC Director's Advisory Committees Meeting held from March 21 through 25, 2005. The notes include information received from noted speakers/presenters and cover numerous other areas.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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CIA background materials on Abu Ghraib, likely for presentation to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Table of contents includes "NE Background Summary," "DDO Talking Points and Background for HPSCI-SSCI -- 28-29 Jan 2004," "D/OCA MFR (HPSCI-SSCI Brief)," and a section with a redacted title. Each section's contents are largely redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent's duties while at Guantanmo were administrative in nature, and s/he reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that during his detention by the U.S. military in Kandahar, Afghanistan, he was beaten by some guards as he was laying face do the ground. He stated that he was not resisting, and was beaten for apparently no reason. further stated that there were other guards that treated him very well. The interview is otherwise redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee appeared to be in good health, but complained about the treatment of other detainees when asked about his own condition, the detainee would not elaborate except to say that pornographic pictures were being displayed at night. The detainee stated that he "prays to God every day that the US will be destroyed". The interviewer notes that the detainee took time during the interview to pray, which he was allowed to do, then continued with the interview.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, an investigator, reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memorandum from the FBI to Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees scheduled appear before the Transfer Review Board. The contents are heavily redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive or inappropriate treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This is a note to an SSA stating "The purpose of this note is to present you with a thought/proposal which I hope you will pass up the chain for consideration in the Civil Rights Unit, if something similar is not already underway." The notes are completely redacted.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the soldiers of Kandahar Collection Point concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. The memo has the questions asked and a synopsis of the answers given. No individual soldier is identified as answering any of the questions.

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DoD Statement of Non-Aggression that released detainees must sign saying they will take no action against the Coalition Forces or Iraqi citizens in the future and that they will assist the Coalition forces in restoring safety and stability to Iraq, including providing information about possible future attacks against their installations or forces, or against other Iraqis.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported never observing improper treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army memo providing talking points emphasize Abu Ghraib abuse, stressing the abuse was an aberration that will be fixed.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a response to an email sent on July 9, 2004 by Stephen McCraw to individuals who conducted an assignment at Guantanamo Bay requesting information concerning the treatment of detainees. The document indicates that a special agent from Los Angeles was at GTMO from August 12, 2002 through September 27, 2002, and did not observe any interviews inconsistent with FBI interview policies & guidelines.

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Executive summary provides brief notes from an army senior detainee operations oversight council.

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Executive summary lists the names of Army reserve military police soldiers who were all administratively discharged from the Army prior to their scheduled court-martial hearings for offenses committed at Camp Bucca, Iraq.

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Memo discusses the FBI's objections and concerns regarding the military's interrogation tactics in Afghanistan, Guantanamo and Iraq. The memo states that in late 2002 and continuing into mid-2003, the Behavioral Analysis Unit raised concerns over interrogation tactics being employed by the U.S. Military. As a result an EC dated 5/30/03, was generated summarizing the FBI's continued objections to the use of SERE (Search, Escape, Resistance and Evasion) techniques to interrogate prisoners. The memo also states that these concerns were brought to the attention of Major General Geoffrey Miller. The memo notes one incident where a woman alleged being hit with a stick while being interrogated in Iraq. Also, the memo references a list containing the names of those interviewed in Iraq and Guantanamo (a list for Afghanistan is forthcoming). [The name Chris Wray is handwritten at the top of the document].

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 23 Nov 02. Heavily redacted. The only shown line talks about the detainee going to the restroom.

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A FBI agent's statement of incident where he interviewed a detainee at Guantanamo on 08/05/2005. It was this agent who was bitten by the detainee as the detainee attempted to attack the interpreter. The agent states [the detainee] lunged out and bit a piece of my finger; I raised my chair in front of my face to block his spit from hitting me. Then [detainee] began to walk over to me and I slammed the small refrigerator between create distance. When the detainee realized he could not hurt the team he threw himself on the floor and said "they are beating me up". The agent stated that the detainee was "not assaulted by me or any one of the interrogation team at any point". In another sworn statement on this matter ISN# 00174 was un-redacted, and it is from this that we know the detainee is Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti.

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This memo sets forth the reasons why the CIA granted Mitchell, Jessen, and Associates (MJA) a "sole source contract" to support the Counterterrorism Center's rendition, detention, and interrogation program, and describes the type of support that MJA has provided, including training and mentoring CIA interrogators and debriefers. The memo states that MJA is "critical" to the success of the program.

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FBI memo to the Department of Justice re: Repatriation Issues, 05/07/2004. Contents redacted except for "The detainee summaries have been previously provided and do not contain any material changes." and "In addition, although the FBI concurs with the above noted DOD recommendations, the FBI notes specific concerns regarding the following detainees:".

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Army Memo from Major General Odierno to Ironhorse Commanders, Leaders and Soldiers re: Treatment of Detainees. The purpose of this memo is to provide guidance for the treatment of enemy prisoners of war (EPW) civilian internees (CI) and other detainees (OD) in the custody of US Forces. Prohibits inhumane treatment of EPWs, CDs, and Ods. Neither the stresses of combat, nor deep provocation, will justify inhumane treatment.

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Detainee allegation of abuse at the hands of his fellow detainees. The detainee claimed that he had been beaten by fellow detainees and had had urine thrown on him. No evidence was found to substantiate the claim.

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This document, prepared by the Chief of Medical Services, summarizes and reflects upon the rendition, detention and interrogation program. The findings include that in a particular no evidence was found that the use of waterboard produced information that could not have been obtained otherwise.

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo. Detainee stated he was in generally good health, but had a sore throat, but he saw the doctor and was awaiting medication. Otherwise he was fine, but thought the food was like at the "zoo". The detainee was then shown photos of other detainees, some of whom he identified. The detainee then told agents that he heard that other detainees were going to commit the mass suicide (300; one per hour) but were waiting for a FATWA, or permission, from the religious leader of the camp to commit the act. Normally suicide would be a sin. The interview concluded with the detainee assuring agents he would be cooperative in providing any further information he could to prevent the mass suicide.

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This Army memo is to detail detainee handling and pre-deployment training requirements for the Iraqi Theater of Operations.

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Contents Completely Redacted.

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This information paper describes the incidents which resulted in the death of Iraqi Major General and detainee, Abed Hamed Mowhoush. Major General Mowhoush was detained and transported to a temporary detention facility, between November 10-24, 2003. On November 26, 2003, Mr. Mowhoush was interrogated by Chief Warrant Officer Lewis E. Welshofer, Jr., Chief Warrant Officer Jeff L. Williams, Sergeant First Class William J. Sommer, and Specialist Jerry L. Loper. The officers placed Mr. Mowhoush into a sleeping bag, tied an electrical cord around his neck and then placed him on his back, while CW3 Welshofer sat on his stomach and placed his hands over Mr. Mowhoush's eyes and mouth. The position caused Mr. Mowhoush to convulse, which prompted CW3 Welshofer to then roll Mr. Mowhoush onto his stomach and sit on his back, ultimately Mr. Mowhoush died of asphyxia. The officers were charged with the following: CW3 Welshofer-involuntary manslaughter; CW2 Williams-negligent homicide and dereliction of duty; SFC Sommer and SPC Loper were both charged with dereliction of duty.

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 01 Dec 02. The document goes over the times the detainee was being offered water (refusing it); going to the latrine; medical check-ups and being exercised. It states that the detainee was checked specifically for irration to his feet from the cuffs, and asked "Since it is my Birthday, we will have Birthday breakfast?"

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This document is a response to an email sent to individuals who conducted an assignment at Guantanamo Bay requesting information concerning the treatment of detainees. The document indicates that a special agent from Newark was at Guantanamo from August to October 2002 and did not observe abuse, and that a special agent from New Haven was at Guantanamo from May to July and did not observe any aggressive treatment.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This heavily redacted memorandum states that Gul Rahman has been uncooperative in debriefing sessions and suggests that interrogators need to create a plan to best extract information.

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Powerpoint presentation providing "a proposed way-ahead to develop policies that govern how the Army/units/Soldiers handle detainees from point of capture to conviction or release, to include a review of common task training and specialized MP training across the Army." Skills training.

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Memo from CIRG/NCVAVC/BAU East to Counter terrorism- Miami summarizing protocol and the mission of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) personnel dispatched to Guantanamo to prepare interview teams with behavioral approach to detainee interview process. The memo appears to be a rundown of tasks to accomplish while assigned to Guantanamo, it list various responsibilities, including Ensure all clearance and travel requirements to GTMO have been conducted. Some contents redacted.

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Provides additional information to Washington Field Office (WFO) re [redacted] and the abuse of detainees in Iraq "for review and any logical investigation deemed appropriate regarding the abuse of detainees in Iraq"

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This report provides Commanding General with report of investigations conducted in August 2004. It finds that the inspection area contains overlapping checklist items from the other four inspection areas and that the facilities inspected did not violate criteria established for operating the facilities. It recommends numerous improvements, but is generally favorable to the training soldiers receive; the facilities; and the treatment of detainees.

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Describes logistics and expected outcome of upcoming training workshop by the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU)on interviewing extremists.

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This memo focuses on a discussion and reporting in the UK that the British officials do not want their citizens returned to the UK for trial on terrorism charges and are willing to allow them to be tried at Guantanamo. the memo points out what military commissions are, what they entail and that detainees at Guantanamo are enemy combatants and do not meet the specific requirements of the Geneva Convention to be considered POWs, instead they are treated "in a manner consistent with the principles of the 1949 Geneva Convention.

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This document is the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the camp Duke, Iraq detainee holding facility. The memo states that: Detainees will be treated with respect and dignity. No personnel in the facilities will be allowed to humiliate any of the inmates. The guards will refrain from using inappropriate language toward the detainees; All detainees will be provided the basic necessities; food, water, shelter, and medical care; and There will be no physical, mental, or verbal abuse directed toward any of the detainees, among the many other rules for the conduct of soldiers at that camp as it pertains to detainee handling.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, the On-Scene Commander at Guantanamo during July and August 2003, did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo re: Meeting with MPs 30 August 2002. Contents redacted.

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The document is a memorandum sent from Miami to the FBI Counterterrorism Division, relating reports of several Guantanamo Bay detainee interrogation interviews. The memorandum also includes a schedule of future detainee interviews.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing or being aware of any aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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This is a State Department talking points memo on how to address the issues of detainees and detainee abuse. It references speeches and interviews that President Bush and other administration officials have given to describe and give context as well as responses to the issue of detainees and the response to allegations of detainee abuse.

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Ms. Holman request that Mr. Bloom prepare a memo to covering a Harty-Biegun memo.

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This report, issued by John Helgerson, examines whether CIA interrogators used unauthorized interrogation techniques on high value detainees, including Abd al-Rahman Al-Nashiri.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported neither observing nor being aware of aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the respondent, an investigator with the Guantanamo Task Force, reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo discusses an attempted escape and a riot that resulted in the shooting death of one detainee and injuries to seven others.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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General Sanchez states in this memo that the interpreters are civilians who are subject to the Geneva Conventions; the interrogation techniques are only for “security internees”; safeguards must be adhered to during interrogations; segregation of security internees is vital to observed; the interrogator must maintain control of the circumstances at all times; and “Nothing in [the] policy limits existing authority for maintenance of good order and discipline”.

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FBI Memo Counterterrorism to Counterterrorism Tampa (Iraqi task force and SA [name redacted] re: to set lead for the Iraqi Task Force to conduct queries about the significance and/or meaning of a tattoo observed on an Iraqi POW. SA [redacted name] (Tampa Division) requested information regarding a tattoo found on an Iraqi POW, currently being treated for serious injuries and housed on the USS Comfort. SA forwarded a hand sketched copy of the tattoo, via facsimile, to the Iraqi Watch. The sketch of the tattoo appears to be an angel with a heart-shaped body. In the heart-shaped body is an "F." The United States Central Command is attempting to determine if the tattoo is common among the Fedayeen Fighters or any other military group with ties to Iraq.

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Army memo with a chronology of detainee/guard interactions and issues that were experienced. Does not appear to be official, but contains details of everyday goings on at the detention camp during January 5, 2002 through February 13, 2002.

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Heavily redacted document regarding detainee prosecutions and transfers. The memo notes that, “the FBI recommends DOJ disagree with the DOD recommendation regarding the following detainee,” with the remaining information redacted.

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Presentation entitled, "C2X Conference, Camp Victory, Baghdad 8 Jun 04" with slides on "Interrogation Policy and "New Initiatives" of the C2X, Command" and Control Exercise. The "Interrogation Policy" slide contains the following bullets: "• 13 May 04 Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy letter submitted to CENTCOM for review. • Restrictive in nature. Allows techniques covered in FM 34-52. No counter resistance techniques. • Better solution is the CENTCOM proposal still in DRAFT."

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Investigation related to corrupt federal public officials. Memo details that on June 1, 2004, "SAC Thomas G. Kinnally authorized Squad CR-15 to proceed with captioned investigation." Contents redacted.

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December 17, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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State Department talking points memo on the status of detainees at Guantanamo provides information on the number of detainees held; the status of their case review; the U.S. is treating and will continue to treat all of the individuals detained at Guantanamo humanely; The President has determined that the Geneva Convention applies to the Taliban detainees, but not to the al-Qaida detainees. Al-Qaida is not a state party to the Geneva Convention; it is a foreign terrorist group. As such, its members are not entitled to POW status; All detainees at Guantanamo are being provided water and three meals a day that meet Muslim dietary laws, medical care, the opportunity to worship and correspondence materials, and the means to send mail and the ability to receive packages of food and clothing.

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The detainee initially refused to speak with the interviewing agent, however, when shown the various names he [the detainee] is known by, and a photo of himself, the detainee decided to engage with the interviewers in a limited way. The interviewers offered pastries and water, but neither were accepted by the detainee. The detainee was then asked if he was going to talk if they allowed him to pray. He replied, "you have subjected me to mental stress for eight (8) days, why should I talk to you?" The interview concluded with the interviewing agents explaining that if the detainee cooperated his situation would improve.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay by the FBI and the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF). The detainee states when he was captured in Afghanistan he was beaten, hit in the head with a rifle and threatened with being shot by the American soldiers while he was in Mazer-e-Sharif and Kandahar. He was then flown to Camp Delta, Guantanamo. He states he is fine and no complaints of mistreatment at Camp Delta, Guantanamo are noted.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Medical Documentation and Reporting Procedures for Suspected Detainee Abuse

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a memorandum, regarding the re-visitation of FBI interrogation strategies employed against Al Qaeda and Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. The memorandum includes information on the differences between interrogation techniques used by the FBI and the DHS.

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Memo from Major General Fay to Lieutenant General Sanchez stating that during the course of interviews on Abu Ghraib, five (5) detainees "reported possible abuse they believe occurred at other locations." Three (3) witnesses also "stated that detainees have claimed extensive torture at Azimiyah Palace by a soldier who is also accused by detainees of extortion, sexual abuse and the death of at least one person. The three witnesses are...Titan Corp. linguists and a CACI screener." The letter states that the witnesses' information is "credible," and recommends an investigation "to determine if there were abuses and the extent of Coalition involvement." Attaches the sworn statements in ACLU-RDI 2494.

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Cover page for document to be delivered to administration personnel concerning the January 22, 2004 PCC meeting on detainees.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about the CEXC analysis of the 12/21/2004 Mosul attack.

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US personnel captured an Afghani male, 25-27 years of age on or about 11/04/03. When processed by USSF medical staff, he had several bruises to his hips, groin and buttocks area (some severe to minor) and numerous burns to his chest. The Staff Sergeant described these injuries as a "normal interview & interrogation methods used by local AMF. On November 6, 2003, detainee was guarded by AMF security force at Geresch FOB with one other detainee. The AMF Security guard left the detainment area, and when he returned he discovered the detainee laying in a supine position, wrapped in a wool blanket in the center of the detainee area. It was determined that he was deceased.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army memo to Navy NCIS requesting assistance in investigating CID Report #0841-04-CID259-80230. Details the basics of the above stated investigation into the alleged abuse of two prisoners. Includes the memos for transmittal of information, and mostly redacted emails.

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This July 9, 2002 email from [redacted] to [redacted] re: Description of Physical Pressures, includes the contents of a memo from Jim Mitchell describing "potential physical and psychological pressures" to be used on a particular detainee. The pressures include attention grasp, walling, facial hold, cramped confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation, water board, use of diapers, insects, and mock burial. In the previous release of this document (on June 13, 2016), the name "Jim Mitchell" was redacted in the subject line and the purpose and intent of using the above techniques was redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that since being turned over to American custody he has not been mistreated. However, he did complain that in Bagram, Afghanistan his handcuffs were too tight around his wrist. Also, he stated that American soldiers at an unspecified location shoved him, pushed him and sat on him. He had not experienced mistreatment in Cuba.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Mortuary Affairs at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing and hearing of no "ill handling" of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo discussing MPs relieved of duty due detainee abuse.

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This memorandum describes the chronology of events relating to the death of Gul Rahman at the COBALT facility.

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An unidentified individual informed the FBI Sacramento Field Office of numerous physical abuse incidents of Iraqi civilian detainees he/she observed in Iraq. The individual described that such abuses included strangulation, beatings, placement of lit cigarettes into the detainees ear openings, and unauthorized interrogations.The memo is addressed to: The Director, and other FBI officials

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Document provides an executive summary of the death of a detainee, Manadal Al-Jamadi. Mr. Jamadi was pronounced dead at Abu Ghuraib prison on November 5, 2003. The executive summary is dated November 5, 2003 and states that "[w]hen MANADAL's body was examined, it showed recent signs of a struggle and had bruises along with a swollen right eye." It also states that the "[i]nvestigation continues by CID." Copies of the death certificate in English and Arabic are attached.

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Document discusses the various plans of the Department of the Army. It states that the Department will assist Army Central Command (ARCENT) in developing and coordinating an integrated, multi-disciplined detainee operations assessment/assistance team. Assessment team will provide report to US Central Command (CENTCOM).

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DOS Memo re: Background on Detainee Policy. This is part of a larger memo that is not attached herein. The background information contained here states: On November 13, 2001, President Bush issued a Military order authorizing the detention of non-U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism; the participants in terrorism are in violation of the Laws of War; and it may be necessary to prosecute detainees in military commissions.

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This White House memo discusses the treatment of detainees taken in the War on Terror and how they are to be classified and the determination of their legal status.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her period of four months at Guantanamo.

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Update on a CID investigation (number 0281-03-CID259-61236). Investigation has concluded that credible information exists to believe the detainee concerned committed murder. Directs that he be placed on "CID Hold" until further notice. Author's name is redacted. Note: refers to same investigation as ACLU-RDI 2528, but likely to a different detainee.

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The index lists this document as: MFR dtd 26 Mar 02 w/attached cell transfer schedule/frequent flier program.

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Standard Operating Procedures for Detainees including humane treatment (including protection against "assault, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, and reprisals of any kind") strip-searches, detainee personal property, fingerprinting, complaint procedure for detainees, medical treatment, and freedom of worship.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.   Its contents are mostly redacted.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email Memo discussing the shooting death, and subsequent release of the body of Ali Jodek Shakur, an Iraqi national, who was shot by Coalition Forces on September 21 2005, when he ran into a traffic control point in Kirkuk, Iraq. He was shot three (3) times in the head but was transported to the 332 AFTH (Balad, Iraq) for medical treatment. He was then transferred to Abu Ghraib Prison, where he was issued ISN#:178790. It was determined that Mr. Shakur was incorrectly processed as a detainee and incorrectly issued a detainee ISN. His body was released to his son on October 10, 2005. This memo indicates that the release of the body violated the MNF-1 Detainee Death Policy

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This document is a Memorandum for the Commander of the US Southern Command. The subject is "Counter-resistance techniques in the war on terrorism." Under "Tab A," the document lists an A-X of interrogation techniques.

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Background paper on redacted subject sent by Stanley M. Moskowitz, Director of Congressional Affairs at the CIA. Cover letters identify recipients of paper as congressional staffers Michael W. Sheehy, Tim Sample, Al Cumming, and Bill Duhnke, and Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Representative Jerry Lewis, and Senator Ted Stevens.

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FBI memo to Department of State on the capture and processing of 1,300+ detainees in Afghanistan in late 2002. Summarizes FBI investigative activity in Afghanistan and the interviews of captured Taliban fighters.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Report on the Treatment of Guantanamo Detainees. The memo is to address the question of whether the U.S. will release the ICRC report. The answer is "No" because it is a long standing policy not to release reports of this kind to preserve the integrity if the ICRC's work in these areas.

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This State Department memo is a partial of a larger memo entitled "Interrogations and Army Regulations". and states "The Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War provides that "no physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind. "Drafted by Ed Cummings. Cleared by Todd Buchwald and James Thessin. Heavily redacted.

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This is a memo from President Bush to the Vice President and other key administration personnel stating that "none of the provisions of Geneva apply to our conflict with al Qaeda in Afghanistan or elsewhere throughout the world because, among other reasons, al Qaeda is not a High Contracting Party to Geneva." And that “Art. 3 of Geneva Conventions does not apply to either al Qaeda or Taliban detainees (who are also deemed to be "unlawful combatants" as opposed to POWs.) But calls for humane treatment to detainees, including those who are not legally entitled to such treatment. As a matter of policy, the United States Armed Forces shall continue to treat detainees humanely and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity, in a manner “consistent with the principles of Geneva."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo states that on 01/30/2003, a redacted SSA provided training to 75 U. S. Army Reservists in the area of 'Profiling' as part of the Army Intelligence Center's 'Intelligence Support to Counter Terrorism' Course. The training was part of a three week curriculum to prepare the Reservists for their work in Guantanamo Bay. The group consisted of personnel and officers who would be involved in interviewing detainees and in providing analytical support to interviewers.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment or treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Intelligence Sergeant at the Deh Rahwood Detention Facility concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be incomplete with only three (3) questions present. It appears that there should be more of the document.

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State Department memo addressing the release of January 2002 photographs of unidentified Guantanamo detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The memo states that although there was criticism of the release of the photo(s) the release was not a violation of the Geneva Convention's prohibition against making prisoners a "public curiosity" because that was not the intent, factual circumstances and no photographs that show their recognizable face, nametag or other identifying feature.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interviewee's Procedure 15 interview is an addendum to his prior interview (Interviewee's title and length of assignment are unknown). Interviewee stated that he observed a detainee hooded and handcuffed to a railing. When he inquired about the detainee, a Military Policeman (MP) told him that the MPs were short handed and the MP "often had to 'park' a detainee somewhere if they could not immediately return him to his cell." The second incident he recalled was a detainee, was sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the hallway, handcuffed and covered with a blanket. When the interviewee inquired, he was told the detainee defecated on himself. Recalled the evening of a shooting in the Hard Site that LTG Sanchez gave a blanket approval for "somewhat harsher interrogation." Stated that during this time an Iraqi Police Officer was taken into a shower room where an MP threw a bucket of water at him "to wake him up." Interviewee also recalled an incident where a detainee had a gun in his cell and had to be taken by force. During his interrogation, the MPs used a particular MP as intimidation, telling the detainee to answer or the particular MP would return. The MP, at one point, put his hand over the nose and mouth of the detainee (cutting off his airflow). Also, the MP used his collapsible nightstick to push and possibly twist the detainee's arm causing pain. Interviewee added that when the MP walked out of the cell, he told the interviewee he "knew how to do this without leaving any marks." Interviewee recalled dogs were authorized and used in the facility. The interviewee also recalled an incident where a detainee was in isolation and one or two MPs and a male dog handler with a leashed, but unmuzzled, dog approached the detainee's cell. The detainee was handcuffed to the cell door, while the dog was allowed to jump up at the cell door, bark and snarl at the detainee.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who was not part of debriefing or interview teams, reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo.

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Army Public Affairs memo on how to address the public release of the Jones-Fay report on the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The memo states that all questions or "queries specific to the findings of the report, and requests to interview the report's investigators, to Army Material Command PAO. Refer general questions concerning detainee abuse to the Media Relations Division, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, HQDA." The memno also stated that "The 205 th MI Brigade and 800 th MP Brigade leaders at Abu Ghraib failed to supervise or provide direct oversight, to properly discipline their soldiers, to learn from prior mistakes, and to provide continued mission-specific training."

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the results of interviews of FBI Special Agents conducted by representatives of the United States Army Criminal Investigation command.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo is entirely redacted except for its title and date.

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A memo directing DOD General Counsel Jim Haynes to establish a working group "to assess the legal, policy, and operational issues relating to the interrogations of detainees."  That working group would later recommend interrogation techniques for approval by Secretary Rumsfeld, which he would approve, in part, in April 2003.  

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FBI memo providing the Washington Field Office with an update on an investigation of abuse of detainees in Iraq.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo. All detainees interviewed by the agent as an investigator appeared to be in good health and none expressed complaints of mistreatment while interviews were conducted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with or in violation of FBI guidelines and policy during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo re: Behavioral Analysis Units (BAU) Challenges Encountered at Guantanamo Bay. No additional pages; no content.

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The document is a response to a DOD, Criminal Investigation Task Force request for the FBI Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) to conduct a records check of detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. The document is heavily redacted with all visible FBI remarks recommending that the "DOJ concurs with DOD's recommendation." The recommendations are either for "continued detention" or "release."

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. The detainees apparently coordinated their suicides. All the dead detainees were previous "Hunger Strikers" at the facility. This Memo states that the bodies were being handled in accordance with Muslim customs, and that all three left suicide notes with the contents of the notes in the memo.

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The document is a response to a request from the DOD, Criminal Investigation Task Force that the FBI Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) conduct a records check of detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. ML&DU "conducted a search of FBI databases" which yielded "negative [no] results" for [redacted] and possible positive results for [redacted].

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. This heavily redacted document contains some discussion on the detainee's capture wherein he states that he was beaten in Kandahar, specifically, he stated that the normal procedure for being transferred from his cell to be interviewed, consisted of him lying face down on the ground outside of his cell, with a soldier placing their boot on his back and another soldier holding his feet (the ground was dirty and rocky). Also, he recalled having his feet kicked in order to keep him moving. He was also shown a photocopied photograph of Richard Reed and his shoe ("The Shoe Bomber"), whom he could not positively identify but stated he may look familiar.

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In late 2002 and continuing into mid-2003, the Behavioral Analysis Unit raised concerns over interrogation tactics being employed by the U.S. military. As a result, this electronic communcation, dated 5/30/03, was generated summarizing the FBIs continued objections to the use of [redacted] techniques to interrogate prisoners. The memo notes that FBI concerns and objections were documented and presented to Major General Geoffrey Miller. Search of Iraq interviews identified one instance a woman indicated she was hit with a stick and she wanted to talk only to German officials. On rare occasions, FBI personnel saw documentation of techniques noted in interviews by Military personnel.

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This is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo regarding the death of Raad Kairy Hammid. Mr. Hammid was a 27-year-old Iraqi, captured by collation forces on November 20, 2005. Mr. Hammid became ill while incarcerated at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq, and was admitted to hospital on Feb. 3, 2006; diagnosed with Encephalitis. Mr. Hammid did not respond to treatment with a "poor prognosis." Life support was withdrawn and Mr. Hammid expired as a result of his illness. Cause of Death: Complications from Encephalitis and Seizures; Manner of Death: Natural

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This heavily redacted paper "discusses the techniques and strategies for resisting interrogation described in captured al-Qa'ida training manuals and other documents. It suggests methods for recognizing when sophisticated resistance to interrogation techniques are being employed by captured al-Qa'ida operatives and outlines strategies for developing countermeasures." It is noted that in this case, the paper is being provided for use with the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah.

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State Department talking points memo on addressing the criticism over Guantanamo Bay detentions. The memo states that "Criticism is particularly strong in Europe and the Middle East. [The] Europeans have objected to the detention of [their] nationals with no consular visits and no timetable for transfer, release, or the bringing of criminal charges." the memo continues: "The criticisms seem to demonstrate little understanding of our motives or legal justification." The document is then heavily redacted.

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This memo refers to the CIA Office of Inspector General's investigation into the "facts and circumstances surrounding the death in U.S. custody of Iraqi detainee Manadal Al-Jamaidi. Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Mona B. Alderson, writes to Assistant Attorney General Christopher A. Wray, "A Joint CIA/Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) investigation is ongoing. I am referring this matter to you now concurrent with the release of the Final Autopsy Report."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees "which was not consistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines" during his/her time at Guantanamo. The documents also state that the detainees interviewed by the responding agent were asked about their treatment, and made complaints regarding mail service; difficulty making dental appointments; and not being allowed to grow their hair or beards.

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FBI talking points re: Polices governing the FBI's participation in overseas interrogation. Heavily redacted.

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Memorandum appointing Lieutenant General Randall M. Schmidt as the senior investigating officer for the AR 15-6 investigation into allegations of detainee abuse at Guantanamo. His involvement is needed for interviews of officers senior in rank to the current investigating officer, BG John Furlow. Lt. Gen. Schmidt is instructed to assume authority over the investigation.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated he was beaten by U.S. forces at an unknown location in Afghanistan. In one instance, he was taken via helicopter to a location where he was kicked in the stomach by several individuals. During the event, he heard American accents. When moved to an unknown location in Bagram, he was placed against a cement floor and was kicked in the head. As a result of beatings, his shoulder was broken. On another occasion, he was left outside in the cold (the ground was wet with snow) wearing only a ragged shirt and pants. As a result of being out in the cold, he became unconscious. The guards wore tan and brown uniforms with U.S. Flags sewn on the arms and their faces were covered. The guards carried pistols and a machine gun. When taken to Kandahar, the frequency of beatings lessened. Periodically, he was pushed and kicked; on three occasions he was dragged.In one instance, he saw a U.S. soldier place his foot on the head of a detainee and sit on his head, while the detainee was praying.

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Memo is an interrogation plan designed by SAs for Detainee [redacted], the memo's contents are redacted. The only information un-redacted are the paragraph headings, which include, Introduction, Behavioral Characteristics, and Recommendations. The plan is described as thoughtful and well-organized.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that he was engaged in a strike regarding talking with interrogators due to an alleged incident involving an interrogator humiliating the Koran during the interrogation of another detainee. He considers it his duty as a Muslim to believe the rumor until it is proven untrue. The detainee did not witness the incident and only heard about it through other detainees. The detainee stated the strike would end once the detainees saw something in writing regarding the prohibition of acts that humiliate the Koran and/or Islam."

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This State Department memo appears to be a set of talking points to respond to possible questions relating to Guantanamo. The memo discusses the classification of detainees and explains why the Al-Qaida and Taliban detainees do not qualify for POW status and privileges.

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This FBI memo is listed as: Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice - Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 07/29/2003 and is almost completely redacted except for two (2) lines: 1) "the FBI proposes that DOJ concur with DOD's recommendation to transfer [redacted] for continued detention at [Guantanamo]"; and 2) "The FBI recommends that DOJ concur with DOD's proposed transfer for release of [redacted]".

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Instructions for Task Force Talon Unit in detaining individuals. Deadly force is not authorized unless ammunition, weapons or explosives are being looted. Categories of detainees. Rules of Engagement. Arrest procedures.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Emergency Medical Treatment at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing or being aware of the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent touring through Guantanamo provided the following account of his observations "I have not taken part in any interview where these techniques were allowed, but have only observed. The details of these interviews consist of, short shackling to the floor, cold tern temperatures, loud music, and strobe lights, and left in [the] interrogation room for long periods of time".

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. The detainees apparently coordinated their suicides. All the dead detainees were previous "Hunger Strikers" at the facility. This Memo is a draft press release and potential Q&As concerning the suicide deaths. The draft explains the circumstances of how the detainees were found and anticipates potential questions that may be asked concerning the matter.

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Memo from CJTF-20 reviewing U.S. detention facilities in Iraq. The overview covers the population and capacity of the facilities, future plans, major concerns, medical issues, a detainee processing summary, and challenges to the facilities.

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Army talking points on the abuse allegations at Abu Ghraib prison. Provides basic information about the Abu Ghraib investigation for speaking with the press.

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Army Presentation summarizing the current situation in Al Qaim Husaybah, Iraq in November 2003. The presentation includes a HUMINT summary and threat assessment describing a planned attack on coalition forces by an unnamed anti-coalition group, an assessment of the organization and structure of the anti-coalition group, activities of the Mujahadeen in Al Ubaydi and Mayor Rajah Mawaf of Al Qaim, and the detention of MG Abed Hamed Mowhoush. On page 4, the document reads "The interrogation session lasted several hours and I took the gloves off because Abid refused to play ball. From the detainee holding area, the detainees could watch the entire interrogation; just not hear the conversation. Prior to a stress position, the detainees stood and watched with rapt attention. After the stress position, the entire population stood with heads bowed and solemn looks on their faces."

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Memo from the International Committee of the Red Cross outlining international humanitarian laws and the role of the ICRC.

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This document is the CIA's response to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program. "The comments presented in this paper on The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program . . . along with the more detailed discussion accompanying this paper, are the product of a review of the Study originally commissioned in December, after the Committee adopted the report, by then Acting Director Morell." The CIA's response was drafted on June 27, 2013, and approved for release on December 8, 2014.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no "improper" treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he did not observe "any detainee being treated roughly, inhumanly, or in any way being humiliated or abused" and did not observe or become aware of "instances of inappropriate actions by any individuals at the BCP" during his/her time at Bagram.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported never observing overly aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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On the morning of February 8, 2004 a detainee was found breathless and pulseless in his cell. The detainee had been brought in to FOB Ironhorse four (4) days earlier complaining of weakness and had two (2) episodes of fainting. He was so weak that he required assistance to hold him up for his in-processing. The death was not considered as a result of detainee abuse. The detainee most likely died because of lack of medical attention. Medic at FOB Ironhorse failed to recognize seriousness of the detainee's condition. Medic at FOB Brassfield, where detainee was previously held, may not have recognized seriousness of detainee's condition.

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Army Memo from Provost Marshall, Tikrit, Iraq re: Standard Operating Procedures for Detainee Collection. The purpose of this memorandum is to standardize the operations of the Task Force Detainee Collection Points and provide guidance for the handling of detainees. Detailed information is given in several areas, including medical operations and discipline/security. Some information is redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee volunteered that he joined Jihad after the attacks on the U.S. on September 11, 2001, but in a peaceful capacity. Stated that if there were inconsistencies in his interview responses it was due to mental stress. He stated that his opinion of the U.S. was the result of U.S. bombings and the mistreatment of others by the U.S. military.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Interrogators of Forward Operating Base Salerno concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Guantanamo Detainees Treatment and Status. These Talking points are to address questions and concerns of foreign governmants such as why families and consulates cannot visit detainees; why US cannot discuss the specific circumstances under which a detainee was held; and attorney visits to detainees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A). The responding agent reported that s/he did not witness "any aggressive treatment of detainees, or interviews/interrogations that were not consistent with Bureau policy/guidelines."

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Army Medical Information Paper Subject: Issues, resolutions and recommendations regarding preventive medicine support for enemy prisoners of war.

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DoD memo providing guidance on answering inquiries concerning detainee deaths at the Bagram Detention Facility. This document is related to RDI 2418.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Hepatitis C Management at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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A member of the FBI’s CIRG Behavioral Analysis Unit who toured Guantanamo stated they never personally witnessed aggressive treatment or interrogations of Guantanamo detainees, but did hear loud music, people yelling loudly from behind closed doors and observed strobe lights in interview rooms. There were also accusations that the Military would present themselves as FBI Agents to detainees and harass them but that was never personally observed by the agent.

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Discusses the Article 32 investigation into four military policemen charged with abuse. Abuse counts involve seven (7) EPWs. Abuse includes kicking, striking, dragging, punching and twisting detainees arm. All names redacted. Details the specific charges against each one.

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Memo from BG Formica to LTG Ricardo S. Sanchez, requesting an extension until the end of June 2004 for BG Formica's "informal investigation into abuse." Attached letter provides LTG Sanchez's approval for the extension. Also includes a subsequent memo from BG Formica, requesting a further extension through July 2004; attaches LTG Sanchez's approval for an extension until 7 July 2004.

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Army document entitled "Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer/Board of Officers". Document is Blank or redacted except for recommendations, "At PLT level, the company will conduct the following training: EPW 5S, implied responsibilities as a military police officer. Training to be completed NLT 15 September 2003".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The information paper provides information to assist commanders regarding the reporting of MI personnel implicated in detainee abuse cases.

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This DOD memo gives information on Geneva Convention provisions and Secretary of Defense press guidance regarding photography and filming of Enemy Prisoners of War.

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An SSA was assigned to GTMO for three weeks. In the memo the SSA summarizes information for CIRG Management. The memo contains dates of meetings with other FBI agents, agencies and of detainee interviews observed. SSA reports that he/she observed several interviews, wherein the interview process was explained, however, that during the three week period no training took place. The SSA, also, provides recommendations [contents redacted].

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The memo explains that in support of the PENTBOMB investigation, the Guantanamo task force and project was initiated. The memo further states that the US military is operating a Joint Intelligence Interrogation Facility (JIIF) in GTMO and defines units within the JIIF and their duties.

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This FBI memo is listed as: Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice - Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 and is almost completely redacted except for one (1) line: "the FBI proposes that DOJ concur with DOD's recommendation to transfer for release of [redactaced]".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo contains information obtained from an interview of [redacted]. Interviewee arrived in AG from late July 2003, he generally discusses the interrogation process and the interrogation rules of engagement (IROE). Interviewee noted that strategies, like sleep deprivation required prior approval from the senior interrogator. Also noted, however, that MPs did "a cursory job of enforcing interrogation phases such as sleep and meal schedules." Interviewee did not recall seeing guard dogs present, used or requested.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This DOD memo discusses and addresses the legality of detaining people in Iraq after the assumption of Iraqi governmental authority on 06/30/2004.

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State Department talking points memo entitled: Guantanamo: U.S. Policy on Detainees - May 5, 2003. The memo states: A process is underway to reach a final determination on all detainees. Each detainee will be prosecuted or continue to be detained by the United States Government, will be transferred back to his home country for prosecution or continued detention, or will be released if he no longer poses a threat to the United States or our allies; We are moving forward on this process; Every relevant agency engages in this process to ensure the overall interest of the United States is represented; To date, we have released over two dozen persons who we determined no longer pose a threat; and We are continuing discussions with a number of governments regarding appropriate forums for prosecution, the possibility of transferring their nationals back to them for some action, or the possibility that some detainees can be released.

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Memo is significantly redacted, however, it includes the interview of a Camp Delta detainee. The detainee reported that while aboard a plane heading to Bagram, Afghanistan, he was struck in the mouth by a FBI agent. He also reported being beaten upon arriving in Bagram by two members of the FBI (one of the two was the same individual who struck him on the airplane). Medical personnel at Camp Delta explained that in order to stop the continuous bleeding in his mouth, the detainee would need to have the top row of his teeth removed. Also, the detainee suffered injuries to his eye and back.

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A memo providing the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. Contents mostly redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no detainee treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Note re: Individual Not Interviewed Due to Medical Illness. No details given.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Guantanamo Task Force Special project Update. Almost entirely redacted

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This cable/memo concerns a report of TF 62-2 officers who were seen abusing a detainee then confiscated evidence of the abuse, threatened the DIA Directorate for Human Intelligence Officers from reporting the incident and obstructing the investigation to cover-up the matter and protect themselves from investigation. The cable details the efforts of the TF 62-2 Officers and the Inspector General’s initiation of an investigation.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported never observing improper treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agents (2) reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that he was transferred to Camp Delta from Kandahar, Afghanistan and claimed that while in Kandahar he was threatened by the U.S. investigator with an AK 47 assault rifle. He complained of pain in his right leg. He also provided some information on the uprising in the camp on July 19-20, 2002, claiming it was retaliation for a guard supposedly dropping the Koran (Quran).

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 13 Dec 02. The document goes over the times the detainee was being offered water (refusing it); going to the latrine; medical check-ups and being exercised. It states Heavily redacted. Talks about detainee health. "Historically his pulse rate is low, especially in the evenings". Detainee states that after a meal, he will be going on hunger strike.

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Memo from FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) and Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) at Guantanamo to Commanding General of Joint Task Force 170, Geoffrey Miller.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no improper treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOE talking points memo on Q&As concerning Bosnia's handing over six Algerian/Bosnian terror suspects to US forces, and their subsequent transfer to Guantanamo.

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General Sanchez states in his memo that "[this] memorandum established the interrogation and counter-resistance policy for CJTF-7." The memo contains two enclosures: 1. Interrogation Techniques; 2. General Safeguards. Gen. Sanchez states that he approves the use of specified interrogation and counter-resistance techniques A-DD, as described in enclosure 1; safeguards must be adhered to during interrogations; use of these techniques is limited to interrogations of detainees, security internees, and enemy POWs under CTJF-7's control; and use of techniques B ("Incentive/Removal of Incentive"), I ("Pride and Ego Down"), O ("Mutt and Jeff"), and X ("Isolation") must be approved prior to use.

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Memo is a Procedure 15 interview of [redacted], clarifying a statement previously made. Not much information is provided.

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State Department memo discussing a recent petition filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) against the U.S.. The CCR's petition alleges that the U.S. government's treatment of Guantanamo detainees was in contravention of international law. Memo mentions that the Commission’s findings are not legally binding, but can prove politically embarrassing.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive or inappropriate treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that in Kandahar, Afghanistan while laying face down on the ground he was beaten by guards; He stated he was beaten for no reason.

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Detainee interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo stated that he "felt that his human rights were being violated and that he should be represented by an attorney" And "did not like his treatment, and felt he and others were being treated like slaves". He re-stated his desire to have an attorney during questioning and became un-cooperative. The interview then concluded.

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Memo re: ICRC Meeting of June 19, 2003. Contents redacted

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The information paper discusses the historical evolution and issues pertaining to Military Police units that oversee detainee internment/resettlement operations, including high risk detainees and enemy prisoners of war.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, after conducting and witnessing numerous interviews, reported observing no "inhumane" treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo and noted that detainees were treated wth respect. S/he also observed no "culture of abusive behavior."

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Memo regarding interviews conducted at the DCCP (Displaced Civilian Collection Point) on May 31, 2004. Detainee claims that "while at an unknown location he received no food or water and could not sleep due to very loud American music blaring the entire time. He was placed in a crate about four feet high that required him to sit on the floor with his knees to his chest. He stated he was tied and blindfolded the entire time." Detainee also referred to two detainees recently transferred to Abu Ghraib who had "showed him wounds at the DCCP they said were inflicted by translators." The two detainees were identified; in a photo of one of them "taken when he was inprocessed at the DCCP," "it is obvious that he was beaten."

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The interview on 5/8/03 and was conducted at 1530 and was completed at 1830. The second interview on 5/9/03 was conducted at 0400 and concluded at 0645. These two interviews are linked together, with the second a continuation of the first. The detainee was confronted with statements by fellow detainees talking about him and implicating him. The detainee denied this. The interview agent told the detainee that "attacking the minute aspects of what is presented is not going to discredit the totality of the case" and evidence against him. The interviewer then presented photos of the detainee that he admitted was him. The interviewer then stated he is doing this to be fair with the detainee, to be honest with him and help him make his decision to cooperate. At the conclusion of the interview, the interview team wished the detainee luck and that God may accept his prayers. After exiting the room, the interview team witnessed the detainee with his head down on his hands on the table in front of him on the table. He was crying and sobbing with tears falling on the table when he lifted his head.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document provides an analysis of Army Regulation 190-8, enemy prisoner of war, retained personnel, civilian internees and other detainees.

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State Department talking points memo on addressing the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo. The memo gives guidance on addressing: Factual Inquiries Concerning welfare/whereabouts of individual detainees; Mail delivery; Visits of a Consular nature; Attorney visits; and Family visits.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The agent related the following: Detainees would be placed in the interview room approximately 6-8 hours prior to the scheduled interview. The air conditioning in the room would be turned down to as low as 55 degrees. Detainees restricted from movement with hand and leg cuffs, and a chain-bolted to the floor, which would prevent them from moving around the room. I vaguely recall seeing detainees in rooms by themselves in conditions which I believe included uncomfortably cold environments.

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This memo provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Its contents are mostly redacted.

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Memo prepared by the CIA General Counsel to the CIA Office of the Inspector General contained legal analysis and conclusions.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo stated the following: I observed no aggressive treatment, interrogations, or interview techniques on Guantanamo detainees which was not consistent with Bureau [FBI] interview policy or guidelines. If I had, I would have reported such abuse immediately. Most detainees I interviewed were asked by [me], or the other CITF interrogator how they were being treated. The only complaints I recall dealt with the detainees stating that their mail was not being received; dental issues not being given immediate attention; and other non-abusive issues.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Statement by Lieutenant Colonel documenting an interview with the Commander of the 72nd Military Police Company, who discussed a former unit armorer at Abu Ghraib. This individual reportedly had a "nervous breakdown" after witnessing shootings during detainee riots and a detainee escape.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOD PowerPoint presentation on Guantanamo. Heavily redacted.

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Memorandum from the FBI that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board ON March 30, 2004. The FBI's repatriation evaluations are attached. Contents of the memorandum are redacted.

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Memo discusses the conclusion of the special inquiry into Guantanamo Bay abuse allegation after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The memo mentions the attachment of documents, the only one that is visible is a copy of handwritten notes, an FD-340, entitled "GTMO." The attachment contains redacted notes.

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DOS Memo concerning a UK court proceeding on the application by the family of Brittish national detained at Guantanamo. The court was asked to exercise jurisdiction over the detainee, as a brittish citizen, have him released from U.S. custody and returned to Brittan. The Brittish court ruled that "rights under the HRA and ECHR did not extend beyond UK or the territories of the parties to them i.e. not Guantanamo Bay."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A). The responding agent witnessed interrogations on an almost daily basis while at Guantanamo, but reported that s/he did not witness "any aggressive treatment, or interrogation or interview techniques that were inconsistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines."

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This February 7, 2002 memorandum announces to the vice president, secretary of state, attorney general, CIA director, and others that the President accepts the legal conclusions of the Department of Justice that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to Al Qaeda.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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The document is a response to a request from the DOD, Criminal Investigation Task Force that the FBI Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) conduct a records check of detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. ML&DU "conducted a search of FBI databases for the following detainees with negative results" (information redacted) and reported some "positive results" (information also redacted).

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Memorandum with the Federal Bureau of Investigation results of Department of Defense requested name checks on Guantanamo detainees scheduled to appear before the Transfer Review Board. The contents are heavily redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no improper treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo re: NCIS investigation into detainee abuse. Memo concerns an NCIS investigation into reported detainee abuse. When interviewed, detainees were unable to provide names/agencies of their abusers. However, they were able to provide location (e.g. Mazar-a-Shariff, Kandahar, Bagram, Egypt and an unknown hanger and tarmac during transport in Dec 2001 and Jan 2002), and a description of the soldiers/civilians. Memo also discusses alleged abuse by two detainees in Guantanamo. As a result of the allegations, NCIS began an investigation. The memo discusses the NCIS' request for records to determine/identify possible abusers. Also, the Military Liaison and Detainee Unit (MLDU) also requested to review records in order to help identify military personnel, including FBI personnel who had contact with the detainees. [The identity and information of two detainees are listed in the memo, but are the information is completely redacted].

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This May 2004 memo to the Deputy Director for Science and Technology discusses the Office of Technical Service's (OTS) support of the Counterterrorism Center (CTC) by: 1) developing the enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs); 2) hiring SERE psychologists/interrogation trained IC contractors, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, among others; 3) getting DOJ and White House approvals for the use of EITs; 4) training future interrogators; and 5) reviewing the conditions of the detention and interrogation center; and finally 5) phasing out direct OTC support of the program, including transferring the tasking of the IC contractors to the C/CTC/RDG.

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Memo for the Record concerning an AR 15-6 investigation findings of investigation in to alleged detainee abuse and mock executions by U.S. forces. The investigator cannot determine if the mock executions were actually conducted or just perceived to be conducted by the witnesses, but does note that the use of warning shots had become "business as usual" to stop looters, a fact which the investigator calls "disturbing".

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Memo describes the observations of a FBI agent, who observed the improper handling of a detainee in an interrogation room at Camp Delta. The agent was in a video observation room and saw a detainee on his knees rubbing a cramp out of his leg while the interrogator and analyst laughed at him. The agent instructed the interrogator and analyst that their conduct was inappropriate. As a follow up, all FBI agents were advised that detainees should not be made to stand during interrogations.

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Memorandum from the FBI that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board ON March 30, 2004. The FBI's repatriation evaluations are included. Contents of the memorandum are redacted.

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This State Department memo states who the participants are for a meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) being held on January 25, 2002.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee made some general complaints about how the guards at the Camp treated the Koran (Qu'ran), but did not specify other than saying some gaurds had thrown it on the floor. The detainee had initially denied fighting in Afghanistan, but when confronted with statements from other detainees who apparently saw him fighting on the front lines of the battle, he said he may have been at the front lines and not realized it, since he "did not know where the front line was". He then said given all that has happened between the United States and other counties, he would take part in sn operation to kill Americans if he were asked to do so. He said according to the rules of Islam, suicide is not allowed, so he would not do a suicide artack. But, if he were in a combat situation, he would attack Americans to defend his coun and/or family. When asked whether or not he thought the September 11, [2001] attacks against the Twin Towers were justified, he said his religion is against suicide attacks or killing innocent people.

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Contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo as an interpretation assistant.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department memo on key issues covering several areas of State Department concern.

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Army AR 15-6 investigation into "soldier misconduct" involving soldiers placing a detainee between the hood and brush guard of a Humvee and driving him around. Allegations also included: Maltreatment of detainees; theft of private property; and allegation of unlawful use of force - all were found to be unsupported by the facts or evidence. Numerous soldiers admitted to transporting detainees on the Humvee hood, but the investigation found “It is physically impossible to put a person in between the brush guard and the hood. [Since] there are only three (3) inches of clearance behind brush guard”. Furthermore, there was no evidence to support the charges of maltreatment or theft.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo, and reported that interview techniques appeared consistent with FBI guidelines.

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This CIA document is heavily redacted and identifies James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen as contractors who administered enhanced interrogation techniques to Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about conditions at Camp Delta and he stated that "a lot of the brothers were still upset about the detainee who had attempted suicide six days earlier. Several of the detainees were still saying that he was beaten by the guards. He further commented that several of the other detainees were extremely upset, and he was afraid that others might attempt suicide . he also stated the issues regarding the Koran led to this . He commented that the Koran should not be used as a form of punishment. Also the searching of the Koran needs to be looked into. The guards need to be made aware of how they are "humiliating the Koran."

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This memo summarizes a conversation with a DIA personnel who was involved in detainee interrogations in Iraq. The DIA personnel corroborated a Washington Post article describing incidents occurring at Iraqi prisons and that senior leadership knew of or were aware of the incidents going on at the prisons. The DIA personnel did not personally witness any abuse, but was certain the accusations and accounts in the Washington Post piece were accurate.

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Detainee describes how he was taken in to custody in the filelds of Afghanistan. No mention of his experiences at the hands of US Military or while at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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State Department talking points on military tribunals for Prosecution of Terrorists in Military Commissions.

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This DoD Memo addresses the circumstances leading up to the creation of the Guantanamo facility and the conflict Al Qaida and Taliban forces have initiated against the United States and the other western powers. The memo states that the U.S. has "no interest in holding people who are not enemy combatants. To do so would be inconsistent with the deeply held values in which America believes and to which we have long been committed". There are also details of the reasoning for detaining enemy combatants and the interrogation they face. It stresses that there is a process to determine the enemy combatant status and the humane treatment of those in custody.

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Letters from General Karpinski suspending members of the 800th MP Brigade. Names of suspended individuals are redacted.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains: Investigative Report records for the transportation of "an unidentified Third Country National" from Iraq to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Dover, DE, for post mortem examination.

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This heavily redacted cable provides authorization and authority for Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell to use the full range of level 1 EITs and the level 2 water board. All envelope information is redacted.

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The memo summarizes legal actions / reprimands taken against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse. Included in the memo is a list of about twenty soldiers from different locations, including Commanding General Janis L. Karpinski who was suspended from command. [ACLU-RDI 2258 is very similar in substance to this document, however, it is unsigned].

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum from the Records Management Division, regarding the search and collection of all systems for information concerning any and all foreign detainees in U.S. custody held outside the United States from 09/12/01 through 05/24/04.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive or inappropriate treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent related the following: I was told sometime in the second or third week of February of 2004, a detainee was taken to an interview where he was yelled at for 25 minutes. The detainee was short-shackled, the room temperature was significantly lowered, and strobe lights were used and possibly loud music. After the initial 25 minutes of yelling, the detainee was left alone in the room in this condition for approximately 12 hours. The detainee was also refused permission to eat, pray, or use the bathroom.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about a possible Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) located on a local farm.

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In response to increased attention to detainee conditions in U.S. government and media the Army instituted reforms on handling and detainees and reporting any abuse. The document consists of several "Executive Summary’s" that detail the issues involved and senior commanders’ directives. Reference is made to: Senate and House Armed Services Committees; Army Detainee Task Force; Fay investigation; and the Schlesinger panel.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The agent stated that he observed two unknown interviewers from an unknown government agency in an interview room with a a detainee sitting down on the floor in the center of the room, with rap-type music was being Played at a very high volume, and while the interviewers smoked cigars and blew the smoke towards the face of the detainee, and "continuously laughed it the detainee".

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Unidentified document that appears to be a Non- legal memo or e-mail drafted by Marion E. Bowman. Entire document is completely redacted.

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This memo discusses an official's appointment to Investigating Officer for the purpose of conducting a formal investigation.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army memo from CID to Army Detainee Abuse Task Force requesting assistance in investigating allegations of detainee abuse in connection with CID Report: 212-04-CID259-80249.

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An inquiry in to the abuse of a detainee taken in to custody after a raid on a residence by the U.S. Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines (2/2). The captured Iraqi alleged that he was verbally and physically abused during the course of detention when Marines made disparaging remarks, flex-cuffed him in front of his family and kicked him while in route to the Forward Operating Base. Investigation found that allegations were unsupported and that Marines acted professionally.

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The index lists this document as: Interrogation Log 17 Dec 02. It appears to be missing the firs or more pages and is redacted in many places. The document details the checking on the detainee and his consumption of food & water; use of the latrine; and medical check-ups.

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FBI Memo: Contents completly redacted.

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This January 17, 2003 memorandum provides authorization and authority for James Mitchell, Bruce Jessen, and a third interrogator, whose name is redacted, to use the "full range" of enhanced measures, including waterboarding, in addition to their "role and responsibilities" as a member of the interrogation team.

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This document is a CIA Memo drafted for the Deputy Director for Operations via the Associate Deputy Director for Operations/Counterintelligence. The memo contains background information related to the treatment and condition of detainees as it relates to the investigation into the death of Rahman, as well as a detailed account of Rahman's detention. A version of this document was re-released in September 2016 in response to the ACLU's FOIA lawsuit, however it did not include references to "COBALT" or "CIA Staff Officer".

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This memo describes the "key" role that contract interrogators/debriefers play in the CIA's Rendition and Detention Program. The memo states that before September 11, 2001 the CIA had no resident expertise in interrogation, and so they sought help from people in other organizations, including two Clinical Psychologists who developed the first SERE Psychologist Standards and provide SERE psychology training for the military.

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This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to establish a policy concerning the entering aliases or other names used to identify individuals within the ROI. The memo states “Aliases are not restricted to names and will include other unique identification numbers such as internment serial number's (ISN). The documentation of detained personnel within theaters of operation as subjects and victims of ROI's has caused the need for standardization of documenting the ISN as a valid form of identification. The ISN is a unique identification number assigned to each Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW), Retained Person (RP) and Civilian Internee (CI) taken into custody of the U.S. Armed Forces.”

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who conducted interviews with detainees, reported observing no "aggressive or inappropriate behavior directed towards detainees" during his/her time at Guantanamo. The document further adds that the author, a former U.S. military police official familiar with the proper treatment of enemy prisoners of war, felt that the soldiers conducting operations within the facility "acted professionally and conducted their duties in the proper, prescribed fashion."

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the death of Muhammed Hamza Al-Zubaydi, a 67-year-old Iraqi. Mr. Al-Zubaydi was the former President and Director of the President's Office & Deputy Prime under the regime of Saddam Hussain. Mr. Al-Zubaydi was captured and became a detainee of the collation forces on April 22, 2003, and was held at Camp Cropper during his detention. Mr. Al-Zubaydi became ill on November 19, 2005. He was transferred to the hospital "suffering from respiratory distress and complaining of chest pain." Mr. Al-Zubaydi had a previous medical history of high blood pressure, diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, and coronary artery disease. He ultimately succumbed to heart failure and died while in custody. Cause of Death: Hypertensive Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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Army documents, handwritten notes in Arabic and U.S. Army claim forms relating to claim of wrongful shooting and detention of an Iraqi citizen. This also contains a note to the guards at Abu Ghraib to release a wrongfully detained Iraqi citizen and the approval of compensation payments for the suffering and loss the Iraqi endured.

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This memo is a report of a finding concerning a detainee's allegation that fellow detainees are beating and threatening to kill him has no substantiation, and that none of them considered him a spy. The report concluded that there was no evidence to substantiate the claim(s).

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Interview with detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee denied knowing Usama bin Laden. Detainee complained about the treatment of his fellow detainees at the camp and "complained the guards would take away the Koran as punishment and he believed this punishment was uniust as the Koran is extremely important to the Muslim detainees".

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This manual describes in detail interrogation techniques such as rapport-building, fear-up and fear-down, pride and ego, and file and dossier.

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Email between FBI Officials on the Law Rnforcement On-line system with an update on detainee operation in Iraq, May 23, 2004. Email includes detailed notes and photographs describing the conditions of Camp Bucca, Iraq. The agent provides an informal update to give an overall view of what the deployment team faces while in the field. The agent describes Camp Bucca as becoming Amenca's next Guantanamo Bay, Cuba facility. The camp is set up for long-term interment of hard-core fighters and coalition enemies - bomb makers, foreign fighters, terronsts - and has a population of about 2,400, which will eventually grow to 4,000.

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This document, prepared by the Chief of Medical Services, summarizes and reflects upon the rendition, detention and interrogation program. The findings include that in a particular no evidence was found that the use of waterboard produced information that could not have been obtained otherwise. Multiple previous versions of this document have been released to us--this contains the fewest redactions.

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This memo is to memorialize the training received by fifteen (15) Military Police soldiers from: 272nd MP Co. (6); 363rd MP Co. (2); and the 307th MP Co. (7) in the Use of Force and the use of a firearm, including deadly force.

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Coalition Provisional Authority memo prescribes standards to be applied to Iraqi border control, customs, immigration and consular or quarantine services under authority of the Ministry of Justice. Includes 19 sections with headings such as Right to Exit, Examinations for Entry and Permits to Enter Iraq.

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Memo discusses an attempt to obtain the 391" Military Police Battalion Records Check and logs that disclose the transfer of detainees between MP and MI control.

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State Department memo on how to address questions from the media on how the Guantanamo detainees are being treated. The memo poses potential questions and answers and states that the answers should be that the detainees are being: treated humanely in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; provided with culturally appropriate meals; exercise and receive medical attention; and that these are very dangerous people and that security precautions are being taken.

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The memo appears to be the Press Secretary's talking points for a press statement. The statement appears to address the President's stance on treating detainees according to the principles of the Geneva Convention.

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A memo providing the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Contents mostly redacted.      

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was not willing to be interviewed until he was able to make a phone call to his family. He did state that stated that many of the detainees were being mistreated. He stated that some detainees were being brought into interrogations, late at night, and beaten. He said that he was not personally aware of this, but it is "common knowledge among the detainees". He also claimed to be beaten himself. He exposed his chest to the FBI interviewers, but there were no visible signs of injury.

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This memo also includes a table and emails. The general synopsis of the memo is it provides the statement of an SA's observations while at Abu Graib Prison. In the memo, SA states that during his time at the "Abu Graib Prison his role was to only process and fingerprint prisoners and at no time did he observe any misconduct or mistreatment of prisoners at any time during his presence." The table shows the names of officials, where they were/are stationed, their office of assignment, names of those interviewed. etc.

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FBI memo cover page re: On-site Behavioral Assessment of Interview Process at Guantanamo Bay. No additional pages attached.

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This memo is designed to inform and instruct members of the 1st Force Service Support Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force on the collection and handling of Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and other Detainees. The memo includes the Geneva Convention and supporting documents to understand the law of war.,

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State Department talking points memo on addressing the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo. The memo poses potential questions and answers to be given in response.

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Detainee interviewed at Guantanamo, Bay. Detainee stated that he was willing to be interviewed. He was asked about a specific person also housed at the camp, but stated he had limited knowledge of this person and others knew the person better than he did. He was asked about his capture and reminded about specific statments he made while in Afghanistan, to which he said that any information or accusatory remarks he provided about the past was to get himself out of trouble at the Bagram Air Base. He said he agreed to what the authorities accused him of out of fear that he would be tortured if he did not agree to the accusations. However, he did state that he has never been tortured since being taken into custody in Pakistan. He does feel he will be tortured if returned to his home country.

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This memo appears to be talking points regarding the rights of detainees at Guantanamo.

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This State Department memo addresses the question of applying Military Commissions to the Guantanamo detainees. The memo states 1) Military commissions are well-established in U.S. law and practice, as well as international law and practice; 2) the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the practice in several cases, and the Europeans have used military commissions since at least the 19th century; 3) DOD's recently issued regulations provide procedural safeguards, including appellate review, consistent with U.S. and international law; and 4) the U.S. has improved its system of military justice by increasing procedural safeguards and eliminating command influence.

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This DOD memo asks the recipient to review the attached draft implementing guidance developed to support approved policy on release or transfer of detainees.

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This is a Memo For the Record concerning an interview condensed to a statements made by a CACI analyst about his observations at Abu Ghraib. He states he arrived at the prison on December 16, 2003 and was given some of the rules for handling detainees, including no photos of detainees were to be taken. He states that had not witnessed any abuse of detainees. The statement is to be signed at a later date.

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FBI memo describing the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) and Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) analysis of a handwritten document prepared by a detainee at Guantanamo. The memo is preceded by redacted handwritten notes.

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Interview with detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The detainee stated that his previous stories had been misinterpreted, but refused to expand further. He stated that previous interpreters had mistaken his words [but] refused to clarify any other portions of his story and identified stress as the cause of his exaggerations and fabrications.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive or "inappropriate" treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo from Criminal Investigations Task Force (CITF) to Behavioral Sciences Consultation Team (BSCT) re: CITF-BSCT Guantanamo Interrogators Debrief July 31, 2002. Memo states "On July 31, 2002, the CITF Behavioral Sciences Consultation team debriefed the CITF interrogators who had just returned from GTMO. The following is a summary of the debrief and recommendations from the CITF agents". Contents redacted.

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Detainee interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo does not complain of his own treatment, but does relate a story he heard occurred at Guantanamo where a female interrogator removed her blouse, embraced the detainee from behind and put her hand on his genitals. The interrogator was on her menstrual period and she wiped blood from her body on his face and head. He said he asked one guard, "Why do you hate me?" The guard responded, "If I could; I would kill you."

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. ThisFBI agent who toured through Guantanamo stated they did not see any detainee abuse.

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The document is a response to a request from the DOD, Criminal Investigation Task Force that the FBI Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU) conduct a records check of detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. ML&DU "conducted a search of FBI databases for the following detainees with negative results" (information redacted).

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This memo from the SSA states that military interrogation techniques and methods are currently under internal review and are receiving major media attention regarding detainee deaths. It states that "hard approach techniques" have been suspended... (but) may resume in the near future." It suggests suspension of FBI interrogation involvement in Afghanistan until there has been a site assessment.

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Explains that FBI's Military Liaison and Detainee Unit is responsible for conducting a threat assessment for each Guantanamo detainee who becomes eligible for repatriation, and establishes a procedure to ensure an FBI interview is conducted of each such detainee.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo discusses the events surrounding the shooting deaths of two Enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs) at Camp Bucca, Iraq on April 13, 2003. A Specialist and a Staff Sergeant with the 800th Military Police Brigade encountered numerous EPWs throwing rocks at the MPs and attempting to overtake the compound and escape if possible. The first shooting occurred during an attempted escape by numerous EPWs, in order to stop and control the detainees the Specialist shot at the crowd and killed an EPW. The second shooting involved a Staff Sergeant who shot at an unruly EPW. Both incidents where deadly force was used was determined by the Commanders to be justified.

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The detainee initially refused to answer questions unless he was released from his present cell. When asked about his previous statement about being a member of [redacted] he advised that he only made that statement because he was being beaten. After some questions concerning his travel and his knowledge of certain persons he refused to cooperate any further, and the interview was terminated.

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The memo is a telephonic transcription of an interview conducted to learn of an FBI employees observations while in Guantanamo. [The memo is unclear, due to redaction of language, whether this is the transcription of one interview or two]. Nevertheless, the memo states that the FBI employee observed a detainee chained from hand to foot in the fetal position, in a room with no sign of water or food, noted that the rooms were either excessively hot/cold and loud rap music playing. Also, the employee believed the detainees were kept in those conditions for 18-24 or more hours and that the detainees had urinated and defecated themselves.

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This letter is the CIA's response to questions raised by Daniel Levin, OLC, regarding the use of waterboarding. The letter describes the CIA's limits in administering the technique. [OLC Vaughn Index #73]

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no treatment, interrogation or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI memo for SAC Stephen R. Wiley concerning issues at Guantanamo. The memo gives details about the FBI's BAU witnessing detainee abuse by DOD representatives that included: Sleep depravation; use of loud music/bright lights; and "growling" dogs. The author states that "These tactics were brought tot the attention of the appropriate DoD legal personnel who requested that BAU members write out "statements" concerning these matters".

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. A member of the FBI’s CIRG Behavioral Analysis Unit stated they never personally witnessed aggressive treatment or interrogations of Guantanamo detainees, but did hear loud music, people yelling loudly from behind closed doors and observed strobe lights in interview rooms. There were also accusations that the Military would present themselves as FBI Agents to detainees and harass them but that was never personally observed by the agent.

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Memo concerns the appointment of an investigating Officer for an informal inquiry of Task Force Iron Gunner Detainee Operations. Iron Gunner looked at procedures for identifying Iraqi national's for detention; Tactics, techniques, and procedures used when detaining Iraqi Nationals during raids and other operations; and Procedures used to transport, in. process, and interrogate detainees. The memo is extensive and detailed.

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FBI memo from Criminal Investigative to all Field Offices concerning cases Case ID #: 66F-HQ-1339150 and 66F-HQ-C1384970. Entire contents redacted.

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The document provides investigative and interview summaries for detainees. The document is fully redacted, except for the statement: "The FBI disagrees with DOD's recommendation of release [of the detainee] and recommends transfer for continued detention."

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee describes the prison uprising at Qala-i-Jangi Prision outside Mazar-E-Sharif between Nov. 25 and Dec. 1, 2001 where he witnessed several prisioners and one American killed. The detainee stated that he saw an American, identified as Mike "Johnny" Spann dead and entwined with a prisioner who was rioting and was killed by Spann in close combat.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Interview of Military Intelligence OIC, Senior Interrogator concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Discusses incidents of abuse of detainees by Army personnel that have been substantiated. Legal discussion point out that Article 93 does not specifically prohibit these acts, but does prohibit cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment and intent must be determined. In order to find a violation of Article 93, it requires a probable cause determination that the accused was cruel toward, oppressed, or maltreated a person subject to the accused's orders.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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An FBI memo about activities of FBI personnel at Abu Ghraib prison during October 2003 - December 2003. Memo is addressed to: T.J. Harrington, Deputy Assistant Director, Operational Support- Counterterrorism Division; [redacted], Special Assistant-Director's Office and Valerie E. Caproni, General Counsel-General Counsel. Summary of the results of 14 interviews conducted to date by the Inspection Division in association with captioned inquiry It should be noted that CTD and the General Counsel are in the process of reviewing documents which will likely identify additional FBI personnel for the Inspection Division to interview in association with this inquiry.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about his health indicated that he was feeling well, but had some general complaints regarding his treatment at Camp Delta. His complaints ranged from general statements such as, "this is a war against Islam, and we are being persecuted because we are Muslims", to more specific complaints of physical abuse and sexual abuse. When asked if he observed any of these abuse allegations occurring he stated that he did not but, that he had heard from other detainees that they were "true". When questioned regarding which detainees made these allegations, he was unable to provide a name or a detainees cell location. The detainee was then shown photos of people and places. He was able to identify the place with some certainty and the person as “as someone that he was in prison with in Afghanistan”. The interview was then concluded.

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo bay. The purpose of the interview was for the new interviewing agents to build rapport with the detainee and encourage his continued cooperation. The interviewers told the detainee that he needs to be completely honest with the interviewing agents because if they do determine he is lying, his stay in Guantanamo Bay could become much longer than necessary. The detainee then volunteered that following his arrest in Pakistan, he was moved to a place they called "The Dark Prison" because there was no light. At this prison, run by the Pakistanis, and he stated he was beaten, tortured and threatened with weapons. He remained in this prison for about one month. Subsequently, he was moved to Bagram where he was interrogated by females after being "stripped naked". The detainee was then encouraged to keep his hope and that with his continued cooperation the potential for him to go home would rise. Both agreed they would meet again the following week to discuss his case.

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This memo appointing an Investigating Officer, signed by Janis Karpinski, is part of the Article 32 proceeding against Spc. Timothy F. Canjar for his role in detainee abuse at Camp Bucca, Iraq in May of 2003. Attached to the Letter of Appointment is: The Investigating Officer's Report; Charge Sheet; and recommendation for General Court-Martial.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported neither observing nor being aware of any aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This State Department document is a talking points memo addressing the Guantanamo detainees and their treatment. It states: The United States has detained al-Qaida, Taliban, and other enemy combatants who pose a threat to the U.S. and our allies; We currently hold around 650 enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay; Detainees will be prosecuted by the U.S. Government, transferred to their countries of origin for prosecution or released if they no longer pose a threat; Detainees will be treated humanely and consistently with the Geneva Conventions, but they are not “Prisoners of War” as defined under the Geneva Conventions; and the detainees are not subjected to physical or mental abuse or cruel treatment.

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This November 27, 2007 memo justifies the future use of contractors as High Value Detainee Interrogators (HVDI). The memo states that before September 11, 2001 the CIA had no resident expertise in interrogation and therefore contract interrogators, who operate under the authority and direction of senior Agency staff officers, have been a "key component" in the CIA's Global War on Terrorism. The memo argues that it was not feasible for the CIA to create a group of long-term experienced interrogators because it takes years to develop these skills and staff officers change assignments every couple years. As a result, the CIA decided to end the training to use CIA staff officers as interrogators.

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The document provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board (heavily redacted).

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. The detainees apparently coordinated their suicides. This memo provides an update on the investigation into their apparent suicides.

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This memo is to address questions and concerns over the status and treatment of Guantanamo detainees. The memo states that the detainees are illegal combatants, and not Prisoners of War (POWs). It states Al Qaeda is a foreign terrorist group and cannot be considered a state party to the Geneva Conventions. Its members therefore are not covered by the provisions of the Conventions and are not entitled to POW status, but that the detainees are being treated humanely and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to the detainees.

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This is a report from interrogators at COBALT, a CIA black site in Northern Kabul, Afghanistan, describing the status of Gul Rahman's interrogation. It is reported that Rahman was not responding to interrogation by Bruce Jessen; the responder recommends the use of EITs as a next step.

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Basic information about detention procedures in Iraq. Includes a list of detention centers, counts of detainees currently held, and manuals that proscribe detainee treatment.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo on confinement conditions for CIA detainees is divided into sections: 1) minimums; 2) implementing procedures; 3) responsible CIA officer; 4) [redacted].  An acknowledgment form/waiver is attached. [OLC Vaughn Index #11]

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Advises that effective immediatelly, the Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) will not request, endorse or in any way participate in the placement of detainees in maximum security facility.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) regarding detainee operations, approved for release by Colonel Pricone. Gives brief instructions on detention procedures, including stating that "capturing units will not detain persons for greater than 72 hours unless there is probable cause to believe that the person is or was engaged in activity against the coalition."

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This memo is describing the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit's (BAU) On-Site Assessment of Interview Process at Guantanamo in 2002. It notes that other U.S. government entities have conducted behavioral assessments at Guantanamo. Enclosed is a BAU memo regarding observations and recommendations from their on-site review.A less redacted version of page 1 was re-released, and is ACLU RDI 3487. A less redacted version of pages 8-9 was re-released and is ACLU RDI 3488.

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This memorandum establishes the interrogation and counter-resistance policy for security internees under the control of CJTF-7. It recognizes that security internees who are civilians and who are detained pursuant to Articles 5 and 78 of the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 have certain rights and protections. It approve the use of specified interrogation and counter-resistance approaches, and provides for the segregation of security internees, which may be required in many instances to ensure the success of interrogations and to prevent the sharing of interrogation methods among internees.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about a deployment to the Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) in Fallujah and the detainment and interviewing of a contractor.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Department of Defense Directive: Program for Enemy Prisoners of War and Other Detainees. Reissues reference to update policy for a program to ensure implementation of the international law of war, both customary and codified, about EPOW, to include the enemy sick or wounded, retained personnel, civilian internees (CI's) and other detained personnel (detainees).

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Presidential order authorizing detention of individuals and trial by military commission. From

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Minutes of March 3, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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A Staff Sargent near Tikrit, Iraq, on September 11, 2003, shot an Iraqi detainee. The shooting was described as "willfully and unlawful". The detainee was shot in the abdomen with a rifle. The SSGT admitted to the act and pleaded for leniency.

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This Army memo includes five letters of reprimand issued to Army officers, a Major, Captain, Second Lieutenant, First Sergeant and a Staff Sergeant, assigned to the Alpha Company, 588th Engineers Battalion. The reprimands were issued after an Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 investigation concluded the officers caused two Iraqi detainees to suffer trauma to their heads on November 22, 2003. The letter of reprimand reminded the officers of their duty to safeguard detainees according to the AR 190-8.

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FBI memo providing the Washington Field Office with an update on an investigation of abuse of detainees in Iraq.

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Forces Command Regulation (FORSCOM Reg.) 350-5: Joint Training Exercises. The purpose of this regulation is to prescribe policy, procedures, and responsibilities relative to planning for, participation in, and support of joint training exercises which are part of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Five-Year Joint Training Exercise Program.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the newly created Offense Table and Penalty Guidelines related to the FBI disciplinary process. The guidelines are intended to aid employees in determining the types of behavior that constitute misconduct and the range of penalties for engaging in such behavior.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo to the CIA Office of the Inspector General providing comments for its Special Review (17pg), with attachments (26pg).

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Sets out requirements and time frames for transfer of detainees for detainee operations from August 24, 2003 to date of memo, June 23, 2004. States that "high value detainees are taken to Camp Cropper, where they are inducted into DRS [possibly Detainee Reporting System]. Only Abu Ghraib, Camp Cropper and Camp Bucca can induct detainees into DRS." Also specifies that Abu Ghraib, Camp Cropper, and Camp Bucca are the only facilities that can be construed as "Coalition Holding Facilities." Author is redacted but rank and assignment are listed as CPT, MP, MNF-I Detainee Operations.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees, nor any interrogations or interviews inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines, during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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On June 23, 2003 Marines detained four Iraqi men for looting. The men were searched, stripped of their clothes (except for their shoes and underwear), and then released. On June 28, 2003 fired upon and disabled a truck that attempted to speed through their checkpoint. Two Iraqi men, wounded by the Marines' fire, were given medical treatment and evacuated. The vehicle was searched for possible intelligence. The matter was investigated and the Marines involved were found to have failed to report and turn over captured property and conduct unbecoming. They charges were sustained and an involuntary separation from the service was ordered.

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This DOD memo is a list of talking points to address questions concerning the role of international law and the Geneva Convention relating to POWs.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Contents completely redacted.

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FBI Memo displays a table with approximately six cases, with a summary of facts. The sum of the cases discuss allegations of fraud and abuse. One case discusses an allegation of fraud and the fact that the FBI and DCIS are conducting investigations.

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 6 Dec 02. Heavily redacted. The readable parts state "Detainee was taken to the latrine several times...he was also offered water and food but every time he would refuse to eat or drink water". "The detainee had been seen by the medical representative on two occasions. The reason for the first was to check the detainee’s blood pressure and his weight. The second was to check the detainee's overall wellness." "The detainee was not allowed to speak because everything he stated was what was stated in the past". "Source complained of dizziness and headaches. After conferring with the doctor, corpsman gave source three bags of IV solution".

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Memo states that a number of non-governmental agencies filed a petition before the IACHR, in which they alleged that the U.S. violated international law by mistreating Guantanamo detainees. In response to the allegations, the IACHR issued to the DOS a Request for Precautionary Measures, asking that U.S. to have the legal status of Guantanamo detainees determined by a competent tribunal, and also requested that the DOS inform it within 30 days of actions taken.

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The document is a memorandum outlining talking points for a phone call conversation with Senator Feinstein, regarding FBI Director Mueller's testimony before the Judiciary Committee and a survey conducted after the hearing about the possible mistreatment of detainees.

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Discusses existence of new photos of abuse of detainees. A CD of photographs was provided by CIA to Department of Defense who forwarded it to the Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID). Some of the photographs were the Abu Ghraib ones shown by the media. It is unknown what the photos contain.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent states that he witnessed the following: - chaining of a detainee from hand to foot in the fetal position, there was no chair, no food, no water. The author notes, that detainees were often left for 18-24 or more hours in the rooms, causing them to urinate and defecate themselves- very cold interview room, causing a barefoot detainee to shake with cold - very hot (over 100 degrees) interview room, causing the detainee to be almost unconscious and he was literally pull his hair out - very hot with loud rap music playing for approximately two days, with the detainee chained hand to foot in the fetal position. The agent states in the email that the techniques were used by non-FBI interrogators.

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Redacted draft of CIA report outlining general concepts and proposals.

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This State Department memo gives the State Dept.'s official position on the question of detainees/ Geneva Conventions: the Geneva Conventions apply to the conflict w/ Al Qaeda but not with the Taliban; Neither Al-Qaeda nor Taliban detainees have POW status; all Iraqis are protected by the Geneva Conventions/ POW status.

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This memo describes Captain Ray's on-site investigation of Abu Ghraib prison. The memo highlights that "Nearly every soldier had a different method in which they made [head] counts of detainees" as well as the lack of Standard Operating Procedures and other non-uniform procedures at the prison.

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This Army memo is the report from the investigating Officer appointed to investigate the escape of two (2) detainees, and subsequent shooting death of one (1) of them from camp Cropper, Iraq on June 12, 2003. The scope of this investigation was twofold: First, to investigate the circumstances surrounding the escape and second, to investigate the circumstances surrounding the shooting and subsequent death of the Civilian Internee (CI). The recommendation of the investigating Officer was "No disciplinary action should be taken against any soldiers of the 15th Military Police Battalion. There was no evidence that they acted inappropriately. To the contrary, the Specialist who discovered the escape, and fired upon the escaping detainees should be commended for taking appropriate action during difficult circumstances. Additionally, the other soldiers present also took appropriate actions, given the circumstances."

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FBI Memo re: Objectives for the scheduled deployment of FBI personnel to Guantanamo. Memo is from Counter terrorism to Counter terrorism. [Initial document is completely redacted, with exception to the paragraph titles]. The second memo discusses plan and objectives for deployment of FBI personnel to GTMO and to request CTD approval of the documented travel.

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Document reports that an inspector requested reports on behavior from personnel previously assigned to Guantanamo; found that SSA [redacted] observed no aggressive treatment.

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This Joint Personnel Recovery Agency Draft Exploitation Plan crafted by Bruce Jessen and others in 2002 proposed the creation of a secret military interrogation facility abroad. The plan details personnel requirements, strategies for exploitation of detainees, physical requirements for the facility, and specific roles and responsibilities for employees.

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Memorandum for record of a May 5, 2004 interview of a soldier interviewed concerning his "failure to report abuse" and "false testimony." The soldier invoked his right to counsel, the interview ended.

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FBI Memo to U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Division re: On 07/27/2004, members of U.S. Army Criminal Investigative were referred a case involving the alleged rape of juvenile male detainee Ghraib Prison, Abu Ghraib, Irag

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Heavily redacted report regarding the "successful raid and capture of Abu Zubaydah". The document references the use of waterboarding during Abu Zabaydah interrogations. The document also mentions that waterboarding was used in the interrogation of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri. Refers to videotapes of interrogations.

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In response to the canvass of FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay an inquiry regarding the treatment of military detainees treatment was instigated. A Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) reports that during his/her assignment in Guantanamo, June 6-19, 2002, he/she did not observe or participate in any aggressive treatment of detainees.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about the discovery of a suspect Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) in a rural area of Baghdad.

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Minutes of March 17, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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The purpose of this memo is to provide the results of the Commanding General concerning the inspection of detainee operations during Operation Enduring Freedom; to determine if detainee facilities in Afghanistan are sufficiently organized and equipped to handle detainee operations; evaluate the leadership of detainee units; and the proper training of detainee units to handle detainee operations as tasked. The memo concludes that there is good news concerning detainee operations and that the leadership assigned to the operation is focused, but the units under their command need more “hands-on” training and direction in real life detainee operations.

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This document is a response to an inquiry to cases of detainee abuse at Guantanamo. There are eleven (11) cases of substantiated misconduct, the incidents are not listed in chronological order.

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Entire contents redacted.

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Memorandum appointing Major General Antonio Taguba to conduct an informal investigation into the 800th MP Brigade's detention operations and allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Gbraib prison from Nov 1, 2003 to the time of the memorandum.

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An FBI memo to the Department of Defense noting the results of FBI name checks on detainees who will appear before the Transfer Review Board.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports witnessing detainees being transported by US Army MP's, and observing other interaction between detainees and MPs, on many occasions; however, s/he reports that s/he "never observed any aggressive action towards the detainees. They were treated with respect in a very professional manner."

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The agent stated "I did not personally observe abusive behavior towards detainees while at GTMO [Guantanamo]. As indicated in my EC instances of reported abuse by detainees were reported via interview FD-302s". The agent also includes in this memo the following account of detainee abuse: "a detainee alleged a female guard removed her blouse and while pressing her body, against a shackled and restrained detainee from behind, handled his genitalia and wiped menstrual blood on his head and face as a form of punishment for lack of cooperation".

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Emergency Response Team at the Guantanamo Detainee Hospital.

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CIA non-legal memorandum detailing an attempt to reach a person, whose name is redacted, by telephone on May 12, 2004.

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Memo states that [redacted] refused to make a statement due to the information that has already been released about him to the press.

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FBI Memo - Document Completly Redacted

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Mental Health Services to Detainees at the detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Military Intelligence OIC Bagram, Afghanistan concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse or treatment "which would not be consistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines" during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOS Memo from Arthur E. Dewey to Sec. Powell requesting an meeting with ICRC President, Jakob Kellenberger on either January 12-16. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on key humanitarian issues relating to detainees in Iraq.

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This memo discusses investigations and outcomes including punishment. Total of 62 cases of detainee abuse and/or death have been or are being investigated - 46 by CID and 16 at the unit level. There are a variety of cases discussed. Many have been previously documented, and all but a few cannot be traced in their specifics due to ambiguity or redaction.

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The memo briefly discusses JIDC logs.

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Gives instructions on detainee reports. Requires that all detainees in coalition custody be tracked.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who traveled to Guantanamo "to primarily interview and maintain positive relationship with several high value detainees" reported observing no behavior or actions "which would be inconsistent with Bureau policy regarding interview policy/guidelines" during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 4 Dec 02. Heavily redacted. The readable parts state: "Source was given a head break and taken for a walk. Seen by medical personnel and given the 'all-clear'. Offered water but refused." "Doctor again saw source, he needed to be hydrated and was given an IV. Test showed kidney function normal".

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Army Memo: OTJAG Documents Maintained by USACIDC. Lists of page numbers of evidence in investigations.

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Discusses questions posed to soldiers and enlisted officers with the 3/17th CAV, 10TM Mountain Division (LI) as part of an inspection on detainee operations conducted on 19 February 2004. The questions are only proposed and not answered.

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This document lists "Issues to be discussed," including not compromising FBI ethics in a mission. It also continues a mission analysis featuring questions about interrogation and interviews, detention facility participation, command and control, SSEs, convoys and movement, task organization of FBI units, FBI mission purpose and objectives, other FBI investigative support, and clothing and equipment.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent stated the following: I observed no aggressive treatment, interrogations, or interview techniques on Guantanamo detainees which was not consistent with Bureau [FBI] interview policy or guidelines. If I had, I would have reported such abuse immediately. Most detainees I interviewed were asked by [me], or the other CITF interrogator how they were being treated. Their only complaints about their treatment concerned lack of mail/delay in mail, dental appointments not being made, not being allowed to grow their hair & beards to desired length, etc. The complaints concerning mail and dental appointments were followed up on by the investigators.

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This report by a DAIG Team interviewed 24 individuals and conducted 4 sensing sessions consisting of 23 Soldiers. All Soldiers interviewed and sensed were given surveys to assess factors associated with combat stress. The inspection took place over a 4 day period, 5-8 April 2004. The soldiers interviewed either led or participated in detainee interrogations. This report was conducted in accordance with the Secretary of the Army's directive to uncover the extent of detainee abuse and mistreatment while in U.S. custody. The investigators interviewed soldiers as to what knowledge, if any, they had regarding detainee maltreatment or abuse. Several soldiers related incidents where they witnessed detainee abuse and reported that abuse up the chain-of-command. If a detainee appeared to have been abused, the soldier would document the incident, and a picture would be taken of the detainee’s injuries. This report is extensive and interviews numerous soldiers and their commanders

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Memo of telephonic interview of an Iraqi Survey Group (ISG) Debriefer. Memo notes that all ISG debriefings were conducted without use of coercive methods.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator for a total of two months at Guantanamo, reports that s/he "did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees."

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Memo from the U.S. Marine Corps., First Marine Division explaining the new changes to "Ref (a)" of the 1st Marine Division Detainee Standard Operating Procedure.

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Memo from FBI agent to the file. Contents completely redacted

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the detention and interrogation of detainee Mohameou Ould Slahi. The document is heavily redacted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent touring through Guantanamo stated the following: "I did not personally observe aggressive treatment of detainees. I am aware however, that detainees could be identified to be placed on a list for a specific interrogation technique involving interruption of sleep pattern called [the] "frequent flyer program”.

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Memo of a conversation between an unknown interviewee and [redacted]. In the memo, the interviewee discusses methods used to get detainees to talk. Interviewee explained that detainees are captured, blindfolded, yelled at, pushed, in order to leave them in a state of fear. The interviewee explains during the conversation what he suggested to [redacted], "I told him that the guards should appear as though they could be harsh, abrasive and ... I used some extremely harsh words to describe the level of fear that the prisoner should feel. I told him that this fear, the guards, this place all come together to create a harsh environment and that this sets the stage for the interrogator. I told him that he should be the first friendly face the prisoner sees, and that the prisoner will want to talk to relieve his fear. I suggested he have someone take some pictures of what seemed to be guards being rough with prisoners, so he could use them to scare the prisoners."

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Discusses Army Inspector General's office's assessment of procedures relating to detainee processing. Comments on issues and makes recommendations.

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Memo contains statements from an interviewee interviewed with [redacted] on June 4, 2004. Stated that from September 2003 to March 2004 they served as C2X of CJTF-7, Command and Control Exercise of the Combined Joint Task Force 7 in Iraq. States in the memo that he/she replaced MG Fast as the president of the Article 78 Board (Security Internee and Review Board). In the memo, also describes logistical aspects of screening detainees and the workings of the Article 78 Board. Memo notes that the interviewee did not submit a sworn statement.

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Cable from Savannah Information Technology Center reporting the results of the FBI's request for names of detainees who are being considered for repatriation.

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These guidelines, issued by George Tenet, detail permissible interrogation techniques (including EITs), medical and psychological personnel who must be present, interrogation personnel, approvals required, and recordkeeping requirements.

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FBI Memo re: To document the background, plan and objectives for the scheduled deployment of FBI personnel to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and to request CTD approval of the documented travel; Identify, acquire and install the technology necessary to implement the captioned collection plan at Guantanamo.

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A summary of a FBI interview of a detainee being held at Camp X-Ray about the conditions of confinement in the camp.  During the interview, the detainee stated that Military Police "have been mistreating the detainees by pushing them around and throwing their waste bucket to them in the cell, sometimes with waste still in the bucket and kicking the Koran." He added that "in the Muslim culture, people do not get dressed, shower or use the bathroom in front of others; however, they are being forced to do so."  The detainee also made several statements related to the unrest of other detainees being held at Guantanamo.

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An FBI memo from Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) personnel at Guantanamo to Commanding General Geoffrey Miller. Contents of the memo are completely redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The purpose of the memo was to provide updated information on the courts-martial involving allegations of abuse against detainees near the Samarra Bridge in the Tigris River. Describes incidents in which one Iraqi detainee drowned, and another was assaulted. States that court-martial charges were given against those involved in the matter, which occurred in Samarra.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the mission overview of the FBI-Afghanistan Detachment based on the CTD Afghanistan Assessment Team (AAT) findings. The memorandum also includes information on detainee interviews and support of the Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell.

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Memo concerning a meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross with General Miller re; Guantanamo Detainees. Contents redacted.

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Minutes of January 3, 2003 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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This DOD memorandum establishes the interrogation and counter-resistance policy for security internees under the control of CJTF-7. The memo outlines various interrogation approaches when dealing with security internees.

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Counterterrorism Division Briefing, FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC on 07/26/2002 for Pasquale D'Amuro and his staff

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 21 Dec 02. Heavily redacted document. The only visible line states "The detainee ate a complete meal and drank an entire bottle of water...The detainee was taken to the latrine and exercised".

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State Department talking points memo on the status of Guantanamo detainees as Unlawful Combatants vs. Prisoners of War (POWs). The memo cites the Geneva Convention's POW requirements that POWs wear a uniform with a distinctive insignia, that they adhere to military standards, including rate, rank and Chain-of-Command, and the combatant conforms to the Law of War to be afforded POW status. The memo also states that regardless of the POW or Unlawful Combatant status of the detainee(s), all detainees are being treated humanely and in consistent with the basic standards of the Geneva Convention, i.e. medical treatment, food, clothing and visitation by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC).

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Detainee interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. Detainee was asked about his time in Afghanistan to which he "denied using any weapons while in Afghanistan. He recanted his earlier statements that he fired an assault rifle once while in Afghanistan, saying the original statement was coerced, and he continued to provide that statement so as not to change his original story".

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Commander of the Kandahar Detention Facility concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The memo, sent via fax, is for the production of records concerning tracking detainees at Abu Ghraib. The memo states "The Change Sheets arc filled out whenever a detainee is moved from one location in the facility to another, the moves are then annotated on the Change Sheets. There are so many generated that they are destroyed when completely full. There are no Change Sheets available during the time frame of 15 July 2003 and 31 January 2004."

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US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) paper on how training has changed since release of Abu Ghraib pictures. Training guidance was changed to incorporate specific training of Geneva Conventions, Law of War, and reporting violations on Law of War.

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Discusses accomplishment information from Guantanamo, includes training issues, contacts and meetings and summary of consultations.

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November 25, 2002 meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any "improper treatment" of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Redacted certification sheet used in CIA interrogation training. [OIG Remand Vaughn #Other-93]

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Orgun-E Military Intelligence Detention Facility Interrogator concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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This memo is a synopsis of an investigation in to an allegation of abuse of a detainee. The abuse was reported to have occurred at the Bagram Collection Point (BCP) between April 7, 2002 and February 7, 2003. The investigator was not able to contact any personnel who had direct contact with the detainee in question, but they did review Military Police custody documents, interrogation reports, Interrogator notes, Criminal Investigation Task Force reports and medical records. None of these gave any credence to the detainee's allegation of abuse. The conclusion was that the detainee's claim could not be substantiated.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Draft Resolution on the Question of Arbitrary Detentions in the Area of the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo. Commission on Human Rights draft resolution requesting clarification on the living conditions and status of persons in detainment camps. Also requests a report to the High Commissioner.

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Describes investigation into alleged misconduct by an officer. Allegations include assault and threatening to kill a detainee. The officer was removed from command and subject to Article 32 investigation and hearing.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo bay. The detainee complained about treatment he has received for his leg injuries. He does not feel the Americans are giving him proper treatment for his injuries. He stated that he lied while in Bagram. He indicated he was in a lot of pain and both his legs were severely injured. He was not treated well by the guards and he was afraid if he told the truth, he would be treated worse. He wanted to receive medical treatment and he was afraid if he told the truth, the Americans would amputate his leg(s). When confronted with inconsistencies in his stories, he claimed to have said such things because he felt the interrogators would treat him better and give him his required medical treatment.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This heavily redacted message describes one instance (starting on August 4, 2002) of "the aggressive phase" of high value captive interrogation and recommends its use as a template for future interrogation. Nothing new has been disclosed since this document was last released.

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Memo instructing Lt. Gen. Schmidt to expand the AR 15-6 investigation to cover the allegations of abuse mentioned in two memos, dated December 12, 2004, and February 28, 2005, sent to BG Furlow.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing and taking part in no mistreatment or abuse of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a memorandum of understanding between the FBI and two redacted parties regarding the exchange of fingerprints and other biographical data for military detainees and known or suspected terrorists. The memorandum also outlines the procedures for management, comparison, reporting, and execution of fingerprint comparisons.

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Interrogation Rules of Engagement for the 205th MI Brigade, Iraq. Sets forth techniques for use on detainees, of which, including isolation for more than 30 days and the presence of military working dogs, requires the Commanding General's approval; 4 accompanying pages are unreadable.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army request for release of prisoner arrested and shot by mistake. States individual was transferred from military hospital as a detainee instead of being released. This is related to ACLU RDI 434; 435; 436; 437; & 4865.

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This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to remove the requirement for the original case files of Requests For Assistance (RFA) pertaining to allegations of the abuse of detained persons by U.S. military and contracted personnel or the death of a detained person to be forwarded to Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center. The new requirements for the forwarding of original case files pertaining to detainee abuse/death investigation are: Upon closure of any non-RFA CID Action, Tab in a RDF, Unfounded CID Report of Investigation (ROI), or CID ROI with an Unknown Subject pertaining to allegations of the abuse of detained persons by U.S. military and contracted personnel or the death of a detained person, the original case file, including any Agent's Notes, will be forwarded to Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center; and The original case file, including any Agent's Notes, of any previously closed Significant Data File, Target Analysis File, or ROI pertaining to allegations of the abuse of detained persons by U.S. military and contracted personnel or the death of a detained person will be forwarded immediately to Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center.

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This memo is a legal review of the Army Regulation 15-6 investigation into the death of Zaid Muhammed Tariq, an Iraqi national detainee. On August 22, 2003, at the "(Dakota) Detention Facility," officers found Mr. Tariq on the floor of his cell having convulsions. The officers called medics and attempted to stabilize him with water, oxygen and an IV, however, Mr. Tariq died upon arriving to the Kadamiya University Hospital. The autopsy report concluded that Mr. Tariq died of natural causes, heat stroke, with no evidence of criminal misconduct.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee states that he had been coerced during a prior interview to give untrue statements to investigators. No details given.

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A memorandum for the record from the Chief of Military Justice certifying that a printed copy of the Taguba report, provided to the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a true and accurate copy.  The memo also discusses typographical and administrative mistakes in the annexes of the report.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email Memo discussing the death of detainee Hamed Ali Mohaimed, a.k.a. Hamed Ali Mohamed, a detainee of the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib prison. Mr. Mohaimed reported to have been assaulted by an unknown number of detainees. No suspects were identified in the assault. Mr. Mohaimed sustained blunt force injuries to his head, face, neck, chest, right knee, and elbows resulting in fractured ribs on his left side, and fractured elbows. Mr. Mohaimed stopped breathing after arriving at the hospital. Efforts to save Mr. Mohaimed were unsuccessful. No US forces are suspected in his death.

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Detainee interviewed at Guantanamo. The detainee stated that had heard that "40-50 detainees intended to commit suicide after Ramadan ended because they were tired of being detained with no prospect of being released and they were tired of being mistreated by guards." He also stated that he never had any problems witht he Americans and when shown photos of Al Queda members he denied knowing them. He did say that "was not aware of anyone in the camp who had admitted to being associated with AL QAEDA, however, there were many detainees who were TALIBAN fighters". He concluded by saying that once he is released he would look for a job and try to marry.

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee commented to the investigators that he had not spoken to other interrogators in recent interviews, and that the investigators (in this interview) showed him respect and were kind to him. He said that other interrogators mistreated him and that he did not talk to them.

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Document fully redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOD memo on the military’s on the need to be sensitive and aware of the importance of preserving good relations with the local Afghani population and joint military persons while operating in Afghanistan. It stresses the need to maintain good order and discipline and to protect human rights. It also states that detainees will be treated with dignity and respect as well as spelling out what acts are prohibited behavior.

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Army memo stating that the proper safeguarding of detainees is the responsibility of capturing US forces and that US personnel are to adhear tot he Rules of Engagment.

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This DIA PowerPoint presentation details the DIA’s interaction with Iraqi prisoners and other detainees. The issue of contract interrogators; events at Camp Cropper; and Abu Ghraib are covered.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This Army operations report details a house raid in the Tahrir district of Baghdad. The report states "Conducted raid on home. Received small arms fire from roof as we were conducting the front door entry. Also received fire inside the building. Detained 3 individuals, all of which had weapons; one AK47, and one bolt action 1945 Mauser. Confiscated misc. documents, and the three weapons. No friendly casualties or damaged equipment.”

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A heavily redacted memorandum from the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence to the Deputy Director for Operations, the DCI Counterterrorist Center, and Senior Deputy General Counsel re the Interrogation of Abu Zabaydah.

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Memo discusses a request for a list of all medical personnel assigned to Combat Army Surgical Hospital (CASH) in AG.

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This Army memo details how to view and detain civilians and other types of detainees found in the theater of operations. The memo stresses that the civilian is to be treated humanely and that deadly force is not authorized unless the soldier is confronted with deadly force according tot he Rules of Engagement (ROE) for combat situations. Deadly force is not authorized for looters, nor are warning shots permitted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo stated the following: I did not observe any physically aggressive treatment of Guantanamo detainees. I will include the following: A detainee was led into an interview room by hooded MPs. The detainee was also hooded and the hood was removed by the MPs for the interview. This procedure was not under our direction. This happened on two (2) occasions. In an interview trailer, I observed an interview room with flickering lights and loud rock music coming through and under a door. I did not observe any individuals inside as the solid door was closed. I observed this only once.

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Memo discusses the result of the Office of Inspections special inquiry into abuse of detainees at Guantanamo after September 11, 2001. The office sent a survey to FBI employees who were assigned to Guantanamo after 9/11 requesting them to disclose any observations of detainee mistreatment/abuse. The memo states 26 of 434 employees responded to their inquiry; and of that 26, 9 were required to interview. Those names of those interviewed are listed in the memo, but their names are redacted. The result of the interviews can be summarized as follows: "[a]ll incidents observed by these employees involved outside entities, the majority of whom could not be identified. : None'of the incidents were similar in nature to those reported at the Abu Ghurayb Prison. Specifics regarding each reported incident are detailed in each of the enclosed FD- 302s:"

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This is a Memo from John Helgerson, the CIA Inspector General (IG) to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). The memo is intended to inform the DCIs that the OIG has completed an investigation regarding the death of Iraqi detainee Abid Hamad Mahawish Al-Mahalawi. The memo indicates that a final report detailing the OIG investigation will be provided to them.

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The document recommends one of three options for what to do with detainees: releasing detainees, transferring detainees for continued detention, or keeping detainees in US DOD controlled detention. While the document is heavily redacted, in general FBI agrees with DOD recommendations. However, in one instance it states: "FBI proposes that DOJ disagree with DOD's recommendation for transfer for continued detention and recommends continued detention in US DOD control until such time that all investigative avenues have been exhausted."

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This is a White House press release describing the treatment of detainees as humane and consistent with the Geneva Conventions. It states that all Guantanamo detainees are being provided: three meals a day that meet Muslim dietary laws; water; medical care; clothing; shoes; shelter; showers; soap; and toilet articles.

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This document contains an interview of a redacted subject on the death of Gul Rahman. The interviewee describes Rahman's behavior as a detainee and the events that happened after learning of Rahman's death.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who conducted interviews with detainees, reported observing and participating in no aggressive treatment of detainees or interviews not in compliance with FBI guidelines during her time at Guantanamo.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. After reading the agent's account Ms. Caproni states "No further interview [of the agent] necessary. Loud music and strobe light would be within the notion of "environment down" that is an approved technique for DOD. The Israeli flag, though obnoxious, doesn't seem to change the basic technique into one that would be unlawfully abusive".

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The document reiterates existing FBI policy that, "FBI personnel may not obtain statements during interrogations by the use of force, threats, physical abuse, threats of such abuse or severe physical conditions." It also states that abuses should be reported to the FBI on-scene commander.

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Army Memo re: April 10, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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This memo is a synopsis of an investigation in to a possible incident of detainee abuse at Guantanamo. The detainee became unruly during an interview and overturned a table and began to kick personnel in the room. The detainee was restrained with leg restraints and then returned to his cell. the detainee then complained to a medic of abuse shortly thereafter. The investigation consisted of interviewing the personnel; involved; reviewing records; and the physical exam did not reveal any signs of abuse. The investigation was concluded with the case being closed until new evidence arises to warrant it's reopening.

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This February 27, 2004 memo from James L. Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations to the Inspector General, discusses the success of the CIA's new counterterrorism detention and interrogation program, by providing detailed accounts of the use of enhanced interrogation techniques and the intelligence acquired as a result.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum from EAD John Pistole to the Counterterrorism Division, regarding the request of HVD-1's (Saddam Hussein) Interrogation Team to question the subject without reading him the Miranda rights, to videotape the interrogation, and to identify themselves only as from the U.S. government.

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Instructions for protecting detainees and soldiers from lice, ticks, etc.

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Responding to email concerning detainees. The memo author states they did not witness or participate in aggressive treatment, interrogations or interviews of military detainees at Guantanamo that was not consistent with FBI policy.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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An assessment team from the Behavioral Assessment Unit (BAU), Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), and the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) traveled to GTMO and conducted an on-site review. The document contains their assessment and recommendations. Contents heavily redacted.

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White House Press Release on the Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism. The memo/press release is broken in to sections that list: Findings; Definition and Policy; Orders and regulations that pertain to military commissions; and Additional Authorities of the Secretary of Defense.

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State Department memo concerning an upcoming meeting between President Bush and Russian President Putin. Ms. Jones comments are "State-drafted annotated version of the Camp David Action Checklist approved by President Bush and President Putin in September 2003. The document groups the 30 action items into three categories: accomplished, making progress, and little/no progress. It also provides a brief status update on each action item." The memo is otherwise completely redacted.

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Counterrorism Division Guantanamo Bay Inspection Special Inquiry Computer search page. No content.

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This is a CIA Routing Slip for the distribution of a October 25, 2005 letter from Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Ranking Member SASC, requesting a copy of the Inspector General report on its investigation of CIA personnel involvement in abuse of detainees. No content.

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Talking points on transfer of Russian detainees from Guantanamo and assurances from Russia. This memo covers potential questions and appropriate answers for dealing with the press when asked about the Russian detainees held at Guantanamo. The key points covered in the memo are: We are transferring seven Russian nationals from Guantanamo to the control of the Russian government for investigation and prosecution, as appropriate; The U.S. Government is working to transfer many of the detainees at Guantanamo to governments that are willing to accept responsibility for ensuring that the detainees will not pose a threat to the international community; and We have already transferred 6 detainees to foreign governments: 4 Saudis, 1 Spanish, and 1 Danish national. As recently announced, 5 UK nationals will be transferred in the near future. In addition, more than 80 individuals have been released from Guantanamo Bay.

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This NCIS memo summarizes six (6) separate investigations and one preliminary inquiry regarding the death or alleged mistreatment of enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs). Portions of the report are redacted in full, but the portions that are available are reports of incidents where soldiers mostly fabricated their accounts of abusing detainees or otherwise were incapable of carrying out the suspected acts or were otherwise not acts of abuse or mistreatment.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay This FBI agent stated that while they did not observe any detainee abuse they did notice that interview rooms "were kept pretty cold" and that the detainees were "kept in those rooms for extended periods of time".

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This is a collection of information related to detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib and the role of the reserve component of the Army.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees, nor any interrogations or interviews inconsistent with FBI policy/guidelines, during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memo indicating that the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is closing investigation. The memo refers to a March 15, 2001 letter sent to Senator Warren Rudman by General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, and two electronic communications between the Counterterrorism Division (CTD) and the OPR dated May 17, 2001 and June 21, 2001. It also refers to a reorganization in the CTD.

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A memo requesting that the Savannah Information Technology Center check the names of a list of detainees who are in consideration for repatriation as per a Department of Defense request.

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DOS Memo from Arthur E. Dewey to Sec. Powell requesting an meeting with ICRC President, Jakob Kellenberger on either May 27 or 28. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on key humanitarian issues relating to detainees in Iraq.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a Support Services Technician, reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This FBI memo is from Counter-terrorism to International Operations, Madrid. There is a reference to an enclosure (not attached).

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State Department Information Memo from Kim Holmes (IO) and Lorne Craner (DRL) to the Secretary re: UNCHR's 6/25 public statement calling for visit of detainees and grounds where detainees are held to ascertain whether international HR standards are being upheld. The laws and customs of war are are described as falling outside the mandate of the CHR.

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Telephonic interview of a Military Intelligence interrogator (Rank & Rate unknown) regarding detainee interrogations at Abu Ghraib prison. The MI Interrogator stated "I never placed any of my detainees on sleep deprivation. I did use a stress position, at first they did not have to be approved, but later they did. I believe I did request Isolation for one detainee. I do not remember who proved it. I believe the individual I requested Isolation for was already in isolation when I received his file, so I had to request to keep him in isolation." The MI officer went on to say "If you simply passed by the hallway by the isolation area you would not see the detainees naked. You had to go up to the cell to see that detainees were naked." Finally the MI officer stated "I never witness or was aware of any detainee abuse, photos or videos of detainee abuse or humiliation of detainees. I never aware of any or witnessed any detainee with women's underwear."

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CIA memo about a "Detainee Working Group" organized to coordinate the CIA's response to external inquiry concerning its "actual and alleged detention, debriefing, interrogation, and rendition practices." The memo lays out the working group's primary responsibilities and organizational structure. The memo is signed by George Tenet.

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Questions for an interrogator in preparation of his interview of a detainee who was assaulted during a helicopter transport. Detainee is unnamed and report not connected to any investigation. The memo states the purpose of the report was to follow-up on injuries received by a detainee after his capture. This appears to be different from ACLU RDI 1213.

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FBI memo providing the Washington Field Office with an update on an investigation of the 800th Military Police abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This Army Memo for the Record describes results of investigation in to the allegations that there were photos taken of John Walker Lindh, an American captured while fighting for the Taliban in Afghanistan, while he was bound, blindfold and with a sign hung over him reading "Shithead". The memo also addresses the deletion of photos because it might "embarrass the command." Notes 5th Special Forces group was not trained in detainee handling.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for In-Processing Medical Evaluation at the Detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who traveled to Guantanamo as "the initial Case Agent for Operation Midnight Sun," reported observing no treatment of detainees outside of FBI policy/guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Email states that on 6/1/04 SAC Kinnally authorized an investigation in to potential corruption case involving federal/public officials in the Executive Branch. The findings are to be reported to DOJ Attorney Patrick Sullivan.

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This March 2004 paper written by James Mitchell and John Jessen discusses the importance of knowing how human memory works for intelligence collection efforts. The paper also includes some interrogation and debriefing techniques to employ on detainees.

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Memo discussing how perishable the Change Sheets records are

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Hepatitus B Management at the Detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay.

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Army After Action Memo reviewing the operation and problems encountered to be overcome. The document is almost entirely redacted.

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Summary of a FBI interview of a detainee being held at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay about his affiliation with the Taliban/Al Qaeda. Mentioned that he was transferred to Camp X-ray from Kandahar. The detainee stated he had no ties to Taliban, that when captured he was fighting Jihad. Also, stated he could identify Taliban members he recognized in the camp. Stated that in retaliation to a guard kicking the Koran, some detainees were not talking.

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This memo is a report on the survey and investigation of commander’s understanding and training to his soldier the detainee operations procedures. The memo details the commander's instructions and preparation for accepting detainees and EPWs. It also explained the commander’s policy for transporting and releasing persons taken in to custody. The report found the commander was very involved in his BDE detainee operations. His guidance to his battalion commanders was when you conduct search and knock (cordon and search) do not take more individuals then you have to, reasons if you take more then you risk making more enemies.

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Summarizes allegations against an Army officer accused of assault and threatening to kill Iraqi detainee. Describes investigation and military justice process.

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FBI Memo from FBI Investigative Analyst who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The Agent states that he did not have any substantive contact with Military Police or other U.S. government personnel at Guantanamo regarding detainee's condition or treatment, and no allegations of misconduct or mistreatment by U.S. personnel was formally brought to his attention by interviewees. He does recall hearing about a rumor, wherein a male detainee was purportedly dressed in female clothing, make-up applied and involuntarily given a lap dance by a female prison guard, either at the direction or personal performance of Military Interrogators. Related to ACLU RDI 4904.

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Describes two incidents of detainee abuse. One was assault and threat to kill a detainee. Second was assault by four soldiers from 320 battalion.

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An FBI agent assigned to Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay reported that he walked into a Camp Delta observation room and noticed a detainee in an interview room rubbing his leg due to possibly being placed in-a stress position. The detainee was wearing leg-irons and was handcuffed with cuffs chained to his waist. He was advised that the chains were adjusted to force the detainee to stand in a "baseball catcher" position. The agent also reports other suspicious incidents, but does not report direct knowledge of detainee abuse other then as contained herein.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document appears to be a manual for the First Marine Division, it offers procedural guidelines on how to handle detainees, from apprehension to release. Document also includes form pages, including "Detainee Personnel Record."

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This CIA memorandum states that Gul Rahman has refused to confirm his identity or provide information to interrogators. The memorandum requests assistance to apply "alternative psychological pressures" to move Rahman "toward a debriefing mode."

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Memo from Inspection to Counterterrorism re: Inquiry re Activities of FBI Personnel at Abu Ghraib Prison during Oct 2003 - December 2003. the memo states "Synopsis: Provid e summa of the results of 14 interviews conducted to date by the summary Inspect on Division in association with captioned inquiry." Contents redacted.

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This document is an internal memo sent to the FBI Director's Office from the Office of Inspections as a request for designation of the investigation into detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay as an INSD Special Inquiry. The document notes that out of 532 FBI employees or contractors who served at GTMO, only nine employees observed aggressive treatment, all of whom have been requested for an interview.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a community outreach specialist did not report observing or being aware of the use of any "improper treatment" of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo. In addition, this document contains an unredacted name: that of ASAC Kelly M. Darden, Jr., who is identified as having held a scheduled briefing.

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Contents redacted.

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Memorandum from the FBI that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board on March 30, 2004. The FBI's repatriation evaluations are included. Contents of the memo are redacted.

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Routing and record sheet concerning a request for documents.

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Army memo on how staff at Guantanamo hospital are to secure detainee medical and dental records. It states: i) At no time will active Detainee medical/dental records leave the custody of Detention Medical staff; ii) All dental records will be kept in the Detention Hospital Dental Clinic; iii) for Detainees admitted to Delta Block, these medical records will remain stored at the Delta Block; and iv) A complete inventory of all medical/dental records will be conducted by the OIC or the JMG. Other policies also apply.

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Memorandum from the FBI to the DOJ providing the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. Contents of the memo are redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent was an interviewer and reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, after conducting interviews and interrogations of detainees in conjunction with members of the Criminal Investigative Task Force, reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo re: Questionaire to FBI Agents Concerning Activities at Guantanamo.

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Executive Summary discussing the U.S. Southern Command's request to use additional interrogation techniques. On April 16, 2003, the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, approved the following techniques: change of scenery down, which was described as returning the detainee to a less desirable setting (e.g. Camp Delta to Camp X-Ray); dietary manipulation (giving detainees meals ready-to-eat (MREs); environmental manipulation (which is described as creating mild discomfort, such as temperature adjustment); sleep adjustment (which is described as reversing sleep cycles to keep the detainee off-balance, but it is not sleep deprivation); and false flag (which is described as role playing by interrogators, whereby they pretend to be citizens of another country). The following techniques required prior notice to the Secretary of Defense: isolation for periods of up to 30 days. ego down, removal of incentive and mutt and jeff.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This February 1, 2003 memo from James Mitchell sets forth his relevant experience and qualifications for providing "psychological consultation to interrogation programs".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who worked as a language specialist at Guantanamo, reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, an Arabic Language Specialist, reported observing no aggressive treatment during his time at Guantanamo.

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This memo is designed to inform and instruct members of the 1st Force Service Support Group on the collection and handling of Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and other Detainees. The memo includes the Geneva Convention and supporting documents to understand the law of war.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reports that s/he did not witness any detainee abuse during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who worked as an interviewing agent at Guantanamo, reports that he did not witness any detainee abuse during his time at Guantanamo.

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This CIA memo provides guidelines on interrogations of detainees, Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. The memo is divided into the following sections: 1) Permissible Interrogation Techniques; 2) Medical and Psychological Personnel; 3) Interrogation Personnel; 4) Approvals Required; and 5) Recordkeeping. Under Enhanced Techniques it states that "Enhanced Techniques are techniques that do incorporate physical or psychological pressure beyond Standard Techniques. The use of each specific Enhanced Technique must be approved by Headquarters in advance, and may be employed only by approved interrogators for use with the specific detainee, with appropriate medical and psychological participation the process." and "Whenever feasible, advance approval is required for the use- of Standard Techniques by an interrogation team."

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Document summarizes and lists the recommendations made in the Jones-Fay Report. Included in the memo is a request for further investigation into CID case 0216-03-CID259-61211, an alleged sexual assault of a female detainee.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Soldiers of Gereshk Collection Point concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. The memo has the questions asked and a synopsis of the answers given. No individual soldier is identified as answering any of the questions.

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CIA summary of 60 Minutes program on detainee abuse in Iraq. The summary details the program's review of the released Abu Ghraib photos and some of the U.S. army officials involved in the scandal.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any aggressive techniques or detainee mistreatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Reprimands for members of the 800th Military Police Battalion for violations and infractions of violations and unprofessional conduct. The reprimands include an officer having inappropriate relationships with junior female soldiers; a soldier consuming alcoholic beverages; fraternizing with drinking colleagues; lack of leadership in preventing escapes; lack of leadership and failure in training on proper weapons as demonstrated by subordinate soldier negligently discharging an M-16 round while exiting his vehicle, rendering the vehicle inoperable.

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Memo outlines standard operating procedure for detention facilities, including treatment of detainees with dignity, proper filing of paperwork, staffing, use of minimum force necessary, feeding schedules, uniforms, medical treatment, special detainee privileges, and special procedures for female and underage detainees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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FBI Repatriation Evaluation. Notes under heading "Investigative Summary" and "Interview Summary" entirely redacted. FBI "concurs with the DOD's recommendation of release and recommends transfer to continued detention."

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Summarizes detainee death and abuse cases in Iraq, AbuGharib, Ft. Meade. Of 40 deaths, it mentions 5 homicides and 17 death investigations still pending, 114 assault investigations including 6 sexual assaults. Summarizes 91 command dispositions, including 37 Article 15 and 32 court martials, and 4 cases referred to trial.

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Memo summarizing request from the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) to meet and discuss the treatment of detainees and other humanitarian concerns. Recommends meeting in mid-January.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Detention Hospital, Delta Clinic, Delta Block re: Multi-Dose Vials

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about his involvment in Al-Qaeda terrorist training camps. He denied any involvment. He then began complaining about the conditions in the camp and the treatment of the prisoners. He also complained that the medical care is no good. He stated that he had a small cavity, and instead of the Dentist filling it, the Dentist pulled the tooth. He also showed the interviewers a rash on his neck. He stated that instead of trying to determine the cause of the rash, the Doctor's kept giving him different creams to put on his neck.

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The Memo states: During the periods noted above, (04/30/2002 to 05/30/2002; and 07/17/2002 to 08/17/2002) the writer of the memo interrogated a great many of the detainees at GTMO. These Interrogations were conducted jointly with US military intelligence officers. At no time did writer observe or was personally involved with any aggressive treatment of the detainees, and, in fact the opposite was noted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a photography specialist, reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who was tasked with interviewing detainees, reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo discusses an official's appointment to Investigating Officer for the purpose of conducting a formal investigation, pursuant to Army Regulation 15-6, into the circumstances surrounding the release of a civilian detainee from the Warhorse detention facility. The investigation seeks intel on what happened to the detainee after he was released to the custody a 588th Engineer Battalion member between November 22, 2003 and November 24, 2003.

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Memo from the Executive Secretariat summarizing different news and events taking place throughout the Middle East, January 17, 2002.

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This FBI memo concerns the activities of FBI personnel at Abu Ghraib prison from October 2003 to December 2003. The FBI conducted 15 interviews of military personnel, each being present at Abu Ghraib prison at some point during October 2003 & December 2003. Most persons interviewed said they were un-aware of abuse or misconduct. Descriptions of abuse include a detainee being “stripped naked, kept naked in his cell and subjected to sleep deprivation” and “roughed up” by the hands of American personnel who interviewed him. Another detainee said he saw a detainee spread eagle on a mattress on the floor and yelling and flailing. The memo is heavily redacted.

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This is a report form used by the U.S. Army to log and detail alleagtions of abuse. This report pertains to an allegation by one detainee that 6-7 other detainees have beaten him and accuse him of being a spy. The details are almost completely redacted.

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DOS Memo confirming a meeting with the ICRC on June 06.

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 This document contains the text of editorials and responses concerning the Patriot Act.

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Revised version of Army Regulation 190-8, Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees which implements Department of Defense Directive 2310.1 and establishes policies and planning guidance for the treatment, care, accountability, legal status and administrative procedures for Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees, Retained Persons, and Other Detainees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This heavily redacted memorandum contains comments from Medical Services on the Counterterrorism Detention and Investigation Program. The memorandum mentions OMS concerns about a conflict of interest in which the only individuals approved to apply EITs are also paid at a rate of $1,800 a day.

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The executive summary, dated May 5, 2004, contains a table listing Military Police officers from the 377th Military Police Company who were flagged for various offenses. The pending investigations concern the deaths of two Bagram detainees occurring sometime in December 2002. The executive summary, dated May 4, 2004, discusses the court martial charges of six Army Reserve Military Police officers. The officers were charged for detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib, including forcing detainees to publicly masturbate, assault and battery and taking photos of dead detainees. Also included is an executive summary discussing offenses committed by the 800th Military Police Brigade/372nd Military Police Company.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who reported to Guantanamo as an agent for the "Guantanamo Intel Project," reported observing no aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This Memo is fowarding Gen. Sanchez's September 14, 2003 memo (ACLU RDI 935) which states "this memo that the interpreters are civilians who are subject to the Geneva Conventions; the interrogation techniques are only for “security internees”; safeguards must be adhered to during interrogations; segregation of security internees is vital to observed; the interrogator must maintain control of the circumstances at all times; and “Nothing in [the] policy limits existing authority for maintenance of good order and discipline”.

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Summary of phone interview of a surgeon with the 28th Combat Army Surgical Hospital (CASH) concerning the medical support of Abu Ghraib prison. The interviewer sought and received a list of all PAs or doctors assigned to the CASH from mid-November to mid- December.

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Memo from Navy NCIS to Personnel Touring Through Guantanamo re: Guantanamo Procedures and Duties Upon Arrival, i.e. Upon arrival at GTMO, your on-ground NCAVC counterpart will introduce you to appropriate FBI, CITF, DHS, CTC, and other United States military personnel. You will also be indoctrinated into the "current" GTMO detainee interview process.

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Memo states that during a recent "welfare visit" a British citizen at Guantanamo informed UK officials that he was "hooded and physically abused" prior to transfer to Guantanamo. In response, the memo states that Paul Butler, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict, has requested Joint Staff investigate the allegations.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was interrogated on a number of occasions. When asked about his mental stated, he expressed that he was mentally exhausted and stressed. He stated that he supported the Taliban's position to fight the Northern Alliance troops. It is unclear from the redacted responses whether the detainee was also connected to Al Qaeda.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about four (4) men he previously identified, and the detainee stated that he was retracting all of his previous statements regarding these four (4) men. He said he made up the names and lied previously because he was under stress.

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Synopsis of memo: requested observations/recommendations of The National Center for the Analysis of Violent 'Crime (NCAVC) concerning the day-to-day operation of the GTMO Project.

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Memo of a telephonic interview with Military Intelligence Officer concerning statements made in his sworn statement. Interviewee stated his comments were rumors he overheard and did not believe those comments would be construed as first hand knowledge. Rumors included, detainees having sex, and videos of detainees were being made.

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This press guidance sets forth the rights of POWs under the Geneva convention.

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This FBI memo is a condensation of interview notes of a Saudi national captured on the battlefield in Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo. The Saudi was in Afghanistan during the time of the Taliban and when they fell he was captured. After being captured he claimed to have been a member of Al Qaeda, a "true Jihad" and specifically stated that he received training from Usama bin Laden himself. He stated that when the Americans began their attack on Afghanistan he stayed with the Afghan Taliban fighters and other foreign fighters in Afghanistan. He was brought to Mazur E' Sharif where he was held until a riot broke allowed him to escape. He was re-captured in December 2001; brought to Kandahar Airport for processing; and eventually to Guantanamo as an enemy combatant. This memo also states that he was visited by a delegation from Saudi Arabia while at Guantanamo.

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These notes are a synopsis of points the British government raised with Sec. State Powell concerning the living conditions of detainees at Guantanamo. The Notes detail talking points and matters covered in Sec. State Powell's response to the UK's inquiry; details why these UK citizens cannot be released despite requests from UK government; and reasons that detainees continue expressing a "willingness to participate in future terrorist operations". Also states that familial and consular visits are not allowed for security reasons.

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This paper written by James Mitchell and John Jessen discusses interrogation resistance techniques described in Al Qaeda training documents, how to recognize when these techniques are being employed, and strategies for developing countermeasures.

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A detainee at Guantanamo alleged abuse while in a detention facility in Afghanistan. This memo is a referral of that allegation.

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The document is a memorandum from the Department of Defense Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force - Arabian Peninsula (CJSOTF-AP) for all service members in the force, regarding proper detainee treatment.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Summary of comments made through media outlets by General Peter Schoomaker, General George Casey, Major General Geoffrey Miller, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, President George Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, General Peter Pace, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The index lists this document as: Memo for the Record dtd 21 Dec 02. Heavily redacted. Talks about medics taking vital signs of detainees. All normal, but "needed to drink water".

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding an urgent report about special jurisdiction matters in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The report includes information about pending investigations into the use of highly aggressive interrogation techniques against detainees at Guantanamo as observed by FBI agents.

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FBI Memo from Behavioral Science Consultation Team to Criminal Investigations Task Force (CITF) re: Behavioral Assessment of Security and Interview Strategies and Training at Guantanamo. Contents redacted.

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A draft psychological assessment of Abu Zubaydah faxed to John Yoo from the CIA.  The assessment provides background information ("for at least a decade, subject has lived and worked within an environment that has condoned, nurtured, intensified, and rewarded his radical beliefs"), and notes on his personality, "emotional/mental status/coping skills," "future worldview," motivations, primary strengths, and detention/interrogation. [OLC Vaughn Index #4]

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This heavily redacted message describes one instance (on August 4, 2002) of "the aggressive phase" of high value captive interrogation and recommends its use as a template for future interrogation.

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Memo states that the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) was to provide behavioral assistance to the ongoing intelligence gathering mission involving the Detainees being held at Guantanamo.

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Contains multiple EC's re: Fingerprinting, photographing and updating records to reflect detainees who were captured in Afghanistan at the Bagram Collection Point and repatriated or transferred to/from Guantanamo, including transfer to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Memo requests to enter military detainees with FBI numbers, into National Crime Information Center's Violent Gang and Terrorist Organisation File.

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The Department of the Army Memo explains that exhibits 19-25 are copies since originals were never received (likely lost or destroyed when convoys were hit by explosives).

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The memo states its purpose to be to request SAC authority to open captioned full field investigation in to accusations that officials of the Executive branch are engaged in public corruption. It provides enclosure(s): (1) original and (2) one copy of an opening LHM detailing captioned matter. Contents mostly redacted.

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The document is an internal FBI memorandum sent from the Counterterrorism Division to the Director's Office, regarding a request for FBI executive management to approve an Operations Order that details mission operations and requirements for proposed FBI Iraq theater missions.

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This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to clarify existing guidance concerning the initiation of reports of investigations regarding abuse of prisoners and detainees in deployed situations. Policy revision ALCID Memorandum 015-02, Chapter 4; 4-40 (d) Initiation of ROls in Deployment Situations directs that all allegations of criminal acts or war crimes committed by or against EPW/RP/CI/OD be reported to CID; all persons captured, detained, interned or otherwise held in US Armed Forces custody will be given humanitarian care and treatment from the moment they fall into the hands of the U.S. forces until final release.; inhumane treatment of EPW, CI, RP, and OD is prohibited and cannot be justified by the stress of combat or by deep provocation. All prisoners, detainees, and internees will receive humane treatment without regard to race, nationality, religion, political opinion, sex or other criteria.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that he was treated like a criminal. He stated that in prior interviews before Pakistani/U.S. authorities, he was coerced into lying and fabricated information. However, he was now willing to be honest because he was being interviewed by the DOJ. Also, he agreed to submit to a polygraph, but later retracted by saying it was against his religion.

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Defense Intelligence Agency PowerPoint presentation on guidelines for JITF-CT contract personnel when coming in to contact with detainees. This presentation discusses prohibited and acceptable types of interaction with detainees.

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The document is an internal FBI email regarding the attached draft JTF-GTMO Executive Summary related to the interrogations of ISN (Internment Serial Number) 063. The memorandum details the detainment and interrogation of Detainee Maad al Qahtani, ISN 063, including medical treatment, disciplinary actions, and allegations of abuse and subsequent investigations.

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FBI Letterhead Memo (LHM) in response to DoD (CITF) (RFA)- FBI agents' interview of an unnamed detainee who recalls being at the Qala-e-Jangi prison facility during the prison uprising against US Forces. Identified several individuals in the Kadahar photo book during the interview, including Osama Bin Laden. The unnamed detainee remembers two American prisoners; and being threatened by US soldiers to not be allowed to leave if either of the prisoners spoke an unidentified (redacted) language. Also, recalls being afraid to speak because guards would severely beat anyone who spoke. Additionally, recalls being scared and being shot/wounded during the uprising.

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FBI Memo re: Guantanamo Intel, Major Case 188. Describes role of FBI and CITF in dealing with captured armed Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters brought to GTMO (600, expecting more). FBI staffing has consisted of designated squad from Miami Division, rotation of CIRG personnel and experienced TDY personnel from various divisions (gives breakdown of FBI personnel). Describes BAU on-site review, and provides the conclusions of the review [redacted]. Memo ends with "FBI personnel are currently attending a one week training course at Fort Belvoir, Virginia prior to their deployment to GTMO."

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The document is the cover page of a memorandum, regarding Guantanamo intelligence and Major Case 188.

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In response to the canvass of FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay an inquiry regarding the treatment of military detainee’s treatment was instigated. An Information Technology Specialist (IT) reports that during his/her assignment in Guantanamo Bay he/she did not observe or participate in any aggressive treatment of detainees. He/she was assigned to Guantanamo Bay during the following periods: 04/16-18/2003

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This memo from Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Secretary of Defense, to the Attorney General and the directors of the CIA and FBI provides notes and talking points on the most dangerous enemy combatants detained at Guantanamo to provide to the press in a public briefing.

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Update on a CID investigation (number 0281-03-CID259-61236). Investigation has concluded that credible information exists to believe the detainee concerned committed murder. Directs that he be placed on "CID Hold" until further notice. Author's name is redacted. Note: refers to same investigation as ACLU-RDI 2528, but likely to a different detainee.

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This memorandum prepared for Steve Bradbury details intelligence the CIA obtained through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.

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Army Memo re: International Committee of the Red Cross Meeting with the Joint Detention Operations Group. Contents redacted.

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This memo is a synopsis of the Military Police investigation in to the incident at Guantanamo Hospital where detainee Mash Alawad Alhabiri began to spit and attempt to attack the MPs present and was subdued by an MP with a punch to the mouth, causing the detainee a bloody lip. The detainee's injuries were minor, and required no stiches.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is a memorandum from the chief of the Counterintelligence Evaluation Branch of the Counterespionage Group in the Counterintelligence Center about an interview conducted with John B. Jessen regarding the death of Gul Rahman.

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FBI memo detailing FBI agents experience and observations while touring Camp Delta, Guantanamo. This memo is related to ACLU RDI 4893, 4895 and 4896.

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Includes transfer to Bagram, Afghanistan; Russia; Denmark; Pakistan; Turkey; Iraq; Spain; Great Britain (names redacted, but repatriation/transfer status and related date provided).

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This heavily redacted memo contains notes from a meeting on specific interrogation techniques, including the waterboard, sleep deprivation, and water dousing, between DOJ attorneys, including Dan Levin and Steven Bradbury, and CIA personnel. Unredacted parts of the memo reveal specific questions the DOJ had for the CIA about the techniques.

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Interviewee was assigned to AG from mid-October to early February 2004. Interviewee stated that he once heard a detainee was raped by other detainees. Interviewee also stated that he heard rumors of abuse and discussions of 'MPs smoking' detainees. Interviewee stated he believed dogs could be used in interrogations when authorized by Commanding General. Observed one interrogation where dogs used to 'fear up' detainee. He was one of 3 high value detainees, captured with Hussein. "Based on the perceived value of these detainees, everyone received approval (one day approval) to use 'fear up' with the dogs. Interviewee recalled that the detainee was handcuffed to an I-bolt on the floor, with a sandbag over his head. He stated that the dogs were encouraged to bark.

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Documentation of Critical Incident Response Group/Behavioral Assessment Unit on-site assessment of the interview process at Guantanamo. Entire contents redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator (mail courier) reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This document is an Army Memo to establish procedures and Rules of Engagement (ROE) for the Sergeant of the Guard (SOG) and Guard Force assigned to the 2nd Brigade Holding Area (BHA). It states that the BHA NCOIC will: Maintain schedule for detainees; Pick up food and water for detainees on Mondays and Fridays; Maintain control of detainees; and Ensure laws and regulations are strictly enforced.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Medication Dispensing the Detainee Hospital at Guantanamo Bay.

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This memo from the CIA's Inspector General, John L. Helgerson, notifies members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives of investigations into the deaths of Manadal al-Jamaidi and Avid Hamad Mahawish Al-Malalawi in Iraq.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, a motor vehicle operator for a total of one month at Guantanamo, reports that s/he "did not observe any aggressive treatment of detainees."

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Lists Chapter 10s and Article 15s from Ft. Hood and Ft. Carson. The soldiers names have been redacted.

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Army Accident Claim Form re: Shooting and Detention of Iraqi Citizen. Woman claims her son, a night guard, was shot six times by Marines, and is now unable to work. This is related to ACLU RDI 434; 435; 436; 437; & 4865.

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USMC Investigation into incident of abuse where a superior officer ordered a subordinates to take a detainees’ money, strip them naked to their underwear and release them in their underwear. Some soldiers protested. Investigator recommends non-judicial punishment, followed by administrative separation processing through a Board of Inquiry.

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This email from an FBI agent describes what he observed when touring Guantanamo. The agent stated that he observed "two unknown interviewers from an unknown other government agency in an interview room sitting a detainee down on the floor in the center of an interview room, while rap type music was being played at a very high volume using a portable Radio/CD player, and while the interviewers smoked cigars and blew the smoke from these cigars towards the face of the detainee, and continuously laughed at the detainee". See ACLU RDI 4944 and ACLU RDI 4955.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the document identifies individual agents who were asked to give responses by the email but were never assigned to Guantanamo.

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FBI Memo: Describing interview with detainee, detainee is described as resistant and "allegedly destined for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

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November 19, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Advance Directives for Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

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Memo provides information from a June 19, 2004 interview of MG Miller. Stated that Fay interviewed Miller on 19 June 2004 and that Miller provided a statement which was recorded by [redacted]. Miller would not sign the statement and stated that "we would have to send him a set of questions he would provide answers to."

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Memo synopsis indicates that the memo discusses the CIRG/BAU's assessment of the interview process in GTMO. Also, it reads that the has a "Copy of a Letterhead Memorandum (LHM), suitable for dissemination to outside agencies" enclosed.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Infection Control at the Detainee Hospital at Guantanamo

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Detainee stated that the statments he made when captured in Afghanistan were un-true. He went on to state that he believed the Americans "interviewers are pigs and animals" and "if given the opportunity [he] would kill him". He concluded by saying that "Afghanistan will rise again and be muslim along with the entire world" and the "Taliban will return to power in Afghanistan".

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Almost entirely redacted document entitled "Proposal for an enhanced interrogation strategy in the War on Terrorism." [OIG Vaughn # Other-51]

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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This DOD memo is a list of talking points about the release of detainees; how they may be relocated by Al Qaeda and debriefed; and how to address press inquiries about the release of detainees. For this reason, the US Gov't will not make public the details of any movements or information on the transfer and release of detainees . Nor will the U.S. Gov't provide specific information on any individual detainee. Details set answers to questions that may be posed by journalists.

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This single page document is a list of maximum period of time to detain an Iraqi civilian for minor offenses. The document is undated.

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This memo discusses an official's appointment to Investigating Officer for the purpose of conducting a formal investigation, pursuant to Army Regulation 15-6, into the circumstances surrounding the capture and detention of three Iraqis (a man and his two sons). The appointed investigating officer determined that two of the three detainees who were captured on November 22, 2003 sustained significant trauma to the head after being detained by Alpha Company 588th Engineer Battalion officers. While in transport, handcuffed and sitting, two detainees were kicked/struck in the back of their heads by the soldier(s). Other injuries sustained by one or all of the detainees were an injury to the left eye, and cut on the lower left lip. The investigating officer recommended that the offending officers either receive a letter of reprimand, counseling on proper detainee handling and/or non-judicial punishment.

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The document sets for standard operating procedures for interrogation operations taking place at Guantanamo under the Joint Interrogation Group (JIG) of the Joint Task Force (JTF) Guantanamo Bay. It states that "[t]here is much you will be asked to do which is not in any of your prior training" and urges awareness of the "legal, political, strategic and moral issues that influence and affect how operations are conducted in this vital part of Operation Enduring Freedom." The SOP includes a code of conduct, detailed descriptions of the roles of various personnel, and guidelines on reporting information obtained through interrogation. And that "all Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Civilians conduct themselves in a manner that reflects well on the legal principles America is founded upon".

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A detainee at Guantanamo alleged that he was abused in Afghanistan and this memo is a follow-up on that allegation. It is also states that "timely notification of any indictment, conviction, or judgment involving defense contractors in order to effect admlnisiative remedies and/or parallel proceedings" should be reported back to the CITF office.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the document lists the name (redacted), title (supervisory special agent), and dates of deployment (2/9/03-3/28/03) of the agent in question, but does not indicate whether or not the agent witnessed any aggressive or abusive treatment of detainees or treatment that did not comply with FBI standards. However, the purpose of the document is listed as "to document a negative response" to the July 9 email.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Military Tribunals and Due Process for Terrorists, Insurgents, and Others Engaged in Subversive Activities. The memo covers the military tribunals that are to be used to try terrorists, insurgents, or civilians engaged in subversive activities. It compares the use of military tribunals in other countries and the criticism of those tribunals, the right of the public to have access to the proceedings, the sue process standards and right to appeal sentences, and the respect for the rule of law, the right to counsel, the Right to Presumption of Innocence, the Right to Confront Witnesses.

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Interviewee was an interrogator at AG. During his interview with MG Fay, he invoked his rights and the interview was halted because he disclosed that he interrogated a detainee in the nude, but the majority were clothed. He stated, "[t]he detainee was naked when the Tiger Team arrived at his cell." Saw other unclothed detainees as well. "The detainee had fashioned an empty 'Meals-Ready-to-Eat' (MRE) bag to cover his genital area. Someone on the interrogation team then instructed the inmate to raise [his] hand to his sides, and when he did so the bag fell to the floor exposing him."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his time at Guantanamo.

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Memo offers notes from a telephonic interview of [redacted] clarifying an earlier telephonic interview and sworn statement. In the interview, [redacted] states that he did not observe detainee abuse and/or nudity.

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Document created by CIA component that includes a discussion of enhanced interrogation techniques.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Discusses criminal investigation of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. Charges brought against soldiers involved are discussed and the memo states that action taken against entire chain of command.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was visably sick when interviewed, and remained so through out. Detainee stated that he had no connection to terrorism and knew nothing about the September 11, 2001 attacks other than what was later reported. He was then shown photos of men he identified as known to him, but denied knowing them as terrorists or any knowledge of their activities. He stated that the terrorist attackers should be punished for killing the innocent and insisted that he had not supported any criminal act in any way. He claimed that when he was first captured, he was tortured by those asking him questions. He had to stand up for five days straight and answer questions. He was also forced to strip naked and stand in front of a female interrogator. He maintained that that he did not know why he was imprisoned, that he had not committed any crimes and that he had just been trying to get home, and he missed his family.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent stated that s/he had nothing to report.

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Lengthy, but almost entirely redacted, document that apparently discusses the CIA’s detention and interrogation program for “high value targets.” The document provides some detail regarding the “standard” and “enhanced” interrogation techniques and claims that the CIA has used its program to elicit useful information.  [OIG Remand Vaughn #Other-29]

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Detainee began the interview by saying he was under stress because he had not heard from his family and did not know how they were doing. He went on to confirm the details of how and where he was capti\ured in Afghanistan. Detainee denied any knowledge of activites related to any other detainee at Camp Delta. Detainee requested the letter from his family be given to him.

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This document provides SECDEF guidance to assist in the execution of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It provides a list of 55 individuals on a Blacklist which is to be used to "help identify Iraqis who are to be apprehended and taken under US control if not engaged as legitimate military targets under applicable rules of engagement during hostilities."

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Emails between Patrick W. Kelley, John F. Curran, Valerie E. Caproni and Others re: Confidential memo from Colin L. Powell regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees with habeas corpus proceedings pending. The confidential memo from the Secretary of State was forwarded to the FBI from the DOJ-ODAG McAtamney regarding the transfer of GTMO detainees with pending habeas corpus proceedings.

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FBI Memo from FBI agent who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The Agent states that he did not observe or participate in any aggressive or inappropriate interviewing or techniques, however, he does recall hearing about a rumor, wherein a male detainee was purportedly dressed in female clothing, make-up applied and involuntarily given a lap dance by a female prison guard, either at the direction or personal performance of Military Interrogators. Related to ACLU RDI 4905.

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FBI agent who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo states he did not participate in, nor did he observe any FBI personnel conduct any interviews that were aggressive or inconsistent with FBI protocols. The memo states "did not witness or observe aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques utilized on GTMO detainees conducted by FBI or other law enforcement personnel which were not consistent with FBI or DOJ policy/guidelines, but did observe such behavior by non-law enforcement Department of Defense (DOD) personnel on at least two occasions. On these occasions the DOD personnel utilized sleep deprivation by playing load music for 16 hours at a time with four hours between sessions. He did however document that he was told of several incidents of sleep deprivation, light/sound overload and detainees being subjected to "lap dances" and being "Baptized" by an interrogator in Catholic Priest garb. This is related to ACLU RDI 4900.

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This is a Memo from John Helgerson, Inspector General (IG) to Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). The Memo states that the contents is a Final Report.

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First page of an FBI Memo entitled " GTMO-INTEL GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA OO:MIAMI MAJOR CASE 188".

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The document is a memorandum sent to Valerie Caproni that includes several attachments related to extraterritorial Miranda rights warnings.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported having no direct contact with detainees.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani, Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed apparently took their own lives by hanging while in their cells. The detainees apparently coordinated their suicides. All the dead detainees were previous "Hunger Strikers" at the facility. This Memo is Biographical information on the name, age, country of origin of three (3) detainees. Photographs of each detainee are redacted. Mr. Al Zahrani's suicide note stated "I have turned in my Koran so you would not insult it. Now I am turning in my body and sacred area so you would not insult it."

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FBI Memo from Behavioral Science Consultation Team to Deputy Commander, Criminal Investigations Task Force (CITF) re: Consultation at Guantanamo July 9-11, 2002. Contents redacted.

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Memo discusses an interviewees election to obtain a lawyer, thus "no questioning was initiated."

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Interview with detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee complained about being held at Guantanamo Bay for so many months. He said the "stress of being incarcerated for a long period of time, with no answers concerning his status has caused him mental anguish." He stated that he will not fight Jihad in any country upon his release from Cuba. he will only fight if he or other Muslims are attacked.

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Army Action Plan: Standard Operating Procedures for Detention Medical Interaction with Intelligence Gathering Operations

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee, when asked about his health stated he "was in good health", however he was bored with the food that he was receiving. Additionally, he requested that his Koran be taken from him. He indicated that he has memorized the entire book and does not want it in his cell. He stated that he does not want the book because the possibility of an (infidel) MP touching it exists if he has it in his cell. He then began to complain about the conditions at Camp Delta, stating that the new MP's with the 9/4 patch on their shoulders were mistreating the detainees. He stated that he was not allowed to talk to other detainees in his cell block by these MP's. The interview then turned to current events and the detainee stated that he believed Israel was responsible for the problems in the mid-east and stated that the Prophet Mohammed stated that "one day the Muslims will kill all the Jews in Palestine. All will be killed until even the trees that a Jew were to hide behind would talk and tell everyone that there was a Jew hiding behind him". The interview concluded with the detainee stating that he does not hate Americans or the US, but the US will be at war with Yemen, Iran and Syria before too long.

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The purpose of the memo is to lay out the effort to conduct a functional analysis of Detainee Operations using Doctrine, Operations, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities and to focus on the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) from capture and processing of a detainee at unit level through higher level collection points to the U.S. Military controlled detention facility. Finally the survey is to determine the standards for Army Forces charged with internment, enemy prisoner of war, detention operations and interrogation procedures

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that on one occasion, in Camp Delta, a U.S. soldier removed his prayer cap and threw it into the trash. Also, stated that while in Afghanistan, a U.S. Soldier violently kicked him in his jaw, which caused him to lose the filling in his tooth. Notes that both events were unprovoked.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, who worked as an interviewing agent at Guantanamo, reports that she did not witness any detainee abuse during her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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DOD memorandum referring accusations of abuse. The referral relates to a Guantanamo detainee's allegations that he was beaten while in custody in Afghanistan. Attached is a summary of an interview with the detainee.

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Memorandum from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Counterterrorism division in Afghanistan. The memorandum describes a meeting at the United States Embassy in Kabul, held by the Ambassador at Large for the United States Commission on War Crimes, Pierre Richard Prosper, and attended by FBI agents and an unidentified representative from the Department of Defense. The meeting was regarding the transfer of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. Prosper acknowledged that some prisoners at Guantanamo would be moved to a location in Afghanistan and that others would be returned to their home countries. The meeting also addressed moving prisoners from the Sheberghan prison to Pol-I-charki and Italy's role in Afghan prison reform. This document is the same as document DOJFBI 0002 - 0003.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported that s/he "never observed any action which I would classify as overly aggressive treatment or mistreatment of the detainees."

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Evaluates 2LT [redacted] most favorably throughout his leadership in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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This is a memo for the record concerning obtaining an interview from a soldier under multiple lines if investigation in connection to the events at Abu Ghraib Prison. The memo states "SUBJECT: Procedure 15 Interview USAR; On 09 June, 2004 [redacted, soldier]’s attorney contacted me reference an interview we had requested of [the soldier]. [The attorney] stated that [the soldier] wanted to cooperate but that he would only do it if he was granted immunity. I relayed to [the attorney] that MG Fay did not have the authority to grant immunity and that he would have to get in touch with the Staff Judge Advocate in Baghdad. He also wanted to know what we would ask him if [the soldier] decided to speak to us. I told him that our focus was on military intelligence and that he did not have to answer all questions we ask. Mr. Sheldon stated that he would have to discuss this with {his client]. I told him we could see him at any time but that we needed to get it done soon. The latest would be on 14 June because we were trying to complete the repot. [The attorney] stated that he had to attend a hearing on Friday and that he would get back with me after he speaks to [his client]. I did not or have not heard from [the attorney].

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December 9, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated that prior to being turned over to the U.S. military, he was shot in the right shoulder by the "NA," tortured in various houses (four houses) and ordered to admit to being Al Qaeda and knowing Usama Bin Laden. He stated that upon this admission, he was provided medical attention; and was eventually turned over to the U.S. and traveled via plan to Kandahar.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document discusses the Joint Intelligence Interrogation Facility (JIIF) at Guantanamo and the various investigative agencies that are assisting in interviewing and building cases against detainees.

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Investigation related to corrupt federal public officials. Memo details that on June 1, 2004, "SAC Thomas G. Kinnally authorized Squad CR-15 to proceed with captioned investigation." Contents redacted.

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Memo states in part "Senior Interrogator, JIDC to obtain all logs concerning JIDC operations between 15 July 2003 and 31 January 2004. [A]dvised that no such logs existed."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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General Dunlavey's meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross: Minutes of October 29, 2003 Meeting. Contents redacted.

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This document is a CIA Memo drafted for the Deputy Director for Operations via the Associate Deputy Director for Operations/Counterintelligence. The previous release of this document (on June 13, 2016) included more redactions such as Bruce Jessen's name, significant details relating to the structure of the prison facility in Guantanamo, and the details of Gul Rahman's detention and death.

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Paper outlines answers to possible questions regarding the two recent deaths at Bagram detention facility. The deaths occurred on 12/03/2002 and 12/10/2002. Both bodies underwent autopsy performed by an international medical team.

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References documents that outline minimum standard of living for detainees, including the Geneva Conventions, Army Regulations, and Army Field Manual. Notes that Army Regulations do not address "temporary holding facilities of a capturing unit," and that the Field Manual "does not articulate the minimum standard a capturing unit must provide in the form of shelter or manner of detention, thus the standard must be relative to that of a forward collection point." States that "use of chains bolted to the floor as a means of securing detainees for a short period of time ... is acceptable," and that "securing detainees in a cement cell with dimensions of 4ft long, 3.10ft high and 1.5ft wide secured by a sliding metal door is acceptable for a short duration not exceeding 24 hours."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo from General Wooley from the Air Force Special Operations Command is to remind all Air Force personnel that all who come into contact with EPWs or detainees will strictly adhere to standards of behaviour contained in international and domestic law, military customs and US policy from the moment they come under control of US forces until release. Sets out guidelines of policies. Deatinees must be treated humanely. Not dated.

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This is a report of investigations conducted between June 11 - 18, 2004 on detention facilities and the training and accountability of the soldiers. The report finds that the facilities complied with Geneva Convention policies and except for minor recommendations on how to make the facilities better for use, the report is generally positive.

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This document is an updated interrogation Standard Operating Procedures for Camp Slayer, Iraq, updated in May 2004. It contains an interrogation code of conduct instructing interrogators to "treat detainees humanely," forbidding the hooding of detainees, authorizing the use of rewards during interrogations, and banning torture. It also contains some guidelines for the interrogation of high value detainees (HVDs).

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DoD Questionnaire: Questions for an Officer of the Deh Rahwod Detention Facility concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Memo provides information regarding the interview of an official. Official refused to sign her statement.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This DOD memo is to address allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib in the wake of news reports and features, i.e. Sixty Minutes II, The New York Times, and The New Yorker. It lists the events and action taken in response and specifically mentions units and individual persons who are being investigated and held to account for the abuse that occurred.

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This document is a response to an email sent on July 9, 2004 by Stephen McCraw to individuals who conducted an assignment at Guantanamo Bay requesting information concerning the treatment of detainees. This is a Response by the FBI's Investigative Technology/Electronic Surveillance Technology Section. The document indicates that contractor personnel installed, administered, and maintained systems at Guantanamo. It includes a redacted list of these personnel and their dates of service. It reports that these individuals had no personnel contact with detainees and that none of them observed any aggressive treatment of detainees.

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Army AR 15-6 investigation in to missing property belonging to Iraqis working as translators. The facts are that several translators working at the Division of Civil Military Operations Center were detained in a raid. They were held for seven (7) days and released. Several of the translators complained that their personal property was never returned to them. The investigation found that there was no evidence of a specific person's wrongdoing, rather a series of events, combined with sloppy record keeping and inexperience in such matters, led to the property going missing.

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The document's synopsis reads: "To document information concerning the impersonation by DOD interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba who represented themselves as officials of the FBI and US State Department." Contents redacted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The agent stated the following "During [my] second deployment, 07/17/2003 to 09/02/2003, I observed a detainee being exposed to loud music and a strobe light during an interrogation. I do not recall the date that this took place, the detainee's name, or who was interrogating the detainee. I saw what was going on at approximately 10:00 am and I believe the detainee was referred to as the prison man due to his knowledge of chemical [and] biological weapons."

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Almost entirely redacted document entitled "Proposal for an enhanced interrogation strategy in the War on Terrorism." The only page which is not entirely redacted is an outline of the team responsible for Abu Zubaydah's interrogation.

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A memo providing the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Contents mostly redacted.

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A redacted March 4, 2004 non-legal memo from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). This paper "responds to an OSD request" seeking to enumerate the implications of releasing "Lieutenant General (Doctor Engineer)" Amir Hamudi Hasan Al-Sadi from U.S. custody.

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Memo discusses a follow-up to a statement previously given by [redacted]. The interviewee recalled in late October [redacted] requested to interrogate a detainee naked. Stated that [redacted] sought approval from [redacted].

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Updates and supplements information paper prepared to provide information on CID investigations into allegations of abuse committed against detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan who are/were in US custody and the known disposition of cases following command action. As of date of this information paper, there were 13 investigations into questionable detainee deaths; 8 investigations into detainee abuse. Paper gives details of these investigations.

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This memo issueing a reprimand for Obstruction of Justice is issued to a Major for his wrongfully impeding criminal investigation into drowning death of an Iraqi citizen in an incident know as the Tigris River Incident, Samarra, Iraq, January 3, 2004 contained in CID Report 0011-04-CID469-79630.

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FBI memo from interviewing FBI agents who toured through Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray and the Naval Brig at Guantanamo. The agents stated that they witnessed several acts of abuse and the memo provides their accounts in detail. Memo notes the techniques described are inconsistent with FBI/DOJ policy on interviews and interrogations. Handwritten notes of visit in ACLU RDI 4895 and email ACLU RDI 4896 and ACLU RDI 4897.

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Standard Operating Procedures for detention of civilians, including rules of who may be detained, proper handling of detainees, transfer and property seizure.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about his affiliation with the Taliban/Al Qaeda. The detainee stated that he "did not use anti-American rhetoric in his lectures." Also stated that in Bagram, he was forced to strip naked in front of others, which caused him distress.

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Instructions on how to handle Abu Ghraib investigation on a public relations level. Primary message is that abuses at Abu Ghraib was committed by a "small group of soldiers and civilian contractors who apparently failed to respect the dignity of those in their custody" Statement also explains that, "The abuses ocurred in a dangerous place where young men and women faced hazards that many people cannot comprehend. Abuses, even under these conditions, are not excusable".

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This is an internal FBI memo listing the current cases and status. Heavily redacted.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent touring through Guantanamo stated he observed a detainee alone in a room that appeared to be "very warm". The agent then stated the next day he observed the same detainee in the same room, but this time the room temperature appeared to be "low" no other observation was made.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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A memo from Secretary Rumsfeld approving a set of interrogation techniques, including some that it admits may be "inconsistent with" provisions of the Geneva Conventions.  The techniques include "Pride and Ego Down," "False Flag," "Dietary Manipulation," and "Sleep Adjustment."

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Army Memo: Summary of Items Exempt from madatory Disclosure

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This memo is in conjunction with the Combatant Status Review Tribunal Decision Report Enclosure 1 on the status of a detainee as an Enemy Combatant. The report states that: i) The tribunal was properly convened and constituted; ii) the detainee was properly notified of the Tribunal process and affirmatively declined; iii) the tribunal complied with tits formative authority and mission; and iv) the detainee's Personal Representative was given the opportunity to review the record of proceedings and did not submit comments to the Tribunal. The recommendation of the Tribunal is encouraged to be approved and accepted by the reviewing JAG officer reviewing the matter.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Entire contents redacted.

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Memo discusses the identifying of a Military Police Captain who reportedly assaulted an Iraqi detainee. Interviewee reported that he/she observed [redacted] choking, dragging, kicking an Iraqi detainee on or about November 24, 2003. At the time, [redacted] was in civilian clothing. Subsequent to the event, interviewee saw [redacted] in a full uniform. Interviewee was able to ID [redacted] upon viewing photos of him.

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The document responds to a request for name-checks of detainees who are being considered for repatriation. The memo references a spreadsheet with the names of all those located at Guantanamo Bay (spreadsheet not provided).

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General Ennis is recommending that a soldier receive a reprimand in his file at his Local Unit File “for a period of three years or until his departure from your general court-martial jurisdiction. Whichever is sooner”. There is no indication as to who the soldier is or the offence that was committed.

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Memo from CIRG NCAVC/Behavioral Analysis Unit-East to Counter terrorism- Miami. The Memo discusses/summarizes an SSA's contribution to interviews conducted while temporarily assigned to Guantanamo. Contributions included, interview strategies and post-interview consultations. Contents redacted.

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State Department memo is a press guidance/talking points from the DOS discussing the reasons why the U.S. will not release the ICRC's report on the treatment of Guantanamo detainees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 20 Dec 02. The document goes over the times the detainee was being offered water (refusing it); going to the latrine; medical check-ups and being exercised. It states detainee stated that the Saudi government could prove that his passport was obtained legally". It continues "Detainee states in English he is on strike from food and water. Detainee taken to bathroom and walked". And "O.K. Conversation continued about topics such as music, dancing, history of the Koran, history of Bible, and Arabian history. Detainee was ignorant of historical events outside of the geographic region of the Arabian Peninsula".

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Army Information Paper re: Detainee Operations and 60 Minutes profile of Detainee Abuse at Abu Ghraib Prison. This paper is a chronology of events surrounding the detainee operations and reminder of Army values and the expectations senior command has for each soldier, including adherence to the Geneva Convention and the Laws of War.

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White House memo from Alberto R. Gonzalez, Counsel to the President, concerning detention Issues in the War on Terrorism.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about the exploitation of an American soldier's grave-site, a 12/21/2004 attack by the Ansar al Sunnah Army in Mosul, and a summary of weekly IED and VBIED attacks.

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DOS Memo from William H. Taft to Secretary of State Powell re: Photographing POWs and the Geneva Conventions. Summary redacted. Discussion explores the US position on photographing and/or releasing photographs of POWs.

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This Army memo by a Chief Warrant Officer is regarding capture of person during Operation Reindeer Games, who was later released because he worked for an NGO.

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Memo from CIRG NCAVC/Behavioral Analysis Unit-West to Counter terrorism- Miami. FBI personnel temporarily assigned to Guantanamo detail their activities and observations. Provided in the memo is a summary of the training received during their weeks, the memo states that a training session was held every Friday afternoon for FBI and CITF personnel. The memo then provides a summary of consultations, and an explanation of the interview assistance process. The memo also discusses contacts and meetings that were attended. [Contents redacted].

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing the use of any "improper treatment" of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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This First Annex to Major General Antonio M. Taguba's Report in to the allegations of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison focuses on the psychological factors contributing to the abuse of detainees at the prison. The assessment cites a number of potential factors including the immersion of soldiers into Islamic culture, which many were encountering for the first time; the lack of proper training and supervision and the failure to respond to recommendations of corrective actions, failure of leaders to accept responsibility; and the pervasive nature of detainee abuse. The assessment notes three abuse incidents on August 23, 2003, October 28-29, 2003 and November 8 and 24, 2003.

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FBI memo describing the activities and observations of various FBI agents who toured a detainee detention facility. The Memo notes that the FBI agents did not observe prison activities that were different or inconsistant with the treatment of prisioners at US prisons. The memo also note the FBI agents did not observe any prisoner abuse.

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Content entirely redacted.

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The memo is completely redacted. The only information that appears refers to: SA [redacted] FBIHQ/Terrorist Financing Operations Section (TFOS) 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Room 4913 Washington, D.C. 20535 Tel no: 202/324 [redacted]

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This interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee states "the United States has an 'oppressive Government' because the Government is responsible for killing Muslims by indiscriminately 'bombing civilians."' He was advised by the interviewing agents as to why the United States Military conducted these "bombing" missions in Afghanistan (AF) and as a result of the missions, loss of life (Muslims) occurred.' The detainee then said that "he does not agree with the freedom of religion, stating the only true religion in Islam as described by the Quaran. The detainee then said "the Holy Bible used by Christians, has been "modified" and contains numerous 'mistakes.'" When asked about Afghanistan the detainee stated that "during his tour in AF, he had never observed any act that could be construed as a war crime, however, he has heard of the "container's" that were used by the Northern Alliance to house their prisoners."

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This document is a memorandum alerting Toni Fogle of the FBI's Internal Affairs Division of an investigation into the death of a detainee, Haji Sher Mohammad, and requesting to interview a special agent who administered a gunshot residue test to another detainee while Mr. Mohammed was confined at the Salerno Firebase.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases.

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Heavily redacted description of the interrogation of Al-Nashiri, nearly identical (if not in fact identical) to ACLU-RDI 4614, but with fewer redactions. [OIG Remand Vaughn #Email-196]

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FBI Memo re: Inexorable request country clearance concurrence for FBI personnel traveling to Afghanistan from 22 May through 28 May 2003. In response to a request from the US Department of State (DOS), the FBI will conduct an advance of the Sherberghan Prison Compound. The purpose of the advance will be to determine the steps necessary to properly screen 69 Sherberghan detainees identified as Taliban and/or Al-Qaeda.

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FBI Interview of an Afghan detainee interviewed at Guantanamo Bay. He complained of being mistreated by U.S. forces while in detention in Bagram, Afghanistan and during his transit to Camp Delta. He pointed to marks on his wrists that he claimed were caused by the shackles. He Further alleges that the guards beat him. Additionally, he claimed that he was upset by having to wear a hood while in transit, and that guards did not respond to a pain in his ear. While in transit he informed the translator of his ills and was told that a doctor would see him later. The Detainee maintained that he was a simple farmer and not involved with the Taliban and that he was arrested because of a feud with neighbors.

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee said that he is in good health, he is fed well, or at least as well as the other detainees, and the guards are treating him with respect. However, the detainee expressed concerns that his Muslim brothers were sent to isolation for breaking some Camp rules, and as an added punishment, they were forced to shave their beards. He indicated that many detainees are very angry about these brothers who were forced to shave their beards, and consider it as an attack on their religion. He said that other actions by camp guards have also angered the detainees, such as some guards making fun of them while they are praying and having their Qurans taken away as punishment for breaking rules. Although the guards no longer make fun of their prayers, and they do not take away their Qurans unless they are in isolation, the detainees still see these incidents as evidence their religion is being threatened. The detainee then stated that "does not believe killing innocents is right and says that the Quran forbids this. He added that God will judge everyone's actions in the end". He believes the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 was wrong. The interview then turned to the detainees activities in Afghanistan. The interviewers then told the detainee that they do not believe he was being truthful about his account of his activities in Afghanistan. The interviewers then gave an account of what they believe he did during his trip to Afghanistan [redacted]. The detainee denied knowing Usama bin Laden or being part of his activities. The interview then concluded.

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This memorandum states that an individual in custody after a raid is possibly Gul Rahman and that the station will work to make a positive identification.

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Memorandum providing the Assistant Attorney General's office with recommendations regarding detainees scheduled appear before the Transfer Review Board. The contents are heavily redacted.

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Email coordinating replacement investigators in Guantanamo. Text reads:"Det. [redacted] is scheduled to leave Guantanamo on 1/29/2003. SA [redacted] will be leaving on approximately 2/13/2003. For planning purposes, it is recommended that PENTTBOM team identify two investigators to arrive at Guantanamo by 2/10/2003 in order to continue their involvement with this special project."

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and releases. The report also includes information about the detonation of a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED).

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 20 Dec 02. The document goes over the times the detainee was being offered water (refusing it); going to the latrine; medical check-ups and being exercised. Heavily redacted. Talks about detainee health. "Historically his pulse rate is low, especially in the evenings".

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The index lists this document as: Memo for the Record dtd 17 July 03. The heavily redacted memo mentions the detainee's arrest in Mauritania in 2001 and eventual transfer to Bagram Air Force Base.

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FBI Interviewed the Special Agent regarding his assignment to Guantanamo Bay. The agent was assigned to Guantanamo Bay as an interrogator from June 2, 2003 to July 17, 2003. During that time, the interviewee occasionally observed DOD personnel use sleep deprivation as an interrogation technique; the interrogators would play loud music for sixteen hours at a time, with four hour breaks in between sessions. The interviewee recalled being asked by an unidentified DOD employee whether he used 'fear up' or 'family compassion' as a technique. Also, the interviewee recalled hearing numerous rumors that a female DOD interrogator gave a detainee a lap dance and that a DOD interrogator forced a detainee to listen to "satanic black metal music" for hours and baptized the detainee afterwards.

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DOD Memo on detainee interrogation guidelines advises that all personnel are to treat detainees humanely. Physical torture, corporal punishment and mental torture are not acceptable interrogation tactics; neither is withholding basic human needs; and no personnel will not participate in any interrogation that employs tactics inconsistent with or in violation of that policy. All personnel are under a duty to report such violations to the chain of command.

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This FBI memo describes the workgroup that brings together Behavioral Analysis Unit personnel in order to incorporate their skills and experience in to a practical guide for personnel involved in conducting interviews of Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists in the field and in controlled environments, such as Guantanamo. Focus on how the FBI can better elicit information from those involved in terrorist activities.

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This is an undated note from Jim Mitchell in which he proposes his ideas for "the broad features of the training program" and offers his and Bruce Jessen's help putting the training together and delivering it or helping to "craft the product". The vast majority of the note is redacted.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the writer reports that s/he "neither witnessed nor observed aggressive treatment, interrogations, or interview techniques of Guantanamo detainees."

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked if he liked Americans. He said "of course" in a sarcastic manner, and stated why wouldn't someone like someone who had treated him badly on the way to Guantanamo Bay and hit him. When asked about details regarding the hitting and if Americans had done so, he did not want to discuss the topic anymore. The detainee did state that upon leaving Guantanamo Bay he wants to go back to his home country and never leave again. He does not want to participate in jihad and wants to get married.

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Memo is a press guidance that discusses the State Department's release and withholding of documents/memos.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment inconsistent with FBI policy during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Army AR 15-6 Investigation in to the shooting of an un-armed Iraqi civilian at the Baqubah Airfield in Iraq. The Inquiry found that the soldier involved acted through "simple negligence" when handling a loaded pistol that accidently discharged and struck the Iraqi civilian in the lower back. The wounded civilian was medevac’d to 204th Medical Company and survived his wounds. The soldiers admitted the weapon was in a "Red" safety posture, and they did not know they were supposed to be at a different status.

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This is a memo for the handling and accountability of detainees in military custody. It takes the recommendations from the investigation of detainee abuse that occurred at Abu Ghraib prison and gives specific instructions and details on how enemy detainees are to be handled and cared for when in military custody.

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The document's synopsis reads: "To document information concerning the impersonation by DOD interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba who represented themselves as officials of the FBI in conjunction with interrogation techniques not endorsed by the FBI." The memo is significantly redacted.

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Contents Completely Redacted

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment of detainees during her time at Guantanamo.

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Summary of a FBI interview of a detainee being held at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay about his affiliation with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The detainee mentioned that he was transferred to Camp X-ray from Kandahar (stayed in Kandahar for 45 days before the transfer. During the interview, the detainee stated he had no ties to either organization and, in fact, he hated them. Also mentioned his opposition to Usama Bin Laden and Mullah Mohammad Omar. The detainee complained that he of being treated worse by the American military than the Taliban.

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Memo from General Miller re: Allegations of inhumane treatment of detainees. General Miller directs the interrogators at Guantanamo to cease the use of the "Fear-Up Harsh" interrogation; only DOD personnel may approve interrogation plans; Military Police may not participate in interrogations; and establish trust between contractors and military personnel. The incident in question involved a high valued detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo who was harshly interrogated. He was forced to perform "up's & Down's" which involve compulsive physical exercise of forced standing and sitting many times. He was also berated with threatening language and sexual touching by a female member of the interrogation team.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent reported observing no aggressive treatment during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Memorandum from the FBI Counterterrorism Unit and the Military Liaison and Detainee Unit sent internally to the FBI Counterterrorism Unit. The contents are entirely redacted.

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Investigation into incident where a detainee was shot & killed at FOB Ironhorse on 9/11/03. Medics had advised guards that detainees in isolation could get up and walk around to relieve discomfort and pain. An MP saw detainee touching concertina wire; did not give any verbal warning; and shot the detainee. The findings found that rhere are insufficient instructions for guards in performing their duties; There are no written SOPs or post instructions for guards; and the combination of loaded weapons within the confines of the detention facility and the inadequate number of guards are conducive to quick escalation of use of deadly force.

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The memo summarizes legal actions/reprimands taken against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse. Included in the memo is a list of about twenty soldiers from different locations, including Commanding General Janis L. Karpinski who was suspended from command. [ACLU-RDI 2254 is very similar in substance to this document, however, it is signed].

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A fax (sent January 15, 2005) from the CIA to the OLC of the December 2004 OMS Guidelines on Medical and Psychological Support to Detainee Rendition, Interrogation, and Detention. The document is heavily redacted but describes the enhanced interrogation techniques and the SERE program. The document relies on the August 2002 memo defining torture for its definition of mental harm, despite the fact that this definition was withdrawn by the 12/30/2004 OLC memo.  [OLC Vaughn Index #101]

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees inconsistent with FBI guidelines during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent, Inspector Leslie G. Wiser, reported that, during a briefing at Guantanamo, "[n]o aggressive treatment was observed and the briefing did not indicate aggressive treatment." Wiser, along with two other agents whose names are redacted, had traveled to Guantanamo "for the purpose of determining FBI investigative jurisdiction regarding alleged espionage activities by linguists and other personnel assigned to Camp Delta."

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Detainee interviewed at Guantanamo Bay. Detainee engaged in limited conversation, stating he would not answer any questions because he feels he has been mistreated. When asked how he has been mistreated, he replied he felt like an animal having to be moved in chains". The Interviewers noted to the detainee that his chains were removed once he was in the interview room. The interview noted end there.

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Investigation into three (3) instances of abuse: one in which a looter were stripped of his clothing and released from custody; another where an Iraqi was accidently shot; and a third in which a detainee was repeatedly hit in the head with a soccer ball. Investigator concludes that soldiers were guilty of committing abuse. The investigation resulted in the Sargent being stripped of his duties. The report includes sworn statements of soldiers.

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This Memo For The record is a condensed notation of an interview conducted of CACI Interrogator/Screener who was at Abu Ghraib prison on October 4, 2004. This interview was during the course of a 15-6 investigation relating to allegations of detainee abuse. The gentleman stated that he not specifically remember interviewing a particular detainee Mr. Abu Amar (a.k.a. Abdullah Yahia Yousf al Shabli); the detainee did not have an "apparent signs of physical abuse or mistreatment"; and that the gentleman did not find any complaints of detainee abuse in his review of Summary of Interrogation Reports (SIRs).

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Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The interview of was conducted in the detainee's cell, the detainee was fully shackled, sat on his bunk, and with two Military Policeman was just outside the open door. The purpose of the interviewers going to the cell of the detainee was to keep the promise to view his cell and conditions as a way to build trust and confidence in the interviewing agent. The Interviewers then offered some fresh fruit and trail mix to the detainee, which he (eventually) accepted. The detainee than repeated that he wants to talk with the interviewing team but is unable to do so while under the "mentally stressful conditions" he is currently under. The interview was then concluded.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Guantanamo Detainees Treatment and Status. Memo states i) all detainees are treated humanely; ii) they are given three (3) culturally appropriate meals a day; iii) International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to them; and iv) these are very dangerous people.

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This detainee was interviewed at Guantanamo Bay. The detainee engaged in limited conversation, stating he would not answer any questions because he feels he has been mistreated. When asked how he has been mistreated, [he] replied he felt like an animal having to be moved in chains. He did request legal counsel, at which point the interviewers explained that, "under his current conditions, he was not entitled to legal counsel."

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Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was asked about his conditions he stated that the guards at Camp Delta are not bad. Camp Delta is a prison and sometimes, the guards are "not good" with the detainees. That is okay. The food at Camp Delta is not good. When asked about his health, he said "good now", but sometimes he feels sick.

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Memorandum requesting Savannah ITC of the FBI to check for the real names and aliases of a list of Guantanamo detainees who are in consideration for repatriation. The Department of Defense originally requested the name check from the FBI.

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FBI Memo states that the FBI HQ received a phone call from an individual advising the Unit Chief that he had returned to the U.S. and the caller was under the impression that he may be wanted by the FBI for questioning. The memo is otherwise redacted.

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Memo from General Craddock to instructing Lt. Gen. Schmidt instructing him to to expand the AR 15-6 investigation to allegations of abuse involving a detainee whose name appears in an enclosure, and to make specific findings and recommendations with respect to the allegations of ill treatment made by that particular detainee that are new.

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State Department talking points on fielding questions concerning the detentiona and humane treatment of captured terrorists.

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This memo provided the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board.  Attached to the memo are FBI Repatriation Evaluations.  The contents of the memo are mostly redacted.

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DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Release of Photo of Guantanamo Detainees.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent "did not observe any aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on Guantanamo detaines that was not consistent with Bureau interview policies/guidelines."

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Training Guidance For Units Performing Internment and Detainment Operations: re Operation Iraqi Freedom. General and specific instruction on handling and managing detainees and the duties of US soldiers when performing such duties.

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Heavily redacted memorandum regarding a detainee. The memo mentions the detainee's arrest in Mauritania in 2001 and eventual transfer to Bagram Air Force Base.

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This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent touring through Guantanamo stated the following: "I did not personally observe aggressive treatment of detainees. I am aware however, that detainees could be identified to be placed on a list for a specific interrogation technique involving interruption of sleep pattern called [the] "frequent flyer program”.

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Army Memo re: Up-date on Article 32 Investigation of Officer Accused of Detainee Abuse

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A detainee at Guantanamo made an allegation of abuse during his detainment in a U.S. Controlled detention facility in Afghanistan and a US Navy Vessel. This memo is a referral of that allegation.

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Index of DOJ advice on interrogations, including OLC memos, letters, testimony.

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Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent did not report observing any aggressive treatment of detainees during his/her time at Guantanamo.

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Summary of CIA activities at the Abu Ghraib prison. A handwritten note marks the summary as "D/N Talking Points." Some of the bulleted paragraphs are redacted.

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