<p>Memorandum from the FBI that provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board ON March 30, 2004. The FBI's repatriation evaluations are included. Contents of the memorandum are redacted.</p>
SEC~T -/~I~)-ys- Memorandum /." • To Department of Justl.ce Ddle 05/12/2004 Offl.ce of Assl.stant Attorney General Patrl.ck Rowan From Federal Bureau of Invest~gatlon Counterterrorlsm Dl.V1S10ll Mllltary Llalso1 & Det allle'= Unlt I Gnlt Ch~eE . b6 -1 Subject REPATRIATION ISSUES b7C -1 The Mlll.tary Llalson & Detaln(~e Unlt, In an effort to aSslst the Assistant Attorney General IAAO) In hIS assessment of detaInees located at the U S. Nava' Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, IS provldlng thIS memo ln response to the Department of JustIce, OffIce of the AAG, request for FBI comments of detalnees to appear before the Transfer ReV1EW BOdrd. ~A check of FBI databas(!s dId not dlsclose any lnformatlon ldentlflable wlth the }ollowl.ng detalnees ln an ongOIng terrorl.sm or crlmlnal HIVe!;t 19atlon Thus, per DoD documentatIon, the FBI recommends nO,J concur with the following DoD recommendationR: Continued detention in u.s. DoD control: b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 Transfer for continued detentIon: b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 (U) The enclosed detaInee sUlnmarles outlIne the reasonlng behInd the above recommendatlons alld provlde the proposed lnvestlgatlve strategles. Questl.OllS regardIng any Informatlon provIded above UnIt ChIef! or ln the enclosedIat I !j\l!pWgry ShOJlld beI dIrected to b6 -1 b7C -1 ENCLOSURE r..L;~:sJiiilttJ a~ ~1tel.5"!9/ S:':B,! ;;j';1 ReA3C'ti, ~.;, (el lGl OeCLA.SS!!'Y OK: X 10-,2-2G21 DETAINEES-gOO 5ECR{r1,\ ~I~~F(.ifi.[{'~7IC=?~ ::ON~AI::'~KD H,.F.ErN H :IN'CL''';;SI,lBt: B:;::8 I': ClllI?R';; SllOIllN OTEI;:E;tHf.R Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justl.ce Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 05/10/2004 S~N()FJRN b6 -1 i : 1......_________---' b7C -1 1 -315N-HQ-C1406946-M RAG· rag sJCRir 2 f DETAINEES-901 ~tRET /\SE~INOFORN FBI RepatnatlOn EvaluatIOn b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 Interview Summary b6 -3,4,5 (below statements are self-reportmg and may lemam uncorroborated) b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 • b5 -1 I I I b6 -3,4,5 ~----------------------------------------------~--------~~I b7C -3,4,5 . b7D -1 b6 -3,4,5. r-------------------------------------------------------------~7F -1 b7C -3,4,5 1b5 -1 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 ~====================================================~b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b6 -3,4,5 r____________________________________________________________~7F -1 b7C -3,4,5. b5 -1 b7D -1 (S ) b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b1 b5 -1 • [I(S;:: ::' ~===================================================!~ b7F-1 b6 -3,4,5 (~f1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 NOIORN b6 -3,4,5 FBI RepatrIatIon EvaluatIOn b7C -3,4,5 • 1 ~~: :: b6 -3,4,5 • b7C -3,4,5 ==1==============================~Ib~~') b7D -1 b7F -1 bl b6 -3,4,5 b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 I~======================================;5-1 I b7C -3,4 b7D -1 1'----------'1 1 b7F -1 b5 -1 Investigative Summary • ~----------------------------------------------~-------b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 L:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~5 -1 r-Ib6 -3,4 __---1=======================================================;1-b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b5 -1 Investigative Effurts Taken ~I~~____________________________~_________IbS-l DETAINEES-903 SECREf~/NOFORN "" -4- SEC~ET ~N~'RN FBI RepatrIatIOn EvaluatIOn ~____________________________________________________________________--J~5 -1 Recommenda tion b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 Interview Summary (below statements are self-reportmg and may remam uncorroborated) • 6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 5 -1 • I b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 h5 -1 • I b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 DETAINEES-904 FBI ReoatnatlOIl EvaluatIon • b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 • b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 • b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 • b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 DETAINEES-90S • b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 DETAINEES-906 SECRET rf,'N"'ORN FBI RepatrIatIon EvaluatIon b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 L-______________________________________________________~b7D -1 b7F -1 --------------------------------------·----------------------------~b5 -1 Investigative Summary b5 -I" _ b7C-3,4,5 l~=======================================================fb6 " 7D -1 :ib7F -1 b5 -1 Investigative Efforts Taken b5 -1 Recommendation The FBI...x... concurs __ dIsagrees wIth DOD's recommendatIOn of Contmued DetentIon In US DoD Control and recommends --X-Continue DetentIOn In US DoD Control Release Transfer for Continued DetentIon Transfer for ProsecutIon DETAINEES-907 SECRET '7\1i ~(o" -RN FBI RepatnatlOn EvaluatIOn b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 Interview Summary (below statements are sell-reporting and may remam uncorroborated) b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 ~_____________________________________________________________,b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 • b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b6 -3,4,5 b5 -1 7F -1 b7C -3,4,5 • s -1 b7D -1 t ) h7F -1 hI b6 -3,4,5 b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 D b7F -1 ~-------------------------------------------------------------b5 -1 • b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 bS -1 DETAINEES-90B SECRE'T ;fC:NoroRN 6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 --~==============================================~=====;7F -1 Investigative Summary b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 bS -1 . • (S) b1 b5 06 J --1 3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D b7b5 -1 -1 InvestigativE' EO'orts Taken bS -1 Recommenda tiOD The FBI.-X... concurs __ disagrees with [lOD's recommendatIOn of Transfer for continued detention and recommends Continue DetentIOn 10 US DoD Control ..lL Transfer for Continued DetentIOn __ restnc Release (wi momtonng & tlOns) Transfer for Prosecution DETAINEES-gOg SECRET I\EI NOIORN FBI Repatnatlon Evaluation b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 In terview Sum mary (below statements are self-reporting alld Inay remam uncorroborated) 6 -3,4,5 • b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 ~ __________________________________________________________b7F -1 b7C -3,4,5· b7D -1 I b7F -1 b5 -1 Investigative Summary b6 -3,4 Ib7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 DETAINEES-91O q13 SECRET :;f'NO'ORN bl Investigative Effon s Taken b5 -1 Recommendal ion The FBI ~concurs __ dIsagrees with [laO's recommendation of Transfer for contInued detentIOn and recommends _ ContInue DetentIon m US DoD Control __ Release (wi momtonng & restnctJons) ~ Transfer for ContInued Detention Transfer for ProsecutIon DETAINEES-9ll 'SEC~EI 7\NO()~N FBI RepatnatIOn EvaluatIOn b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b70 -1 b7F -1 Interview Summary (below statements are self-reportmg alld may remam uncorroborated) b 6 -3,4,5 b 7C -3,4,5 b 70 -1 7F -1 5 -1 ~ b6" -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 I I - I I r-________________________________________________________~b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 .b7D -1 I r-~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~h7F -1 b5 -1 Io.....-__~_________..J··I( S) b6 -3,4,5 J~ (s ) ~___________________________________________________bb7C -3,4,5 ________________________________________________________ -1---- ~b7D Investigative Summary b7F -1 bl bS -1 DETAINEES-912 '~' 'NOPlRN -13- SEtRET / \SEc!'RET %~N()FO~N FBI Repatnatlon EvaluatIOn b6 -3,4 I b7C -3,4 b7D -1 ~~==========================================================~b7F -1 bS -1 bS -1 Investigative Effor1s Taken bS -1 Recommencla1ion The FBI ~concurs __ dIsagrees wIth DOD's recommendatIon of Transfer for continued detentton and recommends Contmue DetentIon m US DoD Control __ Release (wi momtonng & restnctlOns) l Transfer for Contmued Detention Transfer for ProsecutIOn DETAINEES-913 'SECRET 'rcI 'NO"HN FBI RepatnatlOn EvaluatIon b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F --------------------------------------------------------Interview Summary (below statements are self-reportmg and may remam uncorroborated) -1 • I Ib6 -3,4,5 jD7C -3,4,5 • • b7D -1 h7F -1 b5 -1 I(S) b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 bS -1 . b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 bS -1 DETAINEES-914 ----SECRET ~orORN FBI Repatnatlon Evaluation ~6 -3,4,5 -3,4,5 -3,4,5 -1 -1 -1 ':::J7C -3,4,5 • b6 -3,4,5 I ':::J7D -1 b7C -3,4,5 • ::J7F -1 I b7D -1 ;:)5 -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 • rs -1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 I b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 • b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 I I b7D -1 b7F -1 Investigative Summary 5 -1 • • 1b6 -3,4,5 ~7C -3,4,5 jb7D -1 ~7F -1 11:5 -1 ')E¥r / N()( ORN DETAINEES-915 / ~16- SECR~T " / SECRET ~L1 NOIORN FBI RepatnatIOn EvaluatIOn r-----------------------------------------------------------~7F -1 • 1b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b5 -1 ~--------------------------------------------------------~---- Investigative EOorts Taken b5 -1 Recommen dation The FBI ~concurs __ disagrees wIth DOD's recommendatIOn of Transfer for contmued detentIOn and recommends (WITH COMMENTS*) Contmue DetentIon 10 US DoD Control Release ...x... Transfer for Contmued Detention· Transfer for ProsecutIOn b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 ''NIJrt)RN . b7F -1 DEfAINEES-916 SECR~T / \ q/1 FBI RepatrIatIOn EvaluatIOn c:c-:~:~~5 r7D -1 ~==========================================================t'b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b5 -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 ~__________________________________________________________b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 DETAINEES-917 ,~ W)[C'RN -18-I SECRET ,......... FBI Repatnatlon EvaluatIOn b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 Interview Summary (below statements are self-reportmg and nay remam uncorroborated) I I I I b6 -3,4,5 • t-____~r________~I~__________________________________~lh7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 r-____________________________________________________b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 I I b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 • b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 L----------------------------------------------------------Jb7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 • b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 1b6 -3,4,5 • b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 ~--------------------------------------------------------~~7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 • b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 ~r ~rI NOrORN DETAINEES-918 S~~~ET I , SEcRET ~rNOFORN FBI RepatrIatIOn EvaluatIon • b6 -3,4,5 1b7C -3,4,5 1b7D -1 1b7F -1 1b5 -1 • I b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 I• b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b70 -1 b7F -1 L-______________________________________________________~~5 -1 Investigative s.ummary b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b70 -1 b7F -1 L-__________________________________________________________~b5 -1 DETAINEES-919 DOJ FBI-000728 105 -1 ~6 -3,4,5 r-~--------------------------------------------------~b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 Investigative Effurts Taken b5 -1 Recommendation ". (S) bl b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 7F -1 b5 -1 DETAINEES-920