Memorandum re: Interview Strategies - Guantanamo Bay

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The document is a memorandum, regarding the re-visitation of FBI interrogation strategies employed against Al Qaeda and Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. The memorandum includes information on the differences between interrogation techniques used by the FBI and the DHS.

Non-legal Memo
Monday, December 2, 2002
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DATE 97-28-2999 BY 65179 DMI-LIILIS
December 2, 2002 .
As we approach the one-year anniversary of the confinement of Al Oaeda/Taliban --
.detainees at GTMO, 'perhaps it is -a good time to revisit our interrogation strategies which - -
may be in need of revision. • •

Since last year, detainees have been interrogated by representativesof the Defense,
. Human Intelligence Services (DHS). and by members of the FBI/CITF in an effort to •
obtain. valuable, intelligence: In. this sense, the missions appear to be identical. However;
both the FBI and the CITF have additional responsibilities : While the FBI is working to. .
:obtain information to strengthen existing terrorism investigations. for prosecution, the
CITF is trying to ensure that incriminating information gathered from the detaineeS is
done in a manner acceptable for military,tribunals. •
• . -
Central to the gathering of reliable, admissible evidence is the manner in which it
is obtained. Interrogation techniques used. by the DHS ge designed 'specifically for Short- .
in combat environments where the immediate retrieval of tactical intelligence is term use
critical..Many of DHS's methods are considered coercive by-Federal Law Enforcement •
and UCMJ standards. Not only this, but reports from-those knoWledgeable about the use ,
of these coerciVe techniques are highly skeptical as to their effectiveness and reliability.
Since•nearly-ail of -the GTIVIC-).•detainees-have been interviewed: many-timesoverseas
before being sent here, the FBI/CITF believe that 4 differenea.pproachshould be
undertaken in terms of trying to elicit information from them. The FBI/CITF favors the
use of less: coercive techniques, ones carefully designed for long-term use in which •
. rapport-building skills-are carefully, combined with .a purposeful and incremental
manipulation Of a detainee's environment and perceptions. A model of this approach was
offered recently in an FBI/CITF interview plan for detainee 063: • •
. .. •
FBI/CITF agents are well-trained, highly 'experienced and very successful"
•in overcoming suspect resistance in order to obtain valuable information in complex • •
criminal cases, including the investigations. of terroristbombingSin East Africa and the..
USS Cole, etc. FBI/CITF interview strategies are Most effective -when tailored • .
specifically to •suit a suspect's or detainee's needs and vulnerabilities. Contrary to 'popular
belief, these vulnerabilities are more . likely to reveal themselves through the employment
and sustained interview strategies rather tha•through the . •
. haphazard use of prescriptive, time-driven approaches." The FBI/CM:strongly believes .
that the continued use of diametrically opposed interrogation strategies in GTMO will
only weaken our efforts to obtain valuable information.
. A second problem with the-current interrogation Strategy is that detainees are
smarter now than whenthey first arrived. No longer are they susceptible to suggestions •
for early release or special consideration. Indeed, no'one seems to know when the
military tribunals will begin. As TDY interrogators continue to interview and re- •
• OIG—REQ 02/18/05—PART 9 . , FB10000580 DOJOIG013193
interview detainees utilizing every theme imaginable, detainees have'become . :
• increasingly cynical of any concessions offered. Moreover,: they appear to have become
better conditioned for almost all interrogation approaches with many detainees simply
refusing to answer any questions. Complicating matters is the structural set-up of Camp
Delta, which enables detainees to exchange counter-interrogation resistance strategies_
with relative ease while at the same time strengthening their solidarity..
Except for a recently enacted reward system offering minor creature comforts to
• cooperative detainees, there is a lack of major incentives which could encourage
detainees to provide more information. Major incentives are greatly n:eeded. Recently; •
.investigators from Italy were successful in retrieving valuable information and
cooperation from some detainees after they Were provided with guarantees of judicial
leniency. •
In additiOn to reviewing interrogation strategies, the FBIHQ representatives wish
to (I; with the Commanding Genera.! the following issues:
1. Projected long term FBI Agent and Professional Support presence in support of
JTF GTMO mission
2. FBI Continued technical support
3. DOJ prosecutorial interest in GTMO detainees
. • ,
'OIG—REQ 02/18/05—PART 9 :FB10000581,
