FBI Memo: Repatriation Issues

Error message

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<p>Provides the Assistant Attorney General with recommendations regarding detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board. Contents almost entirely redacted. In most cases (names are redacted), FBI recommends that DOJ concur with DOD's proposed transfer for release of the detainee. In at least one case, FBI recommends that the detainee be held at GTMO for further interviews.</p>

Non-legal Memo
Monday, September 15, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

ET i\Ec oFoRN Memorandum ToFDate 09/15/2003 Department of JusticeF Office of Asst Atty General Jerry DeMaio FBI Counterterrorism Division FromF b6 -1 I Military Lialso & Detainee Unit Acting Un_t Chief b7C -1 REPATRIATION ISSUES SubjectF (U) In response to the Department of Justice, Office of Assistant Attorney General (AAG), request dated September 10, 2003, for FBI comments of detainees to appear before the Transfer Review Board, the Military Liaison & Detainee Unit (ML&DU), in an effort to assist in the AAG's assessment of the following detainees, is providing recommendations for the AAG's review. b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 Enclosure b6 -1 b7C -1 6-M TERIAL ATTACHED UNCLASSIFIT SECRET/N0F0T EN SEPARATED FROM CLASS IED CLOSURE AII,INFORNATION COnTAINSD HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT VEHIRE SHOWN OTHSPAISE etAbsxtrao BY 651.79DIt3t/PLEiAC EEAWN: 1.4 (E•+?:(,.:,) '(Jt (0) DECIASSIFY al: X. 10:9/2025 SECREIVOFORN SEefZET o DETAINEES-124 KET Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/1E/2003 b6 -3,4 SECRET COMIN b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 I b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D b7F -1 b5 1 • b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3, b7D -1 S b7F -1 7_ b5 -1 SECRET DETAINEES-125 iyC Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/5/2003 C1RARN SECIIT b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 .b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3, b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 3-DETAINEES-126 SECRET bl b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 SECRRINOFORN b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 _b7F -1_ ·-4-SECRET DETAINEES-127 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 (E5) bl _b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 117F -X 14 S.) (S ) Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re.F09/1c/ 003 REPATRIATION ISSUES,F SECFtE ORAN bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 aF IS ) b7D -1 F b7F -1 b5 -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D,p-61 b7F b5 -1 b6 -3,4 137C -3,4 FI The FBI recommendFJ concur with b7D -1 DOD's proposed transfer for release ofF b7F -1 DETAINEES-128 SECRET -5- 12-Y b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 ._ZCIRET Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/1E/2003 SECROFORN I b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 IT b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 F -1 Tr -1 5 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 T e FBI recommendFb7D - DOJ concur withF1 i I DOD'S proposed transfer for release ofF b7F -1 -6- SECRET DETAINEES-129 /·a Memorandum from FBI to Dep rtment of Justice ReF REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 SECRERNOFORN b6 -3 ,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 bl b6 -3,4 _p7C -3,4 .b7D -1 b7F -1 b1.1 3)\ b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 .I b7D -1 b7F -1 .J b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -i b5 -1 7- DETAINEES-130 SEC ET Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003SEC REGTINOFORN b5 -1 b6 -3,4 I iia sF I The FBI recommendsFthat DOJ pLoposeu Llansfer for release ofl.Iconcur wi th b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 8- DETAINEES-131 BEGET Iii b6 -3,4 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice b7C -3,4 Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 SEC_CIFIWN b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 ri b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 9-SA4T \_DETAINEES-132 A Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 SECRE NOFORN b6 -3,4_ b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 The FBI recommends that DOJ concur with DOD's proposed transfer for release o 1 -10- VE.DETAINEES-133 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/200.3 b6 -3,4 COMIN SECT b7C -3,4 b b7D -1 L7 F -1-------1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 SES ET DETAINEES-134 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/ 5/ 003 SECRE OFORN b6 -3,4 )44 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 ij b6 -3,4,5 F b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 -12- SECRET DETAINEES-135 IL; StGRET . Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice b6 -3,4,5 09/15/2003 REPATRIATION ISSUES,F ReF b7C -3,4,5 SE CiltV0FORN b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4 . b5 -1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 I . b7C -3,4 The FBI recommends that DOJ concur with - 1Fb7D 1 DOD's proposed transfer for release oflF b7F -1 -13- BEGET DETAINEES-136 1Y) Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES,Fb6 -3,4 09/15/2003F SEC.OFORN b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 _p5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 • -14- SECRET DETAINEES-137 C5) Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/1E/2003 SECRET FORN b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,41 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 IF b5 -1 ..11¦1111¦••¦•" '1 b6 -3,4 ri b7C -3,4 b7D -1 L. b7F -1 b5 -1 -15- SEC E.DETAINEES-138 • .p6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 1 - b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 p6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 fb70 -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 T 06 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice b5 -1 ReF REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 b6 -3,4 SECREMOFORN b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -3,4,5 b5 -1 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 FIF b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 L b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b5 -1 b7F -1 I b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 The FBI recommends th concur with b7D -1 DOD's proposed transfer for release o b7F -1 -16- DETAINEES-139 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 SECRE CIRMIN b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 •¦11¦1111 ¦11 -17- SEVET DETAINEES-140 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 I b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 .­ b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 11 0 Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re. REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2003 SEC.(WORN b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 f511 b6 -3,4 7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 -Is- DETAINEES-141 ScCIFET Memorandum from FBI to Department of Justice Re: REPATRIATION ISSUES, 09/15/2('03 CIFORN SECT bl b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 1 bi b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 1 ) 1-s _bi _b6 -3,4 `.b7C -3,4 FIF OD -1 _bit' -1 I. b5- I b5 -1 The FBI recommends thatF3,4 eb6 - eigs to resolve any inconsis ent b7C -3,4 statements. b7D -1 b7F -1 -19- SECRET DETAINEES-142 "fl/
