Heavily redacted memo reviewing allegations of abuse of a detainee that was turned over to the Department of Defense on May 23, 2003. On June 17, 2003, he was taken to an isolation block where one other detainee was being held. His new room had steel walls and floors and was kept at a very cold temperature. The detainee often refused to eat food, though he also complained that the little food he did receive were "small and cold." During some period of time, he would be woken up every hour or two and forced to drink a liter of water. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had no contact with the detainee for over a year.
US Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Joint Task Force GTMO
APO AE 09360
i(:?)(11Sec_1,4_(4 _ _
SUBJECT: Possible Torture Allegations( b)(2),(b)(6)
1. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the testimony and allegation of abuse
from(b)(2),(b)(6) .The following is the detainee's statement and other
background information regarding his allegations.
(b)(6),(b)(3) 50 USC
2. On 23 May 2003,. turned over hold status of the detainee to
DODib)(11.Sen 1 4(n)
kb)(2),(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c) .-.. , Three days later, three personnel
appeared at (b)(1) Sec.with the detainee. i(b)(11 Sec 1.4(c1
b)(1 ) Sec 1.4(c)
ese ree personnel stated that they had been working .on his case for a
long time behind the scenesffil(1l_Ser_1Atc.1
f(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
kb)(6),(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
4. On 17 June 2003, two guards appe.t the detainee's cell and informed him that he was moving. One of the guards had(b)(2) written plain ¦
Lon his gloves, so thedetainee informed his block-mates that he was rnnvinn trib)(2 The detainee was taken
to an isolation block where one other detainee (b, )(6)was kept. Later,7h)(61.was moved to thehInrIc an;{ ail ...rpc. :+neva- —r worn liwirvnt nn,,r)(2) (b)(2),(b)(6).
AR 156 GTMO Investigation Exhibit -b .of 76 Exhibits
b1(2).(b1(6 lwas left alone. At this point, all the detainee's personal items with the exception of his clothes were confiscated. The detainee describes the room he was in as built of steel from floor to ceiling with a very cold temperature setting on the air conditioner. Other detainee described this room as the "freezer. (b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
1(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
TERI ) Sec 1.4(c)
Kb)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
b)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
Kb)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
detainee always had a break at noon for lunch. Every morning the detainee was scared
• ___
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
(b)(6),(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
were placed all around. The room had normal lighting and (b)(6)jgave the detainee food but he refused to eat it. The detainee stated that he refused to eat food when he was humiliated.
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(a),(b)(6)
- - -
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c);(b)(6)
1(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
1 6. th1(.11 far 1 aryl ---' _ there was three days withoutl(C)(1) Sec Conducted bythvaijavraLl the detainee was transferred to(b)(2) (block in the general populace for one night and he told his brothers there what had happened to him. On Sunday they returned the detainee back to his previous cell. Iithe guards took the detainee to(b)(2) Pock,
ib)(2) (ID)(1) Sec 1.4(c) ' The detainee stayed Friday through Monday, which was his weekend of rest mentioned earlier.
(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
KW) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
kb)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
The detainee claims that he went without food sometimes for 24 hours and when he
was fed the portions were very lithe and always served cold. The detainee was awaken
every hour or two and only and forced to drink one liter of water. The detainee was
either drinking water or on the toilet all night. (b)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
) Sec 1.4(c) iv..))k ) aet.: I ,etc)
kb)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
21. The detainee stated that Evidence to support his allegations corroborated by
lookinp into the intinwina thinns Kb)(1) Sec 1.4(c)
Medical reports from the incident could be found showing that he received medical care, but he was never taken to the hospital
kb)111.Sec 1.4(c).(b)(6)
kb)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
The international Community of the Red Cross had no contact with the detainee for more than a yer
1(b)(1) Sec 1.4(c),(b)(6)
(b)(6),b)(3) 10 USC §130E3
1(b)(6),b)(3) 10 USC §130B