Army Memo re: Inspector General Questionnaire for the Soldiers of Gereshk Collection Point

Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Soldiers of Gereshk Collection Point concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. The memo has the questions asked and a synopsis of the answers given. No individual soldier is identified as answering any of the questions.

Non-legal Memo
Tuesday, April 2, 2002
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Page $40
APO AE 09354


CJTF-180-IG· 22 FEB 04
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, CJTF-180, Bagram, Afghanistan, APO AE 09354
SUBJECT: Inspector General Sensing Session of ODA at Gereshk Collection Point
19,20 Feb 04
The CJTF-180 IG conducted a sensing session of the ODA at Firebase Gereshk as
part of an inspection on detainee operations on 20 February 2004. The sensing session
consisted of 1 group of NCOs. These comments are perceptions of soldiers who
participated and are not necessarily founded facts.

Sensing Session Group 1 - NCOs. This sensing session was for NCOs from the ODA working at FB Gereshk, their questions and responses are as follows:

Question #1 Do you have a unit SOP to take, handle, and care for detainees/PUCs?
8 of 8 NCOs replied that they were familiar with their SOP.
Question #2 How quickly do you hand over PUCs to MPs? As soon as he is
determined to be a PUC, supposed to be within 72 hours.
Question #3 Is mistreatment of a PUC an SIR? 8 of 8 NCOs replied yes and that it
would be through the base commander to the Chain of Command.
Question #4 Did your unit train on Law of War prior to deploying or during deployment? 8 of 8 NCOs replied yes that it was a PowerPoint presentation with a question and answer period by the Instructor.
Question #5 What do you use to track and account for captured personnel? 8 of 8 NCOs replied that they had a PUC database that the PUC receives a medical physical . within 6 hours annotated on a SF 600. They take biometric readings from the PUC, but fingerprints are a problem the PUCs fingerprints are worn off. They assign the

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Page 341
AFZS-IG (20)
SUBJECT: Inspector General Sensing Session of ODA at Gereshk Collection Point
19,20 Feb 04
detainees a number and medically examine the PUC daily and take the pulse, blood
pressure, respiration, and temperature.
Question #6 How do you account for money taken from captured/detained personnel?
It is their unit SOP to give a receipt to the family for confiscated money.
Question #7 What do you allow a captured/detained person to keep on their person? 8 of 8 NCOs stated that they only let detainees keep their clothes and that they wouldn't let them keep eyeglasses.
Question #8 Do you tag captured or detained persons or their property? 8 of 8 NCOs stated that they do not use EPW tags. They bag their belongings on the battlefield and generally wait to do the paperwork in the rear
Question #9 Does your SOP cover the 5s? 8 of 8 stated the SOP covered the 5 S's.
Question #10 Does your SOP include the date of capture, grid coordinates of capture,
and how the person was captured? All NCOs replied yes as well as the physical
condition of the detained person.
Question #11 How do you prevent physical or mental torture or coercion of the detained person? 8 of 8 NCOs stated that they conducted Joint operations with AMF but that they didn't turn over detainees to AMF. They stated that they limit the number of persons handling the prisoner: They also have more than one guard with the detainee. Document what you do. The Detainees are given a daily physical. The High Value Targets have the knowledge of the Geneva and Hague conventions and will abuse themselves. They know what we can and can't do.
Question #12 If a detained person refuses to answer your questioning can threaten the Detainee? Can you insult the Detainee? 8 of 8 NCOs replied No. They stated that you should use psychological operations, ie tell them that they are going to be away from
their family.
Question #13 How do you take care of the prisoners basic needs for food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical treatment? ? 8 of 8 NCOs replied good. They give them plenty of water and feed them as often as they got fed.
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Pape 342
AFZS-IG (20)
SUBJECT: Inspector General Sensing Session of ODA at Gereshk Collection Point
19,20 Feb 04
Question #14 Do you keep detainees near fuel, ammo, or commo equipment?
8 of 8 NCOs replied that they didn't.
Question #15 Do you believe that you are required to report acts of poor treatment of
detainees or PUCs? And who could your report violations to? 8 of 8 NCOs replied Yes.
They stated that they could report it to their company chain of command, IG, Chaplain,
or SJA.
Question #16 Has anyone ever witnessed anyone murder anyone? 8 of 8 NCOs
answered No.
Question #17 Have you ever seen anyone torture or beat anyone? 8 of 8 NCOs
answered No.
Question #18 Have you ever seen anyone deprive a PUC of their 5 senses? If so, why and for how long? 8 of 8 NCOs replied Yes. Ear muffs are used during transportation, moving the detainee, not used as punishment.
Question #19 Has anyone seen anyone cruelly treat or degrade a PUC? 8 of 8 NCOs
replied No.
Question #20 How do you safeguard a PUC against public curiosity? Good/Fair/Poor? 8 of 8 NCOs replied good. The PUC Facility is separated from the rest of camp, they have a photq access roster to the facility. Speed away from the scene; put the PUC in the backseat of a HMMWV. While transporting the PUC, make him have a low profile.
Question #21 Has anyone ever taken a picture of a PUC? 8 of 8 NCOs replied No.
Question #22 What is the rule for deadly force against a PUC in the event that they are escaping? 8 of 8 NCOs replied that deadly force was authorized. They stated that the PUC had to breech the wall of the confinement facility. All of them believed that they
had to·

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