Memo discusses notes taken on June 9, 2004 from a telephonic interview with [redacted] concerning his knowledge of abuse at AG.
The interviewee stated he never observed or heard of detainee abuse and/or nudity.
Interviewee did state he believed detainees were stripped when put into isolation but that he had no direct knowledge.
Recalled hearing general rumors of abuse from un-recalled sources and recalled hearing of a detainee being raped by fellow detainees.
CJTF7-TF-FAY 10 June 2004
OUO) On 9 June 2004, the undersigned telephonically contactell.
t the 302" MI BN, Wiesbaden, GM, to clarify details taken in a 13
May 2004 sworn statement and 31 May telephonic interview wi
concemin his knowledge of abuse at Abu Ghraib...._as
identified by_as one of his associates with whom he passed rumours of
111.1011111110s an analyst assigned to A Company, 302' MI BN, Weisbaden, GM.
, He was deployed to Abu Ghraib circa October 2003 to February 2004. For his first few months he was assigned to two interrogation teams. His Team Chiefs wercenairat and 111111111.111111.11e sat in on one interrogation; in Tier IA (Stairwell). He never observ
-ed or heard of detainee abuse andior nudity while at Abu Ghraib. He belived that detainees may have been stripped when puLinto isolation but had no direct knowledge of this. After his first month_ as reassigned to an adhoc guard force to
escort detainees and ensure security and safety during interro ations.
ere on the guard force an _ as Sergeant of
e Guard. fragriSawas in Tier lA approximately once a we k to pick up
detainees for interrogation _did not recal_peaking about or
purporting knowledge of detainee abuse. id hear general rumours of abuse (unrecalled sources) and once heard-of a detainee being raped by fellow detainees. 111111111111111111.vould address his soldiers about once a wee c and there were lots
of rumours ancTunless one cts t to spread them._ad claimed
knowiedge of abus_ ould not likely have believed him.
2. (U) POC is the undersigned.
Lieutenant Colonel, USA
DOD 000877