FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

Error message

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A Detainee requested to be interviewed because he stated he was "Very Stressed" and he was being tormented by another detainee. He gave an expansive interview detailing that several of his fellow detainee had openly expressed a desire to harm the camp guards; refuse to cooperate; and to "Make Jihad" against the United States once released from custody. He claims to have identified a leader in the detention block and this leader "tells people when to eat, sleep, and not to talk to interviewers. He asks other detainees what was said in the interviewers when they return to their cells and he does with everyone else on the bloc. The detainee then stated this person "has issued a Fatwah against the U.S.."

Non-legal Memo
Friday, October 25, 2002
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

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I2MS Object Details
Activity Contents 41
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IID:02310023020924 j Title: 302 20021025 -fli b7C -3,4
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302 20021025
b7C -3,4
Subject Interview of

b7D -1
Date/Place: 25 Oct 02/Guantanamo Bay. Cuba b7F -1
Interviewers: SI IFt. Belvoir - CITF - GITMO
b6 -2,3,4
On 25 Oct 02, 'was Special Agent (SA U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command and linguist b7C -2,3,4 'at Camp Delta Detention Facility, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The interview was conducted
b7D -1
b7F -1
lwas interviewed due to his request to see an interviewer .I 'advised he is surrounded by
(and is very stressed! (He stated the others(
'continue to torment him.' 'requested to be moved to a cell near (so he had others 1
to talk to. He advised that he understands some" (but cannot speak the language. He advised he hurts himself
because he w. is e and believed if he killed himself he would be sent home in a box and his brothers would
have closure. understood his case is being reviewed and advised he will be patient, but re-iterated being
close to other ould reduce his stress. He understood that continuing to hurt himself would not further his cause
and he should be in the best of health if returned home.' (advised he did not have a thought out plan to kill
himself, and agreed to behave himself for the remainder of his stay in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

as questioned regarding conflicting stories b6 -3,4
7D -1
7F -1
When asked what was happening) fir_ advised several of "them" are talking of jihad and
have vowed to resume jihad agains e U.S. upon re ease. He entified the following individuals from the detainee photo

I he is the leader' I and tells people when to eat, sleep, and not to talk to
interviewers. He advised ill ask him what he said to the interviewers when he returns to his cell as he does with
everyone else on the bloc He has issued a Fatwah against the U.S.

also talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release, he was found with a rope that he was
making by the Military Police (MP), he planned to strangle an MP when he was released for a shower or exercise.
talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.
((name unknown) talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.

I talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release. !constantly talks of jihad against the U.S. t pon release. I ruined his leg during jihad, also issued Fatwah against the U.S., and talks of jihad against the
U.S. upon release.
(talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.
(name unknown) talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.
(fighting jihad with the Taliban, talks of jihad against the U.S.

upon release.
talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.
he continues to fight with everyone in the cell block and wants to go fight the jihad against the

U.S. now
I had a spoon sharpened to use on a guard, heard he was with the Taliban prior to capture and his

job was to hand out weapons for the Taliban, talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.
talks of jihad against the U.S. upon release.

At this point the interview was terminated.
044T4 12,t14 2 .001: 13Y?657.91311.44.13C4/gjVO4:", PY.+:415 1 Detail?pS1D=10104DG4&pObj... 9/30/2004

DOJFBI 003282

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Involved Participants
Role Name b6 -3,4__-
Subject of Activity I b7C



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