<p>This memo from the CIA's Inspector General, John L. Helgerson, notifies members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives of investigations into the deaths of Manadal al-Jamaidi and Avid Hamad Mahawish Al-Malalawi in Iraq.</p>
CO5950650 US Classification/Non US//SCl//Codewo (b)(1 (b)(3) orri-up-Mis u irOISONO -1I1E8T1771:713-C $ as appropriate) EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE ROUTING SHEET I. Origination Office Inspector General 2. Date 02/12/2004 Name John L. Helgerson Room No and Building Phone Inspector General 4. Subject (U//FOUO) Particularly Serious Problem 5, Originating Office Control # G 2004-0095 5a. Response to DAC # (Originating Office to Complete) 5b. DAC Control # (DAC use Only) 6, Justification / Summary (Required for Immediate and Priority Actions) . FA Routine Priority 1 Immediate 7, Coordination None. ' NOTE All :'6iiii4ij'Oikell66 .4eili. fik,DCI fii)iiit:46ht:...yid 'Ekar.anaDD .1,::, .. - ;..•:':..;-,,,,.,:,, TITLE DAC I 1 SIGNATURE I I CONCUR I NI I FYI SIGNATURE TITLE DDC1 1 SIGNATURE I i CONCUR I %/ 1 FYI 1 SIGNATURE I I CONCUR FYI SIGNATURE TITLE I SIGNATURE I ..I CONCUR IFYI SIGN • TURE TITL I SIGNATURE I CONCUR I FYI SIGNATURE TITLE ' SIGNATURE 1 CONCUR I I FYI SIGNATURE TITLE 1 SIGNATURE CONCUR I I FYI SIGNATURE 0F4°F-030M 4468 , ., , I.:• ',1,•.! CO5950650 DCl/OCA/EX0i OCA rcDC-17-0-CK, (28 Jan 04) Distribution Original - Original - Original - Original - Original - Original 1 - 1,- 1 - 1•- Pat Murray, HPSCI (w/encl) OCA Suzanne Spalding, HPSCI (w/encl) OCA Bill Duhnke, SSCI (w/encl) OCA Chris Mellon, SSCI (w/encl) OCA Jerry Lewis, HAC/DEF (w/encl) OCA Ted Stevens, SAC/DEF (w/encl) OCA DAC (Official OCA Records) (w/encl) D/OCA . .(w/enol) DCl/OCAIEXO (w/encl) Notification File (w/encl) SEC T When Separated From Enclosure ici Central Intelligence Agency • 005950650 Washington, DiC. 20505 OCA 29 January 2 0 0 4 '.The Honorable Ted Stevens Chairman . • .Subcommittee on Defense Committee on.Appreptiations United 'States Senate Washington,. D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Chairman: SUBJECT: Notification COUNTRY: Iraq ISSUE: • Enclosed•is a background paper regarding the subject mentioned above. : • (U) ,Should you have any questions regarding this.matter, please do'.hot hesitate to call. Sincerely, Director of Congressional Affairs . Enclosure. SECRET When.Separated From Enclosure Death of Detainees Z -3. EtET/L entral Intelligence Agency Washirtglon, D.C. 20505 • ' 20CA 29. Jawary 2004 Mr, Patrick B. Murray. Staff Director' . . Permatent Select Committee on Intelligence House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515. Dear Pat: SUBJECT: Notification COUNTRY: Iraq . ISSUE: (S/ Death of Detainees (U) Enclosed is e backgrOutd paper regarding. the subject mentioned above. ' • . (U) Should you have any questions. regarding this matter,• . please do not hesitate to call. • Sincerely, -.0 L. c111 Director of Congressional Affairs Enclosure SECRET When Separated From Enclosure SE CO5950650 CO5950650 Washington, D.C. 20505 OCA 1 • 29 January 2004 Ms. , Suzanne Spaulding Democratic. Counsel Permanent Select Committee' on. Intelligence House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Suzanne: SUBJECT: Notification .COUNTRY: Iraq ISSUE: Death of Detainees (U) Enclosed is a:background paper'regarding the subject mentioned above. • (U) Should you have•any questions regarding this matter, :please do not' hesitate to call. . Sincerely, Stanley M —M6Kowit z Director of CongressiOnal Affairs Enclosure .SECRET When Separated From 'Enclosure 005950650 SE ETA Central Intelligence Agency . . , Wailington,D.C.20.515 . ".0CA - 29. January 2004 Mr. Bill Duhnke Staff Director —Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Bill:. SUBJECT: Notification COUNTRY: Iraq ISSUE: . (S/ Death of Detainees (U) Enclosed is a • background paper regarding the subject pent ioned 'above. (U) Should•you have any questions. regarding this matter, 'please do. not hesitate to call. Sincerely, y n. MQ-575.,7-WW-G Director of Congressional Affairs Enclosure SECRET When Separated From Enclosure CO5950650 T) .; . . 0nIcallme4enceAgency washington, D.C. 20505 OC:A . 29 January 2004 jelr. Chrislviellot • • Minority Staff:Director - Select Committee . on Intelligence United States Senate ,Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear •Chris: SUBJECT: Notification COUNTRY: Iraq (S/ Death of Detainees (U) Enclosed is a background paper regarding the subject mentioned above. (U) Should you have any questions regarding this matter, . please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Director of Congressional Affairs Enclosure . SECRET When Separated From Enclbsure SET/ Centra me igence Agency CO5950650 Washington, DC. 20505 OCAf 29 Jarruary 2004 The HonorableZerry Lewis .,Chairman • .Subcommittee on Defense 'Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives ,Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: •SUBJECT: Notification COUNTRY: Iraq ISSUE: (S// Death of Detainees (U) Enclosed is a background paper regarding the subject mentioned above. • • (U) Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. • Sincerely, T.; l•nn -4,14 r7l • Director of Congressional Affairs Enclosure SECRET When Separated From Enclosure 005950650 SEC TI SUBJECT: (S/ Death of Detainees' 1• (S/ On 4. November 2003,. Manadal al-Jamaidi, a former Iraqi m.4.. La Officer, was by- US.Military in Iraq,. during an early morning raid. US military • and intelligence. officials believed al-Jamaidi was involved in 'anti-coalition 'During at. -1-on 4 ovemoer-slum-ta-a-rtez. he , arrived there; al-=uamar.oci slumped over. L isummoned the military, police who, in turn, summoned a military physician hnde-tprmi.ned that al-Jamaidi had died. and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of this matter, and the. DIG is investigating the death•in conjunction with the US Army (CID). 2. (S/ The CIA's OIG is also conducting an investigation with CID in connection with the death of Iraqi' General, Avid Hamad Mahawish Al-Malalawi, who died in military custody in northern Iraq on 26 November, LCommittees into.1.14d of these matters.