Army Memo re: AR 15-6 Investigation into the Use of Deadly Force at Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq

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Army memo discusses an AR 15-6 investigation into an attempted escape and a riot that resulted in the shooting death of one detainee and injuries to seven others. Memo also includes a list of those wounded during the incident.

Non-legal Memo
Friday, June 13, 2003
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

13 June 2003
MEMORANDUM FOR COMMANDER, 400w Military Police Battal ion
SUBJECT: Use of Deadly Force, Abu. Gultrayb Detainment Facility
I , On. 12 June 2004, at approximately 1800 hours, the detainees -became agitated and began demanding answers regarding their capture and the amount of time they would be held in custody. They were upset and declared that they were being housed improperly and lacked basic needs.such as showers, shampoo, blankets and toilets. Several of the detainees threw rocks and tent poles out of the enclosure at the (maids and one guard was struck on the hand. At that time, the Company First Sergeant
vow and myself responded to the yard and addressed the detainees through one of the priso interpreters. They were-advised that many of the new detainees had release dates and that the Camp Commander would review other cases and provide us information when it was available. The detainees Were all advised that throwing rocks and tent poles at the guards would constitute deadly force and thatthey could and would be shot i.f that behavioroccurred again. The situation was deescalated, however, due to a lack of additional compounds, the individuals suspected of throwing rocks and tent pools were not pulled out and segregated.. .A sitrep was sent to battalion with a request to charge the individuals and have them sent -to Camp Cropper.
;op 4
On 13 June 2003, at approximately 1400 Idisturhance was again reported in the yard and involved an attempted escape: by detainee .The detainee attempted to go through the wire utilizing a cardboard box, however, was immediately apprehended as he exited the Wire. At this time a count was initiated, hOweVer, detainees in both compounds refused to stand to be counted. The QRF was dispatched, and ultimately the count proceeded without incident. Shortly after the count the QRF was being called again and as they were responded multiple gunshots were heard in the yard.

Upon .responding into the yard it Was.discovered that multiple detainees with multiple rocks and tent poles had targeted the military police working the enclosure compounds and were throwing the rocks and tent poles at them. AS -they attempted to flee military police in the tower feared tar the lives of the enclosure guards. Simultaneously, three military police from three different guard towers, followed the rules of engagement and fired upon identified detainees who were engaging in the use-o f deadly force against U.S. personnel. Two military police shot with 12 gauge shotguns and one fired approximately 4 - 5.56mm rounds from his M. ­

-16. At the end of the engagement 7 Iraqi detainees were wounded, one was killed and one U.S. soldier from the 40 ­
0' Military Police Battalion was injured from being hit by a rock.
4. All wounded were taken from the...enclosure area and provided first aid by medics from the 400 u MP Battalion-as well as combat lifesavers from the 72" d Military Police Company. Medivac was requested and the 7 wounded detainees were evacuated. The body and personnel affects of the KIA were release to Iraqi authorities.
The. following is the list of wounded and KIA
I I KIA C.iunshots lower abb and hack Gunshot lett arm Theft and Curfew Black Market 20030616 20030615
Gunshot ri&ht Abdomen Weapons 20030616
Gunshot left. arm. Looting, 20030622

Gunshot lett shoulder.1 Raid unk
Junshot_ lower back and butt .i Gang unk
Gunshot left abdomen.i Curfew u nk

; Gunshot tell. arm.1 Unk unk
3 r)fi

3. POC .for this action is the undersigned.
CPT, MP, USA Commanding


