DOD Memo: Statement of Interrogator, 18th Military Police Brigade, 325th Military Intelligence Battalion re: Interrogation of Detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison

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<p>Telephonic interview of a Military Intelligence interrogator (Rank & Rate unknown) regarding detainee interrogations at Abu Ghraib prison. The MI Interrogator stated "I never placed any of my detainees on sleep deprivation. I did use a stress position, at first they did not have to be approved, but later they did. I believe I did request Isolation for one detainee. I do not remember who proved it. I believe the individual I requested Isolation for was already in isolation when I received his file, so I had to request to keep him in isolation." The MI officer went on to say "If you simply passed by the hallway by the isolation area you would not see the detainees naked. You had to go up to the cell to see that detainees were naked." Finally the MI officer stated "I never witness or was aware of any detainee abuse, photos or videos of detainee abuse or humiliation of detainees. I never aware of any or witnessed any detainee with women's underwear."

Non-legal Memo
Friday, June 4, 2004
Wednesday, March 2, 2005

00' 04 June 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD: OilT: Procedure 15 Telephonic Interview of111011111Maglaal The honic interview o On 04 June 2004, I conducted a tcic She hadold me based on questions I asked her. below statement is wha She is now waiting to see the JAG stated it is accurate. reviewed the statement and Officer at Fort Richardson: Unit: A1325th MI BN I arrived in Kuwait on 9 April 2004. On 28 April we convoyed to 1129 into Balad. While in Balad. I was placed on a Tactical HUMINT Team as part of the 18 MP BDE at Camp Victors I staved on the THT until the first or second week of August 2004 when I was ansferred to Camp Cropper to conduct interrogation operahns At ^----''rapper, i was in was in charge of interrogation operations an i. charge of r¦ personnel from the 325 th ' When I amvedM Cam Cropper, we I conducted received a briefing on operations from around 70 interrogations at Camp Cropper. Screenings were conducted in the warehouse next to the area where the detainees stayed. We also had a few interrogation booths inside • While at Camp Cropper, I never saw or was the warehouse and in our office building I did not aware of am detainee abuse, or humiliation of detainees. At Camp Cropper interrogate with any particular individual or linguist we would rotate linguists and sometimes interrogate with other interrogators. On 15 September, 1 relocated to Abu • Ghraib. I didn't conduct any interrogations the first week I was there. We were taken on a tour of the facilities and were told by 519 th personneieIINIIIIMIIIIIIII on what was going on. There really was no right scat ride'because we began interrogating at night and the 519 th MI personnel were interrogating during the day. The interrogation Rules of Engagement (IROE) was not briefed to us when we first arrived, because we were not working yet. We did gel them later the night we started interroat and when new personnel would arrive on several occasions. Sometime whe arrived we received the IROEs When I first be interrogations, I fe der the , and the linguis Late." su envision o I conductedbecame my team leader as our team a, Nit. fter the structure interroptions wit d linguistchanged again, we put into tiger teams then submit it eppOur interrogation plans would go t to higher. I a not sure whn would sign o on it. I know tha ould m. I submi plan tared "we're going to have to get this to interrogate a detainee ked. AG0000488 DOD 000576 tion plan. signed." I do not recall who from operations signed and approved the inte . 'lining the interrogation plans were not really written. My to A. 1000 nd myself) were a little more organized and wrote the interrog n plan a p e o days before or sometimes the morning of the interrogation depending on what ose a proving the Interrogation Plan om the rev .. we had obtain. I never placed any of my were either. detainees on p deprivation. I did use a stress pose ion, at first they did not have to be approved, but later they did. I believe I did request Isolation for one detainee. I do not remember who proved it. I believe the individual I requested Isolation for was ut he was already in isolation when I received his file, so I had to request to keep 'm in isolation. We wanted him in isolation o se arate him from the group of individuals who helad been captured with. A as team leader. ecame mine an. transferred to another tea.There were times when we woul go to the Hard Site and found the etainees naked. It wasn't unusual to see them naked. If you simply passed by the hallway by the isolation area you would not see the detainees naked. You had to go up to the cell to see that detainees were naked. I can't remember seeing the Operations leadershi Hard Site, but I didn't spend too much time there. I do remember seein there when he was delivering feminine products to the female MP that he had collected from use for the female detainees. If others were at the hard site, I didn't pay'much attention I was too bogged with my work. I usually worked form 0800 to right before it got dark. I was only on the night shift for about a weeks and we worked from around 2100 to 0900 I never went to the isolation area during this time period. I only did interrogations outside in tents, while we were being attacked by mortars nightly. I departed Abu Ghraib around 15 November 2004. I never witness or was aware of any detainee abuse, photos or videos of detainee abuse or humiliation of detainees. I never aware of any detainee with women's underwear. I have advised by s with anyone t I do not discuss this with anyone because if I ou d jeopardize the investigation. I have also been told by . receive any e-mail from anyone reference the PROCEDURE I o, Tshould forward them to Investigating Officer AGO 0 0 04 89 DOD 000577
