This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent touring through Guantanamo provided the following account of his observations "I have not taken part in any interview where these techniques were allowed, but have only observed. The details of these interviews consist of, short shackling to the floor, cold tern temperatures, loud music, and strobe lights, and left in [the] interrogation room for long periods of time".
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(lisiSC) (FBI)
b6 From: [ IONS)) (FBI) b7C -1
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 20C4-3:59 PM
To:J1 (WF) (FBI)
subject RE: MVO
OK, Until we decide what was compliant, consider this a positive response. no need to de an EC:
—Original Mesiage-
'..Frotn4 -IMF) (FBI)
b7C . --Sent-Tuesday:luly -1-312004-9:52-AM ,-
Subject: GTMO
b6 -1
Mril ,J• .J,
b7C -1,
• I have been asSigned_to GTMO since October 2003 on a one year TOY.
I have observed interview techniques not consistent with Bireau interview policy, but in cornplianCe with-Department at Defense, DOD policy_ I have•pottaken oartin any interview where these techniques were . allowed-, blit have only observed.. . • • • .• I. • •
.. . . . ..
. . _.. . ,
. . , . . . The details of frese interviews consist of, phOrt shacklinj to the floor., cold ternPeratures, leud music, strobe lights and.left in interrogation room for long omit:ids of tiMe.. Again, this vvas , consisteht with DOD. policy not FBI policy. • • • • . -
- .
For information of Inspection Division,] will be off GTMO from 7113 until 8110 11 . GThrib, can contact me :necessary: . .