This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo stated the following: I did not observe any physically aggressive treatment of Guantanamo detainees. I will include the following: A detainee was led into an interview room by hooded MPs. The detainee was also hooded and the hood was removed by the MPs for the interview. This procedure was not under our direction. This happened on two (2) occasions. In an interview trailer, I observed an interview room with flickering lights and loud rock music coming through and under a door. I did not observe any individuals inside as the solid door was closed. I observed this only once.
' 1011 CSS age ttgv 1 tit J.
I (!NSD) (FBI)
b6 -1 b7c -1
To: 1 (CG) (FBI)
Subject RE: GTMO Inspection Special Inquiry
OK thanks. Had a couple of the same responses/observations. i do not beleive it fits the criteria of the inquiry, so we will consider it a negative response. Thanks again.
Fromi I (CG) (FBI) •
Sent: Tuesda July 13 2004,2;17 PM
b7C -1
To: OM (FBI)
Cc: Br)
Subject: GTMO nspection Special -Inquiry
RECORD 297-HQ-A1327669
I did not observe any physically aggressive treatment of GTMO detainees but, as the email -was
-written requesting informikin regarding the observation of "aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees which was not consistent with Bureau interview
-policy/guidelines" , I will include the following observations and arrow the inspeation Division 10 determine if
. „
it falls under the desired criteria:
A detainee was led into an interview room by hooded MPS. The detainee was also hooded and the hood '-was removed by the MPs for the interview. This procedure was not under our. direction. This happened on • two ocCasions.
In an interview trailer, I observed an interview room with flkiing lights and loud rock music coming through. and under a door. I did not observe any individuals inside as the solid door was closed. I observed this only
• An EC will follow repotting the above. •
1- -1
SAI I . b7C