This memo is a report on the survey and investigation of commander’s understanding and training to his soldier the detainee operations procedures. The memo details the commander's instructions and preparation for accepting detainees and EPWs. It also explained the commander’s policy for transporting and releasing persons taken in to custody. The report found the commander was very involved in his BDE detainee operations. His guidance to his battalion commanders was when you conduct search and knock (cordon and search) do not take more individuals then you have to, reasons if you take more then you risk making more enemies.
SUBJECT: 101 st Airborne Division (3 rd BCT) Detainee Operations Assessment Trip Report
(CONUS Team)
GENERAL: A DAIG Team consisting of 3 U.S. Army Inspectors General and 2 augmentees conducted an inspection visit of 3 rd BCT, 101 st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY. The DAIG Team inspected the role of the unit in detainee operations during the recent deployment in support of OIF. The inspection was conducted in accordance with the Secretary of the Army's directive and objectives.
MSG 11111111
SCOPE OF THE VISIT: The DAIG Team interviewed 38 individuals and conducted 3 sensing sessions consisting of 30 Soldiers. All Soldiers interviewed and sensed were given surveys to assess factors associated with combat stress. The inspection took place over a 4-day period, 22 -25 March 2004.
a. Observations: N/A
b. Documents Reviewed: 3'd BCT TASOP does not address detainee Operation. Unit has a separate document. Fort Campbell IG office is working with the unit to locate this document.
(1) Observation 1:
c. Individuals Contacted (Interviews and Sensing Sessions):
(0 Observation 1: Commanderrip 101st Airborne Division. The BDE CDR has held this position for 18 months. His B E was operating along the Syrian, and Turkish border (AO Rakkasan). He said he was very involved in his BDE detainee operations. His guidance to his battalion commanders was when you conduct search and knock (cordon and search) do not take more individuals then you have to, reasons if you take more then you risk making more enemies. He would release individuals being detained if the individual was picked up by mistake. He would visit his forward collection point at least weekly as a minimum to look at the living conditions of the detainees. He would receive night briefing on number of detainee in the
FOR OFFICri9fL USE ONLY Disseminaticiis prohibited except as authorized)AR 20-1.
Airborne Division (3rd BCT) Detainee Operations Assessment Trip
SUBJECT: 101' t
Report (CONUS Team)
collection point, duration of stay by detainee and when the detainees would be transported to the
division collection point or release by into the community. (1.1, 1.2, 1.4) .
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e AG officer had to certify the Soldiers
gave a briefing on the Rule of Engagement (ROE). .
receive ROE training. Each Soldier was given a copy of the ROE (about the size of a 3 x 5 card)
to carry in their pocket. He said the division had a standardized ROE. (1.21,1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 4.1)
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The process began when an individual was detained by, his.Soldiers1
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the .g.,. 064edied pwilt and into the division Colleetioii point if the e -o-31`'0.`,'
:1;iias paperworkliad tti'be'CoMiiieteit eoritetlYhYvagfitillr: ,
1.1'.readg-narter. . Bottom iiie: unit. His goal was to keep the detainee no more than 7 days from the time of capture to reaching the division collection point. He said he would ask his S2 around day 5 or 6 why are we still
holding the detainee, what would we get if we keep the detainee longer. The detainee received
blankets, junjpsuits, Halli meals, and could pray if they wished. The detainee had proper
sanitation facilities forzwashing hands and latrines at the collection point. (collection point was
operated by the FSB ,B Company). (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 4.1) He said it was hard to
move the detainees to the division collection point not because of transportation but due to IED
and ambushes: He would transport the detainee with his Log pack to division. His AT Platoon Would escort the Log pack and there would be Inguards involved in transporting Oft ()())--detainees to the division collection point: (1.1, 1.5, 1.7) He would have like to have had two or three M113 and hard shell HUMMVs to transport the detainees to the division collection point. His greatest in-demand items for detainee operations were; wire (security), sandbags (bunkers, and berm) tents (provide shade and also integration), wood (flooring for detainee),and digin
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equipment. (1 5, 2.1,.epoLhig;"S940,114 9-115,7411.g,
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(04.Iiltp.ance) Perforinig detainee o.
Or.The company was not able tO -feflair vehicles.,.ave:likd to is tale
..„airartion MP platoonrone,to hargfle, ¦Je.er4.94,.e-4.(atlaerto.4-Platoon to train
rur would reduce
reduce ADA an 1.7, 4.1) He said ROE was included in Annexes in FRAGOs, and OPORDs. (1.2, 1.6, 4.1) The BDE CDR said there was a Stress Management Team (3 individuals) located in the FSB. The Chaplain was also involved with stress of war classes and counseling to Soldiers. (1.2, 2.1, 4.1)
-He said detainees received the same medical treatment as Soldiers. If a detainee had to be evacuated then there was a guard that went with the detainee. If the detainee required long term care then the guard came from the capturing unit. (1.2, 2.1, 3.1) He said his FSB purchased most of the wood, plex glass, clothes (jumpsuit) for the detainees and all other classes of supplies came from the MSB. (1.2, 1.5) He said deabtainee dies while in custody he would conduct a 15-6 investigation, document what occurred, submit a CDR to higher and contact CID. (1.2, 4.1) His unit had identify five lesson learned (Determining truth from fiction, tracking detainees, cooperation and liaison with local law enforcement agencies, detainee review/release procedures at BDE level, and SIPR Net access to battalion level units) to submit to division and CALL. (see briefing slide title 3' BCT Detainee Cage Operations OIF in box) (.2.1, 2.2) He was aware of the
requirement to report abuse or suspected abuse3 othprocedures to report abuse is: capture
Dissemina is prohibited except as
21 ithnri7 AR 20-1..DA IG
SUBJECT: 101 st Airborne Division (3 rd BCT) Detainee Operations Assessment Trip
Report (CONUS Team)
information pertaining to abuse and submit it through command channels and remove the
Soldier. He said his subordinates know their requirements to report abuse of detainee to their
chain of command. He said he would take the following step if a subordinate reported abuse:
Investigate the situation security the area, advise higher headquarters of actions being taken or
refer to higher for action (depend on the rank of the Soldier). (1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 4.1) He perceived
his mission was to have a safe and secure environment for his forces to operate in. His unit
working and living environment was harsh. They were living in dirt eating MREs, no A/C as
time went on they had cots, wooden floors, heat and hot meals. (1.2, 1.5) He felt the command
climate was good, Soldiers new they had a real mission to perform. The Soldiers could see they
were making a different for th people in Iraq. He was not aware of any incidents of abuse. He
said the following measures were in place to boost morale or to relieve stress: PT, Churdh,
boxing smokers, unit runs, VTCs with support groups back home, BBQs, and sporting events.
He said measures the command could have enacted to improve morale and command climate
would have been to bring in the qual4y of life items faster and earlier.
(2) Observation 2: OBCT XO, 101 st Airborne Division. The BDE XO has held this position for 9 months. He was a BN XO prior to moving up to the BDE level. He said his responsibilities for detainee operation was qualify of life, housing, and a place for the interrogators to interrogate the detainees. He said his responsibilities also included looking at the collection point to make sure the guards are doing the right things i.e, visibility and control of the detainees. He would also make sure if the BDE S3 tasked the MP Platoon to perform a mission then he would make sure there was a unit identified to perform the security mission for the detainees. (1.1, 1.2,) Be was not aware of which publication addressed detainee operations. (1.1, 1.4) He said the MPs held a train the trainer class on search and seizure and detainee operations and THT talked to the commanders and staff about their requirement to conduct a good interrogation of detainees. He said the BDE conducted Law of War prior to deploying into theater. In theater the BDE receive training on the Geneva Convention, ROE and Law of War from their JAG Officer. (1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 4.1)ofe said home station training did not prepare them for detainee operations. While in theater their main focus was on EPW operations (Mar-Jun 03) 5 S's and tag. Then in Jun it changed to gather intelligence. (1.1, 1.2; 1.4, 4.1) He said the process from point of capture to the collection point was intelligence information would cause a raid to occur. A Company would do the raid with the company commander and an interpreter would decide if they have the correct individual or should the individual be released. If held then the unit would complete all the required paperwork and move the individual to the battalion holding area. (if the paperwork is not completed correctly then the BDE collection point will not except the detainee from the unit) The detainee would be transported to the BDE collection point with the battalion Log Pack. Upon arrival at the BDE collection point the detainee would receive a medical screening, searched and paperwork reviewed, and then accepted by the collection point. (1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.1,.The collection point was 1500 to 2000 meter f6y0_3 from the perimeter. He said they used a . efense. If an
61:03 attacked the o the ditch and the detainees were moved to
(.the for protections. (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.8, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1) He said he was not experiencing any problem moving detainees. The detainees would move with the Log Pack to division for safety and security of the detainees. To move detainee externally (division collection point) the
Cqz.)-3 ratio would be 1 to To move detainee internally they would use flex cuffs to move the detainee to the medical unit. (1.1, 1.5, 1.7) He said his resource shortfall were external lighting
3 0 5 9
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