FBI Memo: Field Office Support for the Guantanamo Project and the Guantanamo Task Force

The document discusses the Joint Intelligence Interrogation Facility (JIIF) at Guantanamo and the various investigative agencies that are assisting in interviewing and building cases against detainees.

Non-legal Memo
Wednesday, May 1, 2002
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

(R~. 08-28-2000) .
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p~ecedence: ROUTINE Date~ o5/oi/2~02 .
TO.t '., :All Divis~o~s~ . .-_0_.. ~t~:' ADle .'
SAC'----'. ASAC

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From: counterterrorism '.' UBL.Unit b2 -1;, ..
'. Contact: "SAI hTI;~).I...______
b6 -1 .
b7C -l
Approved By" , b6 ~1
:'1=========:"1 .b.7.C
Drafted .By: ~____________________~. -1
Case::ID #: 26SA-MM7C99102 . (Pending)"
" .',

. 'sYnopsis: Field. office supPort f;or the G:rMO' Proj ec~ and· GTMO Task· ·Force·. ; . .
Details: . 1n support ~fthe ~ENTBOMB ··investigation,. t.he
captioned .ma·tter was .initiated when U;.S.· 'military" forces; .'
p~rticip~ting. in. Operation .Enq.uring. Freedom, . captured' armed

. Tali-ban and Al:-Qa I ida fighters iri\rolved in hostile' actions' in . Afghan.istan ... Und~r .e~ecutive authority,: these' indiv:iduals were captured, disarmed 'and-rendered back to United States. Naval Base, Guantanamo"'Bay, CUba "{GTMO) ..""There· are"currerit1y 3;32 de€aihee.s located at GTMO, with 'additional detainees expected to arrive in the immediate future.
Th. U~S. military is operating 'a Join~ Int~lligehce
Interrogation Facility (JIIF) at GTMO. Within the JIIF is the
Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF), which i$ tasked with
conducting interviews cif ·the a·etairiees·.The CITF is' made up of

.rep-resentatives from the Army. Criini·nal Investiga!7·ion· Department, ".
the Naval Criminal Investig~tive service, and the Air Force

.Offic~ of Special Investigations. .Fecieral Bureau..of
Investigation Special Agents,. along with members of the .CITF, .are
tasked with conducting interviews of the detainees, preparing
c~ses for pre;e~:m~i;lt.i?n t~ milita.ry.· ~r,ik?~Da.ls, pe+.f.or~ing '.
analytidal fUn~tions, liaising wlth f9~eign police and
inte~ligence servl.ces, .. and sending out leads.' Supervisory

';'L~ ::i~joPKAiiiON; ~AiiJBO :." ..
HflRRIS i:e·t~"dlj8Y!PIED·· . . .
P;"':r.It:JQ:-;Z:~;:~~9~~ ~.i:~l;~:?~~~.~~~~(~*-~:~~~9Eil?i , ;. .DETAlNEES~27.59

To: All' Pi~isions' From': c~unterterrorism Re: 26SA-MM-C99102, 05/01/2002'

. .
.Special Agents; Special Agents, ··~ntelligei1-ce. Resea·rch. "Specialists, . Investigative Analysts, Electrdn'ic Technicians,:
, :Technically Trained Agents, Language' Specialists', Contract .... ·LingUist~.. and,:· other ·support. persOnnel: have be.en detailed to, GTMO since January,. 2002 in' support of this effort. '.' FB.I staffing for
this. commitment has consisted of designated Miami personnel, a ';;"';" rq~ati9ri -of ~'CIRG 'personnel, ~and ·experie~ced. TDY .'.personn~l .. from .•. '.' , various' divisions,. ., . . . . .
':., ........,'.. '..,' '_ The .p~6~ of .the· work ·at G~o·.is. prisk; cu:td. demanding, but rewarding', 'Due to the importance and high profi1e' nature of · the work, signific~nt .dema~ds..are pla.ced· upon FBI·, persopnel: . assign.ed to GTMO. Interviews· 'of detainees' are conducted in three shifts' pe~ day, Monday t~ough' Saturday', "with' a half c;!ay 6ff on Sunday..· . T~e work' day begins. ~t 07DO and will typically ·last .
· through. 21.00: '
Due to the nature and' demands o~. the' GTMO :Proj ect, , . Assistant Dire~tor Pasquale D'Amuro has directed the. ~xperienced · IT fieid 'offices to provide Specia1· Agents, Intelligenc.e Research
Specialists, and/or Investigatiye Analysts to' the GTMO Project. However, all field 9ffices 'are subject to being called upon to .' ~s~~st: i,ri. :this" effort. .'. . .
) ABide' froPl the GTMO projec't in' Guantan~mo Bay, Cuba,·
FBlRQ has as'sembled a GTMO 'Task' Force (GTF) located at F'BIHQ.

"I:he GTF, . which i~·. compol3ed 'of .TD~ p~tsonnel, consists of an SSA; SAs, .IRSs and an.:~9S.. The GTF i~ ·responsible. for all· logistical and, administrative support of FBI operations at GTMO which . includes, analysis of all data r.e·ceived from' the GTMO Project', staffIng, dissemination of leads, liaison with CITF personnel' and
·.exec;utive· briefings.. . '.
. . .' .
. ,.-..,....... Tb maintain ·conti~ulty·:ahd ensure the: continued·'quaiitY... 'of w~r.k, .all TDY tqurs are a minimum 30 days.'
. Due to th~ c.~eation of the.' inte~iew team concept·, FBI GTMO reqUests field offices not send interviewing agents to GTMO to conduct isolated interviews. Each detainee will be assigned to an. interview t~am, which. con$ists 9£ s5..x. to sev~n rn.embers, . T~'e 'objec'tive "is. to' maintain the'ln'te'grity of the .te~m· concept." '. ancl keep .the detainee' focused on . the team interviewers. :FBr GTMO requests field offices requiring agent· travel to GTMO for intervie~ purposes, allow· agents to remain at ,GTMO for the 30-day rotati.on so that helshe can be assigned to. an in.terview team. Agents not wil"ling to t·ravel to GTMO for 30 days are requested to
' .. forward a. comtt)l:lnicatio.n detai.~ing CJU:est.i.:ons .t~~y. want. the . intervie,,:-,'·team..to ask ·the· deta.inee". ..,.

••• °0 t, .
.To: .All Divisions .. From: Counte·rterrorism 'Re: 265A-MM-C99102, 05/01/2002 .

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.. 'DETAINEES-2761

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To: All Divisions· From: Counterterrorism· Re: 265A':'MM-C991~2, 0·5/01/2002
. '.'
.LEAD·Ca) :
Set Lead 1: (~dm).
..:;.... ;,. ~-: :~ 1; ';'~ .•-1# -. ~l·. t--,. .".
lnformation.for ~11 .rec::eiving offices .

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