FBI Memo: Military Liaison and Detainee Unit Repatriation Matters

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<p>Explains that FBI's Military Liaison and Detainee Unit is responsible for conducting a threat assessment for each Guantanamo detainee who becomes eligible for repatriation, and establishes a procedure to ensure an FBI interview is conducted of each such detainee.</p>

Non-legal Memo
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

(Rev 0\·31·2003) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/19/2003 Attn: SSAI......_____.... To: MIamI b6 -1 b7C -1 From: CounterterrorIsm CT ORS / ML & DU / Room =,3 B2 Contact: Iosl~_________~ Approved By: I b6 -1 ,.!:::====::::;' Drafted By: ~1______________lrag b7C -1 Case ID #: 199N-HQ-C1406946 -D 26SA-MM-C99102 Title: MILITARY LIAISON & DETAINEE UNIT REPATRIATION MATTERS SynopSl.s: To establIsh a procec.urE· to ensure an FBI IntervIew IS conducted of each detaInee that becomes a candIdate for repatrIatIon Details: The MIlItary LIaIson & DE'talnee UnIt (ML&DU), CounterterrorIsm DIVISIon, FBIHCI, .s responsIble for conductIng a threat assessment of each detaInee at the Guantanamo Naval Base (GTMO), Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that becomes a candl.date for repatrl.atIon. The ML&DU recel.ves t hE:!se threat assessment requests approxl.mately four days be-fore the due date. The ML&DU makes an assessment from an FBI perspect1ve, relYIng pr1mar1ly on FBI InformatIon The fInal determ:· nat10n as to where and Wh1Ch detaJ.nee(s) WIll be repatrIated 1S done by a Transfer ReVIew Board, conSIstIng of varIOUS agenc)es to l.nclude DOJ and DOD In order to conduct a thorough reVIew of the detaInee's case, the ML&DU querIes FBI databaBe:3 for FBI l.nformatlon relat1.ve to the deta1nee and reVle\'IS thIS 1nformat1on, partIcularly the FD-302s, for any :ncons1stencles or derogatory Informatl.on. Consequently, It l S t!ssent1al that detaInees presented for repatrIatIon have at If:ast one FBI IntervIew (FD­302) In the1r case fIle for reVlew. ThIS commUnl.Catlon provlde:3 notIfIcatIon that the ML&DU WIll adVIse the GTMO FBI SupervJso)~ SpeCIal Agent of each detaInee reqUIrIng an FBI InterVIew, VIa emaIl or telephone call. Due co the tImelIness of each thredt assessment request, It l.S requested that the InterVIew be conducted as soon as possl.ble nLL r~':F(JRrL~'l'1:I:r.-.! (:'OlJ·~AINE..n HERSH: IS lJ~'ClJ\SSJ'.":E;;: D-"?E (;l-~O-LOil4 BY ~blh£:1;"~/bcolo:t~· 04-c-~-4~Sl DETAINEES-4 y DOJ FBI-000026 / To_ MIamI From-CounterterrorIsm Re-199N-HQ-C1406946 -D, 06/19/200] LEAD (s) : Set Lead 1: (Info) MIAMI AT GUANTANAMO BAY, CUE-A The FBI GTMO Supervlsory SpecIal Agent IS requested to ensure an FBI l.ntervIew 1S condlJctE'd on each detaInee that becomes a candl.date for repatrlatlC'n 2 DETAINEES-S DOJ FBI-000027
