Army Memo from Major General Odierno to Ironhorse Commanders, Leaders and Soldiers re: Treatment of Detainees. The purpose of this memo is to provide guidance for the treatment of enemy prisoners of war (EPW) civilian internees (CI) and other detainees (OD) in the custody of US Forces. Prohibits inhumane treatment of EPWs, CDs, and Ods. Neither the stresses of combat, nor deep provocation, will justify inhumane treatment.
DIV15414. v.EcHAr4z7Z-D)
"rtimi-r, :RA*
AFYB-CG 21 $,1,Rr.P.C10:3
MEMORANDUM FOR TF. front-Ke Cominaric.i-ors,, 1,0a:itie.r5 and taddie, rs.
SUBJECT Inint4-ftent of Decal nags in the. Castody1.11 U.S. Fr,gcf;'!:1
1. The zxi rpi) of this memOrandurn S tO provide guidarice for the trealimant cf emy
r5-aner.s of war CE-Plii5P... Ian ii1emee.. (C11 and -7.-Jaler In the c,t5Ica1y cf U.S
2: ernri-narElrs :-.11 ;111 Znvol's will en:-Wra lh.;31.EFPW5dvilin infemeos 1,to include
irlwiui cumPaiants and zen-cr-sts) and other detai-t4z,sas 2re nurnana:41reate.d in 'ah At--1 1-8. En limy 'i it cri War, .etairvii: PerForine1,
-I aternees, and Orr .Detainees: Fir:,z1d Manuat 27-.10, Tie Law of Land VV2rtara the 1549 Geneva Calivention Relative 1.o the Treairnent c Prisoners of War; and..1 IS49 Gnovr.1C tCiLir RelailveI 1ie Prattxtiz.‘n Cam:iilian-s in a Time o1 Wa
TF lionnoise, Eoldiors -will treat ail &itain4:10:5.: With dlg, Itly and rospert arid, at to vPry least, will mootth rrI humane irealrtni aanibufated hi ?.nternational TF 1r ritns tdir i I tr,sat all Cl and OD in a Ttlarrer consisiarit ii, the protectors aftrdod EFWpiirst.r31t la Ih prim:74)1es °all in Me G
ere'ira Conventl Dn. SU:741 t:;eatro;nr, will be Qx1-enr:1,-...,d EPtis, CI, and OD f.rDrn the nomen1 they fill:: into he 1:OritiS of U.S Farces t3 the time al their lirtal refe.a:50 ti rc (
Cl. and OD I) bo To.5?,-gr...1Ed :7:15 hurriari boinia. Th.*. 'ail b roletiCa
.1t1 ct2 eivicillz.-neA, including. out not lirnhnd to a_5scluit, ins;r1-11tr,,
and raprinrik & any kd. Whiis• detal-1-.:r.tony may to
€9.s in U.S_ 1
iaterre4-1;4:eidipurrx.--.H.-11-.!s, the U{90 iricir me lira I 1(yftire, or c:DEIrcit:2ri 13 Clifilpd irdiVidUals t.,Dravide mformation i l c iii1 Inf.errooetipris condTti b' nterigent:!:-crCounIer-inteilitletice Dersornef.
5. Detainee: vp.11 rco hu-11,2rie 1,:e3trnen1 i.thout ruaarci b niUiccci ily.
pItic;il -Gpini0.71 aex:icrker i7zif.c.4r41.LJ.S. Fryof.-..s may : tICV/Cverireii rnirI eFFS
t:atrsgoni fo , iinf)razicnial and scicu1,.. reasnri..
6_ nriLin-rarle IQ;i171 i..".11 E.PW Si, CI. and CD 6 sr,inty ryr)tutrul ...411.
otors:Inti:‘,1, liar at-752,p przoc.-;:l Lori wi?l justlyi SJch II truntrrcrit ol
re. is
LAIde.rntor i law and th UnF orrn CCd
of 1,1 lifarf Justicf. ( 1,,-.CMJL ropol-Li cf dulairico ofcMti.m rrVallreairrmr . 1 iiii bo
iNvol:l...! :.3.ted arid !c_:pormi lo Ii0 -.1uoportin1lucoc. anvcr.2.-012 or Dirscr SJA_
DOD 001035
A.FYB-.C11 5USJE•T: 7-rentrneri1 rjj Deta:r.eis in tile C-1.1s1c.Nly of U.S Foretz.:3
g 3/1S
irr this rnert-vitz...ritixnEi LTA. Staff Judge Advocate, 5,,L fNvT 534-
rtFINO Majac ee..90.M.1, USA Cc mmending
DOD 001036