FBI Memo re: Response to Canvass Email Concerning Treatment of Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

Error message

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This memo is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The FBI agent states that he did see one (1) detainee who appeared to have "blood shot eyes and what appears to be blood that congealed to his eyelashes". The agent stated that he was sending supporting material, including photos, in a follow-up email.

Non-legal Memo
Monday, July 12, 2004
Monday, January 1, 2007

- 01;1.2cvaa)
pre.cedence: ROUTINE - Date: 07/12 2004
b6 -1
To : • Counterterrorism Attu: I
b7C -1
From: -Laboratory Diviiion.• Special Photographic Unit •b2 -1 .
b7C -1 Approved. By: I 149g/r7ef. '

Drafted By: I litb
Case ID #: .297-HQ-Af327669-21-0eT Pending)

Title: Counterterrorism Division, GIMO,' Inspection Special Inquiry. . .
•Synopi.s: •• No observation Of ,aggreisive treatment of detainees but photographed one •detainee who had blood shot..eyes and what appears to be blood that congealed to hiS eyelashes.
Enclosure (s-) One CD 'containing aIl• iniages of
FBI ,number ISN' number I ,photographed o n
b6 -i 4
12, 2004. at 4:36'PM by (SO') Photographer)
•toc -1, 4 1' •
1 Fifteen 11 by 11 calor. prints of the detainee are ,
by also, included in this enclosure.. Photographs 'of) (are ,available 'from the Special Photographic:Unit, Que.ntica,
b6 _1 • Detai,ls: :Photographer. (Scientific. 'and
b7C -1 Techni.tal) of the Special Photographic , Unit, Laboratory

• ..Division, was assigned to eeph6tograph the detainee's for new Mug. shots on .several days and two travel •assignment.s froni: March .11::to March 15, durii-kg 2004 and June 10 to 17,,-2004..
During the .first .assignment, on March 12, 2004 detainee FBI number[ 1 ISN nuMber •
b6 -4
iyas photographed and MalOr.Case printed at 4:36
b7C -4
PM. it was observed that L. j had blood shot eyes with slight Swelling around his left eye. After reviewing the
. photographs what appears to be blood that congealed to his -• eyelashes, was found. No observation was made. as to how this Condition came about, and no comments where heard from any
—11/2:rmy—pe-sonar egard n9 •aggress-i-ve treatirie-n-t—towa-r-ds the ;detairkee.



'Tiodoun e .3.,74SIon
Re: 297-HQ-Al'af".6


No other detaineeS 'were ohserved to have similar
conditions, nor did I personally hear Of any cotments from the
Army personnel concerning their treatment of the•detainees,'

r. have • personally reviewed my work from both •
assignmentsand .not -:seen any -other'zNestionablemages.

1-Dr. Adams

