DOD Memo re: Talking Points on Allegations of Abuse at Abu Ghraib

This DOD memo is to address allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib in the wake of news reports and features, i.e. Sixty Minutes II, The New York Times, and The New Yorker. It lists the events and action taken in response and specifically mentions units and individual persons who are being investigated and held to account for the abuse that occurred.

Non-legal Memo
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

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Talking Points on Allegations of Detainee Abuse at Abu Gbraib Prison
Question: Sixty Minutes II, The New York Times, and the New Yorker all report that there have been allegations physical and sexual abuse of detainees by U.S. Forces at Abu Ghraib prison. Is that true? Please describe the allegations and any investigations that are ongoing.

Background (not for use as Talking Points):

At a press conference on 20 Mar 04, BG Kimmit, CJTF7 Deputy Director of Operations, related that charges had been preferred against six reserve MPs for physical and sexual abuse at Bagdhad Central Confinement Facility (BCF) at Abu Ghraib.

BG Kimmett did not name the soldiers or their units.

The soldiers alleged to have been abusing detainees were assigned to the 372d MP CO, (USAR, Cumberland, MD) ofthe 320th MP BN (USAR, Ashley, PAl. Both units fall·under the BOOth MP BDE. The BOOth :MP BDE is a theater asset, assigned to CFLCC and TACON to C1TF-7. It is an internment and resettlement brigadC from Uniondale, NY, and many ofits soldiers are corrections officers in civilian life.

The 800th has since redeployed. The six soldiers have remained in Iz and have been reassigIll;Xl to the 16th MP BDE, an active duty unit.

. • A seventh soldier faces possible charges, but has been transferred to CONUS . for medical reasons.

Of the six charged, three Article 32 investigations have been completed, and the investipting officer has recommended referraJ to courts-martial. The four remaining Article 32 investigations have been delayc9 at defense request.

The charges against the six MPs include:

o Indecent acts for ordering detainees to publicly masturbate

o Maltreatment ofsubordinates for non-physical abuse suc~ as ordering detainees into a "nude pyramid" and taking photographs ofthe nude detainees

o Assault consummated by battery for shoving and -stepping on detainees

o Dereliction ofduty

o Conspiracy to maltreat subordinates.

Also; two ofthese MPs have been charged with aggravated assBult, one for striking a detainee in the head with enough force to render him ~conscious and the other for striking a detainee in the chest almost rendering him unconscious.

Commander, CJTF7 initiated the criminal investigation inunediat~Iy upon becoming aware of the allegations when a soldier provided authorities a copy


.; ofa CD with digital photos and video showing physical and sexual abuse of detainees.

Commander, CJTF·7 ordered a separate administrative investigation under AR J5·6 investigation into systemic issues such as command policies and internal procedures relating to detention operations, which is ongoing at this time.

The Army IG is also leading a team that is conducting an assessment ofthe doctrine and training associated with detention operations.

Prepared by [

-. DOD JUNE 677
