DOD Memo: Information Paper on Military Police Internment/Resettlement Unit Designs

The information paper discusses the historical evolution and issues pertaining to Military Police units that oversee detainee internment/resettlement operations, including high risk detainees and enemy prisoners of war.

Non-legal Memo
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

SUBJECT: Military Police Internment/Resettlement Unit Designs
Purpose. To provide the historical evolution and issues pertaining to the designs of Military Police units conducting enemy prisoner of war (EPW), US military prisoner confinenient, high risk detainee (HRD) interment operations, and displaced civilian (DC) resettlement operations.


As a result of Operation Desert Storm EPW operations, the Army recognized the need to correct the artificially reduced EPW planning factors and EPW unit design constrains imposed under the 1983-85 Army of Excellence (AOE) redesign. The end result was additional force structure to support Army war fight and daily operational requirements.

The evolution of Force XXI Operations in the mid 1990's emphasized the requirement for the Army to conduct joint, multinational operations in all operational environments (war, conflict, peace), and that a large portion of Army operations will be population control. On 6 Feb 96, the US Army Military Police School (USAMPS) submitted the operational concept for Internment/Resettlement Operations as part of the Force Design Update (FDU) 96-1 process. The key aspects of the concept were:

While the procedures will vary by category of the FR populace (EPW, US military prisoners, DC), the functions of sheltering, sustaining, guarding/protecting, and population accounting are fundamentally the same.

Creation of a standard FR battalion headquarters with a confinement (US military prisoners) and a EPW (EPW and DC) detachments. The modules, along with the separate MP Guard Company, were building blocks based on the size of the FR populace being supported.

The proposal also redefined and expanded MOS 95C (now MOS 31 E), and associated MOS training, from Corrections (US Military prisoners) to Internment/Resettlement (all FR populations). The MOS for all enlisted documented as 95C (FR) in all organizations. As part of the concept and subsequent training development processes, representatives from the 300th MP EPW Command, 800th MP EPW Brigade, and the US Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) participated.

In late 1999, citing reclassification, retention and recruitment challenges, the USAR withdrew their support for the conversion of all MOS 95B (Military Police) positions to the new MOS 95C (Internment/Resettlement). In Mar 00, as a result of further coordination and with the exception of the new FR Confinement Detachment, the MP Commandant (BG Ryder) announced the reversal of MOS 95C (FR) back to MOS 95B(MP) in all FR designs,. Citing the forthcoming MP Commandant recommendation, the Director, Force Programs (BG Odierno) approved (9 Feb 00) the USAR FY 02 Command Plan request for exception to standardization to

OPMG Document

document affect positions as MOS 95B. This approval was also applied to the affect ARNG

The MOS reversal also resulted in the FORSCOM withdrawal for the partial
conversion of the Ft Lewis Regional Confinement Facility (RCF) Table of Distribution and
Allowances (TDA) to form an UR Battalion headquarters (with USAR positions) and two UR
EPW Detachments. Without an equal number of additional MOS 95B bill payers for the
battalion and detachment positions, the RCF would not be able to function if the MOS 95C
positions converted to MOS 95B.

As a result of Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) operational requirements, the capability to provide short and long-term internment of High Risk Detainees (HRD) was established as a mission requirement. The new HRD category of UR populace is significant in that, unlike the assumption of a nonbelligerent EPW population, the HRD as considered belligerent and hostile to internment forces, and the requisite skill set to manage HRD is found in MOS 95C. Therefore, on 20 Nov 02, and as a result of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Gauntanamo Bay (JTF-GTMO) HRD internment operations, the Army G3 (LTG Cody) directed a "bottom-up review" (BUR) of MOS 95C and 95B MP force structure to assess US prisoner confinement and internment/resettlement (I/R) operations, to make the Active Component MOS 95C soldiers more deployable and the reserve component MP UR battalions more flexible to meet both deployment and prison facility backfill rotation requirements. On 4 Sep 03, the CSA approved the redesign and force structure recommendations contained in the USAMPS Out-of-Cycle FDU packet.

The development of a I/R battalion package that uses one of four current UR Detachment (MOS 95B) and the company headquarters and two platoons from one of two Guard Companies to form a UR. Company (MOS 31E, old MOS 95C), and adding a MOS 31E staff NCO to the S3 section of the UR battalion.

The new I/R Company is capable of operating either a confinement facility for up to 300 US military prisoners or an internment facility for up to 100 HRD. When an UR Company is part of an UR Battalion headquarters with a MP Guard Company, the capability to intern HRD increases to 300. The UR unit capabilities are based on supporting tactical major combat operations, and support for long term contingency operations and operating fixed facilities may require additional units. In the case of the latter, the UR Company MOS 31 E personnel will conduct internal detention operations while the MP Guard Company 31B personnel will provide facility security/perimeter guard force, and as required and under the supervision of MOS 31E personnel, augment internal detention operations. (Saelttached chart)

The approved FDU force structure included the active component (AC) resourcing and permanent stationing of one UR Company required to support JTF-GTMO, and to convert the majority of the USDB TDA to form two AC UR Companies. One of the companies is to be available for short notice, short duration operational requirements (until reserve component UR companies could be mobilized). As part of the Total Army Analysis 2011 (TAA 11) process, Forces Command (FORSCOM) resourced the JTF-GTMO I/R Battalion headquarters and the

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second UR Company (also to be stationed at GTMO), and a third AC UR Co to better support Army operational requirements.
(4) As part of the AC/RC Rebalancing guidance and TAA 11 programming actions, the Army inventory and the total number of deployable UR Companies by each FY is reflected below.
FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09-11
AC (GTMO) 1 2 2 2 2
OCONUS RCF 2 2 2 2
AC (USDB) , 1 1 1 1 1
De 1 lo able
AC (USDB) 1 1 1 1 1
AC (FC) 1 1
NG 2 4 10 10
AR 3. 5 7 7
Total Deployable 1 7 11 19 19
Unresourced 7 7 7 7 7

3. Discussion.
a. Included as part of the overall UR mission/skill set assessment and Task Force ModUlarity organization design efforts, USAMPS has or will:
Include MOS 31 E staff NCOs in the Unit of Effort x (UEx) Provost Marshal staff and the Maneuver Enhancement Support Unit of Action (SUA) MP staff section.

Include MOS 31E staff NCOs in the development of UEy and Theater Protection Command designs.

Include MOS 31 E staff NCOs in future modifications to the current MP Combat Support Company, Battalion and Brigade designs.

b. As a result of recent incidents and concerns, USAMPS is reviewing the need to:

Expand the conversion of selected UR BattAion and Detachment positions from MOS 31B to 31E.

Develop of institutional training to award an MP officer skill identifier for UR operations, and to identify and document all TDA and TOE positions that will require the skill identifier.

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OPMG Document
DO D-048619

MP I/R Bn Force Package:
Standardized, Modular, Plug-n-Play

woulnooa DJ do
MP I/R Bn 19546A0

I/R EPW Det MP Gd Co 19547AB 19667L0 X4 X2
4000 EPW OR -8000 Displaced Civilians
19546Adob Reduce MCO Rqmt
UR Conf Det MP Gd Co
— 19547AA 19667L0
X 2 X2
Capability: 1000 US prisoner
for 1 Det

MP Plt
(, r)ii 1 ; 11 1)\'

19667L0 X 6
EUSA: 150 US Military Prisoners
EUR: 150 US Military Prisoners

I/R Bn HHC 19645A0 (Recap)
I/R Det 19543AA
4000 EPW w/ Max Custody - OR ­8000 Displaced Civilians
¦ • • • • • • • ¦ • • • • II • ¦ • • • • • IN • • • • • • I\/i l.J /I
300 US prisoners -OR-
100 High Risk Detainees

MP I/R Bn 19646A0

300. HRDs 300 HRDs
