FBI Memo: Guantanamo Task Force Special Projects Up-date

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<p>FBI Memorandum from Guantanamo Task Force to Raymond Mey re: update regarding a Guantanamo detainee; Memorandum re: a Guantanamo detainee; DOD document. The contents are heavily redacted. An FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet is appended to the document.

Non-legal Memo
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

.,. ,. .iE¥RE:t.· .... .--·--r:\··· .' ~ct. C!-3l-2003) . -­ - - _S~/NOPORN '-)-. '...... '. . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .. .. . . -'Precedencef . ROUTINE •. . . TOI Counterterrorism'. . Attn: SC Raymond. M~y' ,..----, :"A"7C_·~:%'r:1"",",-'~''':'~M':~~~~H""•..."""~. :;;:e~m::i"/.U:I I··,~s:t --I I. OH' .. ~. '" I .From: '. Miami . GTMO"Task Force . ,......----------"" ..... ~." cont~c:t" . FBsp-l~te~;1 I b2 -1 Approved.By: b6 -1 . b7C -1 Drafted By: . Case ID #: ~ 265A-MM-C99102-AA671 {Pending} . : Ti.tle:... ('t.I.. G.TMO IN,TF;L . . . . . .: '''\ GUANTANAMO BAY,: :CUBA .. ": ~'fR Cr,'SE i-aa '. b6 -4 Synopsis: ~GTMO TF ,Special .Project updatei b7C -4 b7D -1 _I----------------~I. ----------~ b7F -1: . .·:p..·(U) '.,...: I.. ...·=i~.a. -.6~~i.. .:~.jA ........ :. ", .......,.....,.~ ...........:~.~ o;'.".t:"7f'~." _'\.~~.. s..,.... I·~·'" .·1···.·· .'. . .~........ . R~ference: ·0 ' . ' . .(UI ..~ (1) 265A-MM-C99102 Serial' 908 . .'~D! ......J:l(t .(~} ·265A-MM-C99102-AA671 .Ser~a'.l 19. (Ul"~ (3) 2.EiSA-MM-C99102-AA6.71 Serial 20 (U)·.. ~ Details :····XThe references prov:.de background informat ion 'rE;!garding .this special' project a~ should be .rev:iewed prior t.o reading.further. R~~eren~~'(ll is the. initial plan. Reference (2) is BAU recommendations designed to ·enhance·the initial plan. Reference. (3), is an upd.ate discussi~g. progress through 02/14/2003. 'The following is an update discussing 'progressto date and future plans. nA:g!:.;tFii2;:~ca . . ~tASif:;;tiiib rd. :~1'7~ti4~/iit':.dO::lri-":d'hnr;,!:ii:A:SQN;;,:'i.; 4: ;~d} D~~iiif~'; b[,j:;;1i~bZ";2G2~ ) . DETAINEES-2807 DOJFBI-001461 'lEG~Em ,-~'7,""",'-~ , , '() . . ·S~/~oFORN' . ,To: ,~~terterrorism ,From: ',Miami, ~' ,,~~,;:,...~" 265.A-MM~C~'~l'02-:~671'I, 'O~l13/20q3 (U)···· . . .' .-. -~ .".... -, . ..... ,. ;.. ,... ., ....... b7C -2,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 ,(S/NF),[ t ~I I 1.., II ~1 ~ 6 -3,4 It7C -3,4 ~7D -1 ~7F -1 '0 : .... ~•• " " 02/25/2003-03101/2003 ... i bl b6 -1,2 b7C -1,2 'I 1 'r~ I , 1..1 I bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4, b7D -1 L-________________________~~__~__--~__------------------~ b7F -1 sE~t\T~NOFORN -~.-,-*._,-.- DETAINEES-2808 .. ,.;E4Rem.. --'-,---' ...•...• , , S~T/NO~O~ , '. , , ·To: Cbunte'rterr6rism 'From: ,Miami '.,' ", ,:C)'" . Re: ¥'. 26SA-MM-C991,O'2-AA67:J" "0'3/13/2003, ' ,,' . bS -1 , ., b6 -4 .... .:.. \. .' ~--------------------------------------------------------__b7C -, b7D -1 b7F -1~ . bI _ ....'-..~~...w"._ • . ~ . "',­ . ...-. , . I. L.I ,I (S/NF\1 bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 I. 1 b7F -1, .... (S) b1 b6 -1,2 b7C -1,2 ¥-ET/NOFORN.. ), I ',3 SEGREJi ••""""1\.-'..-.- I -0" DETAINEES-2809 .r " .... ,,,. '. '.' I. ,. \t. ,.' -• .,' '. bl b6 b7C b7D -1 b7F -1 ;....•~ ......... -1,3,4,5 ·~~'I, -1,3,4,5 ,-.; ...... ,-,j , bl &::,. ,I b6 -1,3, b7C -1,3, b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 • ~--------------------------~~------------------------------ b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4' b7D -1 : . .. ., /. b1F -1 'SeeRE7n . ~-'-X---"----­ . ~ . DETAINEES-2810 " . .S~/NOPOIDl .. ~).'. To: '. Counterterror;i.sm..From: Mi~mi .. Re:' ~26SA-~.-C99:.t02-AA671, 03/13/2003' .' . .. '.' ~ ,. . . . ':.':. (S/NF) ~3103 12~03 I ~ . 'f, ...., . ~ , (SItJF\ 03/04/?OO'~1 ..... ~ .~I II !~ b1 b6 -L3, b7e: ~1, b7D :"1 . b7F :-1 , r " .1. "~TS!NF)·..··o3"io·s/io·o31 r" I b1 b6 -1.3,4,5 I b7e: -1,3.4, 5 b7D -1 b7r -1 I (S/NF) 03/06i2003 I b1 b6 -3,4 b7e -3,4 ~---------------------.-'-.~ ~~ERET--/-N-O-F-9-RN------------~D7D -1-----­ /" b7F -1 5 ) DETAINEES-2811 ~?Em -.'" -.--,,-- J . .' ~T/..;,POm. ..... o· . To: .'. GeWlterterl:orism . From: ..Miami· -. _ ... , . .~e: -(~. 265A~MM-~9~lO~:"'~671,· 03/~'J/2~'03_ . . . . . . '; .. bl : •.-L-('i'o," b6' -1,3,4,5 . b7C -1,3,4,5 b7D -1 . ., . , b1F -1 . . . ,.', ,\.. tr.'· I -.J"'''. ~-::r,. ~-.-(S-/-N-F-~-O-3-/-07-/-2~O-03-·~ r----------------------------~~--.L,I i.! II L.al I .. hI ; b6 -1 ,3,4,5 b7C -1,3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 ). DETAINEES-2812 DOJ FBI-001466 ;~ -REm --~l--·'·~--·· . '0' I . "' . '. ~/NOPORN . To: .Colinterterrorism 'From~iami . . Re.:· '. :s:r.. (U1265A-MM-C99102-AA671 , ':03/13/2003' . ~ ". . .\.' .. :... .0 " . \ : . , .' ' .. .. b1 'b6 -3,4,5 ...·1·,. -~: .• I '-"," ' •••.• -I b7C -3,4,5 1 L... . b7D -1" . . b7F -1 . .... . ,. ~l'..:~. :~.;': .•'..'0. ~~--~--~------------------------------------~----~ -3,4 b6 oi/o~i20031 I b7C -3,4' I . '". '. '.' :'/. . . ~/' .; b7D -1 'b7r -1 (5) 1 6 -1,2 7C -1, bl b6 -3,4. b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 ~ET/NOFORN .. . . 7 DETAINEES-2813 .' . t i , S~/NO"OIU{ ./). To: . Count'erterroriam : From: Hi.ami·, ; '-. . Re:, .. ~265A-MM-C9910~-AA671; 03/13/2003 .' . ;'. " ;.. I~I .. t~,I_·.~,·; :' I b1 b6 -3,4,5~,~... b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 (S/NF) 0~/13/2603 I 1-. ~ ------------~~---=~~~~ ~ ~I r bl b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -l. b7F -l.. ," ). '." -. ~. I,-C bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -l. ) DErAINEES-2814 .' I '. ' , . , S~T/NOFORN To:: ~}Ulterterrorism Fro~;\iami ' ," , ",0' Re: ~ 265A::~-C~91~'2-'AA.671,: 03/13/2003 .' '. . .... . "'.Jo.... .'..-:. (S/NF)' I I ,~,':.t; . •' b1 ,~ b 6 -3,.{::'-:~ , , b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1­ (S/NFl' I ." I J.I I'' I: .. I, bl b6 '-1 ,2,3,4 b7C -1,2.3.4, b7D -1 . , .~~, ..,:. .-.', -1: b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 , b7F -1 Current Assessment (Si'NF) I " II ~ II ' ,,~ ,' bl ~-----------------------'-'-S-"'~~T-/-N-O-F-O-RN--------------------~b6 -3,4' b7C -3,4 ) , " ~9 b7D -1 SE'~REm" b7F -1 -~~-­ -;----,,-_. DETAINEES-28iS " 0'.. , .r) \.,.. . .'. To: " . '. Re': . .. bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 (S/NF)" .r b1 b6 -3,4. b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 . Future Plans/Considerations' .....: '~...., .~~ '..~ .:. .... ~; . . ' ·tsl~·)·~ 1 1 b7D -1 .b'7F -1· DETAINEES-2816 \ . I,' ". .. . .' SE¥r/NOFOlm /",,\' ... ·To: .'i'?pterterrorism , From( .~am~ . .'-) Re: . (~ ..265A-MM~C99102-AA611, °.3/131200'3 ' .. . . r··,..... ':... : ,,_' wJ"_.J".. ... , '''., ;'., ", ~~--~------------------------~------------~======~~---b7F -1 (U)·:: : faSP-l ~ould like, to· f~J;mally rec;::ognize r Iand. "'. '. I: jefforts in.-assisting .with .thi.s· ~t6Jeet: l!eir· b6 -2 ". . e&rs have .gre;ltly· enhanced our effol:ts .. ·One sugges.t~on· ". b7C -2· would be ~ certificate ·of appreciation signed by the Director. ) 'FBSP-l 'wo~ld provide their accc:mplish~ents. ' . . . "-~""~,,!"::.:2r~ ~.,.", .......... '"""• .,. ..... ~-.•.~•..,...~ d .. ~-:,~ Ar.­ ..: " ) DErAINEES-2817 .;. , ~Y, il'-Ol:lmi . '. .' ~. . . ' . SR" ' .. '. F'EDERALc BUREAU'O 'INVESTIGATION' . r-. . :' '\. '...J . Co ., . . . ....... Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 01/10/2003 . '-: ....,~s:::;--. ....... ~".~", . '~'!"-'-~ f .... -~ .. : ~ ~.', ... !-•• .c........".-::-~.\~~. :' . ~"'": : To': c6unterte~r~rism·:. Attn: SSAI IITOS1/RFU/ . . ...... '. . ". . . b6 -1· . GTMYTFc. Boom 5382 '. . .' . 1'1;""'~.~..:·:;:;::t..~;:;"~~~-~·.%t:~'.!"f.i!:~-~-..It':;""::~';~b7C -li~"";':;"'S'SA tJPENrTBOM~h~':':;' From:' .Miami .···"~c~~c~;· SAl b2 -1 ~pproved. By: .1::======';;..:.,:_,;.,;..;...:.., .. c'b6 -1 . b7C -1 Drafted By: L...._________---'J . Case' ID #: ~ . . (~ 265A~MM-·C99102 t~\1?{ Pending) Ti tle : ."'t1 GTMO INTEL GUANTANAMQ BAY I CUBA , .. MAJOR CASE 188 . .:6 -3 4 .m)·..·..·~Siil6isi·s·:·:·.. l?t· Spe'cial p~ojec;~ Assignment 1,.;--....;..;....;..------~b7C -~,oQ' \. I I .1 . 7D -1.' b7F -1 1:11 -3,4.5 b6 b7C -3.4,5 Detai·is: b'1D -1:. b1F -1 . ,-,j 1 11 -3,4,5 -, I "'1 b6 -3,4,5 b'1C 11D -1 b'1F -1 l~"'l~~L'_-~-~-=-'-"_-~-'C'-'------------~'~S~E~~~----------~~-_3-,-4-~:S~ ;.JDA..,B_,· ~ ·iI.. £~~.uU4i...,...cAl.B:n • iik:OO,;,axili'S:i :~iS~i)tiUalil~'i~::n~J:~ut b7C -3.4 inR&l.'siJN;;.:a:.; ;.li.;erj)')j Ai.r;~iJolio~;;i.t6iI; C(;N'iAilisb b1D -1 DEclJissl:i S :Q[·b ~ 1G;;'~2d41~ ~Rii;iN;i i{iJi.IC1J.~8:r'li;;iIi; ;kct;~T b1 F -1 . r . . ~;~~;e" -:-, ..')'._--'~.- DETAINEES-2818 'jE~Ri=m ........_,_..... , ~ '. . ,":'0 T' "0' • -.' . . .' . ' To: Counterterrorism From:. Miami . ,Re:· (S). 265A-MM-'C99102'" 01/10/.2003 .. b~-) . b6 -3,4 1-· I b7C -3,4 . ( '~I &"1 b7D -1' ;~.:~.-~.~.~!M('(~'~.~~~"-=-=~~~.~~-\l#~.ili':!':"~='~'~~'.;;~.r.~"(~S?iQ1i'.,::~~~~,. ~t-~"i~~:i~'o1i"":':'X~~=:[~ma'~:"'~;l~~-~:-"~~!r:~::-::--';;~i\1~-dt:~~~a~~r:-'!t~-A"~"2'-''"':'0;-'0)':"·2';'-·1·r===~:;-:-:': ~'f::':~Ab=' ..;i~."p~-f·:-~~-·,;;\":'~~--:~:-·"'o,;;..t-~~":b!·b: =~'.'~' GTMO. I 7C -3,4 ~~~-L--------------------------------------------------------~e7D -1 b7F -1 ~ ...... . -..,...... " t·· '.' ......., • ,-,.:~ ..' bl b6 . ·1 -1,2,3,~ 1 1-. ~ II ~I II b7C -1,2,3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 b6 -3,4 .. 1 I-.~ b7C -3,4 . ~ ~I I b7D -1 b7F -1 lb" b1 b6 -1,3,4 I 1-: II' &..l 1 I b7D -1 b7F -1 b7C -1,3,4 bS -1 L-------------------------------------------------------------~~6 -1,3,4 2 "' " I' " ,,' ':- I. '~ .. :i. :i' ~ 1/,J '. '" ~.t " , ~ \, l' ,.. ... . ..., ~; ~, • t •• '-JJJ,:~', ,.~~} fjJ: " -..... ~ ,; ~ :t­ i, " '~. "~' " ...ci '" , ._a I t ... : ., :'I 'J '~CN~T" " fj' " :: ~ ri-To: Counterterrorism From: ~ t ~ 'l ~ u Re: (S) 26SA-MM-C99102, :lOJ ri 'D r-)03 ", ; j', "..Q ..Q ..Q .1 • 1'4 • • I.l , " "./ I ~~. ~ " ,It " , {, , " LEAD(IJ): ':1 , 0 , ·c ~' 'J \ ,- Set ' ~ead:,1: 'j " COUNTERTERRORISM , '~::, ';. 'AT W~HI~~TQN qe.; I , Il « " : JsJJ , r, lI.f ~' '. . :,' IIgt i.ead 2,· ..J. " , ' ),r , ~, ~B?I :XO~K,,~ " "A~ ~,., YORK •• . '~ '. ,~ ,(~): ',.fro~ ~~form~t~ori. " l. 'r, 'I ' "I,' 't : : ~ '~ ~ " .~ • OJ 1 :.. : '0 ,I 'j .J. .. "~l . '.~ .., , " . ,'Ii " ,r~· .,A , ~ 1 :: 0'" ~i " It) t-­ ~ oor­ 0 0 I .-i III LL ~ N ..., GO N 0 I C ~. ~ z §, 0 I .r, . ,,. i.... fi " 0, I, ..•. ~~ J.;;~ ~; ~;. , {i); ' 0 , ., (I), , ,-... ...' -. ­ k-,! ,. . ",-. .... Ii--' l'~I trF GTMO.:.. BScr b6 -1 3 January 2003 ,-) .. . ~ . . .;..-,.-,. •.1:7C -1 . \ . \ ...~ ~ . ,.... '. ~ORANDUMFORRECORD v . ----------~I-~·~__J b6 -3 I 4 SUBmCr:. Beha:vioral ScienCe Assesament .' '•. ':.' ( .S")' I--__~ .' ' . . . 'b7C -3,4 .. _-------------------------------. ••_.b70 -1 .. : 1'1... 1\ ~ . ~~~.;i:b6 -3,4,,.._ .-b7F -1.;1 . .. .......... b7C -3,4 b1 1:70 -1 b7F -1 I b1 b6 -3,4 / ~ \.. b7C -3,4 ~-----------------------------------------~ . \ 1.rJ_./ . b7D -1" b7F -1 b1 [b6 -3,4,5 . " " ) 1b7C -3,4,5 ~70 -1...... ". 1b7F -1 1b1 : . ':.' .-,," : .. ' b1 '" 1:6 -3,4 1:7C -3,4 1:70 -1 b7F -1 ~~====================================================:::!,. ( g. ) 1 . I "I ., .', or ° 000 '; . -..... " '! , 'J bl r b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 --­ .. D ~ . "I b7F -1 " , ' , ~ • •~~ 'I I.,. -. &.. " bl ~6 -3,C'~ ~~ • ~' b7C -3,4 " b7D -1 / b7F -1' r... ,I 1 .l .... ~ 1'-. I I '-I / ........... b6 -3,4 b1 ", b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 ·ROOlwwmdatlgrur ·1. ..~ ~ , b1 _ I I.~. I L-----------------------------------~~------------~b6 -3,4-----­ ,b7C -3,4 .... 'b7D -1 b7F -1 I;:!-'" .f,", ,c"... ~ .... .. , ,-$' • .~ . ~'.... ....:..... ,... , , ' , " .... Page 2 01'2, DEl"AINEES-2823 DOJFBI-001477 : . ..:iEC){ET: ...... /._-, .... " 1/,;'. "" -'1'( ." SE~T. .FEDERAL BUREAU OF'INVESTIGATION . ""~"'~:...~l··. -:",:!':-' ', •• ",.', " Pr~cadaIice: .ROUTINE.· :.,:,~r'" •• .... .• \ .~~:;" ~I.: . To: Counterterrorism' , Attn: : ..... ..' ..... '. " 'I . A/Ue~~~"""""'''''''''''' ~!ft..~~'f :".:?~',?r"".:!~·~~,,,:.!;·~ft:=....~~,I,."'· ~~·.;.'~~G.;";";":;;·-~~~~~~~ .' .' b6 -1 SSA Berlin b7C -1 Leg;:af-l-______-,..._-' Ot~awa :,.,.. ~......~__~~-- From:, Miami' " GTMO T.F -1 I ,J b2 .·Conta~t;, 'rDY SAi-_____________ b6-1 ~y'SAI , b7C-1 Approved By: ~----~--~--~ b6 -1 .Dr~fted By: b7C -1 Case ID #: 2 65A.-MM -C99102 -AA671 . ·T.i.~l'e: ..'(~' GTMO.:INTEL, /\ .. GUANTANAMO' BAY, C;UBA MAJOR' CASE 188' ~il::J~;m;u.':';"";'~ll.:GJl:1L:l...:J~lL....EI:m:.e..,Specia1 :'SEtRET . ., ......... . DEl'AINEES-2824 s~#r: . To: Counterterrorism From: Miami ~. Re: 265A""'MM-.C99102 -AA671', 02/19/2003.: . ::0·: .".~f,t.. ~}..,. ~~'. ! ;C: ·.Y bI b6 -1,2 b7C -1,2 " " 1 6 -1,4 . 7C -1,4 .•~ ft" •. · .,.~q:,...... -. . .' . . . (S) Phase I Developments I en I 1 (c:f I bi b6 -1,3,4. b7C -1,3,4 b7D -1.. b7F -1 DEl"AINEES-282: .~?t~~J; .. k· ,", . To: Counterterrorism From: Miami .Re: -cs:t '. 265~':'MM-C99102,,,:,AA671, ,02/19/.2003 : ;t. bI b6 -b'7C b'7D b'7F -1' , (sf I " 1 1-" , ':11, 3,4: -3,", -1 • I I: 'I ,;~ ' I .. ~ I, b1 b6 -3,4 b'7e -3,4 b7D -1 b'7F -1 , ') i ; bl : b6 :-3,4 b7C : -3,4 b7D -1 . , ' . -l' " b7F .0••••••• (S) r -.. , I ' 1­ &..1 , bl b6 -3,4, 5 O7C -3,4 ,5 ~T, b'7D -1 3 b'7F -1 DETAINEES-2826 ~E~Em _ ....... A"_",_~", .~ •.. . .,*.. To: Re: Counterterrorism '~ '26SA-MM,-C991 From: 02-AA671, Miami 02/19/~,003' ,-'\ ~~"bl ' ; ~,~: b6 -3,4 "b7C-3,4: 1i.!'.1" :b7D -1 ..L-----------------------------.,..~~ ~"II b7F -1 , (S) P}", ..... TT nAVA" ....... th \ I '-~ ...... b1 " b6 -3,4 blC -3, 4 b7D -1 b7F -1 uinf I' b1 " b6 -3,4 b7e -3,4 ," ,b7D -1 "',b7F -1'; " " -~ I il'l~I II I ., , , C'; r 1 , b1 b6 -3,4 blC -3,4 '''bID -1' b7F -1 : I -~ I I I. ~',I (S I lSI! b1 I-~ II b6 -1,3,4 ~I I blC -1,3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 ,~T " 4 DETAINEES-2827 .. ,2E7){~] V· .. , - , .. ···.~T··,··· 'To: ~nterterrorism From·: Miami. . Re: . r ..265A-.MM-C99~02·-AA671,. 02/19/2003 ~.. . -. '. '-' .. - .' ) bl '. b6 -3 ,4.5 b7C -3,4.5 .,;:n.; b7D -1: b7F -1 1 1 .,. I J 1-I ~I I. 1 -3,4 C -3,4 D -1 F -1 b 6 -3,4 C -3,4 ' .. D -1 bl b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 bl b6 -3,4, b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 -' DETAINEES-2828 DOJ FBI-001482 To.: Counterterro.rism From: Miami Re: ~.265A-MM-C99102-AA671; ·02/19/2003 ,.."\ . ... (U,:.. b6 -3, .. . . . :.' ..: . .:~). The· ·.following· is :inf~~tio.n-.1 'p-h~S. pro.vided ·to. b6-3,4: b7C -3, FBSP-l on various to.pics: .. .. .. -----­b7C -3,4 b7D -l~i.~'t.,~S b7F -1 b1 i.!1 I.i.I I I b6 -3,4 b7C -3,~ b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 b1 b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 . b7D -1 ~-~~__~::::~~~~~~__________________~__~____________~7F -1 b6 -3,4,5. b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 . b7F -1. b1 b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 .. (8) I .....III:IIBIIIIII~II:IIIII:III:IIIIIII..III:II:III!I..IB:III:IIIIlIBliIlBIZr:I:zzI_II:ICCIDII==:c:===b6 -3 , 4 , 5~====, b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b1 .~ECRET 1'· .... DOJ FBI-001483 .' . ...... .. '.. . .. ·E·C'~E·ffi' ....' ~ :~ .V-r or" .-..-.";., ..,. ~., b6 -3,4 To: Counterterrorism From: Miami b7C -3,' "Re: ~ 265A-MM-C9910Z-AA671,' 02/19/2003' !:I7D -1 '. ~ .~) . '!-.... : :';(~jl b6 -3,t '. b7C -3,4 .. u:nl b7D -1 b7F -1 . bl' . ......'~·..'tl-I...r·~ : "'.'WJ. : .... pO" ,$:( b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 .. .1. &:Ibll I: .. (s)1 b6 b7C . b1D •,.lWF b7F -1 .. b1 '. 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Miami Re:· ~ ·265A-MM:'C9S102-AA671·, 02/19/2003·· '. ... ~_____________________ r-______~--------------- j~T·'·· '. / ......~ SB~T. ...' To: Co~~terterrorism F~O~: M~~ '. Re: ~.. ·26SA-MM-C99102-AAS·71, 02/19/2003 \::.;-. '..-',. ':'l: .!" ,:.' .... .. '.~'" ..~EAD(s) : . Set Lead 1: (Adm) .~ Read and Clear . ~. ,'" ... I -'\ ) .'! . '.1 " • DETAINEES-2833 ALL :Ir.-~~i"ii·C;;' 8om·i..iNii:i Hi~EIN;i1i :'.l~i::l·"~1?:rP!B~ lI"fcH"! ~ ··;H6mi~6TlfiRt.fI~B· '" . bl b2 -3 b7E -1 DOJFBI-001490 IIFTt.TNFFC::-?R~7 :.. " bl b2 -3 b7E -1 /'.~ DEfAINEES-2839 " bl b2 -3 b'7E -1 . 0." !' ... ' . .. ' . .'. "" '::~ ':' . .. , '. .-.... ..." DEfAINEES-2844 '(5) bI b2 -3 b7E -1 nFTllTNFF~-?A4C; DOJFBI-001499 .:....:. .....: . . }. ''':. bI b2 -3 b6 -4 b7C -4 b7E -1 OPCA-:!() (12-3-%) xxxxxx xxxXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET ___ Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file_ One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. 0 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a ... 0 (b)(l ) 0 (b)(7)(A) 0 (d)(5) 0 (b )(2) 0 (b)(7)(B) 0 0)(2) 0 (b)(3) 0 (b)(7)(C) 0 (k)(1) 0 (b)(7)(D) 0 (k)(2) 0 (b)(7)(E) 0 (k)(3 ) 0 (b)(7)(F) 0 (1;)(4) 0 (b)(4) 0 (b)(8) 0 (k)(5) 0 (b)(5) 0 (b)(9) 0 (k)(6) o (b)(6) 0 (1;)(7) 0 Information penained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. 0 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies) . These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you_ Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other ag~ncy(ie~). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date_ . Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of b~TAI Nee~ 2. iLl-to Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): ~ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: beTa/Nee s 2.S"t1 XXXXXX ,~vvvv" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fce X X for this page X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , ,. , . . .. (5) '. OPCA-~() (12-3·%) XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET ___ Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. o Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a .. o (b)(1) 0 (b)(7)(A) 0 (d)(5) o (b)(2) 0 (b)(7)(B) 0 (j)(2) o (b)(3) 0 (b)(7)(C) 0 (k)( 1) 0 (b)(7)(D) 0 (k)(2) 0 (b)(7)(E) 0 (k)(3) 0 (b)(7)(F) 0 (k)(4) o (b)(4) 0 (b)(8) 0 (k)(5) o (b)(5) 0 (b)(9) 0 (k)(6) o (b)(6) 0 (lc)(7) o Information penained only to a third pany with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. o Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency~ie~). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. I Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of b~TAINee~ I'2.S~ Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): til The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: l::erA1Nees 2i53 XXXXXX YY1("':O:X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X Deleted Page(s) X X h.l Duplic31lon Fee X X for this page X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DOJFBI-001507 OPCA-~O (12-3·%) xXxXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET ___ Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. where indicated. explain this deletion. 0 Deletions were made pursuant to the eltemptions indicated below wiili no segregable material available for release to you. 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Section 552 Section 5523 .. o (b)(l) 0 (b)(7)(A) 0 (d)(5) o (b)(2) 0 (b)(7)(8) 0 (j)(2) o (b)(3) 0 (b)(7)(C) 0 (k)( I) 0 (b)(7)(D) 0 (1)(2) 0 (b)(7)(E) 0 (k)(3 ) o (b)(7)(F) o (k)(4) o (b)(4) o (b)(8) 0 (1)(5) o (b)(5) o (b)(9) 0 (1)(6) o (b)(6) 0 (k)(7) o Information penained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. o Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other ager.("y(i:'s). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has Dot been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. 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