DOD Memo: American Correctional Association Executive Summary of Visit to Guantanamo Bay

Executive summary of the American Correctional Association's (ACA) visit to Guantanamo Bay.

Non-legal Memo
Friday, June 4, 2004
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

04 June 04 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY JU1 ACA OPERATIONAL VISIT TO GTMO/OSD MEETING: Self-initiated. A senior leaders delegation of (4(6)-3 the American Correctional Association (ACA) consisting of Mr.-(Executive Director), Mr./if/Ai/#(6)(6,0 e,)(6), (President) and Mrs ((President,Organization for Correctional Healthcare) met with Mr. . - -ASD SO/LIC. The meeting was follow-on activity from an operational visit (15-17 Sep 03) to 4)(6)-3 JTF-GTMO. Mr.411111111111first received the delegation's observations and recommendations in a memorandum (29 May 04) and asked to meet with the delegation in person. SO/LIC, PAO, Joint Staff and OPMG were represented at the meeting. Three themes emerged from the meeting. 1. The delegation's observations are a good news story that will be picked up by PAO, promoted in the media and promoted by ACA to the House and Senate Armed Service Committees and possibly the Judiciary Committee. Ms. ,3)(0-3mIlipof Fox News is at JTF-GTMO now and will be provided a copy of the memo by PAO for possible inclusion into her report this weekend. 2. A concept should be explored where, possibly within a civil affairs context, correctional experts will be available, through ACA references, to provide support to civil authority restoration missions should they occur in the future. 3. Mrs.j11111111spoke about an effort by US ( (6)--) Correctional systems to collect humanitarian supplies and send them to correctional system in desperate nations. This will be passed to the appropriate office for humanitarian aid within DOD for possible planning options. Provide memo: . - (0(6) -L. (6)(6)-7_ Mr. MP OPS, C&I APPROVED BY: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO; Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO 2 016146 OPMG Document DOD-048307
