FBI Memo from EAD Pistole to Counter-terrorism, attn: Gary M. Bald, M.Chris Briese, and Valerie E. Caproni re: 315E-HQ-1448534, 01/27/2004.
Interrogation team, Baghdad, seeks authority to question the subject without reading the subject warnings under Miranda v Arizona. Also, to videotape the questioning and to identify themselves as only from the US government - all acceptable: only Geneva Convention rules apply for EPWs outside the US.
efflyvpd . Page 2 I
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To , Cbunterterronsm FrOm EAD Pistole
Re : X 315E-HQ-1448534, 01/27/2004'
1 ,
'Precedence: PRIORITY , Date: 01/27/2004
To: , 'Counterterrorism ' , Attn: AD Bald, CTD
Room 5829
Attn: M Chris Breese
'From EAD Piitole Section:Chief 'FOS II
, 1 Room 4972
1 Attn: Valerie Capron!
General Counsel
i Room 7429
Contactv Valerie Capronil 1 b2 -1
Approved By: Pistole John S 1
Bald Gary M
Capron' Valerie E
, Curran John F
i , Bowman M E
, i
. b6 -1
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Drafted By: ' b7C -1
b7C -3,4 b7D -1
b7F -1
Title: 'M I1 IT-IRAQ -•••••
I1I b6 -3,4 'Synopi sis: Interrogation team, Baghdad, seeks authority to question the b7C -3,4 subject without reading the subject warnings under Miranda v Arizona, to video tape b7D -1questioning of subject, and to identify themselves only as from U S Government
1 b7F -1
I x
,Details: M The FBI Legal Handbook for Special Agents Section 7-3 2 provides that Special Agentstconducting interviews must identify themselves by name and official 'identify and advise the person interviewed of their rights under Miranda MIOG PART 2, Section 7 1 provides that credentia*shall be showed by Special Agents interviewing
a subject I
; ; Electronic recording of statements, including surreptitious recordingsmay be approved by an SAC, sensitive circumstances must be reported to the appropriate Assistant Director at FBIHQ : Legal Handbook Section 7-8, M1OG Sections
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To dounterte ronsm From EAD Pisto e Re' (r31 315E-HQ-1448534, 01/27/2004
10-1410 ,
Dit) The above guidelines generally apply to subjects held in custody for inftergaton in contemplation of prosecution in United States courts The interrogation
o differ's in the following ways the subject is a non-United States person,
, overseas, he is an enemy prisoner of War under Geneva Convention III, under the control of the U S Department of Defense Further, the primary purpose of the interview is to support other U S intelligence agencies in the collection of intelligence for forpe proteCtion,' public safety and the security of the United States Based on these circumstances, any, MIOG or FBI Legal Handbook procedures to the contrary, or other FBI policy or procedure to the contrary, the interrogation team may interview the subject without. prior Miranda warnings, may video tape the interviews surreptitiously and May identity themselves only as representatives of the U S government The interviews should be documented in a,classified transcript For each interview, a 302 coVerltransmittal document shall be prepared documenting that the interview took place The 302 should be classified but state that it is unclassified when the transcript is removed No classified information 'should be placed in the 302 Any classified infOrniation, other than the transcript of interview, is to be transmitted in a classified EC
The interviews shall be conducted under the rules of Geneva Convention Ill,
August 12, 1947, and annexes, that have been provided to the team.
1 , 1
Set Lead 1 (ACtiori)
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,) Interviews of er to proceed as per guidance within this EC
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