A detainee at Guantanamo made an allegation of abuse during his detainment in a U.S. Controlled detention facility in Afghanistan. This memo is a referral of that allegation.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TASK FORCE 6010 6Th Street Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060
CITF-OP 10 Jun 04
MEMORANDUM FOR COMMANDER, USACIDC, ATTN: DCSOPS, 6010, 6 th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
SUBJECT: Referral of allegations of abuse. (0246-04-CID099)
On 6 May 04, this office entified a report of abuse during interrogation procedures for a detainee , held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba of allegations of abuse during his detainment in a U.S. Controlled detention facility in Afghanistan. This information is forwarded to your organization for action deemed appropriate under separate cover.
Request that this office be notified of any significant developments in this investigation and a copy of your final report be provided to this office when completed.
Special importance to this office is the timely notification of any indictment, conviction, or judgment involving defense contractors in order to effect administrative remedies and/or parallel proceedings.
This request is made to satisfy requirements set forth by the Department of Defense and the
Department of the Army. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated. b(ly-3 / 12(1) 6) (7)(c)-
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Chief Investigations DoD-CITF
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