Army Order CORR-101: Guidance on Minimum Standards for Detainees in Brigade Holding Areas.
Copyoof Copies HQ, 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment BAGHDAD, IRAQ 1301930L AUG 03
This WARNO has been reviewed and approved for release by t
Enclosure 1 (Minimum standards for Regimental holding areas] to Frago XX to OPORD 03-XX
Subject: Guidance on minimum standards for brigade holding areas
References: Change
Geneva convention IV relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war,
Article 76, 12 august 1949.
1AD Frago 383A [General Order — Civilian or Detainee Maltreatment] to OPORD 03215 (Iron Stability)
Time zone used throughout this order: Delta Task Organization: [no change]
1. Situation. Change
a. 2 ACR will establish Regimental Holding Hrea (RHA) on Mule Catcher Base (2-37AR Facility) NLT XX1200SEP03. This RHA exist to temporarily hold individuals who have been detained pending magisterial review of their case at the coalition holding facility and criminal prosecution in
an Iraqi court if warranted.
b. Detainees will not remain at the RHA for more than 72 hours. Criminal detainees will be transferred to the coalition holding facility and security internees will be transferred to the division interrogation facility after that time.
Mission. Change. Detainees will be treated by all forces with personal dignity and in accordance with international humanitarian law.
Execution. Change
Commander's Intent. No change
Concept of the operation. No Change
Tasks to subordinate units. Change
(1) All subordinate RHA will comply with the following minimum requirements for the protection and provision of RHA detainees:
(a) Detainees will enjoy conditions of food and hygiene sufficient to keep them in good health. At a minimum, the following requirements must be met.
(1) Shelter: overhead cover. If using a fully enclosed shelter, ensure that sufficient ventilation is available to prevent heat injuries to detainees. If using an opensided shelter, ensure that siding is available (such as roll-down canvas) for inclement
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Hygiene: Holding units must ensure that the following are available to detainees: sanitary latrine facilities for detainees inside the security perimeter; wash basins and water for personal hygiene purposes (showers are not necessary for detainees held less than 72 hours); necessary equipment (such as mops and buckets) for cleaning holding shelters/cells.
Sleeping areas: Units will provide cots (without end poles) and sleeping mats or pads. Blankets will be available for periods of inclement weather.
Security: Units will provide an outer perimeter, such as a fence line, topped with barbed wire, a triple standard concertina fence, or non-scalable wall. All entry points must have gates or doors with locks that provide resistance to escape equal or greater than the remainder of the perimeter. Holding cells must lock from the outside. Holding areas must have a second perimeter fence. Detainee shelters will be within the second perimeter. Armed guard forces must be of sufficient size to control all access points to the outer perimeter, and be capable of over watching the remainder of the facility from a tower or rooftop.
Medical: Detainees will receive emergency medical attention from coalition forces if necessary.
Segregation: Women and minors will be detained separately from adult male detainees.
Detainee property: Property that has been collected as evidence or for safekeeping will be inventoried, tagged, and preserved.
Protection of detainees: RHA guards will act to protect detainees from the harmful actions of other detainees, guards, or external forces.
d. Coordinating instructions. Change
(1) POC for this Frago is SJA, Chief of Operational law, DSN XXX-XXXX.
Service Support. No Change
Command and Signal. No Change
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