<p>Army memo to Navy NCIS requesting assistance in investigating CID Report #0841-04-CID259-80230. Details the basics of the above stated investigation into the alleged abuse of two prisoners. Includes the memos for transmittal of information, and mostly redacted emails.</p>
.. ' . . SVt3mc")': Reque$l for Assjstance ~A) () 184-04-CID259-8D230 1. 011 M Jim Q4dhl~ office t¢¢eiV~q a.rta¥.mitt~' pf Cnrn4ial Wortnatiott (Q~79...04-CWo.Qi). f~;~:~~!=jd;!h:l~~:n~~~~~b~t~F:U::1~6a~~J~~fa~$i~t~ abu~ .. . 2. PteHl-nimu'y 1~vegl&atl9ri r~ve!lled p¢rsQn(s) Unknown ~~sibl¥ a.b~e4 uijknown d~urlbees a.t. a,ti unkti0Wp ioci'otiPil !tl 12\ .PhQtOgtaphsprovj.~eq to thi$ ofU¢¢ reveate4 th:: vi:cUm'$ ~nJtiries as . . l!lc~fio~. 8,r(und th; wro#~d. ankles. ~m. the pQssib~¢. tight¢ned shac.Jd¢s; Also, I.. a --.. ---photograph of Ol1~ ofthe vr~timsr~veaiM an ail~gea'bruIse to their forearm from Ii PossIDle m~o--------- b~l; . ... . . .•. 61t..~t{--{4' .. .. /./. // t~ b1!"It; (;)tp... 'F . ... . .. .. .~t~$i1:J:!t:~=:!:t~:.:'~'t':;ws;:.:~ &7(:'f,b~t,( . t()·1.ri.$.'~he~ 8flci·~~k.th.eIi. tnlide tQ. stand fodQhg ~ripd$ o{tiIn~. 'OQknbwn ~isQn(s) tie4 Mil. . . ....b;aiJ.ds tO~s f~~ IIDQ kicl~ binl. ~his body and f~. MT.~ers~ted he Was·made b1t-1ft ("-1£ to lean OIl aw~l~ while tWo soNiets kkk~him.. . .... Oij 17 Mar 04, Mr.-, ,··'·tr·was int~~w~,~ ·~4. prQvi4e4 a verbal ~teIlWIi\ w~tn he f:,1e.~~1~rr 'expl!i!nedhO~ he w~~~p§J¥.bf.t.!S.~o~~,: taken. to C!llrtP AL a~ch~i?IZ:, Mj.:.,~·~: •• ~·,.• ·'..rb1e~'G-'r . St8;~ while at camp At .9agh~. h¢ was handcuffe4 tlQd drag~e~ aI:oilg th~ grotmq, ti¢d.apd. . .. hung from ~. c~8.bd tortured further by an unknown white nlal~ whileMP'$ w~re p~sent. 3. R¢~~st yo~ office locate the detention facility descri~ by M.t.~r·":·:·r 67e.::'6 6(:'!'tq9n,4B9(~.~a!ch·ofthe ~otds maintalne4 at the de.tention facility l'ertaibfuitQ *~61C~(t~ ." .... ;"." .•.~d prOvjd~ tN$ ?fil~~ with the detainee records, il1tert:~gatioii teporiS, ,~¢diC41 /., '7'_g.. /'/..u rec9rdS;anQ tt~sferpap~iWork; . . ..,. ~ T1f;;J:,~r . . .", . '.' . .015068 000-024143 . . , ". :!. cThQk~n(. ;,:.\.,: "'i,, ,~~;', " .,.,:: \'.. .' . ,. '"!",.. . ~ i; StiBJEc.~2.,~eque~f~!.·~~~!~~~Olaf04-CIt259-~~2)·Q ! . . ',' _. : .~ dUr~$.Mt..:.~::·:,~:~d'If".,raeta~nm~~Jlerta~rig i~ p~~~j1?~e a~se. Ifthe unit lnv~lved has 6?t-~.6?" ~. sirt~ri~rn~~!Qth~U;.~:~~~~~eF~~yjg~th~add~~~~IQ¢.iiU,914 . !~~~~,~~~.~,.o.',~~J~~~.w~~1\V*~vitiv4ditn ofilc~'$ ... ~ I..;' .. ? •.... ,~jf~ir~t~.{~~l'irf~1~~~~i(h~~~~ , . .... .. ···O,,;z·····"f'4r"t£! :i::!i!i'S#4~~'~~""'~+"";" tixffl4W·z.itq-e¥'" -·~~~5i,~~~~=,~~~"'e~zr-_?~t!=!~~:=..-;.,:--~J•.::.. ":'~::~~~_~~ '. '. FOR OFFiCIAL USE QNLY LAW ENFORCEMENT .SENsrnVE 01'5069 000007 000-024144 .' . ··i. ,M:eMbRANPUM FOR Sp¢cial 'ASimt j~ Ch!lfSe,PnSQil ~terr6~~1iollT¢ant, Ba~dad Centr:al ,c~n.fi~~~FacUlty @CCFli MH. Gh¥t.~Jtiq A?cJ At Qgl3S ". . 'SUBmCT:, R,eqlj.e~t fQr M~i~t~ce (RFA) (?1.~4-QklP.tS9~80230J 1. 'thi~,'~11 ':At l.,~~~~ti~~. R,~~lt$'WJ~~¢ p~~'1~~f~t~~..~~otorl~J1 ~tid~,Z4 h(!1d~~rr~~ipt. J.{~$91J~ f9t D.()Q-¢Q'mpll..nc~ With the 24-ho".t respli:l$~ til'.iJe UmihrilJ . e "'editlilusl' "tovidedto thiS om~tt . .~... yp-. ", -------,6,:t~i~'inidated ~~t'«eipt.ek-r~«a~Cdmina.l-:W'Onnllticm«l~79'~04-CIPOoi). nOIt\ • the tJ.$~ Anny Cri:mi~l~v~stiglltiQn Ccnjrtiand., Ec;m neivQu; V~Qfa possible abUse in'VoMIi~.owP d~p~sby ~oWrt,pets9ri(s; ~an ~~ownr~lity" .iBliiitl11m\ili*il1it:&: blilis~ to ~e~t fQte~~aP,Q$.sib~e m,-lej barrel.. .. ' QptaiD alld~c~en~~lon p.ert~hilii$. to injuries submitted ttl eID by cPtf:,1&1t f#1 (NFl) ofallegedly abused d~~ees. ' . ' , . s:iequ~tyouto'~~~t~cate:"'fullY.i~e~tify ~9.interview. cp1·",,:~·J:,""li.ertai~g~his 67(-Jrt?-$ knoW-looSe ofthe VlCtims ofthe poss1ble abuse. ' ' . "., . "6. ~QCi'$.S.A'·:'.·h ·I'~t])NVT.;Hu"r .' . .' b7~~f,U,-:1 plea~~ ackb,qwI~g¢.'f¢d~tol1h1~ jUiA: C6ridtiC(aiifQtber. .' debned .necessarY.' (i) Epcls 1.. Initial Report 2-Stateinent of Possible Abuse .. u ........~ u. "!~.. ,,,,*, #.:....."'!l.c.~..~'¥"S'F~R.\t@)m~t~S~~l$~~~.":.s~~...-:, ":'\.-.~,,"...~~~_~~-:.'-~'-.:'~~ ... ·····s· . ' LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSrrive O~5D70 000'008 .. .. 000-024145 , ..... ~ .~ ~~I•••~ . , ., CI01LCOP."CO 14 JUn~ 20Q4 ••••J •••••, ...•• ..... MEMQRANDUM fOR, Co~a.nd~r~ 3~ Mi~tWyPQU¢~d;i'pup (C,rD)" USACIDC, A'ltN; CIRF-OP, 469.9 N~ 1$f Stie¢~ ForestPw:k~ dA j019t·S119 SVftffi.e11 ~lttatotCiimln4l fhrOimano"Ii (0279..04-Cl!JU(ltJ . . fi~~ . '". . ·~9tw·· 1.. Ref.ere~t}v 11 J~04 electtonic mail m~ssage from Mr.......subject: petairiee Abuse Abu Gbtmb hiteI'Vlews. " . 2. Fotwarded fQr yoW" llr.tbrtn~ti6p' and evaluation in th¢ ~6~d®tofRbI 'OOO3-04~CiD149 8313(). The enclosed fnformatloll was provided by' th~ Air Force Office of SPeCial . IrtvestigatiQns;I:iolloma.n Air Forc¢ BaSe, New Mexicq•. 3. Request thi.s headqUarters be notUie(i ofany' developmentS or sigriificant investigative . findin.~$. as ar~'sult ofthis. infoiIilatiOI1,. . . 4.. Pomt ofcontact is the iJ,1idersign.ed,. (j"r03:•••'o~ . ~61~4(~-'! ." E~cl as· '_CWS1 MP ." ,"" '"',.-, :. Chief, Investigative Operations Division 015071 000009 000-024146 ".~' ~ .'~. . , .~ ../ .~i:·. . 67.¢t{, ...t .... :",'. ..•..: .~:..: .Q( ~.f~ IMGj6i.2.JPG ~ ~; '. ; ", 2·2d OfNS. : Forwarded as reques'ted, the T.ta~sinittal ~(hO".·e~.:.7.:. R~O"" . .. 'I~.•..4-dpOO 1,1 !?er:e~J~~ .1:9 ·.s'i#.~~"'--1; ?~-frC(P"{ '., CW5 .' . .~ii:~~i}t~;i of crimib.al Inio;rmation ··q;:,:,.:.':;::li~ ~1'~}{'~' Rk'~i~~ ~n.4 pr.oc~s~, OP$' .$saq~----~ lJ\.;~Ut~;:,· OPSl (se) ." . lSCI!SBEi.VOIRD!':fS .ARMY~ sMrL.M!Ll 4; 2004 9:3trp~' ....... .... . / ,?~.../. I'~_/ l)~c:~/~-ma~l) P • / r ••.•~ Cdm.i.n~.l rn?otrna Hon . .... 0279~04-CtD()Ol.· . / , . .n ~ ..... .d.FI o:n9-p4-CIOOO1.dOc» 6. ?q'j~~"''''A Ope;-a dons, Div:i.sion WARNIN:G: TMs, !r;E!~~aqe h if.t.:e~~$4 =9~ th~ use o~ t.h~ ~Miyid~al or entity t~ wQi¢n it: A$ ~~~J;es~e4 ;ih~ Iilay .¢6~t~~i:i illt'O.t~aUO~. tM~ i~. priv.i)eged,. lci.w eiJ(9r¢~m~?t. ~~n~~tJve, ~d exempt from d~sclc;;s.ure UrI:1e:.;:: aPplicable l.aw. I~ th~.,i::~~qe# q;!; t;hj,~ ~$ssa9~ i$ n,ot 1;M JQtenq,e(l~~cipi~ri.t c:;r tM e.ml?loy~¢ 01; ag~~t; respotl,l'iible fp:t; d,eliv~ring th:i~ ~,~s$a9E; t9the ~nten~E!q reqipient, you . ai~ hereby not;i.fi~d.tha,t any dhsE!miiia,t,1.O!;i~.'disb;ib~tio~ or. copying of thiS. . .c;:oInijlun,:ic;:aj;l,pn h: s~r~t;:tiy pi:()hJi:~t:f!1. t f. you h.rve ~ec;:~ivel;i thls "'::'''''~Ilt,ifta:1Ifif:On:~:'ijt~~i!~'~!h~~S:-'-l,~~'i~~';=!' .. -.."..,-.""',.;.J.:.:..."',,-......:;;..,.....=.-..•:.ti;i:a tehph6~Ei . . ..' and immediately dele't~ thh -cne~sage and U'l its . '._;:...... :;., i···· ·.015072, 0.00010 000-024147 .' \ .. ~: .'" '.I .. . , :" . ·ipi\. P.FF:~¢i.~ .ps~.. ONJ,Y· .;;., " Mil" of ..: I:fi, .'. , .4.;-_ .' .. ~'': 2 015073 000011 000-024148 I ~ • ,r' .......~ ;~.. .. ,J '.:~ I', '.. ~ '. • ~r ,'. , : ..~. ". . ,' . .': ,' .. :.'. :.' )~~~A~ ,; ;:'~ ';, '. "I :;", .. .~ . 2. A review fthe :aiom,~tci¢ Autol.'i:Ui~d toolset (SA1'8) OP.ljn~ ?11(l theater cietaltiee r~ster~' : revk1ed no addhiotW ~i.iI$e~ f6r the deupnee, A ~viewor DA.tF records tev"e~ed the detainee is'listed as'li victiili" in tID RePOrt c;f.bivestlgaticni 0184-04-ClI259.-S0230,,· . , )~ T,4i$, Wqtw.a~i~uis\;ein~ forw4rded.fof Jnform~ti~Ii p~o$es"~cJ~tioii ~deeIIied. '. .. ,,'. , , .~~~-: appi'bpd~te; . . . . , , . ...... ,.... . .' ": '.;~:; ;, .E1;lcJo~Ur¢' . Stateme;nt ofPossible Prisoner Abuse, 3 M~04 ~peclal ~gent . ' ..:' " t: 'l. i . -; .. . ' '.: ", "...... ~......,..;,1 r~-'~""" ...~, . . .,.... . ....... -... -'. . " '. ·OOOOl.?' ",.: . 000-024149 , . t .' . . S~2a Oct 04 .-, i($~P·.64 , ....' , . . . . ' ..... .. ......... ....... ..c .. ,:.... . , ~ ; , M~9AANPU1{ 'Fo~ eQ~nqer,.. 3rq M~li~ary P9~i:c~ Gio1,lp (C~PJ f, Q$A;tlDO (At'1;N~ CIRC...bp); 46~9 'Nortb l$t Stt~eti Fores"{:pa,rk, 81\ 30.297 . $.Oa·J.ECT~· R$qu¢s1$ :edt .t.h4UiryItnve$ti.g.ad~ion; (O$4S~o.4=CIl;)O¢i) 2 •. ~eque$t.. i:i Pteli,m~nary Inq\l.i.ry/~epbJ;t 01; Il')'Ve$tigation be init:):afed con'cerningthe iritdrril~tion' reflected; abo'i1~~ , :3.:.. Req1l.~$t-a.¢kn..Q'wl~d@l~ri( of thi$ iU'J; nO lat~~' thaI) 2~. $ep 04 • .~t;~R~:t2~m!i:;!tJ~:}~~~~=:~2:H:!:r::I:~!~io~~:r~o~~:" . iIly~$d.9c1t~Oi1', 'w.:l.lr b~ ;forwarded. b; tlii.$ headqui,trter$ .. A,TTN: ClOp:... " . COP;. ,n·l'ate,r.' tAi'in 'tb~ a.b6~~ suspense qate.. It h¢ Rot',r's'" i~d.ti~tedt tha~ i.ntOJ;1Q,ad.bli; will be prqvided t~ thi$ headqua:I;'ters. Ail correspondence w,iil ciea:rly identify the HQUSActpC coti'trol ~\iml;)iu.; '. . ' , " " Cf~/b~ ~/,{?'7 . ¢W5i' t-1.£V::··~.·: . chi~f, !tl'v'estig~ti'ire 'Oper1;ltionsDivision ... 1.. ! '. .:.T! ........ u-r-:' .' '. ....•. ... . ..... ... .. ·: ....".;~~~.;..,.,.~~~~i_"..\.."!~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY' TAW ENFORCEMENt SENSUtvE pr~an*~~~.'· .' 015075 000013' 000-024150 .:':" '. " .' .;. ... .:. :.' . ': ..... , i~~J.~#:t~ . ....... . .it~~fiid:! . .... .?d,-:¢7.I.'ob¥ ! . ... /J "let-¥', ttc.~ Jlii;! 04 t wit.h uplcpClI1ii1 v~c~i:iniSubj!e¢..t;. clt !'r1tQbn~t~C;)];\· (701') (Q~1~;64.-tltJCQ1) {dt~ 14 The st~tos.repbrt. waS, dispatched on ~9 jut 04, add:'ng anot,!'ld uilkncwn anQ tb;! two 'V~.ctiIl)S nqt~d~~9tte:. ... . The statement of Pbssiliie Ab·.ise received with TOl 0279-C4 is. ~he same one..r~c~~ved wit1J Rt~· d~~~:':Qr~ctoorii, qthe~ than:or.~ is typ~d iQ5'q~-Q~:) i. and the;qth~# (0279-C4) i$ h8Ii.dw~iH~r.;; ~~~r~~:~~~~;~;~~t;:~~m~~i~'o~~'~:g4~ h~v~ her$ ir. ~¥ hanOii, det~ilS tr.e a1J..eg~t,~qn~ perta!,ni:1g A,!.SOi' t:h~··r-ibW «(:i~1'! ~Q Sep 0) (D~:t:f tra6~:iI1"g N",lrnPet .1\.G-SVR-l~) I. refle·cts in parag::-aph .2 i~'at· tp~ ·yl~t,liii. ~I): questl-¢n 1.$ 1.l..steQ in oti ROI O!'84-04-C:::'0259.-S0230;; Chier",b1t.;" ~t-f .......@~;BE~.. VOlRDMS..ARMY.SMI1. HI:"} b1e""~.~(-/ !J 'le:..... /r ta,'-? ~OT (AG-AVR-20} . 9!{; r.oj,et. ~heyate· wron9; ilIcccrciin9~Q .pP.Tt. r~cord$, ,P.ccor.dij,n~ t! t~~.. 2d, .. '. . stat cli 0184· the victi:n. names are .different ftom the victim in this RE'I and ~ .....'-~;'~-"'"~~~~~~ _'"rci-inF~l~~~""'h~'.. "'!'i~~~!l'!!ili!i: ··""~;'''''~--4i'iji;,s.'''·~~'''_..·'~~'''''')''\~·.".l':lf.~~~ 1 015076 000014 000-024151 .' . :'" ~1.11~:~~~f~i~~~rlq; t; ... ~~11~¥~11:titf~m~_ ,', '.:' :f .j., ... '.. j / / /. v/ 6. ?i;.;';{t~ rP {" -: . n!, , . '1"hi~ ~M~~ent ;'$ ~l.t~'8,dy Pe';'~q '$.nv¢sHg~ticn ;mdet RO';;' C:84-04-G!D25~"'80230 (Ref Transmi:ttal o£ :tnf:O:i:1T~tion0279-04-tIPOCi (iink abuse "of u:'Ik detain~es' at ·an· ~di{l~~l.Iii9ti ~.ri 1t~qh The ~Y;hii31 report; wa~ dispatched 25 Jun.'tiL . Ch~ef r:"i':.~,,;~'·lb1.~~& It..! . ) 015077· OQ0015 000-024152 '.: ..... ...... :.:i . ..... '. c~e:n~d approfr.i.a';t;l it. ca$q ~6t ~ ..... 61 2.~" I'-~..,~ .. . .. . f.:'~ .'~" ._":~·weo·" 015078 000016 000-024153