The memo summarizes legal actions / reprimands taken against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse. Included in the memo is a list of about twenty soldiers from different locations, including Commanding General Janis L. Karpinski who was suspended from command.
[ACLU-RDI 2258 is very similar in substance to this document, however, it is unsigned].
Al-RC-JAM 12 September 2004
MEMORANDUM FOR Major Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
SUBJECT: Detainee Operations Integration Plan -- Request for Data -- Legal Actions
1. PURPOSE. This memorandum summarizes the "legal actions," i.e. adverse actions, either under the UCMJ or administrative, against members of the Army Reserve, related to detainee abuse. While suspensions and reliefs are included in this summary, flags and investigations are not, nor are recommendations for actions or actions that may be contemplated against various soldiers. Names of soldiers are grouped first under locales that gave rise to adverse actions, then under their respective units. This summary lists both adverse actions while mobilized and after redeployment. This office's response to the request for review of the detainee operations integration plan and synchronization matrix appears under separate cover.
2. IRAQ (mostly Abu Ghraib prison). Most of the material below concerning leaders is based on a report from the Office of the Judge Advocate General issued in July 2004.
a. 800TH MP Brigade. Brigadier General Janis Karpinski (commanding general) Suspended from command
b. 320th MP Battalion.
(1) Lieutenant Colonel (commander) - Relief from command, general officer memorandum of reprimand (OMPF filing), removal from promotion list. The officer has retired.
(2)Major (S-3) - General officer memorandum of reprimand (OMPF filing).
(3)Sergeant Major (Operations SGM) - Relief from position, general officer memorandum of reprimand (filing decision unknown).
d. 372nd MP Company (Abu Ghraib).
(1)Captain (commander) - General officer memorandum of reprimand (OMPF
(2)First Lieutenant.... (platoon leader) - Memorandum of admonishment.
(3)First Sergeantillaffir- General officer memorandum of reprimand (OMPF filing).
SUBJECT: Legal Actions -- Detainee Abuse -- Army Reserve
(4) Sergeant First Class 111111111(platoon sergeant) - General officer memorandum of reprimand (OMPF filing).
(5)Staff Sergean.111.1.- Pled guilty to charges in August 2004 and will be sentenced at general court-martial in late October 2004.
(6)Sergeant - Case referred to general court-martial; arraignment on 19 May 2004; no trial date as been set (2 August 2004).
(7)Specialist - Case referred to general court-martial; arraignment on 19 May 2004; no trial ate has been set (2 August 2004).
(8)Specialis.11.111-Case referred to general court-martial; arraignment on 19 May 2004; no trial date has been set (2 August 2004).
(9)Specialist - Case referred to general court-martial (2 August 2004).
(10)Specialis - Plead guilty at special court-martial on 19 May 2004. Sentence: one year confinement, bad conduct discharge, reduction to E-1. Under plea bargaining agreement, will be available as witness in other cases.
(11)Private First Nralrill.-Article 32 officer recommended referral to trial by general court-martial.
e. 320th Military Police Battalion, Detachment 4 (Camp Bucca).
(1)Master Sergeanall..- Nonjudicial punishment, administrative separation with other than honorable discharge, reduction to E-1.
(2)Staff Sergeant - Nonjudicial punishment, administrative separation with other than honorable discharge, re uction to E-1.
(3)Sergeant - Requested discharge in lieu of court-martial; separated with other than honorable discharge, reduction to E-1.
(4)Specialist - Nonjudicial punishment, administrative separation with general discharge under honorable conditions, reduction to E-1.
f. 325th MI Battalion (Abu Ghraib). SpecialistIMM- Pled guilty on this date
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V/ DOD-048898
AFRC-JAM SUBJECT: Legal Actions -- Detainee Abuse -- Army Reserve
(12 September 2004) at general court-martial; 9 months' confinement, bad conduct discharge, reduction to E-1.
g. 341st MP Company (607th MP Battalion). Captain (commander) - After charges were preferred, the officer submitted a request to resign. The general court-martial convening authority recommended approval with issuance of an other than honorable discharge. Matter is pending action by PERSCOM (2 August 2004).
h. 459th Engineer Company (MRBC). Captain arlariRIEW(commander) -charges preferred, Article 32 officer's report is pending (2 August 2004).
3. AFGHANISTAN (Bagram Air Force Base). 377th MP Company.
a. Captain WNW (commander) - suspended from command (30 August 2004).
b. Sergeant - was due to have an ETS in August 2004; charges were preferred and the Soldier was involuntarily extended.
4. POINT OF CONTACT. Undersigned at Ing0111, .
LTC, JA Chief of Military Law
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