FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Guantanamo Bay

Interview of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. The interview on 5/8/03 and was conducted at 1530 and was completed at 1830. The second interview on 5/9/03 was conducted at 0400 and concluded at 0645. These two interviews are linked together, with the second a continuation of the first. The detainee was confronted with statements by fellow detainees talking about him and implicating him. The detainee denied this. The interview agent told the detainee that "attacking the minute aspects of what is presented is not going to discredit the totality of the case" and evidence against him. The interviewer then presented photos of the detainee that he admitted was him. The interviewer then stated he is doing this to be fair with the detainee, to be honest with him and help him make his decision to cooperate. At the conclusion of the interview, the interview team wished the detainee luck and that God may accept his prayers. After exiting the room, the interview team witnessed the detainee with his head down on his hands on the table in front of him on the table. He was crying and sobbing with tears falling on the table when he lifted his head.

Non-legal Memo
Friday, May 9, 2003
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

FD1302 (Rev. 10-6-95)
- '-
transcription Dau
Investigation on File # by at Date dicta' 124

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

On 5/8/03 and 5/9/03,

was interviewed a

b6 -1,2,3,4

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by Federal Bureau of Investigation Special
b7C -1,2,3,4 Agent! land US Arm linguist SGT
[The interview was conducted with translation

b7D -1 1

provided by SGTI

I After explaining t e purpose of the

b7F -1

interview [provided the following information:

b6 -3,4

The interview on 5/8/03 of lwas conducted at

b7C -3,4

1530 and was completed at 1830. The interview on 5/9/03 was

b7D -1

conducted at 0400 and concluded at 0645. These two interviews are
linked together, with the second a continuation of the first. b7F -1

ring these interviews,) Iwas fully
engaged. maintained excellent eye contact with the
interview team. laughed and joked at times with the
interview team. appeared to very concerned about the
evidence which was presented to him ll Ihreathina seemed

b6 -3,4

to accelerate as Ae watched a videol

b7C -3,4

I Ilaughed nervously when articles con9erningl
b7D -1 were
presented to himj Iwas

visibly upset by photos of the

b7F -1

victims recovered at ttie Pentagon crash site and people leaping

from the World Trade Center. At the completion of the second

interview, 1 while alone in the room, was seen with his

head down on his hands on the table in front of him, crying.

For these interviews, the interview room was set up
different) than past interviews. A long table was placed in front
of so as to present evidence in front of him. There was
also a on the table along with binders, files and
hoto•raphs. Upon entering the room and after greeting him,

III b6 -3,4
commented he was surprised by all the things in the room.

b7C -3,4

w agent offered! fruit, trail-mix and water.
accepted the water. It was explained tol b7D -1


t e reason or all the items in the room was because the interview

b7F -1

team was going to discuss with him many of the events which have happened in the world, since his arrest, and whir affPrt him here in Guantanamo Bay. The interview agent reminded Ihe had promised him he would do this during the last interview.

5/9/03 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba


265A-MM-C99102-AA481 265A-NY-280350


b6 -1




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,Nge it would not be such a big deal and he would not be a major
interest to investigators. However, he and the interview agent
know that is not the case, that he was involved with a bad group of
people, who looking back now, manipulated him. The interview agent
told Ihe now wanted him to see and understand what the
men laid out before him are responsible for.1IJwas first

b6 -3,4

shown video footage of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.
was then shown still photos of the towers on fire, b7C -3,4
planes crashing into the building, people leaping to their deaths

b7D -1

and the collapse of the towers. I was then shown the

b7F -1

burnt corpses of victims from the Pentagon attack. The interview
agent toldI Ithese hotos are very hard for him to look at
and would be also for however, he wanted' Ito
know it was much harder to have to recover these people, as he did,
following the day of the attack.I Idid look at the photos

was visibly upset by the photos. In prior interviews,
ad refused to look at the photos.

was asked if he thought this was something God
b6 -3,4 would condone, was this in line with what Islam teaches.
solemnly stated no. I 'was asked if he felt this

b7C -3,4

was something he felt was righteous in anyway. He stated no. The

b7D -1

interview agent pointed out to) I those who hi-jacked the

b7F -1 airplanes and knew they were going to die that day, committed
suicide. He is aware that suicide is against Islam. Those who
carried out this atrocity were not martyrs. A martyr is someone
who dies bravely on the battlefield fighting an armed enemy where
there is an exchange of fire. But someone who hi-jacks a plane
full of innocent unarmed people, many of whom are women and
children, and then crashes that plane into a building full of
innocent unarmed people, they are not martyrs, they are murderers.

They committed suicide. To commit such a horrific act in the name

b6 -3,4

of Islam disgraces and defames the faith.

b7C -3,4

The interview agent pointed out to) Ithe name of

b7D -1

the towers included the word, "world" and of the 3000 human beings

b7F -1

who were murdered that day, many were Muslims, Christians, Hindus,
Jews, and people from many different: countries. This was not an
attack on any one country or any one group of people but an attack
on all of humanity. No God, regardless of religion, would condone
the murder of so many innocent unarmed people. Those who did this

b6 -3,4

in the name of God and Islam, without a doubt, abuse and malign the
b7C -3,4 and will feel God's wrath and anger on judgement-day.

b7D -1 ppeared visibly shaken by this realization. b6 -3,4

b7F -1 b7C -3,4

The interview agent told unless

unless he wants to
take equal blame for what happened, en e must reach out and b7D -1
accept the interview team's offer to help. His most powerful tool b7F -1
is the truth. He must provide what his role was and his level but
there is no reason for him to be left hung out to dry by everyone
else he believes are his brothers. They are finding their own way
out, they are trying to save their own butt, he had better start
thinking about his own well being and his future or he risks not
having one.

..1.71 L. c. I
b6 -3,4

b7C -3,4
, Page
b7D -1
b7F -1
The interview agent said he did not have evidence against

II he had hurt or killed anyone. He felt! I like so many others, has been misled and manipulated, which makes him too a victim.
The interview agent explained, all these others are

talking and cooperating, they are looking for their way out, saving b6 -3,4 their own butt, talking about him and implicating him deeper and b7C -3,4 deeper. I !needs to tell his story, he needs to be
completely truthful, be responsible and accountable for what he has

b7D -1
done but not take the blame for things he has not done.

b7F -1
'attempted to discredit the testimony of!

saying they would say
anyt ing under torture !continued, they claim to know me
by all these different names and have seenme in one place or
another. The interview agent strongly told! I torture is

b6 -3'4
not an issue and he knows it. Further, when this goes before a tribunal, the torture argument will not be considered because the b7C -3,4 USG does not torture anyone in it's custody. He has to deal with b7D -1 this evidence and it's totality. I I was told, it's highly
b7F -1
improbable all these individuals huddled together to conspire
against him, providing testimony which matches the other and which
matches the photos! I -

The interview agent again pointed to the photo ofl-


and stated, the pictures do not lie.

b6 -3,4 was strongly told, torture is not an issue, isolation is no longer an ispue, how the Koran is handled is no
b7C -3,4
longer an issue. I (has a much bigger issue to deal with

b7D -1
right here and now, his future and his life.

b7F -1
The second interview began at 0400 the next morning. The
photos and articles of • ,
were laid out on the tab e in ront o I! for effect. The
names of each was written on the dry-erase board

b6 -3,4
(time-line was also

bac -3,4
written on t e •oar• !was again offered fruit, trail-mix and water. He accepted the water. I !began by b7D -1 bringing up the torture issue again and questioning the locations
b7F -1
and names each provided. The interview agent told torture was not an issue and he was not going to a ress i any longer. As for the rest, the interview agent told! I attacking the minute aspects of what is presented is not going to discredit the totality of the case and evidence against him. This includes not just what was presented during ,t-he /Aca" intPrvifaw hnt also his own admitted testimony and actions
b6 -3,4

b7C -3,4
b7D -1
b7F -1

•DIC. 11.1. 1%L.

•• ..........

Conti '

Guantanamo detainee

to I
had identified himS ) his. detainee photo..

b6 -3,­b7C -3
b7D -1
b7F -1

attempted to discredit

b6 -3,i
b7C -3
b7D -1
b7F -1

was then presented with the testimony of
Iwas not identified

b6 -3,4

b7C -3,
b7D -1

'demanded to know who in the cam had said these things
about him. The interview agent told he was not at b7F -1
liberty to divulge his identity, however, is testimony should be
clear enough to know that what he is saying is the truth.

The interview agent then told

1-11 9
b6 -3,4

involvement in Al Qaeda,

b7C -3,4

b7D -1

b7F -1 appeared deflated
as the articles were read to him and while he read the last

(asked what accusations ) )has made
against him. The interview agent stated]

he does not have mull
other than was s own s detainee photo and
said he dic now im.

b6 -3,4

b7C -3,4

b7D -1

The interview agent emphasized to

b7F -1

he must understand this is a critical time for him.
I each day that
goes by makes) (less and less important. Further, because
lhas not fully cooperated, he is currently on the same



level land will take full
blame for their actions. (must tell the interview agent

On Page
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
never disputed or denied any of what the interview agent said.
The interview agent then displayed photos of
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 (was told (shown his detainee photo and recognized him leco.nize him as the same man in the detainee photograph.
looking stunned had no reply. It was then ointed out t was also pointed out( which is then verified by the photos At one point' 'pointed to (photo of stated he would say anything while being tortured. It was explained to I It b6 -3, b7C -3 b7D -1 b7F -1
and . recognized 'from his detainee photo conirme las the same man. was promised he would be presented a photo' b6 b7C -3 1b7D -1 b7F -1

1 heard from someone in tile camp

had bee3i

Page tort -• • :.. . 1 .nd he was now dead. The interview agent told is very much alive, ha ' ad
b6 -3,4
a report on his debriefings the day prior. Further,
knows from his own personal experience, anyone in the custo y o

b7C -3, ,
the United States Government (USG) is not tortured.' i was

b7D -1
told,' lis being treated just the same as him, the only

b7F -1
difference is, Imlonpratina and he is not. It was

due to this identification b y investigators came to


know who he is. I
Next, the interview agent showed) photo 0

b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
recognized him as the same man from the detainee

At this point, the interview agent pulled out) i
photographs and placed them in front ofl

rimmediately tated it was not him in the
photos. The interview agent told! Ito wait and listen to
what he had to say.'

b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1
b7F -1
The interview agent pointed to the full face photo ofl


b6 -3,4 nd stated, I--11d tell me all day and all night t at it's not him, but land the interview agent both know
b7C -3,4
it's him so they might as well stop screwing around. From that

b7D -1
time on4 [lever denied the photo is of him.

b7F -1
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4
b7D -1 b7F -1
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4
b7D -1 b7F -1
cILLpr.C. -
Fimma b6 -3,4

(stated he wanted to know what


1 Ln prison. irsietpab challenged 2 b7c -3,

.Page the interview agent to present the accusations against him, stating


he can defend himself.

b7F -1
The interview agent explained, was •oin- to be
b6 -3,4 presented with the case and evidence against him. was
told he was not expected to answer any questions today but would

b7C -3,4

have to make the decision to cooperate once he understands what he

b7D -1

is facing. The interview agent stated he is doing this to be fair
b7F -1 with) I, to be honest with him and help him make his

The interview agent began by telling he
believes much of what) has provided a red y in the file.
The interview agent drew a time-line on a d ry-erase board and
explained he believed that much of) Is sto

b1 was probably


b6 -3,4

accurate. He then told)

WIC -3,4

was more or less accurate.

b7D-1 ( )

However, everything in between the time

b7F -1

lwas "a •ig o was told, he should now realize, the interview age oing to disbelieve him if he had no reason riot to, but has many questions and details to provide concerning "t
The interview agent started by saying, siney his arrest and transport to Cuba, investigators did not know who was. Since May of 2002, when he arrived in Cuba, )sat in Guantanamo somewhat anonvmous.to rhe investiaatinn untili
b6 -3,4

wasermitted to watch a short video
b7C -3,4 documenting) IA
large color photo of
)with attached arabic articles were then placed in fron

b7D -1

(was permitted to read the articles but he

b7F -1

stated he had already read them before so it was not necessary.
immediately began by saying he did not know)
so how could) )say anyth:.ng about him.

The interview agent told Ito be patient, that
he was trying to explain how he came to know about him.) )
was told, a photo ofl )had been shown toI
The photo was the same photo


was reminded he had
previously verified the photowas of him b6 -3,4

b7C -3,

stated he recognized the photo o

b7D 1


b7F -1


in. 1- r9.4•11114r-


l appearefi despondent. He was not


On ImaintajftWeye contact 8

Page with the interview team and listened intently to what was heing said. The interview agent then made it clear to I his time was drawing short. Further, the interview team was already b6 -3,4 being told they may have to depart for another mission somewhere
b7C -3,4

else in the near future. 1 1 was told, the interview team

b7C -1

wanted to work with him but when they are told to leave, they must
go, and they are unsure of when they will return. They hope that b7F-1
by that point, it is not too late.I !was told, the
interview team was going to give him a couple of days to think
about everything they had presented to him and talked about. He
needed to make a decision about his future and they hoped he makes
the right one.

At the conclusion of the interview, the interview team
wished' !luck and that God may accept his prayers. After

b6 -3,4

exiting the room, the interview team witnessed with his

b7C -3,4

head down on his hands on the table in front o im.
b7D -1 the I
was crying and sobbing with tears falling on the table when he

b7F -1

lifted his head.

