<p>A memorandum for the record from the Chief of Military Justice certifying that a printed copy of the Taguba report, provided to the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a true and accurate copy. The memo also discusses typographical and administrative mistakes in the annexes of the report.</p>
--, -- DEPARTMENT OFTHE ARMY HEADCUARTERS. THIRD UNITED STATES ARMV UNITED STATES ARMY FORCES CENTRAL COMMAND COALIllON FORCES LAND COMPONENT COMMAND 1881 HARDEE AVE SW FORT McPHERSON. GEORGIA 30330-1064 C1E DlY TC ATT!;NTJOl'; O~ 4 June 20~AFRD-JA MEMORAKDUMFORRECORD SUBJECT: Ce:rtificatlon (AR J5-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade) th 1. 1hereby certify that the printed copy of the AR 15-6 Investigation of the 800MP Brigade provided (Q the Office of Legal Counsel to the Chainnan of the]omt Chiefs of Staff is a true and accurate copy of the Report as certified by the custodian of records and provided to this offIce in an electronic format described a~ the Master Disk. (Sce enclo~ed certification by the custodian of records.) 2. As annotated in paragraph 3 of the Ccnification by the Custodian of Records_ the allied documents are not. and were not, included in the actual report as forwarded to the Approving AUlhority. thu5 were not included in the printed copy. 3. Among the 106 annexes. there are statements and or other documents that reference enclosures or attachments that were not made part of the actual report a; presented to the appointing authority (i.e. Sworn Statement of COL Pappas). The actual annexe~ included 10 the report provided to the Office of Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were limited to those items that were specifically refcrenced in the 53 pagcs of the findings and recommendation!' submitted by MG Taguba. 4. The report contain" numerous documents and statements that were provided to the investigating ream throughout the coursc of the investigation. In some cases, the documents that were provided to the Investigating team may have contained typographical/administrative oversights. Some of these have bcen identified and arc annotated as follows: l. In Annex 9: The 10 never recei\'ed the second page of the "Davi5 Statement" b. In Annex J9: Thc table of cont~nts of the Ryder Report indicates it has 67 enumeraled pages. Howcver. the report as provided to the 10 only contained 64 pages. It appear!; that the table of contents had a typographical I"'rror and the report actual dee!' end at page 64. c. In Annex 23: Annexes A-G of the regulation do not appear in thc Originai Report. d. In Annex 33: Page 163 mistakenly reads 143. e. In Annex 87: there i~ an error in the Summarized Te!\timony. It appeCJrs that In the preparation of the Siate.IM.nt. a portion of Annex 88 was cut into Annex 87. It is unr:lcar if any testimony was lost, but the error eXIsted in the Original Report and is on the Mester Disk. DODDOA-000244 "" ........... '., ... 'Iot_ ..... AFRD-PA SUBJECT: Certification of the AR 15-6 Investigation of the 800th MiUtary Police Brigad: f. In Annex 92: the Original Report contained a Hyperlinked version of the Table of Contents nor reproduced onto the Master Disk. (hue; not in the printed copy of th: report. 5 The original of the Repon i$ maintained tn the Office of the Staff Judge Advocare. CFLCe. Camp ArtfJan. Kuwait. APO AE 09306. 6. The Point of Contact is the Special Assistant to the Staff Judge Advocate, CFLCe. LTC DSN'18-4 30-6303 Chief of Military Justice 2 DODDOA-000245