Army Notes re: Notes and Claim Form Relating to Claim of Wrongful Shooting and Detention of Iraqi Citizen

Army documents, handwritten notes in Arabic and U.S. Army claim forms relating to claim of wrongful shooting and detention of an Iraqi citizen. This also contains a note to the guards at Abu Ghraib to release a wrongfully detained Iraqi citizen and the approval of compensation payments for the suffering and loss the Iraqi endured.

Non-legal Memo
Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Sunday, February 27, 2005

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Irt the tJ(Hn~l of lUBan, W,he BerweficR;nt. f.i!fl ftilWGHui
To j'BabylonGovernorate Oftlce
Sub. / Reconllnendation
\Ve are signatures below, the selector anci selected people of Annana
-. -.
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vi JJage . W~eliify and SlJpport that the guard lives jn Annana villclge with good reputatjon . He hasn't any
hurl in t!l~ village and he has no any re1:;:tion \vith former Baath Party and h~ is I a go!)d cltlzen .
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lr1 , ,He works 8S 3 g,L1ard in QUI' and his cc)llneclion is with /\/ Hilla
it: city lIeutenancy, For thiS reaSOll "Ne SIgn below,
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In hi The Narnr: Of Allah the Beneficerllt , the Merciful

Ii To I ell.lli/ion Forces in Babylon Province

i~ ----~~----------
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j~ /\[ Ilight of I (I-I·' 20()3, Ihe coalilion J'orc~s (Marines) had attacked on l~ ( 'inC', his orlicial dllty ,IS a night gu,mJ in i\IlIl;lllli 1\\\;; \;il(!~:~ , (jIlt ()I ins tid ~;h()t him by (ir..: . I k 'i/~iS ;IITCSled iIlHllllO\'l,d 1(,
j~ i1rd~:I;;)\V~l p!'ICL~ .:~in~:L .i.klt Jli~I,)1 " WL: d.idn'! Ilt'ur ,tIl~ 11:"\'::: "hulil 11!ln. We ~\'elll It) 1l1~11l'y !~ 1)IIIJ,:L~S 1)\11 \\'c gut 1101i'lJllg, . J lii:Y SLild Ilwl tilL~Y dlc.ill t have Liny 11111ll'lll;1111l1l alallltlhl:" ift ~;uhjL:cl ,I(lkr, \\'t: knevv llt,11 (HII' son VhlS imprisoned in D.1klir J /ospil,ri ill .Iorr AI ~:akll;Jrin lIrJ(i Iii": h'l)lIld b8 jlldged wl!,ll')ut in jail withollt any guilt or j~lldl . The group of Am~l'jc(j1i!I r(,j}ce~.; \~'!~i~';. to .bl~l,me . TI~~~re iirC 1l1\!rc ikul lell night gm,ln:ls Wi[IICSS 1)1' these things,
IH II;,; ~1(CILk,lIt dd;jIIS :l't.: 1:; J~)jluv\.. as IvJlnl.:::S::;I;S S'JY:.. ."
I~ WIIL~11 ;;ume III AmlTJU1!1 h)I'CCS L~I·lkn·d wl'ollgly 111 uur village Ind !IllS J'~gll)Jl IS 111)\

!~~ ~IIIL'ir[0 semel) ill . OIIC-or tlll~ Amcricctll soldiers took the
lirniLi:liion glln 0_I~ Ih~ WelS n.:,)(ly io lire, ;lIlutlll.:r soldier \vas stalldill:; oil the l:arriotgl.: I~ IlIWIlL'C 11\.' 11)\V1ld:--, the i2.lIilITI . J k il;HI [il,.: ~;I·)l:.l:i()lil.ed card on his cil~~.t ,IS a nil.!.illl!,uilrd.
II("I 1..' '-~­
i~ i'l',._: pillrilllhCl1 kid lIrrc~;lnlllilii willioul ,JIIY charge. I~ ~., i k i::; r'-'~;JlullSibl,j7 oj' u big Jilillily ;Jic/lItiillg his Inulher lWO sislers , tl'IrL~L' bJolllc/'s !~. ilc:-':ick:..; his vv,i!i,' :I III 1t~H'Ii' clii!(\;-en . ThL: dlksl ()r.~ is seven ye~lrs old. This ~11;ll'd i:';:l I.lIdd
!i!! ' ," . .' •. .' .I,"~ ,,):.:\':;(;': " ..,'ili] l!,(IUd n~i,~q:lji"l]l. i Ie Iwd lll!\cl" JI~)' ciln1~ld \\'lil1 !mlller H"illh P;lrl\' II:: .Ill:
f;j _ J

1, iVLirilit.:s h)l\.~~::; opcncti jir~ \VI'ljilgly . !l was l1D1lh,eir duly ill that i'egioll .
=i, ·ilh:i'l..: ,-"I,i'; lil) :i !r~tnslat()r vvitllllle!1lwi';icl1 led [0 Iklt ,1L:\:idL:11I .
0;;' ~,~, \\:,,' ( lii~~hl1:~;U;lrd's 1~11J)i!)' ) tL:llillld ;() bring till: W!lnL::~cS Uil(.IIC a~k IIIL'Jl'i ,lh')I:lllll~


I Iraq ilepublil:
No. /Al Hilla city centre Lieutenancy Date: / /2003Night Guards
To / Coalition Forces Centre
Sub. / Support
\Ve certify that night guard is one of the guards of our village ( Annana ) . e employment at present time. He was appointed due to administrative order no. 932 in 29 / 5 / 2003. -To ipfOJ~ming you of this matter ple2se .
General Pilot



DODDOA 022955

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APO AE 09342

MEMORANDUM FOR Finance Office, CPA, Baghdad, Iraq SUBJECT: Approving Memorandum for Claim: 04-ISA-T040
1. Pursuant to my authority as the Foreign Claims Commissioner (FCC IBS), I have of $1 000 as final settlement of Foreign Claim 04-JSA-T040,

The payment will be made on t.f f\'\O:i Occf± ,at the Iraqi Convention Center located in Baghdad, Jraq.

The reason for payment of this claim is based on the US Forces negligent shooting and detainment of the claimant.

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APO AE 09342

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FCCI5A Claim

Facts. On 16 July 2003, the claimant's son,-.ras working as a night guard in the Annana village in AI Hilla. At approximately 0300, military police from an unknown unit, believed that the claimant's son.:was a suspect andf£1..6t him. This was not the AO of the military police unit; rather it wadthat of the Marines ofthe 1st Battalion of the 4th Marines. After the shooting, he was taken to 28th CSH, treated and then detained and transported to AbuGhareeb prison. His family and , the XO of the GST in AI-Hilla were trying to get him released as of 16 July 2003.

Opinion. the XO of the GST in AI-Hilla stated that~ was arrested by mistake by an MP unit. He states that he was arrested as a suspect, but no reason was given as to why he was shot. _stated th~t the MPs were in the 1st ofthe 4th Marines area v.~thout !heir kno~ubsequentinvestigation of the arrest turned out to be ~thout a valid basis.

If in fact the MPs were not supposed to he in the Marines area, then the shooting occurred due to negligence or misconduct by the MP unit. Therefore, because the FCA allows for compensation ofthe negligent or wrongful acts of US forces, claimant's son
may he compensated. Ho\vever, it must be claimant, not . to file the
claim. Therefore, until such time that it is determined that was released from
Abu Gharib due to a mistake, claim cannot be paid. Documents CID or SIGACT

Authority. The Foreign Claims Act (10 U.S.C. § 2734) as implemented by AR 27-20, Chapter 10.

Action. That the claim be paid in the amount of $1 ,000.


Previous edition usable/ PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT : NSN 7540-00-900·2234 The in1otmation requested on lhis form is required under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 82b and 82c, for the purpose 01 disbursinG Federa! . money. The information requested is to identify the particular creditor and the amounts to be paid. Failure to furnish this information will USAPA V4.OO hinder discharoe of the oavment oblioation.
DODDOA 022961

I, the claimant by signing this document and accepting p2.ymenr, am releasing the United S~aLeS l'vlililary and The United Slates Government Trom
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any TUnner llaDlllty resumng Eorn Il1..lS
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IlDal settlemem on t.t'..1S CHnm.

Claims Form
To: United States From: Name:
I am
I hereby make a claim against the United States Government for damag'"'' '"
injuries caused by: (Name, Organization, Military Department. Addre~s"
'Tpl"!ohonF. NllrTlhp\l

CeolfErov, h2rcc:'S of ,Ahc¥Y'e611 p.tErOIr\;,
The property damaged is owned by: (If the claim is made as an agent, parent, or
guardian, attach a power of attorney or other evidence of authority and fill in the
form below for party sustruning the damage or injuries.) _____________

My claim arose at: A~okro:b f~/Qr\

(2?:~kJuL (~.J
My claim arose on: ____.lLj,",.J..l_________!..=g:C:.-______-"-20~,"~~c::.:::_o_~,..i-)----~
\1 crJ. Ul
Give a brief statement of the accident or incident on which the claim for damages to property or for personal injury is based. (Use back of this sheet if necessary.)
C'!JA (na¥ 'U2 0 Ynrj_ Fa (bet "~" Clr'v'",e,eje=d-12f
_&~T[};(o-;; -X;;VXeJ) 0:'1,:-/ (JU/ .41-,/JJzd',YEI;7 pWJOY' -:;'Li?-h-7Hj---yH;;¥ "~ej"(3: b-;:;;;'l '·---G +.--;1-1-n e
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---~,4e;U4( -b2~m 7HJ;k~-~b -pV\f~~k1 "-"y:k(,~f-~b'v'ld-"-W1-tr
ctre;J Cd fk pncS-bi4 • \0 vv.e toU lAd lI\ : { body
cd. E /c-w:.d.-}/'-,L:c-p d/ah'-t?-l-'\ b.v-{?('-'. 4~-cJi y'\:-d ~L::Jl.e..

Describe nature and extent of property damage or personal injury sustained as a result of the above incident.

List in detail'~the amount of property damage and itemized expenses resulting from (he property damage or personal injury: (Attach bills and receipts, if applicable.) Item Amount
L _____________________________________

Total: ttL (JOO [JOO .:E:.G)
I was insured to the following extent against the damage or injuries rhave sustained:
The name and address of my insurer (if any) is: "--'--'.---------------------­
(Name) (Address)

(Signature of Claimant)
Su bscribed before me this __ day of _______, 20o__.

. (Prin t Name) (Signature)
To: CPA,Esq:
Sub: Compensation

I'm the father of the demise" in may, 2003 the Americana forces a rrested my son and prisoned him in Abu Gherab-prison for five months and we were told by some of individuals who were with him in a prison.
On 8-11-2003 the corpse had been founded and put into a black g:l~k, wearing ared uniform on which there is a number (84).
He was found with hands that being shuckJed according to the order issued from the hospital to AL Shua'a police station. After that it had been called upon us for receiving the cropse. The messers,Esq..
The official orders issued from Iraq police station, the specialized cou rt along with other documents like demise certificate certify that the cropse had been placed at the entrance of the hospital by American forces. These documents are official and right one. So I beseach you to compensate me financially due to the my son death and I'm ready to provide you with the copy of these orders.
With best regards
The father of the demise
Baghdad-Dayala Bridge
At ~s~~ pdrLe stcJ/()V1 g-I1-'20~
ih'-were-told 11, tk b)H~Mfl-~,tlV'J ~Yb~wt a bocly a~ -t~!+ ~,-t!ttUI & ~)per~v(
~ ~to +k ~5fdoL ~ pCl»Ad " Wi ·oF a ~ r'rirrcl A ~k-k bcCj ~eouW
: Yl-" t-/J0r\ t-e+y rk \:JodY tX( J-h ~ W?l.{ . Yl 0
. 1: 1) c:::?y\ ~.
• AL -5 \tt ~ PL' 1.Jc~ s+~ahC) '-1 -
r2~poYr OV\ tk body
cD ~I ~o~y h\ffd~ 'okk .\;a.:J1 tfJ~ ~r ~ -cteA
cP~ b~t w 6) of ~
~~) fk
@ blue rpot ~A-k et:-'

DATE RECEIVED Jru~ oY ~6D ~O/ ~a02-a)7-/ ISt0 d--0D1Z4~ \ fli\N'"'Jp I ;:J. ~ kA~\,(' -I lJtr.~~"), .-0 ; SUSPENSE DATE

'. -.. ..-

a. A citizen and national of: ~mrt ")
b. A permanent resident of: ---~-JLC.a....q.------------_,\Y
o I""'
Employed by: A; ~ .X

Check one ( ) An insurer ( ) Not an insurer ;( f


e. Check one () An subrogee () Not an SUbrogee~
ctf ~,(\
I hereby make a claim against the United States Government for damages or" '~
injuries caused by: (Name, Organization, Military Department, Address, & ,;
Telephone Number) , \

:/'1 ~ The property damaged is oWl)'ed by: (If the claim is made as an agent, parent, or guardian, attach a power of attorney or other evidence of authority and fiU in the form below for party susta~!ling the damage or injuries.) __________
My claim arose at: ,,~~ ~ (Town) (City) (Country)
My claim arose on: ----fl-------~n.l._.,I__----_+_2..-l'D."""'~C'.._L2~Lf7------Month Day Year
Give a brief statement of the accident or incident on which the claim for damages to property or for personal injury is based. (Use back of this sheet if necessary.)

1,1 1--?CZOi(
Cw$ 1hcJ-p1Y hirer ;tul de2 0'11 ? I ... 1'20;; If
J:!,;;rj ::;S"£ ,Ce, !2::;; if::z::f ~b'~:; I,.",p

(Of SU0jer ,;} It;; ~t€l(td tUCw.z4,
-re{)vr1;5 A

Describe nature and extent of property damage or personal injury sustained as a result of the above incident.

List in detail the amount of property damage and itemized expenses resulting [rom the property damage or personal injury: (Attach bills and receipts, if applicable.) , Item Amount

I was insured to the following extent against the damage or injuries I have sustained: -
The name and address of my insurer (if any) is:
(Name) (Address)
rclaim as damages: (Indicate amount in U.S. dollars and local currency) S lO rJOO 4f local 115 (!loa {!JOO ~
(Signature of Clajmant) Subscribed 8efore ~e this davof , 200
(Print Name)
The/) J/7 dale /1 / I /2oof ~ aildCU /0 r,./" u.s / me ~7 4n;!!:J ./-0
U/6// J,..,m of QrrporI o~&vAdad; N0 h.e;:;/!J; UA::?J' (7~QI-Iizd-!:/rrJe
l:::hd ~~0J~ dead CY7d k's ~c(j I/; feA h.&.sf/101 Ow LohM ;JJ t and 5 Ee l::h.e -bo(J; !::/'~/l!~ i/lJr.v-J //7 ,0:s head 4J.--So-aU (jj;{,:s .4.ce .. /j ~
ww, o/}e /zhe c5c/BQ-h(s-J //1 ~ ,~/,7&, f /oferd(./ce ~re'1I/~) c:ycoosf eM 4ff7&70v?
