FBI Memo re: Report of Possible Detainee Abuse at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

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An FBI agent assigned to Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay reported that he walked into a Camp Delta observation room and noticed a detainee in an interview room rubbing his leg due to possibly being placed in-a stress position. The detainee was wearing leg-irons and was handcuffed with cuffs chained to his waist. He was advised that the chains were adjusted to force the detainee to stand in a "baseball catcher" position. The agent also reports other suspicious incidents, but does not report direct knowledge of detainee abuse other then as contained herein.

Non-legal Memo
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Monday, January 1, 2007

FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) ._•
OSICallanscriPldarl_09/15/2004 b6 -1 . I ,

. Special. ..(SA1 .,_. COUnterterroriam_ .
b7C -1 I n •
Division, FBI Headquarters,.E0D:[bI was contactedbb6 — L
regarding his knowledge of any aggressive treatment, bb7C -2
interrogations, or interview techniques at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
(GTMO). After being.advised as to the identity of the interviewing
Agent and the purpose of the interview,'b

'provided the

---b 6 -1

following information to thirteen specific special. inquiry
questions:b .bb70 -1

described his 15 month TDY assignment at GTMO as
b6 -1 a Case Agent tasked to participate in detainee interviews. During
b7C -1 his tenure,' !Was part of an interview team which consisted

of FBI investigator(s), Department of Defense (DoD)
investigator(s), and a translator. Investigator(s)representing
DOD, were from Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID), Air
Force Office of Special Investigations (OSIL, and Naval Criminal

1b6 —1
Investigative Service (NCIS). According to I_the'.FBISA. ---b7C —1 usually took the lead role during detainee interviews. However, -1 DoD Investigators also participated in detainee interviews and on Occasion took the lead.

I never participated in any aggressive'treatment,
interrogations; or interview techniques employed on detainees-at -
GTMO inconsistent with FBI or DOJ p.


olicy/guidelines. However,
during the summer of 2002',Ib

'walked into a Cantil Delta observation room and noticed a detainee in an interview room rubbing his leg due to possibly being placed in-a stress position. The detainee was wearingle irons and-Was handcuffed with cuffs
b6 -1,3

chained to his waist.badvised the chains were adjusted to

7C -1



detainee was being questioned by two military officers. IbI
was unable to proved the names of the military officers or the name
or number of the detainee. Ib

force the detainee to stand in a "baseball catcher" position. Theb

I verbally reported this incident
tolb((JAG, USMC Reserve). [b

'did not have
. any substantive contact with]b'regarding this matter.

advised that during the fall of 2002, detainee
# was being e d in the Navy Brig at Camp Delta. According to b6 -1,4

the FBI questioned detainee #E for approximately two 4n7C -1,4
months with negative results. The military then moved detainee
to Camp X-Ray. General Geoff Miller requested permission to

Investigation on0at Vienna, Virginia


meo297-HQ,A1327669-A AaA Date dictated N/A
b6 -1

by SSA1
bb7C 71_
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.


FI)-302o (Rev. 10.6-95)

b6 -1 b7c -1

Continuation of FD-302 of
.0111)9/1D/2004 •Page 2
utilize "special int4Yrogatil-6techniqUes" on detainee-40 - . - -, b6 -4
Corbett stated the FBI and DOD investigators had no further contact b7C 4


with detainee 4:=1 once he was transferred to Camp X-ray.

During December 2002, Lieutenant'b

1, Nurse, U.S.
Navy, informed! b

that detainee #[] bad been admitted to the basebb6 -1,3,4
hospital for hypothermia. During a daily staff meeting,b
bI inquired about detainee OL]bein admitted to the hos ital b7c 1,3,4
for hypothermia. Lieutenant Colonel ,advisedbthat . ­detainee Mawas .not di2gposed with hypothermia.bto d

that detainee tihad low bloodb

pressure along with low
I no addjIonal

body core temperature. According toyb

information was provided to him regarding detainee #

described his understanding. of DoD authorization

b6 -1
for the permitted.use of harsh/aggressive interrogation techniques.

b7c -1
as "very unOlear': Ib

!advised he bacaine aware of DoD
. authorized techniques -via meetings with General Miller.

had no substantive contact with Military Police
or other U.S. government personnel at GTMO regarding detainee

b6 -1
conditions or treatment and was unaware of any specific allegations

b7C -1
of misconduct or mistreatment by U.S. personnel alleged by

interviewees or others. Ib

I stated he had no pictures, video,
audio, notes, or other documentation which depicted or described
aggressive treatment, interrogatiohs'or interview techniques
employed at GTMO or knowledge of anyone else who has in possession
of such items.

