FBI Memo re: Office of the General Counsel Special Inquiry into the Mistreatment of Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

Memo discusses the result of the Office of Inspections special inquiry into abuse of detainees at Guantanamo after September 11, 2001. The office sent a survey to FBI employees who were assigned to Guantanamo after 9/11 requesting them to disclose any observations of detainee mistreatment/abuse. The memo states 26 of 434 employees responded to their inquiry; and of that 26, 9 were required to interview. Those names of those interviewed are listed in the memo, but their names are redacted. The result of the interviews can be summarized as follows: "[a]ll incidents observed by these employees involved outside entities, the majority of whom could not be identified. : None'of the incidents were similar in nature to those reported at the Abu Ghurayb Prison. Specifics regarding each reported incident are detailed in each of the enclosed FD- 302s:"

Non-legal Memo
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Monday, January 1, 2007

(Rev. O!-31-20b37

Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/23/2004

Tot Counterterrorism Attn: DAD T. J. Harrington

General Counsel Attn: Valerie E. Caproni

From: In8peCtlein
Office of Inspections
Contact: I b2


b -1


Approved By: Thompson, Donald W.

b6 -1

Grant Robert Dist"

b7C -1I

Drafted By:

Case ending)-3 6 l
Title: GTMO

Synopsis: Provide results of captioned special inquiry to the
Office of the General Counsel (OGC) for review.

Enclosure(s): Enclosedfor OGC and CTD are the following:

Copies of FD-302s reflecting interview results of the
below listed FBI personnel.


b6 -1

b7C -1

Details: In July, 2004, OGC requested INSD to conduct an inquiry

into whether FBI personnel had observed any mistreatment or
aggressive behavior of detainees at'Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO).
Based upon this request, on 7/09/2004, INSD sent an email message
to all FBI personnel who had served in any capacity at GTMO since

09/11/2001. The email was detailed' as follows:

V e
. To: Counterterro m From: Inspection
Re: 297-HQ-13276669-A, 09/23/2004

"You have been identified as having conducted an
assignment at GTMO, Cuba since 09/11/2001. The Inspection
Division has been tasked with contacting those employees who have
served in any capacity at GTMO and obtain information regarding
the treatment of detainees. Employees should immediately respond
to the following:

1) Employees who observed aggressive treatment,
interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees which
was not consistent with Bureau interview policy/guidelines,
should respond via email for the purpose of a followup interview.

2) Employees who served at GTMO and observed no­aggressive treatment of detainees, should respond via an.EC
documenting a negative response. The EC should include the
employees official Bureau name, title, and tenure of assignment
at GTMO. -

The EC should be titled "GTMO, CoUnterterrorism
Division, Inspection Special Inquiry", file number 297-HO­1327669-A. The EC should not be uploaded, but only serialized.,
with a hard copy." .

CTD, provided a list containing the identity of all


Bureau personnel and it was determined 493 had served in some
capacity. This list was utilized for the forwarding of the above
described email.

INSD received 434 responses from Bureau personnel.
Some non-responders included contractors no longer employed by
the FBI and employees who had since retired.: INSD received 26

• positive responses from Bureau personnel. The majority of these
employees did not :have knowledge of what the "approVedE -
interview/interrogation guidelines were, but wanted to ensure
IVSD was aware of a possible incident of mistreatment. It should
be noted that the 26 employees who responded did not observe any
mistreatment of detainees by FBI personnel. Any mistreatment
observed or rumored to have occurred, was all

egedly conducted by
employees of outside organizations. These 26 employees were
requested to provide a brief sYnopsib of what they observed in
order that OGC could make a-determination of whether a follow-up
interview would .be required. The synopsis proVided by each
persOnnel is attached to their enclosed FD-302 in this

The synopsis of each of-the 26 incidents was provided
to OGC for review. Subsequent to the review, OGC determined that
nine of the employees would be required to.be interviewed. The
personnel are identified as follows:


To: Ccunterterro2M From: Inspection

Re: 297-HQ-13276669-A, 09/23/2004'

1) - Boston Division
2) - CIRG

b6 -1I

4)ICleveland Division

b7c -1I

5) - Los Angeles Division 6) 1 1 TD
•tir, .
7) - Houston DiVision

.6) Anchorage Division
9) - CIRG

The interviews of the above personnel were conducted
during the first two weeks of September, 2004 with the exception
of t is currently on extended sick

b6 -1I

leave due to a medical i ness and was not available. It should

b7c -1

be noted that had previously documented his concerns of
interrogation ec i es at GTMO and provided this documentation
to OGC. A copy of s communication is attached to this


The interviews resulted in a determination that no FBI •
personnel were involved in any mistreatment or aggressive
behavior of detainees at GTMO. All incidents observed by these
employees involved outside entities, the majority of whom could
not be identified. : None'of the incidents were similar in nature
to those reported at the Abu Ghurayb Prison. Specifics regarding
each reported incident are detailed in each of the enclosed FD­302s:

To: Counterterrol-a.sm Trom: Inspection
Re: 297-00-13276669-A, 09/23/2004

Set Lead 1: (Info)

For information and review.

Set Lead 2: (Info)

For information.
