<p>An entirely redacted FBI memo relating to a shooting involving a Special Agent in Afghanistan. The memo refers to Case ID Number: 315N-HQ-C1406946-E.</p>
• (Rn 08-28-2000) S1?6,14/NOFORN FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: 04/29/2004 IMMEDIATE Date: To: Attn: Gary Bald Counterterrorism AD DAD Thomas J. Harrington SC Frankie Battle b6 -1 Inspection Pittsburgh ZAL nennetn mcLape b7C -1 From: Counterterrorism ORS/MLDU/TDY Baqram / b2 -1 Contact: SSAI b6 -1 Approved By: Harrington T Rattle= Frank b7C -1 b6 -1 Drafted By: b7C -1 M) Case ID #: 315N-HQ-C1406946-E (Pending) Title: FBIHQ; AFGHANISTAN Synopsis: (U) Provide details of shooting involving SAI 'while TDY to Afghan:stan. b6 -1 Deriv G-3 (u) ram : b7C -1 Declas X1 On: (II) Details: II X SA 1 b5 -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 b5 -1. • e• SEAT/NOFORN dilketirtitibY: dih61879/Dcia,t-23-011 04.7ay.'-42,51. FOAtON!"1:4 (c)' NWRETNiJS toksxmar1307 OR4,0*IPX otv;,%, 9434icti§ ikint othiu,6TaLik93 DETAINEES-1156 ¦ b5 -1 b5 -1 b6 -1 (u).'ter--11 b7C -1 b5 -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 b6 -1 1 b5 -1 I1 _I CS) I I . b1 b6 -1,3,4,5 b7C -1,3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 (S) bl b6 -1,2 b7C -1,2 b7E -1 b5 -1 E T/NOFORN ") DETAINEES-1157 (S) bl b6 -1,2 b7C 1,2 b5 -1 (S) bl b6 -1 b7C -1 b5 -1 (S) bl b5 -1 (S) bl b6 -5 b7C -5 b5 -1 (S) bl b6 -1 b7C -1 b5 -1 SE^tET/NOFOFN 3 DETAINEES-1158 bl b6 -1,5 b7C -1,5 b5 -1 (c) jbl b6 -1,5 _ b7C -1,5 (5) b5 -1 bl b6 -1,5 b7C -1,5 _ b5 -1 (q1r —J bl b6 -1,3,4,5 b7C -1,3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1 b5 -1 • SE ET/NOFORN X 4 DETAINEES-1159 Ibv • Re: 315N-HQ-C1406946-E, 04/29/2004 CU) LEAD(s): Set Lead 1: (Adm) ALL RECEIVING OFFICES (U) Read and clear. • ET/NOFORN 5 DETAINEES-1160 Ivy Ar _CIRC ROUTING SLIP Date str, SS Unit Chi t e aviora na ysts mnit - I Squad 0 erations Assistan ntica nci t es nse Grou Telephone Facsunil b2 -1,2 b6 -1 b7C -1 TO NAME ROOM SAC J Stephen Tidwell ASAC Janice K Fedarcyk National Center for the Analysts of Viol un Unit Cluj NCAVC -BAU-Ill Unit Mel NCAK' - BAU - 11 Unit ChteA NCAYC - Violent Criminal Apprehension Pr oiram ASAC Bt enton L Mosher Tactical Support Branch ASAC Warren T Bamford Operations Support Branch Cr ins Negotiation Unit Unit Cluejr n b6 -1 Crisis Management Unit Unit Chiejl b7C -1 Unit Clue Rapid Deployment Logistics Unit Section Chief Edward J Barrett Aviation and Special Operations Unit Vacant Chief Division Counsel voier; e reyrt) Cdro,pel _ e -tnet , )_, 375)2_ . G am tea rev_ C7‘ r 7,7-Ar re_c„ c454r /ale 7,-ti _0 nos' 1161 •_b6 -1 ALVINFORKATi6i'CaNTATMR6 XERE/N T8 UNCLA8 SI PIRO p*T11:,f4 717 7,41N-fyy:41,gis79/1,4/ebog ,..cii-i4Ist b7C -1 11 uETAINEES-1161