GTMO-INTEL Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Major Case #188

This document is a cover page of an FBI report regarding recommendations of the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) during the on-site review process at GTMO. The recommendations are based on the prediction that the operations at GTMO regarding the processing, interviewing, and securing of Taliban/Al Qaeda detainees represents a long-term, if not permanent, project of the U.S. Government.

Non-legal Memo
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Thursday, October 29, 2009
ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLA25IFIED "—DAT Z D7-137-2.009 BY 65179 DMUJILAZ U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation In Reply, Please Refer to File No. Behavioral Analysis Unit Critical Incident Response Group FBI Academy Quantico, Virginia 22135 June 18, 2002 GTMO - INTEL GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA , MAJOR CASE 188 Pursuant to a request from Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters (FBIHQ) to coordinate all FBI behavioral-related support to the detainee interview process at the United States Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO), an assessment team from the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC), Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), traveled to GTMO and conducted an on-site review. This report documents the findings of that team. The opinions and recommendations contained herein are based solely upon personal observation, information, and documentation obtained by the BAU during the on-site review process at GTMO. These recommendations are also based upon the predictionthat the operations at GTMO regarding the processing, iriteiviewing, and securing of the Taliban/A1 Qaeda detainees represents along-term, if not permanent, project of the U.S. Government. If additional information from other sources regarding operations at GTMO is receiyed at a later date, or should it be determined that the GTMO operations are simply a short-term solution, then certain aspects of this report may be subject to modification or change. This document is the property of the FBI. It contains information of a confidential and sensitive nature, and is provided exclusively for your information. It should not be disseminated except to other.U. S. Government agencies with a legitimate investigative or prosecutorial interest in this matter. Any other dissemination is governed by federal law (28 CFR 16.21 et seq., pursuant to 5 USC 301), and must be coordinated with the CIRG Chief Division Counsel. FBI0095330GC FBI CTLU#1 #7 DOJOIG 006370 FBI-0000325 •