The memo contains information learned from a telephonic interview on June 9, 2004. The interviewee was assigned to AG from mid December 2003 to March 2004 as the chief of the medical team assigned to treat security detainees.
Stated that he did not see abuse or see injuries which he suspected as abuse, that most medical files would be quite "thin," and few records were kept.
CJTF7-TF-FAY 9 June 2004
SUBJECT: Telephonic IntervievaliMur
1. (FOUO On 9 J cted a
was a surgeon assignee o Abu Ghraib from mid December 2003 to March 2004, He was the chief of the medical team responsible for treatment of security detainees explained there were three separate medical teams at Abu Ghraib. An Iraqi medical team was responsible for the criminal detainees, an Air Force team was responsible for the MI Holds, and his Army team was responsible for security detainees While housed in the same facility there was no mission crossover • e visibility of or interaction with other h their physicians, or staffs._ Air Force c art (MI
/rajii , Hold) was Arm CPT who was romote ajor while there.lifarrived in late December 2003 afte ould not recall the names of any other medical personnel. He never observed or heard of any detainee abuse or saw any injuries which he suspected as abuse. He opined that most medical files would be quite "thin." Few records were kept and everyone was overworked. Additionally, the 28 th Combat Army Surgical Hospital (CASH) assigned their own hospital number to track their patients vice using the detainee's ISN, making it difficult to match medical treatments to detainee intelligence files.
Z. (U) POC is the undersigned.
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DOD 000609