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Upon being processed in to Abu Ghraib prison, a 48 year-old Iraqi male detainee complained to the Prisoner Interview/Interrogation Team (PIT), that U.S. forces had punched him in the stomach while transporting him to the prison. The medical screening did not produce any evidence to support or substantiate the claim of abuse. The screeners and other personnel at the facility at the time this detainee was brought in did not recall or remark anything especially out of the ordinary for the processing of this detainee and the detainee himself stated "I do not want to write a report about that issue, and that is up to my free well and without any pressure." Investigation terminated because victim refused to provide further information to investigators.

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On 1/18/04, a detainee gave a statement about abuse he had suffered at Abu Ghraib and also stated that he had witnessed a translator forcibly sodomizing a male juvenile detainee while a female U.S. soldier observed and took pictures. (This statement was included in an annex to the Taguba report and was posted widely on the Internet.) CID did not investigate the allegation until 5/28/04. CID identified the victim and witness but could not locate them via the records at the prison or the Ministry of Justice. The translator denied having sexual intercourse with a male detainee. CID closed the investigation because "the Special Agent in Charge determined further of the [sic] investigation would be of little or no value."

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CID report of investigation concerning the theft of money by members of an Army unit during several house raids they participated in while on tour in Iraq. The soldiers were accused of: 1) larceny (of private funds); 2) obstruction of justice; and 3) receiving of stolen property. After the investigation, two of the soldiers were found guilty and received a reduction in rank, restriction, extra duty, and forfeiture of pay and allowance. Two other soldiers involved were not disposed of at the point of the finalization of the report.

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NCIS interview of a detainee at Guantanamo regarding his activities in Afghanistan. The detainee stated that he traveled throughout Afghanistan doing charity work and teaching the Koran. The detainee stated that he never took up arms while in Afghanistan and was not part of Al Qaeda, but did admit telling a U.S. Marine that he was a Mujahdeen fighter. He states that while in a U.S. prison in Afghanistan, he was tortured. His hands were tied in front of him and he was dragged on the ground.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Thabet Kalif Jabout, a detainee the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. It is reported that on August 19, 2008 Mr. Jabout was admitted to the CSH ICU for an unknown infection. For several weeks, as his condition progressed, Mr. Jabout was transferred between the ICU and other wards of the CSH. On September 29th Mr. Jabout was transferred back to the ICU, and on September 30th he died from complications from his infection. Cause of Death: Sepsis; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Interim, April 29, 2008); 2) Report of Investigation (Interim, March 31, 2008); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, March 12, 2008); 4) Investigation Action (March 5, 2008); 5) Investigation Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 23, 2008); 6) Investigation Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 23, 2008); 7) Investigation Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 23, 2008); 8) Investigation Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 28, 2008); 9) Investigation Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 28, 2008); and 10) Receipt of RFD Records, (Feb. 23, 2008). These Reports contain the Sworn Statements of all the US Marines and US Navy personnel who came in to contact with Mr. Jabar, and witnessed his passing out. The soldiers stated that Mr. Jabr had a history of not eating, drinking or bathing, and was often weak and "fainting" and "acting sick" in order to get out of being interrogated. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a Report of Investigation, (Interim, Aug. 3, 2007); 2) Report of Investigation: Review of Video of Interrogation, (Interim, July 30, 2007); and 3) Investigative Action: Receipt of Detainee Documents and Seizure of Video Tapes from Interview Booth, (Feb. 21, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Investigation into allegations that a detainee was abused while in custody of U.S. forces. Investigation established probable cause to believe the offense of Maltreatment of a Prisoner did not occur as reported. Conclusion: report of "cruelty and maltreatment unfounded" "None of the statements I wrote about EPW abuse were true?I just heard about some rumors or EPW abuse and elaborated on them" .

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Contents Completely Redacted

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Detainee admits he went to Afghanistan to fight for Jihad because he wanted to follow his dead brother's example. His brother was killed fighting in Chechnya. However, he claims not to be part or associated with the Taliban or Al Qaeda. He then explained that he traveled to Afghanistan via Pakistan from the United Arab Emirates.

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Incident date: 9/1/03. Investigation of abuse of detainees at Camp Muleskinner, Baghdad, Iraq: maltreatment of prisoners; assault; making a false oficial statement; accessory after the fact; obstruction of justice; and dereliction of duty. Soldiers later made an audiotape summarizing events involving the beatings of detainees. All five (5) soliders accused of abuse were found guilty of maltreatment of prisoners, assault, accessory after the fact, obstruction of justice and dereliction of duty. Punishment: reduction in rank and reprimand.

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Sworn statement for investigation an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the Captain interrogating a detainee and makes the detainee dig a grave with the understanding that it will be for the detainee. Later, the captain attempts to influence a soldier concerning the incident in a private conversation with the soldier. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003.This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Amer Ibrahim Mussa-Muhammed, a detainee who died by murder at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. Mr. Mussa-Muhammed was murdered by four (4) of his fellow detainees. He was lured to a a section of the compound under false pretense, than then pounced upon and strangled. Commander's Reports of Disciplinary or Administrative Action found that two (2) Kuwaitis, a Jordanian and another detainee of unknown nationality were charged with Murder & Conspiracy. This file is an extensive investigation in to the murder, and contains photos, medical reports and Sworn Statements. No actions were taken to discipline the offenders and the reason for the lack of action was "declined without explanation." Attorney Magcell "reported SJA declined to prosecute," but no explanation is provided. Cause of Death: Strangulation; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation in to the reported death of an unnamed Iraqi male. The investigation was initiated when the CID investigator received an request to investigate an allegation that a member of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Washington, DC, approved the assassination of an Iraqi National linked to terrorism. The assassination was to have occurred sometime between 2004 & 2005. This CID Report states that it affirmatively identified the gentleman who was the target of the assassination alive after the act was supposedly to have occurred. Therefore, the Report concludes no assassination occurred as reported.

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Detainee spit on another detainee. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items.

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Agent's Investigation Report details the interviews that took place during the investigation. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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A CID investigation into the death of Qassim Hassim, an Iraqi civilian who was killed by an American Sergeant just outside Sadr City, Iraq. According to the report, a vehicle Mr. Hassim was was traveling in was stopped by US soldiers because it was believed to be hostile. After the vehicle was immobilized using force, the soldiers found and treated several Iraqi civilians. Mr. Hassim was suffering from open chest wounds and was deemed to be untreatable at the scene. In an act that became the subject of this CID Investigation, the soldiers decided "to shoot the victim to alleviate his suffering." All the soldiers gave sworn written statements to the events that night. Charges against a Second Lieutenant (2LT) who was present were dismissed. The two (2) Staff Sergeants (SSG) received 1 year of confinement, a demotion. This file has interviews and other evidence gathered in the investigation.

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CID report of investigation regarding a Private 2nd Class who was using Valium between shifts of guard duty; stole money from an Iraqi detainee during a house search; stole Valium during the same house search; and attempted to purchase heroin while. The Private confessed to all charges. The soldier was administratively discharged, effective February 17, 2004.

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This sworn Statement by an Army Specialist assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility concerns the November 3, 2003 shooting by a detainee who gained access to a handgun smuggled in to him. The soldier giving the statement was a member of the Internal Reaction Force. Following a mortar attack on the prison a detainee shot a Military Policeman from his cell. This soldier’s statement concerns his responding to that shooting and what he witnessed. The soldier states that after he arrived he saw a Captain strike a detainee in a manner that appeared to be unnecessary and abusive. The captain punched and kicked the detainee who was flexicuffed and laying supine on the floor.

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Detainee alleged that he was abused while in custody of U.S. forces. The detainee claims he was beaten, sexually assaulted and had his property stolen. Once released, detainee filed a complaint and told his story on Hardball with Chris Matthews. Investigation showed that there was no evidence to support the detainee's claims due to lack of evidence, corroboration and gross inconsistencies. The claims rested solely upon his verbal complaint, with no corroborating evidence to support allegations.

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CID report in to the death of a detainee in US custody. The detainee was brought to the hospital on December 3, 2003 with blunt trauma to the head with bleeding in the brain (determined by CT scan) and died January 4, 2004. The attending doctor stated it appeared that the detainee was beaten. This document contains interviews, sworn statements and investigating agent's conclusions.

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Interview of soldier by a Special Agent of the DIA Office of Inspector General. The soldier reported that ineffective interrogation techniques were being used by the Task Force. It is alleged in this interview that suspected detainees were being transferred during prisoner abuse investigations by the Task Force to avoid the detainees being interviewed by investigators.

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800th MP Roster for January 29, 2004; Names of Military Police personnel; All names are redacted.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains: Statement from one of the Marines involved in the shooting. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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A review of an Military Police (MP) investigation revealed that nine (9) members of Howitzer Battery, 2/3 Armored Cavalry Regiment that may have been involved in a criminal conspiracy to rob Iraqi citizens of currency during Traffic Control Point operations. The alleged victims could not be identified and interviewed "as there were no check point records reflecting [their] identities [ies]." The investigation "determined there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove that the offenses of Robbery and Conspiracy occurred as originally reported." The investigation was closed because "action commander indicated an intent to take action amounting to less than a court proceeding."

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Requests "general, honorable" discharge in lieu of court martial for SSG [Redacted] for the following crimes: pointing a weapon at Taza police prisoner's head (mouth), striking a detainee, tripping a detainee, striking a detainee in the face and stomach. SSG describes his outburts against detainee during interrogation as the result of built-up anger: "I tripped him going into the interrogation room in order to get him on the floor. He hit his head on the floor and cut it left above right eye;" (in response to question "How did prisoner get a broken nose?") "I accidentally kicked him" (DOD 003060). [Redacted] describes SSG [Redacted] bragging about beating detainee (DOD 003066). Includes prisoner statements (in Arabic and translation). COL GS [Redacted] states of beaten detainees: "The statements attributed to the detainees abou threatening to kill US forced and PD number are totally fabricated by the NCOs" (DOD 003095).

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CID report of investigation into the circumstances leading to a detainee entering a vegetative/comatose state. The report states that the detainee was apprehended on July 23, 2003 as a high priority target, and that he was detained in Kirkuk and later in Tikrit, Iraq. On August 11, 2003, he was transferred from the custody of US forces to a combat hospital in a vegetative state. The medical report lists his primary diagnosis as brain damage caused by lack of oxygen. Additionally, the report states he suffered a heart attack and heatstroke. He also had injuries to his head, cuts on his arm and burn marks on the bottom of his feet. The report cites New York Times and Standard News Net news articles about the victim, which report the detainee's name to be Sadiq Zoman and indicate that his injuries were a result of torture experienced in Tikrit. [The New York Times article can be found here:]

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This document is a translated statement made by a detainee taken in to custody. Detainee describes abuse he received when taken in to custody at the Iraq/Saudi Arabia boarder. He said he was forced to exercise. He also stated to have been put in stress positions and beaten about the body with fists and feet.

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A CID investigation into the death of Sadunn Hamza Feihan, and Iraqi national who was shot dead on November 15, 2004. Mr. Feihan was reported with several men on a vehical that attempted to avoid a roadside check-point. The vehicle was pursued, and found abandoned. After a search of the area, Mr. Feihan exited a suspected house. Following a positive Gunshot Residue Test, Mr. Feihan was placed in custody with Flex-cuffs. Mr. Feihan slipped out of his Flex-cuffs and attempted to take a soldier's gun. Mr. Feihan & the soldier struggled for the gun, and fell in to a ditch and shot was heard. Mr. Feihan was shot dead. It was later discovered that Mr. Feihan was one of the top men on the Priority List for insurgent activities in the Jurf As Sakhr area, and wanted by Special Forces. This file contains interviews and statements, as well as photos and medical reports. The Army investigation concluded, after interviews with soldiers present, that the shooting death was not deliberate criminal act, but resulted from the struggle between the soldier and Mr. Feihan. No charges were returned against the soldier.

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This CID Report investigates numerous allegations of abuse that occurred in September and November of 2003 in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib Prison. Included in the file is the testimony of detainee victims and members of the 372nd Military Police (MP) who perpetrated and/or witnessed abuse. The report notes that the investigation established probable cause to believe that members of the 372nd MP were implicated in offenses such as Assault, Indecent Acts, Dereliction of Duty, Cruelty and Maltreatment, Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, Sexual Abuse and False Official Statement. In the cases of only two individuals did CID agents fail to establish probable cause after investigating the allegations against them. Photographic evidence of these abuses is discussed at length, but not included in the file.

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This document is the transcript of the sworn interview of Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski conducted by Major General Antonio M. Taguba, Deputy Commanding General of the Coalition Land Forces Component Command, conducted at Camp Doha, Kuwait, on 15 February 2004. The interview was conduced under the authority of an AR 15-6 Investigation. The investigation was to gather all relevant facts and circumstances surrounding allegations of maltreatment of detainees at the Abu Ghraib Prison, also known as the Baghdad Central Confinement [sic] Facility. As well as detainee escapes and accountability lapses as reported by CJTF-7. The investigation further looked into the training, the standards, employment, command policies, and internal policies concerning the detainees held at the Abu Ghraib Prison. And finally, to assess the command climate, the supervisory presence of the 800th Military Police Brigade chain of command. General Karpinski was the commanding General for the facility at the time relevant to the accusations.

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Investigation into allegations by senior Psyops officers in Afghanistan who witnessed indiscriminate assaults in May 2004 by Special Forces on villagers during raids in Gurjay and Surkhagen. Abuses included hitting and kicking villagers in the head, chest, back and stomach, and threatening to shoot villagers. Investigation failed to prove or disprove allegations and was terminated because victim and other villagers could not be interviewed due to location in high threat combat area and status as Anti-Coalition Combatants. The report indicated that the investigation should be re-opened when the high threat level was lowered. 

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Sworn statement of a commander, of Lieutenant Colonel Concerning Detainee Interrogation Policy, with attached emo for Record dated August 7, 2004. Statement says that CJSOTF Policy provided "clear guidance" on "the types of interrogations that we could use and the various approving authorities," as well as on "how long we could hold an individual," but did not include clear guidance on "detention facility requirements." The Policy also listed approximately 21 interrogation techniques "approved by the COTF commanding general," as well as additional techniques "that required elevated approval authority." Elevated techniques included "incentive removal, fear up, which is a harsh technique, pride and ego down, [redacted], isolation, yelling, loud music, light control, and stress positions." Continues, "They played loud music to prevent detainees talking to each other. I cannot say if it was to the point where it induced stress." States that "neither Kurds nor Iraqis were used directly in interrogation other than interpreters during questioning." Concludes, "My expectation was that detainees would be provided with adequate food, clothing, and water."

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This CID investigation concerns an allegation of a assault upon a detainee while at Baghdad International Airport (BIAP). Detainee alleged that he was assaulted by a black man dressed in an army uniform and was "slapped around" for ten (10) days at a location known as "Ganci". No medical records to support claims of injury could be found, and photos taken of the detainee show no injury to the face. Investigations have ceased as of current date as no further evidence could be found.Investigations did not establish substantial evidence to prove or disprove the allegations brought by the detainee that he was abused at the BIAP or any other location while in U.S. custody..

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Investigation into death of Ibrahim Hamadan Sudhail after he was shot during an attack upon Coalition forces in Fallujah. Mr. Sudhail was brought to the hospital for treatment of his wounds (gunshot to the abdomen) treated and transferred in to custody as a detainee. He died in custody on May 21, 2004 from “peritonitis as a consequence of a gunshot wound to the abdomen”. It was determined that his wounds, which were obtained in the firefight, were the cause of his demise

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This detainee is being re-interviewed concerning statements he made when captured in Afghanistan. Specifically, the detainee is being questioned on his purchase and ownership of a car and how it was that he came in to possession of a certain amount of money. He was also questioned about some anti-tank mines found at his home and his association with the Taliban. The detainee retracted several of his statements and denied making others.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains Statement from one of the Iraqi National Guardsmen on patrol with the Marines. This ING soldier states they stopped a taxi with three (3) passengers. Once it was discovered that the passengers were using fake documents, the ING soldier states that the interpreter struck one of the men to compel him to tell the truth. The man admitted he was Syrian and then attempted to flee. The ING soldier states that Marines shot at him, then the INGs shot as well, killing the man. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation in to the actions of a Sergeant with "C" Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment (2/12), Combat Outpost (COP) Chosen, Iraq. The Sergeant (SGT) was initially suspected, accused and eventually confessed to stealing money from an Iraqi civilian during a house search. However, it was also alleged that on May 24, 2007, near Al Doura, Iraq, the SGT ignored an order to render aid to an unknown Iraqi male enemy combatant following a firefight, allowing the injured man to die. The Report states that no autopsy of the enemy combatant was conducted, and there was insufficient evidence to conclude the SGT caused the death of the enemy combatant through neglect, or an affirmative act constituting Murder.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Allah Aldin Munai Al-Samari, a detainee the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. It is reported that on July 29, 2008 Mr. Al-Samari was admitted to the CSH ICU for end stage leukemia. Mr. Al-Samari was being made comfortable as his health declined, and on August 12th, Mr. Al-Samari suffered a cardiac arrest that took his life. Cause of Death: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia; Manner of Death: Natural.

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CID Report on an investigation of: i) Aggravated Assault; ii) Willfully Discharging Firearm; iii) False Official Statement; iv) failure to Obey Order or Regulation. The charges stem from an incident where a Corporal supposedly willfully discharged a weapon in the direction of a detained Iraqi juvenile at the Refuel on the Move (ROM), Combat Support Center (CSC) Kenworth, Iraq. The Corporal stated this was an accidental discharge of his weapon and gave the Iraqi boy five dollars ($5.00) as on-the-spot compensation. The Corporal said he was sitting down with his rifle across his lap when the rifle discharged scaring some of the detainees. Other soldiers’ present offered statements that either denied the incident in order to protect the Corporal or otherwise did not fully cooperate with the investigation. The soldier admitted the substance of the incident and there was no indication that he was being malicious or threatening to the detainees and that the weapon discharge was truly an accident. The Special Agent in Charge has determined that furtherance of this investigation would be of little or no value and that leads remaining to be developed are not significant.

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NCIS Report of investigation initiated on June 13, 2003 following notification from officers at Camp Pendleton that, on the morning of June 13, a member of a unit “reported that on the previous evening (12 Jun 03) at a unit party, a member of the unit named [redacted] told several other unit members (including [redacted]) that he and two other Marines had been ordered by his former [redacted] to execute three Iraqi enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). The executions allegedly took place [on April 6, 2003] while [redacted] unit was temporarily residing at an abandoned Iraqi pharmaceutical factory south of Baghdad. [Redacted] stated that [redacted] threatened to kill him if he did not carry out the executions. [Redacted] also claimed that after executing the EPWs, the bodies were disposed of in an eight foot deep hole.” The officer who initially received this report stated that “he called in the Marines who allegedly heard [redacted] make these statements . . . each of the (three) other Marines who were present confirmed hearing [redacted’s] statements, and believed they were credible.” The five Marines were then interviewed, along with three other Marines and a civilian. All of them confirmed the [redacted] version of [redacted’s] statements. The Marine who had allegedly made the statement was interviewed. He “stated that the alleged executions of EPWs never took place, and stated it was a story he made up. [Redacted] stated he made up the story to tell his friends. [Redacted] stated unlike his colleagues, he didn’t have good stories to tell about his deployment to Iraq. [Redacted] stated he was intoxicated, and thought up the story while at the party.” He was subjected to a polygraph test on June 18; “an evaluation of the examination indicated [redacted] was being truthful in his responses.” Accordingly, it was determined “no further investigation is deemed necessary. This investigation is closed.”

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Army Memo concerning charges against a Captain who's soldiers were accused of several incidents of striking, kicking and threatening detainees with a loaded weapon at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. They also staged mock executions as interrogation methods, and threatening detainees' families. Investigator finds the Captain guilty of the abuse and of threatening subordinates to not testify against him. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI). The detainee stated that he had never been to the US. He also stated that he did meet certain Al Qaeda leaders, but did not discuss Jihad, fighting or training camps with them. He stated that he not involved in any other illegal activity but is in the real estate business (buying and selling homes) and is very busy running his business.

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Second report of the incident that was recorded in ACLU-RDI 600. One detainee accused another of communicating threats of physical harm and lying to interrogators. Two detainees were involved in a physical altercation the next day. Medical staff confirmed that one had minor swelling on the right side of his head and the other had minor bruising on the knuckle of his left hand. Each detainee claimed that the other had initiated the altercation. Actions taken against both detainees were segregation and loss of comfort items (CI).

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report provides an assessment of the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 2 of 9]

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CID Investigative report into the death of Abdullah Saad Mohammed on February 19, 2004 during his detention at Abu Ghraib prison, Baghdad, Iraq. An autopsy was conducted an it was determined that the detainee died of natural causes.

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Investigation into an incident in which two marines, both from 1st Medical Battalion, Combat Service Support Group-15, posed for photographs while pointing their M-16 service rifles at an enemy prisoner of war, whom they were assigned to guard in the medical recovery tent at Camp Al Qaim, Iraq. The photographs were taken while other soldiers were administering medical treatment to the detainee, who had suffered a gunshot wound to the lower back. It is unclear if the detainee was aware that photographs were being taken. There were four photographs in total, two of which depicted the marines' aiming their weapons at the detainee. Their superior confiscated the camera upon discovery of the incident to prevent destruction of evidence. Camp Al Qaim has a "no photography" policy. According to two people within supervisory chain of command, one of the marines implicated in the incident had been briefed specifically on the policy after a previous incident involving the videotaping of detainees. The investigation turned up additional photographs and videos of detainees; some of these photographs also involved pointing weapons at prisoners. One marine said that he took such pictures as a "souvenir" of his time in Iraq and “taking these kind of photographs are very common at the STP and it is excepted [sic] by everyone." The two marines received a non-judicial punishment of a reduction in rank and a monetary fine for failure to obey a lawful order.

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An investigation into the death of Hussein Abdullah Awad Al-Juwadi (ISN 159756). On 11 May 2004 he reportedly abruptly collapsed and became unconscious. Resuscitation was initiated and continued during: transport to the facility hospital where he died. According to records provided by the investigative agency, (m6)-4 had a past medical history significant for diabetes mellitus, hypertension and previous myocardial infarction. The investgation concluded Cause of Death: Severe Atherosclerotic Coronary Vascular Disease, and that the Manner of Death: Natural.

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A Military Police soldier states that when he interviewed a detainee the detainee stated that he was assaulted in transit due to his not following movement instructions given to him my the gusrds. The detainees face was noticed to be cut and swollen in several places consistent with repeated blows to the face.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Sadik Abdullah Saoud, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by Battalion Landing Team 2/4 (2/4 "G" Co.), out of Expedition Observation Post (EOP) Playboy Mansion, Barwana, Iraq on January 8, 2007. Mr. Saoud's vehicle was on the "Be On The Lookout (BOLO) List" when it was spotted pulling out of a driveway. The vehicle was stopped, and Mr. Saoud was placed in to custody and Flex-cuffed after being taken to the ground. Mr. Saoud was then seated on the curb following his arrest, to await further processing when he suffered an apparent heart attack. The heart attack was witnessed by soldiers and civilians. Medics were called and CPR was administered, but failed to revive him. This file contains eight (8) Investigative Action Reports from Jan. 16, 17 & 18, 2007, containing Sworn Statements of the soldiers of 2/4 Golf Company (2/4 "G" Co.), the soldiers who took Mr. Saoud in to custody and witnessed his heart attack. There is also a sworn statement from the Marine who provided Mr. Saoud with fraudulent documents found on him at the time of his arrest. The Marines state that Mr. saoud resisted being taken in to custody, but they deny they hitting or abusing Mr. Saoud while taking him in to custody. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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CID Report regarding alleged riot at Abu Ghraib prison on June 13, 2003, during which one Iraqi detainee, Alla Jasin Hassan, was shot to death by Military Police (MP). Official investigation concludes that the shooting was a justified homicide, because Hassan allegedly "incited other detainees to riot by trying to overtake the Military Police (MP) guards inside of the compound utilizing rocks and tent poles, posing a credible threat to the MP guards." The riot allegedly ensued "after 14 other Iraqi detainees were released from the prison." Report includes several witness statements and sketches of the Abu Ghraib compound.

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Investigation into the abuse (hitting and kicking) of several detainees. The detainees were captured for supposedly threatening soldiers with weapons and making false passports. Includes sworn statements of soldiers and detainees.

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Detainee states that he is a member of the Jama'al al-Tabligh (JT) organization, which he claims is a peaceful organization and not associated with the Taliban. The detainee did admit that he joined the Taliban, but states he only did it because he was forced. He stated that he was taught how to set anti-tank mines by the Taliban, and that a notebook on mechanical engineering was from his school. He also states he was abused when taken in to custody and only admitted to being part of the Taliban when a knife was put to his throat.

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CID Report of investigation into alleged abuse and sodomy of detainee. Victim was captured on May 4, 2004 “by two males wearing green t-shirts, cargo pants and tan vests, who stated they worked for the Criminal Investigations."He was handcuffed, hooded and transported to their headquarters in Baghdad, where he was interrogated and abused for a period of four days. He was then transferred to Abu Ghraib. A week later, he was again transferred, this time to Camp Bucca, Iraq. For details, see Incident. Investigation concludes there is not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations.

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CID Report detailing the death of a detainee at Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq on January 14, 2004. The investigation determined that the death was by natural causes and includes the autopsy report.

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Detainees threw urine/water/toilet paper at each other. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items.

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Email with an executive summary of a CID investigation into validity of statements by a soldier claiming to have been involved in the abuse and murder of Iraqi detainees on January 18, 2004, while he worked in the Intensive Care Ward, Camp Anaconda, Balad, Iraq.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. The file includes a Report of Investigative Action (Sept. 29, 2006), which includes a copy of Ahmed's death certificate, as well as twenty-six (26) photographs of Ahmed's body and injuries after his death. The photographs are entirely redacted and an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). Detainee claims that he is a humble merchant of pots & pans and that he has no connection to the Taliban. He admitted that he had anti-tank mines at his home, but that they were old and left by the communists. He also claimed to have attended an electronics and mechanical school that the request of the Taliban. The detainee also claims to have been beaten when taken in to custody.

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This CID investigation concerns an allegation of an assault upon a detainee while at FOB Headhunter. The detainee alleges that after he was captured he was hooded, was struck about the head and body by fists and kicked. He also stated he was hit with a rifle butt; however, the soldier who hit him apologized due to the incident being an accident. The detainee agreed the rifle butt hit was in fact an accident and not a form of abuse or assault. The medical examiner and three (3) witnesses: one linguist; and two Headhunter guards, support the detainee’s allegations. However, the American soldiers related a different version of events. The soldiers state that the detainee was treated professionally and nobody abused him. The accused were found not guilty after a Court-Martial.

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A Lieutenant Colonel admitted to issuing a death threat and firing his pistol next to the head of a detainee suspected of being part of a plot to assassinate U.S. troops, including the Lt. Col. This was supposedly done during an interrogation. Four (4) enlisted soldiers and a female civilian interpreter punched and kicked the detainee numerous times while they were interrogating him. Statements in the file indicate that the interrogation lasted for approximately one hour and that during this period a soldier (or the translator) brandished a knife at the detainee and told him that she would cut him with it. Soldiers were all from 2-20th Field Artillery Bn., 4th Inf. Div. All the soldiers received non-judicial punishments: none was discharged. No indication that the interpreter was sanctioned or recommended for investigation or prosecution.

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Report of Proceedings of an AR 15-6 investigation into facts and circumstances surrounding reports of inappropriate or unauthorized pictures of John Walker Lindh taken by member of Special Forces at Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan on or about December 7, 2001. Includes sworn statements by soldiers involved, ruling, timeline of prisoner activities. Special Forces Major states "I think it is a testament to the discipline and training of these American Special Forces soldiers that this inscription, written on a piece of tape, is the worst thing that happened to the detainee while in their custody."

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This Commander’s Inquiry in to an incident at the Guantanamo Bay hospital facility where a detainee became violent and attempted to assault military personnel by tossing a jar of urine upon them and using a metal chair by throwing it at the personnel. The Commander’s decision on disciplining the Military Police commander centers on the commander allowing the MPs involved in the incident to continue to be in charge of the situation after they admitted acting inappropriately towards the detainee, and allowing them to keep and carry their weapons in the hospital facility. The conclusion is that the commander failed to establish a positive leadership climate among the non-commissioned officers.

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A detainee alleges that while in US custody he was assaulted during interrogation. The investigation established probable cause to believe detainee was assaulted during interrogations at an unknown location by unknown individuals. Detainee was held at Camp Cropper but was removed for ten (10) days to unknown location where he was abused. After he was returned to Camp Cropper, he was treated medically for abrasions and injuries. There was no documentation found that identified the individuals who removed the detainee from Camp Cropper and possibly abused him.

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This document is a sworn statement by a physician who examined a detainee who claimed to have been abused. The doctor concluded that the detainees injuries were consistent with his complaint of being abused.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Mahmud Rashid Hasan, a detainee the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq, on July 31, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Hasan was admitted to the CSH ICU on July 29th with pneumonia. Three (3) days after being admitted & treated, Mr. Hasan was found deceased on July 31st. Cause of Death: Metastatic Carcinoma; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Detainee alleged abuse.

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This is a CID Report in to the death of Sadir Ahmed Ibrahim, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on February 17, 2008. Mr. Al-Janabi was admitted to the TIF 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Bucca on February 10th after suffering injuries resulting from an engagement with Coalition Forces. It is reported that Mr. Ibrahim was injured while placing Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs). On February 17th, Mr. Ibrahim suffered a heart attack, from which he did not recover. Cause of Death: Complication of Blunt Force Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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Investigation into the November 24, 2003 shooting deaths of 4 detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. Detainees participated in an organized, violent uprising within the prison. The investigation concluded that the deaths resulted from justifiable homicide and no criminal act was involved.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay was conducted by the Air Force office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed states he was going to participate in a hunger strike because an interrogator draped an Israeli flag over a detainee and stomped on the Koran.

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AR 15-6 memo from an Administrative Law Attorney with the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate. The attorney reviewed an investigation into the September 11 shooting death of an Iraqi detainee, Obeed Hethere Radad. The conclusion of the review is redacted. A separate CID report relating to the death was also created (see related documents).

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A CID investigation into the death of Jaseem Emad, a detainee at the Baghdad central Concentration Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib on August 22, 2005. Mr Emad died from "gunshot wounds to the abdomen, left shoulder, and left hip" received in "an altercation with US Forces." Cause of Death: Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: (Combat-related) Homicide.

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Investigation initiated after Playboy Magazine published an article in May 2004, titled “Death and Dishonor,” alleging that soldiers of the 1/15th Infantry Battalion, 3d Brigade, 3d Infantry Division (Ft. Benning, GA), committed numerous war crimes. Soldiers quoted in the article alleged that soldiers assigned to the 1/15th Infantry Battalion had, among other things, raped Iraqi women while on patrol and while guarding a mall in Baghdad, shot an unarmed Iraqi while he was fleeing, hog-tied him and physically assaulted him, mistreated EPWs [enemy prisoners of war] while in custody; indiscriminately shot unarmed civilian women and children; and shot wounded Iraqi soldiers. The investigation determined that “there are indications that the allegation of abuse of an EPW while in custody could have occurred; however, there were no direct witnesses and the suspect is deceased. There was no credible information developed sufficient enough to substantiate the allegation”. The investigation was closed on or about July 26, 2004.

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Iraqi detainee alleged that he was taken from his cell to another location by plain-clothed Americans who beat him in the head and stomach, dislocated his arms, "stepped on the [his] nose" and broke it, and stuck a pistol in his mouth and discharged it (empty), while demanding he admit to having committed crimes. He claimed that one of the soldiers later beat his leg with a baseball bat. Medical reports in the file confirm that the detainee had a broken nose, fractured leg, and scars on his stomach. Soldiers confirmed that TF 20 interrogators questioned the detainee and wore plain clothes. Although the case was initially closed, it was reopened based on an indication that the detainee's initial reticence to make a formal complaint was due to threats by U.S. soldiers. The investigation was closed after it "failed to prove or disprove" the offenses.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, June 27, 2006); 2) Report of Investigation (Interim, May 24, 2006); 3) Investigative Action: Attendance of Autopsy, (Jan. 24, 2006); and 4) a Death Certificate. The investigation has found that Mr. Abbass' death is possibly due to a heart attack, 2nd to hypothermia. This occurred after he was taken in to custody, and while he was being transported to the Detention Center. No abuse is alleged or indicted. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ali Hussein Mutlib, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on December 4, 2006. Mr. Mutlib was reportedly suffering from blood pressure problems. November 17, 2006 he was admitted to the camp hospital for treatment. On the evening of December 4th, Mr. Mutlib's experienced a medical emergency when his blood pressure dropped. Medical staff initiated life saving measures, including placing Mr. Mutlib on a ventilator. His condition did not improve, and he succumb to his illness and died. Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Sworn statement of the Sargent involved in a detainee abuse matter. The Sargent was an aid-de-camp to the Captain who is accused of kicking a detainee and threatening him with a loaded weapon while yelling at him. The Sargent's statement is thin on details of the incident. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Interrogator's sworn statement that a detainee stated he had been beaten and roughly handled, thrown around by guards.

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One detainee spit on another because they were placed in the recreation yard together. Actions take in response were loss of comfort items for five days and segregation for five days.

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NCIS report on the results of investigative efforts regarding allegations of abuse made by two detainees, Ali and Hassan, in Iraq. In one case, a detainee captured on February 8, 2004, alleged he was assaulted while being held at "al Baghdadi" detention facility. It appears he was referring to Camp Baghdadi, which has since closed. Due to lack of records, the investigation was unable to obtain names of members of the capturing unit. The detainee was released from Abu Ghraib on June 28, 2004. In the other case, a detainee alleged abuse at Abu Ghraib after his capture on March 4, 2004. Medical records showed lacerations and abrasions supposedly caused by handcuffs and barbwire during capture. Capturing unit members had returned to their assigned posts, so no interviews were conducted. The investigation was closed.

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An investigation into the shooting death of two detainees, including Naif Sliman Amir, during a riot at Abu Ghraib prison, in Iraq. The investigation concluded that the shooting of both detainees was justifiable and that the soldiers involved had not committed criminal offenses.

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This Army document is a Serious Incident Report describing an inmate escape incident at Abu Ghraib Prison, Hard Site on January 14, 2004.

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This report documents two (2) shooting of four (4) detainees during a prison riot at Abu Ghraib Prison (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)) on November 24, 2003. The Report finds deficiencies in military practices, including, inadequate Standard Operating Procedures, misunderstood Rules of Engagement and an inadequate system of training were contributing factors in the two incidents. The report also notes that a "clear cut chain of command does not exist in the prison. It is difficult to understand whom the Military Police work for, particularly in the MI [Military Intelligence] hold area."

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IP brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a Report of Investigative (Interim, August 21, 2007), which is an update of the status of the investigation and to note a change in the Case Control Agent.

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AR 15-6 report on the proceeding against a soldier (name redacted) who was accused of contributing to the death of an Iraqi detainee. The matter was transferred to Ft. Hood from Iraq.

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A CID investigation concerning the death of Hishim Shadad after receiving two gunshot wounds to his torso from "unknown person(s), not Coalition Forces." Mr. Shadad's death was determined to be a homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Muhammed Abd Frayh Al-Saaida, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on July 29, 2009. It is reported that Mr. Al-Saaida was witnessed to be having a medical emergency in his housing unit, Caravan 2, Compound 17D, and medical attention was called & responded. Mr. Al-Saaida was unconscious, breathless and without a pulse. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Al-Saaida was transported to the TIF hospital where he was pronounced dead. Cause Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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A CID investigation into the death of Johar Nasir Hammeed, an Iraqi national who died while in custody at the 48th Brigade Combat Team, Brigade Internment Facility (BIF) at the Baghdad International Airport, Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Hammeed was captured and brought to the BIF, where he was medically checked & cleared for detainment. On August 29th, while in general population of the camp, and after using the latrine, Mr. Hammeed fainted. Medics responded, but were unable to revive him. Mr. Hammeed was transported to the USAF 447th Air Expeditionary Group (AEG), Emergency Medical Squadron. He died of a stroke two days later on August 31, 2005. There is no indication of trauma, and no abuse suspected. Cause of Death: Stroke; Manner of Death: Natural.

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On November 14, 2003, a soldier provided a sworn statement saying that while he was deployed to Iraq, he "saw what I think were war crimes.... In my mind, my chain of command did nothing to stop these war crimes, and allowed them to happen." The soldier stated that at Camp Red, Baghdad, he had seen Iraqi detainees "with sand bags on their heads, standing on a brick with their hands behind their head, and concertina wire all around them. If they got off the brick they were manhandled. A lot of pictures were taken at the time .... Many show the mistreatment or crimes against the people that were caught at Camp Red. ... [Detainees] were put out in the open pavement where they would be made to sit for 6 to 12 hours at a time in the heat and sun. Their hands would be tied behind their backs, sometimes turning their hands purple. We were told by our [NCO] not to give them food or water...." The soldier said he had seen detainees being pushed and kicked by U.S. troops "every day [he] went down there." The soldier was also told that a Bradley fighting vehicle was sometimes backed up towards detainees who had been put on the ground in order to "spook" the detainees. Three soldiers and an officer from B Co., 3rd Batallion, 7th Inf. Rgt., which was in charge of Camp Red (apparently a former nuclear research facility), acknowledged that detainees were hooded and restrained at times, but denied mistreating them. Investigation closed for "insufficient evidence to prove or disprove" the allegations.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Mohammed Oda Muklif Al Dulaimi, a detainee at Baghdad Central Concentration facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Mr. Al Dulaimi became ill while in custody. He was brought to the camp medical facility for a foot ulcer that developed in to sepsis and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 2nd to allergic reaction to antibiotics. Mr. Al Dulaimi received treatment, but had a history of diabetes mellitus, which complicated his condition. The autopsy concluded it was the Sepsis that took his life. Cause of Death: Sepsis; Manner of Death: Natural.

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AR 15-6 Report of Proceedings. Lists MG Geoffrey Lambert as "appointing authority." Signed by David Burford. No attachments or additional pages stating who ro what the proceeding pertain to.

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Page 13 of 15 of a report on the use of non-lethal means to disperse a melee of prisoners at Camp Ganci, Compound Number Eight (8) in December 2003.

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Investigation into allegation by detainee that a US soldier kicked him in the back of the legs, back, and stomach while he was at a detention camp at Mahmodia, Baghdad. The detainee also reported he was hooded with a sandbag, handcuffed him with plastic handcuffs, and threw him into a truck, and that interrogators at this second facility placed him inside a cold and wet cell for several hours without warm clothing or a blanket. The soldier denied abusing any detainees. Other soldiers also denied that abuse had taken place at Mahmodia. CID found that the investigation failed to develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the detainee's allegation that he was abused.

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This is a sworn statement made by a soldier who was present during an alleged incident of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison following a mortar attack and shooting by a prisoner who had a gun smuggled in to him. The soldier states that there was an Iraqi suspect who he saw a Military Intelligence personnel shove and hit because he was suspected to be involved in the mortar attack. He also saw them dragging the suspect and at one point this soldier intervened to stop the aggressive and abusive treatment stop. He also stated that he encouraged the members of his team to also provide statements on what they saw.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Open, Jan. 6, 2006). This document is a preliminary narrative of the events concerning Mr. Abbass' death.

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CID Report of investigation initiated by Secretary of Defense on basis of “a photograph suspected to depict U.S. Army personnel abusing an Iraqi detainee.” The photograph, taken with a digital camera and found on a government computer, depicts three Iraqi detainees “zip-tied to bars in a stress position, fully clothed, with hoods over their heads, and three soldiers posing in the background.” One of the soldiers, who was holding a broom, explained in a written statement that she was “posing as if I was sticking the end of the broomstick into the rectum of a restrained detainee.” Conclusion: Investigation had established probable cause to believe that four U.S. soldiers “committed the offenses of Conspiracy, Failure to Obey a General Order, and Cruelty & Maltreatment.”

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Taha Daher Muhammed Al-Ithawi, a detainee at the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH) at Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. On March 16, 2008 Mr. Al-Ithawi was admitted to the CSH complaining numerous medical ailments. It is reported that Mr. Al-Ithawi suffered a heart attack, renal failure and diabetes. The Report states that on March 29th Mr. Al-Ithawi suffered a witnessed heart attack, and died of his illness. Cause of Death: Hypertensive Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Army AR 15-6 Investigation in to abuse allegations by a soldiers upon an Iraqi detainees in US custody. Three (3) soldiers at FOB entered the detainee holding area and "proceeded to enter the holding cell and physically assault the four (4) prisoners held inside". The three (3) soldiers admitted to the assault and were convicted by a court martial.

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A CID investigation into the death of an Iraqi detainee named Umar Sa'ad Nassir Jabrin at Camp Cropper. According to the investigation, 4 detainees "beat and strangled Mr. Nassir to death, placed him in a plastic garbage bag and attempted to dispose of the body by placing it in a dumpster." An autopsy found that Nassir "died as a result of multiple blunt force injuries complicated by manual strangulation and chest compression and the manner of death was homicide." No action was taken against the 4 detainees "due to lack of additional witness."

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CID investigation into the death of a detainee, Major General (MG) Abed Hamed Mowhoush. MG Mowhoush was interrogated by U.S. personnel on November 24 and 26, 2003. The names of the interrogators are redacted (except for Staff Sgt. Aaron N. Holleyman). According to a witness statement, during the interrogation on November 26, 2003, interrogators bound MG Mowhoush in a sleeping bag, tied an electrical cord around his body and rolled him on his back, while one interrogator sat on his chest and stomach and put his hands over MG Mowhoush's face. MG Mowhoush stopped breathing for a time. Then the interrogators rolled him over and one interrogator sat on his back (p. 40). According an autopsy report dated December 18, 2003, MG Mowhoush "died of asphyxiation due to smothering and chest compression." (ACLU-RDI 5168 p. 1). The memo on the first page of the CID report, dated February 22, 2007, states that two of the "soldiers" involved "received an Article 15"; another was tried at a General Court-Martial and "sentenced to 60 days restriction and forfeiture of $1500 pay per month for four months"; and one "received reprimand for his involvement in the case."

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This is a CID investigation in to the death Ala Shnaywir Karim, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. It is reported that on April 3, 2008 Mr. Karim was ill with vomiting. He was evaluated and it was determined that he was suffering from a brain aneurism. He was en route to Balad, Iraq for additional treatment for his condition, when he died of the aneurism. Cause of Death: Hemorrhage of the Right Cerebellum; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, an Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a Report of Investigation, (Interim, July 19, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Summary of AR 15-6 investigation into death of detainee who was picked up in a cafe on 12/22/2003 and appeared to be mentally challenged. Detainee was held at 2-3 FA Detention Center for about 3 days, and then transported to 501 FSB Detention Center on 12/25/2003. Upon arrival, the Aide Station found that detainee had "low body temperature, shallow respiration, weak cardio rhythms"; he exhibited "little response to stimuli" and was "making moaning sounds." On 12/26/2003 he was airlifted to 28th CSH (hospital) where he received further treatment, but died due to total cardio failure. Investigation found "no evidence of misconduct or maltreatment." The narrative of events states that, prior to being "moved to the BSA on 25 December at 1800", detainee underwent a medical screening along with other detainees "to ensure all detainees were in good health." However, by about 2200 on 12/25/2003 the Battalion TOC was notified that the detainee was sent to the 28th CSH for medical treatment "and that his prognosis was not good." Commander's judgment of cause of death was "a pre-existing condition that could not be detected by medical personnel on site."

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Investigation initiated following discovery of a CD during an office clean-up in Afghanistan, containing numerous pictures of American soldiers posing with pistols and M-4 rifles pointed at the heads and backs of hooded and bound detainees. The photographs were taken by a number of soldiers from the Second Platoon of the 22nd Infantry Battalion while stationed at Fire Base Tycze, Dae Rah Wod. Numerous soldiers admitted to posing in the pictures and taking and downloading the photographs as "mementos" of their time in Afghanistan. The investigation found probable cause to believe that eight soldiers committed the offense of Dereliction of Duty, but not the more serious charge of Aggravated Assault. Most of the soldiers interviewed stated that they were not aware of any set policy on the treatment of detainees, and did not realize at the time that their actions were wrong. A sergeant stated that he had also seen pictures on Army computers of detainees being kicked, hit or inhumanely treated while in U.S. custody. The photographs also included pictures of soldiers "PUC'ing" (Person Under Control) each other, a platoon ritual in which soldiers would be bound and hooded like detainees by other platoon members, and have water thrown on them.

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CID Report of investigation regarding alleged assault on detainee. Detainee was captured on July 3, 2004 in Baghdad. He was transported to a detention facility near Al Satar City, on Rashad Base, where he stayed for one night. He was then transported to an unknown facility about 45 minutes travel time from the first facility. The detainee was blindfolded with a cloth during transport, but not in detention. He was put in a cell by himself for 16 days. On the ninth day he was screaming in his cell, because he did not like being by himself. Three U.S. soldiers entered the cell, pushed him to the floor, cuffed his hands behind his back with metal cuffs, and tied his feet with plastic cuffs. The detainee began to thrash because he was scared. The soldiers then placed him on a stretcher face down, and placed another stretcher on his back, and tied the two stretchers with ropes, pinning the detainee between them. The soldiers then turned the stretchers over. The detainee was left in that position for three hours. He screamed for help and felt pain in his right wrist. Finally, a doctor came into the room and cut the ropes and removed the handcuffs. Investigation concludes that there was probable cause to believe the detainee was not abused and that “personnel used justifiable means to control [the detainee] during his seizures by placing him between two stretchers.”

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Investigation prompted by NYT article containing victim's allegations of torture and abuse during detention in Abu Ghraib from November 29 through December 31, 2003. Investigation concludes there is not “sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations made by Mr. Al-Rawi.”

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An investigation of detainee abuse that occurred while the detainee was being transported from Al Baghdadi to the Baghdad International Airport and then on to Abu Ghraib prison. The investigation established insufficient evidence to show allegations of aggravated assault and Cruelty, and Mistreatment occurred.

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This is the Death Certificate & Medical Records of Muhammad Abd Frayh, a 44-year-old Iraqi detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, on Iraq, July 23, 2009. Cause of Death: Unknown; Manner of Death: Unknown

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Investigation into death of an Iraqi male who was killed in Iraq by an American soldier. The investigation determined that the Sergeant who killed the Iraqi not commit the offense of murder and the offense of murder was not committed as initially alleged. Subsequent to the cease fire, one of the Iraqi soldiers exited the building from which hostilities were coming from and presented a white flag at the end of his rifle with the muzzle pointed in the air, as if he were surrendering. The Iraqi appeared to be in surrender status. Subsequent to the surrender process the Iraqi lowered his weapon and fired upon the soldiers. Several soldiers returned fire, killing the Iraqi. This incident was within the US Central Command's rules of engagement policy.

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Army AR 15-6 investigation in to the death of a detainee at Camp Patriot; FOB Ironhorse. A detainee was brought to FOB Ironhorse for detention on February 5, 2004. He was complaining about being sick and an Army medic examined him on February 7, 2004. The medic failed to recognize the seriousness of the detainee's condition. On February 8, 2004 at approx. 7:00 am, the detainee was found dead in his cell. The inquiry determined it was natural causes and no foul play was involved.

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This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. It is an executed rights warning completed by a soldier being interviewed on a matter of alleged detainee abuse. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Isam Yunis Hamdan, a detainee being held at the Mosul Detention Facility, Forward Operating Base (FOB) Diamondback, Mosul Iraq on December 29, 2007. It is reported that prior to his being interrogated, Mr. Hamdan was escorted to the medical screening where he collapsed and died. While on the way to medical screening Mr. Hamdan was complaining of stomach & chest pains. Upon arrival at the medical screening, he collapsed and went in to cardiac arrest. CPR and other life saving measures were preformed, but failed to revive him. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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U.S. Marine Corps. command investigation into two allegations of detainee abuse taking place at Camp Fallujah, Iraq. In the first allegation, a witness alleged that he/she observed a rapid deployment force (RDF) guard make a detainee perform pushups and squats, the guard also kicked sand and dust into the detainee's eyes. In the second allegation, detainee, Abdullah Tohtasinovich Magrupov, alleged that a marine pushed him with the bottom of his foot and forced him to topple forward from his kneeling position. Both allegations were determined by the Commanding Officer to be unfounded.

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This is an NCIS investigation Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5) on September 20, 2005 while being guarded. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the Marine was handling his sidearm, Mr. Abdullah attempted to gain control of the weapon, and was shot in the struggle, killing him. This Report includes: 1) Investigative Action (September 21, 2005) and NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet. (Also see NCIS Report (Death): 20SEP05-MEBJ-0651-7HMA/C).

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Investigation into death of detainee after he was interrogated. The cause of death was undetermined but was investigated for murder. A sergeant stated that he struck the detainee with the butt of his weapon while trying to subdue him and the detainee was still combative during his detention. On April 5, 2004 the detainee became unconscious and experienced heart failure and was subsequently pronounced dead.

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Detainee alleged that he was abused while in custody of US forces at Camp Bucca. The detainee claims he was wrongly arrested, beaten, sexually assaulted and had his money ($160,000US) stolen. Once released, detainee filed a complaint with the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and told his story on Hardball with Chris Matthews. Investigation showed that there was no evidence to support the detainee's claims due to lack of evidence, lack of corroboration and gross inconsistencies in the telling of his account. The claims rested solely upon his verbal complaint, with no corroborating evidence to support allegations. The matter was determined to be unfounded. See RDI 2286.

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Memo includes investigations into allegations of prisoner abuse in Iraq, but since there is no FBI jurisdiction in the matter, the information was to be turned over to DOD for appropriate action; Impersonation (Afghanistan torture case) - This case is being handled by the Violent Crimes Unit, Special Jurisdiction Unit - all information redacted .

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TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Faisel Kurdi Serhan, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by soldiers of Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 172th Infantry Regiment, US Nat. Guard stationed at Camp Ramadi, Iraq. Mr. Serhan was stopped in a vehicle with two (2) other men after being observed placing Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) on the roadside in Ar Ramadi. According to the soldiers, an AK-47 and IED bomb making material & detonators were found in the vehicle. As the soldiers began to search the men, Mr. Serhan would not submit to a pat-down, made an attempt to take a soldier's rifle, and then ran off. The soldier's believed Mr. Serhan was in possession of either a weapon or a detonator for the IEDs in the vehicle, so they shot at him, killing him. This file contains: 1) Three (3) Investigative Action Reports (Results of Interview, Oct. 13, 2005); 2) Investigative Action Report (Acquisition of Photographs, Oct. 12, 2005); 3) Investigative Action Report (Liaison with Civilian Interrogator, Camp Ramadi Detention Center, Oct. 13, 2005); 4) Investigative Action Report (Results of Interview with Detainee, Camp Ramadi Detention Center Oct. 14, 2005); 5) Investigative Action Report (Results of Interview with Detainee, Camp Ramadi Detention Center Oct. 14, 2005); and 6) Investigative Action Report (Liaison with personnel at, Camp Ramadi Detention Center Oct. 14, 2005). The investigating agent states that the evidence suggests that the soldiers acted within the Rules of Engagement and no charges will be preferred against them. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5) on September 20, 2005 while being guarded. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the Marine was handling his sidearm, Mr. Abdullah attempted to gain control of the weapon, and was shot in the struggle, killing him. This Report includes: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, December 28, 2005); 2) Report of Investigation (Interim, December 1, 2005); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, November 20, 2005); 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, October 23, 2005); 5) Investigative Action (October 10, 2005); 6) Investigative Action (October 20, 2005); 7) Investigative Action (October 18, 2005); 8) Investigative Action (October 20, 2005); and NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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An investigation into allegations that U.S. forces had kicked a detainee in the legs and back while he was blindfolded and handcuffed so tightly that he received permanent nerve damage in his wrist. Investigation concluded that the allegations could not be proved or disproved because (1) the detainee's captors could not be identified due to their "operational sensitivity," and (2) the detainee could not be interviewed because he was considered a "high level operative" and was suspected to live in a high threat area.

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CID report on investigation of the death of detainee Hassan Ekab Ahmed at Division Central Collection Facility (DCCF), Tikrit, Iraq. Determined cause of death was natural as a result of heart disease.

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CID report on the investigation into the attempted escape of two detainees from Camp Cropper, Iraq and the shooting and subsequent death of one of the detainees, Ajkel Adebal Hussein Jabar. The shooting is deemed a justifiable homicide.

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Report of investigation into accusations of cruelty and maltreatment of an 18-year-old Iraqi civilian during an interrogation at an unknown detention facility in Baghdad, Iraq. The report was unable to make any conclusions about the truth of the allegations.

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Report of investigation into alleged abuse of a detainee between January 2 and October 2, 2002 at Bagram Airfield. The victim suffered aggravated assault (beating). Efforts were made between May 17 and July 7, 2004 to interview the victim, who had since been relocated to Guantanamo Bay. Officials were unable to interview the victim "due to charges being brought against him by the United States." There was no detainee packet available on victim. A note was made in the file, dated July 20, 2004, that the case should be followed up on within six months. The investigation failed to prove or disprove the allegations of abuse.

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This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5), Fallujah, Iraq on September 20, 2005. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the Marine was handling his sidearm, Mr. Abdullah attempted to gain control of the weapon, and was shot in the struggle, killing him. This Report includes: 1) Report of Investigation (Supplemental, October 26, 2006); 2) Report of Investigation (Closed, March 18, 2006); 3) Investigative Action (March 17, 2006); 4) Report of Investigation (Action, March 15, 2006); 5) Report of Investigation (Open, March 1, 2006); 6) Report of Investigation (Closed, February 11, 2006); 7) Investigative Action (February 11, 2006); 8) Report of Investigation (Interim, January 16, 2006); 9) Report of Investigation (Action, January 11, 2006); 10) Report of Investigation (Interim, January 4, 2006); 11) Investigative Action (December 22, 2005); 12) Investigative Action (December 24, 2005); and NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ahmed Salih Khtheer, a detainee shot following a roadside stop and search in Samarra, Iraq on January 6, 2006. A US Army patrol operating out of Forward Operating Base (FOB) Brassfield-Mora, Samarra, Iraq were responding to shots fired when they came upon Mr. Khtheer and two (2) other men by a canal handling rifles. Mr. Khtheer was about to become a passenger of a vehicle in the vicinity of the canal when the patrol came upon him. The vehicle was stationary and no other vehicles were in the vicinity. While being questioned & searched, Mr. Khtheer broke free from the soldiers. He was ordered to stop, but refused and was shot as he was reaching in to his pockets for items. Mr. Khtheer continued to resist apprehension, so the soldiers shot again, killing him. Two (2) sniper rifles were found in the vehicle. The two (2) men with Mr. Khtheer claim to have been abused while being taken in to custody. The shooting of Mr. Khtheer was deemed a Justifiable Homicide.

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This considerably redacted investigative file by the FBI transcribes an interview with an FBI Special Agent. The interview's nature seems to be to obtain additional facts surrounding allegations made against a fellow FBI Agent, who may or may not be the subject of the investigation. The interviewee says the possible subject spoke openly about, "the torturing of captured al Qaeda terrorists, undisclosed locations and the brutal interrogations techniques used both by CIA and FBI. The possible subject also disclosed his use of, "sleep deprivation and psychological/verbal techniques" on the prisoners. Because of the possible subject's comments on abuse and, "carrying inappropriate information on laptop computers," the interviewee said their trust was lost.

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Investigation into a complaint by an Iraqi detainee that the U.S. soldiers who detained him stole his money when it was confiscated, cut his clothes off of him and made him stand naked in the rain for twelve hours. Investigator finds all claims to be untrue. Memorandum includes sworn statements.

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Investigation into allegations of abuse of a detainee at unknown location in Iraq on February 26, 2004. The investigation was initiated by CID after allegations surfaced on the National Detainee Reporting System (NDRS). Sworn statements of members of the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry indicate no recollection of the detainee. The investigation determined that the offenses did not occur as alleged because medical records reflected that the detainee was in good health and showed no signs of injury.

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Sworn statement of a Soldier who was being questioned in relation to an allegation of detainee abuse. This statement is missing the first page of the statement. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Two (2) soldiers from 1/9 Field Artillery entered two Iraqi civilian homes by force, stole two brief cases containing valuables and cash from one home, stole jewlery from the other home, pointed weapons at the families while searching the houses, and discharged a weapon two times in an attempt to scare the residents.  Investigation was terminated after Judge Advocate's office determined that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute the perpetrators. 

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation, (Closed, Dec. 15, 2007); 2) Report of Investigation, (Action, Dec. 14, 2007); 3) Report of Investigation, (Action, Dec. 1, 2007); 4) Report of Investigation, (Action, Nov. 29, 2007); and 5) Report of Investigation, (Interim, Oct. 4, 2007). This file is the investigative efforts and the obtaining of evidence. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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CID report combining statements from the soldiers under investigation for abusing a detainee.

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This CID investigation was initiated upon receiving a complaint by a civilian interrogator that he “heard a rumor” that a guard at the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) holding facility urinated in a water bottle and gave it to a detainee to drink. The guard admitted to holding a bottle of urine to detainee’s nose making him smell it because the detainee is the one who urinated in the bottle and the guard wanted him to know this was “unacceptable behavior”, but most certainly did not make detainee drink from bottle. In the report describing the incident, the interrogator also described “harsh interrogations and inhumane conduct” by some interrogators and guards from April 6 – May 1, 2004. The investigating officer who investigated the complaint stated that “inhumane treatment” allegations made by the interrogator in this case were “unsubstantiated” because they were consistent with coalition guidelines for interrogating detainees for the relevant the period of time in question. It was also noted that the interrogator who made the allegations of cruel & inhumane treatment was transferred three (3) weeks after he arrived, by his own request, because he stated “I refused to conduct my interrogations inhumanely.” The CID investigator concluded the guard acted unprofessionally, but the actions are not criminal in nature and the offenses of Cruelty and Maltreatment; and Threatening Communications are unfounded.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a Report of Investigative Action (Sept. 27, 2007) details the efforts to find Mr. Mohammed's family and retrieve his body for autopsy. The document is heavily redacted.

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This case involves two Marines posing for pictures with an Enemy Prisoner of War while they were guarding him. In the pictures, the two Marines are aiming their M-16 service rifles in close proximity at the EPW, who had recently received medical treatment for a single gunshot to the back. Both Marines had recently been counseled about the "No Photography" policy after an incident where a detainee had been videotaped, but only one admitted to knowing the rule. One of the Marines claimed that the photographs were for the purpose of souvenirs, and that he had no intention of harming or killing any EPWs. He further claimed that "After talking with Special Agent [redacted] I understand the problems that these kind of actions can cause but I don't understand why [redacted] and I are getting in trouble. I know [redacted] may have violated an order if he was told not to take any more photographs but people need to understand that taking these kind of photographs are very common at the STP and it is accepted by everyone" (DODDON 000447). Both Marines received a reduction of rank to E-2, forfeiture of $250 per month for two months and 60 days restriction.

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This is the Investigators report pursuant to the appointment order for the investigating officer to investigate and make a recommendation as to any charges or offenses to be made against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie for his role in detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, except for minor offenses. The report concludes that charges should be brought against Sgt. McKenzie for: Dereliction of Duty; Cruelty and Maltreatment of detainees; making False Official Statements; and assault.

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An investigation into the death of, Mohamad Abu Abbas (ISN US 91Z-20039C1), a detainee at Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. An agent's investigation report states that Mr. Abbas complained of chest pain, and was eventually taken to a medical facility where he was diagnosed as having had a recent heart attack.  Mr. Abbas apparently went into cardiac arrest while his diagnosis was being discussed, and attempts at resuscitation failed. The cause of death was determined to be atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The manner of death was determined to be natural. An autopsy (ME04-110) was conducted. [The report also refers to Mr. Abbas as Detainee #39 and High Value Detainee 39 or HVD#39.]

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Three (3) unknown Iraqi detainees supposedly killed by being deliberately run over by US forces as an act of Murder. The investigation did not find any evidence to substantiate the claim. It is claimed that US forces captured Iraqi men in the city of Samarra, Iraq on September 23, 2003, and caused three (3) men, who were in custody & Flex-cuffed, to lay down in the middle of the street and deliberately killed them by running over them with a vehicle. The investigator interviewed local citizens, the local police, the Mayor of Samarra and other city officials as well as soldiers in the vicinity, none could corroborate the accusation. The investigation concluded the event did not happen.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the captain yelling and kicking a detainee. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This report by the Staff Judge Advocates Office centers on allegations of detainee abuse of Iraqis in the custody of the 4th Infantry Division; Taskforce Ironhorse; FOB Packhorse detention facility. The report synopsizes twelve (12) cases of suspected detainee abuse and the judicial determination made in each case. The cases are discussed in detail with CID investigation numbers provided; the charges pending, proved or disproved; and the disposition of the soldiers and superior officers involved. Some of the cases do not allege abuse. Some detainees died in custody of natural causes or after life saving measures were performed in an effort to resuscitate the detainee and no abuse was suspected.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the captain threatening a detainee with a baseball bat. Statement is incomplete. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Investigation into a recordable compact disc containing images of suspected detainee abuse in in Afghanistan between January 11 and January 19, 2004. The images on the CD depicted U.S. soldiers holding weapons on hooded and bound local nationals and wrestling with hooded and bound local nationals. There were also photographs of blood stains at various locations and two photographs of a local national that had been killed by gunshot. The investigation was transferred to the 62nd MP Det (CID) on July 13, 2004.

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Executive summary of investigation into the cause of death of Abbas Alwan Fadil, a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. Autopsy of the detainee was pending at the time of the summary. The preliminary examination "revealed no signs of trauma or injury."

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This CID investigation concerns allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib in supposedly taking place in November 2003 by members of the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion following a mortar attack that killed or injured members of that Company. An investigation that included review of records, taking sworn statements, personal interviews and review of medical records led to the investigator(s) to determine that no abuse had taken place, and the matter was closed as unfounded with no further activity on the matter anticipated.

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Informal investigation into the shooting death of Iraqi national detainee, Obeed Hethere Radad. The shooting officer, a Specialist (SPC), stated that he shot Radad because he was under the belief that a handcuffed Radad was trying to escape. Radad was shot in the arm and chest, which resulted in his death. Another officer was interviewed and provided a sworn statement, in his statement the officer described the shooting officer as hostile, he stated that the shooting officer and others on his guard shift did other harmful things to the detainees, they beat on the cages and yelled at the detainees.

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CID Report with hand written Memos addresses an investigation into an alleged abuse and concludes that there was insufficient evidence to prove assault, but that cruelty and maltreatment occurred. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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A soldier took a bottle that a detainee had urinated in and threatened to force the detainee to drink the urine. The detainee was not assaulted or forced to consume the urine. Punishment for the soldier included psychiatric counseling; clean all the Detainee cells on each shift for 1 week; a desk assignment for one week; and a reprimand.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Mohammad Fahdil Khamat Marush, a detainee at the Air Force Theater Hospital Joint Base (AFTHJB), Balad, Iraq on December 9, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Marush was initially a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper, where he underwent a medical evaluation that revealed he had a brain abscess. He was then transferred to the AFTHJB for more extensive medical care. The Report states that Mr. Marush underwent a CT Scan that discovered that the abscess was being caused by a bullet in his brain. The injury was old & preexisted his coming in to coalition custody. The Report could not discover the circumstances of how Mr. Marush incurred his injury. While at the AFTHJB Mr. Marush's condition became unstable, and he subsequently died while undergoing treatment. Cause of Death: Complications of Penetrating Head Injury; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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When interrogator left the interrogation room for a few minutes, Special Forces members had entered the room and were blowing smoke on detainee when interrogator returned to the room. Detainee states that others touched his hands with an electrical device.

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Army inquiry in to the death of a 44 year old Iraqi who was detained on August 7, 2003. On August 15, 2003 the detainee was treated for dehydration and nausea. He was pale and weak and unable to keep food down. The detainee's brother said he hadn't eaten or drank in eight (8) days because when he did he vomited. He was then taken to the Battalion Aid Station. There a medic gave him a liter of Gatorade, rehydration salts, and Mylanta. When the detainee's condition did not improve an ambulance was called and when it arrived the detainee when in to cardiac arrest. The Medic crew was unprepared for a respiratory or cardiac problem and the patient was not resuscitated.

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CID Report of investigation regarding alleged abuse of detainee at unknown detention facility in Tikrit, Iraq. Detainee picked up by Iraqi Police on or about April 15, 2004. He was interviewed with the assistance of an interpreter on May 5, 2004. For details of abuse, see Incident. Investigation concludes that it could “not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations made by” the victim, and that it “did not further diminish the integrity or credibility” of the victim’s allegations.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a report of Investigation Action (March 24, 2007), which is an interview with an Iraqi Police Officer (IP) from the area of the death. The IP stated that he had no personal knowledge of the events, but that he heard several rumors concerning the death, including that Mr. Mohammed was dropped from a helicopter. He did state that Mr. Mohammed was returned to his home village of Beyji, Iraq by family members. He also stated that there were photos that he saw and described.

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Investigation into the death of detainee Obeed Hethere Radad at Camp Packhorse, Tikrit, Iraq. A specialist from the 4th Fwd. Support. Bn., 4ID, shot and killed Mr. Radad, without first issuing warnings as required under the Rules of Engagement. CID did not receive a report of the incident until September 15, 2003, four days after the incident. Because of the delay no autopsy was performed, the crime scene was significantly altered before any investigation took place, and evidence was not collected. CID determined that probable cause existed for a murder charge. However, because of a lack of useful evidence, the specialist was not tried at a court-martial, but was demoted and then dismissed from the army.

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This is a CID investigation into the death Mohammed Ajimi Al-Isawi, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. Mr. Al-Sawai's body was found burred in a shallow grave on the camp grounds on August 12, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Al-Isawi was beaten to death by other detainees for an apparently speaking against the camp detainee leadership. Mr. Al-Sawai was sentenced to death by the camp shariyat court, and the sentence was carried out on Compound 30A by other detainees approximately a week before Mr. Al-Isawi's body was found. This CID Report is the investigation in to Mr. Al-Isawi 's death. This Report charges seventeen (17) detainees with Murder & Conspiracy in connection with Mr. Al-Isawi 's death. Cause of Death: Multiple Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Karwan Muhhamad Ali Mahmud, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, April 4, 2007. Mr. Mahmud was found unconscious & struggling with a medical emergency by another detainee. A soldier was alerted and medic responded. Mr. Mahmud was found breathless and without a pulse. CPR and other lifesaving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Mahmud was transported to the camp hospital where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Detainee alleges being beaten on the head and passing out. Detainee was punched; beaten with rifles; had water thrown on him; and was laid down in front of a tank and told he would be run over. Members of the unit were interviewed and denied the allegations. Medical exam did not show any injuries consistent with abuse. Upon further interview the victim said he was not choked as alleged. The detainee’s claim was determined to be unsubstantiated.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Nawab Buntangyar, a combatant in Afghanistan. Mr. Buntangyar was engaging US & Afghani Security Forces (ASF) near Fire Base (FB) Chamkani, Afghanistan on October 13, 2006. Mr. Buntangyar was given orders to surrender in the native afghan dialect, a command he understood. He complied, but not completely. When he refused to unconditionally surrender, he was shot by ASFs. Cause of Death: Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justifiable).

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Two NCOs and two enlisted men from B Company, 1/36th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Division severely assaulted several detained youths while the detainees' heads were covered with sandbags and their hands restrained with flexi-cuffs. The assaults, as described by other soldiers, included beating a juvenile's head against the wall and rapidly punching his body. The same soldiers struck and abused three (3) detainees in a separate incident on 6/29/03, causing a broken collar bone, fractured ribs, a partial collapsed lung, facial fracture, and bowel problems. The soldiers are accused of routinely stealing money, referred to as the “Robin Hood Tax” from detainees to purchase personal items for their platoon. Two of the soldiers routinely urinated and spat on detainees. One sergeant shot out the back window of an elderly, Iraqi's vehicle after the vehicle had been cleared to proceed through a traffic checkpoint. All three NCOs had summary courts-martial: one (the supervisor who condoned the assaults) received a reprimand and fine; another was reduced in grade to private first class and placed in custody for 60 days; the summary court-martial dismissed charges as to the third. The two enlisted men received Chapter 10 discharges.

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Investigation into abuse of detainee who was captured on 01/04/04. Investigation found there was no probable cause to believe the offenses occurred as alleged; therefore, they are unfounded. The only names identified by this investigation were determined to be fake names utilized by the capturing soldiers; however, the abuse allegedly occurred during the interrogation of the detainee.

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Following a roadside incident two (2) Iraqi civilians were awaiting soldier's investigation in to the matter, with their hands up and without any weapons. Several of these soldiers [proceeded to] punch, kick, butt stroke, and shout at the detainees. One of the detainees was " on his knees when he was punched with both open and closed fists, with one blow causing him to fall backwards". The Iraqi detainees did not resist during their beating. Soon after, the detainees were taken to the Brigade Detention Cell.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 4, 2007); and Investigative Action: Receipt of Detainee Documents and Seizure of Video Tapes of Interview Booth, (Feb. 21, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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An investigation finding probable cause to believe that two U.S. soldiers committed the offense of assault when they punched and kicked a local detainee whom they picked up at a roadblock and transported to an Iraqi prison. A sergeant took pictures and a video of part of the abuse.  (The alleged abuse likely occurred between August and October 2003.) The soldiers watched Iraqi police abuse the detainee at the prison, including kicking him in the ribs, before they left him there. A Commander's Report notes that two soldiers were reprimanded for "Failure to Obey General Order."  No action appears to have been taken with respect to the charge of "Assault."

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On 02/11/02 declarant noticed abuse. During a medical exam, instead of a medical personnel, one of the MPs conducted an anal probe on detainee. "He was a large man. Without warning the EPW [Enemy Prisoner of War], and in a cruel way he pushed both his fingers into the EPW's anus. This caused the EPW to scream and fall to the ground violently. His leg irons, which I supposed were not locked, came open by force of his reaction."

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Sadik Abdullah Saoud, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by Battalion Landing Team 2/4 (2/4 "G" Co.), out of Expedition Observation Post (EOP) Playboy Mansion, Barwana, Iraq on January 8, 2007. Mr. Saoud's vehicle was on the "Be On The Lookout (BOLO) List" when it was spotted pulling out of a driveway. The vehicle was stopped, and Mr. Saoud was placed in to custody and Flex-cuffed after being taken to the ground. Mr. Saoud was then seated on the curb following his arrest, to await further processing when he suffered an apparent heart attack. The heart attack was witnessed by soldiers and civilians. Medics were called and CPR was administered, but failed to revive him. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Open, Jan. 15, 2007), stating that the investigating agent initiated this investigation.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ibrahim Muhammed Jared Al Majamaey, a detainee who died as a patient at the Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Tallil, Iraq on February 16, 2005. Mr. Al Majamaey was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq when he fell ill. He was brought to the Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Tallil, Iraq for treatment after he suffered a heart attack. He suffered from Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease. The autopsy concluded it was this disease that took Mr. Al Majamaey's life. Cause of Death: Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee maintains his innocents and requested to take a polygraph to prove he is telling the truth about not being associated with Al Qaeda or terrorism. He stated that he "had taken care of women and children who were families of Ai Qaeda associates" and that if that were a crime, he would serve a sentence for that. He acknowledged sending 200-300 English Pounds to Al Qaeda training camps where he once trained, but stated he did not know that it was illegal to send money to certain groups considered terrorist, and that he never provided money to groups that targeted the U.S. or UK. The detainee owned a bookstore in the UK and when asked about providing material assistance and support for Terrorism and Al Qaeda he "explained that he sold many different kinds of books, including anti-terrorism books, not Just Al Qaeda based literature."

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CID Report of investigation into detainee’s alleged abuse while detained on a military base in Fallujah. Detainee alleged the Kurdish Military and Iraqi Linguish abused him. Specifically, the detainee alleged that the linguist hung him by his neck. He also suffered injuries to his wrists and legs. When interviewed by a U.S. army medic the detainee was suicidal. The medic also noted that the detainee had been shot in his shoulder. An ICRC Report related that the detainee “was suspended from his thighs and was beaten while he was hooded and restrained” and that “he had circular marks on both wrists and excoriations on the right internal malleolus and left external malleolus.” He also had “bilateral multiple parallel marks on the lower leg and marks on the posterior lower thighs with the imprint of a cable or rope.” Detainee was released from Abu Ghraib on June 6, 2004. Investigation concludes that the detainee “was abused by members of the Kurdish Army while he was under their operational control, prior to being released to U.S. Coalition Forces. This finding was based on the fact that during two separate interviews, [the detainee] stated he was abused by members of the Kurdish Army.”

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Fax of a sworn statement which describes soldiers having photographs of naked female prisoners and being instructed by superiors to delete all such photographs from their computers in case of investigation. related to CID investigation. ACLU RDI 64.

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This is a Special Incident Report by the 320th Military Police Battalion of the escape of six (6) male detainees from the Baghdad Correctional Facility

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, Iraqi detainee who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation, (Interim, Feb. 3, 2008); 2) Report of Investigation, (Interim, Jan. 5, 2008); 3) Report of Investigation, (Interim, Jan. 4, 2008); and 4) Investigative Action: Death Scene Examination, (Dec. 25, 2007). It is reported that while being transported, Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of the soldier guarding him, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. Mr. Alwani was pronounced dead at the scene. This file includes the Sworn Statement of the interpreter in the vehicle transporting Mr. Alwani. The interpreter stated that Mr. Alwani was repeatedly told to sit up straight, but kept leaning towards the soldier. The interpreter states that when he looked away for a moment, there was a gunshot. He turned to where the detainee & soldier were sitting and saw the soldier with "his left hand up in front of his face in a defensive position with his right hand holding his handgun close to his waist" yell and then shoot three to five rounds. The interpreter further stated that the soldier was "visibly upset" after the shooting. A death scene examination confirmed that "five shots were fired from a 9mm pistol and one shot was fired from an M-4 rifle."

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A CID investigation into the conduct of 21 soldiers involved in murdering four Iraqi detainees, including charges of Murder, Conspiracy, Failure to Report, False Official Statement, and Obstruction of Justice. Three soldiers "committed the offenses of Murder and Conspiracy when they agreed to kill four Iraqi detainees, transported them to a deserted canal, executed them, and subsequently pushed their bodies into the canal to conceal their actions." Two of the soldiers confessed to the murders and detailed the other soldier's actions during the incident. Four soldiers "committed the offense of Conspiracy when they became aware of the plan to kill the detainees and knowingly joined the patrol which transported the detainees to the canal where they were executed." Ten soldiers "committed the offense of Failure to Report when they became aware of the murders and failed to report the incident to military or law enforcement authorities. Three soldiers "committed the offense of False Official Statement when they provided false statements denying any knowledge of the murders." All three later admitted to being present during the murder. One soldier "committed the offense of Obstruction of Justice" when he contacted another soldier and "instructed him not to cooperate with this investigation." Four soldiers were cleared of charges of Misprision of a Serious Offense because "there were no indications they knew anything regarding the murder of Iraqi detainees."

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Lieutenant abused a detainee and threatened them with mock executions. Sworn statements for investigation. Soldiers state that they were informed they could fire warning shots and that they were not aware that mock executions were wrong.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Emad Wasmee Ahmed, a juvenile detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Remembrance II at Camp Cropper. On July 31, 2007 Mr. Ahmed was seen being dragged unconscious by two (2) other juvenile detainees to a common area of Compound 3A of the Camp Cropper Juvenile detention center. When soldiers responded to investigate, they found Mr. Ahmed dead from being beaten. He was transported to the camp hospital and pronounced dead. This CID Report charged five (5) juveniles were charged with Murder in the killing of Mr. Ahmed. Cause of Death: Multiple Blunt Force Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This CID investigation into claims made by three Iranian detainees alleging they knew of a fellow Iranian being murdered at Airbase H3, Iraq. They allege the murder took place while they were being detained and interrogated by Coalition Forces. The three Iranians also alleged that they had been beaten and abused while detained and had a large amount of money stolen from them. The investigation established that “the offenses of Larceny of Private Property and Larceny of Private Funds” as well as “Cruelty and Maltreatment” did not occur as alleged. Moreover, the investigation in to the missing person report could not be substantiated and therefore unfounded….a search of detainee records in Iraq for the disposition of the man the Iranians say was murdered produced negative results.

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CID Criminal Intelligence Report summarizing the investigation in to CID Report# 0841-04-CID259-80230. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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CID investigation into allegations of prisoner maltreatment/abuse at Camp Cropper, Iraq. The investigation established probable cause to believe that eleven (11) members of the Military Police assigned to Camp Cropper engaged in cruelty and maltreatment of detainees, Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation and Aggravated Assault regarding the treatment of Iraqi detainees. The investigative report contains sworn statements of the Commanders and soldiers of the 443rd Military Police Company who confirm the practice of “hog tying” detainees; urinating on detainees; placing detainees under the desert sun in 115-155 degree temperatures, a punishment known as “sun punishment”; and “softening up” detainees prior to interrogations.

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This is a Special Incident Report by the 320th Military Police Battalion of a report of an attack on a Military policeman at Camp Ganci, Abu Ghraib prison. The report states: During prisoner feeding, [one prisoner] became disriptive requiring MP to physically subdue him. While taking down the prisoner, the [two] other subjects lunged at MP. One round of non-lethal was deployed. Subjects two and three were quickly subdued without injury to MP.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by Criminal Investigative Task Force Saudi Team (LSA-1) along with Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). Detainee states he was tortured at an American base in Kandahar by making him lay on the ground and kicking him; pulling his penis until he told them what they wanted to hear. He also stated that he was 18 y/o at the time of his capture and that he is being forced and bullied in to saying things that are not true.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, Iraqi detainee who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. It is reported that while being transported Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of the soldier guarding him, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. Mr. Alwani was pronounced dead at the scene. This file contains an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Raad Saad Moshin, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper. It is reported that Mr. Moshin was being treated in the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Cropper Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for liver failure and other ailments. He was determined to be terminally ill. On December 16, 2007 suffered a cardiac arrest due to his condition and died. CPR and oxygen were administered, but failed to save Mr. Moshin, He was pronounced dead in the ICU. Cause of Death: Liver Failure; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Form for AR 15-6 proceedings. Appointed by MG Raymond Odierno. A detainee died while in custody at the DCCP. The deceased was seen by a cardiologist at the 28th CSH and diagnosed with coronary artery disease, angina and type II diabetes. He died of apparent natural causes. No abuse was suspected.

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Report details the actions taken by the investigating agent for CID# 0212-04-0O259-80249. Detainee's statement alleges that when he was taken, his child was thrown into a wall and his wife hit in the back with a rifle butt. While held in detention facility, detainee alleges he was assaulted in the eyes and hit in the genitals with a chem stick. He alleges that he was also beaten in the neck with empty water bottles and that he witnessed a captor rape one of the other detainees.

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Investigation into a soldier accused of robbery and malingering after he stole 180,000 Iraqi Dinar from two homes during a patrol search and then shot himself in the foot after being informed that he would be recommended for disciplinary action for stealing money. The soldier received an Other Than Honorable Discharge from the Miltary.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed states he is a UK citizen who converted to Islam in 1995/6 and traveled to Afghanistan to avoid arrest for a violent assault and to attend Al Qaeda training camp. States he saw Osama bin Laden at one of the camps and after the September 11, 2001 attacks he and others took to the field in Afghanistan to fight Jihad before he was captured.

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Investigation into incident where a soldier of the 239th MP Company sprayed a detainee with a water hose. If found guilty, soldier would be punished at the least with a reduction to the grade of E-3, and seven days restriction. The circumstances are that the detainees were yelling and banging on their cell doors because of the heat of Guantanamo. A detainee threw water at a MP guard twice and also threw his food and serving tray threw the meal-door of his cell. The MP, while cleaning up the mess, sprayed water in the direction of the detainee's meal-door, but the detainee covered it and was not sprayed. The soldier was subject to a field grade Art. 15.

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Report of one detainee throwing water on another. Actions taken in response were segregation and loss of comfort items (CI).

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Investigation into validity of statements by a soldier claiming to have been involved in the abuse and murder of Iraqi detainees on January 18, 2004, while he worked in the Intensive Care Ward, Camp Anaconda, Balad, Iraq. An Investigation revealed that the murders did not occur as alleged and that the soldier committed the offense of false official statement.

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Army commenced an investigation prompted by "allegations documented in an excerpt from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on the Treatment by the Coalition Forces of Prisoners of War and Other Protected Persons by the Geneva Conventions in Iraq during Arrest, Internment, and Interrogation." Report referenced 25 unnamed detainees, held at Camp Vigilant, Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghraib, who alleged that they had been abused in June 2004.

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First 18 pages of CID Report are missing; details are indiscernible. This document contains hand-written confessions, written in English, regarding IED attacks against U.S. soldiers, and one page out of a three page statement by a U.S. officer, noting that detainee's injuries were self-inflicted.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ezaldin Awand Hazzaa Al Doulaimee, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on October 12, 2006. On September 30, 2006, Mr. Al Doulaimee was one of three (3) men traveling in a vehicle near the Mobil Supply Route (MSR) between Camp Al Asad and Camp Korean Village, Iraq. A US patrol investigating gun fire spotted the vehicle. There was an attempted to stop the car for inspection, but the driver refused to yield, and took off through the desert to avoid the patrol. US patrol ran down the vehicle, at which point, Mr. Al Doulaimee, and the two other men, leaped from the car, took cover and engaged in a firefight with the US forces. Mr. Al Doulaimee was taken alive, but wounded. He was transported to the TIF Camp Bucca Hospital for treatment. He died from his injuries on October 21st. The investigation determined no violations of the use of force, or escalation of force rules. Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest, 2nd to Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justifiable).

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ismail Hamid Ali, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on May 25, 2006. Mr. Ali was playing volleyball in the camp yard when he was witnessed to suddenly collapsed. Medics responded to assist him. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Ali was transported to the TIF hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrhythmia; Manner of Death: Natural

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This CID investigation relates to allegations of prisoner maltreatment and abuse by an Iraqi individual captured on July 22, 2004. The detainee alleges he was abused by members of the CIA while being held in a small room at an unknown location for 16 days. The investigation pertains to allegations of aggravated assault, cruelty and maltreatment, and communicating a threat. The CID investigative memorandum includes: Agent's Investigation Reports; sworn statements; e-mail correspondences; letters and the detainee’s files. The report concludes that evidence was found supporting the detainee's allegations of abuse.

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Sworn statement of a Soldier who witnessed a Captain taking a detainee in to the desert and making a detainee dig his own grave. He also states that a Staff Sargent fired a live round at or near the detainees. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Administrative reprimand in accordance with investigation which found a Captain guilty of "unprofessional behavior" towards detainees and his "attempts to coerce and intimidate members of [his] unit in order to sidetrack the investigation into these actions" stemming from the abuse of detainees at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, Aug. 28, 2007); 2) Report of Investigation (Closed, Aug. 24, 2007); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, Aug. 10, 2007); 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, July 14, 2007); 5) Investigative Action (July 14, 2007); 6) Report of Investigation (Interim, July 12, 2007); 7) Report of Investigation (Interim, April 27, 2007); and 8) Investigative Action (March 9, 2007). The investigation showed that Mr. Ahmed was abused during interrogation by the IP, and he subsequently died as a result of the injuries he sustained. Cause of Death: Multiple Blunt Force Trauma; Manner of Death: Homicide. Attached redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Sadik Abdullah Saoud, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by Battalion Landing Team 2/4 (2/4 "G" Co.), out of Expedition Observation Post (EOP) Playboy Mansion, Barwana, Iraq on January 8, 2007. Mr. Saoud's vehicle was on the "Be On The Lookout (BOLO) List" when it was spotted pulling out of a driveway. The vehicle was stopped, and Mr. Saoud was placed in to custody and Flex-cuffed after being taken to the ground. Mr. Saoud was then seated on the curb following his arrest, to await further processing when he suffered an apparent heart attack. The heart attack was witnessed by soldiers and civilians. Medics were called and CPR was administered, but failed to revive him. This file contains twenty-four (24) Reports of Investigation from January 16, 2007, just after the investigation was opened, through February 19, 2008, when the investigation was closed. The Report has seven (7) Sworn Statements from soldiers; a Report that Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), Regimental Combat Team 7 (RTC-7) concluded Mr. Saoud's death as a result of an apparent heart attack, (Report of Investigation, Action, March 6, 2007); and a Report that the Saoud family would not allow an autopsy to be preformed, thus preventing a conclusive Cause of Death, (Investigative Action, May 10, 2007). Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This report provides detailed information into the death of Zaid Muhammed Tariq, an Iraqi national detainee. On August 22, 2003, at the Dakota EPW Holding Cell officers found Mr. Tariq on the floor of his cell, cell 14, having convulsions. The officers called medics and attempted to stabilize him with water, oxygen and an IV, however, Mr. Tariq died upon arriving to the Kadamiya University Hospital. The preliminary autopsy report concluded that Mr. Tariq died of natural causes, heat stroke, with no indications of physical abuse.

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Detainees were involved in an argument and physical altercation that involved punching and throwing fruit. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items.

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CID Report outlines the timeline for the incident of alleged abuse of a detainee when he was taken in to custody on February 8, 2004. The detainee was on a list of individuals to be captured and was captured. He alleged that he was assaulted during capture, but no bruising or injuries were found upon him during a medical exam shortly after his capture. This is a chronological report of the investigation and is part of a larger CID report.

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An investigation into allegations that Iraqi detainees were punched in the head and stomach in the back of a U.S. Army vehicle by numerous soldiers after being taken from their house in the middle of the night. The investigation was initiated after a soldier assigned to C Co., 5/20th Infantry, SBCT, Q-West, Iraq sent an email suggesting that detainees had been assaulted in the rear of a Stryker vehicle. The investigation established "insufficient evidence to prove or disprove" the allegation of abuse.

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On August 13, 2003 an Iraqi detainee (age 56) died at Camp Warhorse; cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest. The detainee complained of being hot and was given water to drink. On 8/13/03, he was found lying on the concrete outside his cell, told MPs he had stomach problems. That afternoon he complained of chest pain and within 30 minutes was vomiting. He was given IV fluids was then returned to his cell. Later that day, he was found with no pulse; Life-saving measures failed; and he was declared dead at the scene. An autopsy was not performed.

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Email with an executive summary of an investigation into allegations in a May 2004 Playboy article entitled "Death and Dishonor". Soldiers quoted in the article alleged that soldiers assigned to the 1/15th Infantry Battalion had, among other things, raped Iraqi women while on patrol and while guarding a mall in Baghdad, shot an unarmed Iraqi while he was fleeing, hog-tied him and physically assaulted him, mistreated EPWs [enemy prisoners of war] while in custody; indiscriminately shot unarmed civilian women and children; and shot wounded Iraqi soldiers.

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Investigation into abuse allegations by two detainees. One detainee stated that he was arrested by U.S. forces on 4/23/04, and then taken to a house near Adhamiya Palace where he was held for 15-16 days, punched in the face and ribs until he lost consciousness, forced to drink urine, electrically shocked on his leg and hand, hit on his kneecap with a wooden object, had his hands tied behind him while his head was dunked in a bucket of water, threatened with anal rape, and denied food and water. According to this detainee, an Iraqi man committed the abuse but U.S. forces were present; one U.S. soldier allegedly placed his penis on the detainee's head. Another detainee stated that he was arrested on 4/30/04 and kept in the basement of a house where he was punched in the ribs and had his head dunked in a bucket of water. Investigation established that ODA 554, 5th Special Forces Group, had arrested and detained these two individuals in their "team house" near Adhamiyah Palace. Medical exams several weeks later found no physical signs of torture or abuse on one detainee and dismissed bruising on the hips of the other as not being consistent with being hit or kicked. Two members of ODA 554 were interviewed and denied ever abusing any detainee. Investigation was terminated as unfounded.

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CID report of the death of a detainee. The decedent was a detainee at Camp Ganci, Compound 6, Abu Ghraib prison. On November 3, 2003 he was complaining of chest pains and while being escorted to the aid station he collapsed and went in to cardiac arrest. He was treated with CPR, but was not resuscitated. There was no autopsy, so the exact cause and manner of death was left undetermined.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Walid Khudayir, a detainee taken in to custody after engaging in combat operations with coalition forces. Mr., Khudayir died en route to the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca hospital after being treated initially at Camp Cropper following a firefight that caused his wounds. Cause of Death: Multiple Trauma; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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Investigation of assault by soldier who threatened to kill Iraqi civilians in custody of U.S. forces in an army compound in Baghdad, Iraq. The soldier forced a detainee to hold a round in his hands, threatening to kill him with it if he did not provide information regarding a recent grenade attack. At one point, the soldier ordered two detainees down on their knees with their eyes closed and a bullet in their mouths. He took the bullets and ordered another soldier to charge his gun without chambering a round. The two detainees separately identified the same individual allegedly responsible for the grenade attack, making the soldier leading the interrogation to "feel that [his] tactics worked." The soldier admitted to having no formal training as an interrogator and was not aware of formal army policies on interrogation techniques. He said that he had no intent to injury any detainee and claimed that no one touched or pointed a weapon at anyone. Though the investigation found probable cause to believe that the soldier had committed assault, the investigation was terminated and nonjudicial action was taken pursuant to UCMJ Art. 15.

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Two detainees got into a scuffle following a headed discussion. Other detainees in the bay separated the two and led one into the latrine to calm him down. Upon exiting the latrine, the detainee threw a flip flop at another detainee. When the call to prayer was played, the situation diffused. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items (CI).

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Report on the use of non-lethal means to disperse a melee of 30-40 prisoners fighting at Camp Ganci, Compound Number Three (3), Abu Ghraib prison.

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Marine Corps inquiry in to alleged detainee abuse based on statements related by medical personnel. The medical personnel claim the Marine being investigated stated that he injured his hand while punching a detainee. The inquiry found that it was clear from all the evidence that the Marine did not commit any inappropriate act towards a detainee. The allegation of abuse came solely from an individual outside of this command, and based on a supposed admission by the Marine, which is unsubstantiated. The report concluded that statements indicate that the events could not have occurred as described and that the Marine injured his hand by punching the ground, and not a detainee.

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This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5) on September 20, 2005 while being guarded. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the Marine was handling his sidearm, Mr. Abdullah attempted to gain control of the weapon, and was shot in the struggle, killing him. This Report includes: 1) Photo & sketch of the death scene; 2) Investigative Notes; 3) Investigative Action (September 25, 2005); 4) Investigative Action (September 25, 2005); 5) Investigative Action (September 25, 2005); 6) Investigative Action (September 21, 2005); 7) Investigative Action (September 21, 2005); and NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the death of Allah Al-Samarai, a 42-year-old Iraqi detainee. Mr. Al-Samari had been treated intermittently several times throughout his internment for leukemia. Mr. Al-Samarai's condition suddenly deteriorated. His family asked that Al-Samarai "not be resuscitated if he went into a state of cardiac arrest," and he subsequently perished. This file contains investigative reports, a hospital report of death, a Death Certificate. Cause of Death: Acute Myelogeous Leukemia; Manner of Death: Natural

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This CID investigation was initiated after an article in the newspaper USA Today on July 6, 2004 ran claiming that a detainee named Makin Marwan Kaka, who was being held at the Hard Site of Abu Ghraib, was abused during his stay and interrogation at the facility. When interviewed for the investigation, Mr. Kaka stated that he was stripped of his clothing the first night at Abu Ghraib and slept nude on the floor that night. In the morning he asked the guards for some clothing and the guards, who genuinely thought Mr. Kaka had possession of his clothing with him in the cell, brought him clothing right away. According to Mr. Kaka, it appeared that the guards were not attempting to abuse him, but were mistaken about his possession of his clothing and responded quickly to provide him with adequate attire. Mr. Kaka also states that he was never beaten, sprayed with water or abused. He disavowed the USA Today story in total. The accusations of Cruelty & Maltreatment, as well as the accusation of Assault are shown to be unfounded

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CID investigation into the manner of death of detainee Fathel Ibrahim Mahmood at the Baghdad, Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Mr. Mahmood experienced chest pains and was discovered unresponsive when medical personnel arrived at his cell. He was pronounced dead soon after. There was no autopsy conducted or investigation at the scene of the incident. Prior to the incident, detainee had complained of pains in his chest and shortness of breath and was given medical attention and medication by Army medics. The CID report acknowledges that there is the possibility of medical negligence, but determines that there were no criminal acts committed. An earlier draft of the report lists cause of death as cardio and pulmonary arrest, but the final report states that the cause of death is undetermined.

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CID Agent's Investigative Report on CID# 0841-04-CID259-80230-5C2/5y2E/5X1. Mostly redacted.

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Investigation based on civilian contractor's allegation that he witnessed U.S. Marines abusing Iraqi detainees. In a sworn statement the contractor says he saw Marines place bags over an Iraqi prisoners' heads and strike him in the head with a pick-axe handle. The civilian contractor also states that he witnessed Marines repeatedly use slingshots against Iraqi children who were attempting to steal food from the base. There is also an allegation of using a gun as a threat and hitting Iraqi detainees during a car stop. In sworn statements volunteered by the soldiers accused of the threat with the gun incident, they stated that they stopped a vehicle and did have their weapons drawn as part of SOP, but never placed them at the head or mouth of the Iraqi personnel and did not assault or threaten the Iraqis. The Sergeant involved in the car and interpreter incident stated the following: After the car stop “He (the driver) was not placed in cuffs. I did not place my weapon in his mouth. I was carrying a 12 Gauge shotgun. I covered him when he was getting out of the truck. I was out of hand reach from him. I took him to the front of the truck and placed him in a search position.” As for the allegation of a Sergeant assaulting an Iraqi interpreter: the Sergeant admitted to rough handling the Iraqi, but stated “he was not, complying [with my orders for him to leave the compound], so I forcibly moved him to the front gate. That was the end of it.” The investigation was closed due to no further information to prove the allegations.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Closed, Oct. 23, 2007); 2) Report of Investigative Action (July 25, 2007), which is an interview with the son of the owner of the house raided on Oct. 5th where Mr. Mohammed was taken in to custody just before his death; 3) Investigative Action (Oct. 18, 2007, Results of Contact with Army CID); and 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, Sept. 22, 2007). The investigator closed the investigation without preferring criminal charges against any of the Task Force 88 team members because, "Due to the probability that the victim [Mr. Mohammed] died of natural causes, the absence of evidence of criminality, and the inability to locate [Mr. Mohammed's] remains…this case to be closed without case submission to the DRP."

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Detainee alleges that after being taken in to custody on June 21, 2004 he was placed in a small cell beaten by soldiers while his hands were, handcuffed behind his back, not glowed to use the restroom, forced to urinate and forced to defecate on himself and did not get food for one and a half days, and no water for four days. The investigation found the soldiers who arrested and detained the prisoner. The interviews with these soldiers revealed that at all times the detainee was held in plain sight and not abused in any way whatsoever. Medical records do not show any injuries to corroborate the detainee’s claims of abuse. The allegation was determined to be unfounded.

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CID Report of investigation into detainee's allegations of abuse while in U.S. custody at Mosul Airport, Iraq, over three day period. The detainee claimed to have sustained a bruise to his left shoulder and scratched during his capture. Once in custody the doctor took photos of the shoulder injury sustained when being captured. The detainee was fingerprinted and dressed. While hooded and hands tied behind his back, he was placed in a cold small room, sprayed with cold water, and left for two to three days with no food or drink. He stated the guards would not let him sleep. He said they would do this by making him stand and playing loud music. The first night of his capture, he claims he was kicked and thrown against the wall several times by one or two unknown English speaking individuals. He was then transferred to the Military Police (MP) custody, where he was not abused. After three days in MP custody, he was taken back to the same room, hooded, cuffed, and left for 24 hours. He was not abused during this time. The investigation concluded insufficient evidence to prove/disprove allegations. "Special Agent in charge determined further of the investigation would be of little or no value. Remaining Leads: Witness interviews."

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A CID prosecution of a Sergeant First Class (SFC) for the murder of Iraqi civilian, Salih Taher Khaleefa, and the maltreatment of an unidentified Iraqi juvenile. The investigation found that the SFC "shot and killed Mr. Khaleefa without provocation and while Mr. Khaleefa was bound with his hands behind his back." The investigation also determined that the SFC "held a gun against an unknown [Iraqi] male juvenile's head and forced him to hold a smoke grenade, from which the SFC removed the safety pin, while being interrogated." The SFCt was convicted of murder and maltreatment, and sentenced to 8 years confinement, demotion from E-7 to E-1, and dishonorable discharge. Additionally, the investigation found another soldier was culpable for making false statements about the incident, but no action was taken.

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A detainee alleges he was burned with "hot gases" coming from a transport vehicle while he lay on his stomach in the back of the vehicle while being transported. Medical records revealed that the detainee suffered burn injuries which required three months of hospitalization, multiple skin grafts, the amputation of his right index finger, and the permanent loss of the use of his left fifth finger secondary to burn induced skin retraction. The unidentified detainee allegedly suffered extensive burns over his abdomen, anterior aspects of his lower extremities, the palm of his right hand, and the sole of his left foot. It is not known if the detainee received his injuries during capture or transport and whether or not his injuries were accidental or due from negligence, or from a malicious act. But it is known he received his injuries while in custody and to that extent the claim is verified.

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This investigative report details the detention and interrogation of former Iraqi Army captain, Manadal Al-Jamadi, at the Abu Ghraib detention facility on November 3, 2003. All names of officials involved in the interrogation have been redacted. This document is an excerpt from the full-length CID report, CID: 0237-03-CID259-61219, which is linked to this document.

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Investigation into an incident of two soldiers assaulting an Iraqi civilian who had been taken into custody of the US Army near the Iraq Museum of Military History, Baghdad, Iraq. The investigation established probable cause to believe that the two soldiers committed the offense of assault and dereliction of duty when they assaulted an Iraqi citizen. Acts included forcing the detainee to hold a pistol so a soldier could justify shooting the detainee. One of the soldiers was found guilty and given a reduction in rank.

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Investigation found evidence to prove that an Army Captain committed offense of Maltreatment and Cruelty when he directed a civilian to instruct Iraqi looters to disrobe and had the words for "sinful thief" written on the bodies. Photos withheld because they depict foreign nationals and Americans.

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NCIS Report of investigation commenced on June 13, 2003 after officer at Camp Pendleton contacted an NCIS Special Agent to make a statement regarding alleged war crimes committed by a marine, who “was overheard bragging about stabbing dead and wounded Iraqi soldiers” while at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego. Doctors at Mental Health Services at the Naval Medical Center reported that the marine had made several statements to them, including that “he had been meritoriously promoted to SGT and received a Purple Heart award,” that he “had a ceremony and parade in his honor at his home town of [redacted] where a Congressman took him out to dinner,” that he had had dinner with Donald Rumsfeld, and that “he had been assaulted in downtown San Diego the night before [early June 2003] and had spent the night at the police station assisting the San Diego Police Department.” One retired soldier expressed concern that the marine was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). One of the investigating officers was contacted by a private investigator on June 27. The investigator indicated that the marine may have self-inflicted a wound, had never been promoted or received a Purple Heart, and never had the opportunity to return home and attend a ceremony and parade in his honor. “Based on the information above [the marine’s] claim of having stabbed Iraqi prisoners of war is considered part of his fictional story. No investigative action is planned by NCIS at this time.”

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains: 1) Investigation Action: Results of Interviews, (March 1, 2008); 2) Investigation Action: Receipt of Ambulance Run Sheet, (Feb. 23, 2008); and 3) Investigation Action: Receipt of Medical Records, (Feb. 23, 2008). This file has seven (7) Sworn Statements from the soldiers and ambulance personnel who attended to Mr. Jabar when he died. The statements are detailed and specific. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Hasan Abrahemy, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq on September 20, 2004. It is reported that Mr. Abrahemy was in Camp Redemption when he was struck by a bullet that emanated from outside the camp perimeter. The Report states that the shot was apparently intended for a passing convoy, and was not intended for Mr. Abrahemy. Cause of Death: Perforating Ballistic Injury of the Torso; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains; 1) Report of Investigation Action, (Feb. 29, 2008); and 2) Report of Investigation (Open, Feb. 22, 2008). This indicates that the investigating agent attended Mr. Jabar's autopsy and that the final Autopsy Report and Death Certificate are still pending.

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Investigation of assault re-opened. Initial investigation commenced when a Master Sergeant with the 418th Military Police (MP) Detachment located at Camp Bucca, Iraq notified CID that he observed a soldier strike the detainee with an open hand to the back of his head. The detainee was interviewed and denied being assaulted by any soldier. A month later during an administrative review, Assistant Operation Officer noted to reopen the investigation and re-interview detainee. The detainee described being slapped in the right cheek and shocked with a “taser”: “he hit me with the electric gun twice in my arm with two wire needles, and they took me to the doctor who picked up the two wire needles from my arm.” When asked why he didn’t tell CID that story when interviewed previously, he said that he had told CID this story. Agent confirmed that marks on victim’s arm were consistent with a taser shot 4 weeks earlier. Agent’s investigative report refers to two entries from the activities sheet of Camp Bucca dated March 8, 2004 and March 27, 2004 which detailed “use of force against detainees in which detainees were shot.” Investigation concludes victim’s testimony not credible (in part because of his “depression” and prescriptions for “psychological medication”) and that victim was not assaulted by any guards while detained at Camp Bucca, notwithstanding marks on victim’s arm or the other soldier’s testimony. 4833 not required.

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A Time magazine article claimed that an Iraqi national taken in to custody along with other family members was the subject of cruel and humiliating treatment at the hands of US forces. The charges include physical and sexual abuse. However, the individual profiled in the article did not substantiate the claim, nor was/is there any independent evidence of any such abuse occurring to this person or his family members.

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Description of allegations of two occasions in which soldiers used "mock executions" as scare tactics when dealing with Iraqi detainees. On the first occasion, an Iraqi boy was threatened with a loaded weapon, which was discharged immediately to the right of his head. Incident was described as street justice. On the second incident, a father and his two sons were caught looting. One son was taken around the corner of a building and shot at to make the father believe that he had been killed. The soldiers involved are also accused of perjuring themselves.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier states he saw the Captain kicking the detainees and stepping on them with the “a lot of pressure”. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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A Colonel new to a military Company found movie entitled “Ramadi Madness” on the hard drive of the combat Company’s computer in the Company’s facilities in St. Augustine, Florida and reported the matter to CID. The movie was a composite of several video clips of wounded enemy prisoners of war (EPW) flexi-cuffed on the ground; a soldier kicking a prisoner in the face; a flexi-cuffed EPW being interrogated; and a soldier holding prisoner as he struck him in head with rifle butt. A sergeant admitted to compiling the video in January 2004. The Colonel, who reported the discovery of the video tape, had only recently taken command of the Company, and was not part of the Company when the video was made. The investigating CID officer determined that the video contained “inappropriate rather than criminal behavior”, and the investigation was terminated because there “would be of little or no value or leads remaining to be developed [that] are…significant” in part because the personnel who would be criminally implicated are no longer in the military, and only federal, not military, charges would be applicable and/or pursued against them now that they are civilians.

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An investigation into a detainee's allegation that he was "tortured" at a U.S. facility in Mosul in March 2004. Detainee indicated that after being arrested but before arriving at the facility, his captors -- American men in civilian clothes -- bent his thumb backwards, kicked him, and hit him with the butt of a weapon in the back of the neck. At the facility, which was very cold, he was stripped; allowed only two limited periods of sleep in seven days, and prevented from sleeping by being subjected to loud recordings and being doused with cold water; given only eight biscuits to eat in seven days; assaulted by a translator; and pressed on his joints by U.S. personnel in a manner causing severe pain and temporary paralysis. After his head was hit against a wall, causing him to bleed from his nose and mouth, and causing permanent loss of balance, he was taken to a hospital. However, he was later retreived by the same team of captors and "I had the same ways of previous torturing, as well as pouring hot liquid on my back, and sitting me close to fire, which resulted in burning a part of my right leg, and they put a very hot lamp on my thigh for a very short time. At the end they threatened me that they would bring my wife and my mother and that they would rape them if I did not confess. When I asked them to bring a paper and write whatever they want, I would sign it without any objection." Detainee displayed healed burn scars on knees and "unusual scars" on feet, and an interviewer noticed that he "walked with a wobble". Investigation revealed that the detainee had been arrested and initially detained by Navy SEALs from Naval Special Warfare Squadron 7. Notations in the investigative file indicate that a medical screening record generated on the day of capture showed several abrasions and bruising consistent with a "rough capture" and that a medical record generated thirteen days later showed second degree burns and singed tissue "after being interrogated the evening prior." Moreover, the Army NCO who initially processed the detainee on his arrival at the Mosul facility noted that the detainee "was scared, crying, and upset," and that when he made a hand gesture that the detainee interpreted as indicating that he would be sent back to the SEAL team, the detainee said "I am not going back with them, you might as well kill me now." The NCO said that he suspected that the SEALs may have abused the detainee. The SEALs denied abusing the detainee, stating that he threw himself on rocks and rubbed himself against walls, and faked illness. A 15-6 investigation concluded that there was no wrong doing by any of the persons involved in the apprehension and subsequent detention and (inconsistent with other reports in the file) indicated that the alleged burns were not consistent with thermal burns. CID similarly concluded that the "[i]nvestigation did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations made by Mr. [REDACTED]."

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Detainee Abduhl Kaddim Altia, a diabetic, died at Abu Ghraib on May 22, 2004. An autopsy ruled the cause of death "natural" (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease). His son, who was also detained at Abu Ghraib at this time, reported that two days prior, his father had fallen and complained of chest pain, but had not reported it to Army medics. Rather, Altia simply took his diabetes medicine. On the morning of May 22, 2004, Altia complained of chest pain and shortness of breath once more. He collapsed at 10:30 AM. An Army doctor arrived approximately ten minutes later and performed CPR. An IV was inserted. Altia was unresponsive. He was taken to the emergency room, where he was declared dead at 11:07 AM. A Special Agent who inspected the body "did not observe any signs of trauma or abuse." Altia's son, however, reported that his father had no history of heart problems.

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A detainee screener reported that a detainee who had attempted escape complained of rough treatment. The detainee did not sustain any marks or injuries from the rough treatment.

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Statements by Military Personnel Concerning Prisoner Escape from the Baghdad Correctional Facility, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on January 26, 2004.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Abdullah Fawzzi, a detainee at the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq on January 30, 2005. Mr. Fawzzi was initially a patient of the 86th CSH, Ibn Sina Hospital, Baghdad, before being transferred to the CSH, BCCF. It is reported that Mr. Fawzzi was shot in an altercation with Coalition Forces on January 25th. The report states that he sustained a leg injury that led to his leg being amputated, and complications from this injury led to his death on January 30, 2005. Cause of Death: Complications of Gunshot Wound of the Leg; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Abdul Wali, a detainee at the Bagram Airfield (BAF), Afghanistan on December 19, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Wali was in his cell when he experienced a medical emergency. The soldier who responded found Mr. Wali in distress and called for medics. Mr. Wali was taken to the base hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; Manner of Death: Natural

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This sworn statement of a Major assigned to Iraq in March 2003 discusses his understanding and experience at Abu Ghraib prison and the condition he found. The Major was a member of the Combined Joint Task Force at Abu Ghraib prison and he stated: "It appeared many detainees had been brought in and were being held without any real probable cause, other times rounded up just because they were of military service age or were in the vicinity of a raid." Estimated that only about 15% of the detainees were of any real intelligence value. He said "1 am a New York City puller officer in my civilian job and, looking at the situation from a police perspective, I believed there were some problems with the retention and release policies and, criteria at the Board."

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI). The detainee states that he was a villager in Afghanistan when he was recruited in to the Pakistani police, but quit when he was not paid. He then claims to have been forcibly taken on a rocket attack raid and to have hidden rockets of an Al Qaeda operative on his property. It was these rockets that got him arrested. He claims to have been severely tortured by both Afghan commanders and US forces to confess to things he did not do and being an Al Qaeda operative.

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CID Investigation into a shooting of a civilian by a tower guard at Camp Bucca International Facility, Iraq. Due to a miscommunication, detainee was initially thought to be deceased, but was treated at a U.S. Army Medical Facility and is expected to make a full recovery at an Iraqi Civilian Hospital in Baghdad. Conclusion of investigation determined that soldier failed to follow prescribed Rules of Engagement detailing the use of warning shots to deter individuals from entering the camp. Soldier received a written reprimand for his actions.

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CID Report regarding allegations by 2 detainees at Camp Cooke of aggravated assault and prisoner mistreatment between April 23, 2004 and May 8, 2004. One detainee alleged that he was "coerced into a confession through beatings by the FPS (Facilities Protection Service) before being handed over to Coalition forces," and the second alleged that he was "beaten by his capturing unit ... prior to transfer to Camp Cooke." Two medical examinations, on May 11, 2004 and May 16, 2004, showed "no physical evidence of current or recent abuse" and "no physical signs of torture." Document includes Memo for Record: AR 15-6 Investigation, dated June 20, 2004. Memo states that the investigation's purpose was to "review detainee files ... and check for any indication of wrongdoing in the treatment of detainees," and notes that only the 2 cases mentioned in the CID report "raised any issues of concern."

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report documents the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 9 of 9]

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This is a CID Report in to the death of Muhammad Najib Abu-Wafa Ali, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on September 1, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Ali was witnessed falling when exiting his tent in Compound 6, of the TIF. The Report states that Mr. Ali was taken to the TIF Hospital for evaluation. It was discovered that his injuries were severe and he was transferred to Balad, Iraq for further treatment. It is reported that Mr. Ali hit his head, and it is that injury that caused his death. Cause of Death: Blunt Force Injury to the Head; Manner of Death: Accidental.

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Sworn statements of soldiers concerning the detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. The soldier giving the statement heard the a Captain threaten to kill several detainees. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a Report of Investigation (March 22, 2007), containing a Statement from a member of the Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. that found Mr. Mohammed's body on February 8th, 2007, approximately three days after the incident. The Patrol stated they called Iraqi Police, and turned the body over to them. The Marine did offer that an examination of the body revealed bruising about the neck & shoulders, and drew a sketch of the area where Mr. Mohammed was found. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statement for investigation an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the Captain yelling at the detainees in a threatening manner, but did not witness the Captain striking the detainees. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Investigation into four (4) allegations: 1) commander gave orders not to take POWs and kill all enemies whether they are fighting, injured, or surrendering; 2) a commander giving the order to kill an enemy WIA after an engagement; 3) illegal discharge of weapon at non-combatants; and 4) an attack and murder or Iraqi boy. Investigator clears soldiers of all four accounts due to lack of evidence and bases allegations on Fog of War impact, rumors and ambiguity.

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Detainee was captured in Altlafia by US forces on June 3, 2004. His hands were tied and he was placed in a tank. He claimed that inside the tank soldiers hit him in the stomach, nose and mouth area with their fists and a metal pipe. One witness reported that the detainee had suffered a seizure. Other soldiers stated that they saw him foam at the mouth and act irrationally. The soldiers who were there denied assaulting detainee, and claimed that he injured himself during his seizure. A doctor who saw the detainee on June 15, 2004 stated that he did have any bruising. The investigation was terminated in September 2004 due to insufficient evidence to prove or disprove allegations.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed openly admits to being a member of Al Qaeda; going to Afghanistan to train to fight for Jihad; training to fight; and being captured during a battle. The detainee stated that “As a Mujahadeen, he has only two choices, death or prison”. The detainee states that he has not been tortured but others have by playing loud infidel music, turning the air conditioning on very cold or making the room very hot.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains an Investigative Action: Receipt of Preliminary Autopsy Report from AFIP (July 17, 2005), and a Statement from one of the men in the taxi with Mr. Bashir when it was stopped by the Marines & ING forces. This man positively identifies the deceased as Abu Bashir. The man states that after being stopped, the INGs asked for "ID's" and then the INGs beat & kicked Mr. Bashir. This is when Mr. Bashir attempted to flee. The man states that the Marines were yelling "stop, stop" before they and the INGs started shooting. There are no allegations of US Marines abusing the detainees. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a statement by a Sergeant interrogator/translator who reported four incidents of potential detainee abuse that he witnessed or were related to him by detainees. The first incident of possible detainee abuse was the rough handling of a detainee being brought in for an interrogation. The Sgt. states that the detainee was "roughly" handled and had the back of his legs kicked to make him kneel. The second incident was related to him by six to twelve detainees who claim to have shoulder "dislocations" due to being lifted by their arms while hand-cuffed. The third incident involved the Sgt. observing a detainee being walked "along at a fast rate of speed, with his arms behind his back and feet shackled" and that the detainee's hood was tied tight about his head. The last incident was a detainee telling the Sgt. that the "Detainee was praying when the guards asked him a question and when the detainee did not answer because he was praying they forced him to do physical exercises."

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Elawy Dakhel Al Zobaie. Mr. Al Zobaie was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Iraq when he became ill. Mr. Al Zobaie fell breathless, and without a pulse. CPR was initiated. CPR was continued during transportation to the hospital emergency department. Resuscitation efforts did not revive him. Mr. Al Zobaie died in the hospital. Mr. Al Zobaie died as a result of complications of an enlarged heart. Cause of Death: Cardiomegaly; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains two (2) Reports of Investigation (Action, Sept. 27, 2007), that are interviews with two (2) Marines at the FOB, and were present at the time of Mr. Ahmed's death. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This Army Developmental Counseling Form was issued to a soldier that supposedly had an interaction with a detainee at Camp Bucca, Iraq wherein the detainee was not following the soldiers instructions and the soldier said in response " These guys do what they want; unless you are Jewish you cannot understand what it is like to deal with Arabic." The counseling also states that the soldier pulled out a Star of David necklace and made a threat against the detainee. The soldier denied the charges. There is a CID Investigation report number on this form.

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Military Police Investigative Report in to allegations of a soldier in Afghanistan pointing a gun at the head of a restrained detainee. The soldier offered a statement in which he states 1) the gun was a BB gun and not his service weapon; and 2) his Unit was working with Special Forces who directed him to maintain a weapon on the detainee at all times. The report was generated after a photograph of the soldier surfaced during a domestic police incident depicting him pointing what appears to be a pistol at an unidentified, hooded detainee whose hands were tied. No disposition of the matter is indicated

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Military Police Report related to an Army CID investigation #0153-04-CID146-71446, alleging detainee abuse and reveling photographs depicting detainees being abused and mistreated. Investigation was initiated after a soldier's wife reported having seen images of detainee mistreatment on a CD after the soldier returned from Afghanistan. After review of the CD, the investigation determined that the allegations of detainee abuse were unfounded and that the Sergeant was not involved in detainee abuse.

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CID Report and accompanying documents related to an investigation into allegation of abuse of a detainee in Peshawar, Pakistan and Kandahar, Afghanistan. The detainee claimed that he was beaten on his hands, feet, and chest while detained. The report of investigation failed to prove or disprove the allegations.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains a Deleted Page Information Sheet for the NCIS investigation.

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Documents associated with CID investigation into the death of Abdureda Lafta Abdul Kareem, also known as Abu Malik Kenami, a detainee who was found dead in his cell in Mosul, Iraq.

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A CID investigation into the death of an Afghani civilian, Haji Sher Mohammad. Mr. Mohammad was being held in custody at FOB Salerno, Khowst, Afghanistan when he complained about being bitten by either a snake or a bee while in his cell. Mr. Mohammed was examined twice in the night by medics, but no injuries were found upon him, nor was Mr. Mohammed was not found to be in any immediate or acute distress. In the morning, he was found non-responsive and transported to the hospital were he was declared dead. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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Interpreter states that a detainee told him that the guards had punished him for not answering a question by forcing him to do physical exercises. He did not answer because he was praying.

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Records of JAGMAN investigation Preliminary Inquiry into the death of Farhad Mohamed Ali. Includes a summary of the finings and a series of the emails regarding the status of the investigation, as well as CID records. Summary of findings states that Ali and another person were found with 6 IEDs, IED component material, grenades, and other explosives; they were detained on April 2, 2004. "During approximately 64 hours of detention and interrogation, [redacted] personnel followed all procedures outlined in both [redacted] Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy, [redacted] and [redacted] Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy [redacted]. At regular intervals, fully qualified 18D Navy corpsman took the detainee's vital signs and documented this information, non of which was outside healthy parameters." "[Redacted] exhibited signs of intense distress and extremely unusual behaviour during his captivity, likely based on the stress of detainement and the fact that this very committed [redacted] member had provided actionable intelligence." The detainee's temperature was taken at approximately 0500 on April 4, 2004, about 30 minutes prior to his cardiac arrest, and was 97.5 degrees Farenheit. He was reportedly 27 years old. "According to LTC [redacted] there have been a surprising number of cardiac problems, including the recent full cardiac arrest of an Iraqi citizen in his mid-30s, which have occurred in the vicinity of Mosul." "Prior to the detainee's cardiac arrest at 0137C, he was wrapped in two blankets and laying by a fire in preparation for his final medical screening and turnover to the Stryker brigade holding facility. After the detainee's cardiac arrest, he was attended by five 18D corpsmen and the [redacted] Surgeon (LTC [redacted]), who had access to all necessary modern medical equipment in a nearby aid station." A following page is titled "Preliminary Inquiry into the death of Farhad Mohammed Ali". Includes a page titled "CID Report of Investigation - Final Referred - [redacted]", which states, "Mr. [redacted] was transported to the 67th CSH (hospital)", where he "died of unknown causes". An autopsy found that "the cause and manner of death were both undetermined with no obvious signs of a homicide nor of a natural death." Mentions a CID request to NCIS to continue the investigation. An email to the Commanding Officer states that the preliminary inquiry was found to be "thorough and expedient." Possibly refers to the same detainee mentioned in "NCIS Memo re: Summaries of Investigations Regarding the Deaths or Mistreatment of Enemy Prisoners of War as of May 13, 2004" (ACLU-RDI 553), which refers to a "Mohamed, Farhad (DECEASED)" under NCIS 10APR04-MEBJ-0129-7HNA.

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Investigation into two detainees' allegation that they had been assaulted by U.S. forces while being transported from Camp Cuervo to Abu Ghraib. One detainee reported that the soldier who assaulted him said "It's all because of you mother fuckers!" just before assaulting him. That detainee said that the soldier punched and kicked him in the head and struck him in the eye with a rifle stock, then charged the bolt of his rifle, at which point other soldiers restrained him. The other detainee said that he was struck in the eye and thigh with a rifle stock. The soldier admitted that he might have kicked one of the detainees. Other soldiers denied seeing any abuse. The investigation determined that there was "insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations of abuse."

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a report of Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 4, 2007), which is an interview with the Assistant Sergeant of the Guard (ASOG) for the detention facility. The ASOG states that she was viewing the interrogation live as it occurred. This ASOG states that she responded to the interrogation room, Booth #4, but then returned to her desk to change the video tape for Booth #4. Mr. Abdal's interrogation and collapse was captured on two (2) video tapes. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the captain kicking a detainee and threatening him with a loaded weapon while yelling at him. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Investigation into possible abuse in Tikrit, Iraq. A detainee alleged that he had been slapped in the face by an Iraqi interpreter during an interrogation and said that he had been held in a cramped cell with loud music, not allowed food, water, or sleep. He informed a SJA of the incident. After the investigation began, however, the detainee refused to issue a formal complaint against the interpreter and said that the U.S. interrogator had treated him nicely and had stopped the interpreter's slapping. The interpreter denies the allegations, and the investigation is halted.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation, (Change, July 26, 2005); 2) Report of Investigation, (Action, Aug. 1, 2005); 3) Report of Investigation, (Action, July 07, 2005); and 4) Report of Investigation, (Open, June 28, 2005). The investigating agent could not verify the name of the victim, although he was ID's by his companions as Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. This report includes the results of the preliminary autopsy report. Manner of Death: Multiple Gunshot Wounds; Cause of Death: Homicide.

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This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. Sworn statement of a Lieutenant who worked with the Captain involved in detainee abuse. Although the Lieutenant did not witness the events in question, he did witness the captain threatening Iraqis with a loaded weapon while yelling at them in the past. He testifies, "On many occasions I saw him treat Iraqis in a very disrespectful manner, and I have heard him say on numerous occasions how all Iraqis are crooks and thieves and his actions towards them would indicate that he truly believes this. After one incident of abuse, the interpreter says that many of his fellow soldiers were outraged that an officer had committed abuses.

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This CID Report is a follow-up on earlier reports that are related. There was a reported abuse of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison, but it was, by the description of the Military Intelligence (MI) personnel involved, a rouse in order to isolate a detainee for an investigative interview on tracking down a smuggler of weapons in the prison. The MI officer faked the abuse to give the detainee an opportunity to speak without being suspected of collaborating and to give him credibility with the inmates the military was seeking intelligence on. This statement is that of the detainee who is the confidential informer at the center of the reported abuse allegations. He states he was not abused, and provided information on a detainee attempting an escape using a smuggled in weapons.

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Detainee alleged that U.S. forces captured him and took him to Dhyla Al Mokhadia Base, an Iraqi Civil Defense Corps location, where he was deprived of food and water for three days with his hands tied and eyes blindfolded.  He alleged that an English-speaking male and an Arabic-speaking male leaned him against a wall and  repeatedly beat his head and back during interrogations over the course of three days.  Upon transport to Abu Ghraib, a CID agent noticed scars on the detainee's back and asked him about them.  Three times, the detainee claimed they were from a car accident and not from any abuse.  Four days later, the detainee told the same CID agent (whom he claimed never to have seen before) that the marks were from abuse.  A medical exam indicated that the marks were not consistent with the type or time period of the alleged abuse--instead of 4-7 day-old kick marks, the medic found that they were partially-healed scratches and contusions from approximately 6 weeks prior.  The agent concluded that the detainee was fabricating the abuse allegation to obtain monetary compensation or early release. 

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This is a form to follow when interviewing witnesses and potential suspects in a criminal investigation. The form is part of a larger package of documents in to the investigation of detainee abuse by a Captain and Staff Sargent outside the Ramadi Palace, Iraq, July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Detainee alleged he was detained with a bag over his head for 14 days, was beat in the stomach and kidney, hit on the lips, thrown into concertina wire. He states that all his statements were made under torture. When the detainee was initially asked about his treatment he did not report any form of abuse or mistreatment. No medical records of suspected abuse; and the file contain several sworn statements from the military personnel who came in contact with the detainee. The matter was determined to be unfounded.

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Army Memo to the Commander of the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment. The memo concerns the reciept of an administrative memorandum of repimand related to the allegations of abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. The memo puts the date as July 29-30, however, other statements put the date as late July 11 or early July 12, 2003. The subsequent statements are by other units and supported by collateral documentation showing the date of the events to be July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Sadik Abdullah Saoud, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by Battalion Landing Team 2/4 (2/4 "G" Co.), out of Expedition Observation Post (EOP) Playboy Mansion, Barwana, Iraq on January 8, 2007. Mr. Saoud's vehicle was on the "Be On The Lookout (BOLO) List" when it was spotted pulling out of a driveway. The vehicle was stopped, and Mr. Saoud was placed in to custody and Flex-cuffed after being taken to the ground. Mr. Saoud was then seated on the curb following his arrest, to await further processing when he suffered an apparent heart attack. The heart attack was witnessed by soldiers and civilians. Medics were called and CPR was administered, but failed to revive him. This file contains two (2) Investigative Action Reports (Jan. 25, 2007), which are hand written statements from two (2) of the soldiers who took Mr. Saoud in to custody and witnessed his heart attack, and Investigative Action Report (Jan. 18, 2007). Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 5, 2007); and Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 9, 2007). These interviews are with soldiers who responded to Mr. Abdal after he collapsed. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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A CID investigation into the death of Tasheen Abdal Qader, who became sick soon after capture and was examined by medical personnel. "On the last check-up Mr. Qader was found to be non-responsive," and was subsequently pronounced death. An autopsy "revealed the Cause of Death as an Acute Myocardial Infarction, and the Manner of Death as Natural."

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Army soldier/interrogator asks a detainee if he has health problems. Detainee stated that since he was taken in to custody he was abused. He stated he was stuck on his body, beaten, received "extremely poor" treatment and was "rough-handled" by guards. However, when the detainee was offered medical treatment by a doctor, he declined.

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CID Report of investigation of alleged assault on unnamed detainee while in Mosul Detention Facility, Mosul, Iraq.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a Report of Investigative Action: Results of Video Tape Review, (Feb. 24, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains Statement from the Taxi driver who was transporting Mr. Bashir and his two (2) companions. The Taxi driver states that once it was discovered that the detainees were using fake documents, the INGs began to assault them, inspiring Mr. Bashir to flee. Mr. Bashir was shot when refused commands to stop. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation in to the actions of four (4) soldiers for Murder, Conspiracy, Cruelty and Maltreatment, Failure to obey Order or Regulation & Aggravated Assault against Anti Iraqi Forces (AIF). The soldiers, all from A Troop, 6/9th Cavalry, Forward Operating Base (FOB) Normandy, Iraq are alleged to have committed these crimes against two (2) different AIF detainees near Thura, Muqdadiyah, Diyala Province, Iraq on June 26, 2007. This CID Report alleges that the soldiers committed different acts to different detainees, and the charges are specific to each soldier. At the time of the filing of this Report, two (2) of the soldiers were tried and acquitted of all charges. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay was conducted by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Detainee related that when he was in Afghanistan, he was handcuffed and taken to an airfield where a tall man with green eyes, long hair, beard and wearing short pants hit him in the chest and pushed him down. Detainee states he handled an AK-47, but he was working as a bodyguard, not a terrorist. He also stated that he likes Americans, and that Pakistan/Afghanistan is a dangerous place, hence the need for the rifle. He did complain about the lack of medical treatment at Guantanamo, but did not show signs of medical distress.

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Investigation into abuse during prisoner transfer. Finds that one handcuffed and blindfolded detainee was either allowed to fall or pushed from the transport vehicle, resulting in injury as he landed on his side on the ground; that two detainees were kicked; and that the soldiers yelled and used excessive profanity. The abuse was explained by one soldier as retaliation and emotional response for the injuries. Investigator recommends counseling and retraining for the soldiers in question. The report includes sworn the statements of soldiers involved.

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CID Report on an unknown Iraqi national at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq on November 4, 2003. CID indicates that the detainee stopped breathing and was found face down in the shower after an interrogation. Detainee is most most likely Manadel Al-Jamadi.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death Fu'ad Ali Abd, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. It is reported that on May 22, 2008 Mr. Abd was ill with a headache, and subsequently admitted to the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), TIF Camp Bucca. A CAT-Scan was preformed on Mr. Abd, and it was discovered that Mr. Abd was suffering from an inoperable brain bleed. The Report states that after Mr. Ali Abd was admitted to the Camp Hospital his condition was such that "Do Not Resuscitate" orders were decided for him after an ethic committee meeting. Mr. Ali Abd subsequently died, and was not resuscitated. It is reported that on May 23rd, Mr. Abd died. Cause of Death: Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage, 2nd Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Luay Mustafa Razzaq Abd Al, a detainee at the Special Housing Unit 32, Camp Remembrance II, Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. It is reported that April 4, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Razza Abd Al committed suicude by hanging himself with his trousers. The report indicates that Mr. Razza Abd Al had a history of mental illness and was being checked regularly, four times an hour. He was in a single person cell, and apparently acted between cell checks; Cause of Death: Hanging; Manner of Death: Suicide

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Investigation into report of detainee abuse after a soldier had given his wife several compact disks containing images depicting the possible abuse of detainees. The investigation determined that the CD revealed pictures of detainees from Afghanistan, but not of detainees being abused or mistreated. The Special Agent in Charge determined that furtherance of the investigation would be of little or no value and lead remaining to be developed are not significant.

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CID Report Agent's Investigative Report details of investigation starting in 03/08/2004 when a detainee allegedly had been abused. Records the abuse described above and the successive interviews to determine the validity of the alleged abuse. The investigator concludes that the case is founded based upon the examination by the Doctor as mentioned above in which he concludes that there is not substantial evidence from the photographs to indicate whether or not abuse occured.

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CID report and accompanying documents related to an investigation into the mistreatment of a female Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison on October 7, 2003. The female prisoner stated that she was taken out of her cell and brought to an empty cell where once inside one "one of the soldiers held her hands behind her back while another soldier forcefully kissed her" and then the "soldiers took her out of the cell and took her downstairs, where they showed her a naked Iraqi man and told her that if she did not do what they said, then they would take her clothes off and make her look like the Iraqi man. She was then escorted back to the abandoned cell upstairs where she was forced to get on her knees and raise her arms and hands over her head where the "skinny white male without glasses, removed her shirt, leaving her in her bra" the detainee stated she began to cry and the soldier through her shirt at her and started cursing at her. She stated that she was then taken back to her cell. [The Commander's reports at the beginning of this document list the CID number as 61121. This appears to be a typo.]

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This CID investigation concerns an investigation in to detainee abuse in Afghanistan. A New York Times newspaper was releasing a story on 12 May 04, concerning allegations of a Afghan Police Colonel that was alleged to be abused by U.S. Forces in Garcjez, Afghanistan, in Aug 03. The investigation found that several of the detainees at Gardez, Afghanistan gave statements that they were not abused while in custody and one statement describing how the alleged victim was abused and one statement from the alleged victim himself. The investigation established that the offenses of Indecent Assault, Aggravated Assault, and Maltreatment of Persons in US Custody, did not occur as alleged by the soldier(s) named as the abusers, nor was there any evidence to find that abuse occurred at all.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of an unknown Iraqi insurgent who died at Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Abu Ghraib, Iraq after being captured following a house raid in Baghdad. The detainee was brought to the hospital for injuries sustained while taking him in to custody. The soldiers who took the unknown gentleman states that on July 24, 2005 the gentleman was with another insurgent who ran in to a house after engaging soldiers. The soldiers engaged in response, breached the door of the house, using a hand grenade, and it was the blast from the hand grenade that caused his injuries. The gentleman was never identified. He was brought to the hospital unresponsive and with sever injuries, and never regained conciseness. He died on August 4, 2005. Cause of Death: Complications of Blast and Ballistic Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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A soldier was found guilty of using excessive force during interrogation by assaulting detainee with a police riot baton on his feet. Punishment included oral admonition and restriction to set locations (dining hall, duty, company area, etc.) for fourteen days. [This is a later-released version of ACLU-RDI 980 annotated by the government with the FOIA Exemptions invoked for the redactions.]

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This is a Special Incident Report by the 320th Military Police Battalion of the escape of two (2) male detainees from Abu Ghraib, Hard Prison Unit 3A, both were housed in Cell #144.

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This report investigates alleged the Homicide or Involuntary Manslaughter of a detainee, Dilar Dababa, by U.S. Forces. On the evening of June 12, 2003, Dababa was captured by Coalition Forces and transported to Baghdad International Airport (BIAP). Throughout the night, soldiers forced him to do "physical training": he was made to kneel down and stand up repeatedly, lie down and standup, and hold a box above his head while lying down that he dropped on his face and torso when his arms tired. After training, a soldier constructed a stinkbomb using a Meal Ready to Eat (MRE) heater, tabasco sauce, and water, and placed it in Dababa's cell. The stinkbomb caused respiratory agitation and coughing. In the morning of June 13, 2003, Dababa attempted to escape, during which two soldiers subdued him using "necessary force." One soldier punched Dababa above the left eye which caused a laceration about 2.5 cm wide that required sutures. After medical examination, he had no indications of serious injury. That evening, Dababa was found dead lying on the ground in his cell. An autopsy revealed that he died of a closed head injury that caused hemorrhaging within the brain. There was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove that soldiers committed Homicide or Involuntary Manslaughter; however, the investigation established probable cause that the guard, who made the stink bomb, committed Dereliction of Duty and Cruelty and Maltreatment.

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Sworn statement of a Soldier who treated a Captain for a hand injury he obtained when hitting a detainee. The statement does not provide details of the origin of the injury, however ACLU RDI 1158 is the sister statement from the other medic at the scene. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Yahir Diasti Diab, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper. It is reported that Mr. Diab was being treated in the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Cropper Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for liver failure and other ailments. He was determined to be terminally ill. On December 3, 2007 Mr. Diab suffered a cardiac arrest and died. No live saving measures were preformed. Cause of Death: Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Report of investigation into the maltreatment of a prisoner at Ad Diwaniyah Military Correction Facility, Iraq. Soldier was shown a picture of a naked female Iraqi prisoner on the computer while in Iraq. Investigation found insufficient evidence to charge anyone with maltreatment of a prisoner.

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A CID investigation into the deaths of Ismael Hammed Abid, Mahmood Ismaeel Mousa, Khaleed Yassen Hamed, Hauthaifah Nazar Tawfeeek, all detainees at Camp Bucca. Their deaths were the result of a riot during which two soldiers "fired a total of eight lethal rounds at detainees." Mr. Abid, Mr. Mousa, Mr. Hamed, and Mr. Tawfeeek died of their gunshot wounds; the cause of death listed as "Justifiable Homicide." The eight shots also resulted in injuries to at least three unnamed detainees. Five unnamed detainees are listed in the report as victims of "Aggravated Assault (Unfounded)." The investigation found that the two soldiers who fired the lethal rounds were "justified in their use of lethal force during the riot," and that "the use of deadly force was consistent with applicable regulations and policies." The report states that "no personnel involved in controlling the riot ... violated criminal statutes."

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Art. 32 investigation. Gives an account of an incident of abuse where an Iraqi guard was placed at gunpoint and beaten by US soldiers. Recommends that SSG McKenzie be charged with Cruelty and Maltreatment and Assault with a Dangerous Weapon. It is also believed that SSG McKenzie might have been derelict in his duty as a supervisor when he failed to correct or report that his soldier had assaulted the Iraqi with his hand.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed complains of a persistent rash while incarcerated, but his conditions were otherwise fine. He admits being associated with the Taliban, but claims not to hold a rank in the organization. He also claims that he was turned in because of a debt owed by his younger brother.

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This document contains several Court-Martial following an investigation into the deaths of two (2) detainees at the Bagram Control Point (BCP) in Bagram, Afghanistan. Both detainees were determined to have been killed by blood clots that were dislodged and caused a pulmonary embolism. The treatment of detainees at the BCP included beatings, sleep deprivation, chaining and standing to a fixed object for periods exceeding 24 hours. The report mentions Mullah Abibullah and Dilawar by name.

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This is a CID Report in to the death of Rasul Said Anad Al-Janabi, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on February 9, 2008. Mr. Al-Janabi was admitted to the TIF 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Bucca for pneumonia & Congestive Heart Failure on February 6th. On February 8th, Mr. Anad suffered a heart attack, from which he did not recover. Cause of Death: Complication of Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy; Manner of Death: Natural

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Raad Kairy Hammid, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), who died on February 14, 2006. Mr. Hammid was admitted to the camp hospital on February 6, 2006 after suffering a seizures. Following his admission, he was examined & a CAT scan showed he suffered from edema on his brain. He experienced another seizure, fell in to a coma and required being placed on life support. It was determined by a medical panel that he would not recover from his condition, and it was decided that he would be disconnected from life support. That was done on February 14th, and died shortly thereafter. Cause of Death Encephalitis; Manner of Death: Natural

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ahmed Ismail Al Wani Atawi. Mr. Atawai was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Iraq when he became ill. Mr. Atawi died as a result of complications of a small bowel perforation. Mr. Atawai was hospitalized for 23 days prior to succumbing to his illness. Cause of Death: Peritonitis 2nd to Bowel Perforation; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Investigation requested by CID Chief of Investigative Operations Division after Washington Post article on June 15, 2004 reporting the death of Mr Sajid Kadhim Bori Al-Bawi while in the custody of U.S forces. The 15-6 investigation pertaining to the incident, which reflected Mr. Al-Bawi was shot when he engaged in a struggle with a soldier and resisted apprehension. Mr. Al-Bawi attempted to gain control of the soldier's M4 Carbine rifle, while entangled with the soldier, and the soldier fired his pistol five times at Mr. Al-Bawi to nullify the threat to himself and the other soldiers. Investigation established probable cause to believe person(s) parameters of the Rules of Engagement (ROE) for that unit. CID sought a legal opinion from 3rd Group Criminal Investigative Command, SJA, as to whether Mr. Al-Bawi’s killing was a justifiable homicide, based only on the 15-6. SJA opined that probable cause existed that the soldier committed justifiable homicide and acted within ROE, and CID investigation was closed without further inquiry. Special Agent in Charge decided to list Subject of investigation as “None” and terminated investigation because determined further investigation would be of little or no value

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier states he saw the Captain kicking a detainee and threatening the detainee while yelling at him. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003.

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Sworn statement of Chief Warrant Officer 2 attached to a Memo for Record dated August 7, 2004. Talks about detention procedures and time limits on detentions. States that the ODA "could request an extension through the AOB. I only recall this being done once." States, "The ODA made the request by sending a verbal or plain text which was sent via SATCOM.... It was a very informal process and we did not have a specific form or format to use when making the request."

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A detainee was being questioned about his attempt to pass a note to another detainee at Abu Ghraib prison. He stated that he was in fact attempting to pass a note to another prisoner who was acting as an interpreter. He wanted the note to go to another prisoner who was being released and the note to be taken back to his family. The prisoner states that he only confessed to attacks upon coalition forces because he was tortured, but is really innocent and there is no evidence to prove he is guilty.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Interview with Marine, 2nd Force Recon Company, (Jan. 20, 2006); 2) Investigative Action: Photographs of Abbass at Freezer in Camp Korean Village, (Jan. 21, 2006); and 3) Investigative Action: Diagram of Seating in Vehicle #2, (Jan. 20, 2006). The Marine states that he was in a different vehicle from Mr. Abbass, but he was present when Mr. Abbass was found dead at the FOB. He states he check Mr. Abbass' pulse, found it absent, and sought to retrieve the Company's Sergeant Major, whom he returned with a few minutes later. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Army Specialist describes being instructed to lie about the drowning at the Samarra Bridge in Samarra Iraq: "We agreed to say that we detained the two Iraqis, released them, last seeing them standing on the side of the road;" also notes that his unit "threw another Iraqi off of a bridge before [Balad]. I was told he survived...It was common knowledge within the platoon. I think that is where they got the idea from for this incident"

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CID Report of investigation into death of Karim Masnadane, ISN/NDRS# 115872, at Camp Ganci, Abu Ghraib, on or about April 6, 2004. A previous CID Report (00110-04-CID789, included in this document) relates the deaths of nine detainees at Abu Ghraib. The detainees were allegedly killed by a mortar attack on Abu Ghraib on April 6. Investigation notes that a legal review of Masnadane’s detainee files was conducted on January 20, 2004, and it was recommended that he be released at that time.

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NCIS received a request for assistance from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) to "locate and conduct a victim interview" of a Guantanamo detainee regarding an assault that was alleged to have taken place at Bagram Air Base between January 2, 2002, and October 2, 2002. A prosecutor with the Office of Military Commissions (OMC) advised that the detainee not be interviewed because the detainee was going to be charged with something in the future. After the detainee is charged, NCIS recommends that CID not interview the detainee until after the completion of the Military Commission process.

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Investigation established probable cause to believe unidentified persons committed the offense of Cruelty and Maltreatment when they flex-cuffed the detainees in positions for long periods of time causing extended amounts of stress on the joints of the detainees, but showed no other evidence of abuse. Some detainees complained of beatings and other abuse. Soldier/officer states that detainee's eyes are taped shut as a measure to keep them from knowing the layout of the facility and that they are put in stress positions for up to one hour.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report provides an assessment of the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 1 of 9]

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A CID investigation and record of disciplinary proceedings surrounding the deaths of Nahad Yasim Hamid Gumar, Jasim Hassan Komar-Abdullah, Akhmed Farhim Hamid-Al Jemi, and Zyad Jasim Hamid. Four unnamed soldiers were charged with and found guilty of murder, for shooting and killing Mr. N. Hamid, Mr. A. Hamid, and Mr. Z. Hamid. Three of them were also found guilty of conspiracy to kill the three detainees and obstruction of justice, among other charges. They falsely claimed after the killings that they (the soldiers) had been attacked, "and then killed the detainees as they fled," and threatened other soldiers with death as punishment for reporting the murders and conspiracy. One of the soldiers was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for having "shot and killed Mr. Komar-Abdullah ... who was not positively identified or a threat"; the soldier then "posed for a photograph of the remains." The soldiers convicted of murder and conspiracy were sentenced to life with parole. 11 other soldiers were variously charged with dereliction of duty, obstruction of justice, and giving false statements, but in these cases no disciplinary action was taken.

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Detainee reported that he was arrested after US forces found a weapon in his home. He was detained at Al Sijood Palace, Iraq, and it was during this detention he states he was hooded; flexicuffed; punched; kicked; yelled at; and threatened. Investigation established that there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the charges based on the absence of medical records. The report did however interview numerous soldiers from different units who were in contact with the detainee during his incarceration. None of the soldiers corroborated the detainee’s version of events or any aspect of his alleged abuse, despite the variety of soldiers and units that were at the facility at the time. The report found that the allegations were therefore unfounded with no further action to be taken.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Husayn Kazim Qurunair Al-Araki, a detainee Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq, on May 22, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Al-Araki was a man who suffered from schizophrenia and had difficulties while in camp. This Report states that Mr. Al-Araki was killed when he was set upon by nine (9) other detainees and beaten because they believed he was possessed by demons. Mr. Al-Araki was found by guards after he was reported to be experiencing a medical emergency, and when guards found him, he was bruised, unconscious, pupils fixed & dilated, breathless and with no signs of life. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Al-Araki. Mr. Al-Araki was transported to the Detention Medical Center (DMC), where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Blunt Force Injuries & Neck Compression. Cause of Death: Homicide.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the Captain kicking and threatening detainees with a gun and treating them in a disrespectful way. Soldier witnessed the captain staging a mock execution as an interrogation tactic. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Sworn Statements of two (2) US soldiers who were involved in the detention of a detainee who claims to have been abused while in custody. The soldiers give an account of the detainee being treated consistently with the Rules of Engagement and detainee handling.

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Detainee attacked another detainee in the recreation yard, under the direction of a third detainee who was secured in a shower cell adjacent to the yard. During the attack, the victim was compliant and did not fight back. When the attacking detainee did not comply with the CO's orders to stop, the CO removed the victim to safety and pulled the attacker out of the recreation yard and placed him on the ground in hand-cuffs, using the least amount of force possible. A medical examination revealed that the attacker had no injuries although the victim was transported to Delta clinic for stitches and X-rays.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigative Action: Results of PMO Records Check, (July 18, 2007); 2) Report of Investigative Action: Results of Database Checks, (July 18, 2007); 3) Report of Investigation, (Interim, June 1, 2007); 4) Report of Investigation, (Action, June 1, 2007); 5) Report of Investigation, (Interim, April 27, 2007); and 6) Investigative Action (Feb. 2, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Report of investigation of detainee’s allegation that a male U.S. soldier had slapped him across the face, causing him to bleed from the nose or the mouth and pushing him into concertina wire at the base of a chain link fence, causing the detainee to cut his left ring finger. The assault occurred after a female U.S. soldier at Abu Ghraib Compound Cougar 3 shouted at the detainee to wake up, using profanities. It appears that the female soldier was counting detainees, following an earlier escape attempt by three other detainees. The victim responded to the female soldier’s command to “shut up” by telling her to shut up, after which the male U.S. soldier entered the fenced-in compound and struck the detainee across the face. Several other detainees and another soldier corroborated the victim’s account. The male soldier denied slapping the victim, but acknowledged pushing the victim down. Investigation concludes there is probable cause to believe the male soldier had committed the offense of assault consummated by a battery. The commander stated his intention to take action amounting to less than courts martial.

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AR 15-6 report Record of investigation. Medic at FOB Ironhorse failed to recognize seriousness of the detainee's condition. These are recommendations about screening of detainees.

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This is a CID investigation into the involvement of four (4) American soldiers of 3 Platoon; C Company; 1/41st Infantry Regiment in the unlawful killing of three (3) Iraqi civilians. The civilians: Arkem Yosef Rahim; Maitham; & an Unnamed Iraqi Male, were killed at different times and at different locations in Iraq. The investigation determined that three (3) of the soldiers: 2nd Lieutenant; Sergeant; & Specialist were responsible for Conspiracy & Murder. It is reported that the soldiers violated the Rules of Engagement (ROE) for the missions they were on by shooting unarmed, or surrendering persons, in and around Sadr City, Iraq. This Report includes Statements of the soldiers involved, Sworn Statements of the members of C Co. 1/41 Platoon, photos, sketches of the crime scene & laboratory analysis of evidence. Cause of Death: Arkem Yosef Rahim; Undetermined: Manner of Death: Homicide; Cause of Death: Maitham; Undetermined: Manner of Death: Homicide; Cause of Death: Unknown Iraqi Male: Undetermined: Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Statement from one of the men in the taxi with Mr. Bashir. This man positively identifies the deceased as Abu Bashir. This man states that after being stopped, the INGs accused them of having "phony" documents and beat them. This is when Mr. Bashir attempted to flee. The man states that the Marines were yelling something at Mr. bashir in English that this man did not understand, and the INGs started shooting. There are no allegations of US Marines abusing the detainees. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statements of investigation of detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. Two soldiers were seen kicking bound detainees who were in custody. The soldiers were told that the Geneva conventions apply to all captured EPWs, but they rejected that advice and continued to abuse the Iraqis in their custody. The statement put the date as July 29-30, however, other statements put the date as late July 11 or early July 12, 2003. The subsequent statements are by other units and supported by collateral documentation supporting the July 11-12, 2003 date of the events. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the Captain kicking a detainee and threatening him with a loaded weapon while yelling at him. The soldier also states the Captain staged a mock burial of the detainee(s) by having them dig their own graves. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Allegations of detainee abuse with photographs of nude and semi-nude detainees. Investigation revealed that photos were exposed by a combat Photographer, U.S. Army Magazine, in the performance of his duties as an imbedded reporter with the 3rd Infantry Division. Photographs were in possession of soldiers. The report is heavily redacted and includes fingerprint cards and other criminal investigative material.

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AR 15-6 investigation into a suspected incident of assault. On November 29th, 2003 members of the 187th Infantry Regiment detained in Iraqi male for questioning. The soldiers took a video of themselves assaulting the detainee. The chain of command had a copy of the video, and an initial report stated that there was insufficient evidence for further investigation. Further review of the whole video with audio indicated to the Command that abuse of the detainee had occurred and the AR 15-6 was initiated. According to the investigation, the detainee is unidentified because no paperwork was completed during the detainment.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains two (2) Investigative Action reports (Jan. 19, 2006), which are Statements from: 1) The interpreter who was in Mr. Abbass' home when he was arrested; and 2) a soldier on duty, but with no direct contact with Mr. Abbass during his arrest, but witnessed him at the FOB. The soldier states that he was outside the detention facility when he was called in because of Mr. Abbass was unresponsive. The soldier states he witnessed the Navy Corpsman rendered first aid, but Mr. Abbass was dead, and his body was taken to the Battalion Aid Station (BAS). Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Detainee states that he was taken to the Kilometer 22 Station, Al Qaim, Iraq, between July 14 & 21, 2003. An interpreter who was present at the facility at the time and may have participated in the interrogation stated that they never witnessed any cruel or abusive treatment of detainees. The only physical interaction witnessed was when a detainee attempted to escape. The detainee would not cooperate with the investigation once contacted and the allegations were determined to be unfounded.

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CID Report of investigation into detainee's allegation that he was Hooded, roughly handled and choked by a U.S. soldier after being captured in his home. The interrogation reports (Secret) did reveal any allegations of abuse, and the detainee claimed no scars or injuries as a result of the incident, nor were any visible. The detainee was interviewed upon his in-take and did not report abuse at that time. Subsequently he was interviewed and asked "When you were detained in Mosul airport did you get beaten on the face or beaten with feet or any other kind of beaten?" to which he answered "No".

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Second report of the incident that was recorded in ACLU-RDI 604. Detainees threw urine/water/toilet paper at each other. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items.

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CID Report describes the charges of aggravated assault, cruelty and maltreatment, and conspiracy being investigated. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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Investigation of photographs taken of a hooded and flexcuffed detainee in a stress position with a U.S. soldier simulating sodomy on him with a broomstick. Investigation shows that the detainees were not put into the stress positions for reasons of the photograph, but were already in these positions for interrogation purposes when the photo was taken. The investigator also finds that the soldiers did not do any physical harm to the detainee, though this does not absolve them of guilt.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Hatem Krarem Lateef, a detainee at the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH) at Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Lateef was engaged in a battle with Coalition Forces (CF) on June 30th, wherein he suffered blast injuries. He was able to evade capture at the time, but was turned in by his friends. He was then brought to the CSH for treatment of his injuries. Mr. Lateef underwent treatment for his injuries at the CSH, but never recovered & succumb to his injuries, and died on August 23, 2007. Cause of Death: Complications from Blast & Blast Fragments; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justified).

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This report known as the "Taguba Report" covers the alleged abuse of prisoners by members of the 800th Military Police Brigade at the Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad. It was ordered by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, commander of Joint Task Force 7, the senior U.S. military official in Iraq, following persistent allegations of human rights abuses at the prison.

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On 24 Dec 2003 American forces raided a house in the Slaikh Alrabee neighborhood of Baghdad. The men inside were taken in to custody with blindfolds and cuffed behind their backs. The men allege that during their arrest they were abused by being kicked, punched and dragged. All the men were taken from the house to. Radwaniya Palace. After they arrived at the Palace they were thrown to the ground and their hands were untied and replaced with handcuffs, which were put on very tight. The detainees were processed, initially screened, and interrogated. The men claim they were threatened, and had dogs biting at their clothing on numerous occasions while at the palace. The detainees remained at the TSF for approximately two days before being transferred to the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib. Available medical records pertaining to the detainees were reviewed and there were no injuries noted on the medical records consistent with their allegations of abuse. The capturing unit personnel confirm there was approximately $72,900. USD and 32 million Iraqi Dinar confiscated from the home. There was no probable cause to believe the offenses of aggravated assault and cruelty and maltreatment occurred as alleged; therefore, they are unfounded. There was probable cause to believe that a sergeant on the raid did steal the money.

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Translator tells of incident during interrogation states that when they stepped away from the interview booth Special Forces members entered the booth; all crouched around the prisoner; blew cigarette smoke in his face; and threatened him. The prisoner was extremely upset. The translator stated that after this incident new procedures were put in place to prevent detainee abuse by un-accounted for personnel.

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Agent's Investigation Report about detainee abuse in Abu Ghraib. A sworn statement by an Army Specialist who witnessed an Army Captain punch and kick a detainee at the Abu Ghraib detention facility after the detainee had shot an Military Policeman (MP).

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) Memo discussing the death of Detainee Monder Mahmoud Abdulkader Al Lohaybi, a 62-year-old Iraqi detainee, who was serving an 18 month prison term at Camp Remembrance, Iraq. Mr. Al Lohaybi was discovered experiencing difficulty breathing and was taken to the hospital where he subsequently died. Cause of Death: Cardiopulmonary Arrest; Manner of Death: Natural

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CID information memo for file concerning an investigation in to detainee abuse. The investigation revealed Military Police (MP) and Military Intelligence personnel were notified by Detainee that a detainee within the isolation area possessed a pistol. Detainee to stated the detainee planned to use a pistol to kill the MP's in an attempt to escape the prison. The MP's were able to subdue the detainee after a brief altercation. The incident was investigated: see CID Report 0260-03-CID259-61229.

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CID investigation of the death of a detainee in custody at Camp Cropper. On January 31, 2004 a detainee at Camp Cropper died of a brain hemorrhage from an unknown origin. The death was not considered homicide.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Report of Investigative Action: Acquisition of Titan Corp Documents Regarding Linguist, (July 24, 2005), detailing the efforts to locate a linguist who was with the Marines at Hiditha Dam. The linguist was subsequently injured in combat and is unavailable to offer a Statement due to his recovery. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a Special Incident Report by the 320th Military Police Battalion of the escape of a male detainee from Abu Ghraib, Northeast area of BCF.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Open, Sept. 24, 2006) which details the progress of obtaining evidence from the death scene, attempts to interview the IP involved, a synopsis of interviews with Mr. Ahmed's cellmates the night of his death and progress on the autopsy report. The investigating agent reports that they attended the autopsy, and will forward all documents and photos to NCIS Al Asad, once the report is complete.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Faisel Kurdi Serhan, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by soldiers of Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 172th Infantry Regiment, US Nat. Guard stationed at Camp Ramadi, Iraq. Mr. Serhan was stopped in a vehicle with two (2) other men after being observed placing Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) on the roadside in Ar Ramadi. According to the soldiers, an AK-47 and IED bomb making material & detonators were found in the vehicle. As the soldiers began to search the men, Mr. Serhan would not submit to a pat-down, made an attempt to take a soldier's rifle, and then ran off. The soldier's believed Mr. Serhan was in possession of either a weapon or a detonator for the IEDs in the vehicle, so they shot at him, killing him. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Closed, Oct. 12, 2005), and Investigative Action (Oct. 12, 2005). The Report concludes that the soldiers acted within the Rules of Engagement, and no charges were being preferred against them. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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CID report of investigation into a non-fatal shooting inside Camp Bucca, Iraq during a prison riot on September 22, 2003. The investigation determined that the use of live ammunition and the subsequent non-deadly shooting of one of the detainees was a “Justifiable Shooting” and occurred only after the guards properly employed non-lethal means of controlling the riotous prisoners. According to the report, the detainees were concealing their faces with towels and rags, and began “throwing rocks, wooden tent stakes, tin cans and water bottles filled with sand at the Compound guards while sporadically charging the fence”. The guards, fearing the fence would be penetrated, employed live rounds against the rioting detainees after receiving authorization from the Commander of the Relief to do so. One detainee was shot.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier states he saw the Captain kicking a detainee and threatening the detainee with a gun while yelling at him. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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A CID Investigation was initiated based on the claims by a Sergeant that he witnessed several counter-intelligence (CI) agents abuse Iraqi detainees during interrogations while he was stationed in Samarra, Iraq. The Sergeant stated he saw CI agents “strike, pull the hair, and force into asphyxiation numerous Iraqi detainees.” He also stated that “some of the CI agents would point a loaded weapon at the detainees’ heads and tell them they would kill them if they did not talk”. In a sworn statement the Sergeant says that he also observed “staged executions”. The Sergeant stated that he went to his Company’s Captain and reported the brutality. The Captain then appointed an officer to head the AR 15-6 investigation, which led to the CID investigation. The investigation consisted of interviewing the CI agents accused of abuse, a review of medical and other records pertinent to the interrogations, as well as interviewing and obtaining sworn statements from non-CI personnel who observed the interrogation sessions as they were conducted. No one, other than the reporting Sergeant, stated that any detainees were abused during these interrogation sessions. The investigation concluded the claims of detainee abuse were unfounded and closed the matter as such.

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CID Report of investigation into detainee's allegation that, as 2 U.S. soldiers and an interpreter entered and searched his home, a third U.S. soldier walked in and struck him in the mouth with the butt of his rifle. Medical record states "struck during arrest, broken tooth and cut lip." Report refers to stitches being needed in detainee's lip. Investigation concludes there is "insufficient evidence to prove or disprove allegations."

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Report of investigation into the abuse and mock execution of Iraqi civilians by a U.S. soldier on two separate occasions. Investigation established that the soldier committed the offenses of assault, conspiracy, release of a detainee without proper authorization, willful dereliction of duty, and cruelty and maltreatment.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Mohamed-Ali Ganiur, a detainee at Camp Anaconda, Balad, Iraq. Mr. Ganiur was a detainee at the Talifar RIF when he fell ill with an inner ear infection. He was brought to the Balad Air Force Theater Hospital for treatment. He suffered from an intracranial abscess. The autopsy concluded it was the abscess that took Mr. Ganiur's life. Cause of Death: Brain Abscess/Meningitis; Manner of Death: Natural.

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An Iraqi national, 56-year-old male, died while in custody at FOB Ironhorse on August 13, 2003 due to cardiopulmonary arrest; no autopsy was performed; no foul play or abuse suspected. Detainee had been ill and received medical attention. The detainee complained throughout the day of physical aliment and after resting the detainee became unresponsive without spontaneous respirations or a pulse. CPR was initiated; IV access was obtained; and the detainee was intubated. Cardiac monitoring revealed ventricular tachycardia without a pulse. The detainee was pronounced dead. Medical care was appropriate and met all standards for medical care given in the field.

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A detainee assaulted and spit at another detainee while they were in the shower and recreation yard. Actions taken in response were segregation and loss of comfort items (CI).

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This CID investigation reviewed allegations of multiple occurrences of detainee abuse committed by a single soldier while stationed in Afghanistan. The investigation found that the soldier was investigated at the Command level and an AR 15-6 was initiated prior to CID involvement. The Command concluded it's investigation and concluded that the soldier did in fact abuse detainees by kicking, punching and choking them while they were under his care and control. The Command took disciplinary action and CID concluded that "no additional investigation was warranted, nor would any additional action be taken" against the soldier. The matter was then closed. The report does not detail the incidents of abuse.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report provides an assessment of the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 4 of 9]

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A CID Report with several Commander's reports relating to the investigation and punishment of soldiers involved in the drowning death of an Iraqi civilian, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil, in Samarra, Iraq on January 3, 2004. Mr. Fadhil drowned after being thrown off a bridge into the Tigris River by solders of the 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. A First Lieutenant gave orders to his subordinates to have Mr. Fadhil and another victim forced into a river around the Samarra area of Iraq; Mr. Fadhil could not swim and drowned. The Investigation found a cover-up by the command that included the Lieutenant Colonel in command of the Battalion. The soldiers being disciplined here were involved in the incident. The report lists the crimes and individual punishments meted out. The charges include: involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and making an False Official Statement.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of Muhammed Numan Nahar, a 71 year old Iraqi national who died at Camp Al Qaim on October 2, 2004. Mr. Nahar was captured near the Syrian Boarder and taken to Camp Al Qaim for detention and interrogation. While in detention, Mr. Nahar complained of stomach pains and weakness. During the overnight from October 1-2, 2004 Mr. Nahar was in his cell, (Cell "N"), complaining of stomach pains and vomiting. A doctor and corpsman were called to render aid. After an exam, Mr. Nahar was left for the night. Mr. Nahar was observed in distress and requesting water in the early morning hours of October 2nd. At 12:50 pm Mr. Nahar was found dead in his cell. Cause of Death: Acute Peritonitis due to perforating Gastric Ulcer; Manner of Death: Natural. This file contains an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Samarra Bridge incident. The soldier was found guilty of abusing two (2) detainees by pushing them in to the Samarra River on January 3, 2004. One (1) detainee died from drowning.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, August 15, 2005); 2) Report of Investigation (Action, Aug. 25, 2005); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, July 27, 2005); and 4) Investigative Action (June 30, 2005). Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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CID Report of investigation regarding alleged misconduct by six U.S. soldiers in Baghdad, Iraq between April 22 and May 18, 2003. Investigation “established cause to believe [two soldiers committed an unlawful weapons transfer to an Iraqi civilian” when they provided or traded seized weapons to [redacted], a suspected member of the Fedaheen, allowed [redacted] unescorted access to their platoon’s secure area, consumed and/or accepted alcoholic beverages from Iraqi citizens, [and] stole money and weapons from Iraqi citizens.” Two officers “committed the offense of Willful Discharge of a Weapon when they fired an undetermined number of seized weapons.” Disciplinary action ranged from less than dishonorable discharge to 16 months confinement.

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A detainee alleges that when he was captured he was taken to a palace in Ramadi where he was kicked and electrocuted. The detainee was medically checked during this period and no signs of injury or abuse were indicated.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains an email containing two (2) reports: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, Oct. 2, 2006); and 2) Report of Investigation (Action, Oct. 25, 2006). The investigating agent states that this matter is of "Special Interest" to NCISHQ. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statement of a Medic testifies that treated a Captain's hand injury that appears to have been caused by punching someone or something. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Investigation into allegations by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) of abuse of a detainee during arrest, internment and interrogation. Agent's Investigative Report notes the allegation that "unknown 61 year old person was tied, hooded and forced to sit on a hot surface, which caused severe burns to his buttocks." The ICRC did not disclose the name of the detainee and the investigation could not determine if the allegations were committed.

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Documents related to an investigation into the death of a detainee in custody at Abu Ghraib prison. The detainee had been on a hunger strike for eight days prior to his death. The report concluded that the death was due to natural causes.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Change, May 8, 2009); 2) Report of Investigation (Closed, Aug. 2, 2008); 3) Report of Investigation (Action, July 31, 2008); 4) Report of Investigation (Action, July 24, 2008); 5) Report of Investigation (Action, June 6, 2008); 6) Report of Investigation (Action, June 4, 2008); 7) Report of Investigation (Action, May 29, 2008); 8) Report of Investigation (Interim, May 29, 2008); and 9) Death Certificate. It is stated that Mr. Jabar was on a self imposed starvation regime, and that this is what led to his death. Cause of Death: Severe Metabolic Derangement, due to Acute Adrenocortical Insufficiency; Manner of Death: Natural. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Unknown interview with the 229th Military Police Company stated his/her sworn statement that they were not aware of any abuse or humiliation of detainees. Did mention reporting something, but did not elaborate. Also mentioned rumors of OGA getting out of control while interrogating detainees, but did not observe this behavior.

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Two detainees fought in the recreation yard. Neither detainee was seriously injured by the fight. Following the fight, the detainees were put in orange uniforms and restrained with three-piece suits. Both underwent mental monitoring due to psychological issues. The incident is automatic grounds for immediate disciplinary removal from [redacted]. Actions take in response were complete loss of comfort items and complete segregation.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a report of Investigative Action: Results Interview, (Feb. 9, 2007). The soldier's statement is that he heard that a detainee was in distress and responded to the scene and witnessed CPR in progress. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the captain kicking a detainee and threatening him with a loaded weapon while yelling at him. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is a sworn Statement by an Army Sergeant assigned to the the Internal Reaction Force at Camp Ganci, Camp Vigilance, and Abu Ghraib Prison Detention Facility. This sworn statement concerns an incident on August 23, 2003, when, after a mortar attack this Sergeant took two (2) Iraqis in to custody and shortly afterwards Military Intelligence (MI) personnel arrived and began to beat and abuse one of the detainees suspected in the mortar attack. The soldier states that the MI personnel "hit a male in the back of the head, causing him to fall forwards. Another MI personnel put an arm lock round the suspect's neck and pulled him up from the ground while the first MI soldier struck the suspect in the stomach". Also states that during a search he witnessed a Captain "dragging an inmate by a choking hold...throwing him against a wall...and kicking the inmate". He was also told to "let a dog scare the inmate for information".

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Investigation of two incidents; in the first, which took place on November 1, 2003 between a car and US forces, rocket propelled grenades were fired at US forces. In the second, which took place on November 2, 2003, a service member died after his High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) drove over an explosive device. Includes two Agent's Investigative Reports, three sworn statements (one labeled "Iraqi Civilian"), and a page stating "Photo Denied in Full." The first Agent's Investigative Report states that "[redacted] was unable to determine" whether the two incidents were related.

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A CID investigation into the death of Akram Hanoush Yakou, and Iraqi national who died while in custody following his arrest after a raid at the Karabilah Gas Station, Iraq on December 13, 2003. Mr. Yahou was captured along with another man. Mr. Yakou suffered an apparent heart attack. Autopsy report indicates "blood in the heart" and no external injuries sufficient to cause death. There is no abuse evident, alleged, suspected. The investigation closed assessing the circumstances of Mr. Yakou's death as: Cause of Death: Heart Attack; Manner of Death: Natural. Attempts to locate and interview Mr. Yakou's spouse and other witnesses could not occur because of the dangerous circumstances in the area.

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Documents related to an AR 15-6 investigation into an escape of detainees from Camp Bucca on Jan 12, 2004. The report recommended the following: SOG Makes decision based on visibility to implement Fog Plan; Rovers enter Compound and move detainees into feeding pen; Feeding pen becomes new compound wire"; and move all the detainees into the front holding cell of compounds.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, and ended the interrogation, stopping the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Ahmed, There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains a Report of Investigative Action (Sept. 27, 2006) which contains an interview with the US Marine Sergeant of the Guard at the intake point when Mr. Ahmed was brought in. He states he was informed that a detainee was being beaten by an Iraqi Policeman (IP). He states he saw an IP with a collapsible baton threatening to hit the detainee. He ordered the IP to stop the abuse and to take the detainee to his cell, which was done. There were signs of blood & injury on Mr. Ahmed, so a corpsman was called to provide medical treatment. The Marine did not see any direct hitting or injuries, but was told it occurred, and did observe the metal baton the IP was using was bent. He was later informed that Mr. Ahmed collapsed. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Email with an executive summary of CID investigation into a Lieutenant Colonel's admission of issuing a death threat and firing his pistol next to the head of a detainee (an uncooperative Iraqi police officer suspected of being part of a plot to assassinate U.S. troops, including the Lt. Col) during an interrogation.

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Investigations into numerous alleged abuses at Abu Ghraib Prison and Al-Ademeya Palace based on reports from CACI and Titan translation employees. Alleged abuses include the physical beatings and humiliation of various detainees, forced exercise in a heated room, burning with cigarettes, electrocution, and sexual and religious humiliation. One translator interviewed an Iraqi female who stated that she had been stripped, beaten, doused with water, sexually humiliated, and denied medical care at Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq. The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate at Camp Victory found probable cause to believe that the alleged offenses did not occur.

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Investigation into accusations that U.S. soldiers stole more than $40,000 from an Iraqi citizen. Investigation did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove allegations. Investigation terminated.

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Female detainee alleged she was abused while in US custody. The investigation stated that there was insufficient evidence to prove the offenses of aggravated assault and cruelty and maltreatment. Detainee alleges she was forced to stand against a wall for long periods of time, placed in a dark room with loud noises of people crying and screaming from a stereo being played; stripped her down to her bra and underwear and brought her out so the men would laugh at her; and her nephew was also stripped and made her and her nephew look at each other.

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Investigation into charges against 7 soldiers for abusing an unknown Iraqi detainee, shooting at seized vehicles, and/or maintaining possession of weapons seized in Baghdad. A specialist testified that an Iraqi man was handed over to U.S. forces at a traffic checkpoint after he had threatened other Iraqis with an explosive. After the detainee allegedly made verbal threats against the troops, the specialist punched him multiple times in the face to "make him shut-up." The investigation also found that a private first class struck the detainee repeatedly in the face in response to blood being spat in his direction. The detainee suffered a broken jaw. While the detainee denied that he threatened Iraqi civilians or U.S. troops, he also denied that he was abused by U.S. troops, blaming his injuries on other detainees. During questioning, the detainee repeatedly asked about the safety of his children. On the same day as the abuse, U.S. soldiers seized a number of weapons from two groups of Iraqis that they thoughts were "up to no good." The troops destroyed their vehicles as to prevent their further use and kept the weapons. Even after being instructed to turn in the seized weapons, the soldiers maintained possession of one AK-47 and a number of pistols. The investigation resulted in 4 guilty charges, 2 dismissals, and 1 nonjudicial punishment of a reduction in rank, extension of duty, and restrictions. The charges included failure to obey general order, failure to obey direct order, failure to turn in captured property, failure to turn in seized property by order of the commander, larceny, and assault (battery).

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Detainee alleged that while at Abu Ghraib prison several soldiers slapped; punched; choked; struck his head, shoulders, and arms with a retractable metal baton; jumped on him; forced him to lean against a wall in a seated position; forced him to sit on a retractable baton until it entered his rectum; punched him until he lost consciousness; forced him to perform push-ups; and threatened to rape him. The report found that the detainee was held and interrogated, but that this interrogation was well documented and witnessed. None of the witnesses substanciated the detainee's account. In addition, the medical records of the detainee do not show the injuries he states he was subject to. The report concluded that there was insufficient evident to prove charges.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Hyder Abdul Hussein, a detainee at Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, on March 15, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Hussein was admitted to the Camp Hospital on March 11th because he was not feeling well. Mr. Hussein had a history of heart failure and was diagnosed as having an enlarged heart. Mr. Hussein experienced two heart attacks in four days at the hospital, and on March 15th he suffered his final cardiac arrest. Mr. Hussein died in the TIF Hospital following life saving measures. Cause of Death: Dilated Cardiomyopathy; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Detainee alleges he was held at detention facility called "Tarak Base", located near Fallujah for six (6) days until he was transferred to “The Farm”. During the alleged interrogation at “The Farm” a male interrogator grabbed him by his hair, pulled him to the floor and pulled his head back so far he could not breathe. The detainee then stated the male released him and the integration ended stated no abuse occurred after this incident. There was no evidence of injury or any indications of abuse after a medical examination.

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Report of investigation into the cause of death of Abbas Alwan Fadil, a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. The autopsy and investigative report determined that the death was due to natural causes.

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Summary of findings of inquiry into the death of a detainee on January 9, 2004, at Al Asad Air Base. Detainee, probably named Asad, was captured on January 4, 2004 and held at a Temporary Tactical Holding Facility (TTHF) at Al Asad Air Base. On January 6, he was "place in a concertina wire isolation cage ... as punishment for repeatedly talking." During an interrogation on January 6, detainee "unexpectedly lunged at [redacted]" and "fought hard for one or two minutes" before being subdued and handcuffed. He provided information regarding the location of an IED, and accompanied military personnel when they went to neutralize the IED and locate a weapons cache, and on the return trip "made an effort to escape by opening the truck door." After further interrogations on January 8, he "had repeatedly stood up and tried talking with the guards," who did not speak any Arabic, and had been "punished by the guards for not standing or sitting fast enough with the other detainees." He had been hog-tied "with his arms over his shoulders, his hands tied to at least one foot, and his face to the floor" for at least half an hour. Later that night, he attempted to escape "by stepping over the concertina wire" and was see "moving fast toward the TTHF exit," but was tackled by a a guard and had his legs shackled together. On the morning of January 9, after three attempts to get the detainee to stand up, a guard used flex-cuffs to tie his hands to the top of the metal door frame leading to his cage, exposing bruises on his sides. Detainee "had begun to speak incessantly," whereupon "[redacted]... had attempted to gag him," which required the assistance of another guard to force the detainee's mouth open. "After approximately five to fifteen minutes," detainee "was seen slumped down, hanging by his hands." An ambulance was called but "CPR was unnecessary due to the condition of the body." "Doctor [redacted] arrived at approximately 0900 to pronounce Asad dead." Section on "inconsistencies" is completely redacted. Section on "other relevant facts" notes that the detainee "had not asked for medical attention at any time when he could have been understood," and did not seem to exhibit "any physical disabilities or injuries ... until minutes before" his death. Summary of findings states that he died "due to injuries sustained during an escape attempt" and "the placement of a gag in his mouth by guards." Document includes memo dated January 14, 2004, appointing [redacted] Investigation Officer. Final 3 pages of document are a Memorandum for Record regarding an Informal Commander's Inquiry into allegations that SPC [redacted] assaulted a detainee at Ar Ramadi on October 30, 2003. Memo is labeled "Formica Report – Annex 122" but seems to refer to the same incident discussed in ACLU-RDI 2612 ("Formica Report – Annex 123"). Most likely a labeling error.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Lo'y Lafta Hashim, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq on December 14, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Hashim was experiencing a medical emergency on Compound 1D at the TIF. Medical personnel responded and found Mr. Hashim unconscious, breathless and without a pulse. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Hashim was transported to the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) at the TIF, but died from his condition. Cause of Death: Atrioventricular Nodal Artery Dysplasia; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is an Agent's Investigative Report made in connection to CID Report: 0841-04-CID259-80230. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ahmad Awwad Ibrahim, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on January 14, 2009. It is reported that around 1:00 am on the morning of January 14th, Mr. Ibrahim was witnessed by another detainee of dying in his bunk in Tent 3-3, Compound 7. The Report states that the detainee who witnessed this called for medical assistance, which responded and initiated CPR, and other life saving measures. Mr. Ibrahim was transported to the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), where he arrived unconscious, breathless and without a pulse. He was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Lymphocytic Myocarditis; Manner of Death: Natural.

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A CID investigation into the death of Ali Ali Muhammed. The report states that the detainee died of "a gunshot wound to the abdomen during an altercation with US coalition forces." Because the death was "combat related," the report lists it as a "justifiable homicide."

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TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, and ended the interrogation, stopping the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains Report of Investigation Action (September 29, 2006), which contains a sketch and twelve (12) photos of Camp Echo FOB interrogation facilities where Mr. Ahmed was held, interrogated and died. This file also contains a Report of Investigation Action (September 29, 2006), which is an interview and Statement with an Iraqi Police Officer who was involved with interrogating Mr. Ahmed. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Iraqi detainee, Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. It is reported that while being transported in a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of one of the guards, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. Mr. Alwani was pronounced dead at the scene. There did not appear to be any violations of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). This file contains the Sworn Statement of the soldier who shot Mr. Alwani. This soldier states that he was assigned to guard Mr. Alwani during the transportation to Camp Fallujah. He states that Mr. Alawani was attempting to move around during the trip and was told to "sit down" and "stop moving" several times. The soldier states that approximately 30 minutes in to the trip Mr. Alwani made an attempt to take the soldier's M-4 rifle. There was a struggle for the weapon and Mr. Alwani was able to cause a discharge of a round from the rifle. The soldier stated he was in fear of his life, so he pulled his side arm and shot Mr. Alwani three times, killing him. The report also contains a list of the evidence gathered from the vehicle. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Detainees threw water and feces at each other for over an hour. Actions taken in response were 10 days of complete segregation and 10 days of complete loss of comfort items.

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TThis is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a report of Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 13, 2007); and Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 11, 2007). The soldier's statement is that he heard that a detainee was in distress and responded to the scene and witnessed CPR in progress. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Report of investigation into an undetermined death of Abdureda Lafta Abdul Kareem, also known as Abu Malik Kenami, a detainee held in a military police battalion in Mosul, Iraq. According to the investigation, Abdul Kareem was found unresponsive in his cell. He had no known medical history and had not requested medical assistance prior to his death. The investigation could not determine a cause of death because an autopsy was not performed.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 5, 2007), which is an interview with a soldier who was interrogating Mr. Abdal, and witnessed his collapsed; 2) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 5, 2007), which is an interview with the interpreter in the interrogation booth with Mr. Abdal, and witnessed his collapsed, and was the person to retrieve medical attention; 3) Investigative Action: Results of Death Scene Examination, (Feb. 24, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of Muhammed Numan Nahar, a 71 year old Iraqi national who died at Camp Al Qaim on October 2, 2004. Mr. Nahar was captured near the Syrian Boarder and taken to Camp Al Qaim for detention and interrogation. While in detention, Mr. Nahar complained of stomach pains and weakness. During the overnight from October 1-2, 2004 Mr. Nahar was in his cell, (Cell "N"), complaining of stomach pains and vomiting. A doctor and corpsman were called to render aid. After an exam, Mr. Nahar was left for the night. Mr. Nahar was observed in distress and requesting water in the early morning hours of October 2nd. At 12:50 pm Mr. Nahar was found dead in his cell. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Results of Death Scene Examination, (Oct. 5, 2004); 2) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Oct. 5, 2004); 3) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Oct. 5, 2004); and 4) Investigative Action: Receipt of Documentation, (Dec. 24, 2004). File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet. This file includes a sketch and seven (7) photos of the death scene; Sworn Statements of the Marines on duty and who interacted with Mr. Nahar, and eventually found Mr. Nahar deceased; statements from Mr. Nahar's sons; and the Death Certificate and Final Autopsy Report. Cause of Death: Acute Peritonitis due to perforating Gastric Ulcer; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Fadil Jadua Hamid, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on October 19, 2006. Mr. Hamid was reportedly sleeping when he was noticed by other detainees to be in distress by choking and gurgling. Medical attention responded and found Mr. Hamid to be breathless and without a pulse. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Hamid. He was transported to the Camp hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrhythmia 2nd to Concentric Ventricular Hypertrophy; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Khalifah Hamadi Atiah, a detainee who died as a patient at the 21st Combat Army Support Hospital (CASH), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq, on December 2, 2006. Mr. Atiah was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Remembrance II, at Camp Cropper, where he suffered a heart attack on November 26th. He was then transferred to the CASH on, where he was treated for Atherosclerosis & Cardiovascular Disease. Mr. Atiah suffered another heart attack on December 2nd while in the CASH. CPR was initiated, but was not successful in reviving Mr. Ataih. The autopsy concluded it was this disease that took Mr. Atiah's life. Death: Heart Attack 2nd Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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Criminal Investigation Command (CID) report into allegations of assault, cruelty and maltreatment of a detainee by guards at Abu Ghraib. Among the detainee's allegations, he stated that a US Army Sergeant hung him by his arms from the bars of a metal door with his feet off of the floor for two hours. The detainee also recounted abuse he suffered at the hands of the Iraqi police prior to being transferred to Abu Ghraib. The investigation concluded that the offenses did not occur as alleged based on lack of medical documentation, inability to determine if a scar was the result of a cigarette burn and based on a statement by a soldier that the victim was "like a hypochondriac." However, an assessment of the investigation stated there was no evidence to justify the finding that the allegations were unfounded, it was recommended that the investigation be re-opened.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Esmail Hamadi Hamadi Al Mashdani. Mr. Mashdani was a detainee at Baghdad Central Concentration facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. While incarcerated Mr. Mashdani became ill, and died as a result of complications his medical problem. Mr. Mashdan was hospitalized after complaining of stomach pain and vomiting. He died succumbing to his illness. Cause of Death: Acute Gangrenous Cholecystisis (Inflammation of the Gallbladder); Manner of Death: Natural.

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Interview of detainee at Bagram Airbase, Afghanistan. Detainee stated that he is a salesman of clocks and belts who regularly travels around Afghanistan and Pakistan; he has no association with the Taliban or Al Qaeda; and is innocent of any charges that he is a terrorist. He states that while in Kabul, he was interrogated for 6 - 7 days and was beaten and shocked during interrogations. An interrogator told him that if he confessed, he would be released at the Pakistani border. He confessed and was brought back to Bagram Collection Point.

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An investigation into a detainee's complaint that $6,200 had been taken from him at a military checkpoint in Baghdad, Iraq.  The report states that investigators were unable to interview, resulting in an incomplete investigation.

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One detainee hit another detainee with a closed fist. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Naffa Ibrahim Mahmoud, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Remembrance II at Camp Cropper. It is reported that on May 26, 2007 Mr. Mahmoud suffered a witnessed medical emergency when he was seen collapsing, becoming unconscious and having no vital signs. Medics responded, and preformed life saving measures, but failed to revive him. Mr. Mahmoud was taken to the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Cropper, where he was pronounced dead. Cause Death: Hypertensive Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Muthor Nassar Sardah. Mr. Sardah was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Iraq when he became ill. Mr. Sardah was under the care of camp physicians for Atherosclerotic Coronary Vascular Disease and Lung Cancer. Mr. Sardah died as a result of complications these medical problems. Mr. Sardah was hospitalized prior to succumbing to his illness. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Coronary Vascular Disease and Lung Cancer; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This Military Police Investigative Report is based on the death of a detainee while in custody during “Operation Stronghold”. The allegations concern the shooting death of Mohammed Sayari by a Special Forces team. The investigation revealed there is probable cause to find that Mr. Sayari was lured in to an ambush where he was murdered. The investigation further found that several other soldiers were involved in Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy after the Fact and Dereliction of Duty in connection with the cover-up of the incident. There also appear to have been certain incriminating photographs of Sayari's body but were destroyed in the cover-up of the incident.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains seven (7) Reports of Investigation (March 21, 2007) with results of interviews, and a Report of Investigation: Results of Death Scene Examination (March 25, 2007), which includes eight (8) photos of the location where Mr. Mohammed died and was subsequently found by the Marine 3/4 Kilo Co. Patrol. The interviews are with Marines of 3/4 Kilo Co. who were on duty in another section of Tawara, Iraq when the raid took place. Several of the Marines witnessed the raid. The Marines state that they were ordered back out to Tawara village to find & recover the body approximately three (3) hours after the raid ended and Mr. Mohammed was left on the LZ. There are also hand drawn sketches of the death scene.

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A CID investigation into the death of Muhayman Jalal Mustafi, who was attacked by 15 other unnamed detainees. Mr. Mustafi died from "multiple blunt force injuries to head, torso, and extremities, which caused contusions and hemorrhage of the brain." The investigation found the 15 detainees to have "committed the offense of murder when they beat Mr. Mustafi to death with their hands, feet, and a metal rod." No action was taken against any of the detainees responsible; the reason for this was listed as "Declined Without Explanation." Of the 15 detainees, eight were juveniles.

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Iraqi civilian reported that an NCO from the 1/325th Infantry Battalion stole $2,650 from the trunk of his car after stopping him at a checkpoint on June 4, 2003. The soldier denied the allegation. The investigation did not develop any witnesses to the theft of the funds.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Monder Mahmoud Abdulkaderal Lohaybi, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), who died on March 30, 2006. On the morning of March 30th, Mr. Lohaybi was found unconsciousness and brought to the camp hospital via medics. Mr. Lohaybi arrived at the hospital unconscious, breathless & without a pulse. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Lohaybi was pronounced dead at the hospital. Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Detainee alleged being kicked and punched, shocked with a Taser, and threatened at knifepoint at Kheriolla House. Detainee said his face was covered with plaster until he almost suffocated. Medic examined detainee to determine if he was fit to undergo interrogation. Medical exam showed scar consistent with knife wound and scars consistent with electric shock injuries. All counts of aggravated assault, maltreatment and cruelty are unfounded. Claims were unsubstantiated due to a lack of evidence.

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Statement of an interrogator who noticed cuts and bruises on detainee during an interview. The detainee stated that while he was in a holding pen in Afghanistan he was told to stand with other detainees, but sat due to weak legs. The detainee stated it was then that he was beaten about the body by several guards. The detainee was not able to identify the guards or specific date of the abuse.

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A detainee in the left recreation yard began arguing with a detainee int the right yard. One of the detainees spit on the other. Action taken in response was complete loss of comfort items. The report records that the decision about complete segregation for the detainee was pending.

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This is a CID investigation into an allegation of an unlawful death of an unidentified Afghani prisoner. The investigation was initiated when a Captain reported that a suspected Taliban detainee was executed during questioning after being captured. The investigation determined that these allegations were unfounded because all of the personnel present during the death stated the prisoner in question died of wounds sustained from Close Air Support during the Troops in Contact after being treated by United States Forces medical personnel.

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NCIS Report of investigation commenced on March 31, 2003 after receipt of report that Mr. El Gashame, an Iraqi detainee, had been shot and killed on March 29, 2003. Mr. El Gashame was “a suspected Fedayeen member” (based on a tattoo on his arm, and the fact that his clothing did not match that of a farmer, which Mr. El Gashame claimed to be) who had been captured on March 28 and was being detained within the 2ndRCT Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Collection Point near Nasiriyah, Iraq. One officer reported that Mr. El Gashame “had allegedly attempted to attack [redacted,] an EPW guard.” Investigation concludes that killing was an act of self-defense.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay was conducted by the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC), DoD Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF). The detainee is a UK citizen who attended Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and met Usama bin Laden on several occasions. The detainee also admitted being at certain locations on certain dates that placed him in the middle of critical events.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI). The detainee being interviewed states that he feels the guards at Guantanamo were disrespectful and disruptive during prayer time, and there was a lack of adequate medical care. He also stated that he “would be the first one to sign up for a jihad against Israel” and that “he only solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was through "the blood shed of the Jews."

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Criminal Investigative Command referral to FBI re: Identification form for military detainee - Iraq. Mostly redacted.

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A detainee claims that he was in a vehicle with other Iraqi men who possessed AK-47s. The men attempted to avoid a road-side checkpoint and were stopped by US gunfire. While the men were detained at the roadside, several Iraqi civilians began to attack and accuse the men of rape and murder of an Iraqi woman. The US soldiers stopped this attack and questioned the men with the aid of an interpreter. The men denied the accusation. The men were then transported to an unknown location where they were they claim they subjected to disco-type music, and was told "The big Satan will beat you". The detainee and the other men were then transported (without incident) to Abu Ghraib prison where they again claim to have been abused. The investigation showed them men were under constant control during this time and there are no corroborating witnesses or medical evidence to substantiate their claims. The investigation determined the claims of abuse to be unfounded.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Moslum Dawood Humud, a detainee who died at the Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq on November 6, 2006. Mr. Humud was admitted to the CSH after being captured following a firefight with coalition forces on November 1, 2006. He suffered several gunshot wounds as a result of being taken in to custody, and was under treatment at the CSH, where died of his injuries. Cause of Death: Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justifiable).

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay was conducted by the Air Force office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed states he was upset at the treatment he was receiving while in detention and that the disrespectful treatment of the Koran.

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CID report of investigation into accusations against soldiers for housebreaking and larceny in Camp Anaconda, Balad, Iraq. All three soldiers received a reduction in rank, and pay was taken away.

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Executive Summary of NCIS Report of investigation regarding alleged assault of one or more Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW) by U.S. Navy employee in Iraq. Alleged abuse first reported in counseling session in early October 2003 at Naval Hospital Oak Harbor (NHOH) in Washington. Executive summary includes summaries of interviews with NHOH corpsmen re their knowledge of unnamed corpsman's mistreatment of EPWs during deployment in Iraq from mid-January to mid-September 2003. Unnamed corpsman allegedly "roughed up" detainees and pushed EPWs' face(s) into dirt to force compliance with orders. One corpsman interviewed stated that the unnamed corpsman admitted to hitting an EPW "with an empty, tan, plastic, five-gallon water container for not complying with orders." Investigation concludes that prosecution or discipline unwarranted; concluded without further action.

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Statement of a soldier to Defense Intelligence Agency Inspector General, at Arlington VA, on 06/10/2004 about alleged violations of the Geneva Conventions. Facts of the incident are redacted. Person stated that the "episode did not appear to be out of anger, it was more like a modus operandi". Heavily redacted. Any harsh treatment has to be approved by the task force commander or J-2, along with a medical surgeon, and Judge Advocate. Describes harsh treatment.

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Second report of incident reported in ACLU-RDI 596. Recorded action taken in response to incident is the issuance of a 508.

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Report of fight between two detainees in the recreation yard which included punching, beard-grabbing, and kicking. One detainee claimed that the other was interrupting his prayers and verbally assaulting him by talking about his family. Actions taken in response were segregation and loss of CI.

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An investigation into the death of Basim Mohammed Hussein (ISN 11672), a detainee who died on July 12, 2003 at Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq.  The cause of death was determined to be from internal bleeding in the lungs due to cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. The manner of death was determined to be natural.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Marwan Taha Ahmed, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper. It is reported that on the morning of November 26, 2007, Mr. Ahmed failed to report for the daily headcount of detainees, and was subsequently found dead in the detainee housing building from an apparent beating. Mr. Ahmed was unconscious, breathless & without a pulse. Medics were called & responded. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Ahmed. He was transported to the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Cropper, where he was pronounced dead. Another detainee was charged with Mr. Ahmed's Murder. Cause of Death: Multiple Blunt Force Trauma; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains a handwritten Sworn Statement from a soldier with 1st Platoon, 2nd Force, Recon, the unit that captured Mr. Abbass, placed him in the Highback and transported him to FOB Camp Korean Village. The soldier states, "I do not know why Abbas died, but I do know that none of us in my command did anything to him. He seemed fine when loading him into the vehicle and I did not hear or see him make any sound or movement while we were riding to Korean Village." Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Sohaib Mansoor Muhammed Salun. Mr. Salun was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF) , Camp Bucca, Iraq when he became ill, and died as a result of complications his medical problem. Mr. Salun was hospitalized after collapsing at the camp compound, and was found breathless & without a pulse. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Salun. He died succumbing to his illness. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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The document is an NCIS report of investigation, regarding a Request for Assistance (RFA) which tasked NCIS Guantanamo Bay to interview a British citizen detained at Guantanamo. The report includes information about the detainee interview as well as allegations that the detainee was abused by FBI personnel in Afghanistan. Additionally, the report includes a partially redacted transcript of the detainee interview.

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CID report of investigation and accompanying documents into the death of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. The cause of death was determined to be natural.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, and ended the interrogation, stopping the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains two (2) reports: 1) Investigative Action (Sept. 27, 2006), Identifying Documents of Mr. Ahmed; and 2) Investigative Action (Sept. 27, 2006), Detainee Health Record for Mr. Ahmed. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Investigation into abuse of detainee identified in Time magazine. Insufficient evidence.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report provides an assessment of the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 6 of 9]

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Army memo on the appointment of an investigating officer to conduct an AR 15-6 investigation in to the purported abuse of detainees at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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A CID investigation was initiated after an interrogator stated that he knew of abuse had occurred at the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP). The interrogator said that he was reporting this conduct because he felt the actions were inhumane even though every harsh interrogation was approved. However, the interrogator stated he did not have any first hand, direct or personnel knowledge of these accusations as being true, rather, he claims to have heard the allegation from an unnamed NCOIC. The abuse purportedly included sleep deprivation, tight hand-cuffs and a guard offering a prisoner a water bottle with urine in it instead of water. There are no specific dates or identifiable events in the allegations to document them as an incident to be confirmed. The CID investigation was closed because “the subject of this investigation is a member of TF 6-26 and the Special Agent in Charge, Security Operations Training Facility, has accepted investigative jurisdiction in this matter”.

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Appointment of investigating officer for allegations of detainee mistreatment during Operation Thunder Payback at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. The appointment letter incorrectly states the date of the operation and events as July 29, 2003. However, the statements from the soldiers who witnessed the events clearly shows the events wtook place late July 11 or the early morning of July 12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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An investigation into the February 28, 2004 shooting of Muhamad Husain Kadir, an Iraqi cow herder who was flex-cuffed, by PFC Edward L. Richmond (name disclosed in later-produced court-martial records).  The platoon stationed at Taal Al Jal got instructions to shoot anyone fleeing the village. A PFC "noticed an Iraqi male walking his cattle away from the village [and] asked if I should shoot the farmer because he was leaving the village. I was told by SGT not [to] shoot him."  The PFC then got instructions that all males in the area should be arrested. One squad member stated: "We began to see local Iraqi nationals walking around in the fields herding their cows and sheep. There was never a reason given to why these Iraqis are being detained."  A SGT and PFC entered the field and cuffed Iraqis. PFC Richmond fired one round at a cuffed detainee, later claiming that detainee lunged at the SGT: "SGT then stated to me 'place my weapon on his head and if he so much as moves shoot him,' which I did." In a later statement, the PFC stated that "[L]ooking back on it now, I don't think the Iraqi actually lunged. What happened is [SGT] turned him to walk away; however, because of the adrenaline, when [SGT] moved the Iraqi out of my sight picture, I just reacted by shooting him." SGT states that detainee had been flexi-cuffed and did not lunge. Squad-member interviewed about incident states that accused soldier "would always see any Iraqi and ask if he could shoot them." Investigation found probable cause to believe that the shooting was a murder and that PFC Richmond made a false statement.  PFC Richmond was later convicted by court martialed (ACLU-RDI 1751, see link at right) of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to, among others things, three years in prison.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Raad Hikmet Ahmed, a detainee who died at Camp Charlie field hospital, Al-Hillah, Iraq on March 22, 2006. On March 19th, Mr. Ahmed was brought to the camp by Iraqi Police Forces (IP), and left in the custody of coalition forces. He was suffering from injuries, and required medical care. He was admitted to the base hospital, and underwent treatment for his injuries. It is reported that he received his wounds while in the custody of the IP. The report states that Mr. Ahmed was subject to abuse & interrogation by the IPs, and that electric shock was used on him. On March 22nd, Mr. Ahmed was found collapsed on the floor of the hospital ward in which he was recovering in. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Ahmed was pronounced dead at the hospital. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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A CID report concerning a detainee's allegation that a U.S. soldier repeatedly punched him in the stomach and that Kurds kicked him in the legs during interrogation in custody at the Baghdad International Airport. The detainee also stated that his eyes were covered with blackout goggles but that the goggles were removed during interrogation and when he went to the bathroom. The file indicates that the detainee was under interrogation by a member of the Army's 5th Special Forces Group, 2nd Battallion, and was detained and interrogated in a facility at Radwaniya Palace Complex at the Baghdad Airport. The facility was operated by the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force - Arabian Peninsula. Investigation concluded that the detainee's allegation was unfounded because he provided a written statement that did not reflect the same details as originally reported and the personnel who attended the interrogation denied any abuse took place.

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AR 15-6 investigation regarding allegations of abuse by two detainees. Memos appointing the AR 15-6 investigating officer request that the officer find out whether detainees were taken from the facility, and if so, by whom. First detainee, who was detained on March 3, 2004, alleges that during an interrogation on March 4, 2004, he had "water poured into his mouth" and was "flex-cuffed and dragged" on his knees. Second detainee, who was March 8, 2004, alleges that he had his "feet and neck twisted," was "placed into a headlock," and had "a foot placed into his back during interrogation." Summary finds no evidence to substantiate allegations of abuse. First detainee was removed from detention facility by Navy Seals and returned the next day. Bruising on his knees was likely caused by long periods of kneeling. Second detainee was removed twice by Navy Seals for further questioning. Detainee had blisters on body, which were attributed to a pre-existing skin condition and were found not to be from being placed near a fire to be burned.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Statement from one of the Iraqi National Guardsmen on patrol with the Marines. This ING soldier states that once it was discovered that the passengers were using fake documents, one of the men admitted he was Syrian, and then attempted to flee. The ING soldier states that the man was ordered to "stop three times" , but the man would not stop, so the Marines opened fire, then the INGs shot as well, killing the man. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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The detainee was interviewed about his life prior to being captured and his goals once he is released. He also expressed an opinion on Jihad and the pillars of Islam, noting that “Jihad, is a duty to defend one's country, not a Pillar of Islam". He went on to say that "some Islamic countries have alleged the United States government to be aligned with Satan, but insisted that despite him not liking Americans, he does not believe Americans are working for the Devil". The detainee stated that he was abused when captured but refused to give details and stated that his treatment at Guantanamo has been better.

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This synopsis of events concerns the taking of prisoners from a house in Baqubah, Iraq, November 22, 2003 from where gunfire upon U.S./Coalition forces emanated. The report of events is by the investigating officer and details the actions of Alpha Company, 588th Engineer Battalion as they took the house, investigated the source of the gunfire and took prisoners in to custody. Part of the report addresses apparent video footage of the events and describes the footage in terms of the circumstances surrounding the action.

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Investigation into the death of Hamza Hassad Tawfeek Najm Byaty. Mr. Byaty had been detained at Baghdad International Airport and was being transported in a bus when he became short of breath, hypotensive, and tachycardic. An IV briefly improved his symptoms but he died shortly thereafter. The autopsy report from AFIP reflected Mr. Byatty's cause of death was Undetermined Atraumatic Cause and manner of death was Natural.

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TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, Oct. 3, 2005); 2) Report of Investigation (Action, Sept. 28, 2005); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, Sept, 22, 2005); 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, Sept, 22, 2005); 5) Report of Investigation (Action, Sept. 13, 2005); 6) Report of Investigation (Interim, Aug. 26, 2005); 7) Investigative Action (July 27, 2005); 8) and a Death Certificate. There an interview with an interpreter embedded with the Marines "at the time of the shooting". The interpreter states that while interrogating the men he informed the Marines of the possibility they were Syrians or Jordanians. While Mr. Bachir was brought to the side for separate questioning, he attempted to flee the scene on foot, in to the desert. He was ordered to "Stop" several times, he refused to stop and was shot by both US & Iraqi forces.

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Investigation established probable cause to believe that a soldier from C Co., 2/8th Inf. Bn., 4ID stole money from an Iraqi civilian at a checkpoint, and threatened the civilian with his rifle when he refused to leave without his money. The soldier gave a sworn statement confessing to taking the the money, but denying any intent to keep the money and denying threatening the civilian.

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Email with an executive summary of investigation into the death of an Iraqi enemy prisoner of war. Obeed Hethere Radad was confinded in an isolation cell with his hands secured. A guard claimed he thought Radad was trying to escape and shot him once through the arm and abdomen with his M-16 rifle. Investigation determined that the soldier had not followed the use of force rules, which mandated a graduated response when using force on a detainee.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Salim Abo Alla Habib Al-Sarray, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq, on November 11, 2007. On November 11, 2007 Mr. Habib Al-Sarray was reported to the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH) at Camp Cropper complaining of chest pain. Mr. Al-Sarray subsequently suffered a witnessed heart attack. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Habib Al-Sarray. He was pronounced dead at the CSH. Cause of Death: Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Iraqi detainee, Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. It is reported that while being transported in a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of one of the guards, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. Mr. Alwani was pronounced dead at the scene. There did not appear to be any violations of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). This file contains an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Statement (redacted) of one of the soldiers involved in the incident. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statement of a soldier concerning an incident where an Army Captain is accused of abusing a detainee. Soldier heard that the captain had hit detainees, but had not seen such abuse himself. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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Agent's investigation report on an unknown Iraqi national at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq on November 4, 2003. This report indicates that the detainee stopped breathing and was found face down in the shower after an interrogation. Detainee is most most likely Manadel Al-Jamadi. This document is a partial copy of the full-length CID report which is linked to this document.

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This is a CID investigation into the death Mohammad Khudayer Abulla, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. It is reported that Mr. Abulla was strangled to death on September 13, 2007 by other detainees, and found on the grounds of Compound 24A. The death sentence against Mr. Abulla was ordered & carried out because Mr. Abulla was apparently speaking about being released from the TIF in the near future. This Report charges seven (7) detainees with Murder & Conspiracy in connection with Mr. Abulla 's death. Cause of Death: Ligature Strangulation; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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Documents related to CID Investigations 0233-03-CID259-61217 and 0022-04-CID149-. Includes two Agent's Investigative Reports and a translation of a statement provided by a detainee. The first Agent's Investigative report summarizes interviews with at least four detainees (two female and two male), who described being tortured by the Iraqi police. The first female detainee "Iraqi Police tortured her brother and other young men by forcing water bottles into their rectums and beating them. Detainee stated she was questioned by Iraqi Police and beaten and slapped for over seven hours." A second detainee says she was repeatedly harassed by Iraqi Police, and eventually arrested and beaten. Another detainee claims his confession was obtained after severe humiliation and torture. After he turned himself in at A'Adamia Palace, "during the first interrogation he was beaten without being asked any questions," and "the second interrogation involved a lot of torture and beating on 12/27/2003," including no food or sleep, blindfolding and beatings with brass knuckles. Detainee also alleged that he was kicked in the back, hit his head on the walls, and had a bottle was forced into his anus. State that he confessed to everything, "not because he did it but because he wanted the torture to stop." A fourth detainee "stated during interrogation he was left without food for four days of torture...forced to urinate on himself...sleep standing with hands tied behind his back and blindfolded. He passed out many times from pain." Included is a translated statement by a detainee, describing abuse at "the palace."

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This heavily redacted investigative file by the FBI transcribes an interview with an FBI Special Agent. The interview's nature seems to be to obtain additional facts surrounding allegations made against a fellow FBI Special Agent, who may or may not be the subject of the investigation. Of the small amount of information available to read, the interviewee says the possible subject is critical of senior FBI agents, loyal to the U.S., and talented in developing a rapport with prisoners. They also stress that their identity be protected in order to not jeopardize their future at the FBI. the Document name: DOJOIG001531.

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This Army memo concerns the escape of a detainee who used a piece of cardboard from a water bottle box to push the triple strain concertina wire up and slide under the wire and escape from Abu Ghraib prison. The detainee did this while the tower guard was turned the other way. The memo also addresses a shooting where detainees started to throw rocks from their compounds at three (3) interior guards. The interior guards tried to get behind a generator to avoid the rock throws. They then proceeded to the exit. Enroute to the exit the interior guards were hit with baseball size rocks. A prisoner was about to throw a tent pole like a javelin at the interior guards only 10-15 feet away, when all three guard towers fired at the main threat eight (8) times and one (1) tower shot three (3) times into the crowd. This effectively dispersed the crowd and eliminated the threat.

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A detainee who was held in US custody claims to have been “beaten” in an unspecific manner and by persons whom he could not describe and at a location and time that could not be determined. Despite this, a thorough investigation listed the possible person(s), time(s) and location(s) where the detainee might have been abused, and provided sufficient credible evidence that abuse did take place. However, no medical records exist to demonstrate the detainee’s injuries, nor are there any witnesses or specific evidence to prove the allegations at this time. The matter is left as undetermined due to insufficient evidence.

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A detainee claims to have been assaulted while in custody at Camp Al Baghdadi. The detainee had his injuries substantiated and the conclusion of the report was that the detainee was abused. The report found that the detainee was handcuffed and dragged across the ground, "hog tied" and hung (suspended) from a chain by his handcuffs, kicked, and forced to drink water until he vomited.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Acquisition of Iraqi Ministry of Health Document (July 3, 2005); 2) Investigative Action: Vehicle Check Point Death Scene Examination (July 7, 2005); 3) Investigative Action: Acquisition of Iraqi Ministry of Health Document (July 3, 2005); 4) Investigative Action: Photographic Coverage of Death Scene Examination (July 7, 2005); and 5) Investigative Action: Results of Retrieval of Body and Interview of Ambulance Driver (July 7, 2005). Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains a report of Investigative Action: Results of Video Tape Review, (Feb. 24, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of an unknown Iraqi who appeared at the Al-Salillyah Police Station, Haifa Street, Baghdad on September 20, 2006, and died there shortly after arriving. The decedent is reported to have suffered an apparent heart attack while being interrogated. The Iraqi Police stated that "US Army soldiers" dropped him off at the police station, and specific leads were followed to investigate these claims. The investigation failed to find sufficient evidence that any Coalition Forces were involved in the interrogation or death of this person. The autopsy reported some bruising about the body, but that it was heart failure that caused his death. This file is the investigative agent's attempt to identify the decedent, and to establish the circumstances of his death. There are handwritten Statements, an Autopsy Report and in-depth investigative notes. No Coalition Forces were found to be involved with the decedent, nor was the decedent ever identified. Cause of Death: Heart Failure; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Report by NCIS of an investigation into claims by Moazzem Begg that he was physically abused and threatened with sexual assault and rendition to Egypt while in Kandahar and Bagram.

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This CID investigation concerns an allegation of a face slap upon an Iraqi detainee held in custody between June 14th and 20th, 2003. The Iraqi alleges that during his interrogation an Egyptian interpreter slapped him with a sandal, punched him, and "mildly mistreated" him at a location called "Kilometer 22" while several Americans in civilian clothes stood by without intervening. This CID investigation was initiated when a review of an Interrogation report contained two (2) line detailing the alleged abuse. In the opinion of the CID investigators, there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the complaint; however, the investigation was subsequently re-opened on March 6, 2005, on the basis that the investigating officers had not made a sufficient effort to identify the "Kilometer 22" location, or to locate the detainee or the Egyptian interpreter. In the ensuing investigation, officials were unable to find individuals who could identify "kilometer 22", although they opined that it referred to either the "Blacksmith Hotel" location or to F.O.B. tiger; officials found and interviewed the Egyptian interpreter, although his statement is not included in the CID report. Officials were unsuccessful in finding the detainee. The investigation concluded that there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegation.

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A CID investigation into the death of an Iraqi detainee named Kahayri Naim Muhammad at an internment facility in Camp Cropper. The investigation found that another detainee "attacked him, tied a pair of internee uniform trousers around his neck strangling him to death and then fled the scene." An autopsy determined "the cause of death to be asphyxia due to strangulation and the manner of death to be homicide." No action was taken against the homicidal detainee.

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Investigation into a soldier accused of stealing prayer beads and headwraps from prisoners at Camp Delta Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay between April and July 2003. The investigation commenced after the soldier distributed such personal items to other soldiers stationed in the United States. He was accused of showing pictures of Guantanamo facilities as well. The soldier said he had recovered the government-issued prayer beads and other items from the trash, as it was policy to dispose of broken or defective items. Other soldiers corroborated his account. The investigation concluded that the soldier did not commit larceny.

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CID Investigation in to allegations that a Non-Commissioned Officer and soldier from 19th Quartermaster( QM) Company, 240th QM Battalion, pushed an Iraqi civilian into the back of their truck, to an isolated area, robbed him of his watch and money, and punched him in the face, causing him to lose consciousness. Investigation was terminated when JAG had sufficient evidence to prosecute the perpetrators.

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Investigation into allegations of larceny, looting, failure to obey a general order, accessory after the fact and conspiracy. Case involves ten soldiers who allegedly stole $4,000 and 700,000 Iraqi dinars during a combat cordon and search of an apartment complex. All soldiers found guilty. Later search and seizures also recovered four handguns that had been looted by the soldiers. Evidence includes sworn statements, correspondence and photographs. According to witnesses, the money was found in a box and distributed by the team leader. According to one soldier, all involved were given money and told to be quiet about it, and that such practice was not unusual at checkpoints. Another soldier reported that the team leader had claimed that the company command had authorized the distribution of the funds.

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Second report of the incident that was recorded in ACLU-RDI 602. Detainees were involved in an argument and physical altercation that involved punching and throwing fruit. Actions taken in response were complete segregation and complete loss of comfort items.

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CID Agent's Investigative Worksheet. Mostly redacted. This document is related to ACLU RDI 1538.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Hassan Hadan Rakad, a detainee at Baghdad Central Concentration Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Mr. Rakad became ill while in custody, and was brought to the camp medical facility for a Hernia operation. He received the surgery, but developed Bilateral Lobar Pneumonia following the operation. Mr. Rakad had previously suffered from Congestive Heart Failure and other ailments. The autopsy concluded it was the post-operative complications that took his life. Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest; Manner of Death: Natural,

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report documents the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 8 of 9]

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An investigation into allegations by an Iraqi detinee that interrogators hand- and leg-cuffed him to the floor and pushed him over while blindfolded, causing severe pain and nerve bruising in his wrist. the investigation concluded that there was "insufficient evidence to prove or disprove" the allegation of abuse. (The investigation appears to have been initiated after the CID was notified of the allegation of abuse by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Yassin Mahmood Nasser. Mr. Nasser was a detainee at Baghdad Central Concentration facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. While incarcerated Mr. Nasser became ill, and died as a result of complications his medical problem. Mr. Nasser was hospitalized in the camp's medical facility for a week before he died succumbing to his illness. Cause of Death: Pneumonia 2nd to Lymphoma; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID Report in to the death of Husayn Kazim Husayn, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on September 20, 2008. Mr. Husayn was witnessed having a seizure and falling in Holding Room/Hearing Room #4, during a meeting of the Multinational Forces Review Committee. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Husayn was transported to the TIF 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Bucca, where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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Detainee alleged that he was abused by US forces during his apprehension and they threatened him with execution. The investigation found that the claim was without merit. Members of the unit that captured the detainee were interviewed and records of the arrest and medical treatment demonstrate that the detainee was properly handled during his arrest, detention and release.

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A detainee was taken in to custody on January 10, 2004 and alleged he was abused during his arrest by being kicked in the face while he was restrained, hooded and in a kneeling position. He also states while detained at Camp Biap, Baghdad he was also subject to abuse. The report noted that the detainee resisted arrest and the injuries he sustained were minor and consistent with a minor struggle when being taken in to custody. Furthermore, the translator who was present when the detainee was interviewed on several occasions states the detainee never raised the issue of abuse. If he had, the translator states he would have reported it up the chain of command.

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A video captured what appears to have been a killing of an injured non-combatant. The events are as follows: A black sedan crashed into a wall, the driver fell out of the driver's door and lay wounded on the ground. The man was seen moving his right arm and one of his legs. A soldier was searching the car while a Captain standing on the driver side of the vehicle fired a shot in the direction of the wounded man. A few seconds later a second shot was fired and a third shot 15 to 30 seconds after that. The wounded man was no longer moving and a substantial amount of blood, and what appeared to be brain matter was spilled out onto the ground.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Iraqi detainee, Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation, (Interim, April 2, 2008); 2) Report of Investigation, (Action, March 4, 2008); 3) Report of Investigation, (Interim, March 2, 2008); and 4) Investigative Action: Autopsy of v/Al Awani (Jan. 3, 2008). It is reported that while being transported in a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of one of the guards, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. Mr. Alwani was pronounced dead at the scene. The report states that there did not appear to be any violations of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)

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Detainees punched each other in the recreation yard. Actions taken in response were loss of comfort items for five days and complete segregation for 10 days.

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Investigation of abuse of a detainee by a linguist hired by Titan Corporation during an interrogation in Karbala, Iraq. Investigation established that there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove listed offenses. Titan interrogator's sworn statement says that when he learned that a linguist had beat an Iraqi detainee while in custody. Titan interpreter's sworn statement that he saw the accused interpreter open-hand strike a detainee who was sitting on the floor with a sandbag over his head and his hands tied behind his head.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains eleven (11) photos and two (2) sketches of the house that was raided and where Mr. Mohammed was taken in to custody. The photos include photos of the homeowner's injuries from being bitten by the Military Working Dog (MWD). This file also contains a report of Investigative Action (March 23, 2007), which includs ten (10) Statements from the Task Force 88 team members who conducted the raid. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Results Interview, (Feb. 21, 2007); 2) Investigative Action: Results Interview, (Feb. 5, 2007); and 3) Investigative Action: Receipt of v/Abdal's Detainee Identification Card Information, (Feb. 24, 2007). One interview is with the soldier that escorted Mr. Abdal from his cell, then to medical for a per-interrogation check-up and then on to interrogation Booth #4, where he turned Mr. Abdal over to the interrogator. The other is with the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC), who responded to Mr. Abdal after he collapsed. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Investigation initiated following discovery of a CD during an office clean-up in Afghanistan, containing numerous pictures of American soldiers posing with pistols and M-4 rifles pointed at the heads and backs of hooded and bound detainees and wrestling with hooded and bound local nationals. There were also photographs of blood stains at various locations and two photographs of a local national that had been killed by gunshot. The photographs were taken by a number of soldiers from the Second Platoon of the 22nd Infantry Battalion while stationed at Fire Base Tycze, Dae Rah Wod.

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A soldier was found to be guilty of inappropriate action towards a Detainee at Camp Bucca by using disparaging words and displaying a "Star of David" necklace and expressing anti-Arab views. The soldier denied the accusations.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report documents the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 7 of 9]

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This is a CID Report in to the death of Husayn Uwayyid Husayn Kazim, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on June 27, 2008. Mr. Kazim was reportedly killed by strangulation at the hands of other detainees at the camp. It is reported that thirteen (13) detainees were charged with Murder & Conspiracy in connection with Mr. Kazim's death. The Report states that when Mr. Kazim did not report for a detainee head count, he was searched for and when he was found in his tent. He was injured about the head, unconscious, breathless and without a pulse. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Kazim was pronounced dead at the TIF Combat Support Hospital (CSH). Cause of Death: Strangulation, 2nd to Blunt Force Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ghazi Al-Duri Faisel who died while in custody at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Remagen, Iraq. It is reported that on May 29, 2006 Mr. Faisel used the camp latrine, and accidentally hit his head on the lintel when he finished. Mr. Faisel was transported to the 47th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Contingency Operating Base (COB) Speicher, Tikrit, Iraq. Mr. Faisel was pronounced later that day. Cause of Death: Complications of Atrial & Ventricular Myocardial Fibrosis; Manner of Death: Natural.

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CID report and accompanying documents related to an investigation of abuse. The investigation followed a report by a U.S. Army Medic at Bagram Detention Facility that Persons Under Control (PUC) numbers 327, 328 and 330 may have been previously abused. The detainees claimed that they were physically abused by U.S. personnel in Kandahar Detainee Facility. The investigation failed to prove or disprove that abuse occurred.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI). The detainee stated that he was in Afghanistan to study the Koran. He denied knowing Usama bin Laden or being associated with Al Qaeda. He states he was beaten when captured and made statements under the beatings that were un-true or that he not now remember.

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A detainee claims that after he was apprehended, but before being detained at Abu Ghraib prison, he was brought to an unknown facility (presumably the Baghdad International Airport), interrogated and beaten. The report confirmed the detainee was picked-up on July 6, 2004, but the personnel involved were found and denied abusing the detainee. In addition, the injuries the detainee claims to have sustained, i.e. a bleeding rectum due to being kicked, was not complained of nor discovered at the medical screening upon entry to Abu Ghraib prison. Therefore, the report concluded there was no probable cause to believe the offenses occurred as alleged.

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A soldier in the in-take processinf was told by a detainee that the detainee received rough treatment, being hit and placed in an uncomfortable position while being transported on the plane.

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Detainee alleged that he was arrested by U.S. forces and placed in a hole in the ground with other detainees at an unknown location in Samara, Iraq for about three days, then threatened with death and taken to a room where he was placed on a box with wires attached to it. He felt heat come from the box and was in pain. He was later taken to a place that U.S. soldiers referred to as "the septic tank," and then to the Samara police station, where a U.S. soldier punched him and kicked him in the groin with enough force to cause him to urinate on himself. U.S. forces then transferred him to Abu Ghraib. At Abu Ghraib, he initially stayed in a tent at the Ganci Holding Area, where he was not abused. He was subsequently taken to the "hard site" at Abu Ghraib, where he was stripped of his clothing and sprayed with cold water; his head was pulled back while he was seated in a chair, causing him to lose consciousness; all of his hair, including eyebrows and moustache, were shaved off by a U.S. soldier; he was forced to wear white women's underwear with red roses on them; he was left for several days with no clothes (a jumpsuit was eventually provided); was deprived of blankets or a mattress for a longer period; and was terrorized by a large dog while tied to his cell door. 5th Special Forces Group was targeted in inquiry regarding Samara allegations but stated that there was no hole in the ground at their facility in Samara and that they had no records relating to the detainee. Medical records of detainee indicated several reports of generalized aches and pains, sometimes listed as due to past strokes. A doctor who had treated the detainee said that he was suffering from spinal stenosis, which was not caused by trauma, and said that the detainee had not mentioned being abused by U.S. forces. The investigation was closed because it "did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations ...."

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CID Report of investigation concerning alleged abuse of detainee during interrogation. Detainee was captured on June 19, 2004 and transported “to what he described as one of the Presidential Palaces.” He was then interrogated. The detainee was transported to Abu Ghraib on June 25, 2004. Investigation concludes that the detainee “was not assaulted as he originally reported.” Office of the Staff Judge Advocate “opined probable cause existed” to believe that detainee had “committed the offense of False Official Statement when he provided a written statement that did not reflect the incident as it actually happened.”

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Report of investigation into allegations of abuse of two Ukrainian detainees at Abu Ghraib following a report on that US MPs used chemical agents against them. After their detention at Abu Ghraib, the two detainees were released and repatriated to Ukraine. The investigation failed to prove or disprove the allegations. The report concluded that during the detainees' incarceration in Tier 3A, chemical agents were used to stop riots and were not directed to any one individual.

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A CID investigation into attacks against two Iraqi brothers, one of whom, Muhammed Abdullah Nejim-Obaid, was shot and killed and the other of whom was subjected to aggravated assaulted. An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) reportedly detonated near Crescent Security Group (CSG) while it was providing convoy security for AEGIS, Defense Services Limited. Roughly 30 minutes after the explosion, CSG personnel fired at and detained two local national (LN) males riding a motorcycle said to have Iraqi Police (IP) markings. Investigation after the incident later revealed the surviving male to be an Iraqi Police Officer who was serving subpoenas. When one of the males attempted to escape, a CSG employee "fired warning shots, then shot shot and killed one LN," according to CSG personnel. CSG personnel reported that "the deceased LN had approximately 50 meters of balled up copper wire with leaves and twigs intertwined." According to the Iraqi Police Officer, CSG personnel fired on his brother, who was carrying a grape basket, after he pleaded for his life. "CPT assumed custody of the "badly beaten" Iraqi Police Officer after the CSG personnel related they would take the LN 'out to the field'."

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Jassam Aljuburi Awad, a detainee at the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. It is reported that Mr. Awad was admitted to the CSH on February 10th for a litany of ailments, including terminal cancer. Mr. Awad succumb to his ailments and died on April 16, 2008. It is reported that due to his failing health condition, a decision was made not to resuscitate Mr. Awad when he suffered his cardiac arrest. No autopsy was conducted and no death certificate was issued. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of an Unknown detainee who died at the 10th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) on January 12, 2006. This gentleman was a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, when it is reported that he was shot in an altercation with a camp guard on December 13, 2005. He was transported and admitted to the CSH with gun shot wounds to his leg and stomach. After undergoing several surgeries, and a stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), he died on January 12, 2006, Cause of Death: Sepsis, 2nd to Gun Shot Wound; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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Report of investigation into the deaths of Fras Moazahim Habib and Husham Nafit Ghafar, two detainees who died in US custody at Abu Ghraib, during the course of a prison riot in Ganci 3. Habib died of a gunshot wound to the chest and Ghafar died of a gunshot wound to the head. The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate determined that the incident demonstrated the proper use of force. Both deaths were deemed to be justifiable homicides. Other detainees were injured during the course of the incident.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Tor Jan, an Afghani detainee being held at the Bagram Airfield (BAF), Bagram, Afghanistan on June 26, 2008. This Report states that Mr. Jan was detained by the Afghan National Police, struggled while in custody and was accidentally killed by members of Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 7715. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to save the Mr. Jan. Cause of Death: Blunt Force Head Injury; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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A CID Report with several Commander's reports relating to the investigation and punishment of soldiers involved in the drowning death of an Iraqi civilian, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil, in Samarra, Iraq on January 3, 2004. Mr. Fadhil drowned after being thrown off a bridge into the Tigris River by solders of the 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. A First Lieutenant gave orders to his subordinates to have Mr. Fadhil and another victim forced into a river around the Samarra area of Iraq; Mr. Fadhil could not swim and drowned. The Investigation found a cover-up by the command that included the Lieutenant Colonel in command of the Battalion. The soldiers being disciplined here were involved in the incident. The report lists the crimes and individual punishments meted out. The charges include: involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and making an False Official Statement.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contain a report of Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 11, 2007), which is an interview with a soldier that escorts detainees to and from their cells to the interrogation booths. This soldier responded to the interrogation room, Booth #4, when Mr. Abdal collapsed. This soldier was the person who un-cuffed Mr. Abdal so CPR could be preformed. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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CID Report of investigation regarding alleged assault on two detainees (an uncle, aged 50-52, and his nephew, aged 19) during their transport from Camp War Eagle to Camp Cuervo, Baghdad, Iraq, on May 7, 2004. The detainees were put in the back of a truck, in blindfolds and flexi-cuffs. A sergeant climbed into the back of the truck with the detainees. Investigation established probable cause to believe unnamed sergeant committed aggravated assault on both detainees. Staff Judge Advocate “is of the opinion that sufficient admissible evidence is available to prosecute the subject for the offense.” “Commander’s Report of Disciplinary Action Taken (DA Form 4833) is pending.”

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This is a chronological report of a CID agent’s investigation in to abuse at Abu Ghraib following a mortar attack and shooting at the facility. The agent interviewed six (6) soldiers including a Captain and Master Sergeant concerning the allegations of detainee abuse. A Sergeant witnessed a Captain fake abusing a detainee to cover for the detainee being an informant and providing information about the detainee who provided the gun another detainee used to shoot a Military Policeman. The Captain was interviewed and also stated he was faking hurting the detainee who provided info about the detainee with a weapon. He stated that after the rouge he "pulled him off to a side and gave him a Coke and a cigarette".

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Investigation into abuse of detainee upon capture and on a subsequent occasion in Baghdad. Detainee was captured on 03/19/04 by Iraqi Police and turned over to custody of Americans. He was taken to Al Azhamiyah base. Detainee's account of who beat him and where is inconsistent but he maintains that he was beaten by Iraqi men. States that he was beaten over 8 days with wooden sticks, a cable, the butt stocks of AK-47s and hands and feet. Photographs were taken of his injuries.

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This heavily redacted investigative file by the FBI transcribes an interview with an FBI Special Agent. The interview was meant to obtain additional facts surrounding allegations made against a fellow FBI Special Agent, who is the subject of the investigation. Of the small amount of information available to read, the interviewee says the subject "frequently purchased alcoholic drinks for numerous people," "continues to openly be very critical of the senior FBI staff," and "frequently tried to 'back door things' as an SA." Document name: DOJOIG001518.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Mahmud Fadhil Farhan, an Iraqi civilian. Mr. Farhan's mother alleged that he was shot & killed by American soldiers in front of her house on April 26, 2006 for refusing to obey orders. The investigation found that discrepancies existed between Ms. Farhan's account & other witnesses. The investigator obtained information on the death of Mr. Farhan, and the information obtained was at variance with Ms. Farhan's account of the time, circumstances and facts concerning her son's death. The investigator determined that Mr. Farhan was dead, and that he was shot dead, but did not come to a determination concerning his death, other than to conclude his mother's allegations of US soldiers murdering him were unfounded.

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CID investigative report and accompanying documents into an incident of rioting during which detainees were shot and killed by Marines at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. The investigation concluded that the detainees had been attempting to escape. The shooting of the detainees was deemed to be justifiable.

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A CID investigation into the shooting death of Ali Jidek Azmer Shakur, 66 y/o Iraqi civilian employee of the Kirkuk Ministry. Mr. Shakur was shot by 2nd Squad of 1st Platoon, B Co, 2-116 on West River Road, Kirkuk, Iraq on September 21, 2005. It is reported that Mr. Shakur was in a vehicle that failed to stop at a roadside checkpoint. The car then broke the traffic line, and was fired upon to stop it. Mr. Shakur was injured in that shooting. Mr. Shakur was taken to the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group Theater Hospital (332nd EMDG), LSA Anaconda for medical treatment of his injuries, then in-processed at the Abu Ghraib prison. Mr. Shakur was maintained in the prison hospital until being transferred back to the 332nd EMDG, where he died of his injuries on October 3, 2005. Cause of Death: Ventriculitis 2nd to Gun Shot Wounds to the Head; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justifiable).

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC). The detainee being interviewed states he had met certain Al Qaeda leaders in prison in Germany and at safe houses in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but denied operating as an Al Qaeda member or leader. When asked about his previous statements about attending Al Qaeda training camps, he said he made up under the duress, and that none of it was true.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The detainee stated that during the Soviet occupation he was part of the Mujahadeen but since then is has not been part of any military activities. He states that he is uneducated and he only worked as a security guard. The detainee agreed to take a polygraph to prove the truth of what he was saying.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Ziyad Hamid Mansur, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, April 1, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Monsur was found unconscious, breathless and without a pulse in Tent 1, in Compound 19C. There were no obvious signs of trauma, and no evidence was able to be gathered from the death scene because of security concerns. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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This is a CID investigation into the death Hussayn Abid Mustaf, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. It is reported that on October 1, 2007 Mr. Mustaf was using the latrine facilities when, upon reaching for a water bottle, he fell and hit his head. He was transported to the camp hospital for treatment. While at the hospital he began to suffer from his injury, he became unresponsive and required life support measures. Mr. Mustaf subsequently died of his injury. Cause of Death: Closed Head Trauma; Manner of Death: Accident.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara, Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. three days later. The Marines turned Mr. Mohammed's body over to Iraqi Policemen who brought it to the local hospital. The hospital released Mr. Mohammed's body to his son, who returned it to his home village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Interim, Aug. 2, 2007); 2) Investigative Action (Review of Investigative Efforts, July 15, 2007); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, July 2, 2007); 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, June 2, 2007); 5) Report of Investigation (Interim, May 5, 2007); 6) Report of Investigation (Interim, March 26, 2007); 7) Report of Investigative Action (March 24, 2007); and 8) Report of Investigative Action (March 23, 2007), which includes a handwritten statement & drawings pertinent to the investigation. The investigating agent states that on February 6, 2007 he was able to locate medical records pertaining to Mr. Mohammed's death, and those records state that Mr. Mohammed died of natural causes, but indicated that he had bruising about his neck & shoulders. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This document is a collection of seven (7) sworn statements concerning an incident at the Guantanamo hospital on October 7, 2004 when a detainee, Mash Alawad Alhabiri, attacked an MP and was subdued with a punch that bloodied his lip. Each statement is consistent and supports the narrative that the detainee took advantage of an opportunity to attack and the MP fought off the attack with one (1) punch that subdued the detainee. The detainee's injuries were minor, and required no stiches.

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This investigative report was generated by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation as a Report of Investigative Activity following a joint NCIS/FBI interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo, Cuba. There is a general complaint of non-specific abuse and the detainee stating he is being confined as part of a "War against Islam", but that he was feeling well. The bulk of the document pertains to identifying people and places in Afghanistan by photograph, and questioning his activities in the United Kingdom.

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This is a CID investigation into a reported unlawful killing of an Iraqi male during a US Army raid. The accusation was made by an Army Sergeant who claims to have been present on a raid when a Specialist shot an unarmed elderly male dead at the direction of a Captain, in violation of the Rules of Engagement (ROE). The investigation could not corroborate the Sergeant's claim, and charged the Sergeant with making a false claim concerning his statements on the matter. The investigation included the taking of Sworn Statements from the members of the Sergeant's Unit. The Report concerns investigating the Sergeant's claim, and the charges brought against him for making a false report.

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Report of investigation into allegations of detainee abuse in Baghdad, Iraq. The investigation followed the report of a soldier striking a detainee during a warehouse search. The report concluded that the soldier acted appropriately when detaining the suspect.

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A CID investigation into the death of an unknown male Abu Ghraib detainee. The report states that the detainee died of "a gunshot wound to the right hip and flank during an altercation with US coalition forces." Because the death was "combat related," the report lists it as a "justifiable homicide." The man is reported to have been a civilian who was involved in an altercation with US Forces during which he shot at them. Coalition forces returned fire, striking the man in the right flank. He was transferred to the 115 Field Hospital, Abu Ghraib, Iraq, where he expired from his injuries sixteen (16) days later. Cause of Death: Single projectile wound to the right hip and flank; Manner of Death: Homicide

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TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Action, April 25, 2007) and a Report of Investigation (Interim, March 13, 2007). The file notes that the investigation is no longer designated "Special Interest." Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Criminal Investigations Task Force interview with Guantanamo detainee to delve in to the background and history of the detainee. The detainee states he is an Iraqi who entered Turkmenistan through Iran in 1994, but was then deported to Afghanistan where he was imprisoned. He described how he was subsequently imprisoned several times for not having a passport or other identification papers. He denied being a member of Al Qaeda or the Taliban. He also claims to have been abused when taken in to custody by US forces.

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Detainee alleged that he was captured in mid-April, 2004 at his house in Ammaria (Al Amiryah), Iraq, held at a U.S. facility in Ammaria, then transferred to Baghdad Airport and, finally, Abu Ghraib. The detainee alleged that, at Ammaria, two U.S. soldiers walked on his feet, back, and head, and pointed a rifle at his head. The soldiers allegedly returned in the middle of the night and forced him and other detainees to drink a water bottle filled with urine. The investigation was terminated because it "did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove" the allegations.  The report appears to disclose the ISN or SEQ of the detainee as 160029.

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Detainees were involved in a physical altercation after previous threats of physical harm. Actions taken against both detainees were segregation and loss of comfort items (CI).

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains an Investigative Action, (Jan. 19, 2006), and two Investigative Actions, (Jan. 20, 2006), which are Statements from: 1) a soldier on duty, but with no direct contact with Mr. Abbass during his arrest, but witnessed him at the FOB, and two (2) Statements from soldiers at the Camp Korean Village Surgical Shock Trauma Platoon (SSTP) who were in the SSTP when the Marines brought Mr. Abbass to the Unit following his death. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Report on the use of non-lethal means to disperse a melee of prisoners at Camp Ganci, Compound Number Two (2), Abu Ghraib prison.

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Pages 9-11 of a 12-page CID report (0106-04-CID259-80185), consisting of an Agent's investigation Report. A detainee claims that he was "physically abused while at the palace," including being "pulled by his penis, kicked, punched, and hit with a hard object," and having a bottle "forced up his rectum. He was forced to sign a statement." Another detainee, Ali 156215, related he was physically abused at the palace; "when he was taken out of the vehicle he was pulled by his penis and forced to stand in one location for several hours. He is handicapped. He was punched, kicked and struck with a hard object many times." States that "he was at the palace for five or six days and abused the entire time". Detainee claims to have heard his sisters and seen his brother. Report also includes an interview with an Intelligence Officer, who "stated he has never seen any detainee being abused and he has never abused a detainee." Stated that "[redacted] overheard one detainee reassure another detainee that after they get transferred to the 'airport' they would claim they were abused and subsequently released."

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CID report of investigation into the death of Nasef Ibraham, a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison. According to the report, Mr. Ibraham was brought unconscious to one of the guard stations at Camp Ganci at the prison by his relatives. The military police stationed there notified medics who found Mr. Ibraham non-responsive and unconscious. They checked for vital signs with negative results. His pupils were fixed and dilated; no brachial or carotid pulse was detected. CPR was not initiated. The autopsy did not find any signs of trauma, bruising or other wounds. The report concluded that Mr. Ibraham died of natural causes (cardiac tamponade as a result of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease).

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Email with an executive summary of investigations into a recordable compact disc containing images of suspected detainee abuse in in Afghanistan between January 11 and January 19, 2004. The images on the CD depicted U.S. soldiers holding weapons on hooded and bound local nationals and wrestling with hooded and bound local nationals. There were also photographs of blood stains at various locations and two photographs of a local national that had been killed by gunshot. Summary notes that investigation continues by Army CID.

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A soldier was found guilty of using excessive force during interrogation by assaulting detainee with a police riot baton on his feet. Punishment included oral admonition and restriction to set locations (dining hall, duty, company area, etc.) for fourteen days.

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A soldier relates how a detainee said he was hit on the head with large object, which could be the butt of a rifle, but he did not see because he had a hood on. Detainee had a bump on his head.

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Form for AR 15-6 proceedings form referencing an investigation at FOB Raider, Tikrit, Iraq on September 12, 2003.

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This is a CID investigation into the reported abuse and death of an unknown Iraqi male at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. The person making the claim is a Staff Sergeant (SSGT) who has worked at the facility on or about August 26, 2005. The SSGT also states several other men who were abused, but not previously reported. The SSGT gives a specific and detailed account of witnessing abuse and conversations with the interrogators involved. The SSGT also claims that an Air Force Medical Officer ordered him to improperly dispose of the deceased detainee. The order was not carried out.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Interim, April 24, 2006); 2) Report of Investigation (Interim, March 28, 2006); and 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, Feb. 6, 2006). This file includes numerous Statements and Interviews, including statements from the soldiers involved in the raid on Mr. Abbass' residence and sketches of the residence. It is reported that Mr. Abbass was "non-compliant," but was "subdued with minimal force" and "appeared fine after he was flexed cuffed." A soldier placed a blanket over Abbass when he was placed in the Hiback "but did not cover his face or tuck it around him." When the Highback arrived at the FOB, a soldier stated that Mr. Abbass "would not respond to commands, had to be carried off because he appeared unconscious, however upon further examination, was actually dead." Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Military police report relating to a CID investigation into allegations reported in a May 2004 Playboy article entitled "Death and Dishonor". Soldiers quoted in the article alleged that soldiers assigned to the 1/15th Infantry Battalion had, among other things, raped Iraqi women while on patrol and while guarding a mall in Baghdad; shot an unarmed Iraqi while he was fleeing, hog-tied him and physically assaulted him; mistreated enemy prisoners of war in custody; indiscriminately shot unarmed civilian women and children; and shot wounded Iraqi soldiers. The investigation could not determine whether or not the alleged incidents occurred or not. The individuals quoted in the article contend that the statements in the article are untrue or were taken out of context.

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Investigation into assault of detainee after an escape attempt and subsequent homicide. Soldiers conspired to provide false statements to investigators. After subduing detainee with excessive force, soldiers continued to assault him by slamming him against a wall and then to the floor. A soldier fractured detainee's throat and killed him by using his baton to lift him up off the ground by his chin. All the soldiers conspired to claim the detainee assualted them and attempted to gain control of one of the soldier's weapons.

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Two (2) suspects in the theft from the Iraqi National Guard (ING) Training Camp at Camp Junction City, allege being abused while in custody. Both suspects provided facts "proven to be false and established patterns of not providing the truth". One of the detainees’ claims that he was hit during questioning, but stated that neither of the Marines present had any contact with him during any of the interrogations. The other person stated he was taken to a dark room where he could only breathe through a small hose. Pictures of the cell show that no hose, of any type, could not be placed under the door and there is no evidence that either of the suspects were mistreated in any manner by either coalition or Iraqi forces during their detention at the ING compound or during their subsequent detention at the 1st Brigade Detention Facility.

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When Soldiers were attacked with small arms and an RPG several Iraqi nationals were taken in to custody; tried; and convicted of the offence. This CID report is the record of that judicial proceeding. One Iraqi was found guilty of attempted murder and not tried for hostile fire and received six years in jail. One person involved in the attack died from injuries received during the attack.

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This Military Police Investigative Report is based on allegations of detainee abuse at Camp Red, Baghdad. The allegations are that soldiers hooded detainees; made detainees stand on bricks; and threatened them with being run over with a Humvee. The First Sergeant in charge of the Unit gave a detailed explanation of his understanding of the alleged events. The 1SGT stated that detainees were indeed hooded, but only when they were being housed in segregated areas and the hooding was a prudent security measure to prevent the detainees from learning the lay-put of the camp and quarters of the soldiers. The 1SGT also stated that detainees were attempting to escape by jumping over the concertina wire and were required to stand on "a tall brick to limit their movement." Finally, there was no statement or evidence given concerning the Humvee incident. The CID investigation (0353-03-CID093-45256) did not find detainee abuse and the Camp Red SOP provided for segregation with hooding to control violent and disruptive detainees.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains two (2) Reports of Investigative Action (March 24, 2007). The first is the results of an interview conducted with an Iraqi civilian living in the area where the raid occurred, and the other is the results of gathering photographic evidence. This person who offered the statement said he was not present during the raid, but he knew Mr. Mohammed and his son. He stated that Mr. Mohammed's son brought his body back to Beyji, Iraq, his home village. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Detainee reported that he was arrested after US forces after a raid on his home. He states that while in detention at the Baghdad International Airport he was interrogated and claims to have been spat upon and knocked to the ground. He alleges that the interrogator then picked him up by his neck and he was brought back to his cell where additional abuse took place causing injuries including a broken nose and being kicked in the kidneys. He reported this abuse after arriving at Abu Ghraib prison. However, while at Abu Ghraib prison the detainee underwent a medical screening that stated “30 y/o male detainee without complaint or injury," and indicated he had an "abrasion L knee and anterior tibia, no signs infection." No other injuries were noted, during the examination. After a review of the medical records and interviews with the soldiers assigned to the facility the investigation concluded that there was insufficient evidence to prove the allegations of assault.

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This sworn statement by a Army major assigned to Iraq from March - November 2003. The Major, who is a NYPD officer in civilian life, states that he was nominally trained on the Rules of Engagement (ROE) and relied on his civilian training to perform his military duties. He stated "If fired upon, we can return fire but if there arc civilians in the vicinity or there is a chance of bystanders being hurt, we have to make the call." In reference to General Sanchez making the statement "why are we detaining these people. We should be killing them" the Major states he never heard that stated or attributed to General Sanchez.

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Email containing an executive summary of CID investigation into allegations that a soldier threatened a detainee with a gun, fired the gun on the ground next to the detainee, and "butt-stroked" the detainee during a "knock-and-search" operation of an Iraqi house.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains Report of Investigation (Interim, Oct. 8, 2007) and Investigative Action (Photocopy of Logbook Entries, Sept. 27, 2007). The Statements are from five (5) Marines at FOB Hiditha present at the base during Mr. Ahmed's time at the collection center. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains a report of Investigation Action: Examination of Interrogation Room Regarding v/Jabar, (March 1, 2008). This document pertains to the examination of the interrogation room and a discussion with the RFD Officer-in-Charge. It is revealed that there is a video tape of the interrogation and there is a detailed description of the room where Mr. Jabar "passed-out" while being interrogated. It is also stated that Mr. Jabar had not been consuming enough food or water while a detainee at the RFD.

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This is a CID investigation into the death Hassan Husayn Dhahi Al Amiri, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. It is reported that on December 19, 2007 Mr. Al Amiri was admitted to the camp emergency room after coughing up blood. It was determined he required immediate surgery for mass eroding through his esophagus. During surgery his condition was realized to be terminal & the medical personnel could not save him. Mr. Al Amiri died from his condition. Cause of Death: Hemorrhage Due to Peptic Ulcer Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Najim Mohammed Abbass Al-Zubaidi, a detainee at Camp Remembrance II Internment Facility, Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq on October 8, 2006. It is reported that Mr. Abbass Al-Zubaidi was being held in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) at Camp Cropper, when on the morning of October 8th he was found unresponsive & without a pulse. Medics were called and responded. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Abbass Al-Zubaidi was transported to the camp hospital where he was pronounced dead from an apparent heart attack. Cause of Death: Hypertensive & Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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An investigation concluding that there was probable cause to believe a detainee, Riadh Mohammed Abd Al Razak, died naturally as result of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease on June 10, 2004. Detainee Camp Chief who was interviewed stated that Mr. Al Razak suddenly turned blue and fell over in his tent, whereupon he brought Mr. Al Razak to the front gate where he received medical attention and was taken to hospital. Mr. Al Razak had returned from the hospital two days earlier with heart medication. A medic stated that CPR was administered at the gate but that Mr. Al Razak was dead on arrival at hospital. Preliminary autopsy recorded death as natural.

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Investigation into abuse of detainee at Ramadi Palace before arriving at Abu Ghraib. Detainee alleges that he was hood and handcuffed, kicked and hit with the butt of a rifle in the back. Doctor found no signs of bruising. Marine Corps had operational control of Ramadi when incident occurred.

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Investigation into report by the senior Counterintelligence Technician, 1st Brigade Combat Team, enclosing sworn statements of two detainees concerning abuse by members of the 2nd Squadron, 5th Cavalry. The detainees' sworn statements are not included in the released portion of the file; nor is any other information detailing the allegations. Based on the questions asked to the members of the 2nd Squadron in the investigation, the detainees alleged that they were struck, thrown on the ground, and had a pistol pointed at them during their detention. Major [REDACTED] from the 2-5th had previously conducted a 15-6 Investigation (also not released) and concluded that no evidence existed to support the allegations; however, the Counterintelligence Technician who reported the abuse to CID also reported that his soldiers believed the Major was "just going through the motion[s]" and "seemed disinterested in what [the soldiers] had to provide." Nevertheless, the CID investigation appears to have largely relied on that 15-6 investigation, and concluded that the allegations were unfounded.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of an Afghani male at the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) at the Bagram Airfield (BAF), Bagram, Afghanistan on June 23, 2008. This Report states that the gentleman was under treatment at the MTF for several days after suffering a cardiac emergency. While at the MTF he suffered a heart attack. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to save the gentleman. An autopsy was not conducted. No criminal acts are suspected in the death. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

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Sworn statement by the Commander of C Battery 2-3 FA. States, "I had no organizational relationship with detention operations in 2-3 FA." States that at the detention facility, detainees were provided with blankets but no beds. Mentions a Commissioner (Sergeant) in the Iraqi Police and says, "I have never known for him to be used as an interrogator." Also refers to a female detainee and her brothers. Concludes, "I've never heard any stories of anyone abused, electrocuting, rectal probes or brass knuckles. Anything's possible, it's definitely not probable."

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These documents are Rights Waiver Certificates executed by three (3) soldiers involved in an incident at the Samarra Bridge over the Tigris River in Samarra, Iraq on January 3, 2004. The soldiers were part of of the 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. They participated in throwing an Iraqi civilian, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil, off the bridge and he subsequently drowned in the Tigris River. These Rights waiver Certificates is an acknowledgment and waiving of certain rights available to the soldiers under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

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Investigation found probable cause to believe that the commander and three other members of Operational Detachment-Alpha 343, 3rd Special Forces Group, had committed the offenses of murder and conspiracy when they lured Mohamed Sayari, an Afghan civilian, into a roadblock, detained him, and killed him. Investigation further found probable cause to believe that a fifth Special Forces soldier had been an accessory after the fact and that the team's commander had instructed a soldier to destroy incriminating photographs of Sayari's body. No court-martial or Article 32 hearing was convened. One soldier was given a written reprimand. None of the others received any punishment.

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This document is the sworn statement of an army interpreter who visited a detainee in early February 2002 and the detainee stated he was regularly beaten by Military Police while housed at the Kandahar Detention Facility. The interpreter states that he previously visited the detainee and did not see any marks upon him, but on February 18, 2002 the detainee had obvious signs of assault.

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This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5) on September 20, 2005 while being guarded. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the Marine was handling his sidearm, Mr. Abdullah attempted to gain control of the weapon, and was shot in the struggle, killing him. This Report includes: 1) Sworn Statements; 2) Investigative Action (September 25, 2005); 3) Investigative Action (September 25, 2005); 4) Investigative Action (September 27, 2005); 5) Investigative Action (September 27, 2005); 6) Investigative Action (September 27, 2005); 7) Investigative Action (September 27, 2005); 8) Report of Investigation (Action, September 26, 2005); 9) Report of Investigation (Open, September 21, 2005); 10) Report of Investigation (Closed, June 10, 2005); and NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Statement from one of the Marines (USMCR) involved in the shooting. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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A CID investigation found that Muhammed Hamza Al-Zubaydi who died at Abu Ghraib prison hospital ward after suffering difficultly breathing and chest pain while in detention. Mr. Al-Zubaydi was the former President and Director of the President's Office & Deputy Prime under the regime of Saddam Hussain. Mr. Al-Zubaydi was captured and became a detainee of the collation forces on April 22, 2003, and was held at Camp Cropper during his detention. Mr. Al-Zubaydi became ill on November 19, 2005. He was transferred to the hospital "suffering from respiratory distress and complaining of chest pain." Mr. Al-Zubaydi had a previous medical history of high blood pressure, diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, and coronary artery disease. He ultimately succumbed to heart failure and died while in custody. Mr. Al-Zubaydi had been transferred from Camp Cropper Detention Facility to the 344th Field Medical Hospital. This file contains the medical reports and autopsy with Death Certificate. Cause of Death: Hypertensive Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of death: Natural

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CID Report on Hadi Abdul Hussain Hasson, aka Al Zubaidy, ISN US91Z-300055-EPW, who died an "undetermined death" at Camp Bucca. CID indicates that there is "virtually no documentation in reference to Mr. Hasson's manner, cause, or circumstances of death." Date of death likewise unclear: sometime between April and September 2003.

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This is a CID investigation into the death Mohammed Hashim Abdul Rahim, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, on July 11, 2007. Mr. Rahim was accused of anti-Islamic actives by a Shariyat Court established by the camp detainees. He was convicted & sentenced to death by beating. This CID Report is the investigation in to Mr. Rahim's death. This Report charges twenty-four (24) detainees with Murder & Conspiracy in connection with Mr. Rahim's death. Cause of Death: Multiple Blunt & Sharp Force Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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Report of investigation and accompanying documents into the death of Najem Abed Mohamed (ISN 13020). Detainee died in custody on August 8, 2003 at Baghdad Central Confinement Facility. The investigation concluded that the manner of death was natural.

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During a raid, jointly conducted by U.S. Marine Corps personnel with the 24th MEU (SOC) and Iraqi National Guards (INGs), a weapons cache was found. It was alleged that ING personnel slapped the owner of the home during an interrogation and shot at him with AK-47. They (ING) also struck him with the butt and barrel of rifle approx. 20 times. The home owner was treated for a broken bones, contusions & abrasions on arms, chest and legs. The detainee denied that Americans were involved, but that they were close by and could see what was happening. The Marine stated that he “immediately notified his superiors of the incident.” One Marine states “the issue of ING beating prisoners has come up before. They (USMC) will get prisoners from ING who’ve been beaten”.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee says he is innocent of all charges of being part of Al Queda. He states he was never in Afghanistan and was picked up in Pakistan after losing his passport (which was acquired by bribery and with false information) and that the only reason he was in Pakistan was to attend school, but he did not attend school once there. Instead he traveled around with two (2) men “teaching and reading the Koran in various mosques” then he was captured. He states he knows nothing about the September 11, 2001 attacks or about terrorism.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed complains of being mistreated while in detention and during his transport. The detainee claims he was wrongly picked-up and charged with terrorist offenses. He states that his fellow villagers turned him over for money and over a long standing dispute over money.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains Report of Investigative (Interim, August 20, 2007), which is a letter to the NCIS HQ, Fallujah, Iraq requesting assistance in locating Mr. Mohammed's family and burial site.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier states he saw the Captain threatening detainees with a gun and treating them in a disrespectful way. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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An investigation into an allegation that, on December 31, 2003, a soldier threatened a detainee with a gun, fired the gun on the ground next to the detainee, and "butt-stroked" the detainee. The investigation "established probable cause to believe Soldier did in fact committed the offenses of Aggravated Assault and Negligent Discharge of a Firearm when he threatened to shoot the detainee, and then did fired a shot into the ground next to the detainee. Investigation also established probable cause to believe the Soldier committed the offense of Assault Consummated by a Battery when he butt-stroked a detainee in the back of the head and face." The Commander's Report notes that the individual was reduced in grade, fined, and assigned extra duty.

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This heavily redacted investigative file by the FBI transcribes an interview with an FBI Special Agent. The interview's nature seems to be to obtain additional facts surrounding allegations made against a fellow FBI Special Agent, who may or may not be the subject of the investigation. Of the small amount of information available to read, the interviewee says the possible subject spoke openly about the torturing of captured Al Qaeda terrorists by both CIA and FBI; had extravagant spending habits; and, was critical of senior FBI agents.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Khalil Khadir Mohammad Al-Salhat, a detainee the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq on October 6, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Al-Salhat had been diagnosed with several terminal diseases, including brain & kidney cancer. The report states that Mr. Al-Salhat was treated at the CSH several times for his illness' during his detainment, and was admitted a final time to the CSH Emergency Room (ER) on October 4th. He was then then transferred to the ICU on October 5th. Then on October 6th Mr. Al-Salhat suffered a cardiac arrest and died. The report states that life saving measures were withheld at the request of the Mohammad family. Cause of Death: Renal Carcinoma with Metastases to the Brain; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Approximately 73-year-old Iraqi woman reported that she had been subjected to assault and sexual abuse, including being sodomized with a stick and touched in private areas; that she was forced to "swim" in water thrown on the floor and was "ridden" like an animal by a soldier;  that a male detainee was disrobed in front of her; and that a dog was let loose in a room where she and three other Iraqi women were being held, attacking one of the other women. She also said that her captors placed her in a room with another detainee and asked if she knew him. She responded that he was a famous man always on the television. Detainee reported abuse on 4/29/04 or earlier. The file indicates that the woman was captured by Task Force 20, which an email describes as "a Delta Force outfit comprised of about 750 to 1500 troops from various units. Their job was to track High Value Targets." The investigation "did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove Ms [REDACTED]'s allegation...."

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Army Provost Marshal Compliance Inspection Report: Brigade Central Collection Point (BCCP) Compliance Inspection January 2004.

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Investigation into allegation by detainee at Abu Ghraib Prison who claimed to have been abused at at Al-Adhameyah Palace. Detainee alleged that he was hit in the head with a rifle butt and kicked in the shin. A doctor observed some swelling and he complained of tenderness in the area. She found no signs of trauma or injury on his head. Report of investigation determined that there was not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegation that the detainee was abused by U.S. Coalition Forces, however, it determined that he may have been abused by the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps (ICDC).

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier states he saw the Captain threatening the detainee with a gun while yelling at him. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is a statement of an interpreter was states he was told by a detainee that the detainee was hit in the back of the head while hooded and in transit, possibly with the butt of a gun/rifle. The detainee was unable to identify or describe the guard that allegedly struck him or any details of the date or location of the alleged abuse, but did have a "large bump" on his head.

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This CID report is very detailed. Three (3) Iraqi nationals reported they were robbed by U.S. soldiers at a checkpoint on Main Supply Route (MSR) Tampa, Iraq. Investigation established probable cause to believe the soldiers committed the offense of robbery when they stole $1,250.00 dollars in U.S. currency and 159,000 Iraqi Dinar from the Iraqis. The charges in the CID report are 1) Robbery; and 2) Obstruction of Justice. The Special Agent in Charge has determined that furtherance of this investigation would be of little or no value and that leads remaining to be developed are not significant and that the conclusions of these soldiers being the responsible for the theft and obstructing justice was proven.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report provides an assessment of the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 5 of 9]

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CID Report summarizing findings related to allegations of abuse at Adhamiya, most of which are unfounded. States, "Investigation established probable cause to believe [names redacted] committed the offense of False Official Statement" in reporting abuse "that they knew to be false." Memo further states, "On 16 June 2004, [redacted] Chief of Criminal Law, 3rd Corp, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Camp Victory, Iraq, opined sufficient evidence to establish probable cause to believe the offenses of Aggravated Assault, Cruelty and Maltreatment, Forcible Sodomy and Indecent Assault did not occur. Further, [redacted] opined sufficient evidence to establish probable cuase existed the victims committed the offense of False Official Statement."

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This is an Army Regulation 15-6 report into a November 22, 2003 raid. Included in the report are sworn statements from individuals involved in the raid. It is stated that the home of an Iraqi target was raided for the purpose of detaining and destroying personnel suspected of executing mortar attacks on Iraqi police forces. In the course of being captured, the detainees sustained injuries, which the interviewed soldiers stated were the result of the detainees resisting arrest. In their statements, the arresting officers stated the detainees were not abused after being flex cuffed and brought into detention.

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Investigation establishing that four enlisted men from 1/327th Infantry Regiment had committed burglary, aggravated assault, larceny, and other crimes in connection with the theft of 56,000 Iraqi Dinar from several Iraqi residences at night. Victim statements indicated that the soldiers entered Iraqi homes and pointed guns at residents while searching their homes. Three got bad-conduct discharges, confinement of 3 or 4 years, and reduction in rank after being found guilty at court-martial. One got a Ch. 10 administrative discharge.

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Second report of the incident that was recorded in ACLU-RDI 606. Detainees punched each other in the recreation yard. Actions taken in response were loss of comfort items for five days and complete segregation for 10 days.

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Investigation into the death of Yasiree Ahmes Al-Haddii, an enemy prisoner of war at Camp Bucca, Um Qasr, Iraq. Yasiree was found to have committed the offenses of attempted murder, rioting, and aggravated assault prior to his death. Two U.S. soldiers were ordered to fire on Mr. Yasiree and he died as a result. Investigation revealed that both soldiers did not commit any offense as they were ordered to fire on Mr. Yasiree and were within the Rules of Engagement.

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A CID Report with several Commander's reports relating to the investigation and punishment of soldiers involved in the drowning death of an Iraqi civilian, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil, in Samarra, Iraq on January 3, 2004. Mr. Fadhil drowned after being thrown off a bridge into the Tigris River by solders of the 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. A First Lieutenant gave orders to his subordinates to have Mr. Fadhil and another victim forced into a river around the Samarra area of Iraq; Mr. Fadhil could not swim and drowned. The Investigation found a cover-up by the command that included the Lieutenant Colonel in command of the Battalion. The soldiers being disciplined here were involved in the incident. The report lists the crimes and individual punishments meted out. The charges include: involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and making an False Official Statement.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of an unknown Iraqi male shot multiple times in the chest and legs while engaged in a gun battle with Iraqi Security Forces near Mahmudiyah, Iraq. The man was treated at the scene of the battle by US Medics and transported to hospital, but succumbed to his injuries prior to reaching a medical treatment facility. No US Forces are implicated in the shooting. Cause of Death: Multiple (2) gunshot wounds to the chest and lower extremities; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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In December 2002, at the Bagram Detention Facility, two Afghan detainees died while in the custody of US forces. The deaths were determined to be a result of blunt force trauma. Based on the information contained in the document and the related documents it is apparent that the two detainees are Mullah Abibullah and Dilawar.

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U.S. Marine Corps. command investigation into an allegation of detainee abuse. On July 7, 2004, during an interrogation, Abdullah Tohtasinovich Magrupov, reported to [redacted] that he was physically abused by a guard on or about July 5, 2004. .

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed states that it is an injustice that he has been sent to Guantanamo because he has done nothing to warrant being incarcerated. He states he worked as a translator for American forces, but admitted that he shared classified information about the coalition forces with the Taliban. He states he would like to return to Afghanistan and attend the university there and make a living as a businessman.

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An investigation into alleged aggravated assault, cruelty, and maltreatment of an Iraqi prisoner by U.S. forces.  The detainee stated that he was held at the "Disco" (a detention facility in Mosul, Iraq) for approximately one month, during which he was abused “almost continuously” (p. 8). The abuse consisted of several methods: 1) filling his jumpsuit with ice, then hosing him down and making him stand for long periods of time, sometimes in front of an air conditioner; 2) forcing him to lay down and drink water until he gagged, vomited, or choked, 3) having his head banged against a hot steel plate while hooded and interrogated; 4) being forced to do leg lifts with bags of ice placed on his ankles, and being kicked when he could not do more. The detainee also alleged that stones were thrown at him and that he was hit by a translator. The 48th Military Police Detachment and 3rd Military Policy Group (CID) began investigating the allegations on August 8, 2004, and upon finding that the Navy ran and supervised the Disco, turned jurisdiction of the investigation over to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) on September 15, 2005. There is no conclusion or recommended conclusion in this report.

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CID report in to the death of a detainee in US custody. The detainee was brought to the hospital on December 3, 2003 with blunt trauma to the head with bleeding in the brain (determined by CT scan) and died January 4, 2004. This document contains interviews, sworn statements and investigating agent's conclusions.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed a Captain hit detainees on two occasions... This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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CID report of investigation into allegations made by a detainee that, after his first arrested on April 25, 2004 he was punched, kicked and slapped at then transported to a facility at Mosul Airfield known as the “Disco”. He stated that during interrogation, his jumpsuit he was abused in many ways including: 1) filling his jumpsuit with ice, then hosing him down and making him stand for long periods of time, sometimes in front of an air conditioner; 2) forcing him to lay down under bags of dirt so that he could not move; 3) hitting him with "smooth rocks" all over his body; 4) rubbing his face in urine on the floor; and 5) kicking him in the groin and punching him so hard as to break two of his molars. An Army soldier who observed the detainee while in custody disputed the detainee’s claim of abuse, but did substantiate that the detainee was at the Disco and did pass-out and was taken to medical for treatment.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains two (2) Investigative Action reports (Jan. 18 & 19, 2006). These are Statements from two (2) soldiers involved in taking Mr. Abbass in to custody, rode in the Highback vehicle with him, and witnessed him upon his arrival at FOB. One soldier states that Mr. Abbass was arrested when weapons were found in his home following a raid. Mr. Abbass was placed in the back of the Highback along with other men being detained. The Highback headed to the FOB, with no incidents reported. The soldiers state that once at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered unresponsive. Medics were called. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Army Questionnaire: Questions for the Commander of Forward Operating Base Chapman concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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Report of investigation in the death of a detainee at Abu Ghraib. The investigation concluded that the death was due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease and the manner of death was natural. The report includes a photo packet and close-up photograph of the detainee's face.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Tarig Sadig Abdel Hussein Aldbaidi. Mr. Aldbaidi was a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Iraq when he became ill. Mr. Aldbaidi was under the care of camp physicians for Orthostatic Hypertension 2nd to Hypertensive Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, and died as a result of complications this medical problem. Mr. Aldbaidi was hospitalized after collapsing at the camp compound. He was breathless and without a pulse. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Aldbaidi. He died succumbing to his illness. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Coronary Vascular Disease and Lung Cancer; Manner of Death: Natural.

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A report of an investigation into the cruelty, maltreatment, and aggravated assault of 44 Enemy Prisoners of War by ten U.S. soldiers (320th Military Police Battalion) who were escorting the prisoners to Camp Bucca, Um Qasr, Iraq. The prisoners were restrained at the time. Four of the ten soldiers investigated received a reduction in rank and an administrative discharge. The other six received no punishment.

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Sworn statement of a Soldier who witnessed a Captain taking a detainee in to the desert and making a detainee dig his own grave, and of a Staff Sargent firing a live round at or near the detainees. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Sadik Abdullah Saoud, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by Battalion Landing Team 2/4 (2/4 "G" Co.), out of Expedition Observation Post (EOP) Playboy Mansion, Barwana, Iraq on January 8, 2007. Mr. Saoud's vehicle was on the "Be On The Lookout (BOLO) List" when it was spotted pulling out of a driveway. The vehicle was stopped, and Mr. Saoud was placed in to custody and Flex-cuffed after being taken to the ground. Mr. Saoud was then seated on the curb following his arrest, to await further processing when he suffered an apparent heart attack. The heart attack was witnessed by soldiers and civilians. Medics were called and CPR was administered, but failed to revive him. This file contains an Investigative Action Report (Jan. 22, 2007), which includes statements from several family members who were present during the arrest. There is a statement from a doctor who examined Mr. Saoud at his autopsy. He indicates that there were two (2) injuries to Mr. Saoud's head. Another statement claims that the Mr. Saoud was beaten by the Marines who had him in custody at the scene. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Air Force office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee being interviewed states he is innocent of the charges against him and that he was merely traveling in Afghanistan and Pakistan when he was mistaken for an Al Qaeda member. He states he was put in jail in Pakistan for no reason and then turned over to the Americans, who he claims beat him, and then sent to Guantanamo for detention.

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A CID Investigation into the death of an Iraqi male named Ahmed Menkhi Al-Zarjawi. Mr. Menkhi Al-Zarjawi died at Camp Bucca Detention Facility in Iraq on October 19. 2004. Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjawi was in custody for approximately twenty (20) days when he complained of being sick. He continued to be sick for two additional weeks before collapsing and dying. This file contains Sworn Statements & interviews with Camp personnel who had custodial and medical contact of Mr. Menkhi Al-Zarjawi, as well as photos and medical records. On Oct. 18th, Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjawi complained of high fever, headaches, nose bleeds and blacking-out. It is reported that on Oct. 19th, Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjaw was seen by medics after the detainee headcount. He continued to be weak and shiver. Witness' state the Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjaw took two breaths and "Passed away". The Cause of Death and Manner of Death was left "Pending Additional Investigation", however no trauma was found, and here were findings of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage with diffuse gastritis noted at autopsy. Manner of Death is being stated as "Natural".

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Adnan Naif Hamid, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Taji, Iraq. It is reported that Mr. Hamid was admitted to the TIF on May 7th and underwent medical screening. At the medical screening his illness' & medical condition was documented. Mr. Hamid was seen in the medical center several times for treatment, and on May 10th he was admitted to the TIF hospital. Because of his condition, Mr. Hamid was scheduled to be MEDEVAC'ed to another facility that day, but was not stable enough to make the journey. Mr. Hamid's remained at the TIF hospital under treatment the night of May 10th. On May 11th, Mr. Hamid experienced a medical emergency, and was MEDEVAC'ed, to the 10th CSH, where he passed away before treatment could be successful. He died on May 11, 2009. Cause of Death: Pulmonary Embolism; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Sworn Statement by Commander of 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division regarding interrogations. States that he was unaware of allegations that a detainee had been sodomized during an interrogation, but that he was surprised because the division had investigated "far less serious allegations." States that some allegations against one specific interrogator might have been fabricated.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of Muhammed Numan Nahar, a 71 year old Iraqi national who died at Camp Al Qaim on October 2, 2004. Mr. Nahar was captured near the Syrian Boarder and taken to Camp Al Qaim for detention and interrogation. While in detention, Mr. Nahar complained of stomach pains and weakness. During the overnight from October 1-2, 2004 Mr. Nahar was in his cell, (Cell "N"), complaining of stomach pains and vomiting. A doctor and corpsman were called to render aid. After an exam, Mr. Nahar was left for the night. Mr. Nahar was observed in distress and requesting water in the early morning hours of October 2nd. At 12:50 pm Mr. Nahar was found dead in his cell. Cause of Death: Acute Peritonitis due to perforating Gastric Ulcer; Manner of Death: Natural. This file contains an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier states he saw the Captain kicking a detainee and stepping on him with his boot while yelling at the detainee. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI). The detainee states he is not a detainee, but a hostage. He states he repudiates his prior statements of being associated with Al Queda because they were made under torture. He states he was instructed to “lie” about his visits to Afghanistan and the people he mentioned meeting with while there. He also stated that “members of the Taliban gave him three precious stones” to fund him opening a business, but the Pakistani authorities took them from him when he was captured.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the Captain kicking a detainee. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains two (2) reports of Investigative Action (March 27, 2007), which is the results of an interview with the hospital director of the hospital that received Mr. Mohammed's body on Feb. 5, 2007; and Investigative Action (March 23, 2007) Results of Receipt of Hospital Records. A translator brought to the hospital to aid with the investigation stated, "No one had recorded the family member who reportedly took custody of [Mr.] Mohammed's body." The report further states that the medical records for Mr. Mohammed stated a Cause of Death as "existence of (illegible) in the neck, limbs and wraps in his hands." File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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CID Report regarding alleged abuse suffered by unnamed detainee at unknown location while in the custody of U.S. Coalition forces in Baghdad.

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Investigation into commands by officers to beat detainees. Sworn statements by soldiers and officers claim that such orders would have been made in jest, though some soldiers admit to having taken the orders seriously. Report does not make any conclusions. Includes SOP [standard operating procedure] for detainees at Camp Dragoon.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigative Action, (Interim, March 13, 2007); 2) Report of Investigative, (Interim, Feb. 25, 2007); 3) Investigative Action, (Feb. 24, 2007); 4) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Jan. 28, 2007); 5) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Jan. 28, 2007); 6) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Jan. 28, 2007); 7) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Jan. 28, 2007); 8) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 4, 2007); and 9) Investigative Action: Review of Mortuary Affairs Documentation and Photographs of v/Abdal, (Feb. 21, 2007). The interviews contained herein are from the medical personnel who responded and attended to Mr. Abdal. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee states that when he was captured in Pakistan he was told to say by Pakistani police or military that he had been to Afghanistan and specifically to Khost. He claims to also to have been told to admit membership in Al Queda (AL-QAEDA). He now repudiates both statements, which he claims were made after being beaten.

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Sworn statement of a soldier who witnessed an incident where an Army Captain abused a detainee. The Soldier witnessed the captain kicking a detainee. This document relates to an AR 15-6 investigations in to alleged detainee abuse at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Abd Al-Jabber-Sulayman Hasan, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper. While Mr. Hasan was a detainee at Camp Cropper he was seen and treated for Edema & Congestive Heart Failure at the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Camp Cropper. It is reported that on November 8, 2007 Mr. Hasan's condition required him to be transferred to the 86th CHS, in the International Zone, Baghdad. Mr. Hasan died while being treated at the 86th CHS for his illness. Cause of Death: Acute Myocardial Infarction; Manner of Death: Natural.

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Record of UCMJ Article 15 proceedings relating to CID report 0035-03-CID259-6114. Allegation of misconduct was against a soldier for shooting and killing a detainee during a disturbance in the prison at Camp Bucca, Iraq. The report found that the soldiers followed the Rules of Engagement (ROE) they received a reduction in rank and extra duty.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Khatab Aswad Salih. Mr, Salih was in a house being raided when he was shot by US soldiers. This report is the investigation in to that matter. The soldiers involved admit shooting Mr. Salih, but were acquitted of Murder. One of the soldiers was found guilty of aggravated assault, and sentenced to demotion from E-4 to E-2 and confinement for 120 days. Cause of Death: Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a Report of Investigative (Interim, August 23, 2007), which is a narrative of events concerning Mr. Mohammed's death, This Report is incomplete and is only the first of an unknown number of pages. The investigating agent states that an autopsy that was preformed by a local doctor. and a Death Certificate and autopsy report was issued by the doctor, and obtained by the investigating agent. The agent reports that the autopsy states that there was "bruising" on Mr. Mohammed's neck, shoulders and wrists. The autopsy does not state a Cause or Manner of Death, but no foul play was suspected in his death.

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Report of investigation into the death of an Iraqi detainee at Camp Cropper, Iraq. The investigation determined that the detainee had been found unresponsive after collapsing in the compound. The investigation failed to prove the cause or manner of death. No record exists as to whom the body was released to.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the apparent suicide deaths of three Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2009. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This NCIS report documents the investigation into their apparent suicides. [PART 3 of 9]

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The detainee was interviewed about his health and conditions at Camp Delta. He stated he was in good health and had no complaints. He was also asked to discuss his experience when taken in to custody. The detainee stated that he was mistakenly taken in to custody and that he was abused when taken in to custody. He was asked about his prior interviews and he stated he attempted to be honest, but and that he was withholding certain information because he believed he would soon be released.

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CID report of investigation following the report by two members of a military unit deployed to Iraq who accused their fellow unit soldiers of stealing money, food and cellular phones from Iraqi civilians on “numerous occasions”, while searching their vehicles at checkpoints. All of the soldiers accused of theft denied the allegations; however, a couple of them did admit using an Iraqi cell phone. The investigation cleared the soldiers of the theft charges, and instead found that the two soldiers making the allegations made them with the intent to make false official statements and conspired to falsely implicate the other soldiers when they “worked in concert to make false allegations against unit members.” The United States attorney declined to prosecute any of the subjects under investigation and the report anticipates taking no civil, administrative, or military action.

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This report provides detailed information surrounding an incident during a riot at the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility, June 12, 2004, which resulted in the shooting death of a detainee and injuries to seven (7) others. The report provides a synopsis of the incident and the names of detainees and personnel involved.

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Criminal Investigation Command (CID) report pertaining to the abuse of a detainee at an unknown location. The detainee alleged that he was forced to walk on hot pavement, punched and kicked all over his body, had his ribcage fractured, and was thrown into a barbed wire fence. The investigator is still trying to locate and interview possible interrogators. However, in light of medical reports, which showed no sign of any physical injuries besides blisters on the detainee's foot, the investigator concluded there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove aggravated assault, and cruelty and maltreatment.

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Investigator's report finds that the accusations of abuse on July 11-12 2003 (the investigative report lists the date as July 29, 2003. However, the sworn statement of the soldiers clearly shows the events took place late July 11, or the early morning of July 12, 2003) were unsubstantiated and that there was "no actual witnessed mistreatment of detainees" and that "no wrongdoing was committed". Still, the investigator advises that "proper treatment of detainees is still something that we, as MPs need to make sure we are above reproach on". This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Oct. 15, 2005, "Closed"), and Investigative Action: Receipt of Final Autopsy Report and Death Certificate (Oct. 7, 2007). Manner of Death: Multiple Gunshot Wounds; Cause of Death: Homicide. The investigation found that "The actions of the Marines and the Iraqi National Guards were within the Rules of Engagement and proper Escalation of Force. This investigation is closed." Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains: 1) Investigation Action: Seizure of Video (Compact Disk) of Interrogation of v/Jabar at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention facility, (Feb. 23, 2008); 2) Investigation Action: Photographic Coverage of v/Jabar at Mortuary Affairs, (March 5, 2008); and 3) Investigative Action: Receipt of PRP Records, (Feb. 23, 2008). Six (6) photos are visible; nine photos are redacted. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Investigation into a solider accused of maltreatment of a prisoner and assault when he struck a detainee during an interrogation at Camp Bucca, Iraq. Soldier was reprimanded, received a reduction in rank, and pay was taken away.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Interviews with Detainees (Jan. 18, 2006); 2) Report of Investigation, (Change, Feb. 6, 2006); 3) Report of Investigation, (Action, Jan. 27, 2006); and 4) Investigative Action: Receipt of Preliminary Autopsy Report and Death Certificate, (Jan. 24, 2006). The detainees interviewed stated that no abuse took place during the ride to the Detention Center, and that they did not communicate among each other. The file notes that the Cause & Manner of Death are still pending. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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CID investigation into the death of a detainee, Manadel Al-Jamadi. Mr. Al-Jamadi was captured on Nov. 4, 2003 by members of U.S. Navy Seal Team Seven (ST-7), who located Mr. Al-Jamadi at his residence south of Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Al-Jamadi allegedly resisted apprehension and was taken into custody after a physical altercation with ST-7 members. Mr. Al-Jamadi was placed in the rear of a High Mobility Multi Wheeled Vehicle and taken to FOB St. Michael, where he was repeatedly kicked, punched and struck with weapons by ST-7 members. He was then transported to Abu Ghraib prison and was found dead later that day at the prison. The Medical Examiner found broken ribs and many bruises. Mr. Al-Jamadi’s death was determined to be as a result of blunt force trauma to the torso complicated by compromised respiration; the manner of death is determined to be a homicide. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) assumed responsibility for this investigation and declined any further assistance from CID. NCIS has not identified any of the subjects of their investigation to CID.

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A CID investigation into the death of Ibrahim Mohamad Husain Hachim. Mr. Hachim was eating breakfast during morning meal time at Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Iraq, when he suffered what appeared to be an incident of choking. He was attended to, but was found breathless & without a pulse. He was pronounced dead from an apparent heart attack at the scene. The other detainees requested that they be allowed to attend to Mr. Hachim's body to clean it and to observe religious practices. This was allowed. There were no apparent signs of trauma. Cause of Death: Hypertensive Athersclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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CID Headquarters requested that CID in Iraq initiate an investigation based on a May 11, 2004 Los Angeles Times article by Tracy Wilkinson indicating that one female detainee was raped and another was forced to disrobe in front of male guards. The investigation was terminated because "a throrough investigation failed to produce any identifiable subjects, all investigative leads were exhausted in attempts to identify and interview the alleged victim and there was no serious injury and/or substantial loss of government or personal property."

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Report of investigation into the abuse and mock execution of Iraqi civilians by a U.S. soldier on two separate occasions. Investigation established that the soldier committed the offenses of assault, conspiracy, release of a detainee without proper authorization, willful dereliction of duty, and cruelty and maltreatment.

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Report of investigation into a shooting at Abu Ghraib prison on November 24, 2003. Ameed Sa'eed Al-Sheikh, a.k.a. Ameen Mohammed Sami Al-Sheikh, a Syrian national, had acquired a pistol and two knives that had been smuggled to him by an outside individual. According to the investigation, a confidential informant (CI) who was also detained at the prison, stated that he had been approached by Al-Sheikh and was offered the opportunity to escape. The CI informed military intelligence officers of the weapons and the escape plan. LTC Jordan proceeded to search Al-Sheikh’s cell in order to confiscate any weapons found. When LTC Jordan arrived at the cell with SFC Snider, SSG Frederick, SSG Elliot, and SGT Cathcart, Al-Sheikh pulled an automatic pistol from under his pillow and fired repeatedly through the cell door bars at the search team. Al-Sheikh was shot by SSG Elliot, allowing the scene to be secured. Al-Sheikh's wounds were treated by medical personnel.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Rafal Abdul Al Kadar Amhed at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca hospital after being treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Mr, Amhed was initially admitted to the camp hospital for the treatment of Tuberculosis. It was later discovered that the Tuberculosis medication was damaging his liver, so he was switched to other antibiotics. On July 1st Mr. Amhed went in to cardiac arrest. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Amhed. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. Cause of Death: Metastatic Mucinous Adenocarcinoma; Manner of Death: Natural.

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On April 16, 2004, members of Marine Corps stopped and detained three (3) men who were transferred to the Division Interrogation Facility (DIF). On April 26, 2004 the DIF released the trio to the custody of Task Force 6-26. They were then transferred to the custody of "OGA" [common pseudonym for the CIA]. While with the OGA, two of the trio claim they were struck with a rifle on and one alleges he was sodomized with the butt of a rifle while in custody. Medical reports and detainee statements indicate that abuse did not occur while in custody at the DIF or with the Marines who initially stopped them. The report stated "In my opinion, based on the facts and circumstances articulated above, the two detainees in question were not abused at any point while in the custody of the (sic) Marine Division personnel." It was recommended that "No further investigation is warranted".

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CID Report in to the Tigris River Incident, Samarra, Iraq, January 3, 2004. Charges were brought against ten (10) soldiers for their participation in the actions that led to the death of Mr. Fadhil and the cover up that took place after his death. Charges, included, involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and making a false official statement. Each soldier received sentences ranging from: administrative action; fines; downgrade in rank; and loss of pay and restrictions. The Investigation Report includes the sworn statements from the soldiers involved, along with a rough sketch of the crime scene. In one statement, the soldier stated that the Sergeant First Class announced over the radio that “any curfew breakers were to be put in the river”. Included is a statement from the other Iraqi civilian, the victim's cousin, who reported the incident at an Iraqi Civil Defense Corps. (ICDC) checkpoint.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Abu Bachir, a Syrian National. Marines and Iraqi National Guard Forces (ING) stopped and searched a vehicle coming from the direction of Syria. A Red Opal a taxi with three (3) passengers. As the passengers were being questioned, they admitted that they were Syrian, that they were using fake Iraqi Passports and that they entered Iraq illegally. All of a sudden, Mr. Bashir broke away and began to flee, on foot, in to the desert. Mr. Bashir was ordered to stop, but refused. The Marines and ING forces opened fired on him, killing him. This file contains a Statement from one of the Iraqi National Guardsmen on patrol with the Marines. This ING soldier states that once it was discovered that the passengers were using fake documents, one of the men admitted he was Syrian, and then attempted to flee. The ING soldier states that the man was ordered to "Stop" "three or four times", but the man would not stop, so the Marines opened fire, then the INGs shot as well, killing the man. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Juvenile detainee in Camp Bucca, Iraq stated that a guard from the 320th Military Police (MP) Battalion had twisted his arm while removing a piece of fruit from his hand. (The guard had accused him of stealing the fruit.) The detainee's elbow was dislocated as a result. Investigation did not establish probable cause to believe that assault had been committed. The file indicates that as of approximately 5/3/2003 11 juveniles were detained in one compound at Camp Bucca.

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Investigation into death of an Iraqi male who was killed in Iraq by an American soldier. The investigation determined that the Sergeant who killed the Iraqi not commit the offense of murder and the offense of murder was not committed as initially alleged. Subsequent to the cease fire, one of the Iraqi soldiers exited the building from which hostilities were coming from and presented a white flag at the end of his rifle with the muzzle pointed in the air, as if he were surrendering. The Iraqi appeared to be in surrender status. Subsequent to the surrender process the Iraqi lowered his weapon and fired upon the soldiers. Several soldiers returned fire, killing the Iraqi. This incident was within the US Central Command's rules of engagement policy.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains two (2) Report of Investigative Action (Sept. 29, 2006), which are interviews with the detainees that shared a cell with Mr. Ahmed the night of the events. The detainees stated that Mr. Ahmed was beaten for about an hour, all the while screaming and crying in pain. When the interrogation ended, Mr. Ahmed was placed in to the cell with the two attesting detainees. They said that Mr. Ahmed was unable to speak because he was "beaten from head-to-toe". Mr. Ahmed also had bruises on his head & shoulders with blood on his shirt, and he was moaning in pain and vomited during the night. The detainees stated that an American doctor came three times to treat Ahmed, but it was "too late" the third time, as Ahmed had died. A second detainee reports that Ahmed was beaten with "iron sticks" and that is what caused his injuries. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Investigation initiated on the basis of a report by a serviceman's wife that he had a photograph of himself pointing a gun at the head of a bound and hooded detainee. When interviewed, the soldier explained that he was following orders and that he because he felt uncomfortable pointing his rifle at the detainee, he used a BB gun instead. The report indicates that the serviceman was assigned to a safe house where CIA and Special Forces conducted interrogations and assigned conventional forces to guard the hooded and bound detainees. Guard duty included requiring detainees to maintain stressful positions and preventing detainees from sleeping by playing loud music, dousing them with water, and poking, prodding, or slapping them. At times guards were told not to wear uniforms "to keep the detainees from knowing we were military." CID concluded that there was probable cause to believe the soldier had committed the offense of aggravated assault when he pointed his pistol at the detainee. There is no indication that CID further investigated the treatment of detainees at this facility.

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A CID investigation into the death of an unknown male Abu Ghraib detainee. The report states that the detainee was involved in an altercation with US forces at the facility and suffered a Pneumopericardium (air between the heart and heart membrane) and a Pneumothorax (collapsed lung). The detainee received these injuries from gunshot wounds. The final autopsy report lists Cause of Death: Gunshot Wounds; Manner of Death: Combat-Related Homicide.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, Iraq. Mr. Ahmed was suspected of killing Iraqi Police Officers, and was abused during interrogation. The Marines at the collection center reportedly intervened to stop the beating when they became aware of it, ended the interrogation and stopped the IPs from further abusing Mr. Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed was then placed back in his cell, bleeding and unable to speak. He was attended to three (3) times by US medical personnel throughout the night, but died from his injuries. There is no indication that any US personnel were involved in the abuse or interrogation of Mr. Ahmed. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, March 9, 2007); 2) Report of Investigation (Interim, March 6, 2007); 3) Report of Investigation (Interim, Feb. 6, 2007); 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, Jan. 8, 2007); 5) Report of Investigation (Interim, Dec. 9, 2006); 6) Report of Investigation (Interim, Nov. 25, 2006); 7) Report of Investigation (Interim, Nov. 9, 2006); and 8) Report of Investigation (Interim, Oct. 2, 2006), Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Investigation into death of detainee. Established probable cause to believe that several soldiers committed offense of assault against detainee, negligent homicide, cruelty and maltreatment, conspiracy and false statement. Detainee died when soldier lifted him up by placing baton under his chin, fracturing his hyoid bone. Mentions taking detainee to a "sleep deprivation area" (DOD049293). Detainee was forced to stand by being handcuffed to door frame while gagged as a SGT used pressure points on his upper mouth and chin to force the detainee's mouth to open. Soldiers committed conspiracy when they attempted to cover up the incident by coordinating false statements. Appears that soldiers received written letters of reprimand and counselling.

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CID report of investigation and accompanying documents into the alleged theft of money from an Iraqi civilian by a U.S. soldier during a search of the Iraqi’s vehicle at a check point in Baghdad, Iraq. Investigation determined there was not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a report of Investigative Action (March 23, 2007), which containes ten (10) Sworn Statements by the Task Force 88 Team members that conducted the raid. The first soldier's statement states that he escorted Mr. Mohammed out of the house that was raided, and that Mr. Mohammed "did not appear to be having any medical problems" until he got approximately 200 meters from the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ). The soldier states Mr. Mohammed "[fell] forward, down to his knees and then face forward." The soldier then states Mr. Mohammed was placed on a ladder as a litter and transported him to the LZ. The soldier did not see him after that. The second statement is by a soldier who witnessed the collapse, and assisted in the ladder/litter transport to the LZ. That soldier states that Mr. Mohammed's vital signs at the LZ were absent. The third statement is by a soldier who saw the scene after Mr. Mohammed collapsed and witnessed the transport to the LZ, including the medical assessment done by corpsmen at the LZ. The remaining seven (7) statements are consistent with each other in the description of the collapse, transport on the ladder/litter, and the medical assessment done at the LZ. No soldier reports seeing Mr. Mohammed having distress or being abused while in custody. The consensus of the statements are that Mr. Mohammed collapsed spontaneously while in custody and died at the scene. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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The detainee was interviewed at the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan. The detainee states that he was picked-up by American and Afghani soldiers. After he was questioned about being a member of the Taliban and when he could not provide a logical answer (possibly due to his mental capacity), he was arrested and claims to have been beaten by the Afghan soldiers. The detainee became very emotional during the interview and began to cry.

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Detainees brought Fawaz Badaa Najem's body to gate at Abu Ghraib during the night after hearing him gasping. He had been otherwise well and had no medical history. The investigation established probable cause to believe that detainee Najem died after being found unresponsive on his cot at night at Abu Ghraib. The cause and manner of death were found to be undetermined after an autopsy was conducted. CID personnel saw no signs of trauma or injury upon initial notification (although autopsy noted small bruises in abdominal area and left arm (p. 14)). Review of medical records found no possible contributors to Najem's death. Najem received emergency care consistent with that of a cardiac arrest. An email included in the report instructs the investigators to "dig up what he was doing, subjected to re: interrogations, etc the days prior to his death" (p. 20). Guards who were interviewed stated that they did not recall any anusual activity by Najem (p. 25). No interviews of camp detainees were conducted except with the initial witness. Investigation closed following determination that "all leads were pursued."

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Investigation initiated after Military Police (MP) sent memo to CID re two detainees who related physical abuse in two separate instances: one by two unidentified Iraqi National Guard (ING) soldiers and two unknown U.S. soldiers, and the second by ING only. A 15-6 investigation concerning this incident was conducted by 3-156 INF BN, Fort Apache, Iraq, but CID could not find it. The CID investigation was terminated due to insufficient evidence to substantiate the offenses (no evidence collected, no 4883 required).

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Report of Investigative Activity and the interview of the detainee at Camp Delta was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The detainee states that although he is innocent of the charges that brought him to Guantanamo he will participate in a hunger strike because he heard a rumor that the Koran was humiliated at Camp Delta.

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Criminal Investigation Task Force Interview of Detainee who was captured on the battlefield in Afghanistan. The detainee knew members of the Jalallidin Haquanni Network that was fighting coalition forces. The detainee identified himself as the village Mullah, thus one would believe he possessed more knowledge than he wanted to diverge. He also asserted that when he was taken in to custody he was beaten by US forces.

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This is the deposition of Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski regarding conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. In her interview, Gen. Karpinski testified that she visited cell blocks 1A and 1B regularly; that Abu Ghraib housed juveniles detainees, including a detainee who "looked like he was 8-years old."The juvenile told her that "his brother was there with him, but he really wanted to see his mother, could he please call his mother. He was crying." Also, testified that few detainees were released by the release board, it was "releasophobia." Recalled the following comment by General Fast: "His middle name is Osama. He might know Osama bin Laden. Put him back in the box." Testified that Miller arrived to "Gitmoize" the operation, that Miller advised her to "treat detainees like dogs." Recalled that General Wodjakowski said, "I don't care if we're holding 15,000 innocent civilians! We're winning the war!" to which she responded, "Not inside the wire, you're not, sir." Recalled ghost detainee brought in by OGA ; Received FRAGO [Fragmentary Order] to hide a prisoner from the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC). Also testified that TITAN hired a formed prisoner at Camp Bucca to be a translator at Abu Ghraib despite rules against hiring formed prisoners.

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A soldier was interviewed on 06/09/2004 and a follow-up interview was conducted on 06/10/2004 regarding possible Iraqi detainee abuse while deployed in support of a task force. Heavily redacted.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of Muhammed Numan Nahar, a 71 year old Iraqi national who died at Camp Al Qaim on October 2, 2004. Mr. Nahar was captured near the Syrian Boarder and taken to Camp Al Qaim for detention and interrogation. While in detention, Mr. Nahar complained of stomach pains and weakness. During the overnight from October 1-2, 2004 Mr. Nahar was in his cell, (Cell "N"), complaining of stomach pains and vomiting. A doctor and corpsman were called to render aid. After an exam, Mr. Nahar was left for the night. Mr. Nahar was observed in distress and requesting water in the early morning hours of October 2nd. At 12:50 pm Mr. Nahar was found dead in his cell. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action, (Dec. 6, 2004); 2) Investigative Action, (Nov. 10, 2004); and 3) Report of Investigation (Open, Oct. 4, 2004). This file includes the Death Certificate and Final Autopsy Report. Cause of Death: Acute Peritonitis due to perforating Gastric Ulcer; Manner of Death: Natural.

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An investigation into the death on August 22, 2003 of Mohamed Tariq Zaid, a detainee at Armor Battalion Detention Facility, Baghdad, Iraq. The investigation states that Mr. Zaid was discovered lying on the ground with shallow respirations and decreased sweating. He was found to have an axillary temperature of 102 degrees.  He was pronounced dead on arrival at Kadamiya University Hospital. The investigation concluded that the cause of death was a heat stroke and that the manner of death was accidental. An autopsy was conducted.

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This is a CID investigation n to the death of Fayis Halim Kazim, a detainee being held at the Temporary Holding Facility (THF) Radwaniyah Palace Complex, Iraq, on July 28, 2007. Mr. Kazim was in his assigned cell, Cell #9, waiting to be moved to an interrogation cell when he died of an apparent heart attack. Cause of Death: Coronary Thrombosis; Manner of Death: Natural

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Talib Umar Muhyi, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), who died on March 15, 2006. Mr. Muhyi had gone to the camp hospital several times and complained of heath issues, but was not correctly treated, and was sent back to the compound on at least three (3) occasions prior to his death. On the afternoon of March 15th, Mr. Muhyi collapsed was transported to the camp hospital where he arrived unconscious, breathless & without a pulse. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Muhyi. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. Cause of Death: Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetic Ketoacidosis); Manner of Death: Natural.

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